Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Oct 1909, p. 8

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LÂKE OOINTY I~l1~PENDENT, PRIDÀY, o~~~qmca 29, 194~9 Waukegan NewsI AUMSS IFRANCHIISEI Illck in Paver of Grooved i Ml msed Aldermen Generaiiy, Pro- o6i4Ulmg wth Caution, Admit Theyt 1, oNt Like Forty-Nine Vear Partî 00, Oe.I-May Seek to Tie Dowen fort Lez. Tian Perlod. r 2bwadq evenlng the Cty Council MM Offiers o1 the Waukegan, Rockt 811d & Elgin Traction comp&fly andt MO Central Engineering Constructionf 48111Yâlta tali over the franchise #'* the Wynn road and ta decide fin -907 whejJier or noLt t forfet thet '41kbaeeao the Fox Lake lune now in *0 banda of the recelver. What Counicil Wili Ask. 'iecouniL. vhlch je taking the of motion andi movlng lovly, al. &Ui of the aldermen andth le beck ofi thoraviis the une tu Il rlbtkinti of a franchise, vIS abot tise iolloving demande of 1-Grooved railsi nstead cf «T 8-SWothlng leu titan a 49 Yser francilee. $-Varie"s ,eguiationa end un- e$rstndinge in regard to pave- .Mbta, r*Pâir@, transfert over the eity,. ad no forth. 4-lthe building of àafine that teNMM lite equipment through- eu1. anid net like the Fox Lake vddch owse ereiy overliead wlrc -d traclee. ot ownlng evesi 11110 leietoawhch nl iwree are Mr« Buck fàvSre the grooveti . Mgb ecMaUlit la saiti. The aIder- m-baieSUmadune ont lie ofthe. IMMtiseY viaistaken up and er- *Mmd r cheaget. *alaet coure immaierli te me- - - M tUeyW.. -1thiak thst tise Wffl.ebutie IUne la tbe best thing Im ec t& gIhe0<tiencumedgi W et lm Ui idLa fraa*meles '«Y Monb. raotbag cOMM b. done 1 110 Il The rSi tu la thse bana « ffl utted Stle. m a"maithe «Mtac - m aul or tIse reule- MMont MWeVvent, but if they in- , . M 1 V"thte Ilte titbaut peral- dometthe eu~t wmenone vil get ln foirfait a franchi»e froni any ptmla a Very hard dtbigt do Mi vises]iL la ti..i up la th,,, Unteti *MM cmutIL la manch bardar lu do. 1 VO eés lbt dmva te thse nuit of »WeMMUe.t mmsr la net a Une la 'W'aeembut visat fot"duitocha- tes. AMY citises la Wankcgaabas thse e 11ot te-stop se cm arelfront Of bis IMM MW onocf the. ltmerub athat 1mifrdgtlhave charters frora the MMIS »d«the ie rallroed lave. 1%0. d"rt- atiey bave are madie ner 11110dumMU» Mn st a tisanetdocm MMt Permit tbem te hâai freigisi" RLObert D. Wyisn andthOe ciij' cuna- 06 egair bail a meeting monday la regard ta the.-,proposeti franchise of tise Vatrkegan. Itackford anti Elgin Trction cOmpany, wvIrcl Mr Wynn 410e1r« ta pasa Oie counil ai an early date. The general resuit ot Oie meeting vWae tht aldermen proposeti qute im- Portant ameudments anti lmprov. arents taOie ordînance no thai City Attorney Orvis wyul revrite It andi vii meet wlOi them again for final appro- masa perpetuai franchise-or viii amendt t make this ftfty yeers. lt appears froru every indication tirat the caoýàneil anti the roati are go- iug to get togelirer and that the alder- men wlth one or tvo possible excep- tions viii fllow tire lead of the peo- pie and admit the rond ou the best terma t cau make with the manage- ment. It la stated to lie a fact that few If any objections have been ralaedl to tbe road cuti-y loto Oie city and tirat Wagilgtou street is unanimous for It. Wireu Monday ntght Mayor Biuck urged Mr. Wynn to make a proposi- tion or cunsder taking over uorth anti south traic rîglits, Mr. Wynu de- murred. He said hle la just nov aftcr Oie veat side franchise and wouid nt brook iterference altiough lie tid not deny that lie liked the Idea. However, lie vouid nat consider It at ail anti did not Oilnk lt practicai or possible to Interfere vli Oie Frost franchise vithout much harm snd Ilttle