Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Sep 1909, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPENDEN', WAUKEGANWEKXSUN VOL. XVII. NO. 52 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, YRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909-8 PageB $1.50 PER Y'EAR Ri, ADVANOE. states attorney ta sîart the action, which willl he lu mandamus e 0conipel Taylor te change hie opinion and de- -lare the bond torftted and bonds- men ta give up the moaey. Refuse to puy Bille. The refusai te pay bille, the board feels Dr. A. S.' Brown, county PhYsi- clan, should psy, came when the coun- ty rommittee ou pour billesamade Ils repart. The bille were nlt allowed by titem. The bille are $753 tram te boapital. $7 from the tent colauY and $5 from a physiclan for exami- nation. A pour patient belug taken care of by Dr, Brown was thougliltu have tuberculosis and w"s exanîlued t the caiony. Physicanu. fouttîl li dld net bave the dîsease sud lie vas taken le the hospital for au opera- tien. i was reparted at the meeting that Tota recîps........$142.121.97Dr. Bravadld ual vaut tise pita Expeuditures....... ...... 142,136 51 ta go cli ler place lut Iliat auî.ert-laars tafrced ibe action. tader lis camulrset On baud.............. .$96,46 aili Ithe board lic suîervsora thllîk Earnings. tIr. Btrownt eliotîl ly tlie bills atud Total .arrnugs.............. $9,345 7 8 tor titis reat-on tiîy n ire nt aloacti. Expendtures .....................1f) Adopt Reports. Theu-ru lît of the dlifferemt otun tý Olu band ..... . ......Oficaits v, Irct diiitcd t the nîeetlng Helrship Funds. toiltit Arciulo that teliouslY Total recelpts ............... on (>auirts eand ground itogs. oîtloîal Exîiendtures....................9 .a ihtii i itlîloatdslic solaiied alter Ociohi r i. vas îîassed Last i cai On baud.................... $8,6f7 91 $1114:3.9f)'sas pald ouI lu ibis vari. Miscellanieous Funds. Thte repor or uthle cornînîltee on te Total recelpîs...........$173 02 unifflellotuof the Coalu-ie- bridge la Exçendtures .......14,9-15.0 Fia tasusbiuî t a a rosI of 8080.30 vas -adoliled andl a communication rom On baud............. ........ .15.30the- Lakue Bluff orlîbanage Ibatiîng Institutst Fund. bbc board for the lucrease liIlie Total rpeltl............ 2)2,20 îs-rly alovatîce ta $1000 vas re- Expeudilures ...............16.75 -elted. Cul Gazette Bila. On baud ................... 35-45 The action oun Ilie Gazette bis A reiresentatirie of the Chicago Teieîuboae company apeared betore the board ami Thîtrsday and aulrlsed lie Installation of a swîtch board and private excitange at te court house ta remedy exlsting troubles. A spte- ciai comunibee, Supervisors Graham, 'Miller sud Quetîn, wae appoluted to looek tto the malter wmd to report at te Doember session. Thse bocks of every couuty olfical o Lake couuby are ta ho audited un- der the supervision of a committee frontlite Board af SupersIsors, by an accauntaut hired hy tOem, as the re- suit of a resolutlon passed iïy tbli board ot supervilsors lasI veek. The resolutlon vas offered by Sti- pervîsor Edwards and vas passed by a vote o! 9 ta 8. Ils gist vas Ibat as tbe bocks a! the county offlcIaIs had bad ual heen audibed for years sud Ili as there lsauntncreaslag de- maud amnong laxpayera for a knovl- edge of the exact position flaancialiy ai tise couuly oflicers witl te couaty, therefore. be lb resolved, Ibat Ilie books of te counly officers ho sud- lted te date sud tor as long a period prlor tu date as a cammitbee may de- termine; and be l t urther resoived. taItiis board elect by ballot a com- -aîti Frlday nuornîuua The bills were cul ast the lasI meeting because tic îriutiug camuittee declared ten el- orbItant sud at