Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Nov 1909, p. 4

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COUNTY INDEPENDENTU LuZefl O0FFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY Ne.14wT.shn. fol 4bo . sgdtera Reidesce Telezboee No. 1141. lbertyriU lllegnhuge The ollowicn n»w tsphoqss have Ilatep" sy sasPDmOe st uboasyvIlelu., 64asSeOond Ols Mater lesinstalled by the Laté VountyTels.- M aORD WUUKLY AV5IlIMNG *AM MA" bO ON 'APPLICATION. phonoe(loupa4y sîncoehe Iasuro t fb. PTION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE Juno directory. Bubourihere sbould eut out thun lust and peste ln book for futue referenrre- M. Ju8s ..... ... ................. ..... ............ ..... Editor îMO-M b.LtKRTYVILLE. % KELLEY .... ................. . ........................................ City Editor 2755-CLloverdaile ensery Co. i 8t4-LaFaYette Bond FRIDAY, NOVJLMBER 5, IÎI09. 20-A.Br 1404-Trumasn Baker FIGHT FOR TEM HMOUR LAW. 58-B. il.Clybourne, Livery and Sale ibatn Attorney Wayman f.ini nvlted Louis Irandeis, cf Massachusetts, Stable-s il-W. W. Carroll & Son, Generel 'taeta Assistant Cou nsc i the hearlng of tiheIlilinois Ten-Hour Law for bierchandjs W901seIeiu WomuouIII, ow pellding before thi.Illinois State Supreme Court. 2794-ài. H. Carrol ln lu9Vo Mr. B3randeis, wth thse assistance cf Mise Josephine Goidmark of 2584%-Frank Dyer *A sWYork Consumera' Loague, succccded ln etablishing before the United iOol-Heory eier 11111t11s Suprome Court thec cnstitutloeatity of the Oregon, ten-heur Iaw fer 1441-Fl F. Kniizbt v»Mdlng womefi. Our 11llnos iaw et present befere the public and the courts 2675-Hetify Mhines Io an exact parsllet fthe Oregon ten-hour iaw. 911-J K. Meredith On account of Vils exact parslel, It ls significant for Illinois te note, n 276>1%4-Ml ulore Mcli> #Mr. Irandeis' brief andl Justice Brewer's decision in thse Oregon case, thei1r <41E H %ýlitilpy letement of the reaeon why the Legîieature of Oregon had no reasonable 1442-Aîîeon.%% 1 7, -1< Vound for believing that public health did nlot require a legal limitation of 854-iIIIieie R. Wilsoni thse working heurs of its women laborers in manufacturrng and mechantical 7L-Ilti*'tI. i î1î, euiabllshments. iluiWrkc Previcus legislation restricting the hours of laber for women covera a I1414-E %V. irlîursi period of over sixty yeara, and la new establishe i n the leading countries of 1442 'iý J. i1.r Europe, Includng Great Britain, Germany, France. Itaiy, Austria and Switzer. 1454-lir. E.V 'i tilîà land, analin twenty-seven of the United States cf Anerica, includleg New 1 ': -i-r.1J unlo SYork, Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Colorado and *)-d 4lrîidier lîroiilBuffaîlo liroii' LesullunC.412-V nSDuItn Thz Itgislatien ia feunded upen the svrld's oxperierce cf the menace to J4î.. lt. i.î. dl p UbEc health invoivcd in unlmited heurs f laber for working wemnen. The 11 HelîL f'eslity cf tlis menace la cxpressed in the statements of expert testimon)', comn- 443-KE IL N\l'.q mfisietc cf hygiene, inspectora of factories,*bureaus of statistics. the reporta! iiIi.4'lr1LIii.Ni i ' Ii u of over rnety comn'ltteea. both in this country and in Europe. IlinrIL. llr,IwIîdi', ir REPORT 0F THE NEW JERSEY BUREAU 0F STATISTICS: A large 473-E. fanîcîl &tle,-rîir ua ortcf fernale nijllworkers are suffering from some oneO or more cf the r,.ri-.('lut, crganic complaints brought on or intensified by the conditions under . \%'il h io iffmarîî they wouls. The long heurs cf laber, the foui air of the workroom are theI.'i khr primoe factors in producing these diseases.r riV4h r MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENT: Overwork is thel î-:î in- I1 11 i i. frultfui source cf innumerable evils .