LA XE 4OUbITYNDEPE2NDENT, KRIDAY,- NOVEMBER 12, L909 PIA N OS have at my home'several styles of the ldi Pianos. 1 invite yon to cau sund se Prices wthin the reach of &Il. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Uicmnsed Embalmer GRAYSL AIE - IWNOIS Beef-Iron and Wine We carr oniy the GENUINE put up by~ Parke Davis L Co, It promotes DIGESTION Improves the APPETITTE And givra ENERGY to the Entire Systrun, si, s. il 751-PMP BOTTLt DRUCE DRUG CO. Gr ak, Chat. Thomson, R. Ph. Three Stores 1Roc.filr, H. A. Watson, R. Ph. Round Lake Tell Somne Skck Ont1 wm Fm do aautCf fl6eny? WUI 70fr11motellse kfriend othis, .my -eýttt=h e. titt 7ion baelearned o a zinu e Snain titt lisMaker dare Mi go frs h tlla.' tayan .OaidmI ba tndinni. n dui. aIr-di tow of Dr. noce Rstrailve and k. posulrIty. Tor 2D sears làIli.. entehad5r edi for toý,ns.h.ldteer audlatjsn aouiwhm in Americ. Wh e n. jd. or onuol. uwes ot ,hoes vtal orgas - n t'0 M I l .~oel> ietr. thvetiath=, ieivllzd. 0,cna thOes. and brongi nerves Y rm 1idenot doee the tnuri. noeniak 15e Heai or Kida7s-1or tl..î làail wrg. Dr. 9hoot's Rotertivegoesditt ote s CRst!01 nimtiselsnnt-ibe frflng. 1 ' ne.r h.ds o oetroiln neysAnÂd baraa aw the Wh.n thaïs »wneru n made w"nl sdC obeu toth& la " ali sMd of ail .tshC To ms Ilatea greasatstdctlo lat 1 am méa, eksmyprecrptenfor fi! i dai, am vl Il tale te helP In. utire an sesla alue-nDot lus 0hseso apotiter inèMaU*d urs salor ar mt Wk U jut as do by UlAù remarkable oery 1 &Iâo bava. Eoumage Smedy-asd iha Bemd l4 701%ran hism a Idaongtlm j t v= erS cortwo Ému me wvIl eo mm tuent. 1 havehahpdtbuoà" IlloSes ed Fmao der 8aicesse. teks *e nu Mnte m A teind.e bK 1oe.anshi ots6 1 ha à. bss" 65ce..t, ildnu.o to are m o aà omssd la s a for50as &0 uMM B ut Sonwk » Me w6w.flmeL&UAdru om aré am &Ur t . es Il. .0 ypsa W.Te Un.0." u sei 10.5ForMu Isr"O du laau 1.I ss 15Tf IBEE RUSSELL Lllmber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My pricea are rlght sud grades good. Whetber you huy or not gel rny figurese. PREPARED WHITEWASH: FS. ME!AD, Prop. f. BAIÊISTO W MANUFACTURKR 0F Marble and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 5ollcltcd 126 Genesee St Waukegan W.HI. APPLE3Y Auctioneer FARIl SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyville, 111. PHONE 1481- VOLO Mesdames Babel snd Wagner vers lu Grayelake one day lasi veet. Sire. Dave Dillon, af i ieour-i, vi8iled Mr. aud lira. Wm. Dillon s few days the latter part ai the wsek. lira. John Walluu sud daughter Elsie speut îsaurday sud Suuday in Wauke- gan. lira. Bsn Raeing suont lest Wedueaday witb relatives in Libertyville. Miss Myer, ai Chicago, vas a gueâi ai the Frot home oves Sunday. Mir. and lira. lisson are vlsiting rela- tives and riend8 lu Wisc.Jusin thia woek. lire Wm. Hroulmus sud son Chester sud Mra. Wm. Doruil vers guesat of relatives t Elgin afew days retenti7. lira. Chas. Parker was calledtal North Cicago uasai wek by the serions Ilne of ber mother. lira. A. J. Raymnond anti daughlsr, Helen vers Chicago visilura let Thurs- day. Dieti ai ber borne lu Goahen, lad., lionday, Nov. 8, lire. Henry TinSe, iormerly IdllasCela Rasng, ai Vola. Sb@s leste, lu mourn ber eaxly desîli, s hus- band, tire. cilîdren, motion, father, @Wa toesantibrothere 8h. vas eli tnowu trothaut tble vlclnty, havlug liveti hore &Hlai ber Ile previous