ibis meeting bbe Ga- zette mhed taI îley he aiiowed lu full. lb vas referrcd 10 a carmnttee vlilcli refuted bbc request amîd Friday morultmg Supers isor Deacan made s motion Ibat they ho alloved lu full anyway. The board killed the mos- lion by a vte ot 14 ta 2. The buils includel onemielli of$218-5ü, cult o $112.25: anoblier af $177 cult to$109 sud a tibrd bill allaved. The cammit- tee retorted Ibat Itliead allowed about tiîce as mucli as lida on thc samne aork rom printers ommside of Wauhe- gan sud yet thie bis vere cul almoat lu bal Supersisor Il. I.Edvards Sauurday usotuligaI lbh- board sesion, vas appointeti a comîîîltlec af one 10 niat-e out a conîllele and scetîrate report af ail recelptilanad expeuditures aofIlie coumuls for tlie past ycsr. Later Sup- errilsars Clark sud tDayton acre sp- îoited 10 St ail i hm. The- actionuta la catîîîliancc villi the iaa'oaithie duties of the superý tîsars ofat aratnty, te areadlug. initier thet- tie, "tauiily Boards-Du- lies, Supptles': 'To atake out 51 ls muIlIce of threc 10 have full citarge of mee In i Seîtenîibcr., a supervlsing ofthîe employmcub of au tullsud sertirat- statemeul of ube re- auditer tu du Ithe work and of super- celpîs anti esîendltumes aIfbbeitreced- vislug bbe audit u imîg ycar, sîhidli sialerntet shaleau- M'hile a county tîffliai Fridas esti- talus a foit and correct description af mated that the cot aofauditlng thuIch aitenui, ratîtabonu td aunviat biooks o! tht- cautyforar speriod oraI-ccoutî met-lted, 10 abouihalO, and ci tr1 ýa-! teu-lîl aîîounb ta !'îOs ia i ,it urt'ci't it teit a cet or about $40.000 or $30,0oo total,'siitt sut cuictoate itat(,et oif te it Iliase backlng tle plana say I ilvli noa sces o!fblie eotunîy aI Ithe- i-d of the eost above $10.000 aud that Ibere la a fiscal :.'ar, Iîîciudîuîg al uItbts sud firnu of actuarles v illiug ta da Il for liabililies of est-iy description, sud abat lhcy v il sas-e tle couuîy. ibe assets sîtîIl allierr nîaus la dis- There la a tîp arnong caunty of- charge te saine, sud alîblîs tlilrty fIiais thal a nice garni le being dais Ibereatter ta cause te same ta played sud that the audIt sciseme heîîocîî-d III) ai the court bouse door, will be calied off aithîe Docember 1 aund aitwto other places la tIc couuty, meeting as a commttee of three anud publiîsed for ancea'eeue ln samne appolnted today la lmply to de- iewspuaiier tereîn, If there la one, termine coet, sud the sanie eabu doute vithaut un- (ouuty officiais geuemlly prateas a ressonable expeuise." vîllinguesa far the audit but are Supervilsars Edwards, Clark sud afrald that the laxpayers vîi lind the Daytan yl tarI an tle vork aI ance. coaito10 bigli. One man sald the Tbe sonuai arder lu thecocuuty audit vould pîtonge te couuîy Into c lcrk thbat lie dra's warrants ai 5 pet debt next ycar surely, where as It le ceut Intereat, in anticipation of thie vlîb Ilie Increase of asaeesed valua- 1909 tas les y stfficlent la pay ail bills lions tram one-fli ta one-third te sud 10 caver ail necesaary expeases cauaby cauid vlggle along eveuîy. îhat niai occam, not exceeding 75 paer Ater Haigh Sondemen. cent of tle as Ievy, v-as pasaed by Thc petîllon of States Attorney thc board ait account of the deficlcncy Dady vas read Friday moruing asldug lu bbc coîuty fonds. The aunual tax autloirty ta tart suit agaînat Police levy vas aiso, paaaed sud tise counîy % ,vt,.,,.Waltr Taylorandoide- clark lnstructed ta apead tle bax ln men Petcr 'NcDermobl sud Carl Mar- tin for île torfelture ofthUe $1,500 bailS a! larry Haigli. HaigI was ar-1 resed for an aasauib on Fred Cash- more and vas tahen before Tay!or.