J. 6 ~~~LAKE COUNTy INDEPENDENT, FRIDA 7, O(YTOBJER M 1 909 ____ DAMUAGE SUtI KLEULI O!fA FRIE OR ALL Waukegan Saloon Keeper Hurt When H. Tried te Act as Peacemaker ln Fre for Ait ai Fox Lake. Lait Sum-. mer Now Secits $5,000 of John Con- verse, Atiegod Assalant-DoctOr Bills and Ciothes Accounta. A taru sit of lothes, a doctors lU and a cor» heart are the cause of a $5,000 dgifiage suit filed ln the cir- cuit court Wlliiani McCanney bas brought suit agalnst John Converse on anmsssault charge. From the petîtion it seemas that on July 18 al was flot peace and bar- mny between the two men, that au argument ensued ln which McCanney gat the worst of It. He charges that lie was 1,cked. assaied wlth flots, and was in such a state that by the time Cornverse got through with hlm that it vas necessary for blmn to buy a new wardrobe at a cost of $60 and ta give the doctors $300 lnu tees. At- torneya Stearns and Fileld will have charge or the $5,000 damage suit. The suit is the echo of a famous pic- nic at Fox Lak~e in whch Waukegan- les and natives of the region becamîe involsed lu a tree for ail flght and ln which tlcCanney. who claims not ta have mlxed at ail. tried to art as a peacezus ker. Tbie Waukega.nites and the nativea hecarne mixed 111) lu an argument saad tu have cunverneid a joking reuîark i1]zld aboult a wnan and ahesi thes' - h b: fac k il) lie ci t * 1t h rewas more than une hrokeil lhead shile %I((an- ne> màs (onied tu ohis bed forcoume MOTORCYCLIE HOT BY TRAIN Wa6 Racing with Companion and At- te.iPted tg Cro011, Before Fast St. Paul Train at Clevelanda Crosalnq et Round Lake wlten Train Strucit Rear Wheel of Motorcycle and Fa- tMI#. lnJured CYcliat Who Was Thrown Into Air. C. là. Cleveland's crosslng over the St. Paul near Round Lake wltneassed a thrilllug and even seusat.onai acci- dent lindaY at 12 o'clock when a ellicaga. Milwaukee and St. Paul eu- 91&6 raahed Into a speedtng motor- eYde, sent the rider twenty f set into, the air and the machine forty feet ta ose aide. The St. Paul train was golng esat Jat t noon and when it reachedi Cleveland'a croslng two motarcycles dazted acrose the tracks. One o! the miachines and fita rider got acrosa ln safety but the rear machine, bearing a rider named Stearns was strnck In. the rear whsel by the engluje and Steans went SalUng inta the air, fait.- lug with a sickenlng thud. 'l'h train crew plcked him up aud brouglit hlm ta Chicago, wbere Manday algt t vas aald lbe could Dt live. lTe riders atone ssem ta lie bismed for AtternPtlng the foolhardy crosslng. THESE MAY WED. Robert 4- Brown, New York clty. 36; Marie E. Burgess, Zmon City, n1 Frnk Viefft Murray, Kiefer Okia. khaIe aged 26. Kathhi Nichalîs, Wauronda, Ili- is, agei 26. Francis B. Mikautz. Chcago, aged 25. Margaret M. MoYnahau, Chicago, aged 26. .laY J..hman Sherwood, Warukegan, aged 23. AimaR Edth Olcoti, Waukegan, aged 18. Frarik Vinrent Murry, Klefer, Okla..26 Kathryn Nishons, Wauconda ý..19 Charles Jaseph Dans, Ft. Mill. .2 Vera Ann Howard............... 19 ROY E. Baker, Kenosa........... 24 Katherlne M. Pryer, Racine ....25 Thas. B.Rhodes, Chicago.... 2e Myrtie Tompklns ................ 17 Pred Matson ...................24 Dora Haese ........... 22 John P MOre,(Chicago ......... _.22 Mary C. Ryan, Rame.............. 21 Edwards T, Flanders,,Milwaukee ... 24 Uah M Samtson' Delavani, Wl ..19 Winfred Lee Hostine, Onawa, la.. 23 Florence Eastër Wyne ?'aromh. 111.ý22 %NWieIM V. Pake. Chioago 41; Il- zabbeda Marie IoeQ Antan Kerzie,.2e-, lýenamî orcr 22. ,Krcc Fred Msaen. 24, Doýra llasse 22ý Chicaga Ilienses tu wed: Abert HaYt, Libertyvîlle, Ill, 22; Grace Wells, 18; Howard Randall. Evanston, Il., 21; Stella Shinkle, Zion City, Ill RAUPh Maxwell, Chicago. . 24 Elizabeth M. Gaaon, Mlwaukee... 22 Loren J. lvely, Jr., Mlvaukee ..26 LAMOr J. Bach, sa=e........... .26 Ch-a. N. ESllP, FLt. hSeridan. ..23 Auguta Marie Blaîka, Detrit .... .30 Wllbur D. Dundore, Chlcaga...21 M#Ail.Boltmian. Chicaga....1 Il _ -. 71 Great Sý_ale .f Waukegan's Boat and Blggst Store. 