Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1909, p. 8

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LAKE COUSTY INDIEPENDIUf1, FRIDÂY, OOTOUJR 15, 1909 Waukegan TE MAYON Cl t Thomas .Mes Daliy Confer-1 on Syndicat Dial.-Wiftd Up For ThJe Wek-SSit Lino, iField Co-pany, and Otisers of Dacklng Deal to Suy ý:Wtequest conterencesa re taking Sdaily betweea Gue D. Thomes 1lOUIs Smith, Who represents a WM for tie put-chUe of the ZiGn b**e. These conferenoee are tak- ggpoe lu Chicago and also ln Zion Six Months Option. It l expected. that a six mGantb$ Wtko SpUIi be taken by the rePresen- ~not the syndcate for Whlch WM aeo, payinent o! $25000. SVM ib. forfeited i they doeint ~7through the demi anxd pay thse = bM f about $97,0M0 lthli SIX or a yemr. 71t. option I il! è hbkm today or taorOw in thse UM o a ven i nforined lndIvIlual @boWMunviiiingtahave hIe naine Iff ft connection vlth thse tate- Factory Boom 'Deiayed. USocdvr Thaom bas been eo buzy ,M tb detalla of the syndcate prepe.àthasLthat he has beeu unable ,»Me e iijont comittea for a mnee@ coScering thse big tactary bommg propooiti(rn whb de I ib - up I lu m n ca e .thLe Syn mimepjlais sbom fai of cousple- Iammeutty of tii. mysteilnMr- tan gUbspbmom requins ciawled la mys- O *My sud M futher information can bu obtias»d fitrt tiaa 'n i %mt au d 1 b. tu Indianaols lîîL Me but h8lavery-y katiy s&" rq- - mwasnta&Mount et Capital lu"* wi b. oedfor the. COMMer- ffl z»«nsmandi boomulai et Zion ihe - ~ ~ ~ ~ & a .drn n remdeae vi qu Ok Fateafy Sites. U IT e s aereffl er fin. factory Ina Mm betumas lie ortputm ntracka Dt t" lake abom e .ending from hw m 1i tewiutkrop Harbor.1fl oitit ta bu oseo f the eIimdi -hi rw 1" aydicae ebas cicosen Doni -f 88t-a. ms»opeation. vilci tiey jwM& wvold le nnaqssle vheutcem- plae& . u permit a large number «~ da. Tii-me iipplng bfidiee wua &lm b. thse besttas ail ofthOe jalirss wultib. accessible ta lods *» LE. ..&Kas viiias the Norths- Bot Lins ComnflY. Thwe uare salue veR Inforusul par- vose bocm ees ealy anotiser ER J. *Ecoup lu the. deai andi theya- gett that thse blat lina la planning tu SMl pemen o! tie flits &lSote Mie ail thse vay fusra tieir prisent blldinga nntis of Waukegan to tise Bu"a e n. This wooid givi tis- a maoioiy an tie hipptn.g fmcilties .au ithe hit 115. could then coutrol thse futurs destiny 0ofZMous ti.ctry »di barber shispranta as theY do tu WiUkgII Marshall Field. TioflSearealer viso thisnk tiat Mam'dali lId & OOenPaisY &are et tie syndicata propoaltionandi point out thett Oua oempauy have lonsg hal ti e ye on Oie Zlasi etate as a fild etir ticir extensive manufactDr, ing interests. Tbey alreaiiy ownu about tvesty-fiva acres of landt near tieir presant aetnry anti 86 te thauglit tiat Oiey Ste Conlempleting Oie Ma inaval of many of their other manu- facturtug Plante to Zian Cty. Contrai Zions Dsstiny. Il Oicy secured tise estate Oiey vouiti lie able ta cossîrol the future destlny et Zîrsi lu mauy vaye. They vaniti have about 1100 lts lu tIse subtilvldeti partof tise ity which tltey caulti sel] to tise large number of employeea vbo vouldl le brougltita Zion. Tt la aiea tbhtgi thet Marshal Feldi and coospay voulti run their nev i * hCtrias ant Iindustries on thse co- ,perative plan anti make iltich kinti cfa place "ifa Dowie planned. minsus theis reigloua trImmiiie. ALASKA ROAD IS SOILD AT AUCTION »PMIj*atOrilnateti by North Shore Liectrie Roud Promoter te Tap the Alesta Copper andi Coal Filids Solti iJester Hammner te Largest Helden cf Ponds, Who Willi Develop Road for Mrgan Intirtsts. VaIàez. Alaska, Oct. 12.