~NT5 ~'R!D.4Y5 &U~ 10. ~2O9 WIDOW WANTS HIER SI1ARIE 0r ESTATE Woman Cilma h Investsd MoneY ln Cofisructian Company, One of the Mtembers of Whlch Waa Laie John V. Farwull of Lake Forest and Now Sues~ for Share of Alleged Glgantie profits. Mrs. Margaret Anu Baboock. of chicago, the etgbty-year-old vldov ot Amno C. Babcack, the archltect, bas renewed ber flght far a ehare la the $10MO,00 estale ta a part at whicb uht>rÀama ber bneband vas euilled, _" o seneatlonal bill fled Thora- day lu the Superlar Court of Cook couty aile brings la llght some lu-t stances of modemn methods of lgh finance aud involves the names of theq late Chartes B, Farveil former U. S. acutor tram Illnois and o is broth- er, the lae John V. Fana e. The tory ieadlng up ta the fillug Ô the suit le compllcated. It bas te do vlth the famane X 1. T. ranch. thse largest lu the warld, smbracing about 300,.000 acres. Back ln I1885 Colonel BancockthGe Parwell brothens and Abner Taylor gaI tie contracl for erectlug the newz state caplt.ai of the Loue Star tate.t As part payment the>' got a grant of 3000,000 acres of cattle lande. The>' at once organlzed the Capital Free- hbId Land sud Investîment compsny wth e capital stock of $15000000 of wlllch $10.000.000) was in cash and $5.- 000,000 lu bonds. Man>' titled Eng liahmen vere named as members o t lie board of directors. The ranch was a gîgantit enter- prise. t taok big moue> ta swing l The couceru did uel prosîlerase it seemed l ought ta have done. Finally in 194 lie Farwellesud Taylor teck over lie management of the campau3-. agreeiug te ho its sponsor psy itls debta Sud transect al Ite business vils the provîso that tbe>' were tae get al the profite tram the yealy sale of marketable cattle and that tbey weete he alloved their expenses far oPeratlng tie ranch. Tbe agreement MxIen. acok dimstht1l0e8ro epMed JBanuaTy 1, 1 t008 thepro fila vers $6,000,000; the Farwell syn- dicate osys the profite were miucit les thon bis figure. Sorne o the dlai that .Irs. Bab- cock makes agaînet te Farwell syndi- est cal h er billare: "Fltlllous lasses were ri-ported. "CaIle worth $1,500,000 was net ar- cSnted for aI the formai tranrfer ot the business. "Other mono>' unaccauuled for was converted le the tise of the syndi- cale" treasorer of the hishvay commission1 aud used lu keeplng up the roads. Fines levled lu cilles muet ho used lu thse fond for repailg tbe treela, the fiues levled for speediug lu parke are ta ho ueed b>' the park boards lu keeplng up repaire ou drives lu parka. Captursd Horse Thief. Union, Ii., Aug. 14-Union ctlzens beaded b>' Mayor E. H. Eggert and Marsial William Luesz, caplureil a horse thlef lu thse village last aveu- lng. A suspIcions cliaracter drove lîîWtavu vl th an ovor driven horse and etopped et the Place 0( business of H. H. Courvlle for a drink. The stranger etered Int conversa- tion wîtis ex-Marehal Louis Nulle, whoj la aieoan iexpert horseman aud lu- quired the va>' ta Elgin. Leavlug te village lie tranger became somevbat excted and tarted east an te Elgin Belvîdere electric tracke. In attepipt- lng ta cross the culvert east of thse station lie horses foot caugtIn lute culvert. Here the citizeus vhose sus- picions bad bora aroused vere watch- lng the stra nger sud gave thelr assis- tance.uIite meantime lhe mayar ordered the man locked up and beld sud Immediatel>' gaI In communics,- lion vitit Sherif Wandrack, vho lu- tormed Nlayor Eggert the man vas wauled ai Waodtock, having bol s few bourg ago stole a horse tram the tarm on which ho had been wrklng &as a tarni baud near the clly. The sheriff was lu Union and taok the prigoner aliose