LÂKE OOUMMT INDEWB'ENMD UA', SEPTEMJ3ER 24, 1909 Bih-rut ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI Yon need't believe what wvseay &bout them; you eau judgo for yourieif by trying jut oue can of Bmeh-Nut Beau,, with Tomato sauce, sud we kuov your verdict vili b. that chere noyer beforeotr vers inch dellelous Beau, sold, rosdy to est. The s uée ine spec- iaiy lino aud v believe itaboeter than ay other on the market. .EAwh eau ln eusmelled inside no chat the Beau, do not toocli the tin. Order a trial eau "ody of J. E3LJ TRIUGS, QROCER NEW ROYAL SIEWVFINO MACHINES We ask you to buy a New Royal machine because you want the best when you buy. The best material and the best mechanical skill combine to make this ma- chine of few parte so simple that anyone can understand it, and we believe therefore the very beet machine for any faînily. Wu E. DAVIS Groceries and Dry (ioods LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MY NEW LINE 90F Ras juet been received and the ladies are cordially iu'rlt.d to cali and inspect. It'o a binger mistake to pay too littie for a bat than too much, for below a fair prlce styles are queetionable and long wear im- possible. Now is the time to choose your bat, and before you make a final choice it will pay you to make a careful comparison between the bats shown here and elsewhere both aâ to quallty and style as well as price. Mfr$,M 0h. R.Produe LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS L L.OOAL AND PERSONAL MENTrION B. F. Woolrldge lot Saiýurday for Rorn b Mr. sMd Mri. R obert Speiman, Dorcheeter, Neb.1 Monday, Sept. 20, a mon. Edward Dreler vas a vietor i lu I. ME . Bahp da uàhteretrn- yankee Tuseday. ed lait r y frm a short visit lu Joseph Friend, of ZLon City, wae visit- Idn. lng friende here Saturday. Mr. sud Mra. John 011., or Chicago, Libertyvîlle vas welI represented at we* the getaof Mr. sud mmi. W. C. the Elkhorn Fair tlhÇs wesk. Rawu at the Newmaitle Botllen~t ian Evellne Thiggs la @pouding the RrH .Lalrgv nadsea ws.kwlt reailv. laRacne, au Epwoe.b League rally held in the George Bogue @peut eeveral days th. Hemsnway churchat Evaneton Tusedy peut wek viii>relative@ In Mlwaukee. evenng. Ed McDonald hms the contrac for oretm Epicopal eerrvleuwEev be held iu the lng the ne w office building at Sheldon- odenbl, udrafteruobn St huot. threeo'loo. ey lrdeon, of Lake The directore of the Lake County kAr- Forest, odkàiag. cultural Socety held a meeting boes Mr@. Geore L» ansd dsughter, Wdneiday. Ellen, 'lofit 7da or thelr home lu Mim A. Htall, ef Chicago, bua aeepted KneiIwa ràwek'vsta a position as tenographer at the tePle oe Sheldon Unversty Prse. Jake Boyeisud Chas. Seller ver. tbe Mr. aud Mrs. John R. Thonipéon are battery for Barrlngton lu a "no rua", vlsting in Seattle, Waih. John R. P .. ganie played viI boChicago Telephone la attending echool lu Connecticut. Company teau>st Barrlugton laet uStur- day sitemnoon. Mre. Frank H. Justansu s, LaBarre The many frendi of A. M. Nelson, of aud Ward, l Saturday for Seattle, Rockford, the.oraiser for the Ameri- Wasb., for a vWst of eeveral veeke. ca Stars of Eqult.y, -111 be pleased te The W. C. T. U. will meet ait the home Imm that an elght ponnd girl arrived at of Mrs. LIzzie Gleason. TueedsY. Sept. bla home leit Bonday. 