Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1909, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN ___ Two Parts- LIBERTYVILLX, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, YRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, j9oi-.12 pages BIG DOCKET fMR an enabflng act fer the purpoSe named HIGHILAND PARK CON TINUD TERM ss oto the legislature, says the B N O BR Chicago Examiner. List of Nearly EIghty Cases Set for As a matter of fart a number of cil, There sa every reason to believe Triai Doglnnlng November 1 and les do now own their elertrir lilht that "J. C. Wilson" or Lamar A. Lating Through Term-Many Are Plants and do seli their surplus eiec- Harris, as bc has now been Iden- Casea cf Local Fame to Be Heard tricît>' without an>' direct authorlty ot tifled, the. Highland Park bank During Continuation of October law, art hat was; the cause ofthlie rebber and suicide, viaited au- Torm. law suit. The littîs clty ot Wood- kegan and "sized Up" th. baka Follwin lmthecircit our tral stoc k operatea Its electric light plant there. Folowig l teciruitcout ti n conjunction with Uns waterworks, Harris waa driven te Waukegan call for te contiuationt or the Oc- the cetof thlie plant being in that by Chauffeur Schwab in the Dar- tober term: way greatly reduced. Alse t selle racq car which haî since become 2-Cty of Waukegan va. Thomas, surplus power to Its citîzeus. by reas- famous. 8-Hegman ve. Iieuricks. jon of which fart the electrlc light He slopped at the saloon of 14-Johna3on vs. Sweeney. plant la ruwitout any cent tae(lhe George Cessar, northeast corner 15-16-Thomas vs, Heydecker. ci t>' The streets and the cît>' park of Lake andi Genese strene, but 18 ('hamberlalu vs. Vidvard. are well llghted fruzu the profits of lit at once. A citizen later saw 19--Gibit vs. Saville. selilug surplus power, whereby the the car at Water andi Genou.. 23-Dahlgren vs. Fessenden. citylsnsaved about $5.000 or $6000 a streets speedlng south. 24--Coolie vs. City' of Waukegafl. >ear In taxes. 26-Coon (Admr) va. C. M. Eý R.R. Enters "The. Interests" Man. Tttiarsltue apc u 33-Browu vs. Sears. No one ln Woodstock bam found yiean nk atHari nd abtesalek outn 35-Viele vs. Kuckuck. tault with that arrangement, but one tbank bcot the nrhor se, lamnow 36-Viele va. Hill. day lat June a man named J. W. bnso h ot hrl o 27-Viele vs. Moyer. OBrien, aud who la now supposed te irnîly establisted tact, bath by te 40-City of Hlghwood vs, Conrad. be a detective employed by the North directitons he gave the chauffeur, te 43-Fowler vs. McMahau. Shore Electrirc cmpany. dropped off stol) at -any bank" aud aise by bis 60 Jopp va. Fairiturn. the evenlng train. bought a lot lo- v Iaita te Highland Park, Lake Forest, b2- General Roatlug ('o. va, Fes. i'ated lu a swamp at the edge of tihe Northit 'tca.go and Wiaukegan banka. 6t. Duuing vs. Sayler. village, and departcd. He cared s50f(batik-i lo l la teivH ihand Parkz 66-Washburn vs. Sayler. ittie about te value of the lot that bnsbti sblee httesz 61-White Eagle Brg Ca. vs. I)udelL he rî'fus.