Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Aug 1909, p. 5

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breakfast ahead TI Brand ing th Beeob fiavon ineure un you J. El bher. je no urne wheu the' "Beeoh-Nut i" Bacon i.s ppreciated mon, than dur- rne vacation meason. A it lu thiluly elioed sud packed in th, h-Nut glas jar it retains its superior suad tendenneui, ije aily pn.paned sud .es a quiok, appetigiug mal. Do uot feu 10o inolude Beech-Nut Bacon ur supplies, W. have it. Li TRIGOS, OROCER NEW ROYAL SEWINO MACHINES We ask you te buy a New Royal machine because you want the best when you buy. The best msaterial. and the best mechanical skill combine te make this ma- chine of few part8sose imple that anyone can understand it, and we believe therefore the very best machine for any family. Wu Eu DAVIS Oroceries an-d Dry Goods LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. No, these are Not Badges j ust samipies of the up- te,- the - minute Neck- Wear that yon'll find in our splendid stock MEN PS FINE FURNIS1IINCjS Shirts that fit, Collars and Cuifs of real lipen, Neg- ligee for home and office, Underwear of seaaonable weight, etc. A big stock for the natty dresser. the particular man. Aloo ail the littie aids-Cuff But- tons, Stick Pins, etc.. and no higher than asked elsewhere for inferior goods. Note tlcis fact. J.B.MORSE & Co. 4rytlngfor lIen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LAKE COUNTY IND'EPK&DENT, FRIDAY, AUG, 27, 1909 5.., 1. O. O. ro. PICNIC L~ N PESOI1 =L TWO NEW NAMIES- WAS A SUCC!ESS O ETISR LL ______________ -Next wookthe fair. O E I- R L Baverai Thouamnd People Atended Guy Bngboe made a short visit with Mrs. Hugh Reid Brought from Wash- 0 Mere Lai Saturday. North Shore hi@ mthr lasi Erîday. ington, 0. C., for Burial. Mrs.J. @- Town& Wall Repr.aented and Many The morry-go-round wae oune of the W. Butler Passed Away ai Mer Home 0 Came from Chicago snd Wisconsin. departing gueste tuis week. Last Saturday.0 Day an ldeal One. Otto Tanda *pont the firéot,,I the week -0 -with friands il Mnneapolis. Mra. J. W. Butler. Tih. long iooked for and much taika Miss Luin PMurray bas beu vliting M. .W BteSIC eleMey* @f vent, ube dd ellowe' Firet Annusi finonda here the.peait week.MsJ.W BulrnoeNli ry Pi o 0k plc at the fair grounde Lund, dwh aughter of deceased Thoina. sud le. stutrdsy aud wu in every w&yas MlwOL be uiesron-Eizbt und, was boru November 3 succsseful day. The crowd wae perba Ils. Bi sowing esig t improvement. 1864 at Ceuienav Wayne Go, New O Dlot ar lairgea ol aeatne Mont of tihe echool xn'snîe are attend- York, and died Muiut 21, 1909 at ber 0 lI-ated Baturday before but wae la ing the. Intitute iu Waukegan thie week. home ln Libertyville, III, *alter two every waY satiafactory. o weeks of intense eufferlng. 8he pssed0 "Oid sol" Came up ernîling thât moru irM.Anune Bmith, O Chicago, le visit- ber childbood leurs at Centenary on a0 lqtuh ealbtatrefued tewer off n ber patrente, Mr. abd -Nire. W. W- farm attesing as uttle counutry secool (1eac Sl Ue wbole lire long day. Tihe crowd Buckley. théire. At lie mgo ot filteen movlug te0* wae mot qrite up te expetations for the isel. Margaret Crsbtree,,>1 the Sheldon Sodus wfth ber ather wbere @o attend- 0C l ç n e S l mownlngb ut lu the atternosn tnree Unvernlry Pres, la abs-ut ou ber ed tihe SOdus Academy. At aout th@ thomud peole wer thra Th vaaton.NMe f e o ilteen the commenced teacblng auipbtboatre wae comfortably filled o f S u m m erhdk t ly tahoi hih$o otnudt d o ana motey hundred baie bal fant fiffl d Tiihe mlr aeshulet iy tfur letrs, aloteachlug munie @unie. renter field. Autioeh net Sunday. A good mauy 5h. jolnsd tise church ut Sodus at tii. Sm r e Tiiere were trotin and frunqing races fan@ are golug. Rame of uixteen. On November1,86,à and acig as wel. bm ere ont Mr@ War B4D, f Raine spt hehowaa united inu a rl o,18fis rae onroy aud s go.crte folr unira. . J. utghe.