Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1909, p. 3

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p...... r IFA o 4o- 4 -0 *0 'o 'o * CORNI 'o i I I ~ 7' ~0 Get Weil First Gîobs8ratchFosdi dkar"Lengthens tht Dos't rUalc mm a pemey-until helfh Laying Period wilii,tt tt ny 0t55 ýo,kt. î'uy loru ur I iye haihy s Cno If Ittailà ta brsrl lng tt t,,-î0r'. And fo 2 er a 1); tc t.. e M sîklebes 55the5 the ai.ig t,.- sesd a iconn nds n aetryî, tt .P i o.ScieBti fcaci1 hamlet a Americe The, are toeit W, id. ple st y prcia 'lian why pyt',,kh na I -c ll. frb t h- - lce .pbÏy'. d- -rusas =d t~tao"n.tî-l - e ýDICKISOWSTRADE-MARK BLINDS' Whea thte l,,ssh nrw=e. or *i,, u rV 1î !aCI-e s"Sas" Chtck Sunefe a, -ht-. 'n ~ ees t~~t 'ii .,- Creso" clikyeerhik.,retoickh ho., o ~- ek tt."Qs." Pd or 7 salfo feie b'itakewj moelrak wdatecer.raer i,. For scia by t ht 'hen Pll sh.laiuII HOME LUMBER COMPANY hiIlgadytiendis. LUbertyvila. U. fo lu t1,at Anti l'a et ct .hlui 30 daY toes*rent la freii gcantsL l'ui wita a finifor aSn tte,-. This 1IIi mye "Y ansd dlppointment. whhbooka lthu alf e . Thae 1ita ,. TI toes whnle relOdieynare erfect- ýX Zezllz yl "o'SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JE1WELRY ba e "Vie = tUee5el Ttelà Urely W. IH. MOORE rnlnà . for tenorranovesnés.. Dr. Shoop. aonaI ito*1. o iytusi No,. 4 For Warn Nt. 2 On te01- tsai No. ô Fer let, 28an the Ldnsy, No. 6 On Ieue Dr. Shoop's Staver Bulggies~ Restorative SEE RUSSEL Lumber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL Mdy prices are rîgbt and grades good. Whether ycu huyor not Ret my figures. *PREPARED PSHLTEWASH F'. S. HIEAD, Prop. f. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marble and Granite Monument s cemetery Work of Ever) Descriptit so Oorrespondeflce mtiIcitec 126 Genesee St Wa ii kegat Just ruciveil a carluad of thei ('elebrated 'Staver r Bggieï ALL 'THîE 1LAT'TSTY LES Piee Righit W. alwaym carry a fulll hue of IIARDWARE GOODS A. PADDOCK Round Lake, Illinolà ROSECRANS A. C. Winters died Frlday, Sept. 24th. He lsaves a wife and six ehidren. lHe waa a man of sterling Integrity and was repected by ail who knew hilm and wili be greatly mlssed ln this commnuity. Robert Hunter and wlte spent Sunday at J. D. Murray's. Mir@. Northrop la slowiy improving. Mir. Erans, of St. Paul, Mina., wasaa Sunday visitor here. M. A. Hogan wes ln Waukegan, Saturda.y. Notice. Public notice Is bereby given that George Krueger i'onvicted of murder at the March terai, A. D. 1900, tôf the Circuit Court of Lake County and senteiiced Co the penitentiary sr, Joliet (or th. crime of murder for a itsé wili apîiiv at the October terai, 1909. of the state fBoard of Pairdons te the Governîr of the State ni Illinoie for a commuta- tion of said sentence to the pertod of fourteen vears Dated, sept 15, 1909li. (Signed) ICO(IEo zK-Rnxstis. By 0. W. SPUcceExt, R. N. BULL. CHAO. WiRITNE9Y Of COUnsel. 