Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1909, p. 1

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t> (E COUNTY INDE.PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVIII. NO. 1 Two Parts LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRII)AY, O(3TOI3ER 1, 1909-12 Pages Part One ..UPlER YEÀIZ IN A1JVANCE. 'MOTORCY.CLE RiACIES ji- lay Ftunned and vas sono revlve.dBI SY DC T tage of that beau to do wbat tbey CASIES BEFORE THE sc iebe vifeight trains, E T OY S O E and Dr. Kalowski made a hasty exa IG DIAplease with their prolIe hies wtbout herfoîe te rad îlaSTONESiiî AT LiBr.RTYVILLE 'nan wîhrevae ht obnsAP ER ZDON CITY amy cburch restictionsO TO E T R lshicigjioree ils belplinn, oholeh. ERECTED BY KNAPP» Yemnwpu«Twnytv i ere ba roken. He had been etruck _______ 'I utat i ner Vuhga ii Race, Oison of Lake Forest Ten Mila1,' olas npas adAsuaIAl h UNKNOWN MAN ue o eaîgT, Tr n tîiiiof trvigi o, twosuld nîit-Pii ae ut eohpler.WhomKe f Thns reefcelvvn ag sva bevere nd brulsed frandrigaThsashm ndollarshI n Cash anf he ha AeesumeerAiln ofTho Race, Thorney, Special Ten Mile our loches long aas mat In the flesh Debîs. Many Slockholders Favner AT1EMPTS SUICIDIE Thirty-th-ree lnjontctions Show Ihat Il ti( n il lui-il îii0on a bh*li liic i Gond Church People, Insiet that the Rac-~rod male bu Iteea ita abietb lne cp.This Proposition which Voliva Wi Lake County ls Not Se Slow on th,, (7111.1d i iiiiieblai tier lime. Tablets Shouid Have Been Regarded in Resuite Keener than Ever-SUN lie wa8 carried In the Yeoman auto Fghl. Overcome bit Grief at Death tof Father Matr ,f'Rule b>' Injunction"-Ta avLae a-s as Freaks and Left on Property ofu 1Docket lealsaed Monday.T aeLag d. Man Who Erected Them, f0ltn Dtle Rc.t a room under the grandstand where. Tries ta Huri Self Before Approach-t - iocfor dregsed the Injur>'. ise stit<-b Ihlis ruiinoietd thaf a giganlil syndi- lng Train and Only Efforts of Wife T( oý I. oih ce THF, SUN was SUunday the esce ing requlred to close the ettuf iec, i s latnnlîig*to taXe o e te tc and Bystandera Save Wisconsin Feturs f n Ohtthe tefffotertsîlîîî'ofil fii ii ilîitnthei only Waukegan rnew*paper to bul- remainied l11 thîs împros-îsed botipiîal tire Zion îî>' esiate, payig Investors Man from Commitîn eprt Crutcut îiii .n. îîia iîi0i i" i-li 0 'o i, 'iii tîtofî "01(efrtsof f(,anneLewhs letin the detaiied resuIts, iap b>' mtil the conclusiotn of the nexi rue'ý, iiore Ithan) a mîillionî dolais lii cold Dced at Waukegan Station. wben the grandl îîui'tc and 1-' whi lIiii a k n tnt i e'. :', îstiiîg a tnd or h'll 3odGag ei Sap, of the motorcycle races t jtht last, wben C S. Fouflds, iuaaiîgeu -as,liassuiiîg ail ibe debituof h te e-en tsue . iji. b eth, poba 0. I ,n oi, 0'Iýig1Ki lic S,*' od a sh w iay d if, nd alni Libertyvlledue to a dystem of oh the Foulds' maccaronl factory. toriXtati' aîd rusîîîîîg the înwn as a greut A wadI dressed mati i t aii îîltrial of seulne of ih- foiloIîîug cases: oii l1,inaut ,I t i îpossible, thrtîigi the efforts of having men unn the field t Liberty'- hlm te the Libertyville stationot h e commnercial cellter, îîoaaibly on th, att,-tiiîîted t0 commtit t uý ali n~ Old Cases-Harold Mitchell, of h"il l, liiii i Iii iadlLakecieîii ville and in the office at Wauke- eertrlc. Manager Yeoman sec-reil a plan of Giary or' Argo. crossiîîg of the Northm' t, i i Iailioad, Zion City,,indicted for murder of aii'ltll iiaukenuîdLecoty gan. coat for hlm andl frieradisnmade bilaiî an Asto m'bo totmpîoses chIes