Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Sep 1909, p. 2

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caK ______________-__ -_-__-_-__-_- __-MM mim Elizabeth Wirtz returned to Bogerq Park,.Mouday ater apending a lew 4aj's at borne. Mnt. ad Mr%. L. .J. Aiwe@are sependinge 6 lew waske at SeatrIe and o1b'r points in the weet.f lim. (bac. Fosket i8 visitlbg ber son1 Hamr in Sebttle. ivanflao chool opened >onday titb Bloy HIeceweiler again at the head. Mise E. Dawson le teaching the Swan achol. The ccbool rooihai been re- pêaeted and panted and sorne of the meats tepîcerd by oea onles . Charlotte Barden anti Barriet Brain- 'erdfslit Snday at lit. Brainerd's. lames Van Plea' anti a lriend fromn Chicago, epent Snday t fHenry Van 1ev. and MrN. Banna visited Rarinla Park last Thursday. Mini Minnie Snyder is again attending Munsôfi bneineme mile"e. Mies@Viola Jones bac gone rack to bicago tU renie ber work as tenog raplierat Rilman'c. Elmer Beckwith bas goue to Minne- apolia to otay wtb hic aut and"attend hlgfb achooL Howard Beach and farnitv, of Chicago, viited tie isathere. The choir renderti an anthem rorn teir new book, I'An tbcrn Treaures" Suntai morno'ng, antinL the evenng, lit. Fanner, of Cbcago, %anag90sol. clSrgekitaiereld Dean W"lu. pent a lsw d4s nMchgn /Mania Colby aà at home a2.r a week la Princeton ati other plac&'lits, Colby açcoanpaai et imina4,wlU emain noms wÎ@ks ogri lnrltvs T'he LWblW Ait! wN io meef uit Thoms "ay w»Wh lie. ekwitb. 8,sI ongjcPle Io>D"aOnti .~laboa~i ienta eveung mr- ilma G&,aaibo le #08ar, of x, ý lley hîwa. l th.gunolWM, îon.r o a 0 ,l *b.'sd 1 a âsvoh*tb , a Bey- GRoe*t &br ora al O& , --Ir1'afgoreurrsdtth"mthof Pm~sqpvl er boue tebPaiul'a tllev .ornorn ber -101w ah , 'lôgn t lrn ad a nunher lir. andi lra. H. 8. Fritecb left for 1here boulls in Montana., IThvaia evenipi, emtoU P adng uwo monthe wlthreiai1yes bore. Tb. putiiombool ope»dtiTueed.y wt.l ProL. Çp a pinial. MicaJenka, lIes naItîteacher a'4iMise Betti. c lfy, palmai'y teachet. xrebbr laentertaining bet lather MM, *;WllIr azp VaD, o!fMîcoui, pent caveraIild .yslut week 'eUIIIIhet uthsnfa"Illy. Miâ! RSJli Hng&be, of Chcago,iathe gmct olUr. and Mi.l.obn tryker.. Nile Wynkoop and con, Fred, of Woodstock, ralleti on rlends lu Out villae Saturday. B. Malman rtisrneti bome Mondaj' osenlng alitaraponding a lew claY &LIe City witb bic cou, Lea. Duane Stb returned tu bic borne in~ Irving Park, àModai te palg. lew days vacation witb ic parents. fiebool openeti Tueeday for the flu terrn witb a Irood attendants in ail tourne. Prof. Ksent le again Out principa anti MisePoole i8 tetained inthec rimray rooru, 'eile Mfise Mande Mullin tili bave charge of thteintermediate roorn. Mica Ecttla Grace baving tieclincd ta accept thie carnelortteî year as sbe will @pend the winter in Omraba. Mis@ccrae>Cornwell, wbo bas been epeding tht'summer at ighland Park, returneti home last week. Shool cornmenced bere Tuesday. Tora MeEwan bas returned frorn hic visit in Canada. Mrc. Chas. Seip, of Palatine, wac a viitor bere Tuesday. M 1t. and Mmts George Asiderou, of