LAKE (JOUNTY INDEPENDENT, 1?RIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1909 7 theéu lit- 1 gbt re- Na- ot Chi- s of iter of ex. reat che uer- e otf kett raIn- 4 t he the ment rned MOTILER OF COMMA&NDER ROBERT E. PEARY AJND JUS SON AND DAUGHTER. Athouglu crme u-ucyceiupeîias gise Cresson, Pa..ase the blrthpln-e etflRobert Edwvin Pea-y, the aretie explorer. tihe to-wu ef Cheët sprligs. t-nu-hte mles froin Altoona. TPa., latis b!m as a uative son. Perys fatber and onule. hnoved trom malte it e <iqyluanlinl the early (Mties aud engag-d Ib the luminlg biins. wbkah tboy bail fol- iWeOd LU àMans. Old settlers kioew thbe !emly as Perry. The exploreres motbers nmiden nase. wa Mary Wbtey. "ud bàl4tiWUt~liss are oumeroos tu Cambrla county. Ps. the tiret ef seven expedljlons to.the 1. north, ai! autnnded whb ardshlp and 'NewJ I c v r 8 iii wui~* some o flitnucul hactuel sufferfng aulf jJ~~ PEARY, TELLS 0F tloNon:u thei' :ortd. of hiesexpoi, ConflîfliFiîst, HSS C E SPians s expeltions bave bat! a selon-____ H 15 SUCCESSO ifir and geograplcial usefulnes(bat GO EN U UFRT O ___e_____ 'mon theoeaeof!the Amerr.'n-E OU HF RT O van fieouraphiu-al soclery, thre Royal INDIAN HARBOR, VIA CAPE f'eogrnpiial soct-t of London and ____ RAY, N. F. t hl-'utotiish (oozerphieal soceuty. "To THE NEW YORK TIMES, Ionîuvs.neyer acu-ovded ln equal nom-. NWYR:ber ci nsoither Anerîcan. Brooklynlte Thlnks Others Nov NEW YORK:ln thi- ravy lue won tbe titis of "IHAVE TH4E POLE APRIL 6. venmuFraidev uand tlue geveruiment bas WI ae~ nnnIn EXPECT T0 ARRIVE CHATEAI.J rCuiuzeidthe valuie or bis expIora- W11 LaeEplUorationse. BAY SEPT. 7. SECURE CON, lIens hy grantlig bis repeated leaves TROL WIRE FO R ME AND AR- eof absence.In lu 83 the was made RANGE TO EXPEDITE BIG preeldent ofth(te Amerlu-an Geographi- Copenhagn Su-pt. 7.-Wben the vs- $TORY. 'PEARY." val souiuty and le a mouiler of tluany povt tiuartntommander Peary halldIs- lIINDIAN HARBOR, VIA CAPE ohHlm ee bdis.cvevu-d tu-eîuuuvîbpoif veauhed beve. RAY, N. F. Wf Wt ii nTrips. Dr. Cook salut Ib oî,e thi' n'ws !s .STARS AND STRIPES NAIL. Commiiuudev Pearys domteete lIte vorot. Ifl'cuary bas vî-aihed the pole ED TO NORTH POLE. bas luen su happy fihet absence trom <il s ioi'una of <bat vugion wil con. 'PEARY." hie fanilhy tuas bc-en one efthte grsutest lrriuî îuuuî( ~INDIAN HARBR, VIA CAPE ardshlîîe uf bis adventures. lIn 188f <yui, .>n-iulutridlvfu -INDIAN ARBOR, IA CAPE twe yoars aller the rerurn trom bisi, lcrfidbth RAY, N. F. firgt a hit te C rpsniauid, lue mavric eul1rl- i ii oîiiuiidi-v earvean- "POLE REACHED. ROOS NlsJspnp leisu h.fot l! tth(leblracdte VE LT (STEAMER) SAFE. thue day cf their unon, bas givpn hieIe uuvutî !