Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Sep 1909, p. 8

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Wau kegan News URC S SELECT IURORS l'OR BVRM!D TO CRISP TIIE CIRCUIT COURT Ildu rftlng to Bave Sunned Man la List of Mon ta Serve t Decomber Ouiof Quetion am Bumed Aren lu and March Terre of Court. tac, L.arge, but New Skie May 101 rnSerr frte ee-e n Grafted on Arme anld Legs If lMe Grn uo orteocmrad ,-Wlnes atile He lu Now Fghtlnu ta March terme af circuit court, au se- Live.. iectod by the board of upenlsaru The. condtion of John H. Bramnax, who vu, everely hurned Wednemday nidgh, lu aid ta be lImpraved nov ead hopem are entertalned for hiu re- covery. It lu ierned nov thgt he b.d a companlan jtaet ie rehen he iay dovu ta ret athtei edge of te bu~ Aia and tuat thlu man PrahabiY wmm the. one wha et the tack on ire and ray avay, forgetting about hlm oompanion. The other mani vam een runniig vet on Tblrty-thlrd treet, juat mter the lire vu diucavered. A iiellig Party muied hlm vhat vas tb» tmable and ho did not stop t aun- * S«, evdently belng atrald that ho vaould ho held reup<muuble for the. lou. *0 the. hay. It la thougt that Broaduax cauld not have been smoking ut before the lire tarted. mu ho wau too ound aaieep. The location and condition of the burma Indîcate that ho vas ing on hlm back, ane arm being under hlm head. andi that hlis neem muet have been raised. au the ire dld nt burn 1>0lte kneu at al. Hie bck va, burned ta a SkUn graftlng lu out of the question am tbe urface burped lu toc large. Shoulli ho re. caver from the burnu and uhack t lu thougt titat nov mUan may bave ta be grafted an hlm arma and leg. t ia mald that Joe Blamer broe al apaed records betvon on a nd Waa- kegan »iien ho brought the Injured n»an ta te houpital., Wben ho arrlved at Hram Ferry'u utt he outh houndary of ZMon Cty, h topped just long enough tota lc- Phton a local surgeon to haten ta the. haupitul. Til. doctor, vho liveli but a few bocku trom the boaptai,, started aeune., and tateu titatby the lime h. reaciieà Pranilin treet ho ed heur the, hoiti boni of the, Luto cminuedava th. tree and by h time ho reached the third flopr o!fte hautol teato Party vu there. The. mtlae tUre given by the doctor from the Urne h. receied. the. mea- mees mmIithe. patient had reeciiud the Itoital tu eght minutes and th, dis- tance sxmlnlieu. .Sm=oe$TrOL!N I9M NORIlICHICAGO Sold.v frein Fart Sheridun lu Arrested as uqspct. Windaw was Broken Open Durlng the Night and Eight Puits of Shoot Taken. Iiobberu Tburuday nlght at North Chleaga broie Into the. WillimBfuet- tuiershoe store, Elghtoonth and Plate Butat, acromu the. treet from t. city hal and police station and mode thel, escape vlth at, louat olght pairs otm. hoeu Next rnornlng a soldier vas rrested on upîcleut of bovine heen conectfl vlth the robhery and lu nov are: Grand Jury-Decemher Terni. Benton-Wm. Llchty,, Wm. licholz. Nevport-John W. Slacum. Antloc-John Martin,, B. F. Nabor. Grant-George Bnghain. Avn-S. C. Litwiler. Warren-O. B. Wbtmnere. Wakegan-Stanley Wojtan, Don- aid . Thompuon, A. F. Conrad,, ,Ira Holdrldge. Shield-Eimer Atkinuan. Thomam Tare. Llbertyvlle-ýEdward Austu. Frernant-George Ot. Waucnda-M. F. Fuller. Cuba-E. W. Rliey. Ela-Herny F. Berghorn.. Vernon-Â. G. Maetber. Derield-Gearge Gutzler,, Fred W. Scbuinacher, E. P. Sedgwlck. Grand Jury-March Terni. Boton-George Kirk. William Hamilton. Newprt-George