Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1909, p. 1

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LAKE CoýuNT INDEENDNT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVII. NO. 49 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1909-8 Pages $1..50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE LAKE COUNTY PFAIR MOSI MA6NIHICNT IN YIBARS- CARP !ISIING Producers' ,Protectve Asocation STARTS DISPUTE A expose cf the metbeds efthlb - big cary cempanlies wich are sald Trouble Arose When Offer to Pay te cotrol the rnlk suppiy lu Chicago Commission a Cent a Pound for Ail sud fix the pt-loua hotb for the cou Carp Caught Was Rejected for Bld saumer and producer ls 10 bu mana of Three-quarters of a Cent-Iquir- part of the plan. les Made of Commission Brought Secretary James P. Grer of the pro. Answer: "li's Nobody's Business." tecive assocation.,'ého la to edIi the paper. caiied "The Sllk Producer' A systen by wblcb the Illinois fsh declared Weduesslay that the doom of comminssion .tamis" eut toi favoresi thé bg dslry companles as dîctators putsens îrlîliegseof taklng carp out t ofmlk prices bad huen seaied. of iakes and streasln lu linoeis ban "The dalry companlea buretofore huten brougbt te attention by a disputM bave aiwaya set tire prIeu at whIch over theca ri cntract for Fox lite, -bey were willilng te buy tîcilit. bu whesre 26b0,000 potinds cf cari) were sald, and the farmer was obiged te cacîght lst year. accept wbat bu was given. Tbings Forer lii.ght to talcs thesc, fish lu have undurgone a change since the as- seines>fast suason the statafisb com- seciatien was fornped and lu October. mission recelîsci ibre "uarters ef a wben contracta are igned. the dalry cent a îcund front, the tas ored bidde-r. farmer wifi d.-r>acid a rais.- lu îrles. wbe os. '-s is monoiceiy te Henry RWIs-e, a ueniber of the ltsb conmis- sIen lu buiness at 2001 Lakte street LOST MIS LIfE Mr Kieue bas been offeresi a rent a TO SAVE A MAT pouud for ihe carp menopoly for tbe___ commeg seasoît. but bas rfused to on Fishing in River at Night, tepped Inia aider thu igher bld. and Insstasn1I renewlug the oid cenirset. At the @Id 1 Deep Hoie and Drowned-Wil am rate the state reculves $1,9,50 for thé B. Wreen, Secretary andI Treasurer Fux fake cari) menopoit wilie the of Chiçago Stock Exchange, Dies ai Hghland Park Home - Fumerai compensation effered was $2.600. Mod. Refuse* to Give Details. ody Wbheu asicud for Information about b tepigt euehsbt crtp isblng. and the auiborltyunuder Ilu aictîon lttehse bis batm whlcb th.- llcic omissionu Io able te 'farm eout" tire rlsliege, 'tr. Kieeas Beck or Bl3odgett was drowuud t retusei details. lie toid the questiener Hfthlnd ualu aofi e fue cf atra It vas nohedys business. afironl bu iefe fwt Membrs o thestae leisiaureHia feet ecarne entangfed lnuriee- famiiasmh fthe atate g&slature thîug ou the hottom cf the iake as fealilar ftbrtinfrmatin ixprwsewh e was wading eut from shore, caus- atonlshment st the fat that the ftub A cohmpaon erwsbfew fhe srae commission asumed the rtght te sanC-A opnnwabuafefetwy tien a mouepoiy cotrollilusrtp flah- fromr the drewnlug man> but couid ren- Ing or s-ny ther klud otf fahlng lu der hlm ne assistance. public waters. They decisred there Bek6w s oea i h er vas o wrrat lnlawforsuhactoncutae