-The Aa- lam<C nI ri Itatroati vas soiti Stur- day uvder toreclasure by IUitedi YState" Mareshal Sullivan of Spokane for t!6"1O9fi ta F. G. .Tammett,the oly tffler. epresantiiig theitiItenata , i-wcb flnseeced the rond and bau 15 LL' OfestOf il*abonda. Thia, mens. tsai the road lias passeti onder contrai of Morgan & Ca., are agents. Waukegan: Tie tact le ut Intereet iers because the Alasksa Central le tie Frost Alaska roast tablas been go widely taîket ahout. Valdez. Alaska: Thse Alaska Centrai railroadt was soiti osder oreclosore ta lutereste representlng J. P. Morgan aud hie assaciates, who are building tie Capiser River & Northwestern rail- road ram Cordova ta tIse Bonanza Copîser Matntalu sud have three îhou- santi men t wark, George W. Per- kine. 'Mr. Morgane pertuer, luepecteti the Alaska Central lest sommer aud arrangcd tor the purclisse. It lea ai uounced tbaî Ithe roasti whlcli exteutis tramt Seward ta Turuegain Arm. eev- euty-two miles. wlll lie extendedtu t reacli enormous rosilfields. Construc- tion contracte yl lie signeil et once. TOWN GAVE HlM COLD SIIOULDIER Mas ta Keep Off Street* ot Williams- but-g New. Ottawa, Kan., Oct .-Altisaugli the Rev. W. M. Stuckey of Wlillamsburg hos beau relea.sed tram jeul, where he vas awaiting triai on the charge of abductlng Loreaxa Sutherlandi by the wîllianesa of acqualutances ta fur- nieh hlm baud, his raturu home 10 Williamsburg has met with no frlend- le- receptian on Oie part of Oie tovu, non due Oie towa appear ta share la the beipful sentiment whlch furnîsheti the means of his rilease. hie efforts taaeccore testiuony for the defeuse. The case will came up for trial ln January. Stuckey says if the Sutiser- lands pueli the prosecutlon lie vilI ha forcedti troduce very damaging tee- tmony agauet the girl. Tlie bond vas furulisbed hy acqusin- Ottawa, Kau.. Oct 11l.-A free man teces a! Stuckay. It vas braugit ta ontil Oie secondi veein luJanuary. hy ,ave by Mre. Stuckey. wlio accon:- virtue of thse bond giveu tolloviug the nieti bar huabanti home. Stuekey waiver of hie prelimiaary hart-luSon oes not appear on tise streeiLs 0« vii-te charge of abiduction, W. M. Stock- nssburg. ey vent ta Chuanute Saturday ta lint a job. Mr. Stuck*ey's lest eipIyment Ottawa, Kan., Oct 9.-(Speclalteail Kansas vas as ministar te Oie se SUN.)-Rev. Wallace M. Stuckay, Christian cisurcis anti editor of Oie tao la chirged i vth abducting Lorena semi-veekly Star lu Williamaburg. Ha utiierlandthe Oie lteen year aid WIi- liopes nov ta get work of any kinti Lsalurg girl, today raved a prelixu' that viii support himei anti tamliy ary hearing anti vas bounti or te and perbaps provitie sometOilg te- strict court la Oie sum of $2,000. vard hie daense In court. rice Oie amont et bond requesteti Stnckey lias no deflite work lu or his appearance nt Oie prellminary view, aithauglih ha .ld tisaIlie lied re- marine~ celved offers by mail of Jobs paying The triai vas ield inlatOe office offrtram$75 ta $100 a mooOI. Churth Divideti. The C.hristan churcli et Williams- btrg le dîvideti over thc Stuckey case wti the majorlty of thie tavu mem- bers bitterly reseutful toward the ex- minister sud a number ut the country members standing ta lite support. No representative oft the Sutherlandi girls famlly Vas preseut et the pre- liminary hearlug. Sîurkey was Jaineti by hie wite, wha