52-8 Vota 1WiINeed'Now JansvIle and Deore SUL1CY ANDO GANG PLOWS T*.,,tt Century and Great Western MAidURE SPRIEADCRS »"01"9n Fuller & Johnson MARV!STERS PUMPING !f4GUNES BlIxaard and Cycllone 7-4 Ç"1 ,fSa. "M"UT~ 'IF IT'S Farm, Taminj;â-b prMfi FROINWGON IANCK'9S SCIIANCK ITOD B RO S. LIBERTYVIILE, ILL. Higu sebtittw ms cîtod Tluursdav at o cltttk et, Iiat the pitlî coald atent lthe lecture tf Jautues Mdullenbatck. Aset. Supt. Uaited Charîties, of Chicago. TAYLOR GROVE. t'lia. Lewin îe on jury titis week. dtng Lizzie Hitgan atteuded the wed I d gof ber cousin, Carnie Doyle, or Waîtkegan, Wednesday. lire H. Ytoug aud daugliter. Ella, lef t lionday for Oklahioma.t Misa Eieie Devine is spending the week 1 with ber couein, Ethel. Le,-. leed taeentertaiued at thé R. D. Aines home over lSnnday. L. S. Starr, of Waukegan, viited friende bers lest weskr. Mirali'oran and tire. O'Doud aevct iag relatives héere. Hlovard Shea 1inseorking at Somero. The Kinge Laugbters meting tees weeli attended lest week. AIl membere bers seere present. Mary bucan returued home Saturday alter spending a week with relatives lu Waukegan. ltbil Mill.e vieted lis brother, John,1 oue da.v lest week. Tbe communuty tee s socsed to bear of the end deatb of A. C. Wiater lestE Friday. The fanerai te e ld Sunday. luterment et Motunt Reet. Tbe relatives bave the,- yntpatluy oltbeir manùv fiende. lire E. Bastings s3peut Sunday et home. Lee Boyle spent Sonday witb John Tuttie. Laura ntatan ie ententaiuiug ber cotniise IoutDakota. FREMONT. John Ahantwaai a Chicago visiter lionday. George Wagner was a Chicago viil or Sunday. A nimber fritta bire took in the show Lat Waukegau Sonday ight. lira. Martin Steffel andcblldrea, of Big Flollose, -pent Sunday wtth Mire. Gso. Bartel. Johin and Jge Lenzen and Martin Weber took lu the tain at Eikhorn, Thuraday.. Joe Bobutan,'of Chicago, im the guest of Phillip Wagner a few veeke. Ed biebold tees a Long Grove caller, Sunday. Frank Wagner, of this place, sud diss Annie Stahi, of Long tirove, seere uniteil un marriage at St. liary'e cburch, lu Buffalo Grove, Father Ott olficiating. Atltee the cereony, a luiichson waas srved for their relative. un the W. W. bail at Long Grove. The young couple sl make their home at Fremout. Hoarty congratulations. , Evenybody le going where?to Amann'e hall, Satorday evening, Ot 2. WST FREMONT. lire. G. [esheilte speading a fea- veeis at lin. and lira. Mether'.. li. nud lir. F-ank Dietz entertaineil a Mi re. Bauer from Cicago a few daye ast week. Mises Irene Mseatber le feeling some bel- ter. and ber utany friend@ are mure than glatI. Idre. Frank bletz bas been quit.e slek for a fese days. Cfhiae Nnrtlaiye started up hie sorghuai machine tht. week.. I GRAYSLAKE1 E J. DR.IICP. Editor Order# Taken for Job Work i Don'& forget the dance at Aman s hall. Round Lake, Oct. 2. saveral Young ladies frein bere antiel. pat@ a trip acrosa Lake Miehigan, Satur- Mir. and Mm.. John Titus entertaiaed sralC gasite froan the city Sunday ln ono16 the irthday of their dauglitar, lire. Kaëair and dauigbter, of Round Lake. are occupying the upper fiat lu the John Book bouge. eL..5lkes pnrchaaed a pony for bils boxe lant *week. E d Kappi attended the mllk a»sola tion meeting at Chicago, Taesday. L. Frank trtnsacted busineesln Chleego, Tuesday. Mr. and lire. Roy liurrle, of LakeVllla were the guese of Earl Thomson tut4 wif. Sunday. t lrs. Oeo. Thomnson and lire. Earl Thomson opent Tueiday la Chicago. Ed Book @peut Sunday lun(Chicago. *Mlre. Ed Book @peut the past wesk *witb relatives aud friende in Chicago. B. J. Lottus lett for the north Tunday f0 iîOy