Chcgo vWted witb lit. and Frank, labot Day. Mise Tlle Hokemeyer, unr telephone operator will go to Cary netnontb to operate thte witch board there. A large crowd of ity people @peut Labor llay bere. The Palatine base hall tearn elîl play the Zurich team hem next Sunday for a purse o!f W. Thie le the third garne between the ýtwo tearne. eacb winning one. A goodigame ic epected. Ernîl Frank viiteti Palatine, Sunday. A party wae belti at Shenning', hall in honot o!flenry Ktopp's birtbdav. A large crowdtiof friande attended and ail report a gond time. The Zurich bail tcarn deleated the Ro)ndünt tean> at the lait lest wevIk ;BURGIARS ROB WAUKEGAN STORIE Lou saEtlmatod t Btween 8300 and 6400-Robbera Knew Storq, Well- Amouc.ment ^lad Mae.that thec Stersla ta Close Out Business lni Waukalgt and Sal, la Now ln Ef- fae-Plana of OwnesmNot Mode. Darlng robrs Montiay evening en tetedtheUi Spot Cash store, et South Genesee anti Water stréets, taking site and bkM gloy o thUicvalue of $300 or 1400 w'ith the. Entrance vas f areedt rough a baseaient 'elndow andthtic ttsher or robberc unloclati the tank llaors anti vaiketi out mter securing thelr boti. What ime dut- lng tlie night Uihe buglary accurred ist uaL -kao'n, the tilco-veryheting matie "hi mornina 'eben the porter ciartoti lu dlean out the store. The tabisers, 1h in suspecteti trang- mi 'that there vetoetileagt t'eo. are evidetihy veli acquainteti vith Uic alWoue fer they vont tirectlY ta the goa tey vanteti andt ten lf 'euh- optt dlturblng ap thing else la thc store. The boite of ik'ecre taken trom thc ptoteettng paper wmrpplng arounti thein anti the paponswecre leMt elticer as a hlandt t mate Uic store peaple thinkthOe silte vere cutil thers or slmply as bcng vortles tao e taishers. T'eflc td glo-reB'ecre taken Item Uthâr boxes anti carrleti off. Second Robbery of Stars. The 'lica' 'were the ontrance vas fored là on Water treet on au oteie stalrway to the besement. The rear door, througb -e-bl e tcraherc let, opens on the yard of the ('ourson Brotters' llvety. The rohhony last nlght le the usecond the store hic mit- Iered, tobliers breaking lu ibreor four peane ago but cecuring nothing1 but a fev penniletram the casht traw-E ROCKm'FLE . et Sutpicion tete on n n as ne yei Te Close Oui Business. lits. P. Lchtielti enWtdesd ber neese Tueeday the store, owneti by Fred and fanily, of Motigan Park, e part of Roblin of Watîtegan anti George1 th pàch weesk. Dcer of Jliet, is ativrntslng a clos- Wm. Nrlicli î tarteti Tuesta for a ng Out sale a the tone la ta leave( ew weceke tulit tot2riituthe t e1ibusýne8& in Waukegan. The sae e W. A. Shaw ani fiurity clent Sunday fllova a dissolutionî cale belli cornei withrtelaiives at Wau..ontia. hutme alli. At thsit ime Ms.. ucet ]dre. i. Itotgerts, o! Racineu, i8 a guet deut t luflihiesahare of thebhuil- at te brneof r@.-NI Swli.ness. No one came lonvardtetapus> Idies bGertrudie B>,îte îethe truud clisse t anti Mr. Rohîhîn titi ouifeu! pu 1eso a hni ialu' il, ul iasetd roia th maul Piano (;U.hI,, te laite ic pa.tne'c share hlm. There le lifeenpet cent oturenle i uue- hitFor this neason the loslng out tion ip Ppt9ite coal than onn utlei colt bute of tock. fixtures anti store leasu co"l 'ich mases it tht ubelrar i uai um ait decideti on. lb miàktetfor tbreahing. Btuîi.u 'Li i ___________ VoxpàNY, Letyvilie, 111. 