Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1909, p. 5

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LAE COUNTY INDE3PENDENT, FRXDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909 Agent-for Pillsbury's Best FLOUR Better than Ever JELI TRIGGS NE W ROYAL SEWINO MACHINES IJOIBERTYVILLE BREFS LOCAL AND PERSONAL. MENTIO-1N MIe Miael Rodolph le speudlng ai Mr@. JoUa Prime who wa. qulte nevere- w wth ber parenté at Roc efoll.r. ] y lnjurd flos long ao by a fali down Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Eaeon and mon, etiminipr ignlcel. E9dward, oi Deerfild, were gueste as the, W. E. MOieraMd Bert Austin wore borne of Wm. Whlgham, Sunday. among thom who leit Tuesday morning Jod Acue.. of Glimer, has purchamed for the liste fair ai Sprlegfield. new honte recently buli by Tho@. W. E. DaviluiWt Toeeday for the state ôa South Mlwaukee avenue. fair atopringfedd. Rfilsuperintendent 1kIW ae. ii -<n~ of aplary, cunary and pa@try storeS. ,turd a aternoeps as 1 o'clock. Lot.@ frs.. C. N. I>uraud lbit Menday for tegnd thinge aud a&H hone-made. Duand. Win, whipre she wiil spend Mis. 1L N. Bfrchard, of Boicobel WIisl nldy a U oree tr.L ha.bee agurt t ii.home of henry Dr.lsv. qevralda:y. h.psu week. Tbe EI.ebloe delsated the Roudaut Id teaniai the fair grounds ]est Suuday $U.l dIse' wAId servetyYaifithe Preby. atteruoca, y a score o012 te 1 and were flosa huch ll sevea New England lu tom ieaten by tii. tearn trom Rocke- dinner lu the church parlais, Tiiuruday, basoeai8ta. Oct. 7, beglanulg as lire n'cdock. IR yamr f1 u9 Tii.LadS.' Id Scis, O!~ ~ C. G. Boson lois àMonday for South Tlcrhe w halu'ido Ma i>aéery-' luDakota w'iliefOb5*111 Junhl# sou, las, lie office wl of tia. ar Shore tu sud the two *liIi maie a tour of ithe Unofi of he Nolrth ShrecGuao western usituu vlslilng San Fraucisco, Copn o'clock.g ftrnona Seattle sud otiier coaet citiesai well a. 1 o'rock.Kanssud Colorado. Btep IntoEger& hardware stars ou Dday or Saturday and seen the demon- stratian ni Ch-na"el ths a ssch.duled tbere for Oct. 1 sud 2. ll's tiie real tklag f loo aonsd woodwork. A. P. Sbeldon in expected te returu fram Winnipeg Can next Sunday wh.u h. sud hi. âmywÎU leave forfit. Louis. Mir. Sheldon yl hbold a ere. ai couveu- - iong snd lecture. ta hie studeuts througbouh the Uulted State.sud Canada thîs winter aud tirs. ibeldon aud cblîdron yl probably gpeud the wiuter with relative. ln New York. Mr. Sheldou will ho accompauisd ou bis tour by bis privatp secretarles, W. 0. Clifford sud A. W. Newcomb , wbo bave been living at Sheldouburet the past summer. John Lester, wbo for some time pait bas bad charge of the bowling allev of 0. 1.Lucee & Co. , hai takren ayear's lease ou that part ot the esetablishiment sud wyll operate tbe saineunuder bis owu vereonal supervision. The lesmeludes the bowlingr alleys, pool aud billiard tables, barber @bop sud bath@ whieh oeccpy th,. entîre ba.seuîenoth te build- ingý The place was foîmally opeued ta the public under the uew management Thurnday eveuiug of this week aud the useof tbe bowling alleys sud pool sud blliard tables were ivon free ho the public for that day only. Cigare, tobacro, soit drinkse, etc., yl ho bandled ai heretolore. T1he uew manager le an abllgiug sud accommodating young man who bai the beet wishen of mauy rinonde lu bis new venture. Mrà. C. O. Demiog, ai Frankfort,. md,, le thegu.ut ofher daughter, tire. E A. Btshop. Mmr. Bebops eleter, tirs. G. L. Tiiompsan sud ber hnsband, aiea of Frankfort, were vistors ah the Biehop haone Thursday endi Frlday of lait woek. Rev. H. F. Lawleribf t Tueeday for Rockford h. wlll attend the Rock River tiethodiot eouference-. It, of course, le net abeolutely settled as tu wbother ho will returu t. thîs charge or not but bis maany ionde hope for bis reappointinent. G. IL Mitchell, wbo for the pamt tw,î years bas been the leader of ttue1i4î.rty. ville baud, yl bave the tiret i ofNP-e ber for Kenosha. The baud luud for the p ai iewmon h n ba een runnlug hobind suwd thetorganisation bas iound it uecepsary ta dispense wîith the services of a salaried leader. The