-d te go Seceil, anid the lo t fth , it> sud the number of palice 62-Wheeler vs. C M. E.,R.R la ot sorrit amali value that the taxes ofcr n epeo h tet r 68-Cit>' of Hlghwood v.Kolest. agaînst It Iis year amaunt ta bu t alitatîay have saved Waukegan 72-Swayer (Admri vs. Wright, 70 cents. ru >resmlrt hta ih 76-Petticlair va. Scitumacher, Pretty soon. however, Woodstock iand Park, 76-Tolle vs. N. S, Fuel & S Co. peopie knew why be baught the lot, Theigitwamaîî, who reglatered 78--gchroder vs. Scitacilitz. lic starti-d suit, as a taxpayer. i o teAenebue nEantna I1 ('aiihmore vs. Davis, eJonthe i tram eh sun ad 'J' ~ioi inwknown to be 94-N.('hi. . h& C ('a. taBower, renavIits electrlc llght plant, a Lia arso o neeCls S-Bower vs. Schulz, îhing that the couincli was about ta do.frnratre'vhole htrt'a 96 l)eratur Cereal ('o. vs, Beaey*t Judge Wright dismlsscd the suit ie- ter itaving forged citeiks which bis Wauega Brwin Co leu- t ws nt popely roubtfrîî-îds îîald. was tiaced ta Nashvllle, 88-Gieser vs. Scharinghausen seo h was started over agalu, He hnltsitofbs 89-ose%-a More.friciîd tic-o iearîng at hlm when last 88 Rae vs oore used again yesterday ta grant the in- 92-yslun v, Hydckeýte, tk ii-coumlitted suicide atterr 12-Lyslund v Heydeker Jonction asked because the comîtlain- lodîgu h lglu akbn 94 Whittten vs. Noci Canaý. <o ant cmuid nt shoîw any Izjur>' te.,hlm-hliguteHgladPr n. 96--Carzan, Plerle Scrott vs. Rokowu self JK. Orvîs trIedti he case tor Tte tobiter was ldentlficd hi de- 96-('arson, Pierls Scott & Co.s. OBrien, and City Attorney V.S. Lum scrîlîtluîtsnft his tailar. at Los An- RokowBkL le>' reîresented Woadstock. geici,. 'A EBraner, ins piysician, $8-Zimnterman vs. McKee. Say' Ligiting Company la Behinti Suit, Dr J1 Il Nleye-r, and ater trieuda. 100-Mallue Jewelry Co. vsgi DOl". The Waodstock people telieve that Forced to Wall.t lOS-Rbritf vs Titmasbig electrIc lightlug lnteretts are te- Il 1-, agreei.i bat the gay lite led 104-City of Zion vs. Morris. hlud the OBrien mave, aud that the b) the yaung attorney bail forced hlm 106-Blshop va. Camtpbell. matter will be puaheil. because there te the wali, left him ' broke," made 107-West Coast Construction Ca va, la n authorîl'fotaritdes ta seli cicr hîni sa deaperate titat lie could take Sitewart- trlclty lunte ries and village art, the deierale clsk ot rabbing a batk 109-Relish vu. Faulkner. berause lectrir ligitt was unknown In a poptilons and v-ellîîrotected ritl 112--Cortett vs. Hayek when tai art was passed lu 1872. in itraad dsylight 115-Dodge vs. Jutige. leure the need toc ait enabllîîg art. lOn bis persan v-ere tound bis front 117-Berman vs. Osborne. There la suotter angle ta the Wood- tht- LaSaile itatel, Chicago, sud the 12îih-Cleveland va. Clevelaud. stock case. About the imte te suit Ralight, Washligton,.D . iTits> bore1 122-Dinan vs. Imminga. was irongitt Colonel Ira C. Copie>' ofthtet. iimetL.Hartrtaon, sud wlth hlm 123-N.S. F. & S. Cavs. Parker. Aurora bonght the gas franchise at v-as atîîarentty a Nev- York trienîf, A. 124-Same vs. Hill. Woodotock. se he v-as accuseil at te-HB, Mûlair, v-ho aise Identifies hlm. 128 Elsenherger & Schmtt vs, Wol- Ing hehind thte OBrien suit. whcrc- Etenth ie Steison bat itc wore bas1 ait upon ite replieiltat thc accusation itîen idlenliiîd as a Lus Angeles pur-1 130-Narekul vs. WettC. & D. Ca. v-as absolutel>' taIse aud darcd any chase. 