another carload ot cattie. Mir. and lMre. Ed Wagn er, lire. licGrath sud daugbter, Miase Ktty, vi@ited relatives at Waukegan, Sunday. Miss Leule Soules, of Wauconda, l@ the - -t o Mse-"îy goure@. Steve Pbîllip @peut Sunday lu Chicago. lire W. P. Hoguelet and daugbter, marjory and mi"s Nellie Huglnelet. of 1Cbcago, vtsited Miss fvab Loffus lest Saturday. lire Sclîulson, of Chicagot. viited at t4e W ni. Brandtetter home last week. ir. Davis, webti l with the General EI-ti Co., of \,-w York, seaa hee wîtb is famnily a lete days the uret of thte week. GAGES LAKE Httward Aunes aad Chester Croker espent Suutay lu Zion Cty. iIr. nifite died quite snddenly Tuesday ight St bis homemolnth et bore. Heurt- L)ate andMtr. Peele, of Evans- ton. speut Snuday at thé Morton Date bonite. Mir.Sears le entertalniajir is inother and @iter trom Minneapolis. Mdies Delia Croker, of Libertyville. vislted Sunday with relativsahere. Tbenuaia services st the church wlli b. ômitted Sunday giviag ail au opportuaity to attend thegunday sehool convention at (irsyslake. Wiil ONell arrived froin Wisconuin Tufflay witb a carlea of cowo. Mr. Seare and ister were in Alabama laat week. RUSSELL The Ladies' Aid soelety weul meet witb lire. J. D. Murray, lhursday afternoon, Oct. 7th. Ail interested tavited. You are eordiaiiy lavited to attend the social la the chnrch Fridar .tvening. î't. lot. A1 good progralu is being prepared. lirs Ert. Reeres le on the sick list. Mr and Mlrs. I. L. Siver and Miss Schrock were Kenosha visitors Sunday. Sadie Riley called at A. C. Corns Friday. Mises anstîn, tif Plea&ant Prairie, si teaching the North sehool. She la stay. iug at lire. A. C. Corrit'sg. The comununity seas greatly sbocked Friday sehen the word was phoned arouud that Crnet Winters, was dead. He bad been sich for a shore.t tie but no one knew he waseseriousiy sick. t came like a thunderboit to the people. He seas a man that was well known and seeli llked by everyone that knew hlm. He leaves a seife and six littisonea to mourn hlm, seho have the doepeet syinpatby of the community. He waa laid to reat Sun- day lanlit. Lest cemetsry. Bis funeral was very largel, attended. GURNER - Mrs. Maatie Jackmanila spending some time ab the D illey home. Prs-&hing services at the echurch Sun- day at 11:00 a. M.. and at 7:110 p. mt. Ail are lavited to ceaie. Udrs. Appieyard in improvlng aiowly. The Ladies' Aid eSety wll meet with Mn.e. P. W. Ciitleudoa. Oet. 7. Mrs. C. M Brown and Mire. N. B. Brown wiul as- sa serving supper. Ail meaibere are requested to corne early as there will h>e spe-iai work. Supper for adults, 15e, cbildren under ten Jears, 10c. Ail are iavlted. The fuueralof1lMr. Tomilson, father of lirg. Wll MicClure and lir». W. Gray, seas held at thebhome of the latter on Monda,. Thei r many friends sympathize witb them inl their breav*ent. INGL£SffEL Corne and bave a good time at Amans b ail, Satnrday evealng, Oct. 2. The fndependent and Chicago DsIly Inter Ocean $3.50 Der Yeur.* The coach dog Jerry" wbich wa@ ohot ûNat week Je reoverig under the ttaent of Dr. Keyes, of A ntioch. and la able to b. up and aroiirnd. Ml.. LueY Boules visited at Waukegau Ilonday. 1The trayolake Cenietery Society wll muet wlth lre. Winkl,,, Tbursday, Oct. 7th. Viaf tors wslcome. 