( A cotinuance vas gsanled aud vhen( Halgit faiied la slow Up -at this con- tinuancc Stales Attorney Dady movedE that the baud be forfelbed, JusticeJ Ta;lor overruied bbc motion ankd thh. Cage vaq bat Voted Authorlty. Tise board voted authoritY ta tise accordauce. Items la the levy ae Construction of bridgea ..... $1,0 Payrnent of pimary and gen- erai elecîlon .............. 7200 Campensation, cauuty ofilcers 14,500 Caunly tarm sud outeide aid te poor-------------------.47,000 State charitles---------------3,000 Jury sud caroner'e tees-...9,M0 BirIlu and,-deaalbreprts ...... 1950 Graund itog and crow hounly 1,500 Pensione ta htInd------------ 4,600 (Votlasd ta page4) YEOMAN WON TuIE MOTORCYCLE RACE SUPERVISOIRS IIOLD) REGULAR SESSION Annu&i Tex L.vy Ilee at Session Sets Aside .$127,650 for Next Vear- Levy Conmtalne Items for Blind Pen- sion amd for Crow and Grond Hog Bountice, Soth Dead tems--Other Worh of Board. The aultervisoa slad a hîîsy nîcet- lng last week. Thursday ioutîng a report trouna s gielal cotîtuîuttee vas adopted. sttîng thai lite Erastlng brilge lu Hlalitaîl beqicît itpleýeîisat- lefactorily at a cot af $973,67. The couaty treasurers repart waa received sud referred lu tise comimit- tee on settlement. The main tacts 01 thse repart showed: County Funds. May Form Club, Thie success at tic matarcycle races tîus ar lielO lun Waukegan and Lib- cml! rilllc alîl aisa prolabiy reatult lu thie tormlng of tle Narth Share NIalor- cyele club a'ith a raciug adhedule coin- meucing 51 once sud lastlng as long as the veablier v'iii permit. The peo- pic sccm taIlike thc game and the lromaicrs aili gIve tliernjust vbat bldy si-su. Thé judges acre Bahb Mtrris sud Larry Dayton. Thetilmekeepera veme Ihases Selle sud Johin Svanabrough. Caplain W, J. Reed vas the officiaI starter. L. Wynn vas record keeper. Charles Fergusau'a best mile for the race vas 1:07%. At the conclusion o! Uic big race s five mile free-tor-al vas run lunvisich C. S. Ttoraey, et Chicago, rlding s Thor, vas an easy vinner. Tîme, 6:20. Walsh, rldîng a Harley Davison, via second vith Bob Martin of Chicago, Excelsior, Usîrd, F'erguean. riding WiIbur's Indian, which halked an the Bangl i Pulfi! tPuffu Puff-They're Off, and the Longeet and Most Exu- citing Motarcycle Race City or County Ever Saw le on ta the FInish ai the Libertyville Mlle Track. Thie irst ot a serles aofatoterci cIe raci s bldO Sitttday aI Libertyvillte aas a great success, attractîng more tlitt a titoitattd stctators wbo vît- tiesed otte-or lte best atîtalQýur mtor- cyrlu-tares ier sentiitt Lake cotînty. Ray Yeomtatn wanthe first plize. a beautîful sie-r cuIt; lime, 59:47; dis- tance 4.,uIles. AI. Muecliam, ofIli. land Park, swon te second plrze, a cycle lautît titie. 62:02 Tite third place 'sas wotn by Fer-gusan; time, 62:,56; îrîze. solid gold stick pin. The tistance suas 4.5uiles aud Ilie miaclinaes rlddîtt atd entrles acre: Roy Yeomtatn, FEscelsior. AINlechani, llariu-y t)arison. %V. J, Nechaut, liales' vDat% Isot. l-arry Bensoît. Itîdiant i litles Firgiteon , I tîîlatî Exclting Contest. 'Tle racre nas ai exexillng oaeurnt th-, start itîttil tlie last lap 'aas carn pidi il tIi(,t-i ltet ig several tîcar ',lills ' tut îîo sttîaehl tîî iail. Tbe race tii ased ta fie te uîost ilu lcrestlttg atîd truly excitimu en yel lit-l!nittue caunly as tlie racers wcre ln fuîtls leur of Ilie îbouaand altecla- tors al tht litte, anthie grandstand tot forli isIlî trîlîi. as ecdilait)amas cattîîîlcled under Ithe vire rîglit In frot ofuteverybody. Tlie race belauged ta W J. Nlechiatir. alto rode a I)avlaan.utIl te tactl fourth lait vas camîltced, vbetn Yeo- man, ridlng an Excelslor, galtîed the lead. Ferguson, wba vas riîliug XII- hors ludîsu, got a slow tarI, belug aboultvoanaud Ilireiluarters laits bu- lilud the others carIe hi theî race, but made slow gains unili athIe finish hie was crawdlng AI. Mecbam tar second place. loslug hi' otbtcfw seconds. Yeoman, havever. rade the fasîcatt mmill recordcd, limne 58 seconds. .