persualed is iefrientis te furulihlm bail. Stuckey lias grao a heard since hie relut-n ram Illinois anti liseregalueti much of hie confidence. He seys lie has severai offers ol empîoyment aI $75 ta $100 a month andt tat ha VIII imraed.lately go ta vont for hirascif andi faneily. Haelbas no plane for re- turnlng taOie minietry. He ia ex- pected ta remain but a short Ime lu Wiliarasburg. A tickinç or dry couglimn eaulaquiekIy looseneil vsth Dr. 1Shoop'e Cougli Reme- dy. No opumno blorotorm, noîhing unsale or listai. Raied liy ALL DEALERS àLAKE M ýÉ%UuIwE E YMELà-a 194 marriages but tIse>iiuntpcd lu 1899 tu 403 andliavec bec,; going ,cver sînce. Thise yer tiey wul lie ntost numer- oua ut ail sud tIse clinsc are thle perceutage recarde will be beaten for outeide marriages, mostly tram'Mil- waukee, Racine, aud Chicago. Census Reporte Baffling. 111) la 1906 Oie censos reparte are baffllng. as tiey show simply a steady Increase. Ithe Gretua Green boom for Waokegau liaviug ual yet developati. Outeide of cenus reporte a SUN r-e- porter taday laaked op the records and bound the followlng ta be the Enumber of marriages belween the lest repsorts, ln 1907, sud t t rese rnoe. They are as followB: 1907 total of 763. 1908-total ut 7f,3. 19, thus far-total af 656. F No Checkt en Runawaya. There le no chieck ou runavay mar- rlages aud nu vay of fOnding ouI boy raany runaway matches there Ver. parfarmet inluWaukegau. alîhaugit IHrARD DR.'COOIK there ia a suspicion that the percent-.U ST. ae1a l arge ene. Statistîca In Detail. Folîowing are marriage anti divorce No Twe Ways About NtIs pole elatistics in datait; Mariages, 1887 te 1906. wlth At Menties, 18876.................... Wili Liv. lit Domn. L Stuckey e«presses the. utmoat confi- self of thse cae. "I amn going ta get out of tht. thing.' hoe a, "and getc to have a chance wbees le la dowfl, __________________________ and that's al 1 asic for myseif. Now Justice ofthOe Pesce H. A. Richarsthat xny bond la fixed, Ira golng out and no one but Oie principals aned ta go ta work. I can find plenty of newepaper reporters prisent. enplayment at gond vages to take For a few minute there wau giaam care of my fansliy ad myseif.' la tie Stuckey camp when the justice Wl,. Stand* by HI4i. annoufleliltiat Oie bond wouiti le 'My husband in gins ta live thîs doubleil. County Attorney Planent de- down" said Mie. Stuckey. "and Iar clineti ta accept an 'orniblus" bond. going ta stand by hlm. He le golug a such as was alaweti at tIret whea six tr>' for work at Chanute, andtIft! e men and one woman elgned Up for a doesn't get It there bell keep golug liited amount each. outil lie daee get it, I am gofig back John Bolman, one of Stuckey's par- ta Wllam8burg. Any notion that l'ni ticular friends, arousad by tie refu- golng ta leave there," said M,%rs.Stuck- sel, prompt]y slgued for thse whole ey, referring ta expressions tIsat have amount, maklog affidavt that lcie l been made about Stuckey sînce hie re- wortli $26.000 alsave al debts anti ex- tur there icet Manday nîglit, -le a emptions. mîstake. lIli stay. Ail Mr. StuckeY Stuckey le mucli pleaseil at Oie out- Vauts nov le a chance. And 'm golng cornease le feared he vouuti have ta ta do what Ieu ta hellp give It ta returu ta jaîl and sa lie hindere Inluhlm" ~LOUIS J. YEOMAN 1897 .......... 174 1895-........201 1894 .........200 1893 ......... 236 1892 ......... 206 1891 .......... 182 1890 .......... 153 1889 ......... 163 1888 .........152 1887 .......... 