lu ber marri- aga. Ber farnily hava the mincere and beart t yrpaisy ai tise mauy frienti,. Theltescier anti puptila aithe Volo leciool -i11 gve a basket social st thoir scisool Frldsy avaning, Nov. 19, sud evrone wiii le valcome. A program wiiib h. ivea by tise pupils, mter wisic tise baseteal be mold. ladlaa: brnn jour baskets filled viii, goo t tinge. Gentleman: dont forgsl jour packet- book&. WARRENl Mma. Eleta Pains Sa epndng a tev day. vith ber nelce Miss Arna Rue. li. n.sdlira. John Sotierman have Issu vlsidug fentinluChicaglo. Mi"s Aima Rase le on tht sick lint. Elmer Boas le iu Wauke10su attending court. Waltes Dnnlap bas been very sick. Dr. Jamioeon sîtendet i hm. lir. Halliay le viiting ber daogbter lir. Y. iddicomue. Chas. Chas aud famiy intendt lu move lu Gunnes sonand lMr. Thornoeun sd iamtly ara maviug on th Chasm tarin. lir. anti lra. D. R. liantes speul Sun. day lu Lske Villa. The Warren Cemetery Association viii mesi vitI li ra. Jane Wilson au Tuesday, Nov. 16 1909.liembere plesse notice Change in date! emeuber the Clnial nocal atturuee Hall, Nov. 19,1909. Everybody cordial- iy inviteti. lirsud lire. L. D. Patter have retoro- ed tram thoir vedding trip. Mr anti lir. EdwnuPotter aremnovIng ta (urnes. lis. sud lir. Elmer Rovllng are amaong thtelet kone@. Annual Miliburn Mutual Insurance Assament. Tb@ directora of l&i(lburn Mtual In&urance Compani ýlI. evîcti an al mnembera u an menetforlÇ909 ofthIret dollars anti fity cents. (98.50) on ssci ans ibousanti dolara Ineuredt lupsy lasse, arnountlng bo ivalve thoneanti six hundred sud sevenly tva dollara and sesenty asveu cents (812672.77j) that have occorneti up ta lthlm date. Aomument vii lie due anti cailet for tirty daye ailter November 4th, 1909. JouN A. TuAta, Secretary Mlburu, 111. 72 Foley's Houa! sud Tar cures cauffhg q kcly, strengeiena i e lung andipipe's coitis. 'Get the genuine lu a yellow pack. se. Faasss B. Lov]CLL. Aucîlon sale noties publisheti lu the 'independenl viii nescis far more x=edrs tissu uy aiSes paper lu tise couniy. We have the circulation; you vii geltishe builnsas. GRAYLAk P. J.DRICE [Z s Taken for Jb Miss Blanche Boaghtou $peut ai hom. P. D. Battisyshal traniacteid ab Chica.go Wednoeday. Mir* and Mm,. Wrn. Moon visi tives at Lbertyvilla Sunday. Miss Madge Dooley, of GreenB la @pouding a few days with M Thomson. She is returning fro to Colorado wherseheolhas les: Oon't forget the Basket Socta opera Boue Fnda*v evening,1 for beneit of Grayslake School. are rsqueated to bring baskets. ral good time for everybody. Evsrybody le planufng f Tbanksgiving Bail at theC Opera Blouse, Nov. 24. The Ladies' Cemetéry Socielj ovr$4000 a'their chicken p at the Loitus Retraont laat wv John Wabburn @peut the pe vlitlug friends ln Oak Park lir. Gou Stewart, of Waukeg Tussday wth ber parents, Mr Andrsw Whte. Mm. B. J. Lottes and daught "pnt Tueday at Waukegan. lira. Paul Avery, of Lake VIl ber parente, lMr. and Nr@. Ed lent Thursday. Mir. and Mmr. A. T. Whtesi Frlday ab Loon Lake. lir. Frank Taylor of Wauke a guet at B. J. Loftw' home. Miss Mary Tonles of Chic& Snnday at borne. H.ChardofChicago traneac nua bers Wedneday. New@ waa reived' hors 'W morningol the dsath of Mr Torrauce, of EHebron, 111.1 Tue*day night of Bright'@sdiseai eral at ber horne Frlday morti terment lu Ft. HilliCsmetery. There iill ho a Thanksgi