goot. The mayor anti more than one of tire aldermen favor malng a deal ta turu the nortli. south and weat rîglts to a nev rond ln tiefauit of botter treatruent by the Frost rond tatereats. Mr. Wynn irovever dues not appear to take to the city witie road ides. lu fact, ire insista on letting vbat ire fears wouid lie trouble alone, and points out that lu case of an emer- gency the Frostt hue recelvers miglit Issue certificates anti scoop hdm ot ln a lhue taOie laies by building from Rockefeller. Tbe aldermen lnslst that lie builti is ou-n tracks and corform ta grade and vonld not favor is tek.lng over Oie Fox Laie tracinge at aH perma- aentiy. AN OLD STORY IN THÉE POLICIE COURT Workinq Like Doella^il Day et Hard- em TaeMidde AedMc fe Are Arrestafor en D9 k c Queetioed Show Pitiabie Condtion w'th Poor l4ouse and a aneles Grave ase Ony End. Druni?" "Tyes. Chiéf.- -How olil are yau' 'ity-five. he. 'Thome thse oniy ciothes Yau have -lihe one yau bave Our' "Tee, &.11 "Marrieti? Any foks vlio coutti tale cane of Yeur?" No, ci-." Amy place yoa cam cau a home at AiU? » "'Any mone! laid up In Oie b&ank' "ýNo, air." "Anti you're fitty-flye! Any praperty whaiéver. or any meena vhezr you are uneirie ta o longer?" "No, eMeL." 'Been a tiniing man ail your 1f er' "Yes, clief." "H-mrrn--don't you thinkI h about Urne ta get bu» e nd save some of your mony inteat of ependingJIt over Oie bar anti getting rink' You are an olti man nov, ftftY-five, ru a uY. Don't you reaiixe tirt notltin.g but the poor bouse faces you, that anti a nanteless grave?" 'I suppose go, chief." This la, thé bard hitling sermon by Infer-ence that Chef of Police ConoUy preacies daily ta aid men vbo corne under is charge ase Oieresut of bav- lng ootten drunk andl becir rreseéi anti every day the eanrc processioS1 f1Il then meets Oie sanction Of bath fie lu anti out, lkandti ,an theit moatiofficiais anti aldermen, it vîli b.entme faces ofien lImes triruap. effereti for passage. "Al that 1S ay anti that yçu ne- Objections Not Serlous. proacha me for la true," sel anc man, Oprectioiss appear ta lie ot serlaua "bat theres many a poor dcviilanthse Md antik act muaI Of Oiem vere practi- anme boat. i'm not thé orly ont." CtIY etjusteti at ight. He tallcd ta apply.J There are three ofthtie aldermen "Tiese mem, many ai tireni. osi vise ar strougly opposedtu btire ffty lii. doge on the reilramd sections, anti yeàn or forty-nine year grant anti even eLaevhere," staid Chief ConqlY. "I tvo of these are lu favor o! a ffty-year vieb I corsît aroase sone ese aio re, VMLAIe th Oe road viii pave ail of Wash- sponalbilty for tlrenelves in their iDnoatreet, virile one i lest salti1 minis but the tai sema lte b. a bh onoul favor It If tier mati oulti vain me." agrft t pave andi maîntain Wasirgý l-Ch~icago la now havlnt a card Index ta treet aftsr tventy îears. matie of 11evag, trripia, hmseaf Thse other nine aldermen ant i ie biowr-rs anti o7lhemansd Wmnlrgan imyor appear ta, lie vllllng to grant a soon antilr'patpa a rush of tieséaisle ffsj yeai franchise vîtir Oie propc'r trI-ken ('hirîcgoans ln tle dlr#«,4lioc r'etrictiorrs anti protection for tire lclIf ti-y rore ticy Wîi fane, bard, - ulihoagir they voulti mucli prefe-r aj _______ tweity or tventy five year grant. USwstan toe Seme Aendmete Offred t ayor 1E N, Rbey of 7ÀOS Cty Some.a»nndmentztsofferet ai-e for a Tîîhi-eiy lakt tltir-hae~dthre tse sMA Ibrea yearcent fare thre veek througir fxtîîý1f o! tirs'fil. JW40t conf»eticu- M a ticket book only for cblldren lie-i tveen six andt Ielve anti fieerides 'ery tore Tire store vili hé M&O&ags' liy Atîlrpw J i &M y nt Ryaiae.' les- 150. belv-the bontilng of tire Riclcey tMr.ltlrlî-ys unatIl Ne tg"d railso ta tIelectrolysîs of vater vember , vren Ilir. fiturom viii te Md ener pipng vill te Impssaile- remaveci to VLon tlty andi a a" lc* rectice0r cloninsteSi Of vooden cream Iarier snd c itîdy toe t rtad pee-snatntalnlng beveen Oie tracia there. Tire tock on lcîianî li b. ot vl pvel-clety vide trensfers anti at greatly redîcer-I prtc-cs, eu fre--&" cinny chrethinge that aa r mta b. adjoufl itth eaaeeven Atclnzo r n rtJ 1". inlooaeneslwith Dr SI I-,. , <'cr lis-esc.