Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1909, p. 2

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LAKE GÙTYN DNPXFRflAY, OGTOBE , 90 M OU in Quamuo asa 06 ;ZDOi LI.DMOND LAK" M lre. Wiil Rây tnd Miss Pearl Rtay = t Saturday wiih tbe lattai-e sister, John Hodgs, at Aniien. Mri. anti lr@. Petterson tnd childi-er *petntSaturda>' anti Sunda>' vithAr. Mda Mlre. Wint. kiamann. lire. Hiramt Bai-lat tnd lire. Frank jobuton transactoti buminae luinChiago, xonslY. Misses Lillisu Ru.soll tnd Bannai Sotile visito t aMlre. Rouee's Saturda>' Mss Henry Ot tnd cb)ldren, front Miosouri are viitiug uitb lier motber, ThsffDiamond Lake Cemeterýv Asen, ww 1mnet vltbuËs. Ba A. Smith, [tocke- Wiler, Tbursday, Oct. 7tb ai 2 p. m. Al lumsahe sama urged te be attend. lira, W. Lormantond chiidren @eni a 6ew day. vltb ber oisiar, Ira. W iliam Mises arriet Paters, front Chiego, ilent Saturday tond Sunday wiîb Luella lire. John Gouwiller te antartainiug >'uetvee front Jaeonvile. lire. Kaleti, of Iowa s"et a leur days itat wek witb Ars. Wm. insmann. Min' Genevieve Kam@, Who bas been ou thte ick fliai, is lowly improving. Manter Uebdu Kohi spent Saturday »ud Sundaywvlt bu nt tond oncle, Ar. anmi George Mitchell. *dr aitnd Mmr. Wifi Brocknon tnd ýbIIdn 1at@d tt Barman Brockmann's lldW la Chieago Tbureday, Sept. 23rd, I»llas nolda, an old resident tond tob !$**mataloc. of Palatiné, oesthat viii .ýa m1awed as home e&d abroad. Bs bV4a vile Who viii b. a mourner in- = lt te avenoehlldrsa, hutfrelnl ab, d relatives te monta wth 'béi Imiraiat ltheM. BK cburetb ai o» aeP. m .Intermentinlathe ou iebh Byfs tnd bye alt'll 'ô wdméet him, "eIa thse pmised laaak Danlelbôn anà wvif, vllted wltb qvse Sunday. <~i r mAlceÂleu bau rturned to the miO*vs"e Ualvenilt. Misa Grati wzi*bavoentevekt9 aludy theo. ..e b e b esrvies «f ~*npuut.mU Meod Wii oens.a milli- z*arutin botorecoa. à.H v s ar a d WteeMy, la te- hv o it attawk of so'eriias. -$ m kEL EtIslsrding and relatives lu ýPWMIg* mffdedthse golden wodding ef ~~rLMw~a ,dmlr. (nerdiner ln eva ,Sept 24tb. tM.laadlir J.B. Sebierdlng enter- ,I.1stheisais m. a (lluv, of fv&n- usa,,ptd niom, àlireMins snd Miss jean, of Nov York aty, overBtaday. tD bmst i Blcnowse pavillon Satnrdoy Tvo bail gamm Il.vii b. pl ad er fiua4y,,, Rocéodihr va.Lake nrLc at :t i,a;-Palatine va. Laire Zurich ai r.s. od lire. Fred Sip wenîte mmra.BhaYsyeip tond Miss Jeunlo selp c vloiW 1(r. auti Mr& Fred Deelitile at VasiegaIurday,, Bunday they lo"t teMilwaukee te viit Henry Seip *t4ulssoldwerà' Home. NFaak CI* lut for Oneida., N. Y., lait w,** teo$dtkWiatb»rond brother. De *iii attend the FUto-Budeon cle- The hall game lait Sonday baivesu the Palatine and a*e Zurich vas won by tho former. Score beug 8 tu 3., Wm. Bnescingvisiten Mlwankeseue day lait veek. B as"accompanled by bisesMater, lira. Ot, of Diamond Lake., B. L. Prehm li for Dcatur, Ii, Tnesday te attend a gatbariag of tbe Itestmters of thtu state. Mire. Louis Geai-y lef t Monday to viit ber home in M ieigan. Mr., tnd Ara. Luther liixou are tbe prend "aeta of a nov baby girl. kWm. Bierinan. of Librtyvilla, calted on relatives andi irleudsbliea unday. DEBERRELD, t Habert Todd, of Wlmette, spent Son. ;J, dayvi tise Todd fanully. ILM. Vant spent severat dava las, **ino southecu Illinois. 