Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1909, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIII.-No. 2. PA=? TWO LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., YBhl)AY, OCTOBER 8, 1909. rouR PAGM - $I7)() PER YEAR IN ADVANC-E.; Maser n C ancry s ifiODAI A ~II!l I lT VF.... - ,.---..-- ------ .Named This-Afternoon (IRAND JURY 'WILL REPORT LATE TUDAY 0f About Sixty Cases Heard Indictments as Truc ilis Rumored i 40 Which Means Extra Large Grist. Connor-Ogden Case Heard Before Jury This Afternoon. (Fronti WedriedayaB SUN.i neya Whitney, Runiard aîîd Dady rep- Who shail be master lu chancery renent Nlrj%. Rbodes. SINr. Rhodes did la Io b, decided late ibis ai ternoon hy not spîsear te conteat tbe Case The Judge Donneliy. lorder ai be entered later. The resea.nfor the- dicision tod&y iThe divorce caae orf Ma1rtha 8S1andall la biat Mater in Cbancery liarice'h vs. Emil Sandabi bas heen diamlssed terre expires tonIglit and is succea- at the request of the compisinant. sor muat be appointed at once. 1W. T Stewar-t, the cQntraclor, waa The two wbo bave petitioned are gien a Judgmeni for $2,700 on a me- Master lu Cbancery Clarke and Attor- clianicas lien against John B. Legnard ney E. J. Heydecker, but other can- and wlfe ln tbe circuit court luis didates are sald tu be Attorneya mornlng, The case is 0ne that was Hanna sud Buikiey.atartpd about Ibret- *.,srs ago when If neither Atorney Clarke, t0 nuc- the Legnards refused ta pay the bal- ceed bimaelf, nior Att.oru(ey F J. Hey> ance sald te be due upon a contract decker la chosean. attorneys will be for lbe building of three brick bonses called logetber aîîd asked te agree on erected ai Ibat tinme by Stewart for a candidate, lit lis reliorleai. tbem on Nortbh('ounly street. t Tht- candidates are ail confident. John D. Pope was appoînleai specialc Tbe beiief la taî one or the ollier master te bear the case anud his deci-a of the two men tirât named wili be ien lsa aid to have been wlbin 1100u aiîpoinlmd. of the amount awardeul t0 Sewart by Grand Jury b.c Report. Judge Donnelly. The Legnarda bâad The grand jury will report laie this taken an appeal front the findings of afterrioon. To Ibree fifleen lit bail nel tbe special master. lîr.Legnard re-ptean vrimytytebeludte a he aaceo tea It lap 01er into anoblier day. proundx IbsItbe work had nlot been Of slxby cases saad le have been donc ari-ording te apecîfications. At- considered the gossip ia Ibat iorty or torney Reo H. Miiller rcpregented (on- no true bis will be returneai. tractor Stewart and Attorney A. K.e Insteam of yemterday theC(ourner- Stearns appeared for Mr. and %irs. Ogden witnesea were lîeard Ibis Legnard. morning. The case of Johinson Smith anid coni- pany against B. F DMulfi of High. land Park wati heard Ibis aftlruion. The Smith counipny is Imi court aeck- Ing Io bave tht- court conlirm a finding oi $458 wbich Master ln Cbancery E. L. Clarke agreed lbey were entilleti Io on a nieclianica lien isaucai againbt. the- wealthy abo, merchant of ( 'hi- cago. The lien was taken for mate- rials furnisbed for tiie building of a alîmmer residemîce at Highland Park Iwo yea ré ago, Tht- hearing of tht- divorce case of Bristol vs. Bristol was reaunmed hils aiternoomublbthecrcuiti rourt. Poulton Case. The, divorce case of Pomlton vs. l'onlton w&8 board li0 chambers by Juitge llonnelly Ibis aiternoon. Attor-j ney Paul McGuffin represented Mrg,. M atbida Pouton andthIe busband did not appear to offer auj>' defose. it s1 -xpected ihat lb, divorce will be granleai, but notblng colie stateti wiIi authority until after the order lo entered. which will ot bce done uni- III later. There la anot ber case wblch grew out of Iis on, wicb will bei board later. Mr. Potilton la suing the mother oi Mrs. Poulton for hils wlfe's affections, This case proli- ably