& Ib M"eisa tisat grs inlthae ' ~dy. Nooplum ~î ,îcnr vm 00 bet tb"atm M berm iea tr51- nsaeor Iasr " *searts. et <tabmatrW-wiiciAl.. DE I'LERS LOWER INT!RflT RATE ON BfOD ISSUE issue, if Paaed, Wilii Be Firet Advan- tege City iHa* Tmken et Newe Busse Law Glving City Power ta Exteed Sonded Lîmit and WiI Give Means ta Square Up and Keep Ciiy Rue- nIng for This Veer. At a speciai meeting cf the City councili c.eled et 1:30 tiis mter- noce thre rate of intereet tiret the bond Issue of $55000 la to bear wae changcd from S per cent to 4 per cent, thre latter being thre rate Ietended ait atong for thre bonds. At the adjourueti meeting of the city council Mouday niglit Oie aldermen voted te cail an election Wednesday. Nov. 17, for the purpose of puttlng up te the people a bond Issue of $656,000. Previons to cols step of decitilng on thre election Oie aldermen unanîmous- ly passed an ordinance for Oie bond- issue witirout a dlssentlng v.oice lie- Ing raised. The ardinance calis for one buudred sud ten bonds of $500 eacb, amounting ta $55000, runniug for tweuty years, vlth the priviiege of redemptlon on November 18 of auy year sud carrylng five per cent luterest. If the bonds are net ail solti at tbe tari, but as needed. there wîlI be a prernuur on tirern because of accrued lterest What Issue la For. The ordinance authurtziug Oie Is- sue of bonds lu case Oie people ap- prove h liy a majority of their votes. states Oiat the bonds are te lie sold for the foliowlug purposes for vhlch the city desires te ban the money: Liglits until May 1, 1910 ...$ 5300 Fire departinent salaries .... 4000 Police departruett salaries..6,00 Salaries oi cty officiais ........ 4,500 Special assessmenta (the citys sAbre for general benefits .... 10,000 Central lire station (nevi .. ..-10.000 South ide fine station (ne).. 10,000 Equipment for both ........... 6,000 Aldermen Whto Made Motions. For the ordinance that anutorizeti Oie bond Issue Alderman Mrlin made Oie motion 10 pae anti Alderman Er- Aime aise of the Fourtis Wanti sec- onded- The ordinance waa adopted unninmalsy. For the ordlnance lns regard ttie election Aldermant Crapo madti he motion and Alderman ErakIne second' e<L Carried unanlmonaly. Ballots te Tell Talc. The balots for the bond lection on thre seventeenili of neit month ill iitell the citizen% vhat the bonds are de- slred ta be lasued for but viii net naine the suma for each purpose. mere- 1>' givIng thre Oum, $55000. List of Election OfMiil. Tir- ioiiowing ar'- those <baser a; electiou oMfciais;, the tirzt tbree lu e'.' cr cane bs.lng Iudgea and the laat ihree clerka, and te polllng places as named: Frt-lofs barn et 808S Beividere treet-A-xpi Leibeck. A. Truble, Thoe- MeDermott. E. Tobin. R. VV Ftch, George Jackson. Secod-Besley ruait baua-Jameo Jemison, 1. Webb, John Pellifent. J. K. Or,,i., C'harlea.(leleon, Juilua Beilz. Tbrd-Bettery C. Armory- Charles AI4s-n, Frank Besley, Fred Erskine. W. 0. Smilth, Robert Dowv, Chalea G. In- grabamn, Fourth-P.-rrln hial-W, AX Bueli. B, . A Dirn. Tlm pellmnan, Jamee gamnmir it L'-gnerd. IFrank Moiti- ton, Flftb--bain 59mitb, Ut" aStreet- Pbilip Braud, Wil Ward, James Mor- rPw, M, ftkx4t"nwald. 