*.*. . t crîpples the bcdy', ruina health, _01r-.1 r, ' 'r- thorénsit lfe * It leaves the system jaded and worn lt tends te o ' i 1 i î .rch l siltsipation in varieus forma. The exhauated sytem craves stimulants. Tî 7 onttgr epslus tisedoor teother indulgences, from which flow flot only the degener acy 2 Iezni[r. e« inddviduait, but tie degenerat>' of thse race. 11i 4-Jis. rllur PROCEEDINGS 0F THE FRENCH SENATE: When Iak. when wec ______ .si, fer a Iessring f thee dm11>' i of women, it la ntclyc h umen Mr hrt tuhI fVli 8t MMatusec tiink. Itlit flot principally cf the women, t s of the whele human 1 jII .i-tni.tti- lihue of lier Ioun, lacs. Itlils of tihe fatiier; it s ef thc chiid; it a cf societ>', seticissec wish to iibr-en Lîoight a(id fasîuilv.Sut- ru' ue-staten it is fouindatien, f ront whucissec believe It has perhapa swerved. turned laet Friilusv fi-uni Casbunure. RPORT 0F THE UNITED STATES INOUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION: W'ab., shere uit buas been iziin 'Vlv. la but oeealternative; Vie wouking population is ta be protected ï. .iti brougrte gtuer n onnt vneso hefanalM trade loiigevity, namely, a reduction of thse heurs of Ibr. Wasbungtoi aplîluri and serural fine po- lillea suang up of this and the great mass of other testimony on thc tatoee. Botb appies and siotatoe are, s»M. peint, Justice Breseer aays: extremel>' large tîut are eound and flaw- -Lon bom oflabr ae dagerus or wmen prmariy, ue- e and perlect i' every respect. They 'Lon hora ! laor re angronsforwomuu.prliiBrlY.~'- bare Ieen un exhibition un the window 0< oftheire pdalphyeal organisation Th 'ie two sexes of the INOEPEN4DE',T offie th. pant Week dhffeoin structure of body, in tihe funetions to bie performed by escb, and have attracted much attention. l e u outet phyaical strensgth. in tihe capazlty for long continued Lest Fniday atternoon about flve lialai. gurtcuiarly when dans standing, the Influence of vlges-ous o'uiourk Muneeu Graim Smith, Dell EHart weiibelg etUsei~ ** *and Ruth Weills sere thrown front a beX xupsthse fuiturs eleigthrae buggy on Brainerd Court and ail badly ~~Ibo tii. hs new corne wlen Illinois muet eier definitel>' refuse ta con- stuuued and shaken up by the faîl. The ** eboest lciits future citizen,@ or muat cone in ulne wlth Vie rest of allaite were not properi> laatened and MM iffaed maina ita latter legielations cn the work cf Itas women. dropped dowu on one aide frlgstening the borne which began te rue. Nelgh- - - -- - -bore rusbed to the sSensd pieked up &M y a ane.. kuud 01 Râllcans ln Iowea. wuoC alith tlsnîvesthe gisla more dead Vian alive. The t~sapssi The lb.atinctive foulure. of heir pelitical creed seea te b. OUflg ladies have al about recovered and thank their lucy stars for their vd lathse squlvlert o e ictariff raduction Polie>' sdvocat- nsrrow escape frontmore serons , iI fle'llidn Roeet sud a numiler of Western senators anal repreeuta- ijuries.. r.IWsalan~ by Seakecr cannoi s as "iusrgeutsYThse"roresves" are *P oadet.s la H eadistricts te ontn .: llsCaionites ulo ar neaObSfaMd't*dm_ AM indicAtions thsaI Unci. Joseph is wl not final Ilroof Ste ildent ml.sflutise usxt Congorese, even Ishesa- tisat thse Demo- çrtdg Inay central tisenet hou., lé net resllzsd. Th* efeitmentagluat Clu- rýat la ea*uksalng lula.heW.aL.Lt la etrnng l inceglreat Middle West ttuto% buudbq Ilinois. Tisom.ame qualîtles in*tise speaker Viat fit hlm for ý.»VqMpublieeviceý. H-e la ine &froid, hoha ibonsnet sAldho la rlght lu man>' r Mv saka ho lu, but haobas become detsrnd ebstructleaiist tu lhe proeslve lidem of Western Repubicam n uthse unif sund biisrelonstlesab- «oeN a lu»se