11[m MuC ..Borg tond son luit Tueeday »rUW homo in Topeka, Kansas. wcht h»a oiti bisresideluct o1 Woo Mlckeibacb returueti boni' osay'frsaan extiuded trip îhrough Igekata. bas oiti hie milk renit,, L«&l dies he yllttakecharge k.Waribg famOy ' ilI move lnio the e vacmted b>' F. E. litoer aiid m'a.. Woavei- vielteti lu Bock FaHlsts ,4llgor dr7 eughcmanbe quicî lu *1àDr. Sisoep'e Cougis Ilme. > ~e5~lQeIorM -,king55 Mirs. B. Peglowenierttolned herpareuts et Chicago, for a feur days Iats week. S . T. Fot "pet a four day. vloting bie old tinte frieni, AMr. Miller, of Aniiocb. Ars. Cba3. Foote is visitiug relatives lu Chicago. Milas Marguerite Broitel ,bas returned honte. The carautere bave rompleted our nev achool bouse tond Mrs. Joe Berigier lagoiug tocleanlux Sebooleopen@ Oet. 7. Henry Scbroeder, Sr., wbo met vith au accdent eue day maet vaek tond su@- Lt tamnet a fracture of the nose ie lmproving Dicely. Albert Laweon bas been ired as Iforentan ni the Veach fart. y Mrs. J. C. Hertel spent Tbureday ai ',DesPlaines. 't Stahl-Wagner Nuptiala. Monday xorniug, Sept. 27, oeccred the1 marriageftMiseAnna M. Stahi tand Frank L. Wagner at St. Mary'@ oatbolic churcb, Buffalo Grove. Prontptly at 10 o'olock to the e4rains1 of the wadding ntarcb, played by PetQr Weduer, the bridai party proceeded dowu tbe aisie to the alter wrtere the reremouy was performeti b y 11v. Father Ott. The bride was attired lu a wbite siik embroidered batiste gowu tand carnied a bouquet of bride's rose. Ber veil urne of tulle tond @bo vote wbite rose. Tbe bride vasl attendsd by Mis Mary Wagner, si.tèr of the groom, as bride@- maid, and bie lutile sitr. Christina, ae fleurer girl,. both wearing whbite dresse@ and carried white carnations. 1--o Weidner. of Nebraska, step-brotber of tbe brida, aitended the groom. Follourîng tbe oeremony, a wedding reeeption was givan ai Union Rail, Long lirove. A beantiful tnd bountioue liet ef pr"eents were received, the gifis of tbeir mtony friands. Tba« bride is the daugbter of Ar.tond M-i. Aud'ew Stabi, of Long (rove, tnd bas reaided in this commuity al herlife. Tbe groom is the ouly @on of Mr.tond Ars. Martin Wagner, of Fremont Center. Both are igbly respected young people tnd their mauy friands exienti beaty cougratulat.tis Notice. My wife, Auna GraS hbavlng left My. bed at»4 board tbis day. 1 hareby give notie t bat 1 i vill ot be re@ponsoble fr tony buill abs may contraci. 51-4 JeaN (iEAFF, Prairie Vlew, lu., sept. 10, 1909. FOUND IN 118S *ASômýs ho 'fORE MINISTCRS GeT OWN iO6RYARD SOLOMOS TfMIMIX SMLA SALARIES The eearch for ageti Sanford Hay- Cost ef Original Temple, Rough Work lTo Build Churçh Worlcmen Geta $1.00 uer et Lake Foi-ast, sevantythres tone, WOO Over *26,00O,000 and a Day More than Mon Who After- yes oad. a rotl-ati Noribveeteru an- King Scoonuon Nilade Demi with King warda Filla Pulpit. To Incresse Sa- gineer, ended fflday morning vban *Hiram of Tyr* for Materl and tarie. to Fair and Decent Living Hayner vas founçh vithin tva huit- Workmen thutl t Teck Hlm Vears Point ln One of Imporiant Noeds dri-d feai of hisevuw doervay lu the to PAy for. Wlth Protestant Churche.. dense ebrubbery, Iing ilii tnd ex- posedt te s eathar. Every membr,of the Matonic Average Yeurty Salaries Pald By .The finding eftihe father of tho Blue Lodga. lh the United State Amerlean, Prootestant Churehes spor(lng adîtor of the Çhleago News. la to bc.1aahced te contri bute $5 Mthodlat.......... About $480 vas madie b>' Johhn Clemauson. a a0011 10 the prcjeet for rebulding Bapîlst .. . No complot* at4tiotlc... tenant on the Dorand place In Lake of Boiomona Temple. Presbyterian ....About $700 Foi-est. There Are many snch member7 Congregailonai............ $907 Mi-. Hayner, vho le 73 andi feshle, and in Lake. Co. thr iep- - -oa ...... bot$ vas at once removed te bis honte vhere (bis ntornlng Dr. Parmentai- at- tended hlme. Ha will live. , Nov (bat he a i.bacsiorles are' ha. tng reviveti of boy te bas ou sevai-al occasions vantioret off le the sme tanner tond boy ho la nubiect (e spolIe liko the pi-sent oe. Ha le net clear ln hie mind anti cannet (al wbere ho bas beau. Police o! ail cities between Chi- cage ant iMlwuauktee and as tai- vest as Rorkford bad bean seeoktng hlm andi one hundi-ed soltilers fi-ont Foi-i Sheridan fallte lineSd trace ef hlm lionday. They Didnt Have te Change. Dnrlng the years lu vblch oui- pure foodi lava have been put lotoeoffert (bore bas beau a gi-est burrylng aond scuiyg on (ha partioft(ha food man- tfacturers to change (heur mthoda te make (hem conformte(nthe laur. The Quaker Oate Company' ta a con- opecuons exception. ItIvas admtted (bat Quaker Oats was as pure tond clean se spossible tnd (bati h vas au Ideat f ood.1 ht la se cbeap that tny one cao af- ford Il and se nourlshlng (bat ovory- oue noode I. The result et last yaar's experimants ei Yale anti other points 'wbaie foed valuas moi-e testod la (bai Quakor Oatsî bas been adoptet b>' tnan>" persens as (heur foodi on vblch the>' raly for addlng vtgor sud endur- ance ut muscle and bi-alfu. The Quaker Onte Company' meets ail demande lu (he a va>' packs Quaker Ott; iegutar sîze packages andti ha lai-go nze famil>' package" uh. lattai- both vl(h tond vithont china. 4 LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE SiEWING MACHINZ, MAN ARRCSTW fOR CONTEMPT Ôôr COURT, Claînu ce Attorneys la that He Diare. garded Su mmons to Appeau'land Anaver to Citation ln 1900 Hence Contempt Charge.--Defemce la No Réal Service of Paper and AdvIce ef Atterney-Wiil Appear Nour. On Comlng out fi-ont Sblleh itt a vota> ( wmt>bem In salti, te soU ome et bis fathei-'a adacta, ýA. J. Gladistone Dowe vas arretai for rontempi et court Monda>' anti breugbite Waukegan b>' Shriff Grifliu anti Captalu A. A. IWWoker. Later contampt preceedlngs were tialstnasd b>' Attorneys Cooke anti Pope lni returu for vhich Dovie viii appear at (ho bearlng service an a wrlt toi- whicbha v as accosei et dis- regwdtlng. It vas clamedti (at Gadstoeo vs soi-yod netice (o appear at hoauing, vhlcb la a conteat oet(he DweievîIl, Auguat 26, 1908, but (thst e <iera- gardeti the somnmons ant i dinet comae. Ih le iaiet b>' hlm (bat ho hati atviceet Ateorne>' Chai-en Lau- der, ubo ho saye van bisateorne>' ln tha matter. that ha neeti nt appear, at thaetinta..becausa at (bai tinta ha vas lu attentiance beore the masgter lu chancer> et a fadeasicoui-t lu (ha City'. UN1CRUES!CAPACITY O! LACE !ACTORY Marshall Fialti& Company' vithin another year vilî bave (ho largesi lica tactery i thaerîti, according te (ha preosent plans nov being matie for tho epnsion ofth(is Indust->' ai Zionu Ciy. The campanit> hplanning te ti-- der- aoco fret Aliglanr boiveen Of- taan andti srty levers anti eiber lace machinas anti vli &asebuftda large aditioiln te (heur facior>'. Thea tdti space viiib. neceaaary ovm n teh tact tisai(ha pi-ent plantintanov rrovtiad anti but a tev moe ma hines cen b. put in before (ha' nov building unît b. demauttiat. Duiy Abollmhed Fiteen Menthe. The reazon (hat the Immedilate pur' clisse of uari-y tit>'nov machines bas beau decîdeti upon la (bat (bei- a I a Provision In te Pay'ne tariSf bill v4lrh atolhoes tha dut>' toi- itteen menthe lu ' order (bat the luduair> ta>' te builît nistrongh'lu (biths country>. The dut>' enter (ha Dingla>' tariS vwas thlrty-(hi-ee anti one-(hird par cent Nov eigb( machines can ho importeti fer thaeatome pri-Ie (hat five coulti ha hrougbt lu batore. Duty Nov Double. The dot>' bas also beau deublgti u- der the nov tariSr on fluishati laces it- portati tram Euope, thia provision be. log madie lu (haitai-ast of Aterîcan _______________manufacturera. Marsalal Field& Cor- pan>' sie consaquenti>' sxpectiug te Just the Reverse, reap a harvest as a rosuli. The previ- HRoi-ola the va>' te papere uil vrltse us raie vas enebigb (hatt(ho tactor>' ni, vetdinge tan jears heure; "The eai ton coultiundarsell (ha Importera