Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Aug 1909, p. 8

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Arouse Suspicionis by Viit Wb 'Wv it DanielK. Pearsone, aged ojbUMtbropl of Chilcago, came to ÎW*«Tburzday, as reiated exclu- teeWla the BSUN? aAt ietimo otlhts visit bere noaltm v-ma suajected, as the visit appeared ý'p» be Mreiy casuai, but people vbe »»St th.e miulionalre, on thistking it ove em ta he of the opinion that ac.â mission brought hlm here, an he Mes not travel airlessly and ater Mdm goneralir beaves a reputation for Uteroaity towards sorne coliege. 4.akForest Benefted? Re camne bore on the street car lana the south and stepped t a local Isâfi, nat leaving the ,hotol until the Usàotor the neit Chicago train, go be dg4 not endov any Waukegan inati- tat sg mho totaily escaped the lu- tr,4eer. Thle mot natural conclusion la that b. b.d been elther at Laike Forest o r Ulvantn, wbere there are nvr fties, and It la helieved that ho nust bava heen st Lakte Forest. If he vas there it Io expected that sman benefaction will be announced gt th openlng of the college, as Dr. P.arsons le engaged aolely ln recont yega-sln gviig avay is five millions ci dollars. I4elped Colloge Befors. There le a report that be alded lake Forest colle. once hetore. Career of Pearsons. That the real Pearsons and not an od Umne Wankegante or a casnai get o no diatlngulabed Importance 0 Vau bers, ila howu by the Identifica- tm ot Daiel K. Pearon'à photograph by the botltman, Ha C,}lornlng, ef tb Wsahburn thia marning. With Dr. Pearsons vas hia aiter, )Ers. Pea. et Chicapa, Mexico, and the. Interence ina atm open that the t»o took a north shore trolley Mie from Obicago. Skeftch ofLite. Determined 4*,o setaIdeismoney 1»« vbere It viii do the malt good, tb**vli bnovn CbI*ýgo philmathlro plat Dr. Pearsona, vite buaaready *VnAvaY tour million dollars, hau to 4 bpart vitit is last.milli betb.h tourteenth o neit April, Vwbm o e peCts tecelebrate is nine ~ telàb rthday. He viii keev only mokimet money ta pay flsi frugal vaY lbthefew years longer that he ex pects te, lise. Fer alxty years Mr. Pearsans bs bom one et the noted characters ol ci aIR lei theretoie a vldov. te signature ot the busband nt belng ueedod. Later the vomnan berseîf dled si, the bomne et the Lttie Sisters ef the Poor. A uop- bey told the farts aud sheowed that tthorela nhusband te dlaim dowor The last techulcal detaibo lu the abs- tracts have nov been perfected. Pa- pers viii he o trwrded teW hlngtou atter which if the attorney genoral of the United States l8 satlsfiod wltb lndicat.liuset tille be wil recomrnfl ta the treasut-y department the pur- 'hase of the federai site bere. 1 THESE MAY WED. i Tony Halter, Highland Park, 27- Enilia Durch, 21; Cari Anderson, Ra- cine, 2-Auna Nelson , 19; Hans Larson, LaSaloe, 2-Lues Balde- schwillier, 26; W. Shamback, 27-Rit Sharaltis, Norths hicago, 19. Lloyd Wooidrldge, Mion Cty, 20- Edua Suttie, 20; John F. Bàrady, Madi- son, 29-Margaret Clumea, 29; A. R. Nelson, Racine, li-Cathorlue E. ToIt- son, 16 (permission of parents fied). George Robert Quinn, Jr., Chicago, 22-Martha Behrens, 19. John Kopp, Kenosha. 1-Mar-y Kochaver. A. A. Paul, Hl3rla. Ohio, .26 -Mabel G. Bateman, 25. . Clifford Flanders, Wlmtte, ýl; Ad- elsîdo He1ffrn, 22. Augusta Eýcherr, Chicago. IS-Axel J. T. Motson, 34. George Butch, ilwaukeoe. 27-Lau- ra Marbis, 26. F. F. Houstoil, Kenesha. 24-Ma- thilda Hay, 26. Chicago licence: -Ment-y W. Bebu- Xie, Whitteniore, Iova; A. Boitelmiunu, Rtussell, 111. 