band ban growu sud proepered under hies uperý vieiou sud bIs m&ny frieuds regret te sec hlm depart. The old Union 'cbureh ha,. lien lea.ed by the EpiseoPaisau rongregation for a year wltb the option ai Purehaee ai the eud of that tims sud the tIret service will ho lteld there nezt Sunday afternoî,n at tbree o'clack. Rey. A. 6. Richards. of Lake Forest. afficlating. The atteu- dance St the services, wbicb have hereto- fore been held lu the Waodînen hall, bas bren increaslnàg fram turne te time sud it le pleaoiug ta note that tbey have grewn t.) sncb proportions ai ta bave a haill of worpbip ai tbeir osin. I LOUIS J. YEOMAN1 We ask you to buy a New Royal machine because you want the beet when you buy. The best material and the best mechanical skili combine to make this mna- chine of few parts so siMple that anyone cau nnderstand it, and we believe therefore the very best machine for any family. Wu E. DAVIS Orocerles andI Dry Goods LIBERTYVILLI2, ILL. Special Sole of lANDKERClI IEPS We closed out about 25 dozen of Handker- chiefs, ail the oneO and two dozen loto a jobber had loft over. They are of a quality which usually sella at 8c and 10e; good size Ladiw& Handkerchiefs. made of fiue Lawn, a few made of Linon Lawn, embroldered corners or combina- never before purchased snch values at 50c You have Closing Opt a Lot of Long Kimonos In Lawn and Percale, Former Price 01.00 THE PAIR LibertyfiHe, 111. THE OPTICIAN i Mise. Blanche Triggs sud Edw. Dreler tirsud tir@. L. B. Hanby returned vers the guus of irieuds in Rtaclas Manday tram a trip la Deuer, Cale., anuday. sud ouber Wustern points. TIris Chapler ai Wstmiiter Oulld Tho@. Dreler returueil home Menday wlll meetst athebhome ai Mis. Gertie alter severai da.ys vieiinlaMlwaukee, Warner nezt Tueuday alternoan. All Madison sud otber Wisconsin pointe. eordlally lnvited. The work oi erecting the. steel an the SBavie Attention. A prise of j.2 will MWs office building ah Sieïdouhurui h.- h. given ta the bowler maklug the gsu Manday. T1he work there bai beon higlieut score iu seven pins tihe comlng allghtiy delayed by waitlugsor materlal. week. John Lester, proprietor Luce tire. L. Md. Richards, or Kirvin, Kan., BowlingAlIeys»who eent several daya wlth ber sister, tirsud tirs. L. H. Bryant have rentei ir. . C. Grldley sud othet relatives their bains ta George Bond and expect boe, loit for ber home lu the West ta leave aboutthe firit oi November for tianday. @pend the winter. Hirai C. Wheeler, of Chicago, a former reoident of Libertyville sud well knowu ta many af the older reidet.a o Lake county, waë buried at Lakeide cemetery lait M onday ai ternoou. ServIce will ho held ah the Pre8by- teriau cburch next Bnnday as followe: Preacbing, 10:80 a. mi.; Suuday echool, 11.45 a. m.; eveing servie. St 7:30 p. mn. Rey. J. Van de Erve, paitor. The aged father ot W. El. Sente paseed sway t is home four miles northweut üt the village lait Tueeday maruiug. He had heen afflicted wlth hroulc braucbihls manyye>ars. Bs wai 85 years of age. Albert Faulkner ls circulaing a ptil. lien among the properiy owners on ths north aide &&king thst a new sewer ho lngtalled ou this @Ide of the village M uch favorable comment ham been heard the list will secure a maorlty ai the names 80 that 1h may eau be properly hrought before the villa"e board. T1h. suuken gardon at the John R. Thomppos iarm ii- ans oi the nealest pleces of laudocape gardenlng sud greund decratiou that bas over been installed at auy ailbhe autîful home. thst adjolu Libertyville. '1h. gardon was just completed this flu and ilîl h. ready ta blaonout lu ail Ite beauty thîs comlngsprnug. Th. walks, perola, sud the many beds whlch border tbe walke are simply waitlng 10 h.o8usd wlib nlowers and planté sud the p ctues will ho compléts. Tb@ thiorongith bed bue hars, ha wever are 1h. pertm"laspulde oi guot. J W. Mrray wiio bus comploe charge ai the faim durlug the abueofa 61 r Thompeon. Salon (Jiattau14 Ia fi.. lettle sud welli h. pMbably heffltered ai Lexinugton thie a Von WIII'rofit by He.ndling TUE'ÉFIISTNATIONAL1 Neit Door tu, Intersst,Paid an Time