4-1: lire.MeBritie, St., hbteto r--rjuuîînt.vLOON LAKE. witing lile pt '-e bt a ipruelu; Mr. anti Nr. <(il Hoot anti family, of wrhla l rpottc srnsttatlmitin-u. (,urtt., iUteu Suulay witla M. anti Atht liehtIi<-h atoornpanled tt'y tc..4M Wiren u Iî. aisutet. _MisIate, vicied J. A. Diedririb M a t antlMnaiJmet »dssu fiM1 -,at togers Park lest Suntav.- M ,rm iii s nîtgp ,n rvic Joh lizs1,. $sxt and daughtes-, Ernma, Ltue rfna- . di Cblkaio.wers visitore at the Bîo&id Ntr uu îtnueu t('huagon, ioîteti bead Qa;à'atlrtiayanti Suntay. a lew (18 N hue burt acit witb Vessie Muso Floi~Lc 1thrup enitertîsiord CuîtîttIiiutiuîii,. friends SM ~thc cip froua Friday unLil Mr. luil Mnr. A. ti l'0înrcoîîarc enter. Tuesil*y tiilllug iii iiitr I u ('l'il ugo, filun Knigge began hies wuonti vear Mr. aut Mrs.îijuýtnutitigi, it W'au- et bil<b sebool work at Highlanidl'as-k iegau, tînii thi- lieutwe-k 'elti Tnes4az.relativesc. V.êM wsjy,pe, bob",boeeJorktinx n lit, anti Mr.. hurut ott.l1ie. licedntg ~ .1v veka le Myrtle, bave liturittai lruino Tledo, nov ot»1~dwi£b Oblo,Wher thn.) nteul eraldaya BebÔ1 " eoiA wib , lt ~and lite Roiy Moud. ~éCa tuiciueg ~ - berhaofai Eveet asiman. vs-licspent the »W au as" s t u.usaeai umaier vth bis uni'Ie, C. L. N empatien wblcb a tax warrant wu@ ,otèd ta lie hsanoti.Trut. oolagrported for tbe street caoffîhttiati ,1dagk.d ta h&Ygbe board allow thoin>to continue lita gravellag on boit ycat'a lacomé saythw~ ,tbattbaUaOmt 4 4.4r4>,4mJ for their inoney utl next cpring. BY&a unanirnona yotç o! .e su.t reqileet wasgated. Mr. à.P irtin o, 'o bareid boem nearly al of lber flie pameetiawsuy last Frii4V e venlng. The funerbl 'ema bld front the Catholie cbnrcb liontiaY at 10:30 a. me. er. S. P. Woulff olllciatlng. The rema¶nc wero intetreti in the atbolic cernetery. We exters4 out inacreoyrnpaby ta the beteaved relatives. Complète obltnary *lll be pnbllcbd ncxt weeî.. ODSILAS <RUMP, Weet to Fait, There Saw "Tai! audInlu- dolent Congreevan Seing Ctad» dled by Postmssteft Protectlrsg thée Congrestionsîl Metl Tcket-Coli. gresasmun MlesSpetchés and Oo. cssloBaàlly Runes for 8enale. Mr. EditDr:-Tok a trip ta the fait the Cther day, end lItbte sanie aid fait, Sborty Millet and ail, andi If there 'ecexit a 'Shorty' thete'd bu no fair. 1 saw the races; tbey were gooti; 'esicheti the hall game anti teli young again. Wlfe and I inspecteti the fancy wnrk; that le. 96-fe titi; 1 waz inter- ected in ethe chlckenî. lunow more about tîern-anti then I caw the REAL. exhibit, thte Honorable G. E. Fos, to- Lally sun-ountiet by postmates-it ws a pretty clgbt. Xitle amazing thc arnaunt of affc- tion a postmaster bac for a congtgefis- rnen. 1 coulti not belp but notice it. There ws tbe Hon. "G. E.," tall and Indolent anti cutitleti up close weru tbe "P. M'a 'eh upturnuti faces, bsklng in thc warrn, ltra4lanceut glow of ibeir