1tite. WaIte, of Llainesvl le, had the i aislor$une totselip frois a Joad or hay and break lbI eg. Tbe break belng in the shkle Md a b@4 fracture. Tii. Poarlesah iAnnual Harvest Oser. Ing of lb. Oomure«ational chnreh was held thi. wsek Wédnesday and Thursday. The prdagm were good and the àrstreshusmls ftmsnd the different corn- mlttffl demerver iuch pralse for th. social and finaclial sut-ees iof the affair. MdiseJenule Coulson, ofGratton, Win., la the. gust of relatives and friends in thia vlclnlty. Mdajor Rankin and a île. of Chicago, have moved Into the %Viii. Wedge hidum. Mir. and lMre M. B. Atwel wiII &pend Saturday and Bunday with their sons at Chicago. Prof. C. 8. MeCielland trangacted busi- ness in Chicago, Tuesilay evening, Wm. Pester hm a old a portion of the flarvey tari whierhlie purcbased this sprlngi, eoasiatlng of tli. bildings and land saut of the trackt tI\r. Peterson, of Loon Lake.. The faithfui old stet, l i. i)arb'y, the miliIan, died Tucdav. Tire a"'mai wes taken sick wle 'lcîttrinv niilk. Sire was twenty-tre, % iýare îld and lied served many years ori tni,, tutul wagon. Dances et the Opera Heuse. The dances ilt the Rirav.lake olera bousew, ill beffin again Fritia v e..ung, Oct. Htb, under the mari)e managemnent of Win. Brafdetetter &- So. ~eToise who attelrded théeries lamt surumier will reme.mber witb p.i.n.tih, ,1,-aît tOrnes eujoyed at tbe.v dautem. B rand- stetter @ssix piece orcheHtra a ill furnieli the musie. VOLO Misses Frances@lMillsrand ElsieWaltou a-ors Waucondacalleroue day lest week. AItfred Nîcholis. of Chicago, visîted at the borne of bis parente hore Sunday. Mmn. Ed Snyder, of Fox Lake, @psnt lest Fiday with ber moîber, lir. C. Babel.t Mr. and lira. C. billon, tof Waukegaa, weore over Sunday guesta at the Wm. billon boute. Wm. Burntt and Miea Gertrude Turner. of Grlswold Lake, seere guesta o!ftMr. and lira. George Bacon lest Tuenday. lir. Sidney J. Ruoeel attended the fair et Elkborn, Wl.., lest Tbureday. lin. Barry Nicholle and daugbter, Lydua, vers lu Waucouda lionday alter- noon. John Cottenderger. of tivHenry, le etaying et the Wagner boute for afea- daro. Mir. and lira. Georgre Kuebler, of Pala- titne, are guceseoif tins and tins. John ltichandmon. tir. and lins. Sylvester Wagner attend- etu the seedding of a relative near Wheel- Ing, lionday. tire. John Rosing retarned Thnreday fnom Goshen, lnd., sehere ebe bas been spending the lest fese weeke. lire. C. Babel entertained a fe ladises asýt Thnraday afteruoou ln honor of ber 6sit birthday. Thome promunt see Mes- dames J. Kirsean, J. Walten, A. J. Rtay: utond and John StadtfiId. lin and lir. EarlTowneend, of Round Lake, a-sm guet of lin. and lire. P. L. Stadtileld, Sunday. Anothen good turne et Aman's bail, Oct. 2. Core nesd have a good time. WARRENf Tue Barveet Bomne bld hy the Gurues Mf W. A. waes seli attended and a gîtodly sutai ralized. The Warren Ceaiotery Association el uteet aith tirs. llen, Wedneeday fore- noon, Ocý. 6. Mledam4tualap, Whitmore, Eiledge sudMtses AIma Rose visîted frionde lu Liberlyvillo, Moaday. lir. Lizzie Black lof t lest Taesday to utake ber future home witb ber daagbter fu Kearney, Neh. Henry Shepard and family visited relatives in Wilimstue lest week. The Guno W. C. T. U.X met witb Almta