Airuem h'Comprum iFou and fteommeteteeros AttraetH-ua- gi à te SpualteiS tmnd-PiC1ic Liiof Attraclles i["&ad". Barbe- cue-Gr*Matego"Thr»ueuPark M lDmy etr*Y- WIth di< iteatparai. of Ibr vr«sienth Wonauhgn. rih a glant Vigculcandbarbecue diat thouzamms sttommi, Lahar D"3 ram celibratesi lgedaN by unm laber genermili' lthougli Wancgam, Chicago, ani Soldi Mhre district carpenters rere tba oos. The procesin er unions and guetc t about eleven a7clocras wuthe grand- OUt ever rltneuui by Wauihgltea. ý%-limre tcaboie thrce 4hou-msd men la lini, ridih annm yifng, canes rsvlfl, ami eral bands plcYlng. Th treets rere ulimai ridpeople a"mrlhutbaceiiciy bai uch a turm ont. '811cm ruMp a.Fuaturu. Thebi bg and mai01 feature Of Uic parade ram Uice persanae atundance of «Siimc Gnump." The SUCS fuimasu tamihi carre- spomianlt raW»i-thonrid billa on." 'à an, digmuflai aid genleman, cvi- desti> a roundr imrdiant ar a rapi- tuilaI, lis huai tppoi nith a plug but. hie soit of blcch Beiy bnuabis, ai Mooklmg mcm, hic geAi bumiel cm* e btruen bicshacue itb hie bamie clampmi ove ditmtp4 aid SD»c Orosmp paumai bcnuvolustuY upan ai nronbohimi a frbMg oir hiakeim tht IbmMel Ds arurid' 1YhbumarOna -md rhailY Intelligent ma nlvustgat- tmg combmmacita tfilaif0a am. nei - âtveybmiu -IvuYrhere ha Vont ho vas greeted With salies, lauegter, aplse, m dim.- Mr. Gmmp hu reom ta b. pro" 09hic rocmpu-a othe tsaiougueula rare Congre aima VSu latelhe ictungt à- SUa-' vit. Mayor Bock, amithe coupe.- dong ai Ibm,ramwuot a bt af dthum, imogni or job. ordur about Siu" Ormp ami hlm igmty ram accaplas ai ll-ýteeWvaieb, the people frh lmd et tdei ie of the paradi h lb. Gibet.10is ppearance PlesmW the p9oie dm mi is stNmuhmg la blgbs ifil *d btlis ubt oe. Li"eofme ri* MWi Fiqestion. qq' ....t .«dte m.a.e 'I I I TaxE ooumT I j IN PttOII-OGRAPII WIshed'te Kmep Voe*o Afler Fathea wu Oonm mand Nad Record Mae wth iem ln Vew-Rmcord lNas Demis Plmymi $ince D.cth Oocurrmi aid la Now Seing Treasurmi by-tli pearcm Fammhy te D. Handmd DVi( Chli dren. LOUIS J, YEOMAN TH! E PIANO MN lr i Dvicm-PIatoIm etpolice. theia am onhopera tu show diat uhile tO am&;, rzîd Mar"balMaiAides, t tu mai ight tu houp open hetrem & ipsabsetu Camiagai, Mmyr EtcDr 12 und 7 ocleck It la MIl rromgt t mi 4ty Cooaml. Bnlokluiet Uni=o pen at, amy 11:30. The latter la "keép- di No U, TemoMera' Union No 9loi;ngopen n cm unay." si Plumies Union, Typographics' U- What ïEvidace Showed. e lmr )&e,294 Paiter" Union, Leather' Inbruefthe .eviece showmi that IN union. seimnai bai hier ai Pucina, rhlch lajý Second i Dvicln-Band, Kuouba an Gemee nemi- Lak.e truet, but dit i umpunlra' Union. LsD, Pageort Car'- iey bai ohiincdIlh upeairs ver tdia W Peuery Union, uHlgbooi Carpew su'aloon, rhlch it deveiopui ras close&,91 Union, Norh Chcago Crpmmter' Un- hstee.oithedi saloon. 01 ka, »Mmitoa Carpeten' Uiion. Chi, It ras shown that upparunili' a mm meo Carpotira' Unio=, "811201Gnhlin" hi' dimcetfJohnsaenbai boegt la 05*16<g.. itheur Uic night bifore of Pucin, IlilelDalWom.