148 L rOR THE! LOVE LORN Census Reports Show that Dstwées 187 and 1905 Thora Wore 304 Di- vorces and 6,14 Marriago., or Les" Than 5 Par Cent ln Divores-Tali- u lations f Cnus Reporte by Vears andln Pirode of Ysar@. Waukegan chinas, as a Gretna Green for marriagis and tho e,'r Mage recorda show It for the lest threysars. Waukigan rially bocarne a "marrylng clty for the fIret time ln 1898 whsn thi marriages teck a jump fromn 194 te 403, dus te clty growth and persistent boomning, wlslch, continued, ha& brcught the marriage record up te a point that bests percsntages and rec- orda. There Io ons divorce for every twenty marriages ln Laike county or les than 5 Per cent. Whlle the statlstice are for Lakte county mat-nages, Wauke- ganitea thse county sein can iay claim ta et leait ninety-llve pen Cent of the ceremnonles par- formed. Due ta the change lu Wsconsin ieve, neceseitatlng a Olve day notice before the ceremooy, ta the growlng Importance of the city andi the adver- tieing It recelves tram varions sources and 10 the comuing of the Pere 'Mai- quette eci sommer. Waukcgan le as- suuslng a great Insîtrtance as a tIret- na Green. Thse geater marriages" lo'riod be- glus in 1898. ahe thlie barbai grnwtls 18W6....... ....12 1895 ...........9 1894 ...........16 1893 ...........14 1892 ...........12 1891 .....6 1890 ............6 1889 ... ... .....3 1888 ............9 1887 ...........ll 20-Vea r P e riatis. AI Hendea, eaunty ciert, lis a ira believar lu Dr. Irederlck Cook and- ia canvinceti that hl idscovereti the uorth pale, au lie ayâ he diii, after having heard the paie dîscoverer lec- turce t SI. Louis at week. Mayor B3uckc aiea heard hlm. "His narrative Vas plain. straiglit- forwarnd udualta lie daubteti," today eaid Mr. Hendee, 'sud the ouiy lime he meotioned i M. Peary Vas wieu lie saiti Poar says lie discavered tlie nartli pale that lie nalleil ta it Oie stars anti stripes-auti 1 belleve hlm, but lie lise lid bis bammer gôlug ccc, sînce.", The coniy clerk wae the tiret couuty clerke' association but t ot there too late, so the premident pro- teom vas made permanent eheirman as sa resuit. The convention vas helti a( Belleville. % 1887 ta 1906. ............ ...... 304 1867 ta 1886........... 137 ^fier Information. Divorcea by 10-Vian Pelrods., Peleî .ATo ttet;tta 1897 ta 1906.................... 20,4 rednM.AT othCiira 1887 ta 1896 ... .....10 Engineering sud tonstruction ton 1877 ta 1886........... 66 pauy le the guet aof Robert W. Wyuu. 1867 te 1876. . ...... 1 ilvice i,reide" ofthle seau;;- c any Divorces hy 5-Vear Parlotte. and gettetat umanage-ro il le Wauke. 1902 te 1906 15garsti okt;srd sud EIglt T;rai-lion ram 1897 îol9ot pari),tMr.Tru, il, bhlttOf i, out 1892 ta 1896. 65 StI3I etî t tKbuis t; cee llt-t Itei 1887 tu 1891. >...1 regard 10t el r seti i ne il; lte pro- 1882 te 1886 ....30 10we-ilWYntî lne and ilde liaI Ilere 1877 4o 1881.>>.... 36 jes a aliole lot of healliy sentiment 1872 te 1876 ...3 lu tavur of the hune. theieuerriante 1867, ta 1871. ... . 3 deslrlug ta reclalm t154e of the roua. John P. Meure, Chicago ...... 22 ty Ilint le Juetly Ilirs but e large part Mary Rysu .....................21 of ich fOw socs 1<> <hicago for _________________leck ut tretîsportaîlon tacililties. File Banrupty Paers. Later aMIr. Truer wil1 go over the Filaers Ba d nr p C ookaeona. as survpy sd Isit outy tow ue H e tollows lerman Ruilhusen ut PrairiewIlaIBgoveth ni ru. Vice, OuIed many tIlotes for allegeil bilnd pig keepiug. le e bankrupt: Wanl la Select Carriers. Herman C. Ruiumen. seloonkeeper, DetrOt6 A ecraosit Prairie Vlew. Ili.; iabilitics. $2.887T70- 1I tat !lirOcte.poi-A.meuî tot rura aseee. 