JiAKE C'OINTY INDEPENDENT, FITAY, NOV I 1IBI?<12, 1909- HAVING PURCHASED THE* LNTIRE STOCK AND FIXTURELSi CLOTHIN S STORE Z&TH FIINSIIM STORE About 59.con a$S Ab.out,50c on al]$ WE WILL HAVE A £verything Must Gom==Nothing Reserved And Ending Tuesday, Novombor 23, 1909 Just think of buying the very best made clothing, hats, shees and oxfords and mena' s furnishinq goods at about 50c on the dollar at this time of ye -ar. Just when you need ItL It will pay you to buy what you need for ncxt summer Shoes and Rubbers Just think Regal Shoes and Oxtords, you ail know about them. $4.00 shoes and oxfords at......... ....2.181 $3.0 soesandoxords a......... ....2.00 Alil cheaper grades will be sold at the same discount. Rubbers at a big discount. Men's Underwear Men's union suits, woo! and cotton, light or heavy weight, natural and fancy colors. $ 1.50 suits75 $2.50 and $300 suits 15 at ....................... .5 $3.50 and $4.00 suits225 at ........................2 Men's wooi and cotton underwear, shirts and drawers in ail weights; also niercerized silk and wool ai-d silk and cotton mixtures 50c cotton at a gar- ment ..... ..................9 75c grade at a gar- 39 ment......................39 $ 1.00 grade at a gar-58 ment...................... $1.50 and $1.75 grade at a gar- 93 ment......................93 $2.00 and $2.50 grade at a 120 garment ................... $1-00, $3,50 and $4.00 grade at a 20 garment $1.90 and .......20XM Negligee Shirts Men's negligep shirts, reguiar .8 $1.00 at...................._58 Regniar $150 shirts90 at...........................90 Silk and mercerized shirts from e2.00 to $3.00. xiii be sold ut 60 per cent of thieir eost. There are a lot of Signal shirts madle at Racine $1,00 to $2.00Oat 60 per cent. Men's Ilosiery Men's hosiery, this was where they wee very strong. Everwear 6 pair guaranteed 6 mnonths, at $1.50 the world over or' 25c per 15 pair, our price .............15 The silklike everwear and other 29 makes will go at pet pair ... 9 Regular 15c grade 7 at ........................ 7 AIl other makes wool and cotton hose 25c grade, our pice ..... A very goodi work sock a t . . . . . . . . . . . 15C 3c Men's liats Men's Hats will becut just in half $3.00 bats i,5o$2.00 bats lflf at ........at ....... Men's Suits and Overcoats Men's Suits, there are about 24 of them and they are ail high-grade and will be sold at just half. Men's Overcoats at just 1-2, flot many of them. Men's Collars, Mern's Linen Collars. The famous Holme & Ide or H. & I. and the Corliss Coon Coliar, full size, 1-2 size; 1-4 size, regular 1 5c colars soid in every town in the courity, at each .........72 Cuffs, 12 1-2c Dress Shirts Men's Dresaý Shirts. , There makes, aIl of a high grade. 1.00 Dress Shirts at ..................... 1.50 Dress Shirts at..................... 2.00 Dress Shirts at .................... are several 55C 80C 1.*20 Sweaters and Sweater Coats Men's Sweater and Sweater Coats. It is just hike seling wheat at 50c a bushel to sel these goods below regular price, as they art golng up, but we will let them go just the arne at 33 1-3c discount. 4.00 Sweaters and Coats . 27 3.00 Sweaters and Coats 20 and so on down Overalis About 15 ý'dozen Overalls, regular 50c, un- ion made, blue or black, jump 38 ers to match at...............38 Handkerchiefs A lot of extra gooý, slightiy mussed, white, blue or red handkerchiefs at, 3 each.............. .......... 3 About 50 dozen white, sof t finish, extra qu- aiity, 15c handkerchiefs at 7c each.................... ...... 25c pure ail linen handkerchiefs A at .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . 4 The better grade, silk and linen, will go at the same rate of discount Mitts One big lot of 250U Cotton Mitts, which we will put our adv. on, that they sold at 5c, per pair while they last1 at.................. .. ...2 c Patits We xiii give a regfflar iscti t ot f 20 p)er cen.It on ail ourr i;1ýtLk of pants. S'50 pants - S q Ot .t...3,80 n S 300.... $pa ......2.40 And so on justt a- t worti while of your attending tis i ir t oîs sale. Fancy Vests Men's faney ves an extra large range of patterna3 and styles at juit oiie lalf. Boot Black Supples Here is one for the boot black stands. The quarter pound size of polish wiii be sold per box;....................... 5c The cleaner at 5 per 8 oz. bottie................ 5 Whitmore white dressing, 25c O size at..................... o Just when it is in the most demand Tennis Oxfords Tennis oxfords. Just what the boys and girls want for indoor bail, at 60c on the dollar. White and black, ail sizes, a big 35 stock, 55c ones at...... 35 and so on Men's and Boys' Caps Men's and Boys' Caps at'a great-50 ly reduced price, 1 .00 caps ... 0 50C caps at ............. ...........30 Neckwear Meli's neokwear $1.00 and ')0( grade will go at one prioe. eauh<.D.J--3 Mren's îietkwiar 25c anid L Men's Gloves cape sewed, at greatiN ,lie prices- Iwhat they had xvi ,it ee a i, uthe dollar. Work gloves liuîed andie îîHîed, at about &C0eoni the dollar. ý i 1 nîst, c0iîne eurly to get these barg:tins,, as theY won't last longý Men's Beits Meu'm Beits 5oe, 75c, '$1.00 and $1,50 xiii go at haif price. Suspenders Mcen's IMîsje4nders the variety je very large, 50oa kind 25e kind ... 6 t .........29c ut ..... . EDLLLTINTOSE _118_WaN" .;ret___ T 0 4j) c,) o e- ,1 om =c IMM 0 LU on