nanie was not known, ta the caunty jaeu ai W'odstack. WIIAT 15 REQUIRED FOR TIIE CHORUS NeomI>' Four H-undred Answered H-irry Askmn's Advetiacmnenl but Only Thirty-Two Qualified. Ninel>' Per Cent Possesaed Voutit and Othema were 0141 Blagers tram Agencies. Selecton Careful and Palnsle.kîng. When the fime cai for rphearsalsý for The Harry Akin Ca.s nov pro- ductian ofaI 'L which camtes to the, S<hwartz Thîîrsday Augist 2tttbas glîcu out, the ustial routine of noti t> ing te theatrical ag.unts to seul] chorus girls was adopted. Fver>' rniring 5 t evit a nov lot ardu edl and ai th end (if te f1rýt werk out of nearl 'y thre httsdred anly five girls were able ta ilt llIl ite equr.?îneîîts Manîager Asklu hecanie discoîrags'1 snd tried a cew syten i 5 adi ertis- ing ini ail the Chicago Suoday l)aporý as tolows: "Wanted-Pretty yauttg ladies vitît gond figures ard cullîxael u'olreB, experiendE' îlot necessar>'. Aut- pl>' étage doot Grand Opera flouse. Slonday. elecrn a. Dt. NE1W LAWS FOR AUTO- ou Hauday mornnig neari> tour- MOIEDIEShonrai that caume nytiy-w MOBIE DRVERS qualilied. But tse>' vene a dtffereut - tlot, sud Ilta Baie ta eaY 90 lien cent tf ÔS.nder R.etàt Offense Wthln of the 4oo poesessed yoîth wvblb the 8iX Monthe Thon Me.s lalke c i r reglare tram lie Agencles bad rough Tvice the Amunt-If1 Licence a iandeusd fttures. As each af tise Rewoked te Operat* Machine Maa applicants approched Mr. Temple, the plis. Iot to Exceed 1200-Othar otage dîreclor, tie first thIng site vas Pea»atIé«. asedI4to do vas ta emile sud ebaw ber toth and no girl Who dldn't dis- Cooadrable Intereal la cetered in play' tva perfect rave Of white sain- the new automnobile iav, snd quit. a lng teeti vas gîven another momets number of people have luqulred as ta conoieralon. 'Bmutlful Isetit vas the proylaons il conlalua, Section 10 the firt considération, Ilion came cul- orth liuew law la rather boad aI tivatemi volces'sud attractive figures. arat glinmo, but Il qualifies ltself at Tautis wasalsîo a bg tactorm lu te rgt, sud the penalty pravidod le asosletion sud intelligence was anotiser aine o $200. It says: point. A gret man>' lm..s yarne "No persan shait drive a mtor vs- bave bora wntten sas ta bois the char- Molle or motor bicycle uuon an>' Pnb- 11s girl lefI t em typevniter, factar>' or lic bghwa>' lu the state aI a greater caister. Eacb of te tblnty-eevefl apeed thsu le ressonable sud proper. girls§ sslected for the 'IA" dimOrol ha.vlng regard ta lie tramfc sud use vas asked if she vas a woî-.lung girl of lie va>', or soa as ta endauger lhe sud onlyt>' tvaied ever worked and lite or Umbl or Injure the propent>' tiey bad been demnelratarsinslua 0f Iii> persan. shoot music section ot a ftate Street Rider Mut Use Judgmeni. deparment stors, sud allier a il Thatlohouka as tiaugi nearl>' every- never doue anythiug else but slnd>' thlug le lait ta the Iudgmeut Of the music lu local conserrat<roesî sud' un- driver; but lie law goeRO o gtt dem private teachora, while severai boy fas audit veiicies may ble drven, had been east lu schools. sud Il declares ta exceemi the speed q dont cane vitether a girl has speclfied Ie prima fadie evidenco 1.1551 ad experlence or not," said Mn. the opeatar le ruuuhug at a greater pAkln ln discuaging the imalter. "lu speed Ibsu le reasoushle. tact. 1 vould much preter thie halult lu roaldence section at citles. tovus ifthîe bas ambition sud Intelligence, sud villages the speed musît tint ex- for mnder my dancing expert aux girl ceed ten mes an itour. o! ardinar>' sbllly can qtàickl>' pIck up Iu reeldence districts te epeed tise necessar>' dance stops, but no muet ual