works at Bltldgett just west ef and that they bad never beard that ighadPr.H a bu hr the money recelved fer such prvleges searsaiiyreseand naurd. Hesvaromi-u was pald latn the state treasury. vral epce n a rmnn SpekerE.D. hurlef, f te ou& 1among Swedlsb ircies. The luquesi SpekerE. . hurlel, o te buéeI eld Sundav ai lice Prior cndertak- ef representatîvesansd Senater Cor- 1I bus Gaduer heb e who hae eg reoma resulted lu a verdict of ac- Intîmate knowiedge et the macinery1 cidental drownlue. of sate oveninet. aid heyneve 1 tecks deatb occcrred lic a pecuiar ot~~~~~~~ saeger en.adteynerwas. Witicoeecompauleon be bad heard ef a law s. bcb gave the flshl rommssioers he lghtte sli ecugoireto cice breaks.ater at tbe foot of comissones te rghttoisel exlu-Laurel avenue te ishý The wlud biuw ive fisblng rigbts. bis bat loto tbe laku andi gobe te lndusiry la Big. Mr, Klein la the oly member Of shore bu startusi te wade eut andj get xne fisb commission lu Chicago. if. His teet caugbt lu sometblîcg on Theucrip fisiug lndustry ln Illinois t-eb ottonc aicd bu was drawu belew la ef large proportions. Ticousauda oethte surface. Aftbougb tbe body was dolilars' wortbi of crtp are tsi<eneu recovered c6ilîbn ten minutes sud a o'decter s.erked long to revivlre lt cf thie streamas ud laki and aold lu 1 Npw orkan, Chlagoforlgn aï,;.i was Iumpossible te ireveut the death. ris The staf,- iii aws specificaiîy DahnRvr pithlbt fshij, fo cap ithseies Atîgust Habnfiedt, et Arlington in he llnoi. aluet MisisipiHelgbts was drowned ln tbe Des lui tand Wabacsh Calue. SinlfslsslpPlineîss iNer rJct oser the county le anilid labab rier Sulenishand lhue, Sunday mning about 3 occioct lakes ai ahllimres. . wilu Oric a lshlng trip. With suvrtaI Ferritcs hurîcse et dstroylng oh- concipanens bu wet te the river bast juctîcuabie fish thce tetu ccmission afier uîldnlgbt Sîcoday. Ail weru la athorzedto tke ish n av w c dîug in the river ci en> i-ibcltet os atiiti iii aite tsieiis uan- way scidi suissteîîîîd icite ca fole about 14 or) ai 'c - iii" cri ailiire-aciiiocisl Iniru ortche siats aînd this autbority la de-U rC ul i iccccistis clard t hae srethedby he ishte reaccie hlm but the dactesas pre- ciaud e bsestrtcbd y te lshveîted their scccess. Tbe body was commission te rover the prartreg e oee ndte nqet IdSii farming out the sarpisie lu the larger rei rii a cv ec esai. -i hics lniaud lakes ci- e itci acct-u c c - dna The Fox late crtp cocfrat la sad to bu the mest vafuahie ot IL.At Willi m in3 en Mn es.'ay n thruu-qiarters ef a cent a pound ItitrWfasure Bf thennChicrtork ax- pay b. prAtsto he oldr. f falachange. died Saturday at is borne en cf more delij tabIe character bappen Oakwcod avenue, Highland Part, foi- to get mbt the nets, it la sald, tbey lewlng sic llunesu of three or four are eldo tbowu ac_ motbs. He was 85 sears oid sud was .Persons outslde t-ýhé commission de net know wheru the mouey recelvusi fot- te arp privilege gees snd Mr. Kleine refuses te tell. Thu flsb rom- mission bau contt-ol of a coulderahie fud. not sujut to appropriation hy the state l egislaiut-e. ans is lasup posesi theu rtp money helpa aveil this fusi, wbicb is usesi to psy thé salariés ot corunisson-et-5ansi wardecs, main- tain te steamer Illinois on thé Illi- nos rivet- andi defray auy other ex. penses ctlrh Mcr. KIelce ansi bIs asso- diates wlsb te tueur. MILK pRODUCIERS WILL START PAPIER ToOvertht-ow Power of Bg Dainles wth Paper, "The Miik Producer.." 