bers %. edneaday evening, Nov. by Win. Brandtetter at the op,ýra bouse. Save tbe date. Bowling Season Open The firet game of the seasonN Tburedsy eveanito betweeu Ll rteam, and Grayelake tearnon ti fdIle alsys. This is the flr Orayolake bas@ taekled tbls many are suious to hear ilf 3Orayelako boys bave made so sscores the uat week @moeof are: (lus Krrnrry, 257; Rae 256; John Trant, 227; Vlck Pic[ us Krumrnery heing bigli ma lncky one ta Win the prise whig sway wssk by the prop the one winang bigiesi mark. LOUIS THE1 The county commisaoues Monday to inapect the nev wbicb will lie opened for travel urdey. Blanche Oliver is visiing lu Gertrudje Northrop waa b Sunday. Miss Mamie Lewis of Laàke Effie Monroe of Waukegsu ope at J. D. Mrray'«. People do lie eayiug the wec wlll soon be ringiug. That and lu the LNOEPENDEN big crowa to lire. Winter'a everythlng solt weUl. Mir@. Rolenbeck. of Hickoryi day wth her sister lire. Tom lira. lenso Webb of Mlibu lira. Northrop Lut week. It le reported the Cathollc bas hotu oold sud wlll 1 m( the lot near the cburcb. lir. sud lire. R. D. Âmes wil the ttletb auniversary of ding tiisweek. GURNEE H A Hafiman oi Ruseell W hueinesqWednestiaj af lait a lira. ChantAs Cape sud dani lionro. of Waukegan viteti I lest baturdai. Mies Mabel Hughes vietlie irieutis lest Satnrday. Mr. andi lra. Ralpis CbIttei lest Baturday aud Sundai tises lu Lake Villa. Van Nese Young viatiteti frk soi lest Saturtiay aud Sund&. li. lira. . B. Dizoni relatives tram Russell Nantis R, W. lMcClure la rematieu mobile. lire. Leach and moChes vo gan vitilre TueetiaY. lira. E. Polir movedti t final ai tie veet. Pains of vomen, head pi pain etoppeti lu 20 minote Dr Shoape Plut Pain Tablé formula ou 25lc. Box. Soidti AU. DRALERS The highest nieclicaauthority on foods, -SI Sir James Crichton Browne, IL D.- F. L as givu e heLet reasons for e«&ig mmr I.e Quaker Qats KE DEPARTMENTAPRISL Wor AvetiingRaesOnAppictinIHR[ELANGUlAGE it Snnday Ed W& srsd vite entertalned 1'F ICE Carlyle D gruansd"famnly Suuday <c @yrlg . . MITCmeHcnrEL.4 MuSfsB lre. Frank Taylor, of Waukegan, wao StatIon.] a guest of B. J. Lofius sutd family Su- On Lake Corno, lu northern ltaly, itedl rela- da&Y, a Mite luter of hetels snd &eh Mir. and iMre. Andrew White spent Wided BeUnaglo. The place la near tl Bay, Wla., Frlday at Loon Lake. bOundary uine between two counîr MIr@. Alitelnoeo hc Frnhespk loi s trip ir. sud Mra. Thomas .lakson and l n twlhFec asa m visting. Miss, Eizabeth Wlder ail of Chicago, aud Ln the other Italien. Engli were gueste se the MaLach-tlau home at, Frenchi, Italiensand Of ai et the Gagesa Lake laei Sunda.y. mati ail meet bers, sud [the llngu Nov., icodition lasimlar [o tbai aI t 1.Lde r adMs .Wilbur, d Cbicago, ocon bL ht ot 0 for that lir. and Msr*. James Tue-kpr, of Wauke- selves La one of three or four Ia Grayslake gan, wers gusete of Mir. and Mirs Chas. guagesf. FrenchLisl the prevsilli Tnvker over Sundey. longue, wlth Eogllsh secold sud t y clarsd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wigltirin speut mari thîrd. pie dinuer lionday lu Waukgan. Atter bavlug flisbed my educallon esk. 1 ticcideti upon a yer's iravel lu Euro ast wsek Mnr. Dan Wigtmau tîl thui- before beglnnlng the practice of r usas ai Waukegan, liouday. profession, aud [bat aummer ett gan, spet The East.ern Stars wiii entertain