B. Stephenu. ntioch-E. 0. Hawkins, Roy Perce. Grant-Charlem E. O'Boylo. Avon-Bd Weik. Waren-John McClure. Waukegan-Matt Dilger, M. S. Fe- gan, David Adamm, Axie Leybeck, Ed. ward Conrad. Shieidu--Gum Puck, J. C. Cle. Lbertyvlle-Danlel Morrimon. Freinant-A. B. Titus, Wauconda-Wil Clough. Cuba-E. W. Rley. Ea-William Bueschhng. Venu,-Fred tabi. Deerfleld-Frederck Mon, Jr., Os- car Be, Grdon Buchamun. LAY IN TIH! OPEN rI!LD ALL NIGIIT George Devine, Waukegan teamter and ucavenger, iay lu a fild an Elev- enth treet heyond the veut aide car lino front 9 pp. m. Sunday unUil 7 a& m. Mamday, a talion borne on hlm 1e9 and vitu the member broken hlov te ineo and glvlng hum excruclating pain tat ai tUmeu cauued canucigumnemu ta flilcer aut. Devine vu faund at soen Monday mornnng by mon vho asult hlm ln the cavenger business, the ambulance ln tue North Chicago jaul. and physicens vere uummoned, an Tiie robhery of h. store lu uup- nov ho lua eth. houpital,. viier.e v- pceed ta have occurred nmre tinte lh- ery ettort lu hein& madie ta avercome1 tveen mdnight andi1 ocloci and tva the effects of hlm long exposure. a mien are uppoed ta have dons tue The man had, it oems, genan uta trici. The outrance ta the stare vas the field, vhlch lu nt far tram hiu made, by the breaklug open of a remr tapplng place, t which gaverai mer) vlndav. Next monning lght pairs of kept boume alone, and had there found 1 shoes voro mlased. but the store pro. one or hlg bornes fallen and unabie prietar, William Buettuer, tated lhe tegt up. Alano, ho trled ta set theo could nt tell hiu exact lou vthout animal taels foot. Enraged, tue borne a complte Invontary of the store made a lunging attompt ta nuse and Staci. Devine, cloue. vau caught hy the re- The arrout of tuealdier, au oneofo utnucn mi l 0 a m tue rolberu, follovod the tateutent prioned henealh the animalus body, o! lee Vedder, nlght lectriclan at and thore the tva le', eq ually heip- North Chicago su-staion, that be leg, ail nlgiit. hmd een a soldior gingsomutu about_________ oeo' dock carrying everai pairs of Buys lckumith Shap. shoes. Tva mon vho acted upousîy, By adeal finluhed late Saturday a!- ver. aima een on Eighteenth treet. tonnoon D. A. Huttan, chIot o! tue flear the Butuier store, t about 12 ire department and a prominent clti-i oclock, by a Young man named Me. zen, become. 1h. 16vner of former AI-j inaoy as he va, on hlm vay home. derman Jame T. Mannu hiamtu The .tva vere crouched ln the shed~. and horsomlhoeing sbop at 114 Madison 0v.of o!mre treem and huuh and am treet, sent- ho paamed they popped into the Mr. Mann retires tram the borne- treet bhihnd hlte and foliovod. When uhaelag husiness mter sixtoon and a bo reached is haone ho valted ont hait yearu of It li Wautkegun and Mr. f14. th door and sav ane of the meu Hutten, for fourteen years hle trusted " autue boume, ieeping veiilnb the und valued ausistant, la the nov pro uhuovu. The otuer had nt folioved prietor. the entire vay. MIr. Hutton lu eailiy oue of the ______________most popular mon about the clty and PURRY L. PERSaNS, Atwey. Adjudication Notice. P*je ZoMmen13 bereby given Uth ab e u- Oe~ sMbulnrttor of the esUte of .tomlmh 0. la We~ a Isus tero tOem oduto >m=U oeM-4a, ef Iteenuer n, lieu whe us eee O Musm hmlng clama aalt - Ii ln4*âb4oet *id Chicago Dm11, Gawo= 48# »f ,ymI. port at hil trade and eomrnandu a large cientage. Hlsm rany friends vish hlm good luck lu bis venture, knowing