'PitY the Door f-afumer. -1 i a promnleut Cirago ansi Highland Park figure. lie wau a brother ef G. L. Wrunu of Highland Park, The tu- net-aI cias teld tronc lie homie Monday atternoon cith hurlai at RosebilîlA Svlffe andi tbree sous survive hlm. Capcure RondouibThief. Jack OConnor, thé feurth ut the silegusi thieves ci-b are chsrged wlth breakItng luto a trutgbt car at Ron- dout andi stealing shous conignesi ta a Libettyvîllu mutchant, wss arrested attîtdyaynsdfreuîgicibure. Justice B-az belug absent ou a vacation OConnor ci-s, iioicgfcf tiut-t-uuJusge Wess andi bis t-ase continrced ten days. He was the pal. itls v laîmusi, et Henr-y OKeete ansi Johu Ignstewskl, bctb cf whnm broesXaI a few days s-go, They baye net huen huard tram. Hé vill tell thé tory cf ie riaIs 1 OCon-or la belu-g-quluzz-edabout them. andi tribulstions lu a weekly uuws- O'fener is seaisi telie the man wbo papét-, thé Atst Issue et wblctt lo te s-tually breke loie the car. Hé le be publîmbe Si stntday byY thé Mlli saisi te baye a bs-s record a mile long. fcb,hl,,,sthe- Jew finaliy ahan. TIIE MORS! SHOW US TIIE CROWPIUNG MATURE doned bur t-eiii ttc n orfah er a ber t roticer bai lfttthelr borne IiMedifo rd, les> mc fthe wtfu, Ht-s. WITI I TS TUIOROUGIIBRED IROTTERS, Ami l Lc>-nds ic yoi hî ci dri-cct ,,,, SADDIE AND) MARNESS MORSES. '1h- girl tifflbtri iic rie obtained shîi -l-i f-it m f1ii ,, c îonte bi-re. !fITRUES W ELL rILLED. w-îi u>, s;lcii ,i,t abooct ibis tcnie that 1 ii- t hi-t-, Trances Lue. Her toits we-e lilving lu Zion City St the timie Sh-eîreslecîtusi butself te mu tlarness and Running Races Draw Big Crowds. "The Midwayj" is Crowded YYith! as a iv wiueacîd i fui iMaiy lu love A ue et ofÉey Description: Pùtnam's WiId West Show, OS of wlth ber. For set-eu yuara Vie lvusi Amusmens o Evej Ioos asumaci and wlfo, 1 spent my ciages Blazes. "Razzie Dazzle," Merry-9o.Round and Man!J Others. Poultr!j keclidng er fauîil «v.Tien bet- faticer Show of Surprising lExcellence.- Agricultural, Mechanical, Theriîsstrling abocut two years ago Exhibits Ail Ifine Shows. "*Its a Big fair," is the ibii- i iiner, after shite hd lfe me, Unaimius pinon f Tousnsi iaîgbt licet-In but- Infidullty et Blairs- Unanmios O inin o Thosans. ecic.N J Voi wii nt ie ..ham bien gecîîg soutce sînre I17 eat-a otage. G. L MARION. Tuesday sias the formt-niipeuirig dite at the tinteet gigelzt t--s- îî . 'iitargpst .\iibct, cvci c --r sisty 1,r thce ttyiitiannuisiLake Cîuty foloisîcg aresa tsw of thescc ir arii>vt-i.ef .-hiii-ens. guccîca.. iiî i Fait- sud wast a very busy and have tintes far made entries. turksym and water ti)55 . Thersi are M S. LOVE IS ingoe te the observeri--. Thes fait- bas V. R.Ct-sue, Wildros Stock Vtc cc, Sic. l'fvcîceutic itoîke, barred ansufîit AGAIN MARRIED been Ilos"eming ont for tbe past weuk Ciarieo,.Ill.; E. A. Russel Fred Wyandottes, giifd -iver and buit, intfact, but net until tIce epenise day Mi-Laugilin, J. F. Ldýl,0iicsut-ia Huidansp, tla-c-kîiucish. (licuc, *>oimi Hugh H. Love, Discovered by Womani uvas the gluerai public admitted. Fni Hunt Club, NIrm. Prestiiâ Coîiicy, auieides the gui-se andc ks uc anit icauy Lsi erws rom nMrag day and Ssturday ofclaist weuk wure fronti Lake Feresi; -Mro. Jameus licit, î,f etier bt-suds toi, iucireus cci be rapt) busy days. Beotits sud stands ef ail, Wicaton, A. W. snd Ge. Koon. Libt- t iossed at titis tinte. Tiuru arsu cinier1 Sunday a> Sauta Ana. Cai. Waa kindaliegahi sîringitig uic- aloug tte viii.