vlIl ot be beard until some limte1 ln November.r Thb, divorce case of Hattie Rhiodest vs. Frank E. Rhodes was heard tbist morning ln Uie circuit court. Attor. j Two Sayior Suite Up. Two selerate suits wbicli havp bheu lIed hy WIII Waabbur and oe lDon- nlng againat Carl taylor andi is son Don, came up ln court titis morninug upon demurren-s. The demurrers were arguediîy attorney J. Di. Pope for the plaintiff and S. F. Beauhien for tb, defendgn ta. Tbe demurrers were sustained anti Mm. Pope IR compeileai to amend bis papers. These cases grew out or injuriesl said Io have heen receiveti by lb, comîlainants w'ben lbey were atruck h>' an autlomobile driven iY Nîr. Say- lors somi Don one nigbt long ago. Taylor Mamdamnus Up. The, iase of the People- against Police Magiwbrat- Walter Taylor was calleti this morning. Niagistrate Tay- lor was representemi by Orvis and Beanhieni. Jumd'e Donnelly gralged len daya Inn whici. to file peadings. The bond of Haigh. wbicta Iso sîghl ta b4 detlaned torfeit was slgned by Alderman Cari Martin and Peter Mc- Derm-st When Attorneys Orvîs and Beaubien were asked the>' slated that lb,>' dld not consider tbe caese ~rlis as the Rtaes papers were not lu proper shape. The attorneya talleai la ses liow tht- tate coulisit the police magistrale to certif>'lts records 10 tb, circuit court wben the state liat taken the recorda fram Taylor to Wieou a change of venue. FIND SXELI3TON IN ISTUCKY -GETS MAIL AT LAST ZDON EXCAVATIONSI Msanlng uf Find May' Be An>thivîg and as Usguai Speculatore Are Buzy. with Weird resms-koilosin Fuund Beneeth Two Feel of Eurth and Was ln Perfect Conditlon and Cumplete. Two ieteluuder graunti laborers late yeterday aflerocon foundjis sone ex. cavalions at ZVon Cii>' a Wluan akele- Ion ln perfert condition. The find le aupplying mucli myster> and aIl kinds of reports are currentthie workmndfn eageriy tcariuîg op lb, earth in every direclion 10 se, If there are miore of the anne iid.Tbere la no cerne ter>' near. wiicb adds 10 lthe myster>'. Tt inay'bave a soluntion In private hbm-- lal 0< a body> or even a murder. (Prom Wedneudays Sun.) Tweive Business Men cf Ottawa Came lu Hit Rescue with Bond. Ottavwa, Kan., Oct. 6-The Rev. W. NI. Stuckey, who bas been awalting trial oui a charge ef abducting Lorena Sutherlanîd, a member af bis congre- gallon lu Williamsburg, Kan., vAs re- leaseai on a $1.000 bond boe., Ten business men of Wlliamsburg slgned the bouîti for $100 eacb. Many lt-tIers bave been received at the jail for Stucke>' mince b. vas brouglit ber, irom Illinois Tbe sher- iff refused to deliver these letters 10 lb. prisoner except on condition tHat .1e>'b, rea iraI b>' the sherlif. Stuck- s>' 'wald flot consent to tbis and the.1 letters were înopened until the pr-i. )cer's release an bond.' The>' ver. hben deilvere intahlm am shê e 1,1the jali.1 %#U*N*5uIÇ I Su Lb.Ift ESI EL. Worked Hia Game There asi Record Hemaid Correspondent. (P'rom Wedn.sda's un.) And lier, again la Ed Curran. the man alleged to bave mulcted Zion cliy îpeople as an AzaoclJated 'Pres correâpomident, and thîs lIme lie ap- pearsaI Elkgin:- Ed. Curran, claiming t0 bc a corre- spondent for the Chicago Record- Herald, tb, New York Herald. and lhe Asëoclated Prems. whot worked up an elahorate story on Elgin's Indus- ties and factory sites. dlaappeured last Tbur8day leaving unpaid a board and room bill at the Fosgai, i-otel and a bill for typewritlng wlth Miss Mabel Chri§tlanoen. The Chcago Record-i-erald desiled t.oday that the man represented it and la asslstlng Uhe local authoritles in atiempmlng t loc-ale hlm. He ls ait!l 10 have posed as a repreaentatlve of ihese impers In several other citles8 JUMENTS NOW PILE UP New Notes Against Publishers Aggre. gâte $5,000. (Fr-ont Wdncsday's SUN.) Jutigment waa entered by confes. Biôn laie yesterday aiternoon an judg- muent notes amounting 10o early $5000o ln lb, circuit court agaloat the Wau. kegan Prlntlng & Publisblng company, b, Cooki', Pope & Pope for R. B.Dix on. .1.F. Roemer, J. P. Tresîrail andi F. W. loodv. R B. Dxon, president of the cor- poration belore the laIe election, la lise Plaintiif wbo entereti Jidgoient on one note for $1.580. Roemner. Trestrail and .