2M t2:30V. Cubject, OUSSVve rougiit W. S. Mille, who wae eemouly hurt lu the auto accident cn Sont>h Milwaukee avenue in Auguet, was a vieior here1 Tbureday. The Liherty ville Lumher Company has added a uew epriug wagon te Le used lu the delivery of material from that buey9 estahiilimeut.1 ljick McMahou epeut Sunday wit> frieude at the tiratton Stock Far-m pre- vious te taking part lu the raciug at Colamhue tiîsweek. Excavations hegan Wednesday for the uew r"isd-nce ot J. C. lieues at the corner ofi fllwauke,. and Lincolii avenunes bic> le t, ccst ahout $3,500. The Ladies' Misiouary Society of the Preebyterinu church will meet ai thei home et Mm@. Gilbert Luce, Frlday atter- nocu. Sept. 24, at three o'clock. The Raiebleme viii play adouble header1 at the fair grounde next SuDday alter- ucen. The iret game wil Le witb Roeke- teller at 1.30 and the second with Rond- out at 3.00 p. m. Many homes that have been enjoying the slitude ot a scarlet lever quarautine have beeu fumlgated thie week and the familles refeased. To oay thati h made them happy expresses it mii>] y. BeIginning September 1, 190), the North Shore Elscîric Company turuiehes fres et charge the original installation et tbeStandard Incande*,ent Lamps tu new custemers. AIse the company hae reduced lts minimum te fifty cents per monlh ferj llghtiug service. A wholemale cigar manufacturer bai been lu communication with Preoi- dent Kaiser, oi the Citizen@ lmprove- ment Association, sud s repreffentative lasexpecied te viit Libertyville lu a short tume linbe intereet o! the firm. They are looking for a permanent location. The centerpiece of the Lake County exhibit at the etate fair lu Spriugfield wiii Le an old banner wh ailPr. sented te the Wide Awake Repubica Club, Oct. 2, 1860, during the zampaign o! Lucoln and Hamlu. This banner bas heen miing for yeari but wai uearthod receutly bT the ý'devil" lu the coanpeelng room 00o the INDEPENDENT1 office. filàl a valuable oîd relic sud oee of wulch the Republicans of Libertyville1 are very prend. t la beginnîngte show( the wear eft tue but la 8si11 ln a fairi stâte of preservation aud the colore ehow up brightly. Paul Wlnkle, wbo bas been lu the employ e! J. W. Brwn for several years prut, at Monday purchase îte Llherty ville Buffettlrem L . Haines. -rH.faine@ gees te Chicago wbere he wil hav cage cf the bar lu the new La Salle Hotel. This stand le what le commoulv kucwu as the old Rttuer place. The general report that bas gone abroad i. that the Lake County Agriî- cultural Society lest about $3000 at the recent fair. The business has not been entirely oettled, but Treasurer Trigge le of the opinion that the les. vilI far from reach thai figure and it ba@ been estimated that it will amount to eometbing over $1000. The LiLertyville Public Schools will oen next Monday, Sept. 27, vii> the following efficient corps o! teachers: C. R. Pugh, of the LaSalle aud Peru town- ship high echool, principal; H. Louise Cster sud Gertrude O. Dicksrmau, aii- tant principale: Alite C. Patterson, of Mciieury; Myrs J. DuBois, LiLertyville; Olive E. Neleon, Lake Villa; Olive J. Bug, Macomi>; Lela> Webb aud Uara B. Stewart will officiate lu the grades. Au atiempt vas made tu sisal s hoe from the barn of F. E. Overgon near the faim grounde last Sunday nigbt about eight o'clock. Mr. Overson vas absent and ivo beys and s hired man vers left lu charge cf the farm. They etarted te Led early vhen they heard the openlng o! the barn door aud iooklng from an upsiaire windov eav a man leading a herse toward the gaie. Tvo chois vere fired over the bead of the thIe! vho qnickly diappeared