bride lookeativsry Wall lu a travelling anti stili make a tai-gai- profit than dies, but ail ayes varaeutereti upon te (ey titi 'These lace machinas coet groomn. Be wve a dai-k suit tbat fited' about $16,000 earh se (batt(ha mag- hie foi-m perfeoti>' tnd ln bis <ai>' nitudeofet (he puprchaae cen aslly ha gloved bande te carrloti a mmali rose. computeti. (lis cnrl3 bair va, beauitfuliy doue, antid________ a drlicate odijr of hair eoùIofhasbet ilualit>' floated dovu (ho aiio as he passeti. Tte yenng people viii mise bit, nom thait helS maried. Be la levet b>' aIl loi- hie tan>' accompliabmntet, anti ie usinunug urys. The lîride femmantis a go0d saltor> as bookkeeper andti he groom viii risesnoure ot the luzurlos te wbich e ha b een accustoteti. A crouti et prait>' Ilin aour intoff ettohie <spot. -Ex. Ni-, P. G. Fritz, tOneonta, N. Y.. wi --iv Il"thsgirl vas greati>' beneited ry teuisg Foloy'aOrino Laxative, anti I tllnk ila sbeibat ,-edy for constipa-% tionatodlvyer trouble" Foiey's Orbeo ,.xatira i l i pi,'toantand aeffttes, ab 4 Mme "uai cetaIpaibon, Where Umbrella. Are Indispensable. To tha viaiti- lit Pariasa tlls rather necomsr.v lunurniar anti a Baedeker la tisrabie. but au umnbreila la Intilapan- sable. Parîsiana vouiti ha les. sur- primset ter an uttrella gelns out for a walk vlth-mut a person than te ee" a person going vithout au umibrslla. Oui>' Idiets tandifeeblo mînded «vorldo t. lu Parits(ha>' do net have a comlf«loner or inasoit>' tetest thoetoani>' or peo- pie. Tho>' vaututil t(beala a' munt> writer tiay-ibey have oee every t(i-ais or tour vnk&-andt hon tise>' undttise ,suspect eut toi- a valk lu (heO unm Ifho b.gSm ithout i ambwella (ey put bi. la au as7ium. They iow iho M es'aa. 'lh.>'doWt tihak se; thuv kuow I-Putnama. si-fuI contingenta in ail Matonlo bodies, to the hlghent. The work o ercoflstrlcting the temple witi begin uithîn à year. The projeal origlnated ln Bou- ton, Arhur B. Houre, Boton, former Congreséman L. D. Ape- iey, Dihop John W. Hamilton, Warren B.Elîlie, W. E. LllchfIeid and Adjutant General Henry Brig. item and alil lid a hody oftlwenly Massachusetts Maaons laead thei corporation. The plan sa tu bulld a replica of the anctent temple hthalwau'the blrth of Preema- sonry. For moi-a (han a conurty(hePi-ee- masons of tha vorîi havo desteli-tanti dreametiofet(ha restoration et Soie- mena (aemple.Iti vas a splendid dreant (bai (ha Freemasons hava hartiln (ha hello! (bat (heur ortier mas foundmd b>' Selonon. urbe vas (he iret grand master eft(heur ci-att. For tha firet tinta lu ail (baso yetorn the gi-est pi-ject bas taken a practi- cal fei-a vlth (he application of (ho Freemasena et Boston for articles et Incorporation (bat wlll permit (hema (o raise tho fermliable suofetmoea>'ne. cassai-y to cari-y on the projeet, te la>' the plans anti bogin the building. Neur Moalem Sanctuary. The site erigluall>' occupeti b>' Sol- erons temple le neur filiet b>' te lHaiem-Esh-Shereaet (tho Noble Sane- tuai-," vblcb, (e tae illemns, la only leses sci-ad'(han Mcaa tnd Medina, fer It la bellevedtie(o over the rock thai le regartietiby '(hem as (ha ren- ter- eft(ha esr(h, and (he place front vtulch Mahtomet star(ad vben he vis- lted beaven. t soeans ebviotus that an>' attempi (c vi-esi fron t(ha lesa asite hetti ln such saactlty vouit in aIl proba- blllty resuli ln aneiber ciusade, a boly urar sncb as (ho vorîti bas nover kuovu. Idea Tremendoua One. Rot h les (he ntsgnit&e etfibe Ides and ti taconsummatioto that fascias the mmnd, vha(hor (ha veadar bhaa Preemason or net. It la quie prob- able (bat the Boston lissons urbe are pi-ojactiug tbe rempany ai- e vlt avare et the mouey rosi eft(ha entar; prisetond (bey expont (ha Masona et tha vorîti te