%echam and Fergusan tauched tires lwice, once la trgnt of te grandaland ile endeavrirng ci parsa ans another but neither wasaIbrowu and no ane susaaned injuries af ai:. kind, whicb la reinarkblle for a race of sucli lengîli vberc the canîcatanta tayed lit (:]ose logetbeî asusas te case Ire- uuentîs dtîrlag the bour reelulred for the 45-utIle grlud. Tbe race vas s test of tire real quslty of the ma- chines, sud the-endurance af the rld- ers, wili licad vork countlng for uttîcli Wlict Yeoman cauglit up vils W. J. Nechiam, walie hd the lead dur- Ing thbe ral tveuty-five miles, every. body crheered lis rictory. Then when AI. Necharn got aliead of hlit roiher, Wuili, and lhe Il u tra vaapushed bard by Ferguson for second place, the race becante a real canteet. W. J. .Ileclai anad Denson did nat complele the course. Announce Serles of Contesta. The pranters of yesterday's et-cnt vers mure Ibsu surîîrlscd ai bbe Inter- est takcu atîd tee Justlied lu au- naunclung attothler series of contesta for Stîttîl a tlet iti, October 10. The 'r' e, ieut c.,,iii- a f'sclory race t is biclu aiilb, c-leadi tîg' îaiuuactur- crs m'il] iartctpate, Tley vîli furnlsli thelr siecîilrariîîg niachines vbicb wiIl lie rtdîuby rfesslonaas. Titis willl lieas iftymnule cucul and thero a I alsît lie att amtelur race for the Lake count:. clîaupiansblp, seasan af 1909. There ss iI aiea lie one, Olve and t en ti tle lrlminai'y cantesta The adumtssiou viii lie kept aI a pomaI sttrti, anid escryone wlio likes good. clean, exritiiug sportt viii undaubîed- ]ys attend. tlcuîiara." How He Met Death. MiacDonald sud Icu or twelve athere members of bbc steel gang, vha arc fiotsar n sd luIsant ai the ciby ofChiI-1 cago, bad leen ila Waukegau Salurday nigbl, sud Il la bellcved that tbcy lad leca dmnklug, as membera of the iarly ail lad plut fiasks sud MacDon-u ahi 'sas foîud ta bave one aiso.1 lu la bellescd lhtthtecmen al toIt t' p 11 ir- ii 1tu t'intp Logan. Tii te the traii ubat tatas militia nuen la Logan.1-lote, sî. tise steel gangs caînl)isl farîliti souti, bebveen Logan autO Ziot i(Cituand MacDonald sud the nucît aflet gettlîîg ta Logan staricd 10 aalk lad, ta camp. The train backed dawn on tht-r, vîlaties saund- lîîg and liglils sbowing and IalcDan- aId, slow la uîorlng tor Borne reasan. vas kilîcO, lie dld uat die lustautly lut iived teacsd Naukegau. One letter gîtes bis addreas as1 "Care of A. Laurte, 3612 Paruell ave- nue, Chilcaga, 11U' Nlanday nrniîîg Dcputy Carouer1 Canrad vlred Nrs. Davis ta gel the ad-( dresa aof!uacDortaid's relatives. He lae bclcved ta base living lwo bralli-1 ers, Hugli and James, sud possibly a sîster, vile a let-ler touud ou lis persan Intîmaies liaI bis moîher dled recently. ltI lblilleved Ihal Hugh isla lu Scotlaud'sud Janîfle lu Klrnberly or1 Jobannesburg, Soult Africa, Farnily troubles. the drink babil. possily, are aise iuled St ln theclIcI ters sud il Is blche d ihat Macintosh secluded hlmacif liy comlng itere ta vark ou the steel gang purpaBely. 