Deposits. Wu Nagotîste Farm Mart When You Have Money ta Lainao Corne and See This Handsomne Portfolio of Made-to-Measure (larments We con now supply y~ou mon-tailored garments, mode to yiour individual meastire, [or ittie more thon ready-made prices. An experienced litter takes al gour nwmo- ments..right ini our store. Aai we guarontee satisfaction. The garments ore made bog the American Ladies Tailoring*Co., Chicago--the leading concern in their line. CIIOICIE Of 180 CLOTHS The Faehion Portfolio whlch we have lu our store @hows the very cream of al the fl an d iinter fashions. Each style la shown in a large way, lu colore. bu eau mee every detail of liewit wil lobok. There are 24 suit styles, 18 skirt styles, and 12 styles ofl reste. There are aIse l180 styles of cloth-tbe finest se- lectious from ail the new weaves Any garment you select will be made to your meaoure lu any clotb you select. That means a larger variety thau you could Eud lu the largeet store in Anierica. THEt CON VENItNT PLAN Au experleuced fitter lu oui store takes ail your meas- uremente-fifty if ueceesary. A diagram le made, showing ail the facto ahoutyour figure, style aud individuality. The taller, ef Chicago, with theset facts beiore thein, have every guide the.y rould have if you were there yoursel. The garînente are made under the persocal directiou of Monsieur Kayser, ene of the hast kuowu men lu b@ is he. They are made by journeymeu halbis. So you zet iu every garmeut the very piteb of perlwc- Agency for AMERICAN LADIES TAILORINO Co. Made-to.,Measure Service tdon. Yon get ail the man tailored effecte. You gel lbe garmeute titted net only ta your figure, but tu your style aud iudividuality. Yet yen PSY but litile compared wlub the price whlch man-taibors usually charge? Note bow difiereut thîs la irom taking yonr owu mes- ure sud erdering sucb germent@ by mail. OUR OWN GUARANTÉE We 'give yeu our own guarantee, coverlng fit, style. werkmansbip sud îîîatenlals. If the garment wheu recelved le nîît satisfactory, yeu ueed net acreph IL. The maker willl tata ih back. The plan involves no riek whatevor, and il involvss no delay. Yon will get the garmeuts lu hait the hlme lie nouai nian-tailor requires. SUITS FROM S 13-50 UP These mau-tallored suits, made. tu your meamurs, rua tram $1350 te $45. The man-hailoreil sirts rmn from 1550 t-e $15, sud the coate frein $750 ha $25. T1h.prise are amaziug wben one cansiders that every garmeat le made ta individual measure. Ou@ pays nearljr these pries. for ready-made garusats. And for the nouai gurment. made te meaeure, on. pays two ta tbree humes as mucb. T1he American Ladies Talloring Co. make. a thoussud garments th.e mal allor inake. aue.e Tbey !Uy thoir mahertals direct from the mille, sud ilu nSarmous loser And they charge on each garment but a veyM malI profil. SE! TI!PORIFOLIOr Pleseecorme sud su tuis portfolia, for Il forma s ci- piste educatlon luastyles. Tien l1 et stoi ion wiai is ehylee liat you Ilîke tbe beet vill cael lu the clolb y«o e- Mecl. Se. baw hilst coetetO bave jaci whal ion waai, nuae jusi auyou wat Il made. Came Stanc. M.B. COLBY IIIERCANTJLE CO. Libertyville, Illinois.. The couhracting firin ai Sauboru & tIdcCalu will orect the new hanse for JOs. Bouse on Miilwaukee avenue. Select your new iall bat now. tiyuew stock ai faîl and winter sooda i. worthy The. ladies are invitod t al]aunsd e! yer inepetiu Ms..A.Povt. iuspoct my new ine ofaitUmilliuery. A Temvn itr a amkn barit fsp8andd yyouug. Mas. e.fA.arrangements ta gîve a Sundsy oveuing PRotiNE adyu. M . .A performance sud films eitable for the PROTINE-day willl ho shown. lu ethor words 1h The Odil Fellîîws will give a dance at wlll hoe a holy show." the towu hall neit tianday eveninug Arthur Koon la building a hunter iollowing the regular installation Of« officers. An admnission aif fity cents wîl course arouud Lake Ears and ex pecta t:) ho~~~~~~~~~ ehre hc ilIcuespe.mats 1h a popular place for Lake Farest be hared hic wil Iclue @pPe. ýand Ouweuteia baise folks this fali. Be Miusic by a gool orchestra and acapabbeha wcilbehos.utehnig fluor