cgpgressionAl mca ci ii- et-yee idedt, ut wca atonching slgbt. Then a few e fot a'eay were other men signa 'euh theit e.yes anti waviag their banda at thc congress- man. 1 asked a man wbo they 'ere,ý anti ho talti me Uiat they woro men 'ebo eateti ta lho pocimastetaanti îbey vote trylng ta speak the Hon. Fose but the present postmaterc hati bina bemmeti ln so that tbcy couldi fot teacit hlm. 1tolIt the man, that 1 tbought t 'esc nice of Uic potmasters ta protect Uic Hon. Pose trom annoy- ance-he gave mec a sort oIfpWoned look anti valteti avay. Bone foIks thiait that ail a congres&- masn la for la ta give postomoies away -they ae ilataitet; he ls fqr othet titie, be glvos away goverumeat seetie. govetament recorde andti one- tln>ea evez gocasu ofat ce ta attend congreqs in persan. Thon be maites speeches anti contnuallyruna fur the Sonate. Mentioung speechtes tetalnte me af the Hon. Georgo Etisind ntua' speech, you knov the ose-ell, tiare lis only anc--ta speech Caence Murray 'erote anti Foes learneti auveiL I al. 'ecys llketithat .speech an(% eiways 'elfl ite h.LYeu know that place 'ere ho aya "týh-r.-eoh-u-n-ti-r-e-d a-n-ti f-o-ret-y f--v-e t-b-o-n-a-n-d t-o-l - I a--s" stowly, wvith great feeling. bond titroen haclu, bath arma exteutieti at rigbi angles tram body. Ah! IV'E great! But 'ebat 1 lite about the cou- grecsan's speecb la pouare neyer surprlaed, . ou lnow Jmet 'ect ho te golng ho c"Y, 'hen anti boy be vili cay IL. A great many men say nea' tilgs anti pou have ta iten or pou MISSscorne. Nt co 'eiti Uic Honor- ahle George.. '.A'tolt i hm 'eat 'ee lite anti ve gt i.-' But Clarence Murray le gene, the prlmc.ry igw la gone anti wbat wUii Pose do for tielegates If there la a fixht mati eon in-a, albehiuno anc of any polticel consaqtlnce te carry bic cn a IiWautegan. Let ua tope he wili not ho tiiturhed; Ih voulti b. a pty ta 'eake hi u». Vot. truli, ILSGRUNMP. qURNEE Mis Rb obpuwc exiltg 0Xfottl Oblo, lest Wetinestias, 'elere she 'eul attend nechol tbie pear. The Mnîvey medicine show ic attract- ng a gond rmany peuple taonturvIllâge evep veto Ibs et.A goiti sawcl 'elîl bc a'earde<l ho the mosi popui>t Young lady gatnttiay nlghàt. Warren Floodi ant i lfe vere ott f roia Chcago the tret of the 'eeci visitina Barry Floodi anti farnily. lire. Jennie Leacb anti taughite.r are &pouding the week 'eit.h Cb"cgo Irlenae. Et i ap returne theIb tirât 01 tlbe week tram Wateeka, a-bers e vîitet fi rloi. Mira. Otmslip anti daugbter opentl lst Saturday at i avila Park.' %Ire. N. Adlams ant i hltien, of Wsu.- kga, client Sunday wltb old tiIrens Mr. anti Utc. B. Millet are snteteunlag relatve ftum Chicago, Quito a numbet o! toituon ptcpillae attending out echootl î e r. ttvds fias, oanti L. C. 14 clli, 'of ktwMIlt4 were bore on u bicinost!