1 Had Plenty Warnlng. Mfeubers af tle crev of thte train the rear end of vîldli ran MacDonald1 dowu sy Iat tle man had plenby orl waraing, bliat v bslbls sounded, thaI bhey shoutcd aI him, tsaI aIl meaus were taken te save hlm, but Ihat he stood at lte end of a lia appsrentyiy lu deflance of ie eafaty sud vas bit, l being Impossible la ave hlm. WIFE SYMPATIIIZES WITII ERRANT SPOIJSE Girl Goe Home ta Meet Forglvenese whlle M inister Faces Penitentla.ry and Rage ot Former Friende-Par- ente ot Girl Signed Warrant on Whlch Requisîtion Wss Secured- Preached Funeral Sermon Belone Leavlng. Late Fi'îa ayi tîlîtu Ltiretta, or ('lara, Suthierlatndlami l o 'uWallaic Mi Stucky lictIWaitkegatuIi icharge of fiberiff W. P. Latittier. of Otawa Kan., for WVlllamsbttrg, their boute. Slieriff Laîtitier at ris eîlIereth tlî atoralng wlti tbe necesaary retilsl- lion papers for talulu ebc prisouers home wit i hlmand left soon afler te business debails ot bis vsst liad been concluded. Thie Suthberland girl -netthlomue ta be greebed wltb open arma and ta rececie forglreaess for lier actions. AI Wilianiîurgliter utller tisa ss ati i ticto recelvie lier auulibei ftbler lis ou as dckie bd, auxiottitsî% atchuîîg fiti ber relit rtu Slucky Faces Penilentiary. Stocke guet liack la face trial for abductiotn, prostituîtion and other roiinl,lt referre(d b1 tbe girl's tarents attî posuciIIy analiier charge of deser- tioit îirefrred by lis vIte. No0 wei- Siw t.,ilI avaIt lilut and the chtances ar s eristrontuIat a prson lerm itere ane day and recognlzed lilm, ai- thougli Stucky declared hia nrame vas Muorgan, the allas lie used. Revr Tucker linnieduabely wrote ta Rev N. S. Ftanklilnst Princeton, Kan.,acar Willluartisburg, slatlng that Stttcky vas liete urfflerthIle allas af NMorgan anti tliat lie 'as 'sîith a girl titat lie. Tuck- i-r, belivîtel o i), an actress. lie asked if ther net. ntned and sug- gested that it thu- wn e that the Hher- Ilitte e li lui.t i'd ta vire la Sher- Iff GriflOitbeie. TIhis 'sas datte Whie Stucie sanl tire Sutherland girl n !c liere cli, n o;.,,d part ofthIe t i ee a rt lie boutse who i r.tley roonted, boatid, s bing lelît ai. o. Sire was beliîiiig to plui x)îticti-an thîs v'ay. Wanted Razor Today. "WiII yai please gel me a razor? I wanîtau liave atyself,' Stucky asked rit onîce. His demand vas refuseti as te lierifa suspicions were imme- diaieiy araused. He and Sheriff Gril- lin iusestlgated anîong the prîsoners sud found that Stîtcky bad declared titat bath lie amtd te girl would cont. nit sticidîe before lie vas brauglit ta tial, Uc staled it wouid probably lie ontirlie tripî. Ottawta, Katt- .Sepit. 20.Fo*gil'ing lier lastor lttsliand, but bitîter itt ler tinittrk.- abloutI tue yatî.g gtrilihe tras titedi for enttclng, the svlfe af te Rec. Walltace Mi. Stuckey of WiVlliamts- tîîrg, sent a tmessage ta hlm Sunday telllng hlnitîtiat abe noul le la Ot- tait a Monday to statnd liy liliInbbis start again, came ln lotîhthu, ie ilîli utari, BlaukInstaiu, on a IlTor, flot fin. ishlng. One liad festure of iiG lui vas the paor service of the elet it l]iis Tliey dld net have enough caltt tii. beittg crowded vibli 126 Pas- t c, taitt a car vbose capacity le suptl - i t. lie slxty ptersona. KILLED 1BY TRAIN SATURDAY NIGIIT Man Whose Presonce vuth Laborers RouseseSpéculation Was Walklng Back ta Steel Gngs Camp, when Train Backed Dovr. Upon Hîm- Light and Whttle$ of Tratn Appear ta Have Seon Dlsregarded by Hlmn.1 Anglis MacDonald, s abioîtîut 33 years, vas kIlled by a \îiititîtestcra Jiasseniger train Saturîlltît iliut a li-n1 theie rai, sald to 'hai ie.b- icoutd- iii a liltie and expo. tci iîiliglil.,, backed dowu an hlm. There la a wliole lot t(tfn t, t i as tu MacDonald and Itita.stltit -i tbe n exîilalned bow lhe waae t1int Ite(iltheii ti ev steel rail gang tot i i t tî tertt le bailbeen workine îîvitiiiiicgatie toi tt -e or four days fi1 li tiiliîat lie tua-. 