LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY[SUN VOL. XVii. MO. 47. PART TWO LAKE C017NTY INDEPENDENT, FRIOAY, AL>GUST 20,19M FOUR PAGES el.1%PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. GOVERNORS NOT ON MI~NES FOR SOME VEARS Water Works Engineer Allen Answers Allegation [Made By Varlous People Says if is Debates Anyway Whther or Net Governors Would Have Charge Made la that Mad ooveruors Beau In Good Condition and Run. ninig lnstead of Stopped, Emglua Would Not Have Raced and Big Break would Net Have Occured. Unaafe Now nt Watar Worke. <From Wedneslday's Dally Sun) In resrnse ta rurr and relArtm that gove-uors on thie pumîrs et the vacer varka were flot tii peraUion ai lhe ime the 14 ineh main humaI, 1w,, cross hfeds blew out andia pbiston bead vas broken, thei'StUN ihis nýom Iug made luqtiirlea swllh hi' rer,îll that Walem Worka Englucer Allen atreuîîosuly auserla tuaI thon' hale not Ieen gonerurîrs on th'engluies for yearmapaxi He laims <haaI lucre should Le foui B0OeMnOrsalil 10<1bltthat a larnîi aogiueer look thse gnveruors off an.] perla berme Ibalmaklng the Wmirr Dot ofiae)greW tvalne. He sNe, 1. LiINa sdeb)alelile qîseeloi vbeltem or ual lihi'goveruar soil' bave, taiten rare of hi' etigiies ,,,îî vaY hasi they beau sarkiiig. Ase aili lie recallesi. the engineer shut off on, englue hilaicald nutl gig oth Ie olheî Ln tinse. so iat t eced, the crsmmh heada vere broken, ami the piston liessi urat.ed. nl1e luqulry madie vas lu respouse toan saffaertion lIat the goveruara .îl the, englues laed l'en 8topped and that If they lied hesr. lu order and iuning tihe break woau<d ual hay, been as lad L)ielug contined <bru nier ely tn the main. As thiugir are now Ihe eigiîiecr Satdes tUrt it la uiiaale o rîu hlh angines wtbaut a mail Ici ruh one. ird. snd Thoir Bth». Naturaiata tel n s bt lu makiog thair tilaIs soma irds une vater ceiy. nmre vater and duat. ville othprs prefer duel eud no valer. Birde are in0t nly 1cîe ln the chaie of bath 'vater. but siso very partirular &bout the quality of their toijet dustl WId durits, ibaugli feï-ding by sai 'vater, prefer 10 balle lu fresl vsier pooleansd vilii 6v ring distances lu- ]andl 1 runing brook, snd ponds. 'vIere lIa, preen sud rdres teir festiars lu the early hourm of the morulng. Sparrown belle often. bWh Iu 'vatar aud lu duel. 'f ey are not si, perticular about thi' quality of vater ai sboot the qusntltv of '<e dumt. TIc- city spsrrov muet tare a water bathr wbare haeaue gel Il Road duel. the drlaat sud finemt possible, suite liai beat. Pisrtrldes prefer dry loam. They Ilke ln scrstrh ont the sali from landar tIe gfass sud Ifili their feathers w'th cool esrtl. Most brds are fond of asIes. Take a wftlk nme eariy mornlug arros as field viare hontire, bave burned sud aee the numbers of vlnged crîlturel 1he1 riaa suddeniy from. the sh heRpeý A dartIng form. s smali clciud of sabe@a atud th. ahler.disappear. WISH'ES TO CHANGE NAME Mies Lurena Braher May Reaumne arne Lurena Hiii. (From Wednasday' Ms.rrled W ouneHerber 1899, divorced ln 190" the marriage usmo. Lur novwlsbea loi resaue name of [amena IIII aud 'vas tfl ln uthe circuit today. At the aame limne A. H. to élear tille ou Lake o( the defeudants beiug Owen% unknoavu lIersa 'lTe allegation la that 1873 the tract vas by mi ft Algosîqulu. McHeury 41184 15er eraors ere me ,=lret refemied ta Olgat by Heydecker and ONS. [rELY CULLC Wb5ibugoq D. C., Au .lebf ÎM$iUoîwttifeo Mb*ý idof boa e' Sun.) >rt Brader li but retaiug ieaBracier lier maîden id the petillon 1 llerk'8 e. HIS PAPERWEIG14t. Tra"îe of s Botinof Win* and 11a Ultimata Fate. A psprweigbî ronoilstlng of a plece of thlck glase wltb a toaey vIne label ta>teueqi on lihe' nik and showing througb la a part of the deak furulture, tu the lbrary of s man who goas tu Europe nesrly erery year. Preople look et the thlug.' ie s"id, *-and won der whiit the vine labiel le dolng there, aud vhen 1 ope the qneetion eomlug i alws atelI the s tory. 