that ho helangu ta tho "rigt mort o! people." Mr. Mann le uso- cated viti hlm on ln the "Princosu" rae.. Paina ai vomen, boad pains, or aa pain topped ln 20 minute@u sure vîlt Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain TabletIs. Sul formula on 25c. Box. goid hy ALL DRALEUS. rATAL YINjURED IN WRESTLING BOUT 0k., Trrying ta Thraw Gain ln Friendly Wreatling Content, Btrained Buck and Injured Spinal Cord-Wuu At- tompting ta Throw Opponent Over Head Like Ufysseof OId when the Cauuity Tonk Plac--In Hospital. Fred Oke, the Lake Forest .team- ster who wrestled lntending ta throw his opponent lUe Ulymuos of aid, and au a rosait suta.uned inJuries talte spinal cord that maie hlm a patient at Alice Home, la uald ta ho ln a dY- lng condition. At the sme Urne James Cain, the, fellow teamater vitit vhom ho Wr.,- tiod, and whom he vas attemptlng ta throw aver hls head viit a Graeco- Roaman movement, lu hearibraken, and has neither eaten nar slept ince the acident. Wife Aw&y nt Time. Oke's vite vas not lu Lake Forest et the time. The Okes resîde ln Can. ada and the ivife vas at home.,DIte warklng at Lakte Forest. Cain luaial a married man, with cetlldren. It lu maid tbal. Olto'scondition lu such that a pin attgck Into hls body beiaw the chout viilnat make hlm wlnce. He lo unable ta upeak, utter- tng aniy ununtellîgile noise, and lu hoîplomu. Hlm condition le mald ta ho very uligbdiy lmproyed but lu cansid- ered critIcal. Shoukld ho die no blame vauld ho attached ta Cainas the wromtling bout ln whlch Oko hurt himueit vas a frlendly mie and it vau vile utraln- lng ta tbraw Caini, a heavler man, over his head, that he hnJured the. spinal cord. yOU'LL feel better for work, play or rest if you eat Quaker Qats at least day. once a p RIOR to oui formai Fail opcnlng, whlch wlll be annouuîced very soon, «e have declded to'give the people of this coflmufltya taste of bargains long to lie remlembered. YOU SHOIJLD. REMEMB15R that'this storehas built up Its tremendous patronage througlh the peeriess buying ability of our Mr. Hein, and through the honorable treatmnent of our great host of patrons. IF YOU COULD SEE -the ag1reat number of people f rom Chicago and Milwaukee who arceatteodlnq our sales you would at once know that "There's a Reason" why the fame of tlelnms Bargain Sales are eagerly watched by many people ln these large ditles. WE GIVE YOU EXACTLY WIIAT WE ADVERTISE; and Uf any ladV can prove to us that she iran procure a garment purchascd at our store cheaper at and other stoe, we wlll checrfully refund your money, plus the expense Incutred ln coming here. THE!CQOK1OJC~ TO ANY CRITICISMS When John .Graveu, Walter, 'Tld Jo. Ganter, Chef, thut Hle Hum Wmu Too Salty ta Serve, Ganter le Said ta Hove Reaeeted it ad Attackiiig Grave. wth Knlfe Cut Hlm Sàdy- Firut Affray t Armauria.' A laborer narned Joe Ganter, a ec- ond Cook, Tuemday morulng tabbed a walter namod John Grovem at 'Ar- mourla, Armourus palatial home at Lakte Forest, The mon were em- ployed by contractoru and worlmed ln the tomporary uhuck which hud been erected for the accommodation af the army of laboreru empiayed lu prebar- log the $7,000,000 palace for the "kng of Packhngtowu." Grovem, who va, a walter, im mid ta bave compiled ta the assistant caok that is breakfast of ham vas tbo ualty, when Ganter asked hlm vho ho thought he wam, Armour or Swft or smie other milionmire. Grovem lie- came angry and roplied that