undAr the rallroad1 bridge. A bridie vas lound lylugnear th, barn door sud the bors captnred belore It reached the open gate. The tilef la deécrbed as helng tl ansd wvesehort avercoat and s derby bat. Afier October lut the lubhing rate o! $3.50 for the Chicago Daly Tribune sud the INnEPENDEXT viii Le discontlnued. The came proposition vilI stîll continue lu force for the Daiy Inter Ocean. Liberty;'ille's lever bas gene down and her temperstureltunormîal; owlng te ber vigorene constitution she refused te etend much tume ln bed sud uas always up and eady te take uorishmeut. Her many Irieudo viii b. pleasedte kuow that ber selgetfiliones wasbrie! aud that ehe le able to, Le out amain. The motorcycle race a the mile track laot Sunday drsv a surprisingly large crowd. Many came from the uorti> shore and ou account of the peor service ou the electric vere delayed iu gettîug home., Carpt. Reid, o! Wankegau, vas master ofceremoule. aud presided gaflly over the rsclug eveute. Rer. Harry Fariner, of Manifs, P. I., Who for the ffsl Ovtyàarsbasbeen a preciding eIder inlu ePiIpnsviited with hie clasemats H. F. Lawler ou Tuesay at the Mdethodist parvonage. Mr. Fanner vas the fiot prealdent of the Bible Seminary vie> be ergauized for the training of the native Philippine preachers. The -oming Sundiy vîlI mark ttc cloeiug eoftihe present couference year for the Methodiot Churci>. The OffiiaI Board wiul greatly appreclate payoeut cfaluecrrpions te, the churcb budget cf ruuniug expnetes, sud Mm. Lawier muet have ail subecriptions te benevo- lences lu baud by Mouday ait te very latent. AIl services viUL e held next Snnday at the regular heurs for service. The Eaton home on Orchard etreet was well filllsd hy Methodist ladies lait Tutoday afternoen, it Ling the occasion of the annunsl election of offibers. Mr». Eaten aud IMr@. Croker fumnisbed re- freshmente alter the businese affairs of the day bad Leen iranaacted. Tii put year bai heen one of the meut prooper- eu@s of'cetthe soclety. A nev corps o! ecrs vers elected for the comln yea 11Mi.Hsuby, prenldant- ie Warnvcepeident; Mise i>rker, eecrelary;li.eD.A . Young, irsasurer. ThmeFarma St Auctin. Havlng declded te o ut amlug the underslgned viii selI Itarin et 825 acres@ID Fremoni townlpLaie coonty, Ill., kuownsai the Roney tari on Thurs- day, OctoLer 14, 1909, st 2 o'lock p. m. Sais te Le Leld on the. premise. The farm l L e oftered lu tires psrceis. Thie land lielu ou@ iody, boit.vo et te parts toeLeoffered have long Leen conducted as isparate tarmne. One et 80 acre@ bas ample buildings aud geod vater; sud ene o! 125 acres aisebas faim buildings, bavlng ivo bouses, the 120 acres lylng etvesn the ivo ahove mentioed bas no buildings. Tbese fame le ievel, al low land haviug been iiled eut sud the sou le snet surpassed lu the etate Leiug prairie and humr oak epeuinge. Tbeme lenet su acre ef vaste land sud our yield oe crn bai slvaye been big. The land bas always beeu kept up hy fertiliziug and ieeding sud le at preeeut ceeded to tilaoby sud ciover sud allaIta except forty acres. Any acre et thie tarm properiy bsudled yull preduce 125 buebele et cern lu an sverage year. Land lie luoeebody, and may Le need as a Bret cams stock or dalry fanm. Farm lae niy 85 mile@ northwest of Chicago. Poateffice sddree J. F. 114mEv, Gras-e faire, Ill., R. F. D. P. S.