'SI A Sensational Offer of Dresses, Suits, Coats and M!ihiner.; Marvelous Price Savîns Women will hafi this bargain event with much joy for as great an occasion hasn't occurred in Waukegan for many a rnoon and bere it is the very month and week when you Iikely are figuring on buying apparel. We couldn't offer you such re- mnarkable price advantages if it weren't for the following fact. Our buyer, who alway has an eye open for bargains that will ~ benefit our customners, "got in right" with a big Eastern Manufacturer who sold him bis surplus production of dresses, suits and coats af a remnarkable concession in price. They are ail high class garments, 'beautifully tailored in the most fashionable models, and of -the best 'e't materials. This great sale commences Saturday, Octolxr 23rd and "P continues the entire following week. Women's Smart $12.50 Dresses --- Sale Prîce $6.75 The lady who buys one of these beautiful dresses will not be likely to forget the trmarkable price advantage secured. There are many beautiful styles embraced in this lot, none of which would retail ordinarily for less than $ 12.50. The tail-î oring is high class; the materials consist of pan= omnited. Made in the Moyen age and cooied effects, handsomne. ly embroidered, $12. 50 values at................... 67 i fi -1Elegant Tailored Dresses 9.75 $15 andi$ 18 are the prices at which these charming dresses were originally made to sel at. Attractively tailored of French serge, panama and broadcloth, plain and also stripes. Many styles including the Moyen age effect, prettil- ly plaited skirts, $15 and $18 values, sale price.... 9.75 ligh Grade Suits at 14.75 These are distinctive new modela, elegantly made of the best grades of srebroadcloth and diagonals, 42 and 45 Inch coats, wtguaranteed satin inings, handsomely plaited l shirts, suits in this lot worth as blgh as $25 yourchoice 14,o75> Matchless Offer in Women's Coats Splendldly made af stripçd and plain coatlngs, alto black kcrsey. 50 to 54 Inches long, 7-8 fittlng, orne miade hI the cooled effecta and trimnied wlth buttons, sale price ................. 7.77 Women's Coru 14.95 Tailored of superior grades of broaddloth, kersey, incItons and novelty cloths, 7-8 fitting, ined with guaa.anteed satin, smre pretti- lv pleated, others of more simple design, sale price........ 14095 Handsome Dresses at 11.95 This lot includes the choicest of garments, classy models, splendidly tailored. of French serge and wool tafleta, beautiful silk braid trim- ming, colors are taupe, navy, catawba, rose and also black, values up to $25 at 1195 A Matchless Woman's Suit Bargain at 10.95 Think of the money saving this offer affords; at least $4.00, for none of them are worth less than $15. The styles are of the most approved and fashion- able design, materials are broadcloth and serge, plain and fancy, long coats, satin lined, plaited skirts, aIl wanted colora, sale price................. 1095 Select Your Hfeadwear at this Sale Trlmmed Hats ai $2.95-Don't think that because the price is low that these hats are of littie consequence that they're of inferior quality and poorly trimmed, for they really are first class creations; good practical shapes, made of velvet, trimmed i pleasing rnanners, with feathers, < t silk and ornaments. Choice of " many styles................. 2 e9 Trimmed Hats ai $4.95-These charming styles were purchased at a.ptce that really la astonlshlng, but belng thic manutaturers' surplus production he was willing to rifice, and so we arc enabledta offer them at a fiure hat ila tile more than 1-2 their real value. Came and sece what a splendid asaortment of styles we have to show you. Thcy are velvet cover- cd shapes, trimed witl i rbbon, wlngs, feathers, flowers and ornaments, A l many styles at .....................E. e79%cJ Buy the Chîld a Coat You'il never strike a better bargafin in a Child'a Coat than [bis one. Tbey are stylishy miade of novelty Stripes and melton, in a splendid quality; the tailoring is of a remiarkably high high cJass, some prettily ttimrned with velvet and buttons, ail sizes up to 14 years. You will reRdi]y îecogîîize thern as beiiigworth % considerably more th au the priée, on113 2.98 STiATI cou Iruit C A. D.. 1es (scar A. In Chamî satisissl den"e f unknosn liceset at erose been filed ESsiabelh bi. Bit' o OChaerly thereuno &.ve fla r d&y of the ouetuntt required, Wa.keg YDo nul k ng h ha] S5aturday Oct. 23 And the Entire Followlng Weell Street Car Fare Refonded Te Ail Ot.of.Town casteemien. Up. on Perchas. of $.or Mord. a WANT FOR e room FOR S good hb Villa il FOR S8 th stinl d,,w ea. l1v ,FORS1 Wright FOR M8S LOE FORN8 May , y. berr STRAVI atHBali tW>w l. LOST- tween J. Finder p recolver WANTEI tu taka c( bave far, GRirriTI WANTEI departin Of age. Co.. Li bE WANTEi Liberty v Oood wi ence flot tirât elas, »cxr, Lit WAN TEI every tu work. I celihng 1 CITY Lîrs Ilii. WAN TE Box 175, *WANTE work. ' ý WNTE WANTE ber of bc MONEY farm8 ai moi