'ay out of lits oittt ,îî t a- la lit hpockets were fotî,îd li. tte s ofi t eýottiiienidatIan for ablii î 'i a utiti - - trîcal titrer and vwe,tsli iiia letter fiant Marie Dat i --1 ilait t-> avenu,Les Angeles, tati, iti ,i itet sais Iliat t lie vork te tooi a,îd fot MacDonald, altboughitt 'ci tii bleti t iglt.' Lette-re tram Worid Over. la the dead man*s clotîtes 5crt- found letters from îdi-le dtistnt ptoints af the world, itotably front Glasgow, Scotland, London, lsltîtbs-riv Southi Africa, and other places. Tbe Afrîcan lettera are ntiyaieries. Tbey are wrltten ta "Dear Muother and Wýaty' and ibeir tenoir ia îgli, ofthIle confidlng boute toue. telllng abat are belles cd ta be newe of faatlly affaIra. Huw NMacDonald, who gave lima irai tinte as Amgus, came ta have the let- ters tis, a nil itery. 'he etters are dpted back la 19017aud 1908. Il la a littie book lu hie pocket vere fouud addresae-s lu London, Glasgow, aud other places ln England and Scat- land. wbile anc address was 'W., Mac- Donald. 23 Northt Park Lo, New titî Rosd, Glasgaa. Nîra. Datvla. laier learued 1 lie Ntac. Danaldas cousin attd lutended vIle, snd W. MacDonaldl, Glasgow, Seat- land, vere wlred sud caý.led reapec- tiriely by Deîtuty Coroner Conrad. Late Sunday afternoou MIrs. Davis wlred: "Angua !MacDonald la my cous- lu and latended busband. Would corne but have net Ilie meane. Wire par- OItci iffi aitIitîsi arrl vtel bure Fritia: iii i ini- b bfull autbutrily 10 akel titi tuobackalihliit. Befare leav- ii Dansaslie secured requisîtlon lîtulucs aI Topcha sud stapped ai SîpriîîelielIditefore couiag bers-, la si-ti t b, requlsltloa, On bis arrisai he uîerî-ly sert cd bis warrant, found his prtisaniers vere ready 10 returu vitb bîrut, sud starled as sonon as tlie arramîgemnents acre nmade. De came alone autd rcturned aifli bbc Inn as lis aniy rompany. Gl's Parente Sign Warrant. Thie warrant carried by Shertlf Lati mer 'sas Issueu(l attcomplaint of Dat id and ilarîlia Suthecrlantd. the iparenta8 af thec girl. Thieawarrant chiarges Stiietritilithe abduction oathIe girl1 titi issfîtil r tri 1h îprostituîtion. sud yul oblier charges. tt viiilibe the varrant ciutîtc a iilie trilul irst lie lrled. Fusierai Service Belore Eloplng. Stucky ri eaceetia serman 51 the fuîteral at cite of bis cangregaîlan tva lavs s leforc lie disaaîtearcd front WII. liaoîslîîrg. le also prcacled rat s elîcecisi Odd Fellava gatlicriag a short tinte before. The geucral expresaiou in Niiiausburg nov." said Sberifft Latmer,"la Iliat sallher funeral ser-f uton sbould lie ilivered, sa strang la sentimett seinst Stucky.i Mre. Stucky Destîtute. Nîre Stucky and bier tour clilîdren ai.- destilute Sluîcky stabed lisre that tht-y liud moncy lu ite au bot Sheriff L.aimer slabed Ibat ibis v-as ual so attulthal lbey verd' liotutfunds. Girl Expecta Father H-ere. Lorcua Suthberland vas expcctiag1 lit ft lîler ta accorpnpty Sherit! LaI. inr hlie liui licen'as III ai bis hoame andl eîîîd not canueTlie girl wa nt', 'tii il s Ilit h" 'ut vO1 tit cuerifflad conie lanc lut lbe exitlatieîithe clrcîuistancea tolaier, Si.-ti s anxsus ttaretturu Bler par- i-ltsarei aiu.Âouts tît recels elier anti tue .trl tuait a uts li iialiu-tly for lier eontîtîteThe intîtler. li slieshitteaI lie tîatter, salîlrittlber boute, "I vant iti il d bac k Slies mnue atudl1 statît lerlt-ucnie horne, vitere t can vaîrli ovi-rlier aud came tam lier. I gtîeesitse lias siniued, lut l'Il forgix c ber ail if sie yl auly came baceue Motiser la Overjoyed. Coiitiituittg.,Ira. Suthierland statcd Iliat site cotuld hardly belles elber dsîîgbter lsd at liasi been touîud. 'We have been dlsappalnbed so maay tintes.asie ssid. 