1- Denlrart, Tom Te Fic Cty Offce. /.L4lrui A )ly gsbwod plans se- fur-ir4leg tawblth ie lover Soor of the Errkké bulding la ta hé made "or bf4yr iugek ili afiicr ail rraiîn la (Ifi 'téik TIuw.k«r vilii b. Kt tbe front 'se fie croend Srrand tCiCty tneaaru.r Xsu-ýI sesictoviii baive ce- Pleée'f bis.. Fisere viiiDee cu ier" spwww cterm vus vietag e t4 th rtieté0(ftiléifOse« Md W«l aMd dcomt*re agaist"tii. vl *M", Ti*é viselé flveM wMiiibe 4o» tl e omgiM V"m TRY TO RtIVE 130X. ING IN WAUKEGAN Weak OppOaition Mlefore Resulted ln Premature Deatit of Boxing Ge but Strong Favor le Note incllned, Promotere Say, to Ravival, and This May Come le Timne for Winter Serees. There ls a strong chance tbat Oie boxlng gaine yl e revîvet i n Wau- kegan Ois vlnter. SIf a conference bas uot already taken place une las promlsed betveen praminent cîtizena, among vhom citY officiais viii have representatlou, and the county officiais affccted and It la expected by frleuds of thre game that Oie commttee wiliibave the rîgltin 1- fluence tu, favor a revival of tire game. There are a wboie lot of people bere viro cannot sec irarru lu the six round boxlng contest anti vho canuot remember sîîything discredît- able lu the long reries of bouts car- rled ou bere for several years. itlaI understaod that tire men wbo seek ta revive Oie gamne vîll pledge good dlean flghts free froru undesîr- able follovers andti ta they yl pledge veli ortiered gslirerings at vhicli bouts vii li e nf the cleanest ortier. Hov far Oie agitation bas gone for Oie revival of the boxlug art no one connected vith Oie matter wvli aY. but It is untierstaod that there la no active Opposition vbatever tirat vili &Mount tu anythlng anti that city offi- diais at least are not goiug to put a stumliing blockInluthe vay. WIIAT TH1E LAW SAYS ABOUT TRUANCY No Queetion But that Chilîdren of Schcci Ago Muet Attend Scirocie for Six Monthe ln Vear, that Truant Officers Muet b. Appointed, and Tiret Proper Measures to Enforce Atteedance are Legat sud Right. The folloviug are extracts froru Oie Rtate truancy lav irearing on tire situ- ation n Waukegan where tirere are scores of delinquents- 274. Every persan having control of any chlld betveen tire ages of seven and slxteen yeam.s, iall aunuaiiy cause sucli chîldtu t attend some public or private Bchool for tire entire Uime dur- kng vhich the achool attende. lai In session, vhlch sai net lie less than six roontirs of actuai teachlng:. Pro- vlded hovever, that tbis Act sirall nt apply lu case Oie chitliasu been or la beiisg lnstructed for a lie periodt lis encl anti every year la Oie element-1 ary biranchres af education by a per-t son or persans rompeleut ta give sucir Instruction, or lu case lihe cuIda piry- Bicai or mental condition rentiers bla or ber attendance impractIcalile or inexpedient, or ln case the chlti la ex-t cused for temporary absence for cause1 by the princîlial or teacher of tire achoal vhich saîti chid attends, ai- in case thie ciri la betveen tire agea of fourteea, and sixteen vears sud la uecreasarily sud las fuiiy employeti dur- lug tire houriviren tire public scirool ln lu session. 275. 