131-Titamas vs. Bis. une te prove It. fils ftailîr vas XVii A. Harris, a< 132-'Clty of Waukegan vs. Unger. _________t.uocratlr îîuitilrlu and orator ut 133-Jeuaau vs. Stand. Brew. CoaN.ITWA CIMLos Angeles. 135-Rudaiph Wurlitzer Co. vs, Des DISTWACVRE fIR Fe Chauffeur Innocent. 138-ubes va Olon, redSchwab. inters iewcd b>' a SUN 139-Luak vs. liendee. Oni>' Fêve Feel Between Apartments re porter at Hghland Park jaîl iast 142-Kanligarlan vs. Jaujiglan. of Recelver Gus 0. Thomas antmv-et. îratestcd lus innocence. He 144-Cunnlngham va. Cale. Fiarnes Dlscnue.-ed hy Mersuhant Po- sy htteonro h arc 145-Sargents Drug Co. vs Kalawsky. iîce Wednesday Night-Fire sa Put ca.Fak-eymnn rmtr 146-limiti vs. Norrieu. Out Ater Short Tussie andi Much utfte As chue Hotîsa, Evanstan, slmý 147Cat. Bsho va SfliityBan. Popety ave.ils îrder.-îihitetotake WiVlson or 147 Cairt. lhovs. ostirt Bak PopryHae.iarris ont at te rate uf $a par heur. 148 helnrab vs roatSrliîvait sys ha rouid not crank up 150 Bright vs. Murrie. A ire wblcb tbreatened tu do con.[ît îleî~ri u a ~iarsaa Itil Fioweî s s Atîdarson.i i.raitit-daniage a ts lisctîtrrcd near tu-ligirîrîîîlaiou-ot 122 Wilaoîî Iii u s ()S. îiiIlr ip t'-i î itiglit Iniigait-ral l lui' on I ]-, -;ý 1 f '1I I li-t (cff ld , t , i prk The 155 (.'uv-î l'utk& Seai Co. va.Bes Tv-eityseventit street and Sharidan itiiit ltti icy'sNNWatk.BH Ca. raad in ZIon Cit>' Ttc lire wa. aus ii[ad lit-et i-i taiti-l t tîtachine 156-Petersutivs Muitîcipal Eng C.ity te avcrfliwing of a kettie af "Zion thWlooria sintte g- Co. sborteoiug" which had beau left teavuai wudhv encp 15,7--Thotîtas & Burton l'o, ta Bes- render oser ulgtt by a tarciascm. ue stpb(,sa ftecrl Iec's 'iauk. B.Co. . pioyee ufthte meat market. Ttc lire protected sitl a itair rîîshioncd back, ir.s Ihaplu & Gure vsn Bavtrstaak. v-as dîaco'.cred hy Iterchant Police subigi . erhIktro sp 159-iHum vs. Scituiz. Stewart, wbo notired the amake pour- ibe 162-Peopie, etc. va. Taylor (courti iîîg ott ot the bulding sud whoa t Duffy Tells Hts Stor>'. 164-Carpenter & Henderson va once nntîied Sîteclal Watcitman lan- ituohntC. huit> ite tastier ofthlie Taynton. dyside of th e Voiva storesansd the itank, and the an îawvho teiepboned 165-Frank vs. Z>'ski. Zion tire deiiatmeut. -Ibief ut Police Sitehan as Harris lefiý 168-Walkar vs. Mrnie. Thet ire was a bard anc te ight hc-a- ser thc roibcery, tuid bis stuc>' ut the 169 Mckceown vs. Pope. cause it tad gained cosidarabie head-l iodip atter te tragedy. WOODSTOCK FIGIITS FOR ELECTRIC LIGUITS Examiner States that North Shore EIectrIc Company' la Intereatetiln Matter anti that J. W. O'Brien Pur- chaseti Lot Merel>' te Become Tax- payer anti FIght VIllages Own S>'.- tem cof Lightta. An effort to gel municipal ownar- slip of lighttng planta b>'Ilfinais cl- les, autsida î,.Chicago, sud the riglit of surh it rtes lu sli surplus electrir- l>' basides vIllete tc lcme of a lassaittai sas licart lu Chicago last seak b>' Jutiga R. W, Wright, ot tise McHenry rount>' Circuit court, At tisa conclusion ofthtie suit, athangh Waotiatqck, th trt>' Interestati, son for th. Umc bcing, Se natar A, J. 01- bon declareci that lie sault Inltroduce sa>' betora heng dtilarav3eetanti sas tu.n euc thie sali partitions snd aisa btieen theroofatnsd Ithe celling ofthetc mal une star>' trame building. Ttc meat