contiibute (o the ri- building et the temple. The enermous ceai eft(ho enterprise ta>' be generailly romprehendeti vban Il le Imovu (bai (he computatIon et the vago bill for reugh work alono lu (ha building et Slontone temple la $204,825,000, vhlrh la fer (ho labor ot bavai-s et vooti, stoemasons anti quarrynten, tond bu-don beare, ai a vage (hat ne modai-n vorkman voniti accept. And Then Salaries. This bas net (akan lote cenalieration dtie (hwages or salares paldt teo hlgbor pricati artisans, surh as carv- es, gilders, arties, vonkers ln pi-uc- lotus atones, makers et pri-etty gar- MtstaOr (he o stfmateali, et vhlrh ne basis for computation bias been teunti. It bas heen esîlmatedti (at 183,000 laborers mire i, agcd on (he work for (bree Yeaats, controiiing vbich vei-e 8.300 evei-somis or toremen. Rut It la net knovu boy tan>' man vere engage) ln (he actuel building et the temple. Thora ls a tradition (htiSleren iras aidot b>' tiemena3," for vblrb reasort net a setinti ut uilti' log eperations was beard lu Jai-usalent iurI-ng tbm tineta (at (he construction et the Temple lasitid. Had ^id et Hirsm ut Tyre. It ain kuemu (at Blemen raîseti a 1ev>' et 30,000 men trot MHirant ha King et Tyi-a, toerut timber ouMoonni Lebanon, toi- the roasen, as ha saiti that.te 'SîionItes are more skileti (han ont- people ln tho cnttIlg et vooti." Iu PaYMont for (ha serviras oet(hae timben- mon. Solomnon sont Hirant an- nual>' 20,000 Ceori of vbeat andti ho este of harle>', anti 20,000 "batbs" et cil anti vine. The qoantil>' of vbeat tond harle>' vas each aqulvaleut te 200,000 bunh- ae, andt he qnantlîy oetcilIant i vne vas eacheQulvalanite o160,000 galions, or- 3,600 hegaheade. lu teMountains Solenton hati an trYOi-'et80,000 stoesuttere prearlng the huge atones, vhlcb varo carristi te tha site of the temple b>' 70,000 bur- den beareme. The stonecutlera anti burtien bearers wOi-s augmantat b>' imen sent b>' Hirant. rlht. O sale noties lubli:hailu the tinependent wviiireft a rcis reedm esabn asîy otier 11515* ithe. ceunI>. W. ba"t'.eb.ciroultlon;v7M viii S«t bé bhausu Writig ln Mnnseys Magazine for Octobar, Water Pritchard Eaion de. clames, ln (ha course et an article on -The liulatry> as a Profession": "The Protestant cburclies ara alarnt. ati over tbe dwlndllng number et atu- dents lu their seminaries, tond tha ln- creased idfficuliy et secnrlng vorthy reýr-nus for tha minisir>'. The mieis- tors loi, If poseible, ls te ho mado ecaier, Dot legs for practicai consiti- eiations-even tf these are net ai- ways cenfesset-than for- ethîcat eues. "We psy (ha workman $3 a dey- or a liitile moe-ito buildti hq churcb; aud va psy tha clergyman $2 a day- or a litile leas-to preacb lu It. 'Te Increae stalaries cf mniolters te a point vbere the>' cau support tond educate thaîr familles In docancy tond have a uttoli mai-gin over for tha nacossît>' et books tond (ha luxur>' ot a rasai-vo, te a point urbere (bey ara beyond the gnawlng rares anti nar- voua drain et povorty, la a tryiug needt eh Protestant chnrcbes today. "The danantifer yeung. active min- latars le ai presant giester than tha suppty. tond a yonib et martuetiabiliy la practlcaliy certain et a cotfoi-t- ablé living almoet as 8000 as ho stepa ont o! hie dlvlnity echool. h tla (ho young minlier who la ln dentand f oda>', aspeclaîlly ln large ciy chur- chas. The mînîsters themelvea say thai (heu- 'deat intnaisroached t ti ho ilitiit yar. "Pi-esent conditions bave now tin- poseti moi-eton poveri>'; beaatie o! the increasati ceet ot living, (ha>' have coma th Impose privaion, tond Intalaectuai, If net somatimos aintosi physicai, siarvation. "Ou (ha o(har band, te aok men te coma into (he mntsry, te tempi item te coma, because eft(ha fiuanclal