-Parties Who desîre tW esfarm Lefors day ot cale msy visit ns any Mime. Parties tom awsy lake train te Round Lake on C. M. & St. Paul Ry. aud drive fiye mile. 50-52 To the Public., We are prepaned to tumigatc vherever required aud ai prices that are reason- able. O. 1. Luce & Ce. PERRY L. PORSONS, Atirnet-. Adjudication Notice. Pubic Nonice i ebrsî ivem tabathe abs a aviller Adralaitrator of Mie Ite of-Auu Eihusieth Brown, decs.sed., attend the uayCr nt fLks Counr, e absteof p e bnaden ci nie Court a yV-aknke , tu ea&u unty, on tle firslMeODay «efemler DQIt.1nue vIe. aud NIer. iii yeusesbavinc aIeUanbmes a ïd muteuais are u5 MMu UOMld tôetsethîese @MteuBWdOuatefor JAMES L. BWATEE. A&nfitor. Waak« sSeptember 20. lm., ai- You Wil! Profit by Handling Vour Money Maters Through THE FIRSTNATIONAL UNE 0F LIBERTILLE Next Door te the Peetoffice Irterest PaId on Time Depeais. Chocking Accounta lnvited. W. Nîgotiate Farm Mortgage Loans for Investors Mo.n Vou Have Mon.y tb Loan or Wish to Borrow, Cali and Se. Us Corne and See This Hanidsome Portfolio of Made-to-Measure Oarrnents We con now suppIlj uou mon- tailored gorments, mode to gour individuel measure, for little more thon reodg.mode prices An experienced fitter takes oil gour meaure- ments-right in our store. And we gueantee satisfaction. The gorments are mode bg the Americon Ladies Tailoring Co., Chicogo--the leading çoncern in their line. CCcE or!i18o cLOTrms The Fashion Portfolio wbich ve have lu our store ehows the very cream of aIl the fl an d wiuter fashions. Each style le ehown lu a large wav, lu colore. 'fou cao se every detail of how it will look. Tbere are 24 suit styles, 18 ekirt etyles, and 12 styles of coate. There are also 18o styles of cloth-the fineet se- lectione trom aIl the new weaves. Auy garment you select will be made to your mesure ln any dloth you select. That menue a larger varietv than you could Sund lu the largest tore lu America. TH1E CON VENIENT PLAN An experieuced fitter lu our store takes ail your mens- uremeule fifty if necesary. à diagrain la made, ebowing ail the facte about your figure, style and individuality. The tailore of Chicago, wlth theeetacts betore them, have every guide thp.y could have if you were there youreell. The garments are made under the personai direction cf Monsieur Kayeer, eue o! the heet knowu men lu hie liue. Tbey are made by jourueymen tailore. So you get lu every garment the very pitch of perle.- Agency for AMERICAN LADIES TAILORINO Ço. Made-to..Measure Service tien. Yen gui ail the mau-tailored effecte. ion gel tb. gammente ifltted net only te, your figure, but to yonr style and individuality. let yen pay but littie cempaned vllb the price wbicb man-tailors ncuaiiy charge.. Note how different thio le Irom taking your ewn mes.-- ure sud orderlng suci garment. by mail. OUR OWN GUARANTÉE We 'give yen cor own gnarantee, coverlng fit, style. wemkmauship sud msterials. If the garment vben reed le îot satisfactomy, you need net acceptiL .Tbe maker vi take it hack. The plan invoives ne risk whatever, and ih luvolves nu delay. 