exceed 15 mile san bou. teacher lu lie world can gIvt theni On public htghwsys, oulide of il- tresinmes, youti anda sbltion. les, tavus sud villages. sîîeed muet _________ taot exceod lv eut> miles an btour. ln utnmiug corners the speed mut Obsequesa Over Mm. James Galloway. ual exceed six miles an boum Hunredsatateuded the tuneral af This lent provision could perbape the laIs Mrs. James Gallowa>' oe catch mare drivons than an ofuthlie Galagiter, at Desrfild yeterday. Aged ethes. lla violated every day In fity-fivs ysars, Mrs. Gaiowsy hsd Waukegàman sd aea lu eikyor>ter been Ilitfor tva y"are. Site vas wlde- ett>. 1>' relatai tiraugiont thec camnt>' and Fine Doubled Second Time. thietueraI vas ons ofthle lsgest lu Case of s second vioation vitin over iteld. da menthe the offender roa>' ho 5usd 4qoith@ieamnof thaiie fo th ie 1loi@the veak nerves liat are cryiug &«t oRmaie snd hic licencenia>' be ot ion beîp. Thon hilp tiom, dan't tkftav" for slxty daya. A third dru g the Stomsch or timulaI. lie eart Vk*w wihinsixmonts atertheOr idusys. Thot ln wrong. Vîlals vIeaij. flha sx ont.a flr le heoe weak lucide nrvi. vili Dr. saSecol e hfor s double fine snd teti oopî s toratlve sud c oie a sta tahlag avy of the Ilcenze for six Go bealth vîli corne ta joma agalo. mon"lba To operate the machine of- qetit sudéees. fold b! ter a Itoa là- b -henrevoked viliiALL DEALERS& bra,elm te ft ta oexcee. $200 or thrty h7 l mpiIament lu the cousu- Beors yoo have su>' prlullug doue ty »A or intt.-male Inquirles of people Who are Tlem iý'1piAs.t" t rTWithh$~ g~ y~ ule husinesa-perhape >'o u'illgel 11u1lormatlon that Win bho f inuit la iIag 1h. iMW ,oCePub» I hfl Uyu. Telephone No. 1 Lihertrvfflle.4à cesbie V» OMM monah h. et h.a go"d place tot r>. WILL h1AVE TO PAY OR 60 TOujMIL Wilbur Glenn Voliva le up Agalnit the Real Thlng linliie Suit wth Phili W. Motherail. The allti-neye for Phillp W. Motier- ai. via recenil>' goI a verdict of $10.000 for alleged slander, againat Overseer Wllhur Glenn VoUva lunZMon Cty, daim the± tie>' have th aver- seer bottied up sud that ho yull have ta, psy is $10,000 verdict or go te jl ansd pay beaides. It la sald that If Voliva go.. ta Jail be can ble rsleased ai the expira- tion ot ten days or six montha mndr tbe pour debtar sut, whlch means he viii ha-ve o b eear sud prove Ibat h. le a pauper withont propert>' and In- camne. This wouid he.lmdoesle sIl le tated, as ever>' bit of the pnoperty of thie Voliva sectýI lulding ths taber- nacle. la lu Vlilvas naine ilahi a- tdged, vwille Voliva itlel sald ban been gettlng lie tilles af hie tattaw- ens for same mothe. Thse total amoont ofthtie judgment againet hm la $10.289.55 and it beare luteresl at tie rate of $2 a day. Up at ZMan City Overseer Voliva le sald ta ho gettiug ail ready for his tera Inluthe couuty 351, faclug hlm If ho dose not "corne acrase" vils lhe $10.000 MaîhersilI verdict. Il le claimed. OuI>' twa things halO hlm bsck. They are the apinions oftwIao! hie attorneyesud thein expressd unvilI- ingnesa ta tet go their grasp ot the situation util the>' have rossi more law on the subject sud fiud ouI as la whether or nol Itlal really neceesar>' ton Voiva ta go ta jail. The tva atarneys are James Hamfl- tan Lewis of Chicago, l le eported, and George Feld of Waukegau, and the>' are nov noadiog Iu ChI.cago-Tav libranies on tacts that caunot be de- termlued by the ordluary tav llhrary collection. If tho>' dcdOs that Voliva muet go 1 1 Boys, SURtS $1.95.. Bôys' Shoes $1.75. LketrclCoýWty Title & Trust Co. Ilasonic Temple Bldg. Wankeffn, IUI Louis J. OttESSEz, Secy. J. W. Kreuser and vite bo F. J. Peaue, nearly 60 