Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Sep 1909, p. 9

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LAKE COUNT'Y INDEPENDENT AND,7,WAUKEGAN WEEKLYCSUN VOL. XVII. NO.é!« PART TWO LJAKE COtTNTY liNýDEPENDENT, I ititAY SFTEMBER 17. 19(19. FOUR PAGES ýl.5O PER YI-AR IN ADVANCE. 'WAUKEEiAN CAPITAL MAY BUlL» HOMES SIIELDON PEOPLE Sheldon Wants to lnterest Lo- cal Men in scheme to Erect 20 Houses For Accomodation of Off ice Em- pîoyees Who are Moved 10 Rockefeller In Sprlng Sciteme is t Have Local Mon Buiid Homes Under Sitldon's QGurantee to Seii or Rani Them in Spring When Hie Offce Building, Coting $20000 i& Flnished. Represèntaiive Here on Schemýe Today. (Front Wedriesday's DRllY Sun.) 1 A. p. u'd.Ôea« Of Siekionhitîri,' and fldiad of be Siteldon Scsul ai !"oimtifio Salf-sanshlp. la l0 n,î,vî Idu% catire Office force f ront Chitcagoi t, RciterfeleAr. or Area. ln tee <an' sipriag. A $22.000 office building 1. luah beeeed for te piîriloséthîs wialer. Tiu accomodale th,, 75 peole wh,, wîilvorn uthiisoffice, and ta accom. odeli, otiten woricxen and studeitta or bis scitool. Sitelon deolree taI Waukpe gaza contractons or moneyed me"î buld front 15 ta 20 bouses lir Rocke- felier thi Ivnter under guamaniee by hlm ta elihen apli or renli tent n the spriag. For t.lis reawnone ouf bIc representativea nade s vistIt <o Wau- itegan today to meet local contractors anduj ineiit men lu an atiempt o lni tte tler. To Spend Big Sum NOt Vear. Bosidie (bene Iva thinga. Siteidor is ta spesn f rom $250.000 la $300,001) at Rockefeler and at SiteidoflhiuI's next yar ln Improvementa and asisl- ions.,' s ua i vii e spent ln muklng bis venture titere the fin- est place of Its klud lu the coualrv. Hi% plat of bavlng ail bis êeAapOYel' live tir Rockefeler bas aiready beeli slarlMed as he s"di 14 lots lest week tu eîuployeti sud tu, Rckefeler peu pie. Waukegan Men Buld Houses. Thbe vieil la V.aukegan Ioday vas made by RepresontAtive Bouton Of tite Siteldon , soio. He m-l seeral m1 cn- tractors andi queior tw Pronodasat mnaof the City. iHe expitnes te plan of Mr. Siteldon as bavlng local men,. maaeyed amen or mntractOrs. bîîlid lte bouges under te SiteidOn guarantee ai titeir beiiig eltiter sold or rea±ed la tite spring. At least 15 or 20 would ho wsnLtdd. he stated. and perbupa more.'rTe bouses votzid ail bue moder nd Mup-to-date andi their er(,etoia must be ihia fal or vinter. O)ffice Bulding ln Sprlng- He declared tat the Sheldon office building vouid te erectesi th"s in- 1er and ta te eftire Chicago, office force vouisi te movesi te Rocitefeller' la. te early aprlng. It la deetred timi- these etnit>loyeeSlilve a Rocktefel- ler lnsbead ofi9at. UbertYvlllSandi for luIs reason te boutâes Or vanlesi. As a resuit of bis vlat. a meeting Of coitrattrs' and business men wiii 1robatiiy be calied for tiis evesing or ln a day or t- t 1 aite up te mta- ter aad make a decisiOtl. Pnomlueul wnaoîltalde of COntl'actors may aiea, le preeont. Sheldo#i Now on Tour. Mr. Bootonlt.ated wvile an the visit bere <at Sheldon vas nov tin a lecture tour tat vouisi ieep hlm away unl.i about Chitals Cle. On this trip boeis attdlug sla.le conven- tion titroug thlie eat and tg