23-20. LOUIS Je THE PUA NEW STATUTÎ EPF!CTS FACTORIES Plante Are Given Six Monthe trom lime ot Passage ot Laww BMore t Becme. Op.rstive and Aftur That lime WiiI Have te Face Inspectien for Sstety and Sanltary Fsclitie- Plant and Men *oth Protected. Mesgo. Me la more bau aixt eet talla The taetarles et Lakte county are %4 la phyical sud mental power he preparlng lu their owu vay tor the la 1Ma vander. Most qt is mouey goiu.g itoeoffoct o! a statut. on Jan- ks bbea danabed te 5amail coliogom, uary 1, 1910, vblch prevides that man- rbh b. thinks, are doing nie for utacturtug plants, ne matter bey set boys and turning ot botter citi- amal, shah hoe previded vllb ail pos mois timtanlb groal universitios. siblo sanitary convenieucos for orn- Hie Intends ta devte is lat mil- ployes sudl that ail dangorous machin-r Bon ta, lb. tounding ot sanie Institu- e-y [eiig sud ao forth sabaî h le. lu Chicage for elevatian et bu- tully protectod an,!i ceieîcd2 -1111114. ý1 The tat logllaturo, ln passIng thse1 la ai, torty-aovon colages in tvwen- isv, set utide' six months lu vhicb ty-four tates bave hoen the rocipienta manutacturera are expected te pt-e- ot Dr. Peamrsas ouuty. but he laites pare for au Inspection that it ilanutlc- epqiaI nternet ln the Witmn coi- ipated yl Sud thoîr plants al sate lmg, Wall& Wahia, Wanb., vbich fie sud saultary. ilmced tram hanituptcy tvelve years It 1-3 expocted that thse ging 'fufo ~0. offet et the lsw vill ho a protection R credIts hie philsuthropic deede te Industries as veil as te ernpioyees Isrgey ta the Influence et bis vite, an it vitl tate the factorlos avay front mita ied a tev yeare ago, sud vho the danger et no msuy persoual lnjury vas aaiteen business vomnand -sudu-aits. Thoe efect oet asitary Iniprove- à4ble lu bor charnUies. nents wiii ho te eliminate the char-go As he Tecafls the long liit et isetofbeartiessuesa for omployes nov benovolences. Dr. Poarsons ia certain- miade against se many tactary 1nman- ly abl. to asert more truthtuiiy than ageenta. mont mou that bis Ilite bas beon volt There are some factories ln Wau- Blient. itkegan nov that bave sanitary cenvon- ______________lances but nt lu sufficlet quntity for the nuniher et omployes. This PREPARE ABSTRACTS vilii e cerrecteai. FPOR GOVERNMIENT The Ameic.uSteel sud Wire dem- pauy la mnat active lu gettiug Into Atterne!y Mann& a Now Comnpieted shape ta meet the.uev 1ev sud inspec- Details and Deal for Purrhass by ion face ta fixe. Tbree mon bave Qovernmenb Depends on Recommen- beeu appolntod le apeud'a day lu esch dation of Unitedi Ststes Atorney dopartmont finding veait sud danger- Genomtalte Officiais ot Treastiry De- eus spots lu machiner-y that uoed cuv- partmonl.Blt-ry of .ank, erlug. Thoy vili reuder a report sud - sncb o! the changesasa are deemed '±torney Hanus, acting te the matt- noessary accordiug te thîs report viii ter of the pur-dbase hy tIse gevet-- h made at once. m»M et the Poineter-Stolz tract hr a Ioderai hsldlug site. han just fd*ted lntervlewing practtcally overy Faied te Appear.- *»'timer lu Waukegan vte vas here Because Mrs. Jane Davie, reict ef la. 115, in soar-c et a littie Informa- the late John Aoxander Dovie o! *lob ta perfect an abetract et titio. Zien City, faled ta appear lu Laite A vomsu, vbo bus nevor ived dotnty court le reepouso te s suni- b" made a conveyanceofet ) and meus Issued May il and serveil May ia -'j*IIasd did net tedîcate in thse 12 te appear May 25, et the Instance tposg -'beber alto vas ms-ied or et John A. Lewis, eueetflite Dovie UMsmarre<i iii oxecuters. ahe bas heen msde lb. id timons asserted postiveli, ah. target for a wrlt to, appear sud show ad4 pot live bire lu 1865 or auy other cause why she should not b. hetd 'hUe ,uâ nd ilYymve-oaltovu toe bulity of ceutempt o! court. rxct-.g M .tacte dtowed the voman It la claimed the uminons vau "4 tuaiS.the (router just aller- ber er-yod by reeving hy a Chicago dep bum d ail D 1m m enaito detblautuy siteriff, Mar- M2,1908. acueo at. aousid 155, andS . Thte matter concerna Dovle's vill CONTIMJAA4CE1 GRANTr-D1 Z 'S BANK!R wife of Bunker Shotkus Ha$ Aftec-1 tionste Reuniaililth Hlm end1 Promniem $hoWitt Gt Job snd1 Work ta Got Hlm Out of Troubl.