>. hal ollthe week. [dai2&~S~eternberi C.N ImNAttoec y. Ie tue OODlI iy Optt0 oLake County, eptem- 8 etsa. ,amllrarxe s and MM~AiMe BtYltttr=fStotee 01ni te Ccunty Court 01 tCW :yUbflo'terde theSsixth daY ni ir ,4, P. 11109.n the pottiiOli ot 14ella 0O.Elîgesr, admiiratixof theetetate 3t à4c4ao deeeaft. vitrin Mary "ion lawa "oniksuMary Cird. race Meci. am s4aU'iook, Bosco Wiseere and isaWMas.aedetendants tut icave ta acl the rt 5féd is aideceaces tu rat deýl ssy the e lcvmst day of lu"er1D..M the east door ufthee co urt nonse, tu i fty ot Wankegan,ln thee Couty of,,l-"t epfate .utioisl, et the bour ofGué' f ck P.., cUmi ipublic ,enKism,=tlihgbffliite.rtuorccashtise tullo- loi' decrno os kalte. situaird Ilu the Counlt ut Lak e d8Male ot1limule. t-vît: pai lai t I4 of eentheoie t-tu,1s-tlth 1(N. W. %) M.4 tion ils-t-live 185 . tOvoip tuty dyt (4iJ Oôili a rane te>, tii tcio!the titis- rerîwpat s»ecrdian, caldoInt bcbg tirisc u udred and tveuty tliMiit eet south ut i he eeuit saienes-of nid ala schall <(r1%) anid Pomngezo let auil on salt quriez quarte Uneeclxiy-4 )tgfeet, tencr cut iwo h1uTAdS »W) arscs,~ tom teth le causer Ot thse Otreet o n esies-lield Place, teenre Mortis at ax <E6 Mest tte cot nta 1e ut lot tventv >Mllo Pranis. Prurtors sulidIvlulo o part of C eut halt (É!4) outsait quarteraevtlueon ten!(M), te>, hundret clietreult(»7) frte pacer utbelesiler. suatedIn thee town t of 1onOIne Couuty ot LakinlutheeState BeJd pretelces wl>liesofree And cirasr rn tlie dorsMcd he eesd s-ighs ut Bile Ma>. cine ut EdgaacJ. lmon.drreanq lusd lu lte.sud 1n lesfetes-fu tjai sale are cash. A deel viili Liel ss l te repost t o&ialein -ruferl y e Cut Iiciedthlsevetsdxy of eseueA O aO BERTHA& C. EIJNJ.Nt. Adul l ft-ie the tstate of Fd dr .tNemundsreaa PAUL MACOVI'FIN. Atiar.ay. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Eataile STATE OF MLINOI S, COUNTY OitLAKE lu the 'outy Court. Dy vîrtuof utab doroiai utile- uftas Cossty Court ot said cooty. Sotered ut the Sieptese- ber terni ut sais ceourt, A.O. Iif, un tise applcation ut Aessa iti.gusedlau.o - Bouse. miior, te ccln the folluvice descri"Ç- rsa estate belon ing te sald in os, at"ea ln the Cuoiunt fake. State ofIllinois, to-vt vhs coibthilsrty acces outhe smuta, quarter ut the soutiiesat quarter uf tculoti tMllp turtytfur-nus-th rangi oiseler tes esetut t ie tilird principal se <ise <excptiez ikersirue tie acre 0f= licrettoe couveyed so Williamni Wlllee deed recorded le te iteoriierls ru caunty. inilil, ln Bock lel utl>sels,ei MaeCgo E t d elandi lcludea le thse pl"fut lss i on lu aeucaerellsr. héeaig e division Qt pairt ut thse sontb" qirte a tee siugassnîquarte-o utiontveot- ô sis township 44 sertsrange lecsofutthse th"u' p Mteisl eridiam, hiichi sait addltlup la 5ee>ede eRecorder,@cofaie.out jae Ca~y lllal, eBook B o tifPats= nt1 do4 ueet 4se11.)>Aism 0,url~ squart or thtie, ortbeat quarter uof cyu eusitertventy-le. lnteotwnshi «coten rangeaueselii10 essi uttee t el aep tie aOiisO clter 0utheLite 5 b lai! ut the eurtiea&quarter ut section nuffiher Bin e 1 township 44 Orthf utsne nimberil caeu i thse thid rbiegoipai iESl"iseand "=rancg tiseece mei 20 rudn taençe norts 20 rude. tithe v eot 32 ruas. t'henee oitis tirti' rads t, tbe plate ut hegieeic, &bdsoi>ntelelag it acres ut land mure os- leme. Also tic nus-te- coci quarter uft he nusthest quarter ut meotinli, le tuvn..hlp 4" nrth utfrangs nimber il -Si