('lu "PEARY." ambitlons ber uuielftsb sympatby and AiXid If w -4 ai.nuy probaillity co-operationi. of P<'Suri>, u ithund <bu-tube cen- In fart. Mrs5. Peary bas rupou lfir <au utu Ifi ii D tr.iook eplel: canes neither ut wbom wan aware-ofet occasions aeeempanied ber bus -1 hliîîo s 1 ut Ii is .douuîtfilî on aui- thi- moveunenîs ot the otiier. band for a censiderable distance noerh- courir ui t I Ie. ijýCok added- .luet as Dr. Cook notified bis wife. se wavd and uipon one of thesa trips a ,(l,,luîîîîii II 'i1 Pi viwou!df have veaeh- Cemmssider Pear-y took ailvantage ietu daugbter wae hou-n te them. Thts c d theo ulîs u iv a.Pvobably. a-bIte tbe bnI-f stop et luin labarber to a>s. u-bl<d. Iho i>aus almwavuu b-n calied by bure \Ivsî. earycf bis safety. ber failher -Tihe Snow Mfaiden,' beld for In vuahlng the nnrlb pole. Con, a lime a lame, vivalng thaf et the nandi v IRobert Edwln Peary bas uII)er, as the only wblte ebilul 4 i5 su-luised uh.,-ambition o! a lfetime k tin i bie nbien hou-n v.IthIn tbe As a bey, hbis dy dreamne were etfan' are<h- iii-ln 19012, aller Peary bad uiItxlilou-u-ui]auud tac tethe nouthward bl," i lu>- >rtuiour viars and bope ot bis - Shud suuiu- printed matter convernlog strýIIlail fuil lu(-n abandoou-d bu mai,>. <b.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i fuu --liu ef.ltt I ade ýlru. tear int-riin:nld a relief expe wao read wiih absorhlagtIteeet. lditluoun linl i-t and bluougbt hlm liwas lovn et Cresson, Pa.,lav 6 boe- 1878S. but ln is esrly youth the tamflu Ilui lu, ltervals between expiditieuis rpnoid t Marlé. werpho evemlPi-an- Lai letoure rquently andl aise lis eduunoituon. flts Tari-nts. Chule bas wni'îî-n s"ereal bocks et ecientifia N.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c audMr iVhiPeu>ev-t ad geougapiiîal value. ulat h liie udau, eau-hitruainng ie fttlog a lil>.ushIe! pu-omiseul o Le fili. Sioded andt Camfaeted. ëd witli wf hIp-i, ii-elit> - I At nIliilu igît 'h Iiifus luîi r en Insu nîuî t-d fi r> ,1 flr i at n scheuilsu ho- 1 i ur-i lI Sl iiiiiti g luttuir surîtt in Bubsuiîiî. illi- i -ul f hdBo oîulin uolegp, l, ii 1, i ,>% It -il \ ;il lt a fini, fronu whicbh e sis -radiated 'sith lire ufu-l ti nl, as tII a striden lt, l'ut oa lihse of ut 7 Th reughoîut his vllege ru-îîut lil11<1 n Ithi a tîîîîelt.i <oi- lire i cari-ir andl ho the neare totiowlng lheunîinn>liil-atli-luii,.gv Made a close- tuudy of arvtiv explora- ereu-uuîunort ic îuili, lui theIc niewEr ti oug t hi-p- îll iv tfasciaution v. h -bt hi' aWi s Ii n iii ugthliit i, nritp tii \,ihî-l n huî iviuu.îî ru-tIt : I-l - subJAnu be-tiIfur hlm deupenlng sa s lor. i, matu neulrfb I uiîr--ttI lui-vu- u-(-îgrtu lhîcl Enguneer by Professioni. ithenu nlis anai-hrîînlvtn. NiI--ui-lin As a mei fnset iellheod lbe adoptel-i uuîiul-nîu- n u ,-filet)thur tucluy from the profession o civtil engineer, enter. t ne enud cf the iarth tou,-e ther bu- tIng uhe Unhîed States nau-y ln(tirai-ns ofit t-igrsp)h adsodslt. There usPau-tY Oct. 26. ,51681 Three year. o re ln Aslui. tu,.e.