Rose fast Wednesday. A franchise pro- gram was gîven. LOON LAKE. lin. and lire Warren Book attended the Eltiioru tain, Fritlay. Froin thpre lins Hook vent to Barlington ta visit a fete days. lire M. Sheeban @pont Sunday lu Chicago. Botrn to Mn. and Mira (io. Martin, oW Waakegian. Salurday, Sept. 25th, a daaghtsr. N. Nelson lmenetertaining bis fether for a fea- aesks. MLLBUIRN. lire. James Thomt and cblidren, tif Neb- rasta are visiting Mir. and lIre. Wm. Thom, Mrm. J. B. Bonner left for Chicago lest Friday and le in a Chivago bosiitalý We hop5e for a speedy recovery. lire. Archabald licCredie liad anof ber ligbt stroke last Friday. Mmr. Spafford reoeived the anuounement of the birth of a son 10 lin. and Mrs. S. Md. Spafford, of Denver, Colt, , Sept. 18. Orandmasla al emiIes. lire. E. Toseer returned f roin Chicago, Tuesdsy. Ber many frieuds will be glad to ses ler again. Mmr. Wm. and James Thomt spent Wedneeday and Tbnrsday wlth Mre. Nelkirk and other relatives lu Chicago. ]Île@ MW ~ehoger vletted lMr. and M as.Get.ity Thureay and Friday and attended the Elkborn fair. Th ii.mlsonary soclety had a very nice meeting at the Oake. Tea seas served by the )&Imms McDougalls. lir. Chas. Nelson returas ibis wesk to her home lu Nebraska. Mir. Rueseli @pent severai days iu the western part cf Ilnois laot wesk. The. creaierylin ail removed except one @mail building and the creamery wiii be a thlng of the pagt. Misa AilîeJami8on le home wutb ber parents and willllie for soins time on account of a nervous break dosen. Mir. and Mmr. Miuer and Lucy Spafford visited Monday at Highland Partc. Royv. A. W. Safford loft Tuesday for a two weekea vacation and will visit lu Rockford and Chicago. lir. Sfford sl leave Frlday and ro te Rockford also. and Mien Forte wlll visit in Wheat.on and Chicago while they are away. The Ladies'Aid ociefy will lîold their regular meeting Thursda.y, Oct. 7tb, lu tue cburch parlor. lire, Robt. Strang and lire. David White sel erve. C. E. Topic.Ct. 3: Lite Leésoits for lie froin the Book of E1tbesîans. Epb. 4ý 1-16, 25-32. Conseration Meeting, Edwin Deninan, leader. MIr. and lire. Peterson, of Loon Lake, and Mr. anti Mr@. orenuen, of Antineki, bave been staying witb lMr@. Sorensen dtiring Mir. Soneneenes ilînes. Mir. Cutier and fauîily, of Zion City, ettent Sunday witb %Ir. and Mmr. C. E. [leituan. Several from thie viinity attended the Gurnee Harvest Home and report a good disitlay of every tbing. Earnest Wedge lm lu the Waukegan bospital very Itia-witb fyphoid lever. Mr. Jacksonu, of Racine. delin-ered a piano te lire. Edward Mlartin, Mtinday. Tîtebride and groom, Mn and Mii- Arthtur Clark, uee VanAîstine. nreturîtet Tutesday, Sept. 20, froint MBridt,, Miii gan, where tbey wtýtttoun tîtir weddiu.g trip. .&cept congratulatîone. lire C. B. Cimrings, 11irs. S. Smith and K. L. Sîîitiî, of Waukegan. called on A. K. Smiith and otber friends Tuesday. bled at 11 a. ut. Tuesday, Sept -.42, lir. Sorensen. He leaces"to mourrn bis 10es a wife and thbree cbildren, niother and father and other relatives. Tbey lire on the VanAImtine olace. 