*lmrlg oro frby u lladleodr iwe lehome (if ber sister, W. Butler. Fore chldren were boira of and a wel. there for foot Ms. E.J.Huhe. Barrag fuoffw o ae ivng 0D r e s s G o o d s roung mothers that proved 10 be most te oaetduheLce aig. eetn.The potato race was one of Mr$. Della Sbupe, of Rw ie. bas n b eon dead ot quite a yer. Mre.Butler but thngouherorm udwsftie guent of ber Maeter, &lre W. W. was an oarneestchristisu, woman and ber tlanilug tussie from tari toi finish. Duckley, the paeitwsek. influenre waW& always belpf.xl andO The baîte ball gare hetwoeenHghland Mrs. E. E. Ellsworth returued Wedne@- u1illfting, always tskiug su intereet in 3 Park and the. Lubertyville Bamblers day front an sxtended tripj tu Boston theinlteletual and moral aud spiritual bld the atteltiOn 01 msuY sud was sud other eastern citioso. 1oreso those near aud dean to ber. 0 close ebough te b. tnteresiing. The it'he wa a meber of the Royal0 home eani Was defeted by s score of ln.Js MeGreffon, of San Bernardino, Neigbbors wblb reratn n 42 N sglt to lire. Cals., hais beeautthe guent of friendesud body and eecortsd the romsine te the 0 We are making a big reduction E The dance rvilion was kept ruuuing relatives ber. tbe pui ore k cemetery. The. funersi was heid at îwo inai durngth atapo ad vra ecedig. Mr.W.." ,oRain, o'clock Tuesdsy froni the bouw. ey. in the price of l Light Weight l elpatronized thai evening sud bs-n spending thepntweëk with f reds .F cepetro h. Methodiet DesGos a!ad te gave a very suceffeful wnd-up to the aud relatives lu Liertyviii.' rhumbh offleiating. The halbarere rs od.Cl n e hr dsys outing. Dinner sud supperWe were ail imujediate neighbors sud* nerved ut the dining ball on tht' JroundsMe. Il. T. Gilson Ppent lit aturda.y friendeo! the' faniiiy. aud chere were s nuinher of lunch stand. aud Sunday si the. homne ,liher olaîîghtr ir.Hg ed sud other refrshient biioths. M to. G. E. Beard, in Chicag rs HoRed Mitt-lielMilitary Baud wa@ One o! The LIBERtTYVILLE Ltuioc i î,î'ej,X Aliee M. Williamse ase boro in the beet its on the program sund re- le seUling Indiana Block Con] for thr,-el,. MeHenry, Ill., Febnuary 7, Im7l. When ceved many cotipimentpfrom strangers ing purposesl. Is agoodsttf , 47-2 bt alitte child er parente moved o who for eî.me reaeon did not think Lb- Lihercyville. Here she atîended tlihe ertyville %vas capable of supporcing nu Mies Olive Bngg returned t u e-ýortc Public school sud entered luto the' good a musical organizacion. ville, %Mondlay to taire up lier o ork lu the sttivitieýi of langer lite, lu girlhood mine0 The village took ou a caruivai air for pubtie chool for the comng ý car. uniteoi with tbe Libercyville l'reeby- * NQW IS TI4E-TiiAE- the pienie. Man," of the' business houofes W irt F. W rig t sd fa nîly, o! -:ast. ;t teriu church sd wua aways loyal tou deconsted sud a'nunîber of large dedora- Louis, are visiiting ai cheh.iume (I his bier vows as s ebristison.i tire signe: Welco,îie I. t. .0. F.' greeted parents, Mr. sud Mrs. C. F. Wrighît. lu 18932 ehe wam united in manriage tu the netraugrere at various corners.Lib- Hugli Red, of Chicago, aud becarne thbe ertyvif le' reputation fas su encrtainer The (lauce tubave been gîlen ly tbe inîther of six chldren, fune of who. sud a bostisl becoming fainous. Iteý a Odd Feliowe ounliaturcluy evenîiz 5t survive lier' Alice M., Marcha S., Hughli good thiug to lie knoan for your hoëpi_ ch.' fir grounde bas been îisoiued. A., Cors B., John Whitney. The eanly tality and it le boped the town will ai- The Libertyville R ber.l f i,,..