îxpluoirer& and Payant Inter hi- wars appointed an assistant -hou lire -urnl> lui-ttr quaîîtiildthba engtnu-er on the board wbteb surveyod yen. etcr.lti stuity and d-sirbe <belr te route of thi' Nicaraguan ahip canal. 1 native couty. I teefore belle-r ln theslerosiara bis interest ln the flhnt makeui i-beie~r use of Mysierlous nortt< had net alualeu and voiur samlifous lmplh"s than lîy un- ln 18S6 heosruplied fer s leave of & ,rskîi trips li Amin. But ln order PEARY IN ARCTIC DRESS. sence frein the uavy whivh woubd per- that voîuir ayse thit I do net always<u rh e)ntc -a- milt hlm te vinit Greentsnd. i-is appl- aut PRs1h Ounk I si-t u >ua muniwhîvh 1<mIs; route wacis rl undlrted mile Mysi-ve as iîe1 bu-stul een vealaundrenmilf catieo, wase ganted. and lui July of the fi-u leoîîîe ber 'ftiai-IV,-ave ivaInetoours aime vêtar h-lie-ceas, wlat proveil te ho nyûncnltoIý si fmn.W r iaso ore I __ NONE RECEIvEO I WANT ADS Five cents per lire each insertionu. None received for les ihan 25 cts. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-10rii i hiuuu, rrariged fui tni Iîuul i-or î mie, ni-ar el-i-trie l'ilh us i i , i lIe bliine 3M.u 1 1 FOR SALE but the potele agooi euough rPin îuO "That iwo mu-n get to th, - i- hýotu- diffu-n-npalbsi couttlnîuud tiii- i-i.t lin und No T a e o e. -should furnisb largi - III ins iii peu-tics 111îlreachlu 1hluit,- l i-i i Y,,,,s ssfve every eiîtî ru )C oki 1) - - usasSverdrup's obgeru-ioi~ns and rvi piorts were ef luniiosuriîehI ' E.SW F F S FT Sv rduu. wluo came ThLLSnu fin lb-ET purpese of eengratîulaîîlui iui1), ia as ni asrtmi terested ii in mu . ,, v'il.. t Peary bail reached the pîufî -uSi rit i us a remarkably ta.stiuiîil I 11 ,,îW ns Wî lae oT manm. He said : W ns R lae oT b;Teele uofblng Ii i ahîît th9 partivularly, exvept iHetfI fU U i WY wofiuIIs ory. nuost inmporant and O ..i lui) Tt FeemOs te nme (bat Amerîj, inigb 'scirderfulls- If two Amnerii, iauri lin fIrst men te get toe(lue pîul.- iriu , N'ew York, Sielt. 7- Tueary bas suc- long sruggles by se maum> 4î u i'd ceedu-d! ftr> it maioaljiee." Stars and stripus nailut te tbe neu-hmpole." IS SURE COOK( FOUNO POLE Fromenutthe aurtlu- drnais 1thire Dr. Strouu-gren Ater an hîîîehecd (he- 5ule-uitlu w'snrlul und tbriîled the Avows Faith lI Explorer. Ileau-t et evu-ry li lîuuu. From the f'npenhagr-n, Sept. 7-Dr iiinn bteak Coast et Labradorum. Peury gave profeciior et. aetronoxny of il,.I,îl rte thea wovld the ni-ns that.î haul ah- mity ut Copenhagea, a-ho l;. Inter- tained bis goal in the fur north. 