their egtoth IalnLkessn aud lira. mmbera ati carde uext Tucsday ssening. fouti nyseietaiBellaglo. The botel vhich I topped vas ountevery ver Rev. TOUîlli conduci, the services nt of Lske Coronu, tise vater plasbi 1er, lvah, the Mission non Bnundty esenîng. against lis tone antd manile porci.9 Thomas Walshs sud farnily spent Su- tise evenlus of rny arrivai 1 dlued ilia, vsited day lu Chicago. oneaofthtie tables ou 1h15 prti.T ti Kapple Mir. sud lira. A. L. Bandes sud Mines lake--or ratier tbIs portion of Il- Odith Ricli, of Waukegan, vîatsd rela- surroundeti by monutain petits, wli ont Lest; tivei bere tiuuda7. stand out ln bolt i mtte agaluat i Another business traseclonwerlnIigisI On tise other orm, a coti ýea was Jo. lunes,. of Chicago, bongbt out fmceva,1elitsoC< the furniture business of R. IL. Godtrsy abila were beglnung tlu glsumer ago @pont locate inlutisa Strang Bs-k . lMr. 0o. te Ilins btwen thse mountain tu frey wlll open a ladies' furnlebîng store andtheUtsLaks. at Antioch, We. 1. At a table on my left mt a par ctd huai-5nome 0f te membera of vhich a _________ p_________ _ upeaklug Italien. others French. Arn ~~ tier was a beautfi ltIllan girl. Tb [ru. Agnes Bonbon Lewis dietiaat lis home lu Pals- were drluklug champagne snd cisati She died tins, (ic. 31, »09, merntliy. vble 1 at alune, vlahlng tI sas. Funu-I miglit even undergitauti wiat Lt îing. lu- ttto Scbrader la ou the eîck list, we nid. One of tie men addrsseed a are sorry to aay. mark to me in brokeu Englii. 1 i iviug bail NI r*sud lMra. W. L. Smyoer visitl-d rela- hlm more thon hafway and vas 24, given tivesîln Palatine oves Sunday. viiedtota oIn the Party. Grayslake Borntao Mr. sud lira. Heury Langiorst Thatrulgbt 1 drearned of telai s dangliter, recontly. Congratulations, girl. Slgnorn Alicîn Jaceutl. 1I Charles Beherus andi tamlly will ho ai carried ou a spliteti diogue vîit1 M. home lu hie friende on tht Thomas farce ai tie table, oui language belug n in tht future. tenth Itailan, ou-tsnth Frenchi, will occur M. .. . ..dc.i. stig renstenth Englah sud aeven-eti, psn lIhertyville ira. H. b. addock seta îîto rîo mime. Every ons who kuowsa i te Liberty- l ornoaireu.tlug about love kuov tirat as a ti Irt team The Pslatine Social Club wilu give a key remds on thigtie go love tr year and Thankoglvlug dance, la the Palatine o(WélIffieitieia. A mail May make 1 he resuits. Opera Houis. Nov. 24, 1909. Tht Hu- to suy girlvite speaks ths ane ltn ýOn Rood ru0Orcestra are engage oluplay. s iiefsdg uuepa i tthe boi ateh rfor postera. a imt n ot lo ites y Waters, tiinc. Ther's no bcentIve luin n unien, 214' rMr. andi lra. Barman Tegirneir visilied viten a tstiov sud a girl have hil n Was@t e latives lu Paatine over fiunday. fsw <bien words in common andti I ch la glveu John Baumgartsn and family viii ho1W"sratch gravaI" lu mane teiseas ýpri@lur lu et home to ticir friands la the lover fietsunderatooti tise tle goti empiles * of lira. Biss' resiidneo la tise future. quver befqre tem. - Wol, tise oeIl morning 1 ilredi o f tiiose deligittul fittle isoat.sw wilch Laka Como abounu, ach1 nisd vils a cauopy andi soft cu ions, lu msay uotiing of a boat-na I A d 1h. ont, ud lsignorina oat LA ent for a 'promenade," as tisey it tisesou tise vae. Perialis epoke Fi4ei, sMortgliui1 JE W ELER iliterate chump, viii.I, s colg brest American, kuew