LAKE UOUNTY INDPPENDI1NT, P'R1DAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1909 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR* SALE-The ouly new moderni 7- FOR RENT-4Jn @harem, we will rut room housini Libert-yvilîs. SeosM- 1i l,iilt 50 acres of I&ad ab)out j1 milew DONI,îî. 2tf west of ighiand Park. 1It hb been ini ~~ iay for- the paut 16 years. Addreso M Àui, :wm fB iis ,204 Ilearborn St,. FOR SALE-10 room bouse, arranwsd Uhicago. 1-tf for two familles or one-, ucar ejectrir depot, ail modemrn mvnineslaiîiirel W M. Bi§CiosA.N, ibqtty ville, Itiio ne l:iitt1 FOR RENT-Pianom, Player@, Organip, .,- '$2 01. up, reut aiîowed if purchaeed. Kiruhali Ageriry, Luce Furuitupe Store. 'tel 27.37-t! FOR SALE-Hous fig ci -in,,,l a 1---d --- tItres lotâ, 160x200, on 1,, ii, k ra, îîd 1FOR RENT-We bave a fi-w good mod- depot; cbsap if taken ut ,-- iirtis ern bouses and laItK toent. Ili O.NO & Box 127, Lib)ertvvill.-, -iiipiire nt the At*s iN. 41) t! INOIiENDE-r ûlii.47tf FOR RNTH uon corner o! Mil- FOR SALF- 8im lot. on )lrn,,dls wau kee and Aplmly Avenue. Inîlaîme sudiiiovlset tw ad ItrcMrii l'avi., ,iertyville. t, ti car. m,î'3iut II. it ,ti'ti& ifI FOR RENT-mMy cottage on i.riiarcl . treet. Intînîre lita J. HAat Thîrd St. . . . oam Brondws. ;_2 FOR SALE Lo)ts in thf-lyrond and FOR RENT-230i acres, 24 îiics ,,,utii. Anstin subiiiîsn. i)40:$100 .acith-I ast o itiLbrtyville; two biîg t'arum, ciglît $5 down, $ ' ,, ,h sî,~,& ro<tîniousr-inugîod reltair. A.Iiî-ss AUBTIN. 40i G titis office or J. K oitî I 103 Latfiiî St. - 'bitago, 111. 7. V 0 -* - Sanford Peck and wlfete o \flt Real !state Transiers & Sfmurnu Homth ract of landa %.....fuiltdBy..esod James E. Hale et a] tu R. S, Gric D. A Wilias ad w, t E.B. il-lot 31, block 54, North (', . W DMains3ltllage ofnd wt toc E q.XC.,$2500.00. liais .1loi, tilag otAîtichq , J. R, Bracher and ai , io Chr $1 PhillliM ,lots 2 anid 4, M ... ai W.ill.m; 2loatis iid a t )A.iIota 2 and 13, block r, v F \rtght 'ailiaî, lts t ilte of Anttoch; Add. toIJàbertyvflîe, $1I s, qi c. $ 1. A. W. Paraslti tu, , tt'r, Edwinî Ausîtnand w 5 [O J. C lots 66, 67 and 68, block '., liierfi Reuse and wlte nith hiait and east Park; w. d, $1.00. 150 eest of lot i, tiotit', lr-iikasub, J. E. Dane and wIlt , -'-17 ; \es of Lake Forest; w. d , $1. ltbS.E , ;, tran EsttLte of E. J. Masoti. dec'd, to Net- Twp.; w. il $375.0f) tie Mallin, lot in tîllagi- of tirayslake, Jý T. Baker and wlfýtu it,, c deed, $3,550. south 8 roda lot 3 (iemet (si-,o . t R. W. Hakins tu, IL A.Bard, lot bl ock 9, North Vi -st ,,itolt 6, suh. of otas ,andl6, block .34, lligh- Xakea;.d,$4(i landPatl , d $113Philip Weldner to t llic M 'tos 11011 .Mary (G1 leliiat and hins 10 Ennuia 140 acres in sections .. ;id ,' Vau Atter idgtiet al, lait tot 16. \Vi calîrocoda townshlic, $fI Add lutu ,,kt,- rtitiatq c., 61 oFanny NMFarnwter s, iIi mi Eil, ad lîtno i 0 lia X tiiJ (G. Wainwright, loti,7t 1,iai', lot 1,t, iot-kIl Wa-,hhurrî Sjîriligl,. lot 6. and w. 23 teeýt si î,ock (aukegr Fîii, nd ait,$o.200.' Slyields subdivi lins] ~ea Cha VI4(Ir nd ifeto 1 w D d $300. rand.,lpart loI,t I ak(e Foi est;au. d (Charles Phllps and ai.