he vas au good 'au any d-n polock titat ever llved," when Gonter, resenting the wards, lu alleged to have lunged at ,blm wth a knife and to have cut hlm up badly. A hurry cali vas sent for a doctor who attended hlm. He le not danger- ousiy wounded though the knlfe made ugly wounds. This lu the firut cut- thng affray which has hrought undue notorlety ta the Armour country home. The police'of Lake Foremt are on the trail of the asalant who ied au oon as he had lnfllcted the wound. There lu ald by the police to have been bad biood betveen the tva for smie tîme and It lu thought that Gan- ter bau ied t0 Waukegan, where ho lu ald ta have friendu amons hlm coun- trymen. Great Lot of New Fafi '09 Suite. strictly man- taiored, in many pret- ty novelty materials. These suits have the new 45-inch coat, satin ined and comes in many colore. Worth $15 Splaididly Tai1 o r e d S u ite, made of fine worstcds, cheviote and the sweil satin flnlahed materiale. These are aUl the new 45 - Inch coat models and arc worth up to $20.00. AH.jc olectonof M7ýES its, mad o imoredwor- steds, panamas, and fine broadcloths. This includes a great varlety of styles, varying from stity pw4n tallored t worth to $21% Two Extraordinary Dress Values This is a very pretty tailored one-plece dress of satin A special lot of the season's most approvedi stylmescm- finished material, made with the new "Dogabert" pleat- bracing a wide ranje to choose from in plain tailored ed sklirt effect, tastily trlimcd with and trimxned cfects. These cone in silk embroldered lace yoke and sa-E broadclothst serges, and paIr sin tin buttons, and satin buttons, weli black, blue, y, and ailtenWest worth $ 12.50 ........... shades; Wortrup to $1 7.50........ Waists Great lot of fine lawn Waists in ~ many styles, worth up to $2.00 Iiàý 9C W Immense a s s ort- ment of net and tfeaWa i s.t s , Worth up to $3.50 mot0 Shoes, We have made agreat cash purchase of fine shoes at 60c on the dollar. 3 great sampIe Uines to choose from. Boys' and Girls' Sehool Shoes, but- ton and lace, well made of solid Ieather, worth 1 75 ..12 Ladies' vici kid, duil finish shoes, in button and lace, worth 30.. .. ....- 19 Dresoy ?umps and Low Shoes, in patent anud gun metal, hand ~l turned and welt,, worth $3. . 1 .98 Coats A special lot of 36-inch cheviot coats, just th~e thing for this season of year; worth $8 4m-8 New fui length coats; made ofgood quality covert clo. These are semi-fitted effects and worth up to $17.50. 98;98 Skirts Panama S k ir ts, ni cel y trimmed with satin bands. etc. worth $3.50 1.49 Chiffon, panama and TFrench voile ski rts in many styles and colore, worth up to $7.0 3 os Millinery We take espectal pride i thie depart- ment, showing beautiful ecaions, al exclusive designs of the miliner's art. Special lot of Street Hats, nicely trimmed with win gs, worth 3.50.19 Street and Dress Hats in flaILY styles of trimmaing,39 Worth up to 6.50 --. .. 39 Nied collection of Dreige Hl, trim- med with wing and fQather eflects, Worth up toiO10.... 5*eVV "-p LOUIS -J.YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN Great lo t of Rustling Taffeteen Petticoats worth at Ieast $1.50 5>9c QnIy One to a Customer ~~y~pu%~These are the cholcest of ~UIUE~this aeason's styles à were ~I~1UM~Uesp.cially purchased for this e-SU sale at a fremendous discount mum n.S4DeiaNo.. 2 ucl No. 2 Snýe"al No. 3 1

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