but oua guage. Tise elgnorina uiote iSm ________________________ andti tilsu. Bo, you sec, ti aW - Ibrea longues la thse party. Bst startilag Ilippeti 4 lire tututisebc maspoam. BeoisougiiIt vau tg MULmM4.ducs hlm to, row fait.Nat a bit M-.' lr. and lira. Ciarence Bonner sud isadinluvlsw a differen os for II 1vers boe R obert SBonner, ai Chicago a"ont Sunday Beuldes, I dldn'tproposea t ho ais 'W bridge, wth th home foIk@. mare me andth ie girl ridiclionI el Doit Bat- Ueo Whte, of Rochestsr Win., and Esnil *cil' Peela isat wa- 1I vs of Urbana, epenit Sairdan d Suudsy lmn for su Interpreter. Rchmond. vith iheir parants. As mn sa we were or tise signer homs aver Miss Florence Anderson sud Mlh ansd 1, leaning back ou tisa cush Smith oi Lake Forest iMaftdthe former'@ yiisy5d tise etiUgle tn commuai graudmother, Mra. Ueo.'Blraug, Satun- of te eveniug listons. Ilt an Iliet Bluff sud day sud Suudav- "Est la ver' ielilhmo?' (beautl nttiunday lire. Etiard (lerry sud chiltirsu ri, "Voue n'avez Pas" <ion have fDot> turneti home Friday frorn Kanomas viescon" (suytig> "ao beflusimo ddiug helis [bey have been visiting several weets. Ameriue." lir. sud lire. Fred Denrnsu, of High- "Not a woman lu tise country NT broughit land Park, visied a iew daya vlth beautitl au you, I1 replieti lu four1 asal asinsd C. E. Deuman sud fsmiiy. guagea sud a nuperfluity cf pantoist "Ai, m'uIeur!" (Casapeti h« C. B. Cummingeof Wanksgau, @pont a amulsa, syesa arneti npwarti.) mnnw hr lm u ihuuusaivet. Il vaa't long before I had fi lira. Win. Thomn, ai LbertYville, ber bUd (unotio a fold of ber ti iru viatsd formerly of Mlburu returustitram viser, te bostmsn couldn't aec)1 Nebraska sud liasbeau vsry HiI. a correct of Language common tu parsonage Miss Lucy Spsflord returneél home lest people, fel, nol espoteif, rau betw Lored tram Tuesday from Mlon, Wla. us vils ail tisa qirightlIu ci lira.'Jaosepbîns liatheva llailaut Fri- bubbig brook. Bo for avilie dloibae dy for Rachteeter, lilun., ars m e a t vitionlpakiug. Tisabottin tbein wed_. ganétolupenti the wlier wvus her sont. 10usd &long over tise rootis v. lira. Ueo. Gerrlly sud chlldren, or vhici plasheti eotlly agalnst tise t Union Grave, vilied a few days wltbihTie refiection of tic .mountaixia1 M lr. sud lire. H. B. Tower. tise heaveus trembllug lu these JesseDensu n etunneti ta Lincoln starteti me agalu. lianday having apentsornetlme vlth bis "Votre yeux" (your eyeu>, I I 'as boesOn sou, C. E. Deuman. "Boatman. vhat's tie Frenchs for ek idra. Roy Hughes returucdt ta er home , 'Iefleebit' monsieur." htser Ethel lu Chcago leist Tbureday. "ýVotre yeux reflechit Les- Wh fiands hore Bey. . W. Safford weAsccedtu tpresch the French for ieaveur" the funeral sermon of L. El. Budloug a -'-(,el.' monsieur" ed Mluburo Chicago Pioneer Tuody."Buîîy." Tissu la Utc girl, "V, C. E. tapît, Nov. 14, PilgrIm Progrs yeux reflechitl ee ciel." asopot"iles XI, "Benlah Laud," lea& 62: 3-5. "-Ab. melieuri" The eyc vaent udan ren, Vvien Banner, leader, sud the bande vene casipeti. The Ladies' Aid Socety vill bold their Fortunaiely tistail mportainta soda~~ luRs-an a imar Tburaday, Dac. 2. Thetid mucis ta mre lu svera.l leuueglnRuopî""ar rqustet Iotamatre gîagea, &Il deriveti tram tic Latin. h. fyancygvorkfor thte bassas,, la arnor (love), smo (I love). entetalued *"Boalman," I began anti