'Ple board o! education or thie board oi acirool directors, as tireE case may lie, shahl appoint at tire time of election of tescirers one or moreN truant officers vbose duty It sha lief ta repart ail violations of tire preced- Ing section taOie boardi of education or board of directors andt 1 enter coin- plaInt agaluat anti prosecute ail per- sous viro shall appear ta lie guilty of such violation, Il saal lie tire duty of the truant oMeler Wa arreat any chilti of sciroo-golug age that liabitu- ally baunts publiel places anti ias nso lawful occupation, anti aea any tru- ant chlld viro absents blmself or ber- self froruscirool, anti to place hlm or ber lu charge of tire teacher havlug charge of auy aciroai vircir sait chilit là by lav cutitledt taattend. and wvici scbooi sbal( le deaignated to saiti officer liy tire parent, guartilai or per- emn iavlug control af salti chiti. Iu case sucir parent, guartilan or persoti »biali deiguate a acioal vîtirout mak- ing or iraving matie arrangements for thre reception of oaiti ciilt la tire schoül su demlguateti or la case ire re, fuses or fails ta esîgnate any scirool, then stî'ir truant offilcer shall place uhcb'ilti luncharge ai tire teacirer of tire pubilic scroal. Poloy'm liocuy and Tar cleai tire air pasagre., dru ire irritation la tire throst, sotirsth lieiîfianed nembrarisf, and the m,.t ubstilualewugb dlcappears. note andtIinflam..d lunss arc healed andi nUesgtlen#d, andtihie eold I4 expelied fr0'. the setem. lu.. any but stre p»n ateyelov package. petile lu isa AiMB. LaVruL. WAUKMGN SrEDS SUPPUIES .TO Home TWO Automoble. Lo ded titit Re. cute of Wor"k ln Weukegee. Two automobiles loaded to the "gun- valet" vlth bundies, boxes andi bas- kets, were taken taoie Lake Bluff or- pbanRge Monday a a reuiat of SUN Lake Bluff Orphenage Day and a hail! score of deaconesses andi one hundreti and tblrty-llve fatherless andi mother- less "bairus" send their heart f nit thanlts to litle aid Waukegan to tire people who ao ldndly came ta tberl rescue in the hour of need. "We do not know boy to thauk your dear people euough." sald a amililng aud kindly fsced deaconess. "Tell them we shahl neyer forget tireir tirougitfuluess. Aud the cilidreu are pleased, tuo. The ireart of Waukegan is lu tire riglit place." Dr. row's automoble-and Dr. Browu by thre way vas tie chef In- spiration of SUN orpiranage day- bréugirt fifty parcels ta the orphauage yesterday sud the SUN automobile brouglit again as mauy aud a riglit tidy su n'.l cash Monday afteruoou. ADDRESS 0f MINER IS NOT KNOWN Samuel Elh, Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Eltia, Who Dhed on Saturday, Was Lest Heard from ln Klondike Lent April and Telegrama Thus Far Have FaIied ta Bear Sad Message ta Hlm le Lanety Camp. Samtuel Elils gold mner and owuer of virat ire belleved a year ago taelie a valuable' placer ciains lu Saskatche- van, iras not becit irard fi-ou since iast April. This mornlng liis brother, Star-y El. lis, t-led lu vain to get loto telegrapir- lc commnunication vîtir hlm, as bis motirer. Sîrs. Elizabeth Ellîs, one ni tire otdest setllex-s of tire county, dieti. anti t ta necessay ta apprise biru of the sad neya. Banry Ellîs statet tiraitirhe last ire ireard from biis brother was last April anti since that limne efforts ta gel letters to sud f rom hlm have been la vain. B3REAKfAST FOOD WELCOMED IN RUSSIA Or thre Sequel to Fred Whitney's Ad. entures ln Russia. Hurrah' St iras arrived," vrltes Fred Brown Whitney fromt St. Petersburg, Rusais, lu regard to breakfast food for wblcb be sent to Waukegan sud vicl bis brother Ray malled hlm by parceis post. "No morue famjine sud fasting. Tire cierk haudeti meý a young trunk sIze package sud If my brain li refused my stomacir vould bave told me the contents. 'It vas miduigiri, but I at on tire etige of my lied sud aie a hirat pack- age. I ordered cream sud sugar anti ste ta my heartas content. If a peul- tice voulti bave alded me in assîmilat- log more It would bave been me to Oie poultîce. "(lad blesa tire man viro lnvented American breakfast food. 