-1 Frel Appearance o Shatitus Since Six Continuances. Atter a bard. fight. Tuosday the caseofe Antan Shatitus, lnvolved IAthu- antan hanker, vas agaîn continuud for ton daya that mnilu. Asistant States Attorney Rnnyard inslsted ou an ininediate trial. Iu re- piy te the stateent of Shatitts that bie attorney, Enmtt Claire of Chi- cage, could not ho bore today, the stato's attorney urgod that this la ne roanen for a continuance. Ho stated that the stato is now ready te prosocute Shatitus te the lilm- t or free hlm If ho is net gulty of snything vreng. Shatkus, wvilspaie sud vomît hy confinement lu the couty Jail, pload bts ove case, after Attorney Weiss bad anited aud had boon partiaily granlod the cotlnuance, represontiug crediters ot the Lithuantan bauker. "This wiii ho the last cotlnuntte I yl a&st," sald Sbatkus. 111wlsh Il rnerely hecause my iavyer Is unable te ho here tram Chicago atsd net fer The continuance vas grsnted. i Previously Shatitus had met and a greeted bis vile afectionately. Heot had nt seen ber for some Urne until t yesterday when she cme bore lu or-d der te ho bresent at the hearing today.b 'II arn glad that the continuanco van t granted, aaid Mrs.Shatitus because t YEOMAN NO MAN 1 vlsh ta go ta vont sund earn roney te, help my huaband out ot bis diffi- cuty"' EFFORTS rFILED TO STAY EXECUTIONI Governor WsAbout Ready te Act ln Pardonlng Former Zien City Man Whon CailiIng Up Wsrden of Peni- tantisry He Found that Giliette Had Just Cenfessoà-Mother Wss on Winning VIctory fer Boy. Auburn. N. Y., Aug. 12-Citestor Gilietto. formerly etfZion City, vhere relatives novlive, might have saved bis lite bad ho stuhhoruly tept bie secret. A Seattle dispatch priutod la a local papor Wednesday givea the !ailowiug atery told hy Goveruor Hughes at the lunchoon teudered ta hlm there by Nov Yorkc Commission«r Wiicox et Auburn. Goveruer Hughes, reiatiug the stan' te the ether exec- utives presout, sald: Mother CaIIs st Office. "Atter the conviction sud sentence ef Giliette hiseniether calied at ni5 office eue day. Sho had the mind of a mian, a veli-balanced, legal, searchiug mmnd, and vhen ahe came to e egay- lug she wantod me te forgot that site van bis niether sud slmply te beur ber proaont the tacts lu the caseo tram vblch aho vouid convinco me that ho sheuld net die, I gave ber the tva heurs abo âsted et me. She asitodnie te go ever ber ovu alatement sud 0v- or the court records, sud I did. "I apeut all et that eseniug and al et the uoxt day giviug a careful ex; aminatien et allbte mnuscriPt suh- mItted ta me, including thte appeal ta' the court et appeais. My conclusions vere that I heUleved Gillotte gulity sud 1 refused ta stay te execution, Due ta dry pstue,, the carcity of teed, ansd the acarcity ot mlik, te reaia havlng cane to Iateý th. price tof mut vwent up beglýnning Manday, Aug. 16,' ta seven cents- a quart tour cents a plut ta brausients and tEree and a hli cent.t t regular cuateniers, creani elght cents a halt plut. Tvolve mllk dealers met ln sessien recontiy and made the 'doclaon that resuits lu the rime, vhich wvâ predicted f[ret lu the SUN. The ruse la duo ta the tarniora vho have hlkod er viii bite lb. price et mulktotethe Declared Dividends. Tuesday moruiug noar neon Police Magistrato Taylor bruite s police Court record, set an oxample fer foliovlng officiais et the- court, sud uearly ln- duced sovere sitacits et heart tailure vheu be tuned ovor te Trsaur Cari P. Westerfiold et the city et Wau- itegan bis checkt for $102, the amount et police court divldends te the city frern the ixlb et May, or for three mon ths. nlght, stating iffiply 'Balanc.e uo aster lu Chancery