-,ta-idles a number of etherp whoeu oficuaiuxhicitmitsn additionc ticotfisr S eventh Ceremiony Bride hc.d Par- Midway until tcy Snudsy ticere %ssn'ohies are taet on the luit tut hcaveu lîtry mni whe i-aine fren a distnc-e. -ticcpaied in andI Cliches Her Pint- tent city ot uo me propertieons. 0gîcîiesi pestivsly that thi-y w iii bcs Tiere is a pit Iantarii roostur rumng inaMr lChmo. The stalla ter the iace herses are ailt b-r.Herses lt-cm thes stables w ii btas oss sabouit theu buildcng tlist bas more filled audsals-w belatesi eues itifi ci-enecrud cn the diffrent classes mtcicircunds titan auyene lse on tice groucîde - Htrs. Grice iliCttiCcfuWl tinus t? cene. Ticeee wiil bave touakeu elude uc rYtbicg fhem gsitud caddie The Mechasirai Eshibila. c r-CeffIn-lac can-Loe of ibis cecîîiy the beet of accoemmodation@ inîthe cattle herses te a font-i-hand. r f mat-t-ed again. bat-us. On the Mdway the murry.gcî- lutman's Wild West fHorse hs. Tîce bpeciibits etfcagons, tbuggies, Hec tub n ame nmci* wbichIc ncident- round aud the semnzle dauzlu"- the wbiciî gave sulla satisfaction te thcue gines, automaobiles and fat-tiima'-iniery afl Is also a ehronologlcal siimmat-y House of IBlazes andi many shiosasd crowds bers tast yesr la agaie on t-le 1> larger this yecr tlianevet-butors Tics of ber marial bat-eut. la Crai-e Snell- amusements et lîke kinsi are gettiug a greuuids sud gire a big pertermanice Studebaket- people tronc Chic ago h;ave s Coffin - Collin -'alter-Coftln Laymsn- libet-al patronage from the rrowds. titat fia vs-iy relistic. ins sxbtbit ot wasgons, buggies sud auto. Love Love for ber ballet busbaud 1.9 Moe- encsious are,' gi-antud en the The Jehn K Tîcempson Fat-m bave mobiles, the Sioline automobile, A. W. none ether than ber Most latuiv dis- mldway tican s-ny pi-sviens Jear. abeout 25 bondsiof first-ciaas herses Licbtfeîd witb Fairbants-liot-se gsse- cbarged hc-fîmeut. Hctgb. H. Love, for- Harness and Runing Races. suterési at the greunds. The beasi f ins engnes, plumbiug sud beatiug tîert-nus aper wriier and ex-sucre- The arn« an runipi evnta husthe string lis Selon UGratten, ci-beliasea devises. Scbaurk Broticers are alec> tory oethlie board o et htb -tLos tarbav bsc erîtng ud los btrotting record et 2 UfiIJ. the balanceS makhig s larger aud luttet- dcsplay ot Angeleus. Cal. farbav ben xciin an clseeneugh beng mar-es sud coits, Sole t Grattait ai-m implements ofi ail kinda titan ever The ceruniens- was perferc'ced Sun- to draw bcud applause. lun ail the s takeu te Wliccteu let we.k ltu betere. lc iSsaAa a. eiîic theeming sud bavec ig evente scbadudrace lorsa cup bai iccrauoe it loesi ci) The atteudani-.