- i 83~ ,, , James, 80 acres l0n iordli';, ure (hr,, Iltrci rI. vFa1, 09îof ~section 31, %Warrenc 10 tIi aîd lot sqhdc.. jalo. o1 1*P.PSchneider and a 'i, 10F I llo k iil;rvsl1.e, i C $1 Skri-le et al, lots 50 alod. lohn, Wicks anîd a île to EuitiaA.leerfleld Park; w. d_ $Io Wisher lots 7, and 6, and lanîd adjoin L O. Xainwright and af.t,, .1 u Ing Johmn Wlç-ks second subdivision to Petersion, lot 1, and forth i ,î îorflo GraysIakpeiv, il_.$7aO 2, Walnwrght's subdiiionîor't ai P. A Robinisoni iiiC(F. I dci Iand. ýkkogan; iw.d., $175, lot 30, ah of iIt , ti %vttaî, ad w x Nixon 10 N s , $60 t17 and l18, Hok 6 ( , U . ;, \ii V F io- Vtd î, iatilianmd I t \\',tikt-gatî aw. d: $tSiI i. liritea lot Iii -ii, out lIii 1, ti ~ s Sh-rif ot Lake (Co. t ,.,, t lake. , ' , ý[t t and i2, hlock IL \îiî xi Frart,k Rsiîîg -t il tti Nt i,oii, RusLiettt ii.Ie LOTS FOR SALE-lnthtte B. J. Grimes sub-diviltn of gieîvîi-.rontt of etric road oînlianuIts- avenu.B. J. GaimEs, owner. 15 f FOR SALE--'itoice lots iC Frank Wrtght's addiîtion, -50%1 -0, ifor $210 Ut> $251 0 sude $3011 U ItMONti& ArSTIX 1-tf 1 FOR SALEI FOR SALE-Uns ýBadgerm atera ir wjiih vorirplete î,utilt for $15)i-omt $2-7 lravtivally 11,w.l'al ,or address Iox 123 Ura3slakc, I11. FOR SALE- l'yîîtoutii it.sck eeki $1 00ti eci,, tît , 75 -i-tt.s ca, 1 lit IIý liX( i ibrty% i,-, Phonue 2t;74. FARMS-W. have a large licI îofLakp s c.îuuty farmasU)tel,asl, si,, Iouýs and 1 ls m! ou village. livuoNn,& Aîisrrs. 1-t! FOR SALE-$750 0ts-4A t'v i,,îîuw t I 111,,, II. - room n ouse, lit,,b-ti Metmsîti alientent ii,,,îî. goîd ai-il atiii FOR SALE-4 acre-, fartîtlantd. '-,mile ,'te,ood otuIilitiings,.fruit trc-sattî nortb of Lîbertyville. rititer ,vhoue tract la-ties.avlrs grmitnd. A plti I-iiî. A, tîrac-re lui. Bsssnaiiic 1,ruts Irquitre Baili, I anhIlls. I, or lartîn 1.I îe, ier, B.NI F ul iK, , Ii1.rtyvîil,-. litî,î 279t;1. Norit Ci iîa>toi 111. C O ROW O OO-B t I,- îisi I-{EL 'U~Ar'fED I Brîtliersat Il,-LaStiie Sprities Haril HELP W NTEDa od $4 51.çartrd, soit la-r c ;i 1d11,-iv,-d $ ç X-r tord extra. f2 WANTEO- Ar, us ttc,, rltslle naritita every t,, wu n tît aIts-,Ijlly.$t'alt wrork. LiurtiotrtAtt attractirs selling çro-i t îuî A elsFi i 'T <~TYLitt IXli LS , ECou t i, IocItird, III. I1 FO R SALE-Fini-ni-tu10l>roumi iue,- anîd lairge lt, .wtth tîarîî Und cticlin Niti, Xodr-rtî ilslri,îumenîn l-am temuts H. B 'FI tt, -Ljtvtvilli-. 111. WANTED-.A womato do horseaorl, FOR SALE-39) tl-or(iiîîglibreîl itprivid en a larmn (itod wagec. Adilmatiti- ('beter W bite pîgsm. t', uci-Itobd itIANit, I l5IEPEt<ItNT. Brut, tirs3-laki-. 7 4 WANTED IFOR SALE-$300ttocash, Iea sýVI-t i rotin qiîs s, iiclutiiy iiod-ru. n-ver PURS WANTEO-Will psy Chicagoofie itr-il.7f ý notatiorts for furs of ail honda. Fred ... arkburdt, Libertyille. 