foot, lot 21, Bonslett eub. of Baçle Pçint. Mary Kowaloeki adsud bsaudta Frank Trust, lot 15, hock 12, Wash- humn Sprtngs; w. d., $376. C. L Neloon to T. B. Launen. lot 6,1 EMuMa M. Marrilon, lot 7. block 10, Bord-du-L&c Bluffs, North Chicaga; deed, $650.00. E. H. Bravn and vite taO0. E. Churchill, lot lu viliege ai Llberly- ville; v. ci. $1200.00. J. K. Prvls and vife ta A. T. Cram-, gloud, lot 42, block 2, Orvîs' mb'. ta Waukegan; warrant>' deed, $200. L A. Hanksansd vite ta, Sophia C. Sciauze, lot 28, sud part lots 27 aud 29, block 2, Winthrop Harbor; var- rauty dffd, $900. Sarah A. Hlgginis t Carolyn R. Moelier. lot 6 (except West 100 feot>, f or choice of Boy's Suits worth Up to $3.50. We want to close out ail the prescrit stock-- New goods wiil soon be here and we want the room. for choice of a lot of Suits Worth from $1 5.00 to $20.00. Blaclca, blues and browns. We Men' Suits $12.75 ... want to show nothlng but new fafi styles next rnonth. Corne and take advantage of this great offer. 1 Boys" Knee Pants 39c for choice of Pants that sold for 50c. or 4 for $ 1.00 for chokce that sold A the: sea- N eckwear 29c ......... son at 5c oh but new tics wlllbe £5E a blg assortrnent of waists that sold alsao -Boys'K &3EWaiss 3 at 50c. en' Ir use s $ 95 for ail that is left of our $5.00 and $6.00 rs * 15c for 25c quality. 1 9c for 50e qugalltY. 9c for 15ec and 25c samnples lines. f or a fine Boy's Shoe with extra heavy sole., 1nF~~~hd.. ..t- - BLOOD POISMNNG Robert B. Hall, a leamster of Lake Bluff, 410 Suda>' ulght near Ivelve, at Jane McAlister husPital, the victini or blood polsonl.ng contracted lu a pe- cullar manner. White Hall vas drivlng his loam on. day recentl>' the borafia gave a jerk luit causai hlm ta tumile, back lu the wagon box, wlth the reliît that hoe ustained viat ho thouiht vas a bruineslu the baud. The band te, Mu1 he viiigo. H2e hîaso am spsltlvoly determlned ta go 40 3511, bis follovers bey, and vili not have It any other way, $of> Iug the apparent mernte of the Jail sentence sa ko attractor ta more fol- lovera and a meaus of gelting atten- tion and 1publicity. Hee M arranglng aIl of bi5saffaire for the liii terna. it la reporled, aud viii ask a-corrAes room, probablythe northwest corner, whlch le a large vouin vibre ho could have a place to himmaelf and even space for a feu' booksanSd a deek, whlch ho would need. The oeil boesle not; lu the Ca4e 0 ud ham been occupied by prisoners of a llterary turu of mind. Ir Vaffea goes ta Wôodstock Jail, provldlng that ho bas ta go et aIl, ho vil prohably save freigbt chargea by taklng anly a portable leather writ- Ing kit and a Bible. Ou tic other band If Volîva la ready ta go ta jal, the attorneys for Moth- erall seeni only too anxlous ta land the big mani of ZMon City aud ils pres- eut, greatest Sud most favored lead- er there, as Attorney Orvia granted en1v a courtesy dslay util day after tomorrov ta, Volives attorneys aud wlil probably act Juet as 8o0n as tbe time lumit le pp. He believes ho bat Voliva "on the hlp.' Voliva Foxy Grandpa. 1 The report trom zion City le Ihat Voliva's lase with the neceiver for the elle of Zion Stores, îo-caled, ex- 1pires la Septeinher and wlth fuît .strength again t1ie rumor crope uP ethat Valîva plit one avec by gettlng tbe Beatty peolle. It laslleged, ta eboy the general etores for hlm. When the lease expires il OiaY îno, be renewed. Il le helleved that ho le cleverly planning a sortes of coupe deetlued ta 1demnoralize the independents snd giva rhlm contrai of the city. - As it le ho le the anty leader In rZion City wlth abeolute and suture union la the ranke. Tbere are no tva minois lu the Voliva faction. LAK Our Great Clearing Sale Bargains Are the TaIk of 'the Town Corne and Sec for Yourself Men's Ulose.......... d'39c for fine balbrggans and rbbedi worth-50c. Underwear ...... 