-Tuesdav a-ast the sautiel W irI iltcliicbvs NHrts are enti-ie haed ttiss ebî i i eisudmucb in thce tavi f tirattan was cullesi lat-gest fit-stday irewd lu îuany vears Les c laitr, etct-le SMarathonc icar- arese ioelymstbe tbt te iTheu Ott. Several boises fieunt tus tari,> are sud Wedueday was undeuhtedly ulievs-tp geait.]idivorce record. Nctblng of wiuners is s ai-si proposition.Tceetered lu tbe ruuabeut classs, haruess lat-ger. Tics weaticer bas blun se lit-t iimcoteracticies coctes wlthin ialfin, ruuîg aesbae eu cyspraucttersssldesruabuvetbspoutlietuatwaos ns ugie teu Ic îitcc t î egcuigriuf aenr yer ndae as.OnSaur ate-mnetansd the Standard bt-éd. country bavebleu- stt-esming in ail day at-tai et Coffin s .tilins chu gaciiiof arsuhed are ake on nty rdya Thter- yShw.long sud att-sec cars sud trains-iat-s bhumai seiatleiianui finalli' arc- nee tis ay he ak Cout Deby s Th Peh- Shw.crowded to lice guarde raicsu inubn îa-,assfl troun d aise Chicago Day tst-s ewill bu The Poultry Shew cwili bé thesbigge8t A numbur e! ether exhiîbats tht m1553 I cs iiih oihinetmrkinast Lov- t- -urie t --ae 1., - 1 gmilea oubsepdtin o Lve eue mile. The Herse Show. Thce bht-s- show program will tke1 place Tiursay, Friday andi Satut-day1 aud inludes mn ail twsniy-tout- classes. igiit s-tuc will be shén each atter neen. Thes entries siere net ail clesesi1 MARION TELLS WMY. ME SMOT IS WWE Outlines Her Career andi Says Site Ran Away from Home aI the Age et Sévenleen. Ciaicus He Weoeci and Won Her as a Wdow But that She exhbibit of the kind uet-r given on ticeb greunds and tsecaîcanity ef the new1 building tu accommtocdat s-l ef these f bi-u5 et s eather wiicb ock tegethei f lu taxesi te the urmîat. in tact ticere ared alt-eady a tsw ezhicbitors on the outimide.C The W. L. Horcuug & C., etfGi-sens-t but-g. Ind., bas w iticout a donbt thee Repeats Charges. More than this, Marlon by blets i-e- pesa charges agaluat is wtt. that the brtothet- ot the dead womsit, Es-rILee, et Zien Cty, made hlm rétrs-stt.mai,,- ly thne statement ibat thé girl wsshies coimoti iaw wîte wbeu as a matter et t-coi it is statesi ciat ste wam is lugal Waa Uîtrue te Hum. Vsus. Biames the Woman. HIsc lece turned te a batresi that Marlon. who shot is wlfe afttr ast- pucau sI. ts obji-it-et-en heyond the ,iug tics Wiltesbat-te chiefte lest-e grave, George V.'cMarion, whe shot and tillecl bis cite. wbo, was 'iss i'raucea Lue of Zion City, at Wilkes- carre, Fa., last Frldsy, bas submltted is story of t-be causes t-bat led te the .ragedy lu s tetter te thé SUN, Es-eu though bIs desire for revenge over the wite's allegudI nfidellty bas been saied by ber hleody des-tb, the mtan's veugeful spinlt remalus and shows through Mbis tatémeut oetht-e case. Not lu Oné sentence, uet even In a word, doua hé mentIon the chilsi tf the marrlage andi the entîre lutter icreathea vindictivenss. tbem sione for a fevw minutes whlle bu pleail sitti ber to coee ack te hlm, bu mentitined as uxeptiousffy gosi are-: irs. loues mat-nage toilove-rs îuy The agrîculturai sud dairy irodu-ts. etc the huela of tbe iast of ber mauy fruit snd ci-gtafife, ifomestir manu- dîcurces Suie lled her bill agaînet tactureis sud se onc tbrougic ailithe Love last sear. fi was srarrei *v ditterent exposition halls tics clsi Lake grantesi eotte ste acf ber ex-hcîsb- Counts Fait-is leciking faiiliar but stîll acîdici-ru simosi as chunicîs as et-et. tîcere, arcecsany additious andi nets-FThe quiet mut-niage of Stiitday ici rcanges tilat are fot-tics btter. cicaces ibsi toth iuritic-s regret thbe rouitt procedfngs - exact accoucît ort tie sooetlng o! the mm.i loee s ch>- iicîghtet-ofethie cieman. concerulug wblch he bsdgea laie