'Here they serve oatmeal. calling It porridge. and ti tlooks luke glue, iras ire same conslsieucy sud sticks mucir longer.", Chrampion Ambu ince Team. Ity a ,litrcira'e made at priva te sale iii Chîicago Tuesday Edward Caon- rati. acconîpauleti hy Clarence Webb, Icurciraseti at a Btiff rate s magnificent pair of grasys for tire 1arsen & Conrad ambulance. Tire pair vili cause a sensation here wirere tirere are due soon sud Oie firm lh complmented on Its enter- prise. Thre Sost Food for Workers. The best foodi far those vira von vlth irand or brais la neyer hîgli priceti. Tire beat example of tbsla l fouud lis Quaker Oats. St stands at tire top smong foodtistat supply nourlirhment aud vigor, vithout taxiug Oie diges- tion, and yet itlai the lest eXpenslve food one con est, This great footi value anti loy coat maie It an Ideal fooa for familles viro vaut tb get the greatest gooti from virat tbey est. Laborers, factory or fsrm. bauds, fed pleutlfully on Quaker Oata vii vork better ant i-lth leas fatigue tha I f feti on atmost any other kînti of footi. AIl of tirese facts 'were proveti sud very lnteresting Information about humais fonds vere gathered by Pro- fessor Flirher of Yaie University lu 1908. lIs addition ta tire regular pack- age Quaker Oats le packed in large sizeti famlly packages eibher vlth or vitirout china dishes,i CLUBBING RATES RAISED. Tire Chicago Oeity Inter Ocesu and Tribune having raised tire price of tireir rsuhscrlpttons to us we are uneble 10 Rfurnishircther paper cluirbeti wuihtire Lake County Independent for less tien 84.00 per year, and tiret onîf oh the 1rural routes. Reaidents oftire various j owes le which tlie Independent cir- eculatee are not in on tire cluhhircg proposition and gpuef pey tire regular eubscription rate. 2-tf Hundreds of Smnali Houses Like This One are being wired by us for electrie light at cost-payable a littie each month for two years. Any House Owner Can Now Afford t_9 instali this modern convenience kom cellar to garret. Electrie lighti other. costs no more than any CALL *AUKEGAN 258 North Shore Jlectric Co. 230 N. GENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN, ILL, Kdaks and Cameras OF ALL KINDS I have a comuplets une of k.- dakii% and cameras also supplies oif dm ail kinds. If you intend to take a trip or a vacation let the camera tell the story. Photography "by*f tih e n e w method simple that a child au make the'best ot pictuires. No more-luse for the dark room. Let the chidren kodak. There is nothing more inter-- esting or instructive than the art of pictuire making. REMEMBER To ail who buy a kodak or camera fromme I will give free instructions in the use of the instrument and also in developing and printing. This is very epsential to a be- ginner. Developing of plates and films, also priutiîig done in a neat and satisfactory way. Get Vour Picture on a Post Card-I ai prepared to do photograph work at the theatre or will corne to your home andl take the pictîîre of volir lîinse. liot;n-'. jîi4. fiowers, ebjîdren or yourself. There is uothilig but what can be photographed. Anything on a post card, 75 c'ents per dozen. For the next 10 days 1 wiII give Ten Per Cent Discount on Alil Cameras and Supplies. j. T. ROBEERTSON LYRIC THIEATRE LIBERTYVILLE S is vOïù 0 We eau 0 matter hoi O The Prel 0 our etistor *on the um Owith nails *the ight Powe!I 117 S. GOUticae St. JR ROOF meet your requirem, )w large or small they i ýared Roofing we >mers by the roll is t] narket, and cornes cc t and cernent ready t< priees. Rofing Co' WAUKEGAN ents no rnay be. sell to lie best omplete olay, at mipany Telophotie 377 *@~uoooge~gegomggggomu LOUIS J. YIEOMAN TH1E OPTICIAN

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