%oody are the complainaois ln one for 1,500 given February 16, 1909 sal1i tu bave been due July 20, 1*09. Tbe note for $500 waa dated July 20, and was due two montha later ..The, last note was for ninety days and auîouîîîed 10 $585. Aillof mthe notes bear six per cent lu- lereat and Judg7memît la aiso aaked for the anlount off Uie attorneys' fees i1, escl case. MUST WAtT FOR SYNOICATE Zion Syndicale ficheme te Be Delayed of Necesaity. (From Wednesday's SUN) A Joint commitle, from the muni- ciPal leagu, and lie Zbon lnvestors' association lia a meeting villi Re- celver Gus D. Thomas Ibis aflernoon for the purpose of obtaining is co- operation ln Ilie big factor>' promoting scheme, details of whlcb have ap- Peard lnthie SUN. It la8ot thought that rauch will b, accompim.bea along Ibis fune until ai- ter the syndicat, purchase, matter la linahi>' di-ipsseti of. Tbe-e are quile a number of People wbo lbink the re- ceiver should risk $300000 in Iblis pro- Posed factory landing proposition, but Mr-. Thomnas ts disposeai ta consider the- malter ver>' carefuil>', andi wili net ask Jutige Landis' consent unlil afler helIs iully conviuced tbat lb, deai 18 sait- and sure Ibat il vîli not go up ln smoke aiter thie mone>' bas been exît-fdeti. CAPT. WALKER FOR SI4ERIFF? Net Vet Announced but May' Make Announcement Soon. (Froni Wednesdays Sun.) 'Tle t-port bas been frequentl>' heard recently about Zion City that former ('blet of Police A A. Walker ut Ziomi City would soon announce hlmself as a candidate for lhe office of aberiff. Wbn asicalconcemnng the ruioora Captain Walker stateai that soimie of hia trienda had been iirgin.g him to make the run. He salti be lad not definitely deoldeai as yet but woiild olsie anl annacunceunent soon. 2 PIONEER JEWELERS DEAD J. F. Ingalse and W. P. Yeoman Died n Same Vear. iFiom Wednesday's SUN.) ht is a fart of rather remarkabie Interest thal tb, Iwo Watikegan pio- netr jeweieîs ire deati. and blbh samte year. .1 F. Ingalîs dîed in JijI>' 1909, ai Long Pîne. Neb. He was 73, came1 bere in 1851, and started li the Jew- aIr>' business ln 1857. The laIe Mr. Yeoman, wbo died last1 night. was 71, came hr thm- e l,'50's,1 and alarlti lIn business In 18610.4 fSKJELIEiUN I1UND MAY MEAN MURDER 0F BOY 0F NINE Anatomical Expert at Zian City ExamlnesjPones and Makes Assertion Skeoton Geais Marks of Head Having Been Ouf From Body Oid Residenta of Benton Township ArO Bsin,11e1oughî to Shed What Light T"~y Cson on Matter-Crime Comýmittsd ilflit Ail St Least Fifty Yeurs Ago Before Zion Cty W.& Foanded-Ustals of Find. (Prom Wadneays sua.) Evîdence of wiiat may huve ht-en thie most horrible nîurder Cicr coin- maitted ln the counly, werc frund 3es- terday aflernoon by vsorkoîeîiat ZIon Clîy, Who were engaged lni dlgglng lbe foundations for a new store huîlîillîîg at the corner of Twenty-neieni street and Sheridan Road. The gruebome fiitconsisîed of a siieleton. hec iead sbowing cvidences of decapitatlon lire- %tit ina 10 nterment. Dr. Rôbert T. Asion. an amalomical exlpert. bas tbe skeletoîî at bis office and stafes that l i iaOpinilon Il la i bat ouf a boy about jîlîe yeara or age, st the time the crime was liioli- ahly committd. The crime. if lnves- tîgatlona bear out that thpoiîy, ninaI have taken plâce nearly ifty yeaîs ago, tecause the condition of the iaones and teeth especially liolmît lu Ibe.faii that the body bas lain ln the grolîni neariy that lengtli of lime. The teelli belong ta the iraI