Ofutthe teliprlsclpi Dow thae culholeg aefr sov bs ne, Jalfufihet ,atehit oil"ma lcat al tis e liathwt teeOe qarte acd4tisenoftheliWetst boieent ltheuot csai uurrtrr ndactine esetioniIt<f t thirit e twniip 44 nurtb range anrl osa u te tti->prireater ectiing on eluln le thse vsule e07'W4aer cpe.isss frus tise rlght-ut-vsy uthtie Wlccen" 4c4sfial Raiscy Comepany, and &alec iept- leS lsaM e escribe'i le a certain des> frtis = dh~iue ancd Malila. id.h'elfe Co Alecanner Blek.datca tee tourte jIa&y 01 Octob". A. D, 1sf61. recurteil le the Recorders alec. of L4ke. Cunty, 1hibou., le Bocktse ut ofcedi en page 171 Also 4onmmeuinster5theeiseni t st os-er ut tise eus-List quarustes- ut section nuieber lBu ttu .nlulýnimber &4, iorthrange enuiber ii hidpricipal mendAIa,. scd s- et titenc"t fot erteen s-ode, tien4é vent elrhty r.d..ltence @ascsC 511e. u sud tsente caiL t eilu nurdsu t tusPlace"o b5~ sle. onaineg7( sa ut seego or ea Aise tiesnti sat1lot tua ut thé nortsu zest qiarter uf oction thirty lu.tvsi nimber 4, iurt rlatoe oseiher il eas't fut th>pIcplserlian. qeSapie-theretruse southiatutlut mu. tteue r osing soulieri ly us thet t n (utf oaisouti lf att bindredanmdl tnty- ne Icet, theece vestes- lyfi.ullie ih i he nthice îof nul> '-unî haitfour udcretnuai I ecin te.t. thenre northwe..leris tLua u itthIsletus huns-tA 1 ee st uttiens et lio ced'two hundrsd teet suautlthe ns-t> îlefsata511 utas lait. thence nort>,ert pus-aile! Wiii suivest line tvo bonêdse tet lu saIi nariblins>,. thesice eaffriy on -aid nunlisflie utethe plate ut bglailno t e Prupcty heresit descýlbis cotsîlor 3h1142 a--t, mure or les>. eAi~Lite u-t]. th ie fcous hait ut the eat hIf t ueh -auttîntît q4arter.1ut iton, nu.cherhirtlvlInn ýniftip 4 sr-h c1reste Oum bes- H. 50,1 t fthe ltîdps-icipaI nasriicc, cuutiini>it lu mures murs us- les. Ale Lt'suut-iii1a oc f tis nibe- t ,-h oftu rnceliutibel il Cmii o1 L 1e11tillriMîpal sersIlilau .soutainlef 40 tabres mure os-rLt-.., Aise thse saut heir of tis e'lotte*t 4tetýe+ ot section nlirir hrtyý. in letueeslip 4u 4 s tI nil, th rince numbes- 10 etof'u te titIs-fi nicpAi icerln. uuntineaq; l9 &ortesmort e j, Aideloluus-isR cIscs elsuiiiosa e it taller. heint t- ..hdlnui-f utpart .u; tht Priam iâ,ýýhjcsait jaddition la M. lýuuiiuiuehl u0 e t Lake iu litmn iutnier 45 255 ii lutill t ouaifTu u ue eu-dtuteutIllinois; tiiblsct teothe-i>Orrshuot Nelis Es. BIiC f 1Wiiiiss i.. $îu eteultted uciend t cOe.»L e'se e-f, of seJhctoluailefi(a hq >êrttei-ops-rlinestise SCaýtfit OttiP mortutqirut eeeqlep Oim * s towaà tOifeit thte tîtIl., ittebtemier. A. D. 1lm5. recorded lnlutht RciîdsrnoIte i'ai ppage 7 ti.Lliiii rsi bt2ul i shah u 1e14 a i oft Hui at te el- lîîrillieCiirt o ClU t oWuefaî,. taise <eutt lot.a tht he r iîî"Oe, ct . s on ciiHiltbe lonereet ut suM mites- f5In ,te the sStrlets raetate cupulbIîssedoî. SAhE. i'îîpst cent wni ,0purthcr-sauteY taul»e paît . ii tuandth1crrestidue tIses-eutle hwe j.,tai ioitL., ou, niut eh shah 55be panSue t.1 ý .1 ailthe oipf e i t.