re. yards, le te debase Chiistianit>' snd te insult lis Feundar. Feriuiatoly, Ttrowlng bis ai-ms areunad (ha ere' (har ommeentste ha ne Immedtate dan- urbo bullpassetihlm. hbe tiaggedti bi ger eft(hia particuhar Insult." bock lnto lbe. arona. There ha feunti __________________ that lie lîeld a pi-tact. MUSR!PR!S!NTATION "Ah. ha!" ho Ied. "Se yentiee MISR-PR sr-TAiiON rasort te tha pi-etaly drees te commit A T UNQUIJST yen, depredatlens. Bti yen caQ'.i foot an Amerlcan. l'1 gel iny 'moe a>'hsk At Cronrlelaqunt verLte Clin- or l'it break yo,îr lîtîî-k ovar enae o At Cronr'alnqust verthese clone wnlls.' ton Curry Alfred Pelure Had Bar-, TVien came a volley ofi wordu luke au daces About Head te Batik Up Hl@ explosion et'a Catlug gun, but mince Storles of lnjurie-B1andages Or. lir. Boiter knmiv onlyt>' vIfailan dered Off, Peter. le Found Unhurt vords. "*dora mitn" (vitara la). the>' pro- ln Any Way.. tinrod ne effect upon hien. lHa feu al er te tan*s body 'to mid hls porte. One of (ha (hinga (hai viii prob- monnaie. but foundi oui> 10 ceniesaînti, or 2 renia. Thon, afttr ging te ahI>' go agalusi Alfrati Patars, Chicago teîîow bis optnion ef hlm (ln Engliat), saloon keoper, vbeu haotaas trial îollItnhitîn iha h atbeau ver>' dex- tof (healategeti murder et Clinten torons lu paanlng bis punuder te a dark Curry of Waukagan anti Chai-taslier- figure irbe e ootsteps were te b. doff et Chicago, Is toaome proti>' bati heard i-unulng ava>'. li. Baiter te- taklng ho la allegad te have arteti ai memberedti tt afiar aIl. thera vere (ha coroners înquest, only a a w fve i-o bis ln the porta- Whon Paters vas arrested mnaianti ae h tifa on addrnbblug spd a final kick and tartati asketifotoi horevolver vl(h vhhch ho eut o etraie nqulta pieasetithat bu kîlleti bis victime ho deniad (bat ho tati bai neote of his yonîiufnî sireegt hadth(e gun. Later l vas toundtilh a or courage. The ont>' fear ho fait vas ide porket et hais trousors, entîrel>' ai a poasibili>' et bavlug te appeaf empi>'. Later thecrariritigos trot I, In roui-t agaînsi the robtar. On arrlv- full anti emptfati, vera founti behîn ntitg St.hhs botai he toiti bis ativanture whisky bsaIes hark of (he bar ln tha te bis mIte. salon"Wl>'. mla> br." satti (bai lady, "i atlon.have yom porketbook lockati lu thej Curry urketiase nickel pister for tImnut." (ha Western Instrument rompan>' oniTliî'riui itrs. ititrer uintî)rkletithe Randoiph street. Tlçe taunteof the itui i. d 1,, ot the iîocke-lb,ol. (bird ran vl(h Curry anti Mordeoif 'We11." solt i ater maditattveiy.1 on (ha fatal ulght le Albert Anderson. dourned i hm anyma>'." __________________TIere vas a sharp rap atto(ha <ber.' Wcman an the Benuh. Oî-11lng If. hiee toot IW(O et the ua- Hvnîan tazartis. for tan, yenrs re.- l tIt Rpolca insvallOwtall routa, corder et Bayonne, kileurttc people urbIte cord ailetttes, roaketi <Nape0. wbo came hafora hlm. Wtheu a ire- laonnibut$ andi siords. An>' oua ceuit tan appearedti e accuse a ]tomband!ae b>'ibm serions expression ert ieir who had heston bar ho a eiti. -i 1ontlances that the tilgnlt> of tle eand hlm t( ojil you'Iliconte back bee i Iun reair tsd been offentiet. Bc- tonton-ev lu tears antisoir me it e tîbnt (tem etooti a delicate, Infallectual hlm out." "No." sit e ati. ' I viî not. looklug pilest. viplng scratches on bts I'd like te have hlm punlioti." "Hloi tare anti forebeati uit a blooti>'baud- tort ebal tgtve tina thon.'* nsked lkerchlet. Lazau-tiromenthe. oeamontb. st't i.r.BAxto. rarrblng haivoan the montha'?" The o oan. urbo bail begun ttcer te lau, vas takon te the te i-aient, mas uperlîlesu. "l'Il tell oIlu'office.,urbare. suntnonîng hls irbat lIl dIo." ho stîld. 