î earm o! tileir narried fle were epetit lu wave jet that spiit c redorninate. Gurtîte earn at the. tain ground e sut Chicago lu 189>4 they reniîvedco Oid -NîsuGrunîpean ic bybîs own lire- Suîîday afcernoon by a s--.-if13 tu 1. Kenlosha, Wls., sud upon Mn. Iteide * aide bilîoue andl dyspeptie, growliniz reueiving an sppoiutrnut lu the goveru- about the' weather sud condition.;in hrs W. J. IM5cCuaig, of Cliw-ago. hia. nient prinîing office St Washiugton in gexeral, for nothiug rauever suit hîr' n ,.-imiiting attcheborne of lier parents, I1 119S they rnoced tu o ohe . ity It miust lhave hemn a wbole @Ouled felîow IMr. sd Nors. 0. E. Churhill. the pasn wbich bas since been ber Iom îe isriepousibie for tht' followîng quo- 1,se L. At the' tirne o! ber deatb ehie was a tatiomîu"I like to it by the' sie of te the re8 i Sith, Lovelanl audj',ogplî elober ot tht' ",kingcon Preshyterian * rosd where tht' race of men go by. tht'ebiîiîe<i everal horweee 10 INauke'.halset church of Washingtou, B. C. For miore_____________________________ men wlio are good sud the mon wlii arr e _,k a ler.' ehey were enter.pd loi'ci, than a year she ha. kuowu chat ehe Lad;whoare s gnd r ambadas ra es m'se aflticted witlî a fatal illueose How ba d; lo e s ion or s e d ewI t bravely @he tsccd the inevitable only iodges in tht' village aasui h.gnîla Jaiime Butler, Conrad Kuil.'y nul tiiose wlîo stood close to her nw rapîdly. Thevýdeàerve credit for tlîîe their IlarrY Tîîllîver, of Chicago, .isit.',l la-t Huiw thoughtully she endeavored to fret atteiipc tS large gacherîng and 'Sabords.> wilh Louis Z. Protine sud spotse tht' !arily any added rare or silso to the menthante ,f Libercyviîîe lanîîly. icern will aio Le well rernernered. who carne tw cheir support. Thet fliiH le lo uoinsu iu Bre er death came even soonen tbsn association i. made- up ut evenu- lodg,-in Frai(îce, bas been the gueetc, b.lie p e ine.sudu.-eprdon the' county lut cc the' Libertvville mecm- brother'Fred Croker, severilal d. the Friday, Auguet 20, 1901). Rer bodY biers feilihe burden ut the luiieiand tlî.' pasc e*k mas brought back for hurilinl the scquitt.'d tliernselves sith credît. !smily lot ait Libetyilile, by the hus- u _____________Allen Rosesel], of Lake Forest sud band sud eidesc daughter. The uerai ___________Mon_______________ Chue. E. Crane, iof St. Chant'., were wao lheld froni tht' home ut ber muchber. fr. Tho... Ciilett sud mother, Mlre. entertaiued uttch.' borne of Arthur Koon Urg. L. H. Whitney ou Finet street, Fisher are viitiug lu Wisconsin. ibis week.. Mondsy ut 10.30. aseervice aliso beiug Everyching of a bauking nature entrusted teOour Cam. Mnre. Jot' Bond lft Mouday evening for Mr. sud Mre. Glbert Luce returned Laleninobercisigto oe e. rcie u etatnin Marebslftowu, la., shere she swas called Tuesdy fonS.Paul, Mineu., shere Lbelur aiugtoon.R'. rciesorbe teto.WC fec sure of Our ablity tO by the. srions ilIme of ber mother. Mn.. Luce bas bee visiting for the past hnl orbsns oyu aifcin Mise Clans B. Stewart, who bas been two weeks. spending the nummer at ber borne lu Mark Ellsworth, sho has beau spend- Card of Thanks. M1101 GRADE BONDS FOR INVESTMENT ALWAyS ON MfANI) Poutiaoc, Micb.. retuned Monday aud ing ch. pasi few wsek witb relativee