management promieed This Is' a w fbsbnhroi h utn probably the firet of a serbse ai dauces event ah Lako Forest recently. whicb yl ho given by ibis soeiety Postmaeter C. W. Taylor reived s durlng the win ter. The dlancée given at letter thla week from tiexico witb an the fair grouni thiâentammer were se addreas that wai a puler. Lt rosi: sahlsactary ta the dauelîîg public that 'Direcion, Lîhortyville, Ill., U. S. A." those promise te ho equally enterhaiuing lu wasinlterpreteil by former postmnter sud the public is aesnrrsd s good hume. Heath ta mean Justice ai the Pence but 'l'he cutamary cordial webcome la as the letter ws ritten lu Spanish the extendeil toaail. wanta of the writer have Ont yet ben A battalion ai soldiers iroux Fl. Sheri- aocertained. dan campoil on the Copelanil fart soutb John Bicker, et Chicago, lie chauffeur ai thie village Frlday nlght on thein who run dowu sud hilleil a eew heoag. rehuru march tu the ifort aler a three iug ta tm Peterson, residiug sonth ai day. outiug. Mauv eft hein enjoyed the Libertyville, a few weeks ago wai freedoinoaithie to wu sud considering tho arrestedinluChicaga, tieudaY an a clrcuinstauces were very orderly. Tho warrant sworn ont by Peterson, Sept. night hefori tbey ram ped at Dîamoud Il sud was brought bers Tuusday Lake where they are sali ta have bai a mormng by tiarahal Llmhorry for trial. yený hilarioue tume. A number ai pri. The case wai hroughi hoiore Justice vates talkei eugagngly Ia the bar.' Wisner and s coninuance ai ton day. tender lu the tlartiett saloon wbîle one granteil te Frtday, Oct. 8. The prisouer oi their numben sipped &round ta the gave bonds of $400 for hIé appearance basement door. In a short hume lier bere whi.cb wai iurnished by hi@emei- weri soldiers orampering towards the ployer, S. S. Rumberg. the proprieor of waods with boitiei beer llalore andl the au Evanston avenue garage. Thé bartender withhthe crawd upetaîre va. parties meeite abjecthop a1fr thie isîpà@sa sunnable ta stop tie ra o. illingoetthe cewaud say t tîthey will Tise matter wae reportai - sa --d»offcer agit a change of venue. ae scellent la ciarge via gave tii. aiuoviAmes laihappenedin lutle eleniug as lbé cowe If a bill for thé lainalte W", - Nath- the ere belng driven along thie rosd honé. poçai anhhorihl..the 1)9 Tul b j'h.elbertyylhle public achoode apeoged pEsd An union bed Io aPul aI tionday sud ail the puplls siho enteisd gardon va.8,1ea vl.lied'lis laMe aigu Preexamîneil by Dme. Taylor sud îbut thé tliely arrivaI of su oRner (alloway. A lew were sent homne tit prsvented-sny serions dévastaion. 'gave suy lud icatlon aifscalîng tramtheii ecarlet lover. A number oifI . eséwrs afh.nwarl ezamined st lb. doctoli f aur Moay Matters Throsagh offie. sud aimitted sehen tounulla be aIl rlghh. Every pupîl eoterlM ug. requird ta have a certificat» ai bealtb BANK O LIBETYVItram the doctai. Il h a. beau riportiei uEý that thoer anre m apeaiofaiémailîPol ah 1Lake Bluff sud lu arder ho mltéeaIl i lhé P,,stafie neceeuary precautiona ,gaattthîs diseas eaven, acholar who ham ul bpeon Checking Accounls Inviteel. vscînated dnning the past fiee year. rtggeLoas orInvstrsmuet ho vaclnated at ncin Ihe -igae Lins or nveeansdecîion ai tho board. They l bo )rWlsh f0 Baraw, Cali and Set Un given natif January lithou coînply wthb thia rnis sud theo chool board will stand mlth expeuseofa the vacination. L Your Financial Future_ is likely to be exactly what you make it. What you do now in the way of Baving may deterinine what the fui- ture will bring you. A sav- ings account is a gr ea t helper. Start one with us. Capital and Surpliu S7r,000.00o I 'I Hlenry Sine's Sak Bam 2714 ELI138À AVZ., lION OBYtLLn Besideuce 2muè. avekf. AI] Kinils of Rossées, Ees ru V»Mo d But- glu ior S8"sor 8xeimp*411 'lîe AIJCT1NEU$NO ' M>KW ISALES The litleCaady Ol.fTabl@te canl. ed Privent -l osa Isw bourg saiely cbeck ail, - .1orLape»". Try themni 48-25c. Bold by AJLL OmALRS. Clybourne Livery aendPeed Sable SEN F. CLY13OURNE, P,.P. Libertyvlle, 111 Wlf mee" Msim et anl Dute Tatl il 1

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