set, or baby icetb, and Me dfot verY welltire- are nul neariy se b5rd or weli formeti as Ibm second set. . tDr. Aiston, the ieading dentist or Zion lily, will keÇP the akeleton at bis Office until further invesligation bas bit-n madl,. SUOns of tbe nid res- Identki Of Benton townshilp oîay lie able mi shedi sonne igbt on the rnîya 1erY, 0 aU soe Of UieM nia>'recallie dlsaPpearanre ut the lad or remeni. ber srnie atroclous crime committed long ago and whicb vas neyer solîedl aI that vime,.because of lbe hurlIof tihe body flot helng dlscovereai or thec grave locateai FEAR FOR WRECK VICTINS Waukegan and Cousit> People May' le n State Fair- SpecJi. (lProm Wednesdars Sun,) While no Itiquiries for the mimsInug bav, thua iar coneelther 10thie SLTN or tb, lidependent offices, wbere sucb Inqulrles are uaually directed, there ls some reason to fear Ibat Lake couaty people, fi-om either Waukegan, Grayaake or L.betyvIile, were ln the Stale Fair Special wreck and collision near l-'armer ('lty last nighI. Therp are large partiez of nounty pieople golig mu and coming trom tht- faim- ail Ibis wee-k. due to thinga of speclal Imterel for the caunt>' there. but li4s of virtime thue four tail 10 show auîy countY people missIig or Injurd. Tht- fact la reason for con- gratulation. IGLMERITES BEATMILK TRUST Refuse te Si Miik fbr Rate-Maul It fom- Long Miles. îFrmom Weâeiay$: un.) Refusung tb igu up with botling waris for $l116% a cao when every ather mili îîroducetr of the count>' bas thuaslgned up, Gilmer producers are banling îhi'r îlik to creanneries ai Diamonîl LaieiLake Zurich anti other creamneries amuId laim ta be getting WALSH SENTENCE AFFIRMED Banker -Must Spend Rive Yssrea t Le aven wo rth-Appeà le. lFmom Wednesiday's Sun.) Chii'ago. i11L, Oct. 5-The Unitedi States C'ircuit Court of Appeais tada>' handed down a decision affirming the sentence of John R. Wash 10 iv, years ln tht- irderal penitentiar>' Fort Leavenworti. Kan. An appeal la to hp mamie wl ie iîeStaltes Smprciîîv court. Danger $pot on McAllster Avenue to RobLbed 0f 10,000 Be Repoired.A <Prom Weaneaay»s sun tG en o d Sp î g There tla aiarigeî 81101 on NliAlIist G e w od p i 's ter avenue, aald [o lia%.,,bt-len fi ______________________________s______________ there by a It- iciia r Thîe îa"e l aid i o lt i ih (conditlion that the clty ailI lle haie lu place warnlng ligh ti theri. at nlaht or elseM N K O N H R have the itreet 1lllt Iltii 018-lr (on- N K O N H R dition anîd (ilar ge the billifor dolng the work lu th, dililîîuenî i oni actor. The latter pliaiu la8fuioreil a ,belîîg qh the least trouble-and a betîei solin with contraitoii who are î'i-gligeiîî about iit ing t he stre cs ii the cou dition ln wblcb tbey-foîînîlthermi.I I.S l.,.Y ~ 4Gew~ n4o the city dnes nul take aoriîe radical E wr Dah Peien fGln o pig ste 1) lbth malter it i *dev'iared by thgefailarýih hecodiios Bank, and Husband o[ Lake County-GfrI,. that there la danger of sorneoiîe býe- I. Ijrean teclylias bad suf- is Held Up and Robbed. Mrs. Ann Se>, fiient exiîerienî-e, wlih personal tu- jnry sults; to wanîtiio do everythljng sier, Visitor at Drach Home, Sends Ncws n t dr liower 10 lireNeniiiani tmore 585 000 STOCK TRANSFERRED Principal sn Estate of Labo J. C. Jack- son, Irother Hem-e. (From Wedneaday'a Daily Sun.) The fOllowlng ls of Interemt iete hemanse Chat-]" H Jlacksonî Is a brotise. vo th,- laie j, (,.lack,îîmîoi Kenosha. An order waa Otiled i Ilic coîmmv couîrt today lranaferrmîg tiii- tereat s of the estate Of Iîle laie: .1. A, Jacksont In tie Kenosha ('rit) coîîîîamîî Io F C Ilaumaisfor mie i'on'ieraitiof $94, 57.) l'lie late nwned 2îîmî shares. the oiriginal valne 0f whîch mvas $100 )t. share. At the price naie(ilin the pulr- chas, the sbarea are now vorth $425. CASE 0F MISTAKE ALLAROUND J. A. Schultz Says Horse Was ni Same Culor as Stephens'. liomu Wednesday's SI'N.i J. ASchultz. participant li a tîix. ni,î about a hiorse. day before yeater- day, alates when b, ot Ex-Supervs l or Stephens' hora, front tie court yard ralllng b, thomîgbî It waa lb, town from Warrentori boih animîales beîig gray, and that as soon as liej found out tihe mistake. w h le wasc soon, hi' brouglitthie animal back, heing met hi Mr. Sleiihen.onthie waY., iiithat any îalk about an i,-j tempted horée stealhng or a druîîkeo îirank la a mistake. t (Frum Xedneday's lJaily Sun.) 