sndicaue file wasaccompanled b% i' liiIt', who Mns. L. Greenhalge. Henry R. Self Lîne 10 Bud Warehouse. aisotesjii.ofwniborunecasinled, eecte conîforfable as possible until bis or as to wlîat lîne of business fifex- wore mournfiîg, and 1, ait 'o have Aniann, lndicted for murder cf a It lecarnie anowntIoday ibai the c,,Ins-fery wblch bore inscripîtions, cut The filature attracted much at. home was reacbed. He reeldes at 146 2 pluts te tart, la athl lis e dans and came bere from Mansto,a\ îý to at- boy at Fort Sheridan. Frank Bur- reaso'î that the Elgitn. Jolief & East> i stone. rlidlcîîling fhe Christian ce-. tention and commendation and Shsermanoavenne and lo employed by will romain so until a large suin bas tetnd the funerai of a iclatisi. The geais, lndicted for morier cf Pri- ecm road ilaslanning ttu vacate Sandl lîgion. wlll be contlnued whore possible. hig fatiser In the pîcture framlig tuit beeri palil earneat motiey, ah- man, viso was evldently slightly In- sate Raebubrn at Highwood. N. N. streef aîud renitue their trau'ks t0 a Affer he dlod is relatives, who did In tise presence o! about six hain- ness In Zvaliston. terra buth the deal wlll be comîliled toxîcatoil. tried to thiots hliii.clf In Hoosigan, lndicted for alleged St- pinol cer a hunilred feet east of the nef hold wiih bhlm tri his opinions, lit dred teple at the Lîbertyville mUe Here lo the story oftufhe collisioni andi at officiai anîîouncenîient made. fronît of a train but was a .îiaiiied by tempt to kilI. lîresent rihb of way Is because the of- ls salit, areed that fhe monuments ls an amateur aînd connuot Rteer weill as tlId b>' earli of lic rider' Fergu Wthîn Six Months. , the crosing vatchniait ad bv hîut New Cases-Baic brothers,,for iclals are xlaninig fo bull a aare- shoîld be razed. As a resuîf Monda.y Rnoy Yeomîan carrieîi off the bg 25 son: -My machine acof d-adnie 0. lv la afafeil that at the conclusion 'aie. murder cf Nick Mossis. bouse or freight bouse andl several îîornîng tbey v.ere brolsen Info small maile racq. winnlng In 33:02. 1 Idon'f know the catis"I-,1 aaatrylng tof the frainsaclion, whlch If le reîorted Juat as be vas reauls to eal,, bis There aie 20 jopi' cases thue other buildings. These new buildings bits andl burled. Th nya.letofhtie day oc- to gef nîy macbineuiler aay %hen bas already been discusseil by affor- waltoshrlekod for hotu and tue liolice fradIegadjr af îrii ilh uî nln he h od New coule forward frienda o! Knapp Thre Inltiis aciden ht eg-le(-recahn o ie ek l rofflcor tan f0 ber assistancet anti beld more,. seon peoffleas cases oti apîtal. tîow owns and also sone new land aîn hmaWues a h aurd hî ac ,hnwhl Fru ecaecrsin b o P-kolz îîe>'enieresfed and Illiet ucedtOo lsuti totrinballathe h liicomn awcae, g h bîl wlr fe ae o' eeln 1kcîuie nw napmoafrfn orsan po sonu, In the twenty-tourfh lap, miesa track Suîîday* foi ibe ý,contOlime balance of the million dollars will lue ~s,.a..,.,,,.ae nas n 2 hnes ae ,n~i ,~.~. 'wlklng sog the tracktofarepaît lbie machine, was run loto b>' Perlowtz, ridlng. Porkowitz Injured. PerkowItz as the resulf of the fal was Injured b>' roceivilng a gasb ihree tinches long on tise leg.lDr. Kaloa'sk>-. on tise grounils. fook tIve stifchîe Later thîs rider aas talin on1 the Ftreet "arin an autotmobile snd sent 10 bis home ai Evanston, if belng dis- rovereil at the lest mnuntfe tisaI the manri lîitg Itn a Lak, count>' race. was ai) outsider. Big Race Sensational, In the twelfth lai th ie bg race tise crowd rose f0 Ifs fot and cheeroul