-Band, Marchai, md, boarding nids Pucin. bai dis- iPMteua Offid i l a s. Car- pesei Iltotebis friands. peter-Contractors' Asscialton. Wan- Cty' Attorney Persans anditUic oe- tegmu Carpenteru' Union Ne. 448, lie çhargoidiat ibis ras a murae uh- Piauanmd Viellons, Wanugmn Pire tertuga o! Pucins. dtat Pucin rapai Dellotnt. dia harvct anidt hi bbai kipt The epeuking atheiilabot DaY PIC. open, If ot dorustaira. upsicirs, on aic began amr 8 'clociL lSundai'. CougnammaGeorgeEdimon Pu The jury. harever, acceptei the wum Og Itroincci hi'Mayer Buck. tor>' o!fUtesefuns. wh ad in lu m bien brought bifore Battis a Mot One. the piople as die Mmaritu charge o! dia The hattla ras quit a bot anc. pnagram hi' W. 0. Samsan. ridhout many semailaal f cture,g Congreaman Posaepoi tributs tu but still liveli' and interefflnsi. V organaci labar and urgusi Darmoni' Chie! Conolly wn asici edas tu bisa and a bitter underaing nidi capi- knorladge, of percentagca of alcabol ] ta, as De urgai ami makea dia odier Ln huer amidire. rituasses ietifi t and la aqualli' necessary tthediaodiar. ta buyimg hier upstmira aven Pucinsa,y Stearuislni Stlrring PMes. rhcra e huaepa a hcuding han»e. The plea e! Repraenttiva Stuarnu Tamorror dia McCanney caewil U ras ua tlrring one, made ln a "bue comi totheUicbat. lime' ta anganzed labon ta keep diir - Gomma Win* Cras. 1 union caria, bi gooi union men, vote A lttle, ucumli' insignficant. comma onuY for men uta favor anganizesi1b- raundihecaca for Attorny is uls, uhe mi"kck out the sOcliahlanidifeudi. ami ugainsi Ciy Attarnai gurcbiat." "The soclallet an theu brvim, Wbo prouicuici. The commna,1 aarchici are mi' enemi' ani Youn," ilviding et! Uic phraassa!fUtcedrain1 ha sbouci. "K.ick tliem oui." sbop ondlances, maie a iifaerence hn His aPuech ru wrush' applaudesi meammng and froid Pucin.1 Md Mmmi' Union Mm soughi the Atorney Weiss mademi i eghi on1 speakhers ouit arraris. the fait that the cilty allaita prove Mayor Buckami Chirmun Samsion Uic dram shop ltImef open on Bundai',.1 laimeiare! ddrmuaea. _____ Picole Enjoyable. The Pllce t»eIf rac enJoyable. Wauksgmn Schoole Open. Tbm ere houandspreent rom Neali' 2,000 chilirin of Wauhcgmn aim the bm orih ahane, tram Kemo- ,anîwredctheia chcol bell on Mania>' gbs, bCmieo, RuclmcanMmi Mlraukee, and unieS summer vacationsa ota ia «d ivi' car tbat came swcliai the sp once again thc acheol wrn. The j< mattynumber enralci ln thediufierent 0-1 ite su ci, DameraS houai ere: ý Tý'opp'w cowd hoewad bundNorth lichool .................. 402 te the Gi? Dire, as marnemaduinaCentral Schocil.................368 onthew"e a r is irammiaemailcmEi ButdS chool ..................411 ou o ea se.Thestee crsMcklister choal ............... 