Ameo.i J. Scil.teChicago tan- andi sesuis te bave qusîmu sabout pt- r er ahos - it-dec in bOS fa s-et suniccgthe iusoicdoseri ci c-cOet ChicRgo)s snig Marionsa Lelier. crimcical lifrcboc c \Wi'ifksbarrt', Fa., Aug. 26, 1909. lieuli rtsi ccat-iiige cias il liiie Eciit- hSoci aiku-gai, I., muatchî i- cccîb hoi> t ode tfi-r Sir . ic-iteirfy te yoer leter iîcce ,ci ai l orbcx it aibei-'an te ,le, avjkuc ur t-a stateiuent regard- i chcmei- tci ficraruiwlfi-uc hs iii. ccîg thcc rurder case, w III aay, lu brlet.'1 s berfil-c i cccit iiiiiri i W fîc er t- sas aIl treught on by ncy mîstor- faticer fu-ecîîifuccu t he couienilutuî tans ic ineiccsiciiansi tuilingIn islovecistice tihi, dancuicng master oeeoe sîscu )-cars ,ago wibh a wornais Who lice fatuif r lici' eiecfeci sirenuricicl. wronecgecf nue, acndiWho, at the age et There-~upori Coffic and i ss Scnel t-cc aud wbo la now iodged lu Wilkushat-re su-s uituin eas-s.hasi t-uawsy f rom lait awaitlug s beat-lng, laye the hoiueftarily at that time lvesi blancs for thé wrert f et Isilfé tethe rlti -cedfiit-i, Canada, a amal iewc womau wbo was burfesi trom thé home on Giet-giaci Bay., ot bei- brother. Rat-I Lue, 2600 Eliza- IWbun she 1sft-thome sbe rau away beth avenue.,ZMon Cty, Tuesds-y. te Teronte, 150 toles distant fronc ber The ltter la Mation's irtutst att- homce, ansi art-t> me there, abe obtaluési ment et bis owu rase made locaiiy ot- work In a taîlor shop. Latér ahé weni te a nuwspaper ansi la thureferéetflu- tu sort lu a restaurant ansi thurs met teruat. auetber girl. heu as estartusi keeplug Expurgatesi of doubttul références, compsuy wltb a Young Juw, a pro- It la pruseutusi just as hé wroté It thé gram man at- onuet the theaters. Ticey only vital elemént istt out heng thé Ilixes togtter ansi MOvesi te Detroît. [LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENTi Waukegan Weekly Sun OFFICE CLOSED EVERY AFTERNOON DURING THIE FAIR TENT MIEADQUARTERS AT T HE FAIR GROUNDS Pay Your Subscriptions and Settit Accounts Thtre EIect Officers.t Thé offlcers eleciesi for the nuit year ot thé solIers' ansi saliors' reun- ion association: Presideuit-Ncg Lamtci, Gcut-cie. Fîrat Vice Prealdent-L. H. Bryant, Llbertyvllle. Second Vilce Presideut-W>, West taté Antioch, Third Vire Pt-esfdeiit-George Krou- ty, Wsuronda. Secrutary-I W. Hall. Waukégan. Treasurer-P. L. Autin, Waukegs-n. Execef t-e Board-John Bat-nard, LibertyvIfie r lient-y DomskIt, Gra-ys- late; Frank Greuîîiust, Waukegan; jfiîl llai~i.ial. Icsy, I1..Davis, Vtsv- couds, Not sn Up to iDt. ëîbqureh. Two creeu isters living ln a sub. Utbac toc-u met on theé street one dal, andSi stetr Washington, whe hafi ré. cently jîcînus the chut-ch, was descrîi- Ing ber expst-leurés. "'Deuil. Mrs. Jobcslng, l'a jlned thé Baptist chut-ch, but 1 coudn't do al the jinnue re, 'cause they basi t0 take me te theeftly chut-ch te baptize me. Yomi Ltiew iere aint ne pool LEGAL DIFFICULTIES IN COUNTY COURT Foreciosu-s of Mortgage on County Property Made Complete by Oeath ofOwne- ard Subsequent Spreading of Ownerslrip Antang Heirs. Lake Forest Man Desires to Change Name. One Divorce Suit. The deat ef a L.ake couinhi proper- ty cîsour, wcth the pasE;8ng ofthe own- ershilî cf i> iroperty to bis heiri. the later diîath of oeeof the beirs lns the filulg of a suit fer owsiersblp ot the land