mamket shere the ire sas discuvared is loIcateti next ta ttc Fîcat Siala Bank building, the ap- pr fliutr of shcatlisocuopieti t>'Ra- calvar Gus D. Thtomas anti famil>', The receiver sud bis taml>' sera much siarmat untii tte ire sas complelel>' under coutrol hecausa thare ls ou>' a five foot apaebtleen thair spart- ments sud te tarnati holding. The damage wIlI prohabi>' amount ta several huntireti dlars, mosty due ta the susake sud saler sud charais shirt sera useti, Ttc fit-a s sas comparative>' suali. Ttc building la ttc propert>'-afthtec Zon asIate, anti Is leaseti to the ZMon storea. Advettislng pays-anti paves thse wa>' ta better things, Tt-y aur want rolumn. "-ls'as net at ail suspicions of the mansoai flrst, bat stan ha came tarIt to ttc batik ttc secand ime I began te hea alittie wocmed.' te sali. " gave Misas Fitzgeralti several large depasits titat canme lu andt ld ber ta put thern in ttc vauht, as I diti net saut te taka a chance witb tao mort nione>' lu ttc drawar. "Ever>' lime I iooked up stan ha sas hn ttc tank I cangitt hitî laaking at me, but tii made me alte mare suspicions. Stili aIi hat 1 dîi not sauttlu rail for the police anti 1 fait more sure titut somethiig sas wrong, Just as Sic. Richards handeti me tte moue>' anti I s'as puttlng Il asa>' ln lte draser I sas hlm take a step towards me, 1 ooketi up anti hos'as poiutlug a gun ln my face, "Not a murmur," ha sali. "Miss FItzgerald and Mr. Richards ran tosard Mr. Erskine's private of- fice, but lia stoppeti them and bade tliem gel fiet the cage sîit me, Then Part One ha made me open ttc craiitîg and thte EATII STAiTISTICS Diabetis tI1niale, 2 teutaleti moue>' drawer. OrTHÉCOU F ry-,ipeias (eitaael .... Whl elvldtegnon oie h ~Septicaeemla and iy racuila .i witb bis ieft band hi- I i ît led into (2 maies. 1 iatael thc drawer wlth bis igiti atnd iegan Ravages of Cancer Shown andi Ty- 'i'anerr-i diseasss utalii takiug the moue>' out 5and îrîtting fi phoiti ln Spite cf City Water Thai Coier Itenîiet.i luto bis coat pocluets, Ti,. braihband- s Much Abuseti, Ciaimns but Five- Ntfningitis ifi1ii t fui he took I tbiuk wa-,si1 ()lu g011t. -Mortalit>' Last Year Nol as Heavy Cancer Delais. He sas' that firat, aud tîrrîtoolç as This Vear, when for Tinme Baby Cancrof ut lita(i atînd iir handful of paper monet' biai ou ail a Day Died, nmales, 7 tenalt-- there was lu thtetras et Tutu nhe -Caicr uoifi rilrt(', îtîs"-. began hacklng out, ah i týio,îiîulutt For every tieath ie Lake counr-i7fi'mait--. teliî us ns ualtnrai ti îithe ty during 190 ltere wece 1*0 Cance rIfitiot ig tnî- nîies. 1 barri or he would kili us, births. terntait "As nana as thte door ,I loîised North Chicago htas&te lrgeaI betint i hm I grabted tii i rubahne dealh rate, 35.5 per 1,000; Wau- N R and cailed tte chier of jto ittî hite as kegan nexi, 16.6; and ZMon Ctly N 0W ESCAPE acrass te streeLt, t Stoîtl) it, antiai ceat, 11.4. f ROM ASPMYXIATION ttc same ttime told Ni, îRit i dst. î One anti three-eihhsparsonsaa run out sud caîl for heliiî monih die cf tuherculosîs lu Ihis Witen Retîreti Thursday Night Faileti "The. the shooting begaît i am couflty. b Turn Off Gas Compietel>' antiRe- gladi we were able ta ro thttc Pueumonia last year was a suit ta That Paînter Fintis Themn hank's