6 tI FOR SALE-Attav saddk- -l4,~s, lue y0 od, Miir an k red. Inquire J. E. MONEY TO LOAN oiLÀîuuin. itikî-tller. 72 MONEY TO LOAN-.-tn rpros-sd FOR SALE-1 00 ewssnI) 101 larins St -,la-r t-i-lt.It smoititi& AI 5TI westernvearling aeather5 WîI.CAI i t, 41-tf Luiertyvilîs THESE MAY WEO. Freepori Man Miasing. Getolge S Robins, Chicago. ... Po Roiert Bruce Darroch îîronoîîtced Mine Johnsronî............23 llanrow-tattii'r îof Jesse G;,Darroch, Fred NI Luthr ......21 iii Free-littis tîysteriously niissing lÀIian Blaeti ixs andi litesou lia asked the assIsîauule I,ý NI JîpsonWa oîa .*.---6rf titiet îst lolice \lirbeisaunothe r Gracc O Joues. iq Aurora polîcolu îîthe sî-arch now heing1 (harles Ilf asi-l h'icago .28 ltt-titited, Theinitssing mai a aa-a Virua C' Ford .3.. 23 resideîîî ot Aarira, hut Is raid tî hait Oliver KIein, 'ill aatiii -.22 delta rt î-î la.'t rtiinie-r. lii att etiied Luella Brusoe -> te First M. F "liircit and R, s 1C E A NI. Kearns, Racine ')5 tarpe-lier lias, ,lso he-tiaukî-d toiia Ellen Fredonickson 20 -istlui iifitîdîietloîu Intsiig tman-ti Per S, SonpeCh 'icago ý31 Rockl(îrd Rpbi-îiho lizabeth A. Ilagiund.i. 219 Titi, [ai roi lix foi n, i l i-ini W. Ilîtrcber, Buffialo <,ove 231Waukegan Annia Nîstrol t Po________ Rohert ois, Racine. - Resîdeusi t Seattle. Carry Freilericksoii saut,'......21 Joseph J, Inda. Milwaukee - ... - .. ;1 Forit %i cars aico Elîjali Xiii, ls jf Johannah 11,)ld,,sanie ......'29Nevi-awri toati tor te griît,%%est, Wade H. Burns, llighlatd Carl, 26 Nwfi -rtfneleba *tiio Mar Wauesam ............ 10hI-, foritnemade and is îisitittg lus Raymnond Il. llurring, Ft. Sterîdan.23 eIdeýr liro)thiýr Rosii-rick Ames at Rose Ruhie Farra, sanie . . . ... ..... Ilciraun'tfor a long fiue. Tte tait sous John Schneider.,Viankegan ..... i e-O.orAmes are also 10 reîîîrt Mary Asma, came ...ý................ 6 ri hiCoud'lndstctom LemslIe R. Daniel, Chlicago .......... 10 flint, itîthîn a week io attend tue Elaîne L. Gile, saine............... 31 fittieltli or goldeni weddlng anriixcr,ai t1 Jo.. Nlykn, Nrt hcî. ,, 1 of Ntr.stîd MrsAmes. Mai-y-NOWOYniSka, same ..... 23 Kazimilemos Swazos ................?, Eliatla Burznisklnie .....2 J. W. Day, Elgin...................C,1 Bila Lankîn ... ............. Gleonge S. RobIns, Chicago ....3ý_0 Effle Johnson .....................23 los. Allson, Chicago.,52; Joseptîne Dllley, 43. M. Ptiti-oski2.1; Annie Petroskh, 20. L R. Danihel, Cicago, 30; Elaine L. Gîte, 3L Many Asma. 2f,; John Schneide-, Rosctand, III., 26. R. W. fatning, Fort.Sheridlan, 2. Ruitie Fat-ia. 21. Runi Marriage Bureau, 'to itig utttc lfhicago Titutîs Jit',Iim W matîdiMichael R, Selosser art tii ui' -lt ing ailegeti matrimonial turuauî ai tGaîslake anti Round Lake andîti atu,' lî have bten u der in- vstiîgationtthluve thîma fam escapetithe nattaitai,' i-mlthe nmatrimonial bureau. Thcy eau heu- tîtreaus the Social ciccle atîl tIh,- Standard Correspond- Three