'shilc VInewed Dr. Cook, gave ont il sarlu-meni ft the sanne momeninfh far off Den-. sayhuug hi' had ne reason vil l'e vtii mark, Dr. Fru-deu-luk A. Coouket Brooîk- douhbt tle shatement tbfit D!luul.haullyn, was be-mu- dlnu-d and llonfzcd hy veau-bed the north polo, or at lu-antlits roYatiy tor thet sanie auhiei-nent. 1 --df evsf uinify. Fro To he su-entlfle stnililvi - Dr, Peary faund no trace of Dr. Stu-ougu-en eId, tbere w'a, nohing Cook. Thtis nea-. reacheut St. Iv hteve le bjeC te I r Ciiok's Johtns, N. F., thirough Captain metbod in using an ar iIi l.l burîzoli Robert Eartilc fth e l-sRoosevelt, o! glass. Peary's ship. o-mm et, 1în g upon the Crvlilm ner Uul ilflYnkcgril bas (,en- FRSAEuert range. almo a Mto<mneul Conuiver piano g.ardlng tir-elice ef an artificual horîcuîîu qui-vu-ilthe fiiuuen forth. Bud thuire bas FORh SALE IV os ad tuo t ii va eli o npisadoies Dr 'o alut thet ýe bad sut iinpluo - enu O itl a vuieu-nreeuh ai the ibu T> . 11 4-4 tu-n's L'E- H.îusu vs, Su-)ool street. cd menunuy bot glass. and iiilthu-re nîîtîh î ni mlu- r u-u- agaîn. 'u-'o .IIehsI I5- feu-e the robjection based on] lue tient- FOR SALE-Fatlu.r tiianlon Pesideneiu, FRSL hu rltrfn rvn blng eamsed Lv the movlng c vi rt%ý toiiru- h,îus iii uuuîevn buildinuglange î-îui,e(FOR-1h k dlirtoud ine Aidn fi-l t if- goud. uit 'i ugîhi-iauuuie iiviumu. S-e .omiii.hru, n ubmil e and single. rai Tue iuiu llotthe unts-enmîrluoitoM iiiiiiu nii-lox 7f>ni. :. Lbruuîu f routhuog. Ounimuld btusatreesure for scuc(,ncIoft e iusii cn-J4<> O au, oh! ox79 Lbetvilw. pnruiuuuas t us partiu-ularly gentie. ýina sce ci, Also for sail- onu-wull-bred Holstein bull on Ur. C uIt. c- I entîou fine folhe pop ten nuonths oîd, FOR SALE-I iffi-r tuic ueuemîroouuu hrîkcn. AdutreesMAPLE S-uSil FAR.m, riuîin Rmio(u ku-fil er iir sale, ci tb-r Ilibertyville, il.50-2 The. Vary Worst. Clava (willi emotion> l;eorgc. are you su re - unwivil always love iu Gu-urge firt ently-While lIfes- uts, Moy omwuu Clara iî.uppr-sslog a tearu-George- if t r ge n iriiid-I Iîulîîhns hou I 'ci îui Grge "I 1luItions sy barliirir flon,'. uiy lui. and alwayus nl l l- Clara laeblngî-George. nu-e îuu sure, îerfei-tly sure. tbat nthuiug- lotblng ait all--could cool your iuhlec- don? Geoirge (tboroughly alarmedi lly graioiin' Wbats beppened? Ha& yeur fuiuher failleu? Chlia lva it vhiîallyf - Worse, far u- Ce rge(u- niîh ruleved-Te Il tme aIl, MnY aigî- Iu(aii) luear It. (hiri n tIi a liole effort>-GeergeDE EAY T've lu-, guît n îuboitlI omfng-comlag - WbIANDRPA on, ny is- Lonhdon l Tt.BIt. t h - us ha' ý e planted the flag ut th(,j in he and et lu-e whlimh LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SEWING MACHINE MAN TOs Mach ttîice A young IbliiuuItdliii iioy ns. p t.rmng a femalsi- ervvi tt u ivi lis, wecieitatertiu itt nie uluy h. propoed. At lieu i: - tilt tii pair ((bey wu're nahkiiug iuithe <le tt.ucame epon nethu-r servat.a smariîu. sleep'ing Inetead oet nîriuu- TIielassie. e braitny sremu-besuau mi i vk ahndîîîti-at the Idler til lus ie rsi'I. Wbn hebald clunk off tiio u hi ut3 the anain' i-- In eurt nulu-uml'lt dWi T hei u- - îe - - -i*i - 1ýl M a as- liqu - - , "- tI CI t.uu- g'i rl, saill, 1athiiik i's