'We haie tbougbb ve liad faund hem tv-o or tliree limes, once ltvre in Ottawa sud once rit Kan- sas Clu î huit ve vCeedisaîîttalted bath tîtîtes. I eau lisrdly belleve Il itoit' hilth le ta-o, irat dlsaîtîeared,1 Stiiehi tua .uly 19 and tlie girl on Atî 2, Slierlff Latimer traced tiemt as fat- as Kausa City sud thon at al] tîsit le Ibouglit ouce lic had1 baud lteuit 5a sroouulug bouse there buit the chie vas false. He bad heen vot Ing teadily on île case vben hoe got v'adtd Iat tliey vere la Wauke- gan. Rev. Tucker Found Stucky. il vas Rev. E. N. Tuchar who dis- coîered 11cm and vIa caused thier arresl. Rev. Tucker knaw Stucky vhpn te arrested minleber was an1 evaugellsb. He met hlm on thse ereet1 dlri, abo s a itupIl la bis Suudaýy schlooi elats. NVlen tblld hst bs f haîl lorglienliai. be broke luta lears. rlw~n lie denîled liavig svranged the Lgirl ts bo lied vîihbîn )Lot ema Sutlherland, 16 yea>s nd, 1slrlîiugly baudsome sdan d arlldel- 1oped far lier years. la at blie borneof b er tather lu Wllllarnsburg, vliere lbe >latter is sald îo be dylog of a broken bearb aver Ilie scandsi the arreat lias àbroîîgbi lu hie honte. Tise vife sud four chldren of Stiu te speat Soaday la Williams- hîîrg i)relarýing ta cone here teday. Sunday niglit »,rs, Stuckey sent a mtessage la a lrieud here that sitevas coîîulug. sud la teliler busbandd. The nîcesge vas cauveyect a lte la. It was. 'Tell hlm hlm that 1 and bhc hblîdien iilIIlibe Ilere SMonday ta se* lIi.And 1i anotualcomlug 10 give liai H anîguîe lisslilg. i arncomiug bo forgise sud lorget sund ta stand by bîni alitais lu ail lis troubles. He caunot (Io alitytilig bliet vouid make att- forsake hlm, and alien lie Ilnl raulile lie aeda me moat -, But tbe girl gets no sympabhy lram lhc pastors vIte. Ste says o! Lorena Suthierland: ls ton bad ta icI bhat girl come lame wile my husbaud lias ta sbay lIn jail. She le 100 brazen. She cornes baek lbers vhen sIc huows that she lias broken my beart. Site la tle mare guily of tle Ivo. She lias cused sulterîng thal cannaI he tbld lu vords." Lorena Sutheriand's mollier was operated by a large organized charity avallng lier lu the sherif's home or by the state. He said ha did not wben sic reacbed lere. As the girl knov what hie tuture plans would b. vetu in t thIe door ler maîber rau as lie vas undeclded visat lin. af bo ueet lier. Not a word vas apahen yak la bake up. He lutlmated tfit tho s-a, - te-h adetogeltr sud telt labo otîlienualu lu sanie lhue 0f gospei ecristaîlers arns. The girl bld lier tsork, 'Wu'en ashed If lie wcuid go ont face ounler nathera broetansd bbc oui thielectumre llabforni ihe said hao8 moîter lent danu sud klsaed ber net hitow yeb. tutcIe and pattel lier shoulder vhlie N5ueu nuilri- vas made regarding. hotu velu. certain niorîgage foraclosures M.' Tue nitor car of il. F. Getcheil, Crowe stated that he had perecm"ly' utayar of Wiliisburg, vas avaltlug naîlfied the John M. fimythe cosopmRY. lier ai Ithe daar. SIc sud her molt-er acamee sud getLhUsafuraitutre Ir", eîsîcred it sud an hour later she vas îliey had supplled 10 fumutab, tweaty or aI the gate ot the borne vîcre she bhlrly raome aIt tse HlahwoW d dd vas born. She vas bheliet ouI and cure saîsitarlum, whlcla via lo.4 12' sIc dîd nol s1op a marnent. SIe rau Saumuel Schwartz o! Wankegea. lie inita the bause,. Thc utayor said that tald lie ad uotified thse Kimball Piano asah lfct licboard lier sablug lu eornpauy tu comeansd geithtie piano ber ftblers arma, lu use ihare. M.Sbuckey talhed rstbcr freely Mr. Crowe salzs tated ltaI ho wu Sunday sîternoonans e le tood lu biseitavlng sarne w-ita evorn ont on bis ce:l. He looked dejcled, dlspirited avn accouaI il prasent. Rey. George and depresseti 'i an ahslutely nol MeQinnig vas closeted wlth hlm as giliIly of vroîugiîtg hem,"be sald. se C. M. Gorham. Samuel Schwartz le cooducting ne. THESE MAY WED. gottauione vwi tisa Keeiey cure peope Peter Rela. Norîth Chicago, 27; Jo- vitit a vle4 10 conductlng one af the&r sets Leban. North Chicago, 25. sanitarlurna aI Hlghvood lu Mr. Ervin Peter Weber.huMilwaukee, 22, Schtwartz building formerly accu- Muerlie FHss,.Milwaukee. 