Tlicrsday icn the cireuit court. The preaunt, ownership of the land la conifflicsisfed dthe suit is au e-ndeav- or te traigicteu ont thu natter. Tic.. su t wa 1Usd by Attcruey Paul Mlar'ulti for Fr'ank P. ',illard, a ire-idauci of Morgan Ht-ill, Cal..and la sgainst E. Met-ton Joues, et ai. The bill oef couiaint, statua that lu 1900. \Villard, then a rusident of Eagle River, 'Wis..toaneiioeeClark toues $1400 on a promnisery notè with a (in aku oeunty propurty oviued by Jones as security. t.ater Jene& died and the property passed to lts heir. Then one of the beirs dled and the preîserty was 0a5.5- ed fartber aloug until now there are many that inay cdaimt an lntereat ln the land, sorte of thenu belng uuknown. The suit la agalnst ail and ,is te, fore- cloe the xirrtgage beaî,svthe noMte fuit due lnu11905 and bas net yut been paid. Reile 1. Ferguson, driver for the American Express Company, Tbureday filed suit for divorce front big wlfe, through Attor-ney C. T. Heydecker. The bill states the cause as desear- tion. Ferguison ws marrled lnis MO. «lis Chicago and dlaims bis wlfe de- set-ted hlm ln 1905. Ou chfil the coupsle had le deasi. 9 Ralph F-. McCulIom eof Lake Forest desîres. te change bis camé and -through Attorney Claire gdwards, ho Tbursday lied papisrs In circuit nonri asklug that hoé mlght adoPi the uuméof Raipb M. Douglas. -He states as hle reason that "Dougiase" le theériante of bis grand father and that hé de- sires te adopt filu exchange for heip bis gmandfatber bas glven bina, ad for ether goosi reasous. DUCIK SIIOOTING NOW LAWFUL Big Beasos on Ducks andI Other Wats' Fowi Ope,,,&F itst oi Month , Mow- eve-. Quail Besson i.3 from Novems- ber 10 to December 10 andI Spot- men are Busy in the 30 Day. AI. iowed ti'em fcr Desîrabis Gane. Wblje It may te a lile uarly fer the hunte--, to gui ouf, cuany cf thum at-e cecut-log thicer huutlng pei-mits anmd at-e preparlue for the faîl camp- iccg Ic thc e os andsifld.s. Few May Be ilied. At tc -sct.hei.onfv a tew et the garni 1flîs sacndi animais eau h-c vbut De' i, ciodcock, uqulrreis mcnd i vflîiiv suae the enir thInga that os- ho fiiccitef ceci -acd few are geing aitt-r ticucci s yet. With the bogin- cîcîc of the next meutb the messés culi opscb up at-ronger ancds-t tbat cime t-bers will he theé naa!grés-tér denansi for the hwstlng pet-mita. Thé deve seasen ts on tram AnguM 1 Ioî November 30, sud fitteén Of tbe birds may hé kIf led daly hi> huniers lu thé course et this openu lime, Thé squit-rel sea»On epunesi UP JUDe i. sud hasts unthl November 15. , Open* Beptember let. Septémbot 1 wHI hmark thé openifle day fot- shooticeg set-rai itinde ef game. lrom September 1 te Ms-y 1 thé hantera msy titi 15 sulpu or p1ov- et- pet- day. sudurits, geese, bht-sn, etc., may bu kîllei f rom Septemba- 1 te April 1. Thlriy Days For Qusil. Sone mc et-est la 00w héins ,take by the loucal huniers lu thé ahoo0tluk of quaif. bthe senson for wblcc la tOm Nox'cciiec te Decoumbur 10, s put-bd Of tbfrty day s. fi lag oly lu conively modE thnes that buttons have be» atRI sas tateners. The Greuad ROui knew notblng oft hem, M& ,t»q they presénlesi themmelffI MM meata lu thé foUrteéflth cEtU!o l tenholes wese ÉUll -dm Iis posslbtiiy. F b h ti 0 b n ) oom in thý churcli bere."-Success. 1

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