'Some yesrs ago 1 venitte la abt, li1 Hungary, wbere i rslied 0on9r1 offi lady wbo ln Visons yeas before lieu ahiowu mnrh Interpolat ansd Ierrienrl ed a young AmerIrsu tulerit et lthe Unilversity. The poolr eludent had gowu 10 1w a ricb physirlan. and lie wautsd me t0 pail sud praenrt bis complimenta. Wben 1Iwona. siut <o leave afler a pleasasut ilit the vo- man banded me.à bottle of vine which bsd corne front ber patate sud amked me te Uoke Il teour multuel frlsnd. 1 ctrted tIraI bottie ail tnefr roi pald dnty ou it several tlInes nfl fiiat iy landed it este and souinulhem lin<tie bouse. A f.w driysa fter mn return va invlted ithe dortor for dinner, aud the bottle was breînght lu vîîb muci reemony. 1 made a lttle rresents tion speech snd heu iu haudlug il in the doctor dropped it ou the floor vbere youi se, that statu. Thts thi label under the gîsa." - New Yorki Tribhune. MORSE AND DOG. Ceu"taci With Civiliastren Lesn Their Cu..nongsd Sageity. The dog la no doubt the muet lutalli gent of aur domueatic animais, sud 1 yicld tn noue lu my affection for hlm i co almoat est and sieep vlth a fin, dog violer sud auminer. But 1tiry non 10 decel'.e iyaîf airout higii, telil gence. il seema <o me ihat if the du, bsd <ha 'ast apsrk of vit sUitu aur uo-that ln. pirser ofr rjuo-lIr l049g8a8aoiâitiou witb maiwould have anued Ifl nIa a flamei. howver Kauil. But after ail tlieae Iboussoda of years of humau compauloualip suit love hi' bas le". vit luaBrimasîe ban bi% vlld brothers. lbe foi amil the voîf. Harlug bêeauspared theii atruggle <o lira lIaI falis to Ilimlot, bis cuimnand sudasaity have deterlo rateri. The samne Ix truieorf th mai'. vbich basles intelligence <ban the wid taillon of tb. plainsansd for the saule reason. The"saimais do uo( grov viser es tirey gros lema vild. They do not clvi lIse or develops. MW, train tlîem lut., certain un ys that make them "srý'lce alle 1 U;; va humanise <heim vithout adding <o theIr mental c9paclty. In allier vardx, we canuot cross aur lu telligencp rîpun theirsansd niake I fruitful lu hem .The' germ i yl ira take-John Burraughis ln utîiug Msg Englitl Meus. Nmres. flouse irvnerx are suimtimes rath-r ufortunele lu their selecîlon of usmes for tIlr rtx)dpsu d ln u surbla bouse namiug lut is,,nlslY rether ludlrrnn. 'flua *Tire %aplem*' bas neyer a ma pis near. 'The Roelarv' ouly existesllu imnag<ualIii. *lnnuyside" la the Most depresaiig villa resilenre. sudlbousae@ Damed afîer tne Engligh lski',no more snggeat <hi' aka district than 11eel streat suggeeatsthe Bols de Boulogue. The Anglo-Saxon word "hyrat." slg nfylug a forest or vood, bas berome "orst" lu house, amlîg. snd *"voM* aud "lait" have tle same meanlng Ail bouse namea euding witI lIseeer minastiona ara pretty sud ual uneusfeIn choose. It Il curions to note that ln Hastings sud St. Leonarda quine a number of boaefflhave typically slounamea. perbAPs tn ommmoraita the great Salon trsgedy of vhiol teusaie fialings ln remiaceut. Paunp of Engiel Mayor*. Chichester arme lIa chief magfltrate wyul