886Ir mail carrters liy local postmstere il, Ellen E. Rasmtussen. iaîîsewlte, stead utf et Wa.singtotn. waz eanc Of Prairie View, Ill.; liabilles. $650; t e moot Important re*totloua adot, assele 815. ed et tise convention l)becatur yes- terday ot Illinois Postrusastere9, whirit "Beaith Collfees s tie ilevereet imite- John T. Clyne bas iseen etteuditîx tMOU O e al collee t-er vel made. Dr. Il W8a urgei liaI lise local Shoop eat.-d It trous pure parebeil crs could licter aiptircanls tor posi grrains, malt,nunts. cli-. Flin@luin aor- le made in mab ounetminute. No 20 )r 30 tiens as rural carriers. and tisaItise minutes teions boume S. ample Free. service wouil be impmoved l;y the adop. CORLETT & FREDEAqICKS. tienonfthUe new pieu. The Serviceable, Sensible, Satisfactory, Perfect Fitting, Popular Priced M Lsd- & Sienglo G:armoýnts For Women and Children The quality of this line is fine enough for the most f astidious, it3 co3t is so moderate that it îway be enjoyed by ail. Whether con- sidered frorp the standpoint of durability, health, appear 1ance, or price *uUiug UoemWsar at ail times merits your patronage. The yarns Momsing Garmonts which we seli at $1 has received the same care in used arc fthe best that can be procured. The fabrics used are the the making as those made to retail at a higher price. The fact that finest that can be made at the price, and in nearly every instance is women who purchase Munsing Garments can seldom lx induced better than those produced at a cost of firm ont third to haif more to buy any other is the best evidence as to the mnerits of the goods. ConewîhMunsing Union Suits for Womnen Comewithlong siceves, high neck and ankie length drawers, and are knitted to fit the figure. Staley underwear and over shirts TE for men and boys. The best made UT Staley Union Suits for $ MORgl% 1: men from....... ». ....fI-P? NBRAff Staley Overshirts forge men from...... . $ to,$3 The underwear and ready to wear depat- ments Ame now located in their perma- nent position, the tindferwear sec- tion main floor, north &ide Boys' Undergarments Sýparate garments in fleeced lined 2t5r coton sies24 o 6,per garment. -P Separate garments WooI outside, cotton fleece lined inside, tickle can't scratch kind, per garmeit . .. .._.50C * UUnion Suite in cotton, fleece lined, -pwarde from SOC to ~00 -,Union Ïuitâ, in cotton, fleece lined, upwards from $1 to $ .00 Women'a pure wool,. separate garments, vnr 1.50 and $ Ô00 Womnen'a rlbbed fleoce lined Cotton garments Veste. O 0Ctv 5C Children's Union Suits Union suite for chil4r.n, mad8ýeof wool, Il sizes, )80 Unon suite for children, cotton fleece lined,- ail sizes, 8 -i Children'.ainge iece_ Sarments of wool, frorn SOC tù C v Children'a single plece garhente, fleeced cotton,25c an c Divorces. 1887,1906. 1987 ta 1906-............... 1805..........-656 190C4.........638 19038.......... 550 1902 .......... 521 1901 .......... 521 1 900 .......... 412 1899 .......... 403 1898 .......... 194 1907 ...... ....174 ..6,614 1 1905........28 1904 ...........2A I1903 ...........27 1902 . .. . .30 1901-..........161 1900 ...........15 1899 ............9 1898 ...........I15 1897 .......... 12 Divorces by 2 1867 ta 1907....

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