Yeoman, vIlo had galiteil a s0110 mlle on bis two opponents. In the fifteenth ap Ferguson galned on Perkowitz for the irai ime and fhere vas more applause. Thon tise lie had dimeiuif> un roundîîîg fhe turne tîearly ktiocling Yeoman froni is ma- icine In the iref lait" Yeoman: 'Yes ho ran Inîo me' dur ing the tIret quarter of the firat lap. He, cant make the fuma s slfully. Perkoa'itz: 'WbiIe I am an anmafeur rider, I vap nover burt before .Xhen Fergusons machine efoppici he Bhoulil bave pulled off tise track Instead of pulling In near tise inside fence wbiie trylng Io get itf fixd' The prizes gis on vere: Ten mle twln cylînder race-Fîref. sîlver cup; second, silver tobacco jar; third. knife witb gold handie. Twenty-five mile stock machine race ( Lake c..unty chamlionsblpl F'lret. ails-or csp; second sucver smoking set, thîrd. stick pin. Tise lasft to were awardod to Ferguson and Perkowitz, altisougis tbey diii not finish the race ended i Itiste accident lntise course, Iwenty-fourfh Isp andl nether Fergu- cup; second, tonnistiasis: tiiril, ail- son nor Perliovitz rode f0etise finish Ton mile froe-or-ai-Firot, suler lRue. ver match box vitis gol linîng. Recuts of Otiser Races TheoMofciaIs vere Captain Reel. In tise tan mila race, regular. OIson. starter; John Svansbrougis. fIne- Lake Foresf, von on an Indilan. In keeper. Novsîiaper nmen actel as tise the speclal ton mile race Thorno>' car. score keepers. iel off honore. Ho aiready bell fise one. fwo. fhree. tfour andl Ove mile WYNN VICE PRÉSIDENT records for a standing tarf. Tise - Big Race's Score. Of A BIG COMPANY Tise score of tise big race: AcetPeao!IcPridt ts 6:39,m:57,l:164.10321:46. ,01:19, Centrai Engineering and Construcc- 14:321.757:6. 1:3, 1:3, 1:12. tien Conmpany', Capitalixed at Wli. 21:08, 22:284. 23:484, 25:08%. 26:27. Cnona Del.CampanW,00tanBId Lt- 27:47, 29:05, 30:24, 31:43, 33:02. Cotractit omLnyetu Vear.Lo Petkovitz.-1:32, 2:54, 4:14, 5:341/, clTacinLm.Nx er 6.561/. 8-18, 9:41. 11:08, 32:33 %. 33:564, 35:23%, 36:47, 18:11. 39:33, Rtobert D 'W>'nn, vice preeldent andl 21:06. 22:36%. 24:04. 25:31, 27:00. general manager for tise Waukegan, 28:2614, 29:51, 33:18. 32:44%. RocIttord & Elgin Traction compan>'. Ferguson-I:2ý, 2:61.t 4:17%, 5:- bsa acceptei tise vice Prosldene>' o! 421 7:8%, :33/j, :58 11:0%,tise Ceotral Engineering sol Construe. 12-46, 14:09, 15:33%, 16:55, 18:1914. te OP ,a$0,0 oprto 19-44, 21:05, 22:26, 23:4814, 25:08 of WIlmlngton, Del, andilela n acttive 26: 27, 2 7. 48. 20:094, 30:30, 31:49. charge ohftise Chichago branch, viti o!- Tise Ten-MIie Race. fices ln theoNiaiestic building. 75 mon- liilie ton mile race Oison. Indilen, roo street, lhirteenîb floor. wonlt eadîng fron tise iret mlle. So far rom rhaîugîng isplians. Tise 11sf andl ibeir order: Nfm. Wynn s WauIlkegan, Rockford & C. Oison, Ildan, 10-mllte, 2-cyinder Elein Tracthon conîîany tuosiierfe are race, 11:50, i a._ 1 - . h , tdh. :e aeu.sIuttre oh H. Croclier, Tisar, Chiscago, 12:21, hie nov position. in tact tise Central L. Galyski, Tisor, Chiscago, 13:31. Engineering andl Construction com- Tise besi mile vas ton off b>' 01- pany has thse confract for building the son ln 1:10. Oison le a Lake Forest local 1Une Snl viii tart oltorations nian. The dataileil score shoot b>' etise a ree i gt h treo laps: teareet Oson-l:19, 2:24. 3:20. 4:31. 6:03. Mm. WVynn le nov fit Vincennes, Ind.. 7:14, 8:25, 9:37, 10:47.1:59ý on a mission connecteil vifb the big Crocker-1:1914, 2:281½. 3-23, 4:55 conceru b>' viicie h la emptoyed 6:07, 7:19, 8:33, 9:48. 