moDe>' sud that nont' ofuts greater harvester for death than Unconscious When He Cals- were Injureti." an>' other disease. Bireaks ic Door anti Diacovers Statle "Old boy, thats about v-h er. yuu These are tacts gicaîtetitram the of Affairs-Reporledti 1 Employer, beloug,' said Mqr. Duif>' as the' roitter atînual report on vital statîstîca l -____ sitot hîzuseit sied by the stale board uoflîcaitit lasi tIatndiNMis. Titomas Pearson, ut Figures on Fiighl, v-eek sud ttc taibulations gîte other Lakv- hlitIt vo a-f te oldest ceaIdante lunte hank anme lime alt i te tacts ot astsartling li-cqieai, for in-theit-. îî'îc ilearis' klied Thurada>' body>ofothtt man had been taken to an stalîta the luroadi, ut cancer and ttcnigitî as a resîlit ut a failure 10tamur uuderta.klng. establîishmeun t Cahite r grits utmber ut Infant deatita t- gai, jets entrai>' off siten theY re- Duif>' tound ttc paper aun-thinthtt Witit a total ut 470 ticatta tiiere tiret] lui tie etcufing. \'hcn t'. Schact- rotiter hati scrlhhlad as he stoliloui. ' sre 791 irts. ter, a itaurtlr. camne to the Pearsont lng oui ofthtie wludok. Iît' nritifl.k The fotoi- tuf aiîtlriînsîreîk fui ittomt- tti tenter avenue.,tiexi moru- was lni ia mal band,. butitti it-iilu tes, ratiter grimn inlusoute iîg. licetrotndthettcshadesu îiown aud l Oua t luintii f te s rîîitî ,as (is Ias-i.butlaststrutistuil>, like s litii- thors i orked. Thlnkiug that 1 toilaws Hlooîk tlot a motrguec as regards te sontiting mîitthte srung, te serured a EN .W .. .at-a hlrdar andilonked luotheibouhaseb to . ....' Deaths-T iî0.andi calld thcotgit s tra.uaouy 10 Mr. I. F to N. t' Ný C lu Viaik.. %iait' Wht ,l lu lt.'uer i1907 This la belles cd ta shov- tuai lts, Deatha. Lake cutber was figuciug uit dîstaîti s li, dicateti ibtIha s'as notoolaulîiîilHighliattdllairk 'v-'tt ttc luraiity of thte towss itrît fl.akc Forest.i the rîti\Norîbth bitago Writes Other Mystericus Figures.Il ut lu a c(litirofttc steet v-avlie ZluutCity' rui lov-t. g: Birthi, Lal 9.-. Total Miale Wthi te Ceuni>' Cities, 1908. Pe r l'op iJeathsa 1,000 1,150 13,034 4,6.0 ake Count>', 29 ï 42 M 217 1 1908. 791 39.5 732 The lursi ttitI t iîurotatly ueîîare- tv-tu In ita 13 sauts itheniaitls. stimtedldistance i Sîlill itha.............'6 frous Esaîstuîîlu tt 'aiiitegan. thesec Tite- ocrease aong orelgu torn lanti namiter trntî Iat paint to Miilirlt agosi uacs tIa sake. uVtitil- tiîmate galîas amngAinecîcans. as tîsitai indicateti i thet figura 35 mai have Where Deaths Are Not Registerei, beau. is a nu NIer. h us believed Ilte Lakearunt>' deatha 1908, pop. 17,- ma>' baseîtiauîted lu iîead for Wan.- Ai. deatta. 94: 1,r 1,000, 5.3. keaha or sume Point v-ithin a radins Deaths cf Maies b>' Months, 1908. of thicty-lira miles oh Milwsankee. That Highlantd Park (20l1-4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, ha Intendedti lulicevsa niotar, sud thai r0 30 i., 'Wr. Kealsn'a. v-av %ident.LitFuei iiO i1,,1,0 Mac of Reinemnent. 2ý 1, i. il Ttcdeal bîîiî -a- ~mauut e North (bicagot i) ii> 0,0, )0,1, J, finemet.t fils t luttes wera utfte 1 4,1 3 '3.' hast. il Isthouguît e sa>' have crime 'îVaikpgauî A(I)t1. 1trI. i.14, 4, 6, fram ttcev-est, tronit hLosAngeles, proit-81),67 ably, o Jams Keeln, a ining Zion 'lily' (22 l 2, i. 2. 2. 