apeekea'a chair bas become a~ea uneudurabls andl causea an 4 as l.dOIbat.y slliea hmeelf wltl tise corpore.nluena.ces of the Faut, ,,»nitia Sae*' AflerIhandl other chanipleass of excessive luqsots, and ***@s ndwwtlfet f«r tie goueral tariff reductiosi promise" b>' Mr. TaftI seile jesplpelnlng 15l usa- urcaunot hop* for s realization o e hoslipes An long as Jo. Cosnen taya lu tlie speakers ocsar aud exerclses tise ezarlali poseersta ta have waarled bis carrer Iu tisat position. inlos et a Discount of 20 te 40 par 88551f. MILLER. S.atnt. *cent. BT&TE Or ILINiiOIS WheS Lyon & ealy, of Chicago, under- XDI0. o10".Cuut.D-cuhs-Tn josto putlin newfloorng in their enti rel john z. Baett va. PluiisiReckmcbsei. J. , neDeperlunout t hommne necemaar>' Se-l, Gs-dey. trustee,. suukn.n mmenor- ý% mveitnmbroUrihti de-vine"eSof Rfar"Boule-,da. ds-i." '*uuteos b move aent numb-rot Ijp l' inos be-lraorie-vieci f Clarle . Llause. decesie-l. JO tisai [o ork of the carpentersmighs t ueuheln or-devIne-e-aocIChasle-. i. &M o b xýreG Moner. de-ueaeil.' unkn" hein or- devine-es Tc move thesepiano@ quiciuly, Lyon &kf Jr s aber î e-sse-r. -cw e-na o faiels Olier themi et a diuicnint of 20 U> iknocn heln or devise.. of Chas-le-n Osaer. -0 par Sens. Bom@eof th, se pianos have deeebbed-unnown h.,luen os-de-sias of KtarI beau sightly uned. but have beau putanisos e-ste-il antde --aInit- dve .b pbregtisa >Won&k HeWl>' Istor>' aud insme- Bill of oomptlahut a«* practicali> as good Asfleur. The-re 18n che-r7 4dWi2 -ame BO cheep fectnry pianos, but pianos -uekuucuu he-ie or devlmee-. of Rutna geule-.. if m of goold repu tetuon. de-ctaeal" uuknren -lsor derisee-a f -iWat Lyon ak Beai> have dons is to Ous-ie-c L. Gaie. decesed.- . un- ein ~akalthems eperb piano@ (and the. reie ntuof chlen Ganee-acf as-Ia-e-s-, 1110billidreds of tlbem> at greatl.v redise- ineeau' o, sakeen o heln or-devlnecaof ed priones. TI&e@re-sotusune upon the part Wiliam m ec se-.'un eowns-or 19m Use publie lidmdevisoe« ofoCarle' s 0ie-vleesss- a.'ne. Yol ion ow the pricea uiaily paid l'us- de-ee-amedaiin ecue -e of Kr nueca stnard mal'" of pianion, 30ou will late-re-ite- inlathe le u is descrIbe-il1l. the-Bill u i eod luvivtation to write0 fWmPIMnpant" cMnot balourdn Sentest cric. Hel% Wbanh Avenue anid de-n eannest b ealuied «6-Ath.uroce-ni street,icago, for atterati onu nbe-served in iîem isuor eler of tee-. lA t-ouartnyoo can MecnenpaurtnU- md c.ust O e Ieskc :jrwUPrlght Itr about $190, tir Notlu'1 tbes-forenhersebytilven C the-.s.In b altun n protportion.n ahane- ne-ld unknoao lefendautita tstshe t- n&Reygv hi w gua a uve ossaer d Com uant tes-etotose- 1il hi. Vius Aven> une of th&.@@ piaulti... n. hle therea l a d urt. umos the-hance, oSMake. Nauriug liket Ibm 1or.: ie-t cs Sl ndCourt agals tee Abcpre bu verbfe gien o ame-ineed e-t. retuisble- ou te cnt day l as ets- ban muieve W nouai t ateitua tunaItise Circuit Court 0f Lake Coty. à' iens sdmni Ivr iera, tshel- d Sttee-aous nomue-on sheesn l onrin Lale enCumiy .o.n ftee ien Mocf A- l)-mu 19i -.SA. O teS n l hY lIs requlil oin -ti-h Sit 1. sSi si,. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Clerk, W.ukegso 111 Nov 1t. A. D.l19W 6- 11115H iLiLES Colpialoana oclo S.JspsR. Fespermns, Saliasbury, M4etrouble sud Lent clutar 1 j s.4tal etae-n wth oe Sepr aits M> Wnya sud vas conflned tu bed 4 ay.uul$ e ett up witbout ee.Myorln.oout.ioed e tblkk k.s.Outsund 1 pammd mre t re- pMody do ad nWblt. 