Expositions ai Chicago lin Noveaibsi-and Occember. Chicago, Milwauesae & St, Paul Ry. The Nafionial Friut Land Congrems COLBY a MADIOAN. Attys, fli AdsIslsieat.r will be hîsîtiaIttt'iu'agc, Nrtvcmhem 16 10 Adjudication Notie., 20; tije Initeti SIates Landl anti Irriga- PubivN.l,, j hry flýn hatth Sition %xpocutiuun Norember 20 to De- Wrient,-Aduiiurtu t1e estste ai.iHenry M. cember 4, andti tueInternational Live WiIaaii.d u'caet iuhatttendther,-tj'alhCosu t Stock Erpomsiin ŽIckcverr27ho Deý « ee Ctnti' sl terethereoito lehiodesat deabr 10. ityut, espect to atteittithe"e teOonrt Heuse ut, Wo egas,lIn sait a gn siao Monda of Sisisrutanaacy sexî, îsîî i'w expocrilions.a, k hIo( eu Ciao 810wber-e ait eoris havlng cîais 5R&g51Milwaukee & St. l'au] Railway tom con- si!stte arc noîtieut sit resuested to rsn p10ifrmto5egrigrilodf Irlit., NVý 99 7R PneiA Agent, Cicsgo. 7-2 aI~~, TO W SING O RED JOCrnI!IM Tilephone No. 4 Te W A S HIN G TO N_ ___ ___ __Liberlyville E chnge d. Chanity Raughl Tells of Pleasaut Trip ta thai Wonderfal Frai ,Cüsiury: SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER 1) h e Nnor!ws s _________ and CONrECTIONER ED.ITOti R iet' tl iO Ta ouI of Town Ordi-rs ietvIe - lNgu l)ýi imli:Ltbrngîtl r, Sumany briende mia ý e .u , it rî,., ______________ ýId about nty trip tri Wtiigt,)iiai i ,ii vîsîr, and ail t fakie.s o nI, i!t'-. mili 4 AndShîppîng Tratie HTESAO EALR9SPLE ilý laite titis way of wrsî iîog Ill4 OESADRTIR UPLD Ntl1y ister, Mrs. E m. .,il I ',,iîtp- fi (tgan, Tuesdsy, Aux 17, nordWI tîlifil,- WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS heautilal nîîuritaî 'in o iér, I, ,. ii'. a r.people We tmaveii 1ii î',iî.ait amiti, -- ee*-eê-e-.O-..-..-.p-p -pp-p-.,-p.-..- 0 made rte trip, a '-,, o, jý... i ,î,îl eîîî,, 10 Arîrde] n CIîah ýis,ît. S sei t,a. -rî- wc fond outitiim-Iimo ,îtis ,,, Is. ai,,] DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 0oesinI ad aller a plei-tis i %,. i't l,, ,I uls s- t!liruItgiî th,- îea,îî,'tîî x .,, ,,A14D ,,111EN NGI'fV iiîiij TIIEN t , rii t me litneiilu ii îtli(if, i.,r i-, Ic fit remident tif LaI,. t, (ii stIIr ,rolt,îIn Oid Days When Oaddtes Entered DR, O. F. BUTTERFIELD. id em and militer, i 1. "i .1,r ,,il. î. Srhool They Were at Once mInro- VETERINA1IY SURGEON. awsîtîng lis. Iti.IoIa-îiiad 'Il. daced lu the Hom. Alphabet, but ASSISTANT STATE VETERINABIAN. ha aîî î iasatfrlJoi- ,. rît, -v Notu Schemne la ta Gel Child Ac-Lbryil.Uloa ando h îii ,,îa î i t. -.i, ., l t, q asi n ed, then I nterested i n Sur - la ty sud ,jnalitft'Il iit tsi . i- roaodngs-and Lastly ta Read. DR. C. R. GALLO'WAY. i- pouding aa i--k re'-tiimg and l i et ilI, or( - OFFICE OVER LOVELL'a Dame STOR,. c , courtpanied ir vlie-rlert L. J'sliîm',î i- .11s1s1 ili . , t,- it, rol itoR&s-Iriiru1i b8 and 6 to 8 p. M. ie, ase nt outî i, S-utl-i,tm lu F , andr iîml la ino i i 1tiu îIl,e 1- i î, ,î,aît grad, ls, sa,mIl Lihsrtyville. Illinoi. tip tilrourit tiie- Iaiade I' