box, Vlows Sus Frhecisceh" For First fine Si.oe Fuse Am' arthquake OWUECT TO REMUE REMARICS 'ÂTIETIC INCIDEN<T JOUINEY *itingly hcidcts Hmondefor bringinu iNomi el RelatIve Dead Twenty Ysr-43 He e RîpIoy te Hem. dé* 4et Faumue Ssa.rvimors' Meting Held et Ubortyvllle puer Parm, S*eTime Ago. (Proma Wedeeadys SUN.) waegsn, III., Oct. 5, 1909. Editor of Watkaegon Sun: ()& Solarday 1 rsceived a copy o the Waukegmn Sun which stated tia. 1 amide rio reply te Mr. Hendee vheL. ho açcufed me of crcutsting reportE "hi ere net trîte In regard te oui coondttas snettement vith the count3 ejork and treaeurer, geptember, 1907 la repiy 1 sald 1 bail laid nothinê oly the trath and aslteil hm if li clainted bis report vas true. He a lait said tier. vas somethlng ln re gard to the buntiug licence of &bout $90. 1 told li 1remeubered thia Item aid it a$95.10. t then salil. "Mr. Hendeet 1 bave your report fot tan yean mgo and 1 thinti 1 have i vItis me and Iil vilishow for taeif. 1 ton lve It to inembers of the hoarc te look over and Il 1 ask la thei eUmhOm viether 1 have dune My dut) Mfr. Hemie fardiser claimeil I re mldd« hlm eoran old oncle of Min( w1woÏwaa a mber of this board foi aven tvanty yeurse Nov e(,j Hernes, nmy aId uncle. Le$milel Uiarda, -hi.been le hi* Vve fer twe.Ir Yeersad 1 bop( muttryour death ne one yl iry tr haou kour uelatives remponaîble foi y0r ât. hao:o LXMM Milwds eian&eu hd eOWN A jýr.uHdbme. brlmg hia mafflelbeoetio à =-it supervisors or L* e . ve epetul 'cuve; PU taomesnvWho vere »..qmà F e ofBouton, ]lihu iPhti oetWaukegan, Mr. Dmvseo et *jedam itora. . Abot ha ivlg our signed. stale- %senot for settilng vith him for the ~eer1»7. He pre"ày a satement fer 'e ta siga. sYlg va boi found evoey*i«- m ocetad di mo think lit euar te, emPloy experte te go .-er tboifr hooa. eW u Nhlm va ceu nut sigu Meuh a oeatoàiernt as va tisesahi Il ,Me eoomg , rJred evar to bave ea- pertse R.saI 7Croee out il yen dc sot 11MM" and ve eroeaci out nearlî a4l of me taterat.Denison Hut testa., A, J. Raymond and myseil *ffe numboet fthat coamlttee. Ueeoeully, - HENET C. EDWARDS. S4*4e ofIittnois, Ceuni y of Lait.,aS.; la th. circuit court of LýAke County, Jh H. flegaà anmd Sabina Duggan Vit U," M"ryJoyce, Nelle iim$ade. Michael J. Duggan. Jr.. Ag- 'mie DepaalMd mai mey Oustemd. Gen. No. 3479. nul for Parution, PeiaMc »Une la herby given that bY vlr(me et on crier and decree un- ta et00111 h* &1109 0enttllcaouse t the Mà"htarit A. D. 1909, of clii court, thse 1Uderslgned. Maiter lu ChmUcoey of seld courttwill, os Tues- daY. thsenit day of November A. D. M19, àa> thhe or ef1 oclock inluthe afternos Of Maid&Ydait the seat door of thse co«rt bouse i the se y of wan kegau n ha nid county ofifake, and litote Of IllinosDelaml - Kt public auction tb the igbeot and best bider for cauh the followlng deacrlbed lad mnd real e0tiate ituated lu the County of Lake and étaie ofIllinois, to-vît: Loi 11lnl block 1 lu Highland Park, lu Lake coonty, Illinois, excepttng a atrip nofIlund 150 f eet vide off the vesteriy ide thereor, aiso that part ef lot 10 lu biOck 1 ln Highland Pat;k. lu l'ake couLtY, llinois. deseribed as toliova: COmmenciog at th, coth. eamteriy corner of said lot 10; Ibence runnlng uerthwesteri> aiong the eau- terly IWO of caid lot 7f) et: thence sOnthweeterly paraii'i 10 the i.uutheriî lineoeoflaid lot 217 feet, th,4ce southý eaitterly porallel tu the usetrlt itîni skld lot to the eeutheriy line thereof 1114 thMOncmorthsasteriy alon g the soisOutherly hune to the piste utb, Dsti, Oct. 6., A D. 1909. ELAM L. CLARKE, Matar in Chancery. fieligieus. "jeck «M me a handeome mirror for ~ M*e~ 'lo, tmeuomte for t!' be uked me if a vein luagp i-So e plqsmeclpt.b Recalale is, FrcI Visit te Philippines and Attributes icsiEection te the Presidency te the Suce" of Mis Trip-m Speech et Pairmount Hotel He Reterates i Views With ie gard te Merchant Marine and Prom. îles te Urge Passage cf a Ship Sut> sidy Law. San Francisco, Oct. 6.-Prcsident Taftivas the gucat of San Franicsco, Oakland and Berkeley. .Atbe presideut vae rroslng from Oakland mole to San Francisco the armny transport Thomasa vas steaming oui for tise Philippines. By' Taft's rel quest the revenue cutter Golden Gaie,' on vhieh he wam a passenger, vus drawn longside- hie big vesse], the sildes of whicliivere lineil wlth colfliers rua the famililes of officers. He shout- cd acros ths vater to the khaki lad soldiers: "Good bye, boys. 1 wish youa pleasant voyage." Answering ehéere rame baek. thse rropeluer of thse transport began tu hii sud te president looked vîst- lully loward the Golden Gate. Mt-lhen rpferred to hie assocIation wth the University of Californie, wblcb tb. members et the first Phillp rIne eommulshua vletted on their vay te tbe eatere archilag. "I can vell remember the fog,' he. sai, "for lu epîte of the brlght sun- i ight oftbtat day filvas a fog that ve were leoking Itt as vs turued the prow of caur veccel tevard the Phiiip pinta. We did not knov vbat il vas v. vere to meut. The future vau dsrk sud obscur@, and If a'Y man bad sad (bat that trip vould tand ue lu thse çresldsucy et the U.ntud States 1 iwocld have feît like characterlzîng hhp elîher as a falsifier or a Mau vithout seule. "But that la lt. Yen neyer cai tull wbat the future la goiug le brlng about. It ceemed a long vay around te. the White House to go out 10,000 mite. ]nto the tropîca, but that la vbere It lmuded me." One of the Ment pathetin Incident* et thse trip m£rked a vii te Berkeley, Taft revievad Uic pupil etof an ls. ,tltute for the deat, durâbsad blini. Tise tribut.etfiaesvaveil vlth unce- !ng eYec, oetaclient node ufthtie dumfi aud cheere frein the blinil Ieeply ius- tîressed thse president, Prusident TaftI îav San I1'mclseo for the mart timne sînce the fire. He mari eled a stthie grvth of the city. lu bis speech ai the Paîrmount hetel the presîdent relterated hie visers on the subjeet et s merchaut marine and areused greal enithuelmsm by his decta- ration that he vould urge Uic passaie of a ship eubcdy law. Meseage Prom Taft ln River. Seattle. Oct. 6.-The automobile>car- rylng tw0 Philadelphie uewspaper ceurierB vIlla a Message from President Taft hte elaka-Yukou.Pacilc uxp<s. sition rolled dowu an embankinenî inte thse Snoqualonlu river. The occu- pant&scwam ashore. Tiue car ves cub. merged. Man With Revolver Pleada Ouiliy. Portland. Ore.. Oct 6.- Arthur 0l. Wrght. arrested durng the vieil of Preeldent Tait white attemptiug tu, take a phoograplt pleaded gulity ta thse charge oft csryiug concesgi veapons. He vas reprImanded. THESE ;MAYW. Wiiiianî iirshluski, North (hcago23 Walruiyi Grgczo................1Il Agid Surrounding Towns at Near Post Office Waukegan Mlinois New Pleated Slf*tu Ail vool Panamna fftiitt eilitailore d iua tiy tim med. Speciai Uberty-vilie Day pir:e ..............1.59 Aiwool Panlama Skdrts ih le. black, and shw 3adea of gemy. These lu thse nev ptaited efféct - la1-2 NOishy pana* Skirts i] emest di e itcct. ansd <ire; worth $6.10 . 9 Libertyville Day Price...... p,- Wu vîsba b dirigE jour amuenton te aur regutar $8 MOnt. A genulne surprise. Ubertyyiile 5.0 Day k'i ce .........e Higis cas F1ench Vo le finec mported pan amas. "Wooltex**modeis. Regular $16.00 skirte Libertyville Day price.. 10,00 Large ise nightgowes, woritil75c, LibertYvitit Day prIe....... ....... Ladies' Moshe uight gowin,. worth $1.00. UÀbertyville Day prieu..................... . Ladies flerced lincd rnb- bcd vest, regular 35c va.lutes. Lbezty- 14c ville day pric... a Near Office Waukegan To the ladies' of, Libertyville and surrounding cou ntry. Dear Madanx: You are cordially invited to attend "Libertyvüle Day" which will take place at our store BAT- URDAY OCTOBER 9th. There will be a grand concert and beautiful souvenirs and an extra discount will b. gîven. AN]) CAR FARE WILL BE RI&FUNDED all ladies' from Iàbertyvie who attend. ýffairileto add color toour GREAT FÂLL OPING now h progresa, andin a token of appr=11 ofthe tremendous respolice of the la dies' of Libertyvie ad aurrounding country to aur sales. Yuevery truly, Aloi Hein Go. JOIN THE CROWD-GREAT DAY FOR LIBERTYVEILE& URROUNDING COUNTRY .34c - The Bargains you will be Treated To Hereon Satur. .79C day will malie the naine of '"Hei1n" a byeow*ord for al.a I FALL (£4 WINTER, SUITS1 BROADCLOTH SUIT-Suits 0Of ail vool striôt$yiantiortl 36 to 42 inch Coats and wue New plilted Skirts. Regular $15 aud. $16 values. A speci, effort., Lbentyvilie 8 T Day prlce.. ........- ....8 7 tCoats Fal aidwiîtet ( uats, 4 ii ilies long. I'lesù coîne in iiavY -bine and blac-k an4 %vor-th Up to $.X.Libeu'tvvîllc 09 ayprie....... ............. Sp*eual long u:ints ut of Co<'ls, Broùadclotli, tc. in seiîi-itteîl of-side îîlvatuiI effn ,ts, woth iii to $15.00. biet il 8 7 Day price....................... 7 A apecial effort. Ainiotot eo-caicii ah e tis, aidmater- lai. te ropresented tn luis loi. surfit up to $16.50. lAbertyville Day price ................... . 1 Tncm-idous aséontment of the. b gle rade o-ts la vrdi $2250. W-,arc especialla irotîl(,f hi garmeiit. Llbirtyviiie Day prire . ........$15 The fainous "Ato" waists aii n îaîly- tlîu- grade hraîîds wrl 15 Libertyville Day priee... Tailorc'd Waists of fie î * AUCTION SALE. ais, regular $1.0 %; Oýuiremlofee of owuer in tbe To ' - îhi o Derted. ak Cuny lm Liber tyville Day pi ýIa, Wednesday, October 13, 1909 at euiol Nî' One o'ciock P. M. euitlN r' i black hortie aged 3 years, 1 black Lineti Waists, oit aged 2 years, 50 chiekens. 1 tumn- fronts, woiith $2.50. 'jer wagon. 1 spring kagon, 1 run-a- 'out, - sleeder, 1 sulky cultivator, 1 Libertyville Day pr *Aw,1valkicla,1 puivei- Newest effects in1 zer, 1 mowng machine, 1 hay rati, worth up to $3.00. i hay rack, 1 bob sieigh, 1 singIt Libertyvilie Day pr sieigb (cutter), 2 sets double barness, 1 sinigle harnesa. 1 bed room soet,,2. Messaiîe and Blaci 'teds. 1 cook etove, 1 mirror,.l cdock,ý Waists ini a variel 1 dîing table, 6 dining chairs, 1 couch. 1 parlor sel, 2 parlor tables, 'wvorth $5.00.. Libei 1 mug, 2 small mga, i pair portiers, ville'DayPrice.... ichina cabinet. 4 lampe. 16 pIc-tures, - i kit chen chairs, 1 kiteben table, 1 orker .1 carVete, 1 teather bed. 2 . reathpr piiiiows, 7 sofa pillows, 6 coin. fort,. 4 pair lace curtains,1 i dnuer -. doz, plated kulvea and toit., Rubberized Raim 2 Ioz. . lated spoons. ". milk pellea, $.0. betv ff'1iý f rniekitchen vare, s $6.O< i. t aidrn kettile. 1, wash board, 1i lis. .. .. .. .... ýringer , t grindetone 7 ares et cor n 0 n ihook, 120 bubel of cts 1stck Silk Rubberized 'if itrtawfi-lt usbeis or patatoee. al colors, worth 1'rn.u of ae:-$10.00 and under, Llbertyyille Day Aîn.Pfgan. Propriper. alues. iee ,.. WOOLTEX SUITS.-ibegular $22.Ioie Suila imade o! haism wtde M'alc Serges. Bedford cords and loIh(o'r pretty metnlte l grpeii. taupe. tan iiavy gistaria. black sud electrie. ThIE1la a sIK-ecai "Oliening'* effort and liv.,, the' liio-s sud__ ciaracter- or flic reet high-pni 'ed cuitsý i.tbetttyvillo' Day lîriCe . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . Gowns e Dresses i i'îat 1lot uof' silk foîulard lultetss'-s. îiu'el v tî'iînîieil tititlav'e î-ike and isu-li buttons, worvi 't 10.> 0. I ihert vvi lic Big assortiivîit of fintit*ailoreI hiresssio lianîlso'iîî iat iii tiiishil î1iiat ils îî in aîî St\les and volurs, woth 1)tIi i 1 7 Libert* vv 1)e Daypie.........7 9 SpIpieîd collectionî of saappy stroet no, adi of good quaIJtt: .'laiania and sairge8 in mnîy style,a îîorth lî tii, 1 1bertyv~ilie finv tnice .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . $ 10 81îAeiiloltitoutîofh ilgitgrade ,tre.ase, sa ita iv for street or eveiirig w'ar, ii) itai, r syles and nmatenriaIs. Worth ni, m $215.ifi. ItîertyvtIIc Pa»y priri 5 Furs! Furs!! Furs!!! Ouriii fur tdi 1<partîif Il is niliw v <iii1lete< %V4 w î'dîto iîîupree Iigli ,y (II -W itt Ille V tai t I iiit t NI.l letiWI in h ili '4lidI ex- 95 1e "t Ii elts piI i iîi1)1 ilasel Hd Ji of'<Is <Il i ns 5c and had thet v <'n11eîte<1 to ti ffs, scarfs and sliawls, giv- iluig our patrons fhle greates vsnetyto liiose frointattd at 4 c reputation. Libertvvi1Ie I)av pris. ly 4 c per set $150 to......................... X'eilitig andu cîîbiiii--ySartling Millinery Values 'ic 1 .49 Niee streu't liatsîimade' of Fille felt liats, stîitable for' brad ndtriniid itlî stî'eet o r ss, tritnmed bak tills etc-., w'orItî$3. Liber-xtilgs ete., -worth $7. 8 i95 tyîîî<. I>aY .9 Libeîotyvillc F)av re-l <'e.. he ........"ie "Parisian Rage." Great elvetlî an 'u. Il 5 ntri aots n oin e blaekadcor, k affu si t- wt aîîd u ines I [ a nd 111 asoitnent ut finde Beave -t of, st e su'ason 's îîew cst Nox el- trîmmed Inl a varlety qf styles sud Y es, w orth $7.5~()worth op te $17.60. let 2 498 vileDay pricu. $10.00, ry ic eDay pietteî 7.50 sud ............. 98 il ('<toaf oti-i ' "<l 2 -9& 1Ra t iiatio, .8 *Libertyville Day Specali 25e Corset Covmr, Liber- g L arge ,Ize *aker liannel utghtl tyville Dli'lic gowna, Worth 75C. pri( . ........... ibertviiie DaY P'ull length Kimonsos, d price ............ Worth $1.0. lberty_ Chiid ,s8heavy ail wooi ville Day price. .. 7 Sweaters Libettyvilie (bt No. 100 T>ffeia or Meenijue nrb Day prie......... -eon wrh3eLiberty-g Ladies' beaVy ail 1Pol vleDay u rSweaters. Libertyville ...ri... ....s1 C DaY price.. Extra! Black rustling taffti petticoats worth $1.00 ýtbrtyville ' 49 Ctihus enp*v oNnde* Af- tt., wasMahAtered Bet ore Ife Signed It Th had for i tour must clet Th F ran mIne fends * lake coinp byii but t at on late p lain Patîl are >; âp lu son, the j tonne Pope Nline At th, j Ment