stopé y. rouldili sysu bear tlu aitfor a i WARREN~TON st ui a lime. "Boiat " 1Ib« tg is auo- issLillan Becz is nentîelnlng - roi-gan, "hat's liai directly hW ilves rom Cicago 70?, In an article published in the Youth'3 Companion of Sepîti- ber 23rd, 1909, Dr. Browne, the greai medical autharity on foods, sayn, about brain and muscle building- "There is one kind of food thal îecms ta me of marked value as a food ta the brairi and to the whole body ihroughout childhood and adolescence (youth), and that is oatrneal. "Qats arc the mast nutritiaus of al the cereals, being riches in fats, organic phosphorus and lecithins." He says oatmeal i3 gaining ground Wiltiste well-lo-do of Great Biain. He speaks of it as the mainstay of the Scottisis lalboer's dîiesand asys it pro- daces a big-boncd, ýell-deveIs' oped, mentally energeic nace.i Hlis experinsenîs prove that good oaameal such as Quaker' Oaîs not only furnishes the best food for Itie buman beirsg, but' eating il strengihens and en- larges the thyroid gland-this gland is intjmaîcly connecced' with the nourishing pracesses' of the body. In conclusion he say- "It seems probable lherefore. thal the bulk and brawniness oi the Noriherners (rneaning the Scotch) has been in some. measure due b Ithe stimulation of the lhy raid gland by oatmeal porridge in chldhood." The Scotch eat Quaker Oa because il is the best of aloatý.t meals. 000, ô- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o- Special Ofler to the llog Raisers of Lake and Adjoining Counties Ta demonsate tlis$S1PERIOII QUA LITI ES 0F TH PBERKSHIRE HOO and lu Introduce tlu the Fermera af Laks aud adjoiaiog Cauntie tht kinti ai BERKSHIRES vs raise. vs yull oSfer for the nent 30 day8 a selecteti lot oi Young Boars anti Bwoys ai s year'a Farrow anti sev- eral very nies yoong Boara nsady for ighl service. We are gstlng out aur aunuil flu ilet ofietock itir sais sud viel le give Ihe selection ta t.efarinent oi [hiesud adjoinlug Coonties belte ve hegin ta ehip oui. We bave been hrseding Berkshirsa for oser 15 yesra anti know vhat their gooti qualitiem are, sud itlal a demontrati isct liai a gooti BERKSHIRE BOAR croaasd an any G RA DE SOW viii IMPROVE THE PIGS FIFTY PER CENT sud îbevy wl mate the same weight as thse commun kinti on ONE-THI RD LESS FEED. Boy agCooti young BERKSHEIRE BOAR sud try the experimeut villi your spring pige, sud il jon have not mars thon ans or twa soya to breeti, maire opa club wiîb yaur usigbboresud buy ans lu partnerahip. Senti for one ai aur 'Bookiete" teiling yoo about the BERKHIRB, Il le lntere8ting lu any Graver ai Boge. CEDAR CREST FARM Route No. 1 *OOOOOOOOOOOO@@@,,,@@OOOOUU ROUND LACE~ Lest vesk a business tranmaction accureti la aur ciy vierelu Fred F iary pinchsaseth ie barber &hhop oifesDrury. Fred is veli kuovu and popular lua ur cty and vs vus hlm aucces. Chas. liason, thse celebraledti nsorlai anlisI, ai Chcago, lu.speudinga w voat a tise White eauItarium. Chas. Dykss oIti hie horne ta Eti Bravn lait vet. Don'i forget tic dance Batsirdiy even- In«. Caule anti have a goo4 dime. Converse & Boslng Brous. sippeti four carloada of caille and hogi te the ciy tbis voat. 8. C. IÀtllar have hecu making msuy improvemnts nieanhie hardware ators Ibis vsek by takting ont $moe pliions andi pstlng la more .levlng visicis ivs5 tie store a vary niai and up-ta- "t