ii.i r(liii forlu i i- iilui-if I -- le s alive. MuT ai nitustue d-es t-Il moie bacha an' liorry te>' And asu-ie-gît 'uifI-y away lha asId fervu-nth 'y, -May theu Lord aloo una mîther t10 Ilsi us luimg as me!" Deep<y lntecsstsd. The play (tas o-e orShakespeare's tragei-des. Mu-s. Shminîons and ber litle bey, bavlmug buen unable te seetiro seaIe in the psrueit, n i-e wil loIeatsd In the frot von- oftte firet balceny, wuhere îluîy evulutsu-c-bu-trc and bear ahmest as W-il as Ir Ihi-y bed been fartber torgard on the mate floor. Mu-s. Sîmmoisn mas, ngreu-ably surpris. ed et tiei- ttuvut thut 1Dobby appu-areuj te take Intrhe(li snîubnv draima. IUs set Ieentng fornuird. ta tIi bis elbowsg on the uuslioiiil u-olihtg 1iituont of hlm, retfîîgIlIs hi-ou i) îlIds hbands. dcu-îly absorîs-ut. As lt i urtuîlu ent dotsn ou (hi- flust aut lii,-tvihglitu-eiedup. "Will Ci-au-. hisdo you Ilîke Slikie seuarei-' sîku-lh i- i olli-r. "Are you enjoyttig t( lu llu i? lutauuiiiia.' -luid ut ttuihiiivhbthea ir et oeeNta n liuui maude- ngruet dîscot- cry, 'Ihi-e r-mue 31uty-nlne men lhera (bat hnse cut Iuîld spots on top of thair helîl!F i>e vouaitad 'etofit-s Before yen have any pu-nting donse -make inquirtes et people a-bn are le the busBnes-pcrbapB yen wtll get Information (<at wilI be of benefit to you. Telephone No. 1 Lbertyville, la a go0d place ta try. oman lias seuiglurt IQpenetrate tor tour centuries; and eau-b tgatrant et the othurs conquest fias flashcd Wftbtn a perfod otf Ève days a aconte message of eucvi-'s te the world.- Ta-c Flos .Drffttig ln Ica Packs. Six duirs ago Dr. Cok sent tromn the Sheiland Islands the filat message nit bis succu- a message wblch bas arousoul a sterin cf controverBy arounul Ilue nîmld, 'iw Robert E. Peary, heet tu-onu luiw hn the land of tee ,md un- <mord tvîîu ituu-u- Angust, 1908, s<articn thnr n-ý1ltlui a uhîtllar message spnt (i-iiiîulu-ilbo,vLabruuador. WVIth huit a nýord troto Peary tlue -sorld v.alun hreaîhlessly tor details, bot unîilîtoilai wnhi-n hboulu arrive ah Chuteiuil lii>.Labrador, wattlng niuqh stuffucu- 1.1le Dr. f lr int message Pearys v. taitatiiiig Jmu ts bhuevity andl the, siii laîu d hy Cook's suiccess. saý lu-fi uniiujt-d. For, as dld Dr. Cook. lei-, i iîuuiu-d bis bomnevau-d voyoage iitnu î,litily atter fillng the Cu-t nu-us o! disu-uiery. In au i ,iiui tuliherhuerItL. Bildg- man,lu-i ir Snt the- Peary Au-utuv clubl i- mi uîîîivu-u-sald: This . uîi asramuce that the- t ssaI ln tsliusb Ieiayu dieuiautid badi agsad thu-ruo l ugh-0,i ceuîtu catlîud, buit deiails o! bis lii e-ungul-id tbe date of the dîscoi, 1 lu i,lu>-tnvee stilîl Itma n, t il luh,, NewYork Tintes hauil r-, Ili idusunttbIat thi-an vfl<uî î. i ii>e ceirn up. This Su-Iaràted Ly Nearly a Vear. 