'The- robbery waa one of the bolgent Edward Dracli. casher ni the Gien- Ini the bistory oi holdups. The two Wood Sirînga (Clob) National liank, nien. Who were unmasked, bad iwe- was lat Vednes-day helli up and viousi) hired two saddie burses froci robhed en lie rmaýil 1 Glenwood. a liv@ry stable, wbich tbeY took (o ts Wicb la wbere Roosevelt hunte a aley back of the bank and -tied. beara. two weeka ago by maaked "The-v then entcred the bask, agi highwaymeîn, Who roblicai im ai presenting their revolvers at tlieau.- $10.202.44 ilu coin and bank notes and N'itnt casher, E H. Davis, and th. made their escape. vice prealdeut, E. E. Drach, cou- The fact gains much Interest manîled ibem 1te bold up iheir banla bers when it là learned liat Mr. The re(iluest was complied wit.h and Drach as scores of relatives vn one ef the men entered the vault ai, Waukegan and Lake county and wie f l, ther bdandwacbre lb. married a daugbter oi one of Lake oficiaisthe ailley oanitbwte nilie countys pioneer sCtiers, Ofiiis he Yotteinntt 8essier, wbose famîlyliîvd n a table iras then swcpt into the fleur." log bouse in Newport tew#vshlp Isack wliich the men useai 10 carry o*S sixty years or more ago. *h iii . the bakwr hs XW'lat farta in regard 1 toclt robbery "Trhi Outfficaso the bak dwere thonr cam IoIValiean hismo'n'n lnanus bing lowered *by request' 10 lctte«Iu fiou, Sîrs. Ann Seasler, av.liaoan h ssiin f1. a relative, Who la now vlaiting ai I ruigtessiin fte (Glenwooi Sir-inîgs. and Who muaI have Petopîle on the sireets. Rrried a of dys ater 'The- two men niountesl Uieir bors.z arrl'eil comlîle f das afe b andticle off. Ieaving the haait oUeerM robber%. wvim-b oi lplace lasi Wed ie agv n aam cssw neadu . iumediae~yorgolbd'Ma*'IL .tr. Dracli la îresldenl of tfeliclen- heg-un The liesse ovcrtook the ban. woOd bai an cx-coîmnty officiai. and a dits and several shote were exchsngsi pmominenît politiicanî I-e lg related 10 andte ofu ithe robber's horses wva Ille Bastlana, St-salera. ruichela. Wet- kîlleti The olher man disuounte4, the Anieses of L.ake counli-. teins ith the mone>'. it la supposeî Says tbe Granîd Valley Progres. of lbey bad a relay of bornes ready for Granîd Junction, Colo.: hem and are now fer away ironi "Tii' litizena National hantiof Glenwood. Glenwood Waa robbeai Wedneaday af- "The lîank bas offereti a reward of ternoomî abortly before 3 o'clock by $2.000 for lie capture of the two men. IWO men Who were ulamasked. Tiey The Institutilon carried Insurance, no securel about $10.000. wiil lose nolhing." g, -Mr.SwelDresser In the cool even- Ings fo corne, flot orily will one of our tony top coats look well hanging frorn your * * i shouidera, but if wlI keep off that *chili. The earlier you buy your if P clothes the longer you will have the use of thern. Fab. roc, fit, finish, p st yl1e. prices-- these are the five things fo blookouf for--one for each finger and yourp thurnb.ViWhen you go fo buy an over- coat or a suit of clothes, lkat * r our t hurnb and tIf: rernind you that if l3 a dufy you 0we yourself f0 corne f0oOur 0 store 19se what good clothes we can show you. THAT:S A ToNfY OVI:RCOAT. flR.5WELL DFiicssLr. -"c. ~-i Top Coaf sS uis Overcoats $1Ofo 025 01Oto 025 01Ofo $25 1 1 MFCI FfTrili PnUTDAPTnDO la

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