'aon will gsi the garmeute iu hait the time lhe osual man-tailer requlren. SUITS FROM $13.50 UP Those man-taiored cuite, made te your measur., rua tmom $1350 te $45. The mau-iailored ekirts rua from_ $5.50 se $15, sud the ceaie freni $7.50 tu $25. The prie.' are amazing wien oes oneiders that every garmeut la made te ludividual measure. one paiye nearly tb... price@ for ready-msde garinte. And for the usuai garmeuts made te measure, oe paye two te ibres tlmea se much. The Amerîca Ladies Tailering Ce. mates a lhooeand garmente vhere tbeemrait tailor makes eue. Tbey bey tbeir materlala direct fronithe mille, sud in enormous lots. And tbey charge on euch garmeut but& very amali profit. SCE THE! PORTKOLIO Please came sud eeMnispotflio, for Il forms a ern. piste education I lues. Tben let un s kl yen vh lb. stylesithat yen lithe bia. et vii tithlb.clota you sé- lact. Seesbey 11111. l cotte to have met vhat yoo vans, made Jut et syen vant lt madie. Came at once. Voterant Attention. lelerus et "'Inoi eiei ate ipatîngin th...CamagC.or.e.efpike burg froni March 29th te Jnly 41>, 1868, vboes nanes do netappear lu Ihe IiI. noie Memorli Temple, lu the Vickeburg National Miitary Park, or wbe sese are incorrectiy epeliso Iberein, are lu- vited te vwrite the Secrtary ot the Illi- noi8-Vickeburg Mlitary Park Commis- sion. Coi. C. R. E. Koch, 1201 E. 47th Street, Chicago. The Commission le autliorized hy law te correct sncb srrers, sud viii investi- gate every case breugbt te their atten- tion prier te December lot, 1909. t le their desire te bave every namé enroîled that le rightiy sutltled to that distinc- tion. The book "liliumsA at Vicksburg," vhlch coutafue aIl the usmes nov au- scribed en the niemeriai tablets, may Le consuited ln auy Grand Army Pont or lu any pblic ibrary lu this siale, sud thoesn@ rl..edmay thuese«certin if their names are already upon these bronze relie et houer. Great Alieraiion Piano Sale. We bave received vord tbsi Lyon & Heaiy, et Chicago, kuovnevemy werea "Tbe World'a Largeet Mune n iel touductiug au unpcecedenled alteration sale lu thoir Plane Deparimeut. This great sale vas made ueceoeary lu order te move îhe large noniLer ut pianos on their third fluor ce as te facilitats the vork ot carpeutere vho are engaged la pnttiug lu nov flooriug, In the flot o! plancesoffemed lintii eaie are luciuded many standard sud veil- kuovn mate..en chanas Beuvay, Lyon & Healy, Weber, Fischer, A. B. Chais, Kuahe and Chichemlug, sud prices have besu rsduced from 20Wt 40 per cent. If you have lu minci te purcha.e of a p lauo y on ebonld dro pa Postal tLyon &Bealy for acopy of! liu slteratlon cale liât. as you viii cave coneidérable mousy ou your purchase by oc doing. Notice of Dissolution. Notice la her.hy glven that lie flrm o! E. McDeuald sud IB. P. Woolrldge, con- tractersud buildere, diseoired pantuèr- ship, 8aiurday, September 18, sud viii do no furrher binless lu partaersblp aftter the above date. The regular iustallation et officers o! the local iodge o! Odd Fellown viii Le beid )innday, Oct. 4. Altsrm be Installa- tien s dance sud supper vill Le gv t a lb. town balle vbwici theu pule viii'W h. Iuviisd. Bar Out the - Cold. This Winter by Havinga HEATING PLANT Installed in your home. You will make no mistake if you buy an Ideal Boiler or Boynton Furnace. Get facts and figures from Albert W. Litchfeld, LIBERTY VILLE, ILL. Special Sale of lIANDKERCIIIEFS We closed ont about 25 dozen of Hlandker- chiefs, ail the one and two dozen lots a jobber had left over. They are of a qnalfty whlch nsu.ally sells at 8c and 10c; good aize Ladites' Handkerchiefs. made of fine Lawn, a few made of Linen Lawn, embroidere corners or combina, tilace and embroidery insertion. You have nover before purchased am&h values at CIouIg Out à Lot of Long Kino. M~ In Lawn and Percaie, Fermer Pric* 41,00 T H:E F AlR tibertyville, MI. M. B. COLBY IIERCANTILE CO, Libertyville, Illinois. 1-i à 1