75C for~ fine silk Mise and poros knit, $ 1.00,values. Men's Shoes Oxfords $2,,75 ......... for shoes worth $3.50. Ravinta Woods, Highland Park; w. d, block 9, Bimoor add. to HIihand grev vorse îngtead of better, hov. $3.000. Park; w5.IT5.fty deed, $500. ever, infection spread and »enn proli- J. D. Wynn andwvieteu10C. F. In- Martin Larsen and vif, to J. W. ably because of a splilter ln the o, galle, lot 14, block 5, Cumminga & Demorest, lot 6, Jensen's sub. la block ber, Halls@ body vas affected and ho Coi Add. to Waukegan; w. fd., $600 9, Ladd & George's 5414. ta Wauke- had to go ta the hospîtal. Esatate or J. McGregor Adamsstu gan; w. d., $2,000. He vas a widower and iesves, tWO F. M. Steele. lots 7 te 15, 20 to 928. Herman Helter and wite toAlbert boys, ton and tveive years old. nov block 92, Highland Park; fi., $35,000. Voellng, lots 4 to 8, Helfer'a suli. 10 makiug their hom~e vith relatives. F. P. Crandon and vife to J. K. Or. Lake Zurich; warranty deed. $1. The tueraI viii probably be held vis, lot 10, bik. 17, Washburn Springs, F. A. Britten and vite et al tW Wednesday St 10 o'clock at Delavan, Waukegan; w. d., $250. F. M. Steele, lots 16, 17, 18 snd 19, W.. where Hail's parents renidle. He Aug. 12, 1909. block 82, Highland Park; *arranty vas about 39 Years old. Juifs F. Dicke and husbsud to As_ deed, 12,000. ________ trid Mygdal, lot In s. e-14 sec. 32, An- G. F. Bock aud vite ta Christopher tloch twp.; w. d., $1. Niebiihr and vite, oasa hait lot 4, For lIndigestion and ail slomacli C. E. Sayler aud vt. ta Filip Kopoz- block 13, Highland Park; warrauty troublo take Foiey's Orino Laxative as nyski, lots 36 and 37, block 42, Vash- dedr1,0.gtsîulate the omah and l oiv au humn Park; w. fd., $225. Eugenîa Brsîee andhbd to Ed- creuhabistuai bove l u iipatv C. E. Sayler a.nd vite ta Theodoro vin Blslee, lot 18 lu sub. ot lot 294, FSutcK B. LoVXLL. Dykoweki lots 34 and 35, block 42. Lake Forest; varrsuty deed, $1. _________________ Washburn Park; w.. d., $225. Timothy Gibbons and vite ta John NicholaB Clamplt snd vite ta Chas. Griffith, part secs. 25 and 26, Lberty- ONeill, Jr, and vite, lot 1, Duffys ville townshipi; varranty doed, $l0 euh. Highland Park;w. d, 81,650. Bertha Hanson and husband ta H. Chas. Philllps and wlfe t \\W.<P. F. Weitkamp, part lot 54, Highwood; Wiliamnson, noMh part lot 2, blork warrantob"deed, 85r 46, Highland Par k:. qc, $2>5 0l0> Mary J. ilarrett ta John Dugdale.Wa"aa«o Beuiah E. Brlgbain to Eraisos Ap-partlot 2. Snderlns uh o Pel rabanian. lot 10, block 3, Uadd & videroe treet. Waukegsn. warrsnty 51.875 b4alhy a" Georges Add.. Waukegan; W.d. deed, $1.0)00 poisd. $450.00. 'John Dugdal,', to 1., 0.Walnwriglit. ,d bPr?55 Breta. M. rlgham bt Eranos Apra I part lot 12. Suindrlins euh on Bel- o th ins mteked nd g~SS bainli11 lckasan f-IeWi, ebak .bockwbetau 50cbarci. banan l~ 1,ldck2.I dO& videre street, Waukegün; waarranty McnSoS 1RAOEM ARKBEAMD Georges Add., Waukegan. .d. deil, $1,251) î actue"Cblk kStarrfor baby cck*k *Csu.oe." Chick Vée.d for cbk. thr.etosfa4st t4o.io wesebId, e."Po.ltry 1maI for foui., A. F. Olander and. a te ta Iiarry lpains of women. head pains, or any and 'Kbe' ligeon Ilsed fer equabs. Olaudor. part lot 10,. -ilglwood: w. d pain stopped in 2<0 minutes sur@. wilh Ver sale by $500,0. lr. Shiope Pink Pain Tabiete. Soe lu][ HOME LUMDBERt COMPANY Esat5 o R HIbrrco bd formula on 25Box. SolO by LUb.styvll, III ff- à et 3.