'tli, u- i0l- pole, Apuil 6. Ttupu-ct aru-I i--îu i ai. Si-pI. 7.' Vu ri f nation aih lauud Itn-as a -i -iI - ii, i u sir enu- iatiîmu-toii la- ce-rt i[n i if - i i -(rîl 6 u-ufrred to 'Was Apil f iiu li raient 3 sar. as bts ellw -1lhto i f uii-t stant lu-onuNu-w York ii jil 7, 198 .5 Ail i îi7 1-date (bat Pearyv fitanteit ,ýi-lagauthie liolu- anulApril 21, 1 lii i,,idate nthuit Dr. Cook Onturi- eut tir ta.-i und nîvlpes, a i-car bu-turc. u-rietiqiiiiuil eveua the cardinal datu-s uuîmuîu vîulsexploration oft(ha fer nortlf il l vest bereattsr. Thouglu soparatu-d by nearîy a year. the sains test a-as accomplitsled by two Aunerl- iifliiu>iu orun iurniuuiied. tiir lparti- etular-, addru-e W. L. Ruii, Oakusdaie, Wnei. 4h-tf FOR SALE--liuu- oiîglît rouîîîîuanud tlurvslot, 160xii200i, one liliiu Lfroc, uld lupt;ueap il takeni ft onie ..>uirees., Boi\ 127. Liert ville, or ululuire at the I ii î,Niii\ ,r oitiu-i'47-t FOR SALF-A'ue,-luta on l)vmiîd'u subduliv ueiuui, i-loue ttii wno souel-ut ric vairs. l'rive *300h.00. 1MONt & AUT-cIN 40-t FOR SALE-Eight roo.n house on Braioerd Court, al iimodern-unî-enip-uuuei§. lnquire (lis. KLuEPP,îLiburtyVille. 111. Phone 1144. 34-tf FOR SALE-Loteu lui the Dymud and uXîueîlII subdivieion. 501140; $100 eb; #53 uliwu, $5 pe-r uiotb. A 1 FIN. 40-tf LOTS FOR SALE-lu the B. J. Grimes mu b.d uviiou itrLI bertyyul le. eSouth of eleetrie rîuad un lilwauke- avenue. B. J. Gsususs. owner. 15-tf FOR $ C.Frank Wigfi's additiio, Mal50. tf-r $20000 $254) OC and *3(0 0<) I. nîn & AUSMTIN 40-tf FAR MS-We bave a large limt of Lake cîiuty larmto, me]lI, almo bouses and Iots iu village. I)SioNIu & AUSTIN. 40-tf LOST and FOUND LOST-In the street Libertyvillel abouti (bres Ça-eeke ago, a pouketbiuok eoouainiog about ten dollars aod other papi-re. F'ider pleasi- leave at PAkUL MA(îGî vF5N*5 office and eeive reward. 510 2 Professional Cards DR, MICHAEL GOLDENBURG- WuilI hi- ft thie HOTi n E1 uî sL EERfYasEiuuic 1- r %0 u t o î liii1p. uIn. Pîl. rw .ii -tti p theEi , -tii- u. N*- aînd - uvn MARTIN C. DECKER -iiiîuiAT LÂ5V 11, ip<,t 1h St. EI.-urie filatioin h1iv hoîPine- 51334 tiRe. luhille36h03 NIIRTII CHICAGO, ILIANu IS DR. 1. L TAYLOR. OFFICE ovER J. 5LI. TrecuS 111-11G. Hous:-7 to 10 a. mn. 2 tu 4 andî 6 t, 8 P. M. Ielsdenee on Bu-oaulwa v Iîçpoite Park Ltbertyvilli'. Illinois. DR, E, H. SMITH, DES TIST. OVER LAEE votANIT NTIONAL BANK. soucs-hI toti1 2 a.ii. anîd 1 tii 5 p.m DAT LY. DR .tBerTyl-.ItoteRFL ASSISTANT RTATE VETZauNÂStAU. ~Lengthens tâ. Lîbertys-ille. tîiTnots. - Laying Period W. M-. STUDER MU Iueep jee ithick.* siliîu iig ra Wurk :ýb.Su-i.ctici I IIIVVILLE. ILL. poisau-y 55 tý a oiae .kwb.a.d c 5Lo1 DR. A. Il. CHURCHIILL !T1A>K-"Sua" IRANUSu PHYSIOtAN AND SURGEON 'Crem chk fie: 101=9 O a u e 1. B u tle r c eb l k , o v e r W . B . D v W oulsin 5 1 1 1- O S IC P lio n e 5M n e . P o e 1061î cd k g i e s s d t - i^( s S p O Cla l A tt eu tb mOn ( lv e n to D Ise se s o f r S " ',, , ýý 1 th. Eye, Bar. Noe M m at HMEdX I»ERTYVIE -1 lol FOR SALE-Seed rye, at Bridgewater Farmn. 