s gold mouutad malaccas cana of effice,. vIllatheia yor of'Guidford csrrthîe stick Prasented tu the bor, OUghbY Queun Eltasbelis. AI York bot the lord Mayor sud lady Mayor- @as. arae euipped 'iti thlsailver monut- ed oak staves whicb have markad Iheir autiorlty for centurles. Amout the oli lretainera of the Mayor of Rîpant la the mtilipal hbru lower, vbo evarv nîglît at'D o'clock vinda tbre 11551. upon Ibis aged musical Instru. ment before the ojayora residene an.d agaîn at thUnsmarked roms-Loudon ESdard. Hardaeas. "Liaten te Ibis, Maria," ssld Mr. . Abbotsues Subli as le unfolded lis acicntiulc pa-1 oxuuty realty. per. "Thlisa rticle stalas that Iu somnei K ElihOnetua oft<the okt Roman prisons UnsI bave sud devBee-_ beanuneathad ticy rounud bhe petri- lu a deed i in gkdromains O! t@b. priar."' stake locted "(3aeslous, Jobul" reptied )&w. Stubî,1 couty, and wibb aa mla. "I suppos you ouldi in Sil tiem bardeucd crintais." Trutîf ni. ruatter was 5 Mak Twain once mtsaad tle Iralun Parmnalee. whjcb shouîd have taken hlm 1e bis1 -work. Re dId uel vireasuy excusa.1 -OM DEAD. SI$ue tlegram te bis employer took Ibis .ug. 1.-Mrs. frm: "My train lafI it 7:20. 1 arrivedi Of thre sentor a1tich station at 7:35 aud conld net - rt failure te- Dr. Ulva Wrght of Lake 3'oreut left todar for Surope, GOMPAI FEW Are Clanni Spendini Sho Church a Sunday Make RelIgIon la Li RATIVELY HAD CORDIAL RECEPTIONI ALIENS AnEcorrection or a stao, il.ii <i 11th StUN ye8terday Jamies 'îî.i , INATURALILLD er-i, cu:zen, says tîrat <inslii,,i îcw froui bel îg hot tenîperedîlpi, i i ii t on Lot, as Way of forth. good natured. (jl>ilrt ng Their Sabbath ihoe ci a desiire ta <lertr- iii îl lows Plainly berri01on hi part of tlb..lii ____________________"The oaffils are gembiîi. ui [wi Feature of Early i"ad., -ad 1 hait 110 sonnri i*i 'ii îii. fMor,îing and Al l Iformiatiotnabutith(le til ,t i'Iid than the' arder ta rak, it ii, v. eit Rule ta Go w.rilten antd rcady to belui-î te to Allen. andI ntegral Fetreo very Move i uey i ake- Afternoons Devoted tb Garerai Outinge and Sunday Eveninga Gen- erally End wlth Dance which Ail Alike Attend.r I loni WVdn esday'v SUiN A There were 453 allens who got th e Iirailrt naturalization papers, declaring their intention-of becomr- A l R e( ing citizena of the United States, since Septemnber 29, 1906, when the present law wcnt int effect. of <hese 150 actually became f citizen. and 75 have proceedinga rejected a. they cannot quallty. - heeare five who have filed A Mvoney Gel for Irst papersata the Decemnber term of the circuit court. Applications werc not numbered lu rotation under the oid law and A la S w e il lu not known how many natin- ilk Rubbeized Rain Coits, ralîsatlons <lare were al bld be- natn 'trupe and Moray, gre.n fore September 29, 1906. tari. blue, browu and black, liaos ot,~he' trelgîî îpopulaîtion of $1000 and $1200 svaues, adcean W.aiihegan ii ,<ind its ut iniay afler sweep of entîre il non s 1 lot at ................19 Nparly tea-thundu or 11wiiîoîulaton rf ibis r'119. Il l; ceiitrd by t<hi'e- dîrectory sud offiliais, lsa «<d i p of foreigîr born cilceus .Their iethods a! rqî_endIng their day orl't eIn mausy insitanlces arc dilT'renrt tram <thi'AAmer- 011 Wool Sulis Ican resîdcîuts a lia llioîîg tire îarks, taku' liu<eY ildes n to thei couintry Fine Wool Suits, grilln, blue, and ruhiwixe enjrîr lbcuiselvcs. black, etc., fine serge aud chif- Iltro htru la sfcw foreîguiers viai fou panama snateriala, à clean the îiarkri. but these