20. pied by Pal Crova. Their deal wftlz Laulia XWagner, Milwaukee, 21; Au- Crove tell bhrough vheu lheY found guista Alert, Milwiaukee, 20. lia financial condition. Il this 91090- Jas. Lorcuce. Blue Rapide, Kasas, aillotu does not "core acrasa" an Ev- 33; LillieKing, 26. suabon surgeon 1%, planning tao pes Frank Wagner, Fremont, 23; Are up a privale bcsýiItajlter.Mr. SIalil, 21. Schwartz bu ai iaeÉ ovar ail Ot P. Mazitis 22; Hva Bartulatîs, 19. Crowe's chattela vhlc i vredot mefl. lu cutunection with tise licnese la- gaged, psying hlm a balane s sb sned ta Edflh Once Davis, o! Anstin. aay owned Schwartzabsout tva b Iuî- Texas, and James Baqldîn Radaor, dred dollars. Oua vis a iet Crgtwfu , Austin, Salurday, ?isa Divis le visît-.ý place recently etates tisat t4, S*"&-.. Iug boere, vbere tise Marriage vilIl ake; cus e aticonsted ie* W Ms.- place. phlue oliunsud otbft 0oit isl ii iils greetlîîg.The frieuda lie triai. in'î tahticKausas toaa are nous The Ias.tor is la bhc county jaîl, titilied agallisl listing lîean arresbed at 'uVaukegan. Sherllt Came Alosie. I111- lti veek lu couîpany wtthiîiie 1 1 1 IIEARI DISEASE 1'Nr$L Tro JOHN NteUtY Retired Rallroad Man and For0 Business Ma n H ad Just Finli@ 2 Puntping Water when An Attac* 4# Heart Olsease Claimed Him-WW. Present at Death-Was Porrne,1y Northwestern Road Engineer. Relinqulshuttg the liandle of a naiW potit), on lit farm at Warrentow»ý To his 'sIfe Saturday inorning that BhW uîglit sece howv ard It worked, John Neeles, tetlred railroad man and sa old resilent of Waukegan, fell dead fi ont beart d isease. He dropped to the ground lust as his wlfe was speaking to M. The two liai arisen a Uitile before 7 o'clock and Nlr. Neeley went to thse pinti o draw sote water. Hil wile accoxnpaied hlm as the well le co [jîtt flnislied and no waler had been .Iran n from It as > et. Mr. NeeleY starti-d To puil watcr for the cattie fi-st tand tTiarl.ed ta bis wlfe that lte iater 'sas niuîldy. Then bis wife a-ied la lry the puiTii) and 11r. Neeiey urned oser the handle.,10 ber. Had Just Stopped Pumplng. Suc liad î,uînîîe. but a minute and tu lier ht-baud said: "This lititill hard. It wauld take a bsorne to ýNorhI( t, wben ehewas horrifihd ta sec hîni drop t the ground. He was dead imnedlately. The de;atis was csused by lieart d1sease, but Mr. Neeley had not been ill a minute and %vas feelIng fine wben hie got up Satun' day inorulng.t He was ln WaukeMa Thursday. The Neeleys had lived on the farm just two montits. They Uiffl on Norîh Genesee street, in Wauke- gan, before goiug to Warreuton. The late John Neeley was an ei- Northwestern engineer who retired In the '90%. moving he,-a from Fond dua Lac, Ais., buying out hie brpther's. property at Sheridan Road and Wa±er street, and starting a saloon. He waU promineut. 1 i" Mr. Neeley was about 62 yeurs oli. He liad lived ln Waukegan about 21) years, retiring from business about tour years ago. Up to that tilns De rau a saloon at thse corner of Wasah Iugton street and Sheridan Rond. De. fore comIng tb Waukegan h. wu' a englneer on the Northwestern reR- road wltb heatiquarters at Fond du Lac, IVis. ,Mr. Neeley leavea a wife and foig brolluers to survive hlm. The brothoe are Charles and Ben of Waunkqu and James and Edward of Chicago. The tuneral waa iseid trous ts. Cburch of the Immaculate Conception on County ptreet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock with interment Iu St. Marrae cemetery. SAYS SANITARIUM WAM NOT A I!AILURE Pat Crowe, when interviewed Fri457 afternoon, eaid ha dld not conalder thse drink cure sanitariwn a f allure but thouglit it could only hc auc<eatfly

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