ppearano. Tisa sole anti material ft1h. nov haut bas arriveti anti canpentesanar busyarranglng lise nev haut luntise Paddock building vhlch vill open up December lo. Tise ralirosti hat a tietect ce 1ere tram Chicago ibis voat trying ta lot- te te shootera oi lest Saturday eveang vho belti up thse lie train. Thteastineya ai tht desth aiflira Henry Thicis, ai Gashen mnd., rescheti tht Roslug famly liontiay. Show&@vas aloter aoflise Boelng Bros., viso mntise large general stars bers. They let Tuastiay evculng vîti their fat ci lu attend the uerai which vas helti Wetineeday. Dance Thankagivlng Eve. On Thaukigiving ave, Wedncoey, Nov. 24th, Arnanu Iras. vili give one 0i their popular damces ai tise seasan. H1 ke'a fuli orchestra boasbeau engageti lturuisiste.muic. A committeaf twelve have lin eeested tram neiglibor- lng luvua t l otk alter jour intereat anti seschat jan bave a gooti time. Amanu Brou, have tht reputation oi grivlug gooti tisces where eveiybody hie a goodti tme. Sa If von are lootlug for a royal goo t ime felovs tome &long sud brlng your aveethearts. Wald U orWaJk. Everybody Dance AMANN BROS'. HIALL ROUND LAKE Saturday Evening NOVEMBER I3th Music by CHtICAGO ORCIHESTRA Corne and have the timé of your 111e. ,IEONtr. Andrew Wagner sud snEyeo Waukegan, @peut ilunday with Mao Wagner sud farnlly. Adam Beirm le building an addition te bis barn. Ueo. Wagner, 0f Wstnksea. le doiug the wwsk. Mrs. John Zimuer, of Loisg Broya, le visitinle wso wek with her daaghtor, lire. Plip Wagncr. Adam Titue made a buinssitripIo Waukegau, lianday. John Freundi, of ioREav, ueafl 04 hi@ siater, lire. WIiam Acanécà sa~r Mr. and ie. Bd Blet.,, of Grase» spent Saturdeay anaBn"tia wis l parents. Mr. and mire W. J. 011.. Mri. and lima.Vrak Wagnsr eqomi Bunday st Long Groya. Excelirnulraged i hgh lu OOS villag oMr.and mWebnyetra» S'uuday momnîng wheu vwas wbispered nd. about thal the les train hati been belt up ihat niglit and lratemnau Jackso ahol. Tho exact trotS ai tisee tary 1 TAYLi'OR GKOV .1111unreveaiet.i.Somepaperantaltis th.y vers iooking for sage sud but i, MiessMa-ada Lein apaut lis latser otiesr for maaey aud @titi otiere tisaIt part of tise veet vîlli relatives hore. vas dans ion apite vhicis la helti by dîfferent one@ luvarti Jacks on ohbock- Mr. and lire . .D. Neveli pe ua- lug roati cras a nsdwvitle tiey titi daytternoon vlth lira. KA. Bisa.hb ual Intendt lushoot 1h.esMan tlay mut 14 quIs @iet. lu ttie bîm up a lîtele. Hovever thelMr anti Mrss.H. D.tArnese crletd guilty partses have not becs onad. liser(loldeu Wcedding, Wetinéeda, WNo,. .Iaekso's vttund i ald tu bea aisUb10. oansd tbst h. le ra»ily reoovsrlng st hie homne lunhMiwaukee. Mie Elsie Brever visiteti fiande at iîlliru Saturday. There la notcais on record ofai sc<ugh Mra. K. Brever etants 1h15 wak ltu ber home lxiLa, Farga, W1.. astibut or colti nutltig lu pncumonls Or con- daugicer Amywviliaecorpany le. ' Oumptlon aiter Foley'm Bouey and Tar T@rvrbig aomlb èj bas been laen,&ait illetopyaurcaugh Thriebidesc>pI4a s and break op our coldiqulckly. Refuse Vietor fleling usenl Uualaywu* ïany boltlise genulné Folcj'a Honey and braiisev Levie. Tarinlua yllow package. Coteai o vMise liaS Devine wribt Ia Wb opiates sud 1lasais sud sure. varu lu Ohtiahoma andt ahM ibô c FRÂNIt B. Lovut-L. lng the nov coutry. the - - -10604 ..i caust DIves riv.