Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1909, p. 3

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LA 001UtNTY INDEPJNDIENf; VRIDAY, SEPTEMBBR 17, 1909 F AftMOO 0LS You wiII Need Now___ O o o o o o o I o o i i o o o o o o PI1A NO0S 1 bave at iny borme soveral styles of the Baldwin Pi'anog. 1 invite you to call and seec. 1rices witirith e reacb of aIl. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaka' and Licensed Emnbalmer IWNOLS 0~e IF SICK--WHY PAY Una. RuithPfut Rurna. Hamre le vat shoot uld a n bontý No you .oeld nl lilgly Pyr foof fiai wr1hiu-wr oc? cntlhat mid4 paunon sitejkOnt.l01 wst . n]Iltoopi .d ltesortve wth e sgned and -WIed30 dey -No4 beip. No pry conroct. Zlfreif itfa- i". t tira or eiaer» brrb. oeriuN' Ueviuor or zmore 'vins eoe . L-i~,fr-taii S.. da S ad noie th. lmi eJoie Prru-et. te eb. Iirt. r Kidro y. go wyoe i*etDr. 8ou'à Besortie. ito ro d. heto.dr n- um inlthe liesri0, K I. Dai, frthatiîswongYV affeo i c.tawsayt alfseuides ln alaie. Thr c.s bni.o sO T 'ws bok is al fatOy hlddao lu. Ode1 rerv.' n rer tiresallke, thrsd. Ther tel ho tlst narre. cr,1 it 1e.11r.ýly z trs t0 the iten islupower. listoue.Iris ee-edlig action or Impulse. wtll oflntp ne. snd briplul Ides.IntoWho .am r ot Weil. TIey tell ho, theSto.s!dr.and Klduaerr tae rIrleIe or tover nerres. TWrritrl o rire Rastoretve ,vos serdtl aeacan sd revitlzetIem Wrskcrf.flrglenreas. Att f thee - m.Il~ ~ ~~~I làyIB NS o.. tfres If Ithti This la wty 1tsr "take no chance on a iMdieiiae thoae rcTdare nsi o rcke < J" . 1 Ido by fhis remaîkable off r". Bo write me toda for thre order. 1 have atrponl ed nd dresponsiIrte Bot wrioe me frt for the cdr. AU druMggla sself Dr. Shoopsasuicetire. basl am e iasthorlsed to ci" te au 5dey test. go drop m. a UIl-rlos-d Ibosmyne tetand dellrs. Telime aso ho ine A postai ilfl do. Bealdes. you acie t. 0 oesnime s. yoc bndio resPhyscien. My cdvlee sd&M"i am hen seyoou-ed wvtiiocot. 1= a . sWord ce two Irom me vill rer unoe oussilnàlmt.tbv ha tpad thoussid y00 bave i iit lu =n.for tforo ew vo . Or.,e. Box . BeRcine. Wl. WIF"z im551 t-4.I7-.. No. On Dyspetea No. 4 For Wcmeft xo.B2 nt r. st No. 5FeMen X.. 5& teKI dnM No. 4COn ahesursjm. SE E RUJSSELL Lnmber Yard For Figure@ on BUILDING MATERIAL Idy primas are rlght and grades ozood. Whetber you boy or Dot get My figures. PREPARED WHIITEWASai F. S. IIEAD, Prop. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURCR OF Marble and Granite Monumenis Cemetery Work et Every DescriptIon Correspofldece .olclted 126 Genesee St (irayslake BAKERY ANI) RESTAURANI F'remb llrel every day, 1omq madle (ekn, JPies and Othe] Paâtrv. Luncbes and Mieali serveil at al bours. - % ' ) y ( IG,% H, E. A. LOFTUS, Prop Telapeme 89 OjRAYSj.AKE, ILLINOIS wr Have à Fine lire of Sttouery an Souvenir POUt Cards Ilý GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT F. J. DRU'CE, Edltor Phone No. il Orders Teken for Job Work Advertlslng Rates On Application Ed Wesbburn aid vile, ut Lake Forest, Gorner Hoptins and lRoy Waters, ut vlitsd lare tiret ut the yack. Channel Lake, vsited lier,. Sonday. e o .0 o i o o o o 'i g i O o o o o o o o o o o O FRBMQNT Mcr. aid Msir. Nick Gaistenuaid family o! Long Cruveoepent Sncday vitb thoîr (iratidmother, lira. Mooser. John Ahart of Weukegai speut Son- day et home. The horae hloeglng ta William Wag- ner wai toien Satrirdey igbt acd van foucd et North Ciago Sunday morning. Miss Clara Bain of Weuconda vas the goet ut Roseanad Lucy Hertel Bonday. Miss Dorothy Relie»took in the Fair et Woodstock Thuradey.