'Vou oin un I tfftun vecabular>'. ha kept rapeattng: ha-a andt ake rni>'choir, nid m(,atever "Dore sia. (ha Amerirane consulaio?" santance¶-ol prennne w-Ili go- The IRis pIes iras fInl>' heard. anti ha wontan besilateti. but (heo rderci-di-,17 as permittati te write a lIna to the eletati. The buebanti mite niralguei ettc- consul. urbo cama, but urbose Influence fore ber, anti the recorder ln a gi-itf avalleti notblng but tea ecura for the volce ortiareti bar te proounceasen. Antan-an vWho ati malt reatei an Inot- tance. "Six menthe, three months. tire fensIve tii-est a tait trial. Boxter vas menthe, s montb-qti-k," ho sati: "let locked iup. us have It." Thaenitan horst loto The noxt ntorntng betore tho tinte tetare. She anti ber buebsuti ebrceti armiveti for catiing tha case the cottafl anti want nul et court rejoling.vilited tbm pilest urbo tatibeau as- "Thora!" saiti Ltzarns. "Ir yen ronte salteti, anti vite prpvad te ha a tan hnck l'Il gîve yen six roniba caci."- etf Influe ueo. The malter was exý N~ew. York Pr-ess. Plained te tbe ecclelaselir. vite itteneti Th .a Sae Thng.aiteullu-el>'. Wbeu the consulhallfiu- Th. SameThing. sied.ti(hoemIni-ad part>' esit: "Imsoir>' va liava't mart et a dia- *"5Ignore' Baxiar contes front a land, bor," sait Spatts te Bloobumpar. urbont ho tati urgoti te sta>' for (bat moal. "Yen onght te havaetireppet iun tat sveulng. We hati a etunIng dînnar then.." nWb>', papa," chirpeti Bammy Spatta, "thats jui uwhat you a id lr. Tatidella at dIlaner yaettsy"-Detroit Fr.. Pissa wuere breaarea agreart an>' eooea sons etf te churcit. Witetber yonr ex. planatton la correct or flot t do not' kneur. but If the a tfer vas a mistakdM 1 axcusa II; tIlt vas a vanton attack 1 torglve ut. A cab coutalulng the consul andt be) priest soon aSttr tirove umt te hl1w, courts, anti Mr. Baxter vas releaasd. Sy EDMUND COMPTON. [Copirght. Iwo5. ly Amsrtcan Prozs Ase- ciltton' 1 Mfr. BienjamnReBster nover forgot tbatInlucolloge ho hati beau tb.e rigbti (fotball;ta(skie of bis illte anti hat putleti stroke our ln the tii-t uulversliy race lu wblch bis collaead itibeaàten after e long sertes of dofeata. When. "a mtdtýle eget man *lth ea balti beati tnd somewhat puray stotuaçh. ha visiteti Europe ha maiutaluadti hat If tony snack thlaf, robber or bandit coult gai awa> wih hlha vaswonval- coame te de no. This dîi not sailsfy lira. Baxter. vito dreatiati ta, ln Ital>' aspeclaliy. her husmnti wighti be kl.onaped tond belti for a mausent. Mrt. Stxter buti heard ihat oeaoftihe principal elgbta uofiRome vas a vîsît ta tha Colseuni by moonllght. One aveuk. lng urbîta tn the Ettirnal City'. ubea the quacu of nlghf ursntaiheicfuil, b. prctposad ta bts wlte titat tbey go andi vlew thea in ihus tlllutnaiod. lira. Baxter refused. Bnt ha parmst- ed. Lenilng io hotel on the BEquallne bill. ha trolied dowu s b-bell tuer onghftreansd soon stood on a haighl overlooklng the aatantend of the enormous theteotof the CntesaarsHo vonsurprisati te note how Inmense Il tooked uder tita dîfferent Ight. Tite reat pila, or tha rantainlng two-thîrdt of ht, but by slaves 1.9W0 years ugo. urbare gladlators hod tongbt andi Chri-lnns had bren torm ta pInces b> ld banse. rosa againsi thbe eky III:. tho dark sîionette of n mountu in.o lng tirotîndti tae anti-once. 1fr. l3uxtér ment wlthlithe bmcialla and SOw 9nntt- or slgbt-the înoonfligbt tbrnwtîîg ft upper poritons of tha interior Inie comn- ti-set stth the sbsllowy towrr parts. Matny visitera vers ihpe. but as the heur won astthey graduall>' departeti. Sotident>' Mr. Btxter fountîtilmseif alone. To go oui thrimugb the innnou- trance was te increntfha distance te bis liotet. There vers opetgngs al around theb ovnI, but ni Ilgitteti. Nev- ertelesa the farlosa Amerîan con- ctnded to make bis exiti b> eue