ýve munsis iIf., dtty Out ni isa ile porobwmr VtO n, e lfgAgue> onithepruedpOtsOu14 secl le tie ev e.S u isedldm151 t' ru mleutalcitcect luci tthe.a boy ç ~ttis s-alisie.ceIl "soie Ys lduo t la orHobýWtv$i8 MÙIseAtdl'ie n entertaîineti the W. .,0I. Mmr. Lydia sept , , . ~ ~u~, alay Mmc. Bartz waa a very leacant calier wlir J% ~ f o!, gev, Amlee, a. c1 re ave rettced. roan their visit witb Moinde îi e 1e111 We. 5L'. COTBON COq i - (il nu n f t' lui lit (o liste futuititi lu iii! -'un c i '-t, Your doctor viii tell you tst freah air end good food arc coueïôgh"I ve, i ve auge: h à P datSS Oheap (poor) pianoo we do not soul, becautze we will not hludie them, but we do seii mùeche4é heprtbUieh. U ln t~he couj.,- 2 MM. j. W'.8rF3mi bddau ne 4ela attended the ?nhayîl 61 HEr. ,A6bott l inru e s jS » Barrlngton, Sunddy, Augnat 29. Ctlaxative effec Ucda' é owlng, at ar lite. Bieme4ls lowlyrecove'ing fro m oula on etc!> box.Show itao your non rndU- berferýer MUS hllness, ecarermore than doclt. He viii uaderotad 'aîas: ianco. rlglit..and Player Pianoti. glati to cay. ;Dbse, une pilI.m bedtitupe. Mrt. and lire. Xropp wbo 11,8eneat yt q h . AeOÂ COo. wUMe- Write for Information. Quetin'c Cornera, are expectedt t move- mnthe Moflat propcrty on Ploib <rove avenue coon. 1'.d. 1ofrutote an lailyare vipit- ____n___w a pefnt The R. C. Fulton lng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vt bf Pteota tcetr<tc hanka,' it . and lits. E. VEry' In bis &way ls a Dr. &berngthy, tbe greaci Englleb to tbaàk thelrýfrlouduand nelghbors orMtgC Co pysician, saiti, "watcb yotir kiducys. tbelf aYinPathY mana aidý exteniled ~ .Qhen thcyare afected lité le tu danger." thenâ dqzîng thei iBuese of tbOir littie FOOlY'* KdunYRediedY mires be*ltby d-agbter. ' 132 N. GenteaSt. Waukan, lit. klin*e.yp Correct@ urlnary irtegulatitisa, CIDER AND SORGHUM millIol now, and toues np the wbole ejtOni. for the ' Waon. Wàt. A. Bxg .UPSTAIRS) FEAE . LVEL. boe2(tl2, rarieVlw I" 0PHONES 9282 und 1148 Furnih Your Fali 1-Suit We have been fortunate uin Mr. Schueltz to take chargeof our Talloring eprtent on the sec- ond fluor (the 'old Lindsay, & Wddlecom -shop). Mr. Schultz is we Il knowo in, Waukegian as or- of the most expert men In his fine. We make a large aînd com- plete, display of ail the New Flil Sultlngs. We Malte SuIts from $20 $50 ssortmnent of -$3.50 Only the most expert tallors arcernployed - in the flking of ,où, garments.: Everything must be satlsfactory..unie," the Mt is perfect we"wIll nlot allow the garmiehts to-go out of, our shop. Speclal attention is given to fitting and al. teringý ladies' garments at reasonable prices. Nothig satsactory as a S,.LIKtson flat We carry a large aý Stiff and Fedora shapes at -c .We show the Columbia shape at .-.-.-.$4iOO, Our Gimbel Hats are $3.00 -i ail the styles-Stlff, Fedora, Troocp. er aý.ndî T'e.lescope Shapes. The Royal i at uat. $2.00 :cannot be duplcated f'or qüuaHtyelisewhere. Wewanteveryn nLk ony to know hsusrtaUd what , itofstandsifor' A6béI- ,utelyrellalilje, godsganteed to g ic sis- fatry w ear at the Iowest possible epuces. -rT., . v .'Ai 1 i .ý) t e.ti C 9.1

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