93 cool DMtua tet he Pieut oubis Wet Sehool ..................290 for nom tUrne hsomse glie bone ram aire tâ1 turmatocarry rater ta, Total .....................17 the blmate - 17i lb. â2»RMl Ulia 4the g4Nsmi uma -If i'onhave something tu moli.tell *orUê ms>romdi a g , betII. We bave a coisesea ~" ~ *' ~ ramiocismia for il a rticular pur- for die Pearcues mmg a native tg aong for a record. The Ideaaofsuvimg Uic volceo e Ieparted ana bac appeaici ta ma sino dii bave Demi-siofthdicPeu cma and prohabli' mmy rtorde1 ba maie iWaukugmm tor liko u 'lWiUi thi photoaoa!tUic]oat oui à the voie tabubeurd ut amY tim mali anc -en, "a tamly ehould ieliIta speclall i nlcbis hme CiET BCT!R RtUrnm! Soard Winde Up Ceai Seamon of Wý Tl*udy-Onh Lcke Forent Man WpàîlsSm*Id te Themten Trauble ^aismenet Was flalui Deepîte1 Ases-tln of Homo Ini Calife. Whlch He Mat Net Vllited ln Vu Soard Clmime. This yearm board of raview, pnevioup one, bam tounnithat Waz gan's large induatry amaemmintsj valuations ara aIl rigbt and as a suit much ta thc joy o! Waurej people ganeralli', the factor>' vs tianc are unchanged ln spiti o! ai viens dincut ta "do Uings-', The big feauru o! dia hoards w ban bien thc manner ln rbich Ift aiten Lake Forent milloass laniai proprîctars. Board la Wise. "Weiil move If you usemas ut il ne bave ln propert>'," sd u ot ga ibis boho rervic and uben a i Faniater sprung tdue une ban chamtnut butora dia flihty facci lx bure of th. board bu ram toli ta n If ha rishai ta. Widi an extra goosi forci o! a tens and rldi fime source. of no tlan the hourd W abien able te more out of Lake Forest dion ai Ias pniiecoumra h lin sali mand no bas escapae. May Se Treuble. in anc on tro case. diere ina trouble duc ta ibis tact, as one pari mmnetf naldi thme.l*mU te 8test bis valuation on diaegronde bis Dame la in Californielnh pl Uic faci that hoie Id aiematoa Sbien ln Californie. fan yoars. - HeaIth and BeautiyAId. 4 Commeticu ami latlamanil Iot complexion of pimpk@Me am hi elysOIiia Laxative, forilsi tyiain tmil phMil91»T« *& sua O ÂUIP0 L0& : Waukega'ý n News Ui.~At5wulsr seIche I I IS- VOUR ROOF O. K? W. eau meet your requirementé no matter how.large or iral they may b.. The Prepar.d Rooting we seit to ouir customera by the rollinl the best on the markk~ and cornes complete with nails and cernent, ready to Iay, at the rlght prices. I I I ê i g t i-_ echemi aofBK P. Bi<lnger's hi' uhicb dia piople baugbt ehIngîcu of à bouga far a chance t Ia pair Of slo«. The barbecue, flely managesi, brougbt mai5 ta ia support and the griat amrpiaccaof brick was an et- tractian forar e@. . hutefi Unabt te CoMn. speaker Edrari Shurticf of the 1111- noieHouui of Rcpreuantativea raS unabla to attend Uic uxerclaca hure. He snt a ltter ta Rapreuinttilve ateanna ta Uic effcct thut an important .eil azamemnt cae dat he cauli mot potponc cama Up ia an md mc ha cauld mt dodga t hi cauld nt cama. Picturea rere tuken of Slua Grump in hie carniage. The aid man perkdu up and preeni himseif bendie ca- era man unuppei hlm and hie ciga tock evoti a more rakish angle than durng the parade. There ucre a few adialetil eventa. tUfTTI. COMMA WINS POLiiCtCOURT CAS! Defonsm