1comrneed t Fokj"s Kidmv em eis, and the 00graduly aisated snd Scel>' *-a*- - a rlabseramsnoimaJ.l- Ihar- b' suemd Fole'Kidey Re-m Fessa B. LovELi. W HeltsîbCruSune" mthe rIeverset imite. tin 01 n-i u-ot,-e ve-r vst unad lis- 5ýl'i'p rentuj It tsoa pure narehed grrains, niait, net'. etc. Fiee lu flvor- la aiu- Ii'niu meti linuee No,21)1,s. Ii) minute. tedjiuluiuiinrue Sample Fre CORLETT & PRIEDERIICbS If ycu have somthlng te seil, tell people about IL We have a il&Snlfled vaut colurnutor thîs Partîcular pur- PM&e TH"£ES AV WED. Jullus A. Tseptow, Lbestyville-..31 Ruhy Gleason ................... 24 Robent W. Back...... ........... 24 Esther May Carman...... ........ 24 John Nadeika. North Chicago... 29 Emma Petlock ..................26 Kaarla Maka .................... 25 OS& Mau ...................... 21 Otto Larsen, Chicago............ 4 Martha Eversoni.mre ............234 Frank Ogrln, Wankegan........... 21 Jenie Ressuer, sainie............ 18 Daniel MeNell, Hghlansd Park..22 Emma Cote. Hlgblmsa Park ....24 William Hucker, lugieside... 26 Mangeset Rowing ................ 26 William Heury' Maie, Kenosha...25 Thora Nielsen, Lake Bluff-....23 Emil Makeit...................... 32 Ans-os -Lhlnen ...................24 Chances-yNotice-. STATE 0P ILLINOIS, OOUNTYOY LAKE ti - CircuIt Court of Lake Couty, Deceinte, terni A. s-.. 1909. Oscar A. Krchner vs. Klzabeth Kicheer. l ta iuacery No. 44M, Ssthiaseory amaffat tatlie - pénce 01 me- de-nee- thtie-defeDa tEabueth irciseher la uuknown aen hast epondiligenlt lnqulry be-n Pla.ecOf Mrelee ccnnttea aeetalindun $tha$ susocss ncant te serve-i uocuter havInt bý e-e Sn lathse-offIce- ef the- clark cf saId court. Notice la sesefore h-btees en e- ain Elizabeth iKirchner d-edn fseaid test the aboya nainein <onplaamt bore-totos-e- led bi BIi oi Coaplt lansalinCort, on the Chance-sy aide tise-s-e. sud test a nuuna tlie-se-ueon lasocinot of salinCourt ausaienthue- aisove nanied ndefendant.reteceaisie octe l- ea day of the tes-uofethte CIrcuit Court efLaie- Coaty. t e te heinKt theecourt Boune le Wokegao la salinLuake- Coasty-. untMe- Sen Mends cflDecentes-A D.hic, s la by lai s-vlasil, d.ndwhlch suit sla tfil nue-nn. LEWIS O. BRO43KWAT. Cie-sk. Waukeowan,fIl.Ct. .A. D. lit. 4- Ths Equluox Stormn Fable. Thse United States weathsr burea bas deuslod tiat te.cooelng of lb. equl- nox brlngs wth Il saies-rm. Tis e b- lier. Il s"Yi, UsaI tisa Id faubliscal pao- pIe petlt nbistiseory la ail selap4ae&d Âny bg sîorm Usai happens tu cee-li wltbJ.n a week or two of thse lime that tbe %un ilacrossng this n«,sMy tise we-tier mmnla dipufl bytise mmi et "equtuoctia a matter et tacttier. la gsnemlinome atrnosebetcdsturbance ovet> seek orc two. aud tlisati oeur aboutthlie trne oethUe- equinca am mot taklui Useir turn sud are not lb. resIt ef thse ermesn of the suI. Jockey tbe Morse Osener. New TYork. Nov. t--Jockey Sblliig dulng a quarrel wthbbis employer, I. L Thoimua. tise borne ewcisr, nasal & kuif e anal stabbed tise turtMM»UMsvcI times. -p-eho -m------- AND RECORDS The Unrlvalled Stôves and Ranges Art Hauld Exulvsy b>' HTdssW ATCHMAKER Ai HUSand JEWELER Libertyville, 111. Aisiough Ihe-re sme-otisen goci uni;ng bonis, yôu seos tmiLe a mustske wefen . Uoaboy a Xemz 66ease " A perfect bot. Desrgîtad i n. . sue font ee-ablne canafilouaun ti ' ýtanuu. Fut$ .&de baar ,Lo. Tha uprç, 1leret Mi-.. r p-c of l In- 0*6ge. i uuib and ar. - uaand pliable. na!hnii r'ni4c îîîn>î rileunn. Neveu gu I-aldifulliatrf nI uI . Ardyn -ot3l aa cfie-na- mu.!l r- 'i c r' etber Onr by uwa' e, . -y n"r-'b, îrac i.Irthe M-z ,Etu andt .i i rp!