* Dont fonget the dance Saturday aveu- lng, Se pt. 18 ai Amenai Brus, hall, Round Lake. Mr. aid lir. George Smith and dengh- te left Sunday mornlug ton Mlwaukee wbere they yull tata le the Fair aid 'riait relatives. Mn. aid Nfra. Frant Fredrtck @paut Sonday wlth hie sister Mn. and Mma. Joe (connutf Libertyvilia. Mary Baurnnshmit of Rond Lake @pent Sueday at home. .wEsT FRèmoNT. Mr.and idra. FranktMartini viaited with relatives in Waeonde Sunday. West Freteont Creemery toot lu 1500 lbe. more ut milt f rom Day cuetomer lionday mornicg. t iertainly teepe oic btter maici hostllng nov daya. Baerai fromo this vicinlty attecded the unerai ut W m. Nordreyer at Barrington lait Fridayr. Ed Dobnearbai hirsd ouitu oCbai. Nordmayer to help make moiam. A. Raton aid Frank Ulicb attendad île miik mucus meeting st Gilmer Saur- day nigbt. Miss Gonevieve B.ouey returned homc lait veet atten spend'ng seval woeake in, Indiana and C UicZao. Lat Saturday eveinig trayelake c-ai viOlted again by a borne tbief. lîuring the early partol the evening a "Puliock" Z bose came im untuovu took the horse and buggy hrionging tu Wm. Wagnar wbeto ad etNo ua stoe omtineut bicr.Heba-i t theo, a oettra mint coma tiosinese aid returned inoabout S ce minutas tu flnd the borne guno. Tire tr.IpiCtm)rCCcires veré kept huai. aid a lew fa oura later the borne and buggy fcrelocated at North Chicago. The thief vas caugît ai ha vae trying o diepue (Au the rig for $10. Ha vas ) arremted and taken lu jailio avait a triai aid the brse and buggy returiad to the ovuer. r rd Wdw atc.Cocks &MdJewefry Replrd Ail WoeI Ouwatdd SPECIAL ORDEE FOR JEW-LitY Prmptly Flfledl W. H. MOORE Grayeake lu"si StaerBuiggies Jusi received a carload of the celebrated Staver Buggies ALL TIIE LATESI STYLES Price Rigbt We always carry a fulli une of HARDWARE GOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinois OUR ICE CREAM Defies Competition It la ueed hy ail the leadlnot soda water places' along the lie- Grayslake Pbarmecy, Round Lake DrugStore, Druce Lake and ail points surrounding Foi Lake and Ingleside. We ane puttlng out a mucb bigger eupply than lant year. Once uaed eiwaye used GraqsiakeCreameryj Notice. public notice la hereby given that George Krueger coevicied of murder at the Marcb term, A. b..1909, of the Circuit Court of Lake Countiy and sentenced to the pentetlary et Joliet forthe crime of murder for a lits wil apply et the Octoher terni, 1909. of the gtate Board of Perdons tu the Governor of the Biate of Ilinuois for e commuta- tion of esad sentence tu the perlod of fourtefi yers. - Dated, Sept. d)G15, 1909. r, By 0. W. Souossa, a. M. BaLL. OR". Wrn'rusv of CouaeL. 