31:04. 12:27. sol vblcis makea a business oh tnanc- Galkyl-:191ý, :32,3:4, 5:3,ng and building raloala, 6:20, 7:35, 8:53, 10:17, 11:40, 33:57. .B os fNwYr aa h Tise Ton-Mils Specil Race. heai ohflise Centrai Compan>' and L. Tisorno>' won tise ton-mile epecial J. Von Paske le secrafar>' Sol freasý race. Tise entrias urer. If le statel fisat tise conipany 1. J. B. 1Biankonisein, Leader; Is able to finance aol bul IflSOy -2. W. C. Walshs, Marie>' Davis; roals. 3. J. Tisare>', Tiser; if le claimeil that a largo amount 4. Yeoman, Exceisiar. bas been ralsedin Lake count>' tius 1-1:26, 2:44, 4:03, 5:61, 6:41, 8:01, har for tise Wynlimle sol tisa in 9:22, 10.42. 12:04, 13:25. Mcflenry counfy the people vili in 3-1:26, 2:44. 4:03, 5:514, 6:411h, veaf about $100,000 ail tol. -mr 801Y., 9-22, 10:42%4, 12:04. 13:25. W>'nn's nos' activithes mean oni>' 4-1 :23, 2:27. 3:524, 5:08, 6:211h, groater energy for tise local lime. 7:351/, 8:49%, 10:04. 31:19. 12:35. 4. t 2 - ,4:10. 5:301h, 6:51, Ejyn iisf. 8:124. 1)22, 30:12, 12:10, 13:29. "Ton su>' flenpeci. le enjoyilng hlm- Tissendei tie laye prograin of self 3" racng."Tes. Ho hua ishIe ife mako sos-ral racingpisonograluli recýords oh lier vole a- Wben lu tise twenty-totirtis iap at toto aise w"put aurnaI - the soutti taritForgtis0! vas seen te --Geel isvîulti't IbliX hoevoul on- stop, esec> boul>' ell their broatisha- joy iesrili ter faiX aili fle ttle vhie cause Perkowitz vas foliovlng protty sbc te nway. close and ail stonlerol If ho voulil ses "He oesocatf eur ber fsik. fie afarfa Fergusons lîglit ln ttme to tom out the pisonogriutah gonug. ntunhen lho I- andavida cllsin.Audeny heterrupta atduulkutl uuer ith fu loex; anod aoilartlcloi t. uldoltse itan el)bekickas os-ar te ftie. tlaes - ervileav batho bl srocl tie lth ie chairs, arosmnil nI initi>' goes cnt ter and ail histenel acrosthe fieul soandsianîstise dbr andlIoes gif falIt- te canuler visaf assistante tise>'coul. lng."l-Hotstou post, pahl oser ln fu1l vithin six montisa. Pre loue ipropostions along (bIst sanie lîne hase been presenfeil beforef but bave nef gone as foaase this ones lit saId te base progressel A con- firmatIon ohftise tactosatedl n tlsa e-t paort vilii netf h possible unfîl tise ne- gotiations have proceedeil furtiner thon ai presehnt, as shoula tise detailst become pubhlic premafurel>'tise plant mlgisf mlscarry and tise deal come to naughf- Capital Unliited.S Tiese enîlcate visicis proposes tfo Laike oser ail o! tise remalning Zionr C'ity real ostatc, tactorlos, isotel, puis-I lie buildings, etc.. bas unlimiteil capi-E tai and voulil use millions for tise de-t velopment of thse cil>' as tise greateef manufacturing tovn on tise north sore. Tisatishe site for titis la Ideal and tisaffise raiiroad facllitles are ex- cellent is a aays been conceded. Beif Lins Wauld Extend. Sisouli theo proposition go througis tise E. J. & E. voul at once extenil their yards te ZMon sod thon tise clty1 voolil bave as good railroasi facilitiez as Waukegan or NortisCiicago. Tise nov ovoora volilosn over 300 actes o! ideal factor>' elfes and tisese voolil ho solfor nominal sumo ln crIer te boom tise tovn andl get fisousanda of emploYes fisere, viso voul tisen ho gicen iota ciseaîly anld even asistaI ln building homes ln order tisaf large profits migist accrue fron tise ln- croasedI ncromont o! values wvici voulil follov for tise remaînder ohftise rosi estafe. Better for Resîdents, Tis syndicate proposiion voul, If la deciareil, h. a har btter deal fort tise Investora ohfZMon tisan tise plan o! paying tisent off ln ZMon rosit>'lat tisea rate oh about 28 cents on tise dollar, visicis la tise presenf estimate aofvisaf tise>'viii get visen thse vindup cornes.