2, 1, 1 , 3, Man ut Evaustoît v-itu was lhcowu 2- , Il In contact v-itb thcitauk rather sud Total Nialis t îut ii3ritý, 7, 2. 3, 4, dasperao un an ilosutîtînsual 'a>'.thte7. 8, 2, 5, 2, 10, 4. bandit spuka ut Seuitor Nixon of Na Femnales, Deatha b>' Mocîhs, vada lit suri tptrms as leave na dount rliltanti Park (9)-l,.0,1t, 1, 1, 0, Ini ii th' îîll ti If NIi i e ii that la tr rie I 1 Il l. 1 w' , i'tsttrî.tiiî '[r r ýî bled v-ith h, l'i - j . t tri, i 7i , r ' i1, h II 'r ciotbing touunitrliut hi, Ilb 'id aSaite Nîti th(i iii riai r 1it 1. It, îî, o, i, L, bort' Los Angeirs iasînka3. 4, 2. (;. 2, 0 Hati Been Shot. i \Výatiko'gan t N n. ; r, ,6 i.ti r ds 'iittaii n bestt rlii Ziaut lint ,"rrr 1, .21. 1, .:1 i33 ris, v-as utroittbit fatl'siot beore 4, 321,i. te suicudcd, a-. uit te i a ballet v-ouud ucar tth erc tal r '.î 4,,t u1 4-, ,4 ('blet Siteeltaut esrraed hireasan or1f - ,".-l,4, 2 bissta. Hrrs' îîîiît tîtîg he tar I Deats and Causes. gisaruHaoffsd gule iuî tc fashestar.TotaliS ...............470 glancTuboffiandîlinivini the ilahtu*t*n'"*"i ' part ut the criiataamniTbriiss1ýa oth....3 12 utales tanti21 teutahes. Whal Harcis Got, Pnuouuonîs.. ... *.. ..38 Harris gar $447.,J$110 ot shirt s'as Ifnie)otrt ......>ý.3 toitittiln bis overcoat, a $400 gar- ment tht b ha tai iorroseet tKeelyn, anti $337 lu bIs tirusera packei. Joe Duck Somne SIeuth, Jue Dock, thte Milîs' chauffeur at Highland Pacrk, lîrus d hi'maelf a hero b>' Iuvsting te ruaishedi lu shirt Harrias as tliling anti shyiug ruai lumps at blus stuc te oitter took off biu overcoat andt ore np a namber of papers. Haris snapiied lts revolver twice at Duck but it misset i lie, anti Dock la aura taetell tse tale. Harria' gun falieti sevarai tintes or the.ul0 f tiesti soaltihava reacheti four or five inateati ot ana. Thama are soma uofthetcelectrcr mati emploYes Who dlaim SîIlhl hat ttc>' sas tour men ln the car lu shirt ttc>' aluen aim l0 bave oseet Harr-la sog Sheridan Roati. Ttc farta as tha>' develop do nat secm te jmatit>' tbis, officiais sa>. (Continustioni page 7) Brîghtta dîsease .......... ... 23 11t maes anti ilfamaies. Cancer . . ........ .. .. .27 Heart disease,, . .. . .. . . 38 20 muaes, 18 tenuahes. ) Typtoiti (4 maies. i fenîsie) .. 5 Scart tv.,r (3 maIes. 2 fenîslesi 5 MessIes (IlmaIe sud 1 temale), ... 2 Diptiberia Il aes, 5 famaîcal . ..11 Wtooîulug cou 1gbh(I maie, 2 t.) .. 4 Influenza litStîales, 5 temalasi . . .. 13 Exi crosi causas ual suicide ..... 49 Infantile debililty . .... . .. 36 Congestion or hernorrtage .......13 Acîtte trouchîtîs .......... 6 Saoule debilit>' ld age ........ 16 Paralîsis (4 maies, 4 temaica) .... 8 Suicides . . . .. . ....... 8 CIrchosi ut lilver . .. 4 Stomact diseasea ............ I Heu-uta, etc . ................... 3 Rheumatism .................... 