oe! aad court vili city" and caused confusion as cîty of- ou Tuesday, the 7th day et Septeniber ficlasla lat night appeared te itnow A. D. 1909, at the heur of ton o'ciocit 'ifi. e. - -, in nthe forenonofetaaid day,at the ri re "But tbog ofe that mother sud the offrt aho bad made ta save hon son Inipresseil me sud made me teei and daubt niy avu judgment Asa lb. day approacbod for the exoCitio! O Gilette the mater preyed on My mind and distur-hed my sleep sud my vert. "FImnaIly 1 came te lise conclusion that 1 bad made a mistake; titat ter. van an elament o! doubht bat (lilltte van the murdrer sud viit my mnd made up ta commute lb. deatit sei- tonce I calleLi up lb. varden et Au- burn prison vbere Gilletto vas spend- lu.g is lut nlgbt. "I viii nover forget the sensationi as long as 1 lise, The vardea toid me that Gulette itai made a contes- mon titat s! ter-noo." ,ead. 1Hast Main Entrance of the Court The police niaglati-ste la deserviug House in the Cty et Waukogan, inu- f hearty cammeudatien. aaid County et Laite sd State of lut 0 notasoit at publie vendue for can F lO The DictLlago SothweteP al derthe tolloving described land and ' A, C11CAG~O- IBIERTY VUIL hi cago&n orhwes ternave raild- real estate ituated lu the County ef oaycepay edesdy av ot e-Laike aud StateofetIllinois, te-wtt: ' aisl eadt h ulig*e ate h etes re trunt lino te connect. Chicago vith section fourteen (14) of Township U lU r b a n H o m e he Twln Citiez, St. Paul sud Minne-Frysx(6) North, Range Nmo eON(9) apelis, sud the nov uine l IneesEs ftheT g ricplYMrifnO JR NTERMS te Wankegau peeple ou account et and described an tollows: Beginning the tact titat Waultegan w,,, ho on the at the cerner et a field vhich pint la Who don't know the Daniel Lee Farm at Liber- direct line. This new lino vii d eu and dseventy-six (1,076) built ln tho ahortest possible line be- foot wost sud thbreo hundred and four tyville? And who on earth, at Liberty ville or ini tveon tbo two cities vlth the exttep- (304) fot nerth etf the sonth eant cor the Windy City, knows of a better one. tien that It viii ho buit se an te mako ner et said sectien tourtoon (14); Milvaukee an Important station on thence south seventy-four and eue-hait Acre Tracts Libertijville Suburban Hornes the trunk Rlin. Wsukegau viii ho hon- (74%) degrees eaut lve huudred and efltod to the sanie extent as Milwan- ffty tvo (552) foot along fonce; On practically your own terms and approxi- kee aud passengers for St. Paul and thence nerth twenty-nine (29) de- mately your own price for just two weeks to the Minneapolis tram Waukegan vill ho grecs eut onue hundred and fer- mnts O h ataoe w ieo e hile ta taite the train at other et the ty-tliree (143) foot alouz tenco; miue oynw ataoewfv rtn pints and go stralght threugh te the thence north fIfty-nine and oeehait acre home eall on or addrems Northwest vithout change et cars. (59%) dogrees eant tvo hundrod and Serviea inMilwakee. twonty elght (228) foot more or bs E W C lR IR D V IL Servies inMilviukee. along fonce ta the centeg et Avenue IL W 'L Y I ER Y I L Wlbur Glenn Vliva. general ove-et ofFerbrich Subdivision; thence nrti.~ And G~et a Move on Now seofechnriln on, li pol o- e nuethe lin betvnen o sltaete re the ChrItMnCaoi prsolo- nelyainthoonbtwer Lot sad ave- duct services lu Miwauktee an the tour (44) sud forty-flve (45) et îald ~OONTNUED OneTwo&Th ree Dol la r Sale 105-107 Genesee Street Waukegan, Illinlois. Genesce St. Just North of Washington Street, Waukegan, 111. We have decided to continue our great sale of women's and chitdren's garments for the balance of this week- You can get more for $1 .00, $2.00 and $3.00 at our store than you can get for three or four times the amount in any other store here.::::: Corne and Sec I-ow Wonderful Our Bargains ReaIIy Are 1.00 For two piece tailor 2.00 or lingerie 12,oOOdréssës. 