51.8 LOON LAKE Mr. Frank Smith of Chicego vitted Sanday witb Sir. and Mr.LPreston. Wiii Hlook re visitieg it Chete. Wle.. Pauline Petereen la attendtng Antiucb HigI Schoul.f A. L. Petereen spent Monday lu Chi- cago. M. aid Mné. Houle ot Edg-ertun, Wis.. aid M. and lire. Wm. Dton o! 0 EvanovilLr. Wl.. attendeditire fueral of Mes. George Denison Tboieday. lir jeoge Denuilon diad et ber hume TuesdySept. 7th ater a sickcees of ovor a yeaan.5h. leeves tu mouru ber lues bar hueand, two sons and one daugbter. The bereeved family bave the sympathi ut the communlty. LONG LAKE Mn. Ch"s. acke ut Chicago @peut Son- day at the Laie. lin. Art Lyon and litile son @peut Son- day at tirliord W lites. Mc. aid lire Fred Lamb vers at there cottage over Suuday. Tom Sicovi lai retunetrao bts home ln Chicago ai tan Spending the sum- mer at John Cleelaid'a. Mmr. Chai. Johnson vlited relatives lu Cicago lait ye.,k. lic. Rudolpb Kînle wai a Woodtock la8iton lait vast. Thue. Grahamu and (Guy Hoot vers amocg thoge wbo attended the Wood- stock fair lait wast. Jack ORuyile bai beea aisting Wil Snyden drilling e new Weil ounthe nev subdivision on te au shore W ORTHZ1 Jansoville and er. SULKY AND GANG PLOWS Century and Great Weetirn MANURE SPRÉADERS Doeeing Fuller & Jalins CORNM DARVESTERS PUMPING NG1ftS E4S1LAGII CUTTERS IF IT'S Faren, Teamlng and Spring FROM WAGONS SCIIANCK'S SCIIANCK fOOD BROS. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Sir. I). M. Youîg, c-ho bai beau very fl, la gotting &long ai@c-cil as eau ha expeciad. Tom Hogan ie painting hie bouse. Farmara bore llisbed tbreciîg lait c-oak. There vili ha a social beld et Charles Levin'@, Sept. 22. A guod tim e nassur- ed. Evecyhody coma. Wllie Hoga ile very busy bauliug coal. BaveraI bore are very buey puiting op silos. Geo. Levwin and family @peut Sunday wltb relatives aid friands at Iianey, Wln.. John Irving, ut Corne., @pont Sonday vith relatives haro. The Kingeg daughters met vitb Elsie Brcwen Tuesday. Tho' commissonere are huey finlshing gravling the Taylor Gruvo ruad. Chai. Lewin gave a dinner Tuesday lu hunor of bis aunt, lire. K. Bravera. RUSSELL Raurmo ber thora viii ha Suuday ecbool avery Sunday. Thers viii ha a sociable lu the cbuncb the lait Friday night lu Baptemben. Eveny body cordlally lnvited. Mrnie Brus. are attsnilg the Mil- waukee fair vitl @omne ut their fiea irorsea. Reeves & Melville have another car- load ot cuve. Vana Siver, of Waukegau, le vietlng relatives bers. lira. Henry 8kinnac, ut Milwaukee, las retrnued o ber home atter epeîding a veek c-lb relatives. Mre. A. C. Concis and MIse Broc-e vie3itad vil SMre. BroyeataiWadswuntb Friday. Notice to the PublicI We are informed that a traveling opfician hmias egosc~ himscif as being our agent. We wisli to Mâate that we anpky no such agents, Duing the past two year several Mates bave Po" dli«s compeUling opticiana to Pasa satisfactory examlaae-dao d s&tutng their abliey to fit glasse. correctly. Iinoaia. m mnod" laws. thSedo the state j, being averrun by inorapeent qê cdans <friven tram ather sMates. Ve will. in no way, be responuible for aptical woek unies done under our persanal upervujan C. F. Ingalls & Brother 'Ehtblislidd 52 Years Certificatea Irom THE AMERICAN THE ILLINOIS Association of Opticlans State Opticai Society The Lsading Schools ot the Country lire. Emily Thurwall entertalned a number ot her friande at a party Mon- day evenlng. lire. Joseph Riiay and son, Austin, o! Libertyvilla, vlcitad bores Munday. Fay Braîdetetter, ut Chicagu,epot Snnday tare with bis parente. Miss Nallie Wilson, ut Zenda, Wis., vlaited boe Tueday. Col. Itankin, o! Chicago, vas oui the tiret of the wesk. Ha vîli mure hack boesthe tirât ot Octobar. John Bout le dalivaning gonds for the H. Kuebker store. Miss Sarah Fox. of Round Lake, visited tare Tueeday. Dance ai Amaina baill Round Lake, Satorday avening, Sept. 18. Clamant and Loveli Wbltmore aid their oleter, Ruth, retond Saturday from Colorado. R. B. H3arvey and daoghter. Ruth, tranaacied business lu Chicago, lionday. Lovaîl Whitmore aid @inter, Ruth, returned to their home lu Hancuet, Wl.., altfer *pouding sevaral daye witb ibair grandmuthar. Mc. aid Sire. Allie Kapple viii more oto Lake Villa in the near future. We are murry to lousa tham frim our midiit. Artbur I)ibbla. barber at WbrteeR barber ehup le borna for a few dayseat AutiocI. Horse Thief. B. J. Lotus in uorthb uying cattia. Geo. Mclillex,sofutChcagi, le s toppiig Mmre Perey Gray and son, vbo haveq bean vlutlng et the E.1 Kapple hume the ptai wo wasks returnei te) their home Fred Wendelken ael vit, are viirlng1 friands et Cbujago. Joe Inaion, of Chicago. risited friande tare Snndey and Monday. Mjor Rankin bas r,.îted tbe Wedge boutse. lirs. Enes endre le rîitiig friands le Cicago for a couple ot veeke. lire. Wm. Hugueleet aid daughier, Marjorle, of Chicago, are visitink the former'. pareints, Mr. aid M s. Geo. Trait. lie. Fred Doolîccle. ut Waukegan. eafled on f rels e re Wedîeaday. Mir. and Mms WebI, S- ti visitad et Chicago, Thureday. lire. Bd Wagner ail ibrîldrai and brother, Will, viâlted Il Coombe aid family et Gagea Lake ,.dmAeday. Mary Deibhoru, of Cri cli Lake, la vlating ber parents e bac Obituary. William Nordmeyec paeeed avay TuesdaY atrnouî, Sept. 7, 1909, at 2:40 p. mnu elilJanu. MAlietrbhospital In Wauxegan. Dec eared c-as hum lu Fromont and vas thelon md ldeet son ut Mr. and Sire. Henrv Nordmever and vai aged 87 yearm. lIii m,,théî and 20 dave. Wte ha rea-hrd islu raturity le aid bis older brotlîr, , trry, aurked the homeetead for tiîr..e yeare, ticn tic-y moved to the Tour 'ayrr, plae vîcco the,' llvad for tbree y-ýrsr, tiret iie rentad tha Wmn. Nelson tare at &Avon lor tirree yeursanad troin tbec,.lie, returned to Fremont aid rasided ihlic brother, Frank. uctil lait .il] o, irrolireler-r (-baseed the Sinlian tarir a ber, lier ridrd until death. Deceased wea an hiet andiii ririît young mai and likirl bi,r .evirdi mmi knew hinu for bis sterling loalîcrea Tire tonu-raI weAi tld Frrdav. Sept 10, ut 1 orilock ai the bomre il his parents ie Barrington and the eeterrrr onc-hiAi Ie c-as beld vas shown by tire largKe con- course ut friands aid icigîbore chat tollowed bum to bis laët retimrg plwace. 1 1 ---------- NILURN. Mis elen "afiord leit Monday for Wheaton Collage, Wheaion, Ill., ccns panled by Bey. and lir@. Sefford as far as ChicaO, where they Winl vWta ew dais. Mr@. Denunlon dled Monday st her home near the Joue@ sehool houas vlcinity. Mir. and lire. J. M. Strang went to Chicago Tuesday for another operation1 on Mir@. Straugs face. lire. Norman Adams return.d home to Chicago La wu. Ber tather, B. Panteil is getting along nicely. Mir@. John Rose hs ettl erioualy Il. Relatives and f riende teke turu about taking cars of ber. Mire. J. A. Strang and Miss Vankistine tranacted busineee in Chicago lest Wedneeday. Frank Hauser leftIfflas week for Waeb- ingtofl State. F. D. Foster bail to kili a horee whicb bad Ita leg broken by a kick from au- other horse. Mir%. C. A. Mathews returned home from Chicago Lawn Saturday, accom- panied by Mahel Adam@. Mir. and Mmr. Pember, of Ohio, are vialting the latter'@ father, A. H. Stewart. The officers of the ,,hureh eocety form- ed a boa and are bauiing gravei and clu- der@ to iay a cernent walk &round the pareonage. The Ladies' Aid vili bel p paint the parsoneite thi a lu. A mue h needed improvesuent. We understand that C. A. Nelaon le looklng &round to find a farm to buy. We hope they eau get one la this Viciai- ty and stay among us. Sire. Stripey and children, of Milwaukee,-s uaeau MU Leter Murray epent a rew days at -lir. and lire. Elmer Cannon attended weevlsiiting the pai week with lire' J. F. Roney wes a business callrr in bomne. the Woodstock fair and vlsited friande Wm. Bit. Chicago une day lait week. Dr. Lewin @peut a coulple of days ID Thureday and Friday ni lest week. Mrc. and Mmr. N. Brown, of Pleaqant Mmr. Tbiee and daughter Alice returned Cbicago lait weak atten Dg the veter- Mm opie atwsrund Prairie, epent Sunday with relatives Tu8 dy rornMilwaukeawbere eyStbu aycnetolre. JusemPnin a.v eire Lore. epant a few de sviatlug friendd Mr and lire. E. J. Mrrne entertaîneuiStradrmPnit and relative@. thir parents.,5Mr. and Sire. A. Mrnie, ot George Jamison honght tbe creamsry W. T. Waddell bai gone to Canada for kfradM@Ketmea, Satdrday nigbt. lire. Morrne lee bouse and Jaures Pollock the cream- a tew dys. lir aie. ill a koferhand lire.- ie taying with Sir. John Rose, wbo ie ery and they viii soon have to move At ter as nding the past week lInCblaa -Tekyame rritd t oh EbateSo rioueîy lii. ttiem away. go, lir. F. lieyere bai returned to ber Geo. DeFornis le treatiîg hie home to lire. J. M. Strang returned fromn Chica- home. Mir. and lire. Lewin Gardner and chil- a cuat ot pain. J. Traynor le doing the go. Satorday alternoon. dren attended the lai,' at Woodstoek aiP work. lr.J .Brn aea1uDsoe Mir. and Mmr. Ray Kelly entsrtalued Frlday. A. C. Corne vwas a Kenosha viisiior ludore.of be Sra uegaea iau edhoYen cumpany from Richmond the firai of theinborfbrnteMnEt » week. Jua Beaur and Berthe Hironîmus were Tueeday.AlinTadyvnng eybau- ire. D. NFwell, ut Rusell, spant So senouorntes-Budjieroî.fland useful premets wesereceived. day with Mr. F. Shes. It le reportsd that hilesGenevieve R is Elt Vnisin ed riu R.cey eiiiyeut tfeChiceagoldnt hheleasr Clark vere marrled Sept. 15ad go to, R. iaiaye, f Cicao, pe t eagn thought. The sehool bai nu James Oliver ban returned from Rich- the home utfhMr. Clark'. parente la firt of the wesk et F. Ditmeyeee r at at promunt moid. wbere ta bai beau, spending the Mtchian The urne to have e good urne la et E. H. Meyer and Mr. Thlai attsrided Ommer.e an Amann's hall, SaturdaY evetmlg, Sept. the hall game et Lake Zurich Sunday Elmner Fanikuer le îmnroving niceîy Tha issesPer esd Ruy Cleveland lSth, dancing ternuon. aid will soon ha oui agafD. lafit Suud r for thelrrsetaeiive echools. QuIs numer frm beaettnded he LttieLesli Stoe. ee abot ou yea P G aei nd fetrnd Ntreroput ue thlhakForto l HUIart u viinlt Milwaukee fair. and son utfSMr. and Mr@. Erarett Stone, Lake Forert and lire. E. Faulkner, of MIke Lux fle ehingllng hie bouse near died Wednesday rnornlng, Sept. l5tb, ut Warren, vleted et the Northrop home C. E. Tople: Sept. 19; Plgrime Pro- tbe rallroad track.I brain faver. The parents have the gy m- 1oi Siitýda. graus Serles. IX, Vealîr Feir. Ecci. 12-18 Oliver Nelson vas home over Suaday. patby of thir mauy friands. J lanche Oliver bas returned atter 2 -1.Bouta White, leader. Mmr. H. Graves dled very sodd.nly et iCheti r Fin îkue andli. orbrpRUNDLAK ber home bers Tuesdaj rnornlng, @as The Independent and Chcago Dally 1 arCe lihlcFaslsneroughd his aortrof Fred Geliger will prsecb et Fort 1111, beng an eerly satiler. Inter Ocean $3.60 par yesa. tbe country. sept. 19, eàt 10:30 eL'nM. VOLO Jimo Halpin bai gireri up his position le Waukagan and viii work tor Win. Dillon in te future, Mie Catherine Dowoil, of West Fra- mont, vas the guett ut her co usnius EVoia Walton, Saturday and Sunday. Nlck Frust, ut Kenoeba, vue in town oue day lst week. lira. Sarab Howard, oftCirant, le vlaitiirg at the A. J. Rtaymodhorme tins week. Miss Frances Miler inee,eding a ev day. witb relatives lu Chicago. Mr. and lire. Wm. Dillon aid cildren were gueet tnfiende at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mesdames Wm. Dunnili, Wm. Hironi- mua, Mss Lucy Dunnili and Dan Richar&isn ettended the tair ai Wood- stock a couple of daye lait wook. MisNtta RuseIl leattending sebool et Grayelake this yrar. lire. John Dowo and son, ut Kenosha, were visitora at the Frost hume lait week. Mire. Sylvester Wagner and cbfldren e.n t lait Tuesday vitir the tormer@ t er, Mire. Ed Snyder at Fox Lake. Mis faude Walton, ut Wautegai,9 weain Volu over Sunday. Good muait aid a good time avait. Cu tthe dance Saturday eveniug, p.1t tAmans hait Round Lake. Mesdames John Oeiing and C. Sabel took a trip to Huly Bill, Wl.., lait veek. lire. Jeunie Cosemau aid daugbter and Mise tuna Compton, of Round Lake, were recent visitors t the Kirwan hume. Orvilla St. Peter, ut Highland Park, opent Sunday vitb Mr@. St. Peter aid daughtere. wbo are viitieg relatives lu and around Volo. Mr. aid lire. J. Ernet and tamily, ut Hlainesvillla, were in toc-n Sunday atternuon. Mýlies Resale Dunuili caneot frnm Chicago laat week and wil @pend a few weeke vacation bers. Mrc. and Sire. Etten, otf ;pring Grove, were Sunday vietore at the hume ut the latter',@niother, SMr% Simffnu Wangart. Schol ,<lopena i rsreMonda! ufthciii c-rd. witb lires Margaret %Varun, of Nleffcnry, ai teacirer. TAYLOR GROVE. Miss Mary Dunîcan @eut Suuday ut home. Rer. Iterd vas otertaiied st the borne ot Gi. A. Oshurna. Sire. Ada Mille rimited ber cousin, lire. 8. A. Shea, aid other friend e be.. M'il] Curtis, uf Salem, Wi., called on friands e beWadnesday. Mr@. Richard Shea. epent the liret part ot tire week vith relatives in Waukegan. Sire. Errrmet Hatingsbegau ber scbool Tueeday wrtb a large attendaure. Earl liurry raturned to bic hume lu Zion City. Henry Ames leaves3 Monday for the West. Munnie Shea vas lu Waukegan ou business Sarurday. GRAYSLAKE 1 LOUIS J.YEOMAN THE JEWEL.ER .Oierecool MId ai i'rett.1tWaena, &W tvanty-elght pupil urlsd lire. Jerome P a nd misotcO~ Park, Wb@a t 01 i am i. relatives lu Cticugo. Mre. N. Pholpa wvaeviias borne of Mr. and Mmr. Kenmo@a Cbauncey Date ate ta vitr an eWstrlca compul la Mise Clelund returnel ta hlug airai o! the veet aller a two visit it el aetives and frisaI. Th. Laese'&id saclety met lith lire. Relier. lire.Lawrence and ason speat n days of lest wkin Chcago. < Mmr. Paul VanZandt and son, lui Part, are vieltlug relagiva bons weet. Mn. Carrnichemiaid femlly, of U arrived tare laet week ta o e o s the Seareferma. MissesAndereon and Dia aof Wod pent Sneday with 1Kappi.g Mn. and lire.Amas eiteuMd et Hickory Sunday. Mr. Saga la lanllng *sot om1a factory. Mr. aid lMre.Dat. admilo ai friands auLong Lp» - _ for elt."Ro'Hbreul'i, 1$;;; 9 ;-ua 14 verse. 1Johunle Bbely and Albert Plue,' aPOndlpg a wéek ilU aes rTavulne echool vw att iis *mk wlh Miss Ludlle Merlin as isacter. Um EdihrReesde la agie toea tbe Boys ichool wh4ret tauglit lest yeer. We are soery 10 fume WIlsnGs ple front our neilbbortraad. T« à âv oid tair fart» and they vill sàý* t0 Chicsgo. lire P. D. Dinstore aid ailY 1»~ rgoce ta RBsa. Midi.. for a coue lin. lcÂlister and obldeen, o ai &ý go, ar visitiezMe. P. Shelly. . Mina i raini atarted leechial 50bog eit lloaacrmaihis week. Mite Slelly iresbae nlaid Upg» weat witr a lame tflSbus la The friande of lire. Eue.fe sorry to bear tirSat dubesi" ampstato jut heow t, ý SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And Shipping Trade , 1 jwwww Telepbone No. 44 Libertysto liolxc BAKER end CONPUtTIONER ILibertgjvHIe - Ii" HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIUC WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWIM School Supplies A FULL LINE 0f UP-TO-DATE Teit Bock, Composition Books Tabueti Scratch FPads Pencil, Ruler, Pencil Boxes Drawing Books inks Eraier Pens and Penholder, Crayons, Etc, Anythiag wc liaven't in our large atWpy of these goasis WC wMl gett for you an short notice, WC Invie yais ta cun and look oves aur fine af stationery. DRUCE DRUG CO. f1ryaae Chas. Thomson, R. Ph. Thnee Stars Ro. . 1r, M. A. Watson, R. Ph. IRound Lake 1fRED jOCIlIlIM w 1

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