( 'This, Il le point ed ouf voulh bo t- fer bocause ahen ever>' oneof ohtie Ihousands o! nvestors receiveil an1 atutount oh land equal te bis Invest-E ment ai uhec rate of 28 cents on tiset dlollar. neat 1 3 all soutl vant te sel] hic suara ii nta calta ttupo.i il at once. This would resuit lnfho- markset heing gluffed ithfbroSI ostafe and witb a cdbsequent sîump ln val- ues. Mian>, and iii faci 00stf o!tise peo- pIe viso intruseei thoir mono>' to John Alexander Doies are foday bailly ln need oh cash, as man>' o! them aref ver>' ouI and gaie tiseir Ilfes savînga to tise prouibof. Thero are man>' vio vould blieglail f0 sel toila>'for 10 cents on tise dollar rafiser than vatt a few more moniba andl recelce tise Iarg- or value ln landl. For fise reaeon Joat outiloo te plan ofhetisey>ndcats vîli if la ex- pocteil ehoiaileil viti jo>' b>'moat o! tise Inveafors andl man>' vili pra>'1 nIgbt Sol day fisat tise nov plan for îisehr saivation nia>'ho carrigd out speedhl>'. Voii',. onioer, le expeeteil f0 do ail ln is pover 10 frustrate thse plans o! fiis big syndicate, as ise vîlI ses bis complote finish If Is lacarrieul ouf, becatîse ho la worklog toof h and neau f0 gef control o! ail ibat romaIns In order thaf honia>' ho as groet a dic- tafor atnd cil>' builder as vas tise man visonu he dlaIms f0 succeed b>' divine rlght There le ittie hope bovaver oh Vol- ]va ever realizbng hIe drearniSoldhooitsi as lise oni ohftise tovo as an mnati. tuthonaltfovn was5accomplabeil visni Receiver Hafel>' soli tise lace hactor>'1 to Marsalal Fiell, saldvison tise re-i celser tater grantel deeda ftiste peo-1 pie, fisus enabiing ail viso took advan.1 onl>' Infiermation thaf oiiild lie oh- taineal frotuia br vas that i ii-fafhi'r bail died and ha vanuied to XIII hlm- self. She eald tise>' it cd iii M arston andl the officer pot irbi on tlie 4:59 train for Milwaukee The mian did flot want 10 go, as, lie saîd be vas fired of lite, but coneentei b get on the train whon tise olhicer ibreaienel f0 have bina locked up if he diii not go. Tise voman bail a dlfflctlt finie aith hlm ail atternoon and ktated betweeîî sobs that fhey had misseil three trains hotore, owing 10 tlIs stuliborn- nese and attempta te, do away wlîh hîmelf. Sise said ha bai neser acted so before andl'" blainei bis action 10 the liquor whicisho bead taken to drovo his grief. MADE REMARKS ABOUT eDWARDS Folios îîg ia usual oustoni fise Lake couîîîy hBoard of Supervisora8 met >lonia at fise ceout>' poor farni at Liberft ville. f0i hsspect tise promises, buildings, and ascertain thse caro andl aftentioni affordeil unforfunate in- mates of the asy>lum. Supeiariuitendenf AppI>' 1ud serveil bis guefts aifi juat sucis a dinner as pleaseil thenu most and generai dis cussion of county affaire was ln pro- gresa wben Count>' Clark Hendlee aroso andl asked attention of tise gatb- ering. Tis gaineil, ha said: "If comes to me thaf a certain sup- orvisor, long a member oft Iis board, lat mallciouely circuiatlng a report that fvo yoars ago ahen ha vas s mem- ber of tise board conmlittee appolnted f0 setf le wifh my office, ise foni my accounts $800 short, If romes f0 me also that fisis supervlsor criticisea and accuses mombera of tise Board o! Sup ervîsora o! ineiflceesud aven dishon- est acta. i WANT TO SAY IN OPEN