of thent. Il ia4 very d<ai-k undor ft.e arcitiro>' Iboug i licithapasse&. as- pecistt>' sînce thai iut (bat momet tà clonti rolad orer te moon. Suddenly ho etitoe one brush by htm tond s ciolb ily ogainsf his face, [le hat heard thai the members ef tte Inter- tntional Leagne ef Ptckpockets uer. thon worktng Hoensd ware used ta1 roverlng lhatr victime' faces wt a newepupar urben robhuttg theatnd It ffasnee upon lMr. Boiter that ha vos sufferlng robbary. Clipping hl@ bandi te bis poi-kel. ha mîssadth ie porte. monnaie ha nunîtlly caried thora. Whcn Yo u Take Cold One way le to puy no attention to bt; uet anc mot a& ntll h de- velops Inie, pneumonie, or brouchidat, or pleurisy. An- ober is l to ask your doc- tgr obout Ayer'a Cherry Pec- toral. If ho egs, " The best tiuig for colda, thon sake lt. Do ùb ashoasyli,anway., Wbeu the bovelsaère constipei a, pot.. sonousa substances aie absorbed i to îbç blood instcad of beinidaily remo-. -d front the body as nature lntcuded. F. ioving ibis danger, doctora always Inqui 3 about the condition of the bowels. Ayer s Pilla. Cheap (poor) pianos wç do not sel, becauile we will not haudie thein, but we d.) oeil reliable, s ta nd a rd iiakes niueh clIeaI)er thita the saine, grades have ever beeîî soId in the county. PRICES FROM -Up - Old instruinentâs taktn aie part paymient on Girandi., U- rights and Player Piano,3. Write for informationi. The R. C. Fultoni Music Co. 132 N. Gente «St. Waukegan, 111. IUPSTAIRS) PHO)NES 1282 and 1148 Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Op.alts S* petifrulght i Dct Libertyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOBI LE WORK A SPECIALTY Engines Overhauled. A Full Line of Sundries. Tlires R.e- paired. W hl e n in Trouble TELEPIIONE Ubertyvwle Exluange 661 or 1262 New Blacksmith Shop N LAKE BLUFF Harînig w rkedlfi ~,tnreil i- beet obopm 1Imuni prepared to do a finirt risse job atiLM:. Horse Shoeing,ý Carriageland Wagon Repaling and Genoral Jobbing. ALL WORK GUA1L&NT£ED Hl. DIEFEN BAKER C. N. DIJRAND. Attorne. Administrator's Sale of Resi E state. 8TATE 0F ILLINOIS, COUNTY OYLA E I In the Count! Court ut Lake Oourity, Septemt .1e terni. A. D. 19. Berths C. Ebongier, admnuttartx of the e.tate of Edgar J. IMason. deeauted va. Mai Manou, Howard T. Manou, Mary Chard. Orce BIl,. Joli. Manou. Etite Hook. (trace Wheeler and Otto Watdmnan. Bt vtrtue of à decree ofthe .Ooupty (tourt or Lake CouniyIllUnois. entered on te ath aidy. of Septeniber. A. D. 19. on thei petition of Bertha 0. Etintner, admnttsratrlx of ehe 0fErrJ Aon deceaud. wbereftn Mary Mon . no. .wàrd T. Mason, Mtary Chard, (trace Barrt. John Masen. 590e Hok. (race Wheer snd Otto Watdwa,sumr detendants for teave to Bell the re..t estate ofl the ssd deceased tu psr debte, 1 wtt>V. Monda,. the eteventti day of October. A. f.199. ai ithe can door of lte Court House, lu the Ciy of Waukeiran. lu the Co.uMi>' f Lake sud Siate of Illinois. ant the bour ot One (t) o'ctocktP.,sli aipulc vendue to the iaihesi btdder for cash the folo*- lue (tesertbod rmat esiate. sltusted in the Coufiy ut Lake and State out Begtnnln t a :poitth îe we.i Une of the est haitl(E1>) ofthîe northwestnune-foui-lb IN. W. %) of section thlrty-ltce (m9, toinuhie lorty-five (45) forth of range ten (M0>eset of the thtrd princtial merldiann. std )proinut.luK ilîren odred sud twcuil 130)fe t o f lIe uocthwes corner of sald esi hall (E %)> sud rumna tnience south ou sald quarter quarter Un0e lity-elx (66) feet, thence eazutwio hundred ntnety-seven (29)f ot thee,îe erter of ile streai kuoen an WeterddPlace, thence north slsty.ulx (66) fret to the louth ineon f lt twcnty (201 lu Praul proiors subdivision of

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