Waes hat Uordr e1 Pueln'. Nam"d Johen«Sught Sur Um- uiday Nght Rers and Was Enter- tclnlng Friane wth t-CltY Pro- taatud ihis Wum Subterfuge but t won the Jury te Dffens. "If the palice rcIliy icaîra ta promo- enta vilatara of the saloon lare thmv do ot hava tu ahvmettesttlng naoUL"ý This wunanc o! dia bat ahotS dil- recici by AttY Wetfla rdaY MDrn- lmg ln Uic triaiof Adto Pucin, ai- lugmi ta bave bien errustisi beteun Il and 12 We'ccon Suniaymomrnlng for keepng open hi@ caban 0 ona- da" ouelidie burusaei ta ie &P- pravai. betruin 12 and 7 'claciL "A verdict et "Dot guilty" tram a juryfroid Puch, uba rwu intendesi ta bu a sar of exemple ta thc ret 0f badt the ubov n=;i i-z = i.0, ài-ss - a - MIxo . ssl =" m lhea~ *Md Owtm0 hw> "m i aI. r deislsu of W«ID..Morses l'or Sale. rot Olm e là,0e 4 - fa Z b. P o M oa xm udor Stock Farm, ean md atu-haf mlatt theaboie amiel itu odnI wm Get tea M mmmUesa artii of WamcOudm, IffimOl, b"c coatm'cm rethubl c <. auia' f S*Tus .SIsemeIui~~o~t5b" uib"ni ai for Mie, at louesi Market pic, a etack 99 rto hi tO fflt «ut aiIAkC0ti' N.meahovfor the1>18 ca tob e w et the cbw Homse. hla - S& un sal' uaum 0me1iebflf fl~ge, uitmbcfr i am m mlfi - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M» ba' l ioIk Qcaiantcfsl cesashsmeaoe ms m ddraft, umeul and merviceble, frai e1 lIetmmondai 0f Octer AÀ ;. D 609406@M m e m1e &* m"uof zooti6pmadaL Primu 000 t$8o.o.N e Wbi'lawu re . mi rbklcu ob bwe 00ot »t uaOft u ou ,- abjg Came taMoumim Mufado m adi horsea Jeloue b a Wmon ibe taris. Ail &Maclmted and mioi rlmk of a a tawia 0. BEOCKWAY. Clef- bb 2A-DW e u e ala aqinihihm.Ail guamteei an iciivery aà ruprasutcd. ra,~~ff Wuea.fuml.Ag 14A.wlhuth~mCWA<sr eaio COL r. j. Bf RRY ro. ~~ ~ 44" PAUL "M oUYI ssbu" s on~.urg euc Win .P.~y cpiainamtc ieio. W ksa.l..Ams 10 * ST Prospective. PatronsI 039% NOTEIfSHORE ELECT RIC COMPANY 'k Begiuîning Sept. 1, 1909, the original installation of standard, car. L m lamnicadset lamps will be furnished frée of charge+ *re This is a savung Otat hould n« 4c~ overtooked when* Work Vou consider wiriog gour home for iekctric Light and* ibat Electric Light is now a necessitg ini the modern home on account+ midi *of its economy, cleanliness, safetg, reliability and conveniencee * I'IMuses wired and Bixtures furnished at cost on twentg.four* mina- monthly payjments withoutiterest. îy ofr~ Cati ,for our special agent for an estimate of cost of wiring gour home+ wro- baLve 23 ,GcrtS .POE o 5 erE A ,IL D t q*WM + 11 Ouauma"er. at o »Mybée gl ra0esi.isefbiM.1m0u =MA v IlI~aq. ofp4aooyabl 09bmorNt In oosi Whme~~. ~~huow__huofeo r uhuals 0f ami Wl5~gi vau OWAW ur 5* it Ssnfaujw 09 0s c I4e u uamil mt."ui~I&M ar"uw o tor tu er arvel 'hua tn@"M uhm aisdTe iee.d b= bel* tht» 2M. Mr loa .Goi 0 sa off cnn. ~~~skaisafl Wm Scrawklsmc JhnreIi o N oSceum 0.B cf caki ourt.T. Mclaesm.e Maihimm L lDi 0f Co ouIcf ml aus Ibkm aboMde DamaiJOhn M.of Un M cas me misS dyc e IaNi b helii courtsumhieiM la. nt Noic e à y r IquM o Un mu Cacher lmiff Xo uef Li on un .mChmr dufuim.a1 Oatoer.1. D b rt y ai Amr.D. 109. u et m Aibet7. Âbot vu UL t u -fcs Crandec MMi; eogaF.smitii, hMM Imw ofa1 Jay 8ith~Solmn Sm-h---aa bert.,A. D. w. BUmit Ms. otoc rmtr ofng, Md ib PautaCet PAMOUclM boire i lii. (9)iseeWcaof ivisInts 0f .1,0 e Oenhoe ne. Subeorge P.SmIt- omo ticSitha (Il,Tan 8lp o.Frkty- LiO b= Smih, (42> euh, TU4e to. minAnd.)the là~ii* UMat 8r P. DM Orh tha county oofL.ka, in 1. 0fIflio. Mx ( i, Chn (7). Na. M cfsusrorI"5 4333. eg. aur seul tI.htoy ufdvi. oatthof SOCS f C >pButa sr id ue c ut of dadls h odedra"or gtt oh.f lnmb. hin ut ancry. No.diM Ieettbo s[t 43U. wOes dcead md~ b >f 4h. ptrsulueederibesih thta la tBockMA f 5ou plà ofi h reipe diligethe qirteisUin Dvldb. Dcii Y tlae na remenas utcant M cm?- fo msS tiami; iat di da*amat01Gei-gade »M emt, JP Sth, we.Sealman and h, sema page inrte k Suithi miiiMi. auinVin h M okÀefra shi~u, aramot iuldans ci ha Stê Ney d pcf o lilin i d Se ht cano ceannot b. w w M b MaSmit, jmpcmithn o aitho i thai "se o4tu jhaviffl besued t he dia of t h.é1~, Net.tlolaewfore a bgien t* 0 8"110 tavum mlSut em daui esarw tc umaiOa 4 m tas J leIc.Nsgc Ja.o O. hec. onM crum h=7 eV"iu to me saM "Dkcnoumire ofor uptalu." eoge. tele »u suerd ou Nueic8. a à I~couScf sali tu» b Vomi WA hmtb ammmt«IUpf @Mi'd emat &». u»erS. 1Satan.f unu id"1100. as ai ali01. = 1-e $ 1.50 2.00 3.00 Altbough Dr. W. 0. Puresc, vetera druggiat of ChicMaguni Plana- ci*i zen of Waukegam la demi, his chlldrea my lsten te hie voici, owrhg ta a jbonograph record that Dr. W. W. Peures, bic soti, bcd made about Ave yeum ago. The record bum mInai? bien. playesi sImca thc dem±b of the father and It la nor ta b. treasuresi and preuirvai for Uic grundcildldru ami gkc great-granichlliren ta hemi-. Although tha pbanograph la con- mon lh Waukegsn and, mlthough pmo- ple listenci te valcs that havi be« "pregerici" eviry Ure ne a lîyci. thi lies, ofsaving up the voici of a lovusi one for the yara mter bu Dam gons, le a ner onc here anddtiehIci- dent of Dr. Pearce le balleici to, hi tha firet of lic kIni ln Waukigan. tFiviyc ems go Dr. W. W. Poèrme purchacci a grapliaphane niD mttc- ments na recarda cauli ho made an wel as picyei." Oua of hlmSAet r toughti ras ta secure the voice of bis fadier, rbo rau aven dieu an aid mmm. Accardlngly ha fixai a bimisi record mandbcd the senior Pem-ce re, cite a virai or poitry ltthdia or àThe record wu mde, andi rhileI h g am net a perfect one, the volca a1 kDr. Pemrcc rmwumily recoguiuui hi iamy anc uho kncr hlm. The record ram dieu carefuli! placci away. AI Uiche ame timi recarda wcrc made 0a diahevaiceaf adier mambera afi di 4f mai17 and a faniign girl uha wrnds unl cf a broken aet whmn wm cen 'a aremagai wlth and 0. R. LYON werk whkl inl wor»S BUY DIRECT I M AU ACMRER North Shore'LlUchbrelBa Works Umbrtllas and Parasl Powell Roofig Company 117 s. Osue 51S. WAUKEGAN Telopbome 37 1