0 Appendicitis...................... Conganîtal malformations ..........1 $1.50O PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. LIETTER f ROM GAY PAREt! Matter that Strikes Her Moit and Move 6 Thou ghta la Contrast of Gay- est and Richest Paris with the. Paris of the Siums, the Ragsand thse Mis. ery Account of French Capital and tis Sighta. Writes Dr Elva Wright, Lake For- est, a pat roi of the Lake Count> Tuitercitiosis Iistitute and a physiclan who is foiiowlng a post graduate course in rîedicine at Edinburg uni- e(rsits and iow touring Europe: Huliel ties EtatstUnis, Parts. Dear Edîtor' At my tant wrlting troni Edinbitrght1thiuk I promised 10 write you tram Parts, tut Ibis lat- tac must te short as the days are sot long enougit to sces ai I wsato saes I camaebacc t-la Landau, Dorer, Lg- tit chaunel sud ('alais. The lt-hp arrosa ttc chaîtuel is short tut mem- ocabie aîîd quite likel>' ta make one ceat talus ittforcocaveulence Ttc landlng ai Cl'iasa sas my liraI axîteece wiih an cnlirely toraigu lonîgue. Tiere were titree or tour por- ter s fut carry passenger, ail ralling ioudiî >Portier. Madame," sud the last i cemember af titem was a contu- laon ofthtt accent of the second sylla- ble ot 'madame," sud you'll oui>' need to tiras ou your imagination 10 linos i. mn ;hw t ondd .Nr. Pearson atîssereti tainîli, atter Be il ccmembered it la quite impos- ncpeating ou thc transont, andi Shaet: sibie ta carry ouca aown luggage ln fer lîroke lunte door. St once ,delci-thia a-outry-ierI aptrdol 1119 thc ameil of cscaplug gas. H and psy tînt or ha tairl>' pusitat about taîundti Io gas jets tmmcd on sud bot.and carry il >'aurselt sud If the "bp' Mtr. sund i-su.Pearson lu an tîncati r ls 001 arge enaugit you'll hear of IL. ciotîs iqndilona. il sas driven ta My hotel lu a taxicait Dctur G. 'VW itars ut Lake Biiilt. andi vas ver>' cnmtorlable, altisosigi was itastil>'suniotuateti sud foundlite lte driver tiedti tacolinot Ibree francs lu lie ver>' ucari>' extinot. Atter a luateatiofot ns franc ift>', This le an bard flght. to revive tot, Mr. Pear- experleuce ever>' foreigner meets snd snx waareiveNirtitieatsn attie ouran o er e caefu ani 'ar snxî s nîreig ' ttIr P anss] l a iehu n' efso ea tuysaelad br unonaclotîs andi lu a precariotîs con- Paris la a beautifal rit>' with witie dtion. sud dean etreets, gond business Mcr andti irs. Pearson are among blocks, magnillrent sliops and gay dec- ttc oldenlsa -tilera uft ha rount>' sud arations everywhere, Really Paris hase resîdeai contliuoil> luin Lake lana live lu thc Preget-anti wb> Blutft for os-ar tweuhî ire vears, Mr. ahouldu't v-e ail? Pearsont ieing a piatlng coîstrartor. My first day s'as spent visitIng the Sichaeffer Iii employeti by Mc. Pear- Palais Royal, Foreign Office, Hotel des son, sud camte ta hîs cînîtoyers home Invalides sud tomit of Napoleon L., tid iiornlng ansîtal battue --oing , Eiffel Taser, Trocadero Palace andi ont lu wock. gardeus. ttc lasi two places being a ALBERT KUIINERI KILLED AT RONDOUT Young Brakemnan Misseti Footing anti Was Caught as Two Sections cf Train Crasheti Together-Given TerUporar>- Treatmént anti Placeti on Train for Milwauîkee but Ohêti aI Forest Station, Wultb bis buady plîtilly crasheti. wtt bot arma broken sud bot legs almast sevareil front iis body> a des. perate race againar dest as matie Thurada>' uîgiti b>'a laIe passenger train onu the Chicago, Milwaukeie & St. Paul rallroad tu save lte lIte af AI- tact Kuhnact, 27 icara oId andi brake- man, v-to Stan njuccd at Randotît, Ili., stîst'- heî'Racinet-Neyalicat v--on, Kuhîîî'îîtlidou iuîdttc train wste ii îihîîg tu i lu ke.,e i'uoui l(uttut, wshere titi accident ocnred shacilv ha. ture 8 o' dock Tbursday'uightt Kahn- eta