in We wish to thauk ch. mauy tieude P4 N urks$5M0 will tesch lu th. publicecheoola, here Evauston, spent Satunday sud Sunday for tlîelr kindunesefl ùing Our bereave- CptlsdSrls$5000 during the coîning terni. with bi@s ther. meut sud particulani Mndr. Wire for Methodint cburch vas bld ber. Thurs- aud Mies Llbble Wright, fromEvutn officisting Sittche services. day night o! chie w-s-k. Bey. John P. were gueste St the' borne of M es.Goge Huns REin ANI) CRîLDREN. Brueliugbam, of Chicàgo, presided. lIt Vos-ler last week. Ir.Gog WMan s important meeting ou account Dr CW.YuglffatTuay IniaBoc a ortesn e 0f the reporte of tihe bad@oflthevarions .wf or naîetripof et Trsdsy Io ndin toi Coa ot is departu;ient@ for the past year sud tht' evoug r ati fsvriwsk usCeb ht et odb eletion o! officiail emer, nc rau cthe west. Ho will viit Denver LiBERTvnILLE LuiMBEES CompAN. .2 stewards, truetees,et. il Colorado Siprings. 4- Rochiester Acalerny open@ irt ai terni Mitehelio Military Bsud furnsibed Now that tbeharvestila oyer, wonîdu't Sept. 7, witb iucreaeed teachiug force.rnusic for tht' Soldiers'auW Salon' Re- chie be s good ime tu toike your vaca- iIEALTIIFUL PLUMBI NG qeulan course enfens 10 college or union at, Gnasiake, Weduesday aud tion? Corne with us on Sept. 7th, sud tJ u v e sit s cti nt e x rni at o n. <>~ r T h r d a y h ie o ! w t'k . se t th e m u ch ta lk ed of S o u th i P la in s of T h i s la th e esson w h e n th e con d i .. portunities for business course@, rnusic The baud concert wîhchlab1 usually sîli double in s cerv shorttim.'. Round tion of your plumbiug Sxtures demanda sud preparation for ceacbing. New heid ou Thuroday evenlug bas been trip tickets, $30. Il interested w,,ite or YOUT close attention. The ovenhaliug officieplo.~i. tlectric linegives bet taciitiefor travel. poscponed on aecount of the. baud play- phone GEo. E. WEBHî, Anitioch, Ill. ing oftour borne is as necseary as iiouse-cîeauuiug. For catalogue sud information address îuig ut Grayslake triat day. Phoujie 523. 4-4-3-Iyo nedakgrcirornsaignw6x Pui. EG.ToA,, oces 46-4l, Tht' Lakesid- Ceretery Association Mn. sud Mrm Will Warren, ot San- turcs, wseehailb ld e f oigure for you, providiug b6 ave decided tu îîotPone tht' social that Benito Texas, are theguemt8 ut relatives a guarantee ofpnompt and perfect work et reason- C. A. Regal, tht' lainter, shile work .vse to have been heid ai the park h.'ne aiter au absence o! secenal yesre. ingîl ch.' F. B. Lvell re@ideuce luet Friday eveniug iudeiuîtely. Mr. Warrenchikthat theTexascouncry Wbepîe s.isdmti h anu ta~~ Tnesday murong telland breskiugboues Ernest Croker. o> Boston, Mas@., bas ls inost promising oneand Sanufluito in etl n ntiutefmu -4nw iiiboth test. Fred Jelley. tie uewsdeaier, been viiing hi@ brothers, Fred sud parcicular isgrowing very napidly. Land Porrelaiu Euameied plumhing fixtures. while enjoyiug a movwin luthe DesPlaines John Croker, severldaysthopast wesk. thatsold there several years ago for $40 »âouw Ware bring. a wralth of beultls river lutc Tuewday atternooin, stc-pped on ht beiug their tiret reunion lun iteen per sas rect'utly reeuid sf $200 per a piece o! glass cttiug a bsd gash lu tht' years. acre. Suigar cane le raisedl there ttiat is te your home aud increases is eiing vainue a bottom o! hie tout whicb nequired ieoveral etitches- A ladder lipp.d from Mfr. sud Mr@. T. R. Baker sud daugh. not eqiuailed even lu Louisiana. 8d Slebu beueath O. E. Churchililaut Thuroday tere, Alic. sud Alise, w-ho have been Therouminnthe Kaserhbuildiugtformer. L E T W ICIF L ,Lbryil atternoon sud Le sas coinupeiied te visicîug their dsughter, Mn,. A. W. ly oocupied by tht' Gotti fruit stand sud L E T W LIC F D, ibry le u.p tui suce hiunself. He ljured hig Koon, let for their home lu Onarga, le crean ourlor bas been leased by J. T. At.i.obls.. oss.u@lgse gs right teg quit.' hsdly nud bas been rom- Tuesday>. Robertson & Co. sud will h.o ued sass k~pelled ti walk with a cane tue pust Congreusman George Edmund Fooss heatnu. fora iiiovinigpictureshow whicb ' week. faoe ietvlo ihacl u@aIo to be permaneutly locsted ther.. Tii. fsvredLiertvile ith5 tii "~~'Y roons bas been repsired and made monh The'b ouly accident flhat occurned dnring meetiu mauy old tiendesud conetitu. langer sud bue exceior of the entir. build- tht' Odd Fellowe' piciet turday of i e wa entertained at the homne ing paiuted making ito'o!h'naes atra ofnH. Miller. sor bilins on set ve ne. *happened Qun Fair street near Mlakesoebidnso iwue vne avenue bestws-n ice sud six orclock juet Mnu. W. M. Wright, ot Wrigbt's iodge, Mloviug picturestchus fan have noy-er been athe crowd sas leaving tht' grouud. suti entertain s large number of friands succeseful sîth tht' Libertyville public 1FAbgycontlnfiug chiree ladies, Mn.. C. ut a garden psrty nex t Ssturday afler- but flie preseut promoter ha. ebhosu E. Claphamof Gurus-; Mr.EdwTrigge, noon ai lier besutîful country -bhorne suci encterprise aindbas been mu tortu- o! Chicago; sud Miss Mary Maaon, waà uesr HaIllDay. A numben from bere wilî nst in securiug s central location chat Sapproschiug the' corner o! Mlwaukee' attend. ecerythiug pointe tosard oucreâo. dl s w-avenue when Win. Layrock in a large The Mary J. Rafter farc f4 ce h nutilNwo hcgmd O automobile roundedthecornerofFairSî rrnGes ak ws of 48 ia e cs tnds tniea aiNeeer@ o! hicago, mitha *Ht' sas going St a fair rate o! upeed sudusrGesakwssodiiws- oisaî t'kshaF O$ 1O lu uruugclldt'wit tb bggyw-bchWm. F. MLachlan, o! Cicago. Tht' 'write-up" o!Libercyville. Tht'Nese is intsuneill ide te hed. buggwe -aFoRier$1o sud litothe .' gy .d nk b10 the ertionbeiug over $150 per acre, a journasl 'dtvoted t ic lnauciai, lu-80 ceussd PaulMacOuffin engiueered the. trausac- dusirial, commerucal sud building inten- J@ gad throwiug Mr@. Tnigge betwt ntion. est" andthe alier itseif rontaluino erei ~o na rD wdh son about four pages of ~~ ~~resdug macter sud ayower;,3or4iaCorDwdh tewovhirlee. 5h. necived a bad eut Mns. JG. Tntfiey sud cilfdreu 'lit four pages o! advertislng sud ius-rted ovUthfc. wasnototherwiseiuîured. Tuesday for the home of ber parents lu luibis publication sas the write-up of If so'we can give YOn the biggest bargains you Tue auto sas siopped shortly wiih lire. Boocobel, Wi.. w-er. she will remaiu Llbertyville. This section 'containe vrswi ho. A.m l o fsos *Triggu sîmoât nuder tech. bsls. Sbe until ber busbsnd le penmsutly located. seveun pages ofn advertAisiug tlotOfm the 4falnedduriug ch. ordeal but waa taken Mr. Tuffiey n rod asi et&- Libertyville merchante, ch. remainiug tj te rby Issu whr. site quickty r.- tion agent hore 1 an olffice batw-utbirtesn pgsin composeul pnlncîpally MAY!R AND B3RADLY II ! M. 8. . . .,teritrywih rthrdsennete ai mae n hecity that cltiaefios i. brie! @tory o! the village sud s few o! -nia e mdeinaions U1U5DI~lii UfIf TWsi rnmiIicrTmss'PAPISthei business men. The edition la far solid, substajitil and étylish, Worth froni $2.50 jHR OYU l &EP Y1U VÀILI.JALE ÀPWfrom complotems. anumber o! the buit 1 1business houîsee are not r.preoented at Ûto .q, in aboive enine izs n-wdhsoly - -qw

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