3.0 dresses. 1.00 For fine wash 2.00 For fancy wash 3.001 For fine wool skirts. 2 -suits. 3st.nts. i fl ( For e xt ra fine 12 lf Pure linen Prin- 00 f Forbcavily trimmed M house dresses.*0 cess dresses. le~ lingerie dresses. 1.00 For extra fine lin-,20 For long linen 3 .0 Fancy linen' *geie wàists. *0 coats. suits. 0For any hat in the 2.00 For net and silk 300 For $6.00 silk 100 Ohouse. 2waists. 3* petticoats. FINE SUN BONNETS 5c For. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . FINE. WRAPPERS59 Ail Clots .... ............. ..5 9 CHILD'S DRESSES35 To 14Yeats ... ........... ...3 ' GOOD LONG CORSETS39 39c For.- ... .. .. .. ... 5 LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS35 For . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5 FINE SHIRT WAISTS39 For... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 9 COTTON GLOVES15 Ail colora . . . . . . . . . . LADIES' 22c HOSE12 At . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1 c ALL TI-l POPULAR ýMUSIC AT lORc. 'Waukegý,an-Newes P-Ï"îd- t 1 1 . 1 LÉ-t B"uly An ocobb. ;Tbeê '1ar"t o thh oIbucenatit aeventy- -à t1oltço or dry ce<àôo 0" De ~gà auditorium ProOurble VII bu af- toursud Ibree fourtbs (748À) degrees 1loe.aned vitis Dr. Saoop't coog Ilem- cureLi and a apeclal munsical pragf'am, sat îo th. vaterseueot0 fLake o dy. ?No opium, su ebloroforni, noIhlng vili b. arrs ed for te occasion in Imarie; tn cn ort.dI unaseor theb. SL dR hy I vhich the 4nious vhite rohed choir, end of lb. point; thence nortit.rly _________ three hundred voices, maie aud te- sud vesterly aiong laits.othelb.conter maie, and, the Mon bond a! tventy- ot the entiet; thence soulberiy aiong It las aad -lbat automobiles are like five viii b. teaturea.l.cns, adoteta tnvpeople: Tho cheaP On", mate the Kart Klaus la condncting meetings rune to a point one lbounind 5.Venty-easv n a noise.,urva t cc .t n Milvaueo every Buuday atternoon éix (1076) tet vet of thesout lin.e xpni"""dUmmms oie to ln Lincoln halLoet aaid section; thence outh ta lbe J. W. Friand, organiser sud generai place et heglnlag, containing bvenby recarder et Zion. Clty, vbo han charge snd tventy-fIve eone hundredlbe et the vert heluz doue for lb. church (20.2) acrges more or leas, vlth'att ail er lb. verld, viii attend the lbe sppertining thereta; or o mucb } meeting luMlwvaukee next Sunday. thereot ansniay h. suffIient ta realisluo sfutr ______________the ameunt dun, tu the coispin-»st State et Illinois, Caunty et Lakte, on.: principal sud inter-est and due ai iu the Circuit Court et Laite county. William Âyiiug and John 4yiing, ce.. George . Fanter vs. John ,D. Mau. partners an Ayiing Brother-s, principal R.R Laughlin, Prnldent niug, John H. Manning an Adminis- sud interest (or o much o! salLi atnme most rompete daOtIon for trator of the estate e! James E, Man- as shal l hefbore thon have beaujeasI exposas le Place, Volce, Vie ning, deceased, James P. Johnson. paid) snd aima the conta of titis suit, fThecry. beading te graduation and D asy Johnon sud W illiam AYliug lncludlng lbe tees, disursenients sun d eiorem t o sitins n tAU& tOOCU Y go and John Ayllng ce-partuera as Ayllng commilsions on the sale herein mon. artista and teacbers. Write soCrtaty Brothers. Gen. No. 3762. tioned sud vhich rnay ho sold epan.ý, for itrsted catalogue. Public notice la bereby given that ately vithout materiai injury ta the clagea MNW.k.. lecerie C.a by virtue et su ordor and decree on- parties lu intereat, %top et go et .4 ..rmtry tered lu the abeve entitled cause ln ELAM L. CLARKE, f>,Tffl BUGINS $EPT. 7 said Circuit Court at the Marcb terni, Mater lu Chancery. A. D. 1 0 hrei.thf uner gedDated Auguat Ird, 1909. 45-4

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