117 S. Genese. St- WAUKEOAN Trelephome 377 School Supp1ics A FULL LINE 0F UP-TO-DATE Text Books Tablets Pencils Penciu Boxes Inks Pens and Penhoiders Çomposition Books Scratch Pada Rules ' Drawing Books Erasers Crayons, Etc, Anything we hayen't in oter lurge supply of thest goods we wilI get for you on short notice, We invite Vots Io cai and look over our line of stationery- DRUCE DRUG (;O. ( Graysfake. Chas. Thomnson. R. Ph. Three Stores Rokeeler H. A. Watson, R. Ph. DR. IELVA A. WRIGHIT WRITES UN SCOTLANDn Wrtes fnem Edinburgh en Ev. ut Trip1 te Continent that Wiil Prelude R.v turn n, October 16 on Steamrshipa Limitants Fastest ut Ocean Grey- l heunds--Sends Boit Wimhes te Col-b nny trom Far Off Scotland. f Fnom Edlubungh, Scetisnd, sehene se bas been attendlng a summer vac- ation poat graduate courselu medi- cine, Dr. Elva A. Wrtglit et Lakt Fer- est sends greetinge te frIenda et Wau- kegan sud the. norti shore sud lier heat seishea te the Lakte county tuber- culoes instituts lu vhich alia la keen-t ly lnteeeted sud te vhlch nsen.splen-v did efforts have sbewn her devetin I hope the coleny la geing for- ward." ah. wrl tes te SUN. "I arn vis- 1 lOJng çvery tuberculosis sltarium wîtulu reach te learn something et the treatuteut here."t lu s general letter Dr. Wright aets forth lu vlvid style her- impressiens ihus tar. The letton tellowe: Edlnhurg, Scetlsufi, t Sept. 12, 1909. Editor Waukegan SUN: Dear Sl:-When I left Lake Forest te study In Ediubung University I thought I shonld have Urne te vnlte lettens te tnieude and get asssers reg- ulariy. Hoseever. I have been mis- taken, fer I have had only tirefer a fese posecards. sud I take this eppen- tuuity te seud a general stateenet te those Weho may b. Iuterested. The voyage front Meutreal vas pleasant. Even if tee did have te keeii teoeur nooma (berthe) for abouttre. day- sud not on account ut cold veatuer either Seaalekues has te be expert- enced te he appreclsted. No norme, but heavy togseU.lust t-wo deye eut which delayed our landlng eightsen hours. There la nover sufficlent amusement ou bloard an ocean liuer sud gaines, music sud general conversation aller the second day are te chef delîglita slde frein oielg fer vhales, por- ppeises sud alghtiug vessele. No whales appeared, but a tese por- polses in echuols cneated some excite- ment. The Icebergs lu the Straits ut Belle Isle seere magniflcent, even If the atmoeiibenetey created vas lu- tensely coud. Iu midocean tlire le ne loy lîke the slght o!fend sud vlien w, reached Paddy's lilleston, off the uerthwest coast of lrelaud every pas- songer ruBhed on declç te maire sure tee venu nearng flhe oter aide aud every field glass vas strsined te Ut. utinoat. Net even te siglit of a viale or liuer could have dlstracted us. Soon the Scotch bills care ne slght and sncb rejolclng, fer th«On er. many Scotch passengens on hoota »d the honnie hank ansd lirais et the land they love 8s e vll ere &gain made meninrahle ln eng s»d atory and eue really muet have Scotch bleod lu oees veine tc, appreclîte sucli su occasion. Soon ve ver, golng up ah. Clyde, about which we hmd heard se mucli, tee teere at -port hefore day, snoe rnieeed the shipyarda. We landed la a heavy relia for w"lo Glasgow le noted aud belng Sunday lue seent te church, or hoarded trains *w varions places. By noon thi eanvW shluing, aud ahat a pîcture! Qloaagpw la a beautiful city uf a million ln. habitants seho are veli clothed, sadt ted, aud have peuty ef employimp* The city osens and eperatea the. straeM car syetein, chargesa s are of two, pence snd cdean several thousand dN lare yearly at that. The iiotauOs gardens, churchea, hospitalsand dweil- inga are ubjects et beauty and werth and madl. toenat fer ages. The next move vas on to EMlbuq hy rail te tthe University, tA titrE work ln the. post gnaduate oUffl..X t rangod for entmmer vacations. 