'l uileii uuiuth of Libertvviile. AtmTiN ,CLENIENT. - 50-2 FOR SALE-Quantity ot baied bai. 0TTi, BAiuîwiN, Liberryville. Phione 2167. 50-2 I MONEY TO LOAN MONEV TO LOAN-On Improved larmsat 5per cent. DymoNO & AurniN. 40-tf I FORRENT I 1FOR RENT-House and barn on Mil. ;wtbukefi ai-nue. M IL itLîfarty- tville, or inquire W. E. DAvIM. 51-2 FOR RENT-Six roem brick hou.e on Scboot St. Apply (o.JuiJIA S. PUcuR, Libertyville, 111. 50-2 FOR RENT-à-Fonr rooîn cottagle ne" ocbool bôuse. luquire L. E RAYr. Libertyville, Ill,48-ti FOR RENT-Pianos, Players, Orns, $2.00 op, rent allowed if pureha.4. Kimnball Agenry. Luce Furuiture Stom. Tel.,27. 37-tf FOR RENT-We bave a few zood mod-, eru bouses and ilats (o cent. Jyvsiomm & AUSTIN. . 40-tf "i 1 WAiTM 1 WANTED-100 sboate, weigbt 60 to 4 HBYRNsCocar, Lbertyvîle, Pluose 2604. 51-t! DR. GOLDING DENTIST Hours 8 to 12 am-1 t-o 5 p. J. Eli Triggs Building with Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone19 Re s. Phsoe 1092 Ltrtvle Ilinois A K. STEARNS iA Vî'l1IL 218 Wasbung<on Stressi Waukegaa Phone 2761 DR. C. R. GALLOWAY,' Oisb-ICE oves LOELLI DEIUG #"&&E etoilas-troot 1 to 8 and 6 (o 8 p. me. Libertyville. Ililnois. DR. EDW. V. SMITt General Practice Office oec Luce & Conipsty's Store SPECIAL ATTEHNTI(IN C.IVHN TO DISEASF-s OIt' LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS i FOR SALE-2 I blu. .engine and l10 i TO EXCHANGE li iuziu lipenhs - rulmenPlaîio hiu.,k-u-A iiargain trial ;2 etorî i iii iii li îî- u tîl oilîelau-gi gi-h ou- u ýFýBau-i, lRockefller,Il fàsti 2 lIaI' îîî. î (; ii l iîî . lbar 51-4 luuilitig *2Itint. 3:1 ilîqu- a,l ltnutal nS . uu îînl. il. i i nîmi l i""vimi Iirl FOR SALE tuuuiiltiopiiuggY, i-tueaP if *dili l 1 i ui 1u3I luii i t t n t mllu- , . J. <Imi iiî. Lilievrty- FOR SALE- \-,,i -.i i i la 'lFOR SALE -,luriu1shielBuck. bInquire Àl lh li ofi\V, L ,iiluvnuuiLake.iViuiai M., 1R .1. liaIh lu. ma- and mii i ,t.-ri), larnge- lot;- 51-2 terme -- mt lîilIuui-v In iuirc CLu. Iiuvi. Li~ti ii,- iiFlui-127 FOR SALE CHEAP-Complu-te dlning 81 et RGH ý1);,Hall Day. vOR SA EfHu u n 'ul t chParkPl. O FOR SALE-RabTa-r lire buggy aud Fuan.. rt ladaud Pcak Poieu-. fsingle anduldoiule hbiinems. toquire at ut u eol.uuo tTrAFiou;i SAuLE, Milwaukee avenue, haa i vuui fruit tvrnis. Thlis us oaiiargain f ' Vut taken ai immeUn (i TuW. Tuitt-u-. Li- 1 Lilmi-cyvill-. 51-2 1a.198 77 ]05 47 101W00 me esi2 A00 cuoo 76 48 2924 95 2.Oe se ,L5.268 se ao.ou se 4151) " Me- mge and1 Pubie. 1148,202 98 uis s0 1412501 8,b"4 12 143 14 900 w 9.761 55 m1 00 îv12ýn s z5Ot se 14.906 1.45 O Pl. 1 FOR SALE-Ntiunls'v-ixtpee, Ohio En.,. urîru.l-. ti, -riuîli foroiuir work. 8.8. FOR SALE-Fo,liii Res ap. Bee runoz zs hp tiHurin .Casube smen at tond ,afý lotlban or telepbone FOR SALE-Duii-a igs. loquire at thie iihhle. 51-2