foir<lic mosart sweep o! everythîn'g O are hi' one sho can rirarccly 1w 0p to $15 ait onIy....6.9 ldcniiled as forelan bonri The brîlk Fneat 'Suit, ncludiug smre of heur are clisansd stick la Wooltex modela, $18, 20, aud tervrýuscolonies. whîcli arc bul;y $22 valu",. a diean *99 plceun theabbath. sweep to Th. day' irustivliegirîs sitis churcli goiîîg.The fori'ignirr. lrougîr liiiun-. dler srict rr'ligiorîu canditlorîa lu the o lear. frdri <he aEng îînay aid land. fodna hrn laery on lim morrîing, herefîrre. Le goes ta churcli surh hIx fsiir* v. uter lu the mora- Ing hei rîY beute-n lorîngiîrg about A i Afteî dinnrir aulier talies bis veek- 1 aiing. w hile uroiher anîd the chil Big assortn Cnt o! Panama and dcci seliedown <nsped <l afer mix ture skir'1,5 uguarautae dro setledow tosped te ater ceau sweep wl agoI noon luni'ach aIlier'a compauy. Thre men deau'rt tLe coonies,. goiug ta <hi'p à hall gaurru. for trcet car rides sud la roam lu the vuoiîiry Thre youug . q nien taIse thelr Licol girls wlth tliem, but hi' îiarrîed nes iisually prefer Somte fine skIrts, i'rndsounely trimnmw 1h saRtin banda, but- gaiug alone, hecaure the tamlly la o!ý tons, ec.,latststyles, a sweep- ten too big ta lurg aIong. Thatas why ing hargain sale ai mather valtru hchiud, The girls, at leauiî thunre Who have lehlnd ton, stueîdirg the afternoon 2 9 cliattlng wiîh eaclr aîheî. Stirday evenîng i hefreu cl bin.Th w ivy ace hIt inthl A Cusan w o îrerghhrîrhood halls gIveteyug peu -________________ pile, anrd aîue a! thre aIder ones ton, a chanci' ta bark Lack tu their uia- ti'.e ]anul. Native dauces are equally as Prailar as the Ameican stops, sud lofants Dresses, fine 39 the archestras luteraperse native with white lawns, etc ..39 Anrrerlu'anr nusic. These daînces last unîtil est y noriing, wben the cruwd Chldrenas Dresses. sîzea 1 to 6. diaîuerseu, everyborly lavlîrg ta gel up nohe u"Cd n earîy Miuiday nîaruinîg sud go a tak ta short sklr. -style the ________toit ______ Chldreni's Dresses, 6 10 14 yeams, Strange 1Behavior. Iay ln a stock now ýand prepare A mîmbli provoklug acene once tnok for school need at our place lu the palace of s former J9,uke l0w price ..... . . 9 of Hamilton. The duklie d Iuvited oue of tilt nelghhars. s plain sîroken laird, to stop at the palace for Iunnch- tranaction. The lird vas not usedSw . othe bI usuriea of lfe sud vatcled with au Impatient aeethe fittlngs shoot ofsalverled servsnt, Wlio seem- Whlte Petticoats, deep 6d 10 Lie eveywbere et once, antici- emdroldered or pstlng the isîrda vwanta la s way tisaI etruck the rmatir as posiîively uucau- tucked flounce uy. At lent tle guest lurned deliber- stely about lu bis chair and addreased the servant lu a toue of cousiderable Irritation. "Whal are ya dauce, dane, dancing about lhe ooo for, man?" le damand- 9 'cd. "Can ye no draw lu your chair sud ait doon? Vimaura lIeras enoîgli' Ou tbb table for tire..' - London illardl. SIX MILLIONS IS RATE DIFFERENCE Effect ai New One Third Valu- ation Law is f0 Make This Increase in Lake Board of renIl eF, dhve t u'llli,'d thller task of raisriig th(, ;i f,j vae l . u1ai,îiîi or priwet < frin ri -ire tli la .)il l-hird alld resui? 'how ail iii(,, cst. Clean whltln u Vaiicgaritr hm rcrease ta, train $1,-.49,879 tu $2,,831)3, or 10:. 304. The maec Olîli ttalifoir<lheiourn t) is $9<ii,11,24) and the anc thîrd ta Thie tfiiltiniin a', tinliîrd <oday and ini d0il. Eualir l)n-,'ilntF 0 Ziýn Cin Anlîî,,l Grat ... F I 2 1117. $ :150.974 211.971 n 191,15 .2,117 i :11.71:2 .:,.57.