-tafri..boy., ..F A A -ruu Dv U C,.d. - NI= ya- 6i-Y- i-c .soI a. 5s$oe CAMOTOC addi.,olc- ue- e. Other Grades From $3.00 to $4.50 E. W. Parkhurst Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE ILL. H. B. EGER HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS Libertyville, Ili. When in need f a cookinit or heting slave iusapcîthi Unse, for you wsiI secure sornethsag that will be an addint te your home. The>' are the best-none better. DI>WN NY TIIEOLI> DEPPOT THE 'PLACE TO BUY C Scranton liard, all sizes, c Q Bostonia Cannel, Pocahon=Q A tas, Carterville Washed Egg A LCoke, llocking Valley, Etc. LA L ~KINDLItdG WOOD L F Pioneer Cow, Excelsioi- Morse, Buffalo F [E Gluten, Grano Gluten, Daistj Dairg, E E Flour Middlings, Bran, Shorts* Oats, E D Corn .. Red Comb Poultry food D Phone 47 LibertyjviIIe, 111. The Cozy Corner BARBER SIOP Lese Flagg, Propnietor Juel around the corner on Spra Street, oeil to the Boehmi buIld- Ing and opposfIte the Pester L laekemith @hop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigare aud Tobacco 1 LaUndry Agene>' Razons Honeal It la the weak cerves that are crlng out fon help. Thon help them, doe' Urn t-ho Stomacb *or stirnulete the Hant.or iKidue>' That ie wrong. Vitalice the"s eweek insîde nerven with Dr. Shoop's Ro- tat-orative and se ho w test good beelth sell corne to yon. Tfe t sd sme. Sold by ALL DEALELRU. FRED CROKER TAILOR AND DRAPER Libertyville Ilîlinois 1faN and Winter Goods Now on Displag CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING CORLEIT & FREDERICKS * Staple and Fancy ý0 GR 0C FR l EÀ&S I MÉAT U MARKET I PROMPT DELIVERY TELEPHONE No. 30 Bar Out the Cold This Winter by Havlng a HEATING PLANT Installed in your home. You will make no mistake if you buy au Ideal Boiter or Boy uton Furnace. Get facto and ligures from Albert W. Litchfeld. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER Seo Me. Soe emalug Vous Date Satlaisction (lursutesld Office %6 N. Ge-neseSt. Randence Pisoe4M 2 Be-. 144 Ehuocod Ave. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Soudent. Straîn lyseanalStoacis. ItisacaNov. 1.-Iizdg.silcmaud 5>'e stnlag, ceuPied, cannel trouble for a large fumber et the frusimen clans et COsOUeilaecordlng te etatlics cet h depcttment of phyialsculture. CongrsmaeusauPasses A...> Sudaleul>. Petesbur, Va., Nov. 1.-71aacl Myve. Laiter, membor of oongrosa, diefi asidenly bers lahi&Isroom et Use Uku home. Doatb wua due We heart CURTAIN MATE3RIALS Gel litose nedw curtssna NOW after the autumn hmue#cang and before Thaaksgivsng, Yard wide Bilk o lsnea,bordered and &Il over patten, suitable for draperies or couforters, large varlety fi) choose trom at ......... o Plain cern ecrim, a veny popular materlal at oniy.........14c per yard Llght tan scs-mm witb couventional border le broien, thio ia a dandy, yard................................................................... 17 l-2c Beantifnl iigured Pe-rima in flowered and cosventional designu 1,5e value .. .............................................................. 12 12c A lot of new Art Denimmelu many shades and design@a t .....12 1-2c Ritct Oriental Velours for Portieres, etc. The lamons Ivachoe Drappry ilîka are pretty for auy room, get them now et ....................................................... 30c par yard Ladies' Fleecnd Underwear et 26c per germent la juat one of our man>' bargales lu thîn lino. Corne la and sec.- Jersey aweet Potetoos, per lb.................................................. 4c Pure Fruit Jellie., alil knde, per glass ..........................fc New Engllsh Walnuts, per lb ...............................20c Cottoiene, 2pound paîl ....................................25c Oriole Bucek beet, aeUl-riaing, pkg ...............................12c Weisbaeh Ga@ mantles ...............................15, 20, 26c XXXX i'owdened sogar, 2 Ibo. for ...........................16C Beinz's chow-chow ...... ...............>..................15C W. W. CARROLL,.& SON OOLBY & JÉADIGAN. CompWnànt's SoMWr. 1

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