ito' sas cantoveil ta bis board log home, 329 Nîueîeenth avenue. Ha tati treattat i hs ast Jmat as ttc train sas spaadlug titrougit Forest station. The accident uccurrcdwsiua the Youîng man was ronplng np bis tcain. a say frelgtt betwecn Milwiaukeeansd Chicago, lu thcei-ardu ai Rondotît. lu souternianuer ha nulssaîl bis footing juI an ttc iso sectionts ofthttctrain crasteti togtter t'Uîruusclous, ttc brakaman wsu xiriatati tronut e' iseen the cars andialtter beiîîg given tampocacy trcatment sas placad on the passeuger train wshrt asBonIB atout ta leavere tcM5iiwaukee.He has nu relatives there. Regalale Espress Rates. Ttc Ilinlois railrouti sud sarehause commission tas ticcidedti taassert ils iurlsdictiouu oser te cates chai-geil for transportation ty ttc express crnm- panies duing business in the stata, anti roprescrIte s maximum acale similar lu ia frelgitt rate -BraIes. Sumeaofte rampantes have crm- piieti, but ttc>' titi 90 lter untiar pi- test or wlib lite stalemeut that ttey titi not recognize thc poser of ttc commission ta regulate thirt charges. A8 tî,kiiug 'ut-dry caugh cau o tqîuickiy ioiîselnaul aith Dt-. Shnap '0Cough p1uc 'ilv' No OPIUM, DO chlnrnlorm, notbing unonae or haret, Soiti b> ^LL DEALERS part of lte 1900 Paris Expouition, thse Obeliali ot Tuxor, Champs Elyseesansd palace. ttc M.%adeiUae churcit, place andi colmîoth ie Bastîle, Pere La&chaise cemeter>', shere millions of francs have beau apeut for mausolaums anti wreaths oft"Immortelles." Escit day tas beau spent seeiog something of Iuîeresn t is city and the lait day a number of Amerîcans lnsisted nPan seeing te shuma aud we saw titece, as lu aur oso Ameri- cao cIlles, the ponreat of the poor, la râgs sud sorraundet b>' the moit an- hygienîr conditions. What a cantmsat Gay' Pachast hec teautifuil>' gowneti women, flue ihomen, MUSIC, aven ttc rarrîage hotaca Inoadeti sitit strings of helîs, titen the atter sidEý-shera ihua- ger sud mIser>' prevail. One cant hclp thinkIng ltat Ihese are a pleas. t;ire oing. sîna driuuklng People, sud îîîusîîîîathehisiirt tif them naptblir. s. ouder tus' long ilt la sat. But ni>'sta>' tceelsaa auendi and I atall turc>' on to Ssitzerhand b>' ulght iia.In lu sase time, Ver>' trai>', ELVA A. WRIGHT. Terminais in Csnada. %Wutînilutg, Msan., Oct, 15,-Tise CM.- cagu, Mlwiaukee and St. Paul roatila negotiatlng for property upon wiich lu arect terminaIs tare, It lias been knon for nom. tinte titat ibis Ue sas desirous of getting luta Winnipeg, but sas supposed l wouId use the lina of ona of thse ex- istingrmails, The site thecrompan>' la repai-tedti t be negotiating for la Happy Laad, a la-cal abnuement park. Happy Land comprises thirty acre. sud the piIre asketi for the proparty la $200.000, An offer of 8350,000 bas ahi-cady>'been made tor It tht-aus a trust company- sud from a relalse source It la learuedti he ciTer sas made t>' te StPaul. What plans the compan>' bas for a- tarbng tte province cao unI b. ascer- tain ed Ne Chance te Lsamn "itle Do une for me ta go te shooi an>' mare," salti lUtie Mine«. "Il t neyer ha able ta letrn bas te open." -Wliy noIr saket bis motiser. "alecaus.' anuwered Eober. "tbo lenrber keelîs changin wumbab M,ý VOL. XVIII. NO.4 1 1

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