î t., hii ariarseri valuadonoi f $ %Vii,37 aiike 9 n (Iit. . ,49.874 iz S w cords for Barqaims Broken reat Remnant Salel tter for You it Save You.Money AA Glean 8woep p ck them cm at onl $1ne ueli NigtGwa, ecaw A Glean, 8anS onae Cetve hrighad (.it nd lk, embodr dl.rM~ mcetr i nr.*0 Ail hghPried Wah Sute, rgular$10 alues p.nk saaom, ente tn t . whte HoeRp aeias rme it utntcargan pSelmDae o pickthemout t o ly o thi lo ........... .......1.98 1 Dutol Col. 3.98 ct )ne Ihîrd f;44,81lG 16,30:; 2,583.183 Ladres' Dresses un gunghamns and fins lawus, many pretty deugna, spec ial . .. . . . . . . . . . Mercer'uzed linn Dresses, krlted shirt., button back or front,1 lar, trirnmed wirîlinfe val, lace. very neat, a big purchase late un the seaison enablesi us to offer these regu. lir $10 garments ai tle hargain prioe ....... ... ......... JBig New York purcirase of slk Foulard and Rajah D2resses, plaited Skirt, hand ernbroidered front beautifuily trimmed wît1h net and lace, $15 7 9 values, now ................................................ A Gleahn Sweep Ladies sleeveleca ribbed veste, special......... ........._. ......... 9C Children G a rters, choice at.............................. -......... 8 Fin e Handkerchefs, specrai........... ..................... ......... 5C Whr'te Parasols wlth emnbroidered border................... . ..9cg Kid Gloves, $ 150 values, ail colora .................... ............ . 79c Silk Gloves. white and black<, special .......... ..... 39c Elbow length silk Gloves, white and black ail aizes, regular $2 values now ................................................................0C Baby Bonnets, 50c and 75c kýnd,1......... -.......23 Veils, square and long, ai colora, worth $1.00 ..... .......49C Auto Veils, with button, cover entire Hat,ý blue, pink. gray, white, epeci a 1 ...................... ........... 98C Taffeta and Messaline Ribbonis, 25p values................... ........ 19G Ladies' Sunbooince, speciai.................. ...... ............. -...o mShieldst . 731,049 .1,219,148 take Fo c'ii....00i9,006 1.681,824 l.lhetîi,- . . 71,.:. 995,847 Fu ernol 78.......476.432 Wauconda.... 210.34i4 343,922 d liba ............69,2010 449,255 E~la ............. '(8,138 563,375 Vernon..........04,410 507,339 %Vesn l)perrfleld. .213,427 355,487 dDeertild ..... 270.308 450,500 iglhland Pa'rk 869,383 1,448,940 Tarail . ... 9.080,820 $15,100,211 l)iffcîrînît................... $6039.397 Nrs. lames T. %lann bas returned train a sîimuierlug 51 Estes Park, Colo. black Webaterloom Pettlcopte, deep ermbroldered end ahlr,-ed ruffle, bout values *ve5r setn in town at Silk Pettlcoata, many besutlful changeable colora, $4 end $7 values, for this sale 3.98 Fine Lawu Kimono*, preti> figured, willi b. swopit Ladies' Wrappoe ln flue per, caies. and lnghams, 79c Ladies' Hov,.. Dressas, fine per- enlie lu black and iwhibs check* ... A Glean, 8wee tsmwm Bathing SURtS. Take a plunge whlle thewaters On ail Waists are so wrm. 1.39 ne Wa.1, $ 00 v lues deant.wee at o ly .. 39o Ch ldr n' W sh Co t Fine Waîata, $1.50 valuea, corne elightly solled.............. ... 7ft- szes 1 to 6, fine piqm Fine Waists. big aeaortmeut of new tailored styles................. 98 materfal, $2.50 v.hmêI Fine Waiste, Dutcr nck, etc., a cean worp .......o....o$.w- su 6 1 a7alih Fine WVaras, rrauted pure linen, positlvciy hand enibrold*,red, $3 aCd !!4 values, ....... ......e-1111. Cle ~aaring SiaimonShoe A Glean 8w 1 A Oison w on D resses lu- 2