7%w; original unIverslty hisildiaga hulît lu 1582. the. neW ones la 1? The Royal Coliege oft Burgeenag W hulit ln 182,sud la Greclit Eu mée'- tecture. Iu mediciue as usery WIaý burg lias lield a toremoet place ,. aeariy two hundred years sud lu, an shewn by t.e present course attibm by physiciess rom ai parts of tbe dL',-. lized wonld. Edlnhurgh has msuy historie of Internet, Holyrood palace,,vzeI by David I. lu 1'128, partla][1y destro"&ýi hy fine by te Engliah ln 1544. ILftud restored sud occupied for a tl; r Queen Mary and lier eau. It wusa« occupled by Loule XVIIL sud the es- lied Charles X. of France; luu laiet yeare hy Queen Victoria sud Prliee Albert on thelr visita tte ttys Queen NMary's apartaients, alm chamben, hedroem sud privais, suppes room are seelI presenved sud careft guarded. The castle la of great #utgi',- est aince It la the one Uim, hom»et1 many of Scotland's rulera. Evsr7y bW. ton muet se. the liouae of John K>o*ý the great reformer, sud the uWt» mente erected ln memery of au* à as Robent Burns, Sir Walter boit t ]ý lau Ramsey sud ra" oàées71W great age ot the buildin, tes~ did respect for law sud eider m, vient cuastom command tbe tt*t o! every forelgner wiio visista "eM place. There are ton maay phffl or, intereat te niention, but sesffieu te su that wliatever may bue the ooopa tien ef a Sentjet it b h uhor csumoi fermer vho tllas aca foot of gromil te Ita utmnet capaclty, or the mais el science, who spendi uis dýy% la thé labore.tory, they a&H vith one. mnut pnue. teir labors viti au emrqet. usas that one cannai forget. ý, But nty stay la ended. 1 Wf tt seere net Tet I muet hastea Cam*, tiie Continent sud mmke the. uotet, ny ight-eelng, net tergettlng Mr a51 legisuce f0 the A.mericau fgag wh fleats su proudly treai te buildings lier, sudtere &long te vmY. 1&m eulnoylng every moment oft tua vaca- 1tion sud visli many ef MY fri..4t rnmfght lhave thee sine epportiiPiSflt7i t If I hav" tinte te aend a note towý tParie, Vienna or Berinu l'Il iIA sud hope to b, ln Liverpool t 0 1 for New Yerk, Oct. 16. Mâil rach me on board the Lusittala but nlglut felI fttlu a dense fog sud epoo, Engltld. smillas OcteOb i s VOUR ROOF o. k? 0 We eau meet your requirements o * matter how large or small they may be. * The Prepared Roofing we sei to *our customers by the roll ig the best * on the market, and cornes complote *with n.ails and Cernent ready to lay, at *the right prices. :Powell Roofing Company 1 bave at my home several styles of the Baldwin Piianos,. I invite you te call and see. I'rices withjn the rexcth of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Utdertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAMSM(E 1 w 1 -1 -1 -1 . IUNOIS LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER ------------ *0000«»*Ol

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