SESSION THJAT I CONSIDER SUCH TACTI('S THOSE 0F A DIRTY LOW L.IVED (tUR 1 do not wvisis o cast aspersion upon an>' other moinher oh fhe hourd so still State tise man f re- fer to Is Il C. Eiwards, of Avon toan- Sufuersisor. Rdajis bail no reli, to niake- undîhe reet of tise superý visors ivere iosurlarised tf, express nhenuseles. tontiuuing, *Yur. l-endee saîd: ".Nlr. Edmaid.s' iii bis settloment wlth nie totînile% erytihg correct Sand satis- tactor>' and so stated to pie. Ho alao turîued ili a rep)ort f0 tise board 10 bhat effeet oser bis owo signature'" Here Suuiervisor Edwlards iloclared bc bail not signed the report l-endee insiateil thaf bie bad andI if as sub- sequentl>' proven that ise Ml. Tisera was lîftle other discussion among sup- ervisors duîring balance o! tise day nisan tise Hendee Zilvards Incident, anil goneral opinion seemneiltu be lisat t.Edwards vas at lesat indîscreet hn bis broadcasf assertions o! dhisonesty o! count>' officiaIs and tisat ho sisould suhalantia e is atatemnents or buld bis poace. Every cotinty officiaI seeme to be under the Edwards ban as welI as man>' supers sors, and tise outcomo 00W la cerfain to0lie a dermsnd for tacts or tnat Superv.iaor Edwards cesseis aeîusutonal charges. Fîýk XLotcick. 21 Yeara ohi, o! Cui cago. sinîgle, but vifis parents living yesierda- at Ioon Lake stepped loto a roa lboat vithlbis hunting gun held accident and Lotrhck vas Instant>' luilleil. The verdict vas oneofo deatis b>' accident. Somne Famous Cases. Somne oh the famnous caaes that are on tbe doolset are: Wachenfeld divorce case, which crsated a sensation. Weim-ers divorce case, society sensation cf Highland Park and Lake Bluff. Damage suit of the Cashmore girl of Wadsworth against Dr. R. K. Davis and Assistant Chief of Police Tyrrell. Mandamus suit against Police Magistrate Taylor by States At- torney Dady for tise people. Two libel suit&,.ane b>' G. W. Chipie>' against thse Wsuksgan Printing compan>', whlch Issue% theN es, and oe byb Dr. Jessie B. Ogdsn sgainst thse Gazette Pub- lishing compary. Details of List of Cases. There are elgiteen porsonal Injur>' andl deafis iamnage soifs agaînaf cor- porations, divided as foliows: C'hicago and Mila'aukee elecfrlc, 10. Corn Products, 2. C'ity oh Waukegan, 1. Libel, 2. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern, 1. Chicago Tie and Timber Treating comfiany, 1. There are seseral others. Twelsty-seven Divorces. There are fwenfy-seven di'vorces -and ofiser chancery cases include: Iijunctione. 33. Foroclosures, 44. Partition suite. 19. Quitltle. 8. Wili cases. 1. Change of name. 2. 3îlecbanics' liens. Il. The docket la a large one, but 00f extra large, due f0 affemptsta f0 ean IL opuln the Muarch ferm. but tisere la îl"ity oh excifernent comnIng dur- lug 'the progreas of court. NEW FREIGIT LINE TO TOUCII WAUKIEGAN Instead of passing beiow Lake ixtai.fy anuiC turing the Wisconsin division near Ravinla, thse new Northwestern freight "belt lune" wili extend nortis to a point north -of Waukegan cil>' limite and tisera affect te juonctionu butween thse. Galena and Wisconsin divilsons. nther words tise Nortiswest- ern road wull provide Waukegan n block six. Sand Street for Traffic. The Ieu of opening up Sandl sîreet le f0 make if a road for wagons and arays to useso S that the>' cao drive uptof tise nev frelgisf bouse and oail anuI utload their reigbt. Tise rail- road's fraclus will bc placel on thel eaef aide o!f te rueaubuildings. Ibis ar- cangeentîfglving tise J. eIuial facill- tles for bandlinîg treigbt tisat the Norfisaesfern nov bas. Tise E., J. & E. bas hitherfo been conipelleil to re- fuse ental ispmenfs because o! a lacis of facilifies for isandlng if. Mucis Greater Facîlîties. Ilitherto if bas iseen neceesar>' f0 boal ailt reigist froni the wagons loto the cars and vice versa, This le un- satishactor>' for man>' reasone. but vils tise nov reighf bouse there vilI ho ampll rooni for atorage and tise helt fine vili ho able f0 do a iargeîy Increasol amouDt f o local business, viiitise>' have bifiserto been coni- peiîed no turm ava>' Tise ralîroal nov ovos a sînlp et land vicis extenile nortis front Washington street f0 a point 130.68 foot east of tis e osaIlina o! Sand afreef 1hflise cit>' ahl con- sent f0 seIl lots 4 andl 5 fise road viii bas'd ample roona for a nov lepot, reighf isouse and office building vhtcb, are nov planneil. it le 00f thnugisf at this timn;fisaf tise vork of construc- thon vilI hoefarteil behore oarly aprbng but fissma>' ho commencod tiis ft]. FOUR SPIECIALISTS PERFORM OPERATION Daugister et Miiionalre Swft Oper. ated on for Appendîcitia. Misa lda Naay Swiftf,second laugis fer of Loiuis F. Svift, the nullionalre paclier, - vas oîerafed on for appen- uicifis fast seeX Sf the Alice Homne hospifai ho l.ake Forest, fol- loaing a consultation b>' the moat noied stîcciallass ahose sersires 'aul e(r. 'uaiîieu onsuthuort tntira,, Mliss Swiftî bieen feelinîg badl>' for seseral days. Xhen Dr. B. N. Parnienter a-as callealftiste realdence be ut once dlagoosed the trouble as appendîcitîs, He called lu Dr. C'harles Kahîke. a-ho coîtirmed Dr. Parouetu- fer's diagnosha, Four semiailessnera brougbt frottaChicago to the beilaide a measfor openung an immense u0t tuisavlwf t ollowung nuirrueil teli- acceage of vest side factor>'aites îuhOnie talla f0 thisetf>. b> ymeans of ita new fraigist otiet. Sic S.aSwft vas Infornucîl bau an Intmedlale operaflon vas necessar>' 10 Ti is ssat Waukegattlurmoer sas-e tise life o! tise putienct. At itoon base sougitu for youra and If le ho tise ambulance o! Alice Hortne bositlal lIeu cd thet aith these pluans carriel sas driven f0 tise Swift resilence sol oui, as they m'Ilhe, the city faces ifs the sufferer placcI insile. Sbo a-as largest lîcriol of prosîaerify, aitb rail laken bakth f0 er honte atter uhe facilifies better than ait> cify inb lii operaflon, vbicb sas pronotuocel soc- nois, what sih tbe Nortbwtern's cosshsîl, tac branches already itu operaf Ion and_________ tise Elgini, Joiet anudl Esfern lin@ and uts connti-otns. Viclor>' forfikokie blirict. Tue nets belt mie c. lbif le icoosn B>'tise serdict of tise coont>- court th e- Nocthm0-te rnu lias a'o sii ereî for jr y', made atter a iengtsy ise rng~ souieteit' taast, f0 connecf ta ta-to anud on a slighuîiy 0ev lagal proposi. dis isiotua. is to eunt front Elmisuret snd lIon, thse ussosonuent roil for thse big Prou iso uuuu tvusfto W'aulcegaiia bose jandî Impiortaunt Skokle drainage systeni notouflernt luuuts stil l ouch and conneof lIsauffirnueil as if vas maIe, origInail>', s'. theS,-W\isconsint division af Beach, ssiuiuh vili be .' jutnaction and vbere luirge ltias yl be iocaled. ttiraail naen coru-de that Ibis la tllei nuoit(e 1ogirai roulte tbup the firet planîtaf0cuutuecl at Ravinia. Why It leS etter Route. The reasout le simple enougis. The lialt tUt- la bîltite10relieve Chicago y'ards oh freigbf andl transer conges- thon and f0 prevent delays ho suhurban witiout a change. Attorney-saOrvsensolPaul macG-uh- fit, tht- latter of liabrtyville, repre- veut cd tise case o! tise lkole lia Innr, for visîcisMessrs, Mîller, Webla and Wh.'ite are commiBsoners, aol Ai- torneys John Pope aed Elmer Ors i. rereenfou tise ohiector. -Tise fatr that tise roll ha net 5f ail chantgeat 15 tise Jury deciaion la rather renuarkI teaf againef abat fhey term an 'out- rage" and a 'dhrty trick."-'Tisy oui farther and sa>' thaf If tise>' can lied a way fbey vhll domand tfiaftishe mon- uments ho rePlaced. Thse remarkable thing la thgt none- oh tise people viso are prof estlng as t.ý trienda oh Knapp'are athoistas, onea t leat being an ardent cisurcis man. but tbey regard Knapp'e owo monu- mon- ta as examplea ofhbis eccentrielty visicis tise> conceile hlm tise rIgbt to gratify. "Durlng Lewis Keappla ]Ife," said one, "ise vas a gond citizen, a public spirîteil man, and s thoroughly 11k.- able andl reasonahie personaiity. Mes pures a s enver closeil te tise m--. voman or ciild ln need and ho hsa lit onl>' admiration for hie gond quai-. Idies, altisougis It la recognlsed that hie vas one o! thse ment esteentrie lives ever lived. "We iselieve fisatnLewls Kssapp, liv- ing. issd th isengit te buslid. sat monu- mente te isi odeaa ha Chose on t" two cemotery lots that ha owvedanl sd tisat It le noJust, ueklnd an~d irrer- orant 10 hlm f0 have this detroye.", Whie tise Lakte cosunty t.v whe are voicing a protest are not tisaUtnd o! people if ail, It late te lat 'naa proteste againat razing te eu- monte Cama to Kenesha fronn ail over tise country fram athisansd frs tiinkmre. Bafore tise monments vere broken up stenographleo opies wero takan of their accentrie Inscrij. thons, visici purport to trace tise '11E. tory' o! religion andl contemn It. WAUKEGAN MINISTER RECOGNIZED STUCKEY, Chanced to Most Williamaburg Pas. tor-Editor as Evangaliat SaseKam.. bas City' Star and Preseno. of Girl Aroused 8uë9icIon, so Wrets,,So Kan,. sas with Resuit titaINasiasus Af. falr Deveiop.d. SaYs tise Kano"s Chty Star et a me- cent date: Thue'flrst w trd thut i isM« f0 lie 0f- tawa, Kan., ollicere oh Rev. Walace- Stuclaey's wbereabouts vas not the. muessage fronu Hlubisard. Tex., offIciais snnouncrinîg his location, but a lettes' rc.celeil the day previoue troni th&. Rev. E. N. Tucker, a Christian minis- ter ai Waukegao viso cisanced te h&vu mlet Stuckey on tise Iattar'a rounds ast art evaîîgeilist anil recogeistei hlm bu. lhnd fise alias of Morgaun. Mr. Tucksr a-rote f0 tise tev. N. S. F'raiskii, an acquaintance, vise la a Christi" min- Ister at Princeton, near Willilsmsburg, as folbova: 'Thero la here 31ey. W. M. Studke>', alias W, B. Morgan, froni Huisiard. Tex.,,tormerly o! Lebo, Kan. Ha is a girl vls hlm. Lots, poelng as a daugistar, a membar oh your congre. gathon, I bekieve, 17 yeara oll, Itoka older. Tihnk se bas been an actress. Posaibl>' leftt ionte about Auguat 1. If parties are vanfeil bave siset-It vire serîf! bere. But also aulvise me an>' Information about tisam." Nfm. Stocke>' dropped out fohsigbt on JuIy 25 a-hile bcise aavislflng a broth- er. Walle-r Stîîckey, 2011 Norths Six- teenth street, Kansas City'.fie vas editor of tise Wilîiamsburg Star et - îxuliimshulrgKan.. and pastor o!flise ('hcîiian cisurcis tiere. A fev da"s later Lorena Suthserand, 16 yoars oid, aid daugistor of Dave Sutherland, a' ftucner, eftthomne. Mr Stuckey w» foc neyeraI years pasierof et e Chois stua Place Chrilstian Alventiat eh*r%êý fe if CheseaaPlace.,vaest fsais OI lut Ieftishera hn 1903.

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