Pramat- Ing te interests aofIthe SiteMi1 Onr- ganizatiofis. Sheldon lg dec1laresi ta bave made from $259000 o 1000,000 in the past seveut yeams 'ait I THESE MAY WED. ' Charles F. Grant. Highlanld Park, 25; Esie V. Brand,, Highlandi Park, 22. Iaadore Kalliowskl, NorthitOicago, 32; Maigarata Grabievaki. Norti Chi- CAOf, 19. Ckomnt J. Wal, Chilcago, 46 Mary VL Ca.innron, Cicago, 39. % ZION BAN ADDTIO SOO ~ VA IClie careful ln bIs work uand ihat fhe ZION BANK ADDITION SOON wl il flot injure the arhouîîIo ga<t DENY LAIMSfishi n the laites. If i îhought the Excavation Work Statd 'Today- M D GAN T g:me fish would lie 1i i 'c ould (Frota Wednenday's Sun.) w iicptî'd. 1know thl i 'e p uis <tie game fIO io i, <.- an TaTE'1UNI. qv(,'wtched lîlii 1 1 , iro1iad tie excavation for thë' new addition 1w î'vrnîikes a hlolui ,,tr;loý tthe. Firsi State Bank building ai poAil le i i' i' ilelses and1,i...hi 1liii 7o('1,The lease beli, by Water Stories of Commercialism kF«el, outi tue gaule ls i1[îî..... i lîîlng West on te creamery building, whirp carp Seining Denied by îîeîerie<î lias been occupylng te alte to bin Friends of Commission t'o~onnealth e sllrnu îi' ie tiaed for thte uew brick structure.fad exx aevoi pie Ja.Dna 0 elwcs.crowds watch bis oîi< lîî.his pirs ody.Duca G Biiws cshBoth Commissioner Kline and saeîusreceilve muclic ii Al ler of te ballipurchased te oai sayte gamne liaitare puin n i, iihie building and lu baving It remnoved t, John Converse. Supported Waters. hie lot on the northwest corner of Against Stories Lakes Recentiy Siocked. Twenty-seveintitand Silha avenue, iThe state commaission l< -ut wbee i wii e uedfor store piijl Courty Laices Wîs Gîven Conver.e poses, on ccount of Hie Good WorkI_ The contract bas not bec,, let as yet Supervsors Gave Hlm Resolutcn- for the building of the new additllin Kline Had Lakte Siocked wth Gaine ta, thte bank, but will ite at oncé e n Fih and la interested ln Tnem. eompieted i t sili be occîîîîledby the 1iF'riini - isdvsSN Zion Cty Mercantile company, and ht(onpeair hsetPd by Habein & Dirake the grocers. The Irtiie caîpal"n mofte Illinomis tato, upstaîrs wiil lie used for residence fiait conîisiln 10<'eur te lakes i purposes. unIeosetbe demanil for of- ihe eauulry or G.ermnan i'arp is Indig- fies saboiid increase. Tbe new tiai)- nautliy Wied by irleads of State Fîsit mond & Harvey store on Twenty-sev- Commissoner Klinue airChicago, the enib treet ln about compipted and is man lun<barge aiflihe worb. andl a! aireudv mIn se by te new grocery Jlohn Converse of Foox L.ake wbo irin. btoldote contrait for selning te carl) fromth ie laites. Thot te stories an' wtitout foundation le thte daIm ut GRAVES FUNERAL FRIDAY Cfrlesmi i. i oi ln a To De Heid rom Wadaworth Home- -inquest Hled Lat Night. (lram Wedneda's Sua.) The fîneral aifte Iste Mca. Wiul- fred Graveo of Wadsvarth fsa te beld Friday morulng aI lea from te bome ai Wadsworth' vibt Intermeut la te Miliburn cemetery. Tite ln- quest vas beisi lait nigbt. a verdict af deatit resulting tram beart diaeuse being eturnes. Mrs. Graves itad au&- feresi from iteari dsese- for aorne The ac,'usatious made were titat te commission Ilte cotract tb Con- verse ai a loyer figure titan they could bave reuelved and that gamne fiait were not trown bacb mb totewaters. as te Ia ompels. liui were sold la miarkets. Accusations Denled. Botit accusations are denied. Com- misaloner Kline la speablug of te malter stated tat tbe money aide of te question itas nol been thougitt of by tite- commission,. "We bave li; thte eontract, tla aparty we bndv w'il iý ielakes or the coun i i icai' isit and t hey wouid uit 'i- ilese sciluols iiestrayed by fseli' isliîig aii telii c rjnci oney bas h-i ii',n t ini i.arting i hem. FIsherniemi iii ns c the i-îiîity inite ln supPOrtînpthiii'atp-i ofi'i iithe commissionî C'îinnils<ioner Kinle le8i ia'iuit ('hicaugo, but bas a suai iii - liii i-ýan Fox [,ski, anîd la an eniitiîclastc i li ernian iimscîf. He ba., cr- il friends ln tliii'couaty. '<ijirs,' lv wei i bîiowniltirougit th, cmiruîîîan<d aiso lias maay frlende Tiii accusia. totîmsare haugit to 10 bas i 'i ;îid Iîi îqîeIîleq or tbe lwo. Resoltbon of Supervisons. Thte iolowing neointion wass îa-.ssed ity titî. board oi supervisars last fait lu faviîr or Conver-se belng gîsen te 'oltract for sclning te îarp froni ithe coulty labes. "'WiIRItAS, Tl vas soie uý nie agi) broîiiht b tthe attention of ilie i'aiuis Boari oi Iis coî,nty titat omc or oui esteenîedi citizens, JohnCoi c .huit heemî aiarded' the Contruci wit the State Fi-ili (ommiaioner tor «'aose i'arp and otiter undesirabibe flisit <om tîme land tubes and waterssin Mhi couity' AND Wi-iEREAS. te Count!. ovns large portions of submerged lands, the waters aver wviCih ave 'been anad Ishoulsi be selued te remove au and other undesirabif fish to hnifit the ciizes of the coia b>av: LEFFINGWELL 'S eficiently perfornipid h ani d srI TE NW LuAnf bas demoasFtrated tatAFTER 1 1W1. IDS ona Ili t le dischargi iîîi ______________ ANI) \VI 1 RF.A-i i t lias i i lîî oîîbiileitt îîilî ofîîî i,'iiî d Explorer Whïo Was War Com. bANI \VIsI'Oîii' suuînî sii pan ion of Local Man 18 onl great derla n w r, PI- alo ig Important Lxploring irip this uIne. THEREFOiIiX 'Pîî tli,' ,,ilI, iî work May lie alîs ]y th.,<- î~ AFTER CONTINENT; NOT POLE merm bers of thle I '<in s aid. i hereby rpecomîu.-'nihie iiiplniîi «et When Leffingw.i Left United 8tites of sald l'onverse 1,N 'uli 'laie Figslî ,, Statd HeW. o,... di I 'oinnissioaer Aniiii1- I f li u-i îî E'SO I VF0), r ai a viiq,% oifiilAý i esollî,îiaîî e 5i lt (.ih i l'ati' Oui iommIssiiner ad amu i ild (I îîiu rse. BIG APPLE FEASI FOR TAFT Spokane tg Eclîpse Soutern Possuin Dinnar on Presidentsa Visil. i Froii iuedvsS' 'raeîtî îhousaîîd reii <'ieeki'd ap l-, growii la commercial arcitards il, i'uti'riWashilngton anl]0Oregon, îîîîrth anîi central Idaho. westertn Nl«nti îuaiaiil cii l lîcai <ci BrIiish Cli iîla, ]ave hi'en sei'iiredil)ti curry -<Illiti'lîcr ilesliimiilurithe '11ui11iii te, îgq,'whero the Spai- lsiie <lairrber iiof iniie'î' ai nter- lain iresidemiî Taft î,nd lîli îari ait a banqjuet on Settember 28. Tbe Mnuîwill utso lnclîmde lamnons disites madle frion sîîîîis and I laîîds wili be servedirontioiilolowed ii Silzenbergs, 99agners, J onatha,;uns îîd Pîtînîns. Wiltint al a reak anlr, the pur- pose luis o ecliie the fanions 'lossimm dîlmners urranged for the natIons ex- otitile ou bIsItr itroîîgh the soult. land, Practlcalv everv dstrict In te truand Eampire sOul be relîresemiled by Itls cholcesi aiiecliieis of te king of fruilt at the Tait banquîet lit Spokanle, anîd whei te presîdents train tartas 0o its way to the Pacifie coast te cold storage conîpartments wili be tlled wit the beat apples prodî,ced ln ;uch cari,1 that country. lon 10 Pos but Reail Purpose le Now Givýen OutinlaDmpatch-Awalte Supplies before Leaving on Last Dash ia HIs earcit.1 i(FrontîiWediiesday's Lally Sun.) Erniest Leffiagweill.of Pasadena, l'aI. Stianleli ar companilon ai Rab- eri Ingatia. Robert Douglas and "Tip" (illes aîandi baîiknwrîta ailaiftem. la. accri'ng ta a diapaicit. walîIng n te far norlitl'or supplies before starîlIig ou n exjlorlng expedilîlon whilrifIlsiîcressfu,i l bave more scleîîtîflî' and herbais aîonetary val- ni' thanr titose of lDrFrederîcit Cook dion on the lil-fated Dachea of Bed- tord several years ago. LflMngweu was a member of that expedition. ILLINOIS HOLDUP PARDONIED President Taft Frees Man Who Stopped Texas Stage Coach. <Prom Wednesaay*s San.) Washingtonî, Sept. 14.-'-A wtory of au lîlînols boy golng west. becomIng a rowboy and maklag a single-handed holdup of a stage coach wih six pas- senigers. figures lu a pardon granted by Presîdent Taft la the case of L. . Ptterý Palier. ito lmleilved ai Salema, Ill. and when conylcted af holding al), the stage la Texas was senteficsd Mtay'20,1995.lRita lits Imprisoniment. He bas served almoat rwenty-four yeaz'a. partly al, Chester, Ill., and ln i.eavenwortb pealtentiary. Mrs. J. W. Whtite, wife of the prest- dent of lte Germait National tisaitof Idaso,,, Tes., bat of vitom were pas- sengers, nrged lte pardon on the lirfund ltaI sentence was excessive ad titalite prisoner lok aaiy $9 and a walch frontlite passengers. Thte walcit mas later returned. DEATH HAS EFFECTS HERE LeffIangwcil. vito li t'elUnited KIansas Woman, i(nowelnluLaits Cous,- States some linte aga on whiia was ty, Ded Few Days Ago. auîoiui'eds aa le dlacoî'ering ex- (Front Wediaegday'n MMIY,Sun.) pedîtiaui Is lu reallty lu searcb of a Thte folioving deelit n0tice la tuilaI- large. îudlscovered continent wiict 'dM ainte Sun tiy roqueat. Mra. Ty- he llcaîly belilves existe lalte far i ICI'laskuown la Lakte couflty. '0 irt.Hle now awalting supplies Nrs. Samutel Hudson Tyler died eI aI Point Barre]] hetore breaklng thte ber homie, 624 South Chterry street. las, bondlis wiih clviliixatiou. yesterday afternoon et 2:40 oclocit, oi Tite disalci telliig ofi bs plans paralysie. Site vas tidrn ln Drlftwood, came frot Victoria, . BC.,and wss as Pa.. Mancit ý2, andi vas ztarried le folloys. hegrIy . laSamuel Tyler,,wbo <ritlh Vicitaria. B.t. sepl. 14.-Con- ber sns es-vive ber. Thte boys. vired taittere la an uudiscovered are Abert, ai Savannah, .;1ansd continent ln lte fac nortit. Lieut. Er-; William. o! Slýinneapolis., Mina. A aiW nest lDe K. Leffiaigweil of Pasadena, ter. Mrs. Mary Haye oi Pezns$yivaais Cal.. and Chicago, la at Point Barrel I aiso survives. The fueral iliii h awaillng te arrivai ai supplies before beld tomaorraw aiteritaan frotu the crosslng Beaufiort lu aearcit ai the home, et 1:10 o'cloct. servYicevilS uew land. teienlucharge af Re,, Irvin. vitisbu1- The seercit for Beaufort landi vau iaila in igitand.-Ottsva (K»4a.) R«t-, te abject of te Mikkleson expedi aid. ITailorsi; .StuunnugNew Suits Vt inens and Misses fine tifflored 'sîits ma de of go4id quality broadelotlh in na%-v bi ie stone green andî black, fine satin ined, itylisli ling Coat, huttoned thiroui; alui.......................9 9 Siestvlish junior suits, sizes I1<1 Po1. i'tty it8 and n(byskîrtq 3 995 f3pctîai at ... . . . . . . . . . . A Very Special SuitOffer Broad Ktriped Panama Suitsi, new-st Pais stYles, coats are 45 inches long and the 4kIirts bcautifully madle, this 18 an elegantly ttan tailored suit, trimmed with jet buttons and wifl surprise you .................. 2 5 Beautiful Suits, triade iu jatinty effeets with the Fine HomeSpnSuits ae f int îîli ty Pî erd% oiings at the right priffl. Children's New Dresses Striped Bus4ter Brown .1.25r I>resseS........................... Nobby Plaid Dressesl, sizea 6 to 14 ..............................39 Newest chamgable material Dresses in pleated effects ............... 2.2 Flannellette50 Rompers ............................5 C Neat Flannellette25 Dresses.......................... 5 StuiranigNew ôats' 'sThe Coats and Capa we are sh<w1OVing, rppre~et the" meitsons higliest clams garnIents at thE, lowegt- prîces. The Big Store Next Door to Péarce.s Everybody is Thinking about the New Eall Clothes they must get. When Buying Buy the Best. Friedman 's ex- clusive ladies' and children's gar- ment store has bulit up the largest business in this line in Waukegon and Lake County, by selling offly merchandise of the highest char- acter at the iowest prices. Friedman's Cloak & Suit Co. operate a chain of stores, and control some large factorles, whlch en- ables them to buy and produce ln Immense quantities, and are in a position to compête wlth the largest retail houses in Chicago and New York, and they can seil a fine article cheaper than a smnall store keeper cao buy it. 9095 FINE FULI. LENOII NEW ("OVERT COATS TIMMED WITH JET B4UTTONS, EXCEL- LENT VALV'ES. Iligh chinmg hroadcloth ('oats i l.lack and smoke. Theme are very claks3' and the priceff are uprpriiig- ly low.1 9095 1.95 3,095 195 NEW CAPES OP BROAD- VLOTU IN COL(>RS. THE STYLES ARE TRIE BEST IN THE COUNTIUY. FOR 'l% 1ES P AN A MA SKIRTS. TIIESE SKIRTS ARE WORTH ll$4.0), (GO NOW c AT $1.95. FINiE NEW SKIRTS IN BLA"*CKj ANrD NAvy BLIJE. MAPÈ IN'. T 11E K ILTE 1) EFF lC9 TRlIM.- NMED) WIT1 IA .TIN, WORTH $6. PANA-MA, MI XTURE 'O LORS. TION. COVEUT AND' COATS IN ALL A FINE SELEC- New h lack Petticoats wit.h dWEep î'orîed floince ...........«.,...6 - ('hilren's Lamhs Wool 0 Sweaters .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novelty Tailored Waists, Fine Waista ii 01k. Ilark colora...........................107%, An amartment of seven stYles of white tailored Waista, plain, îloo plested and tucke¶ and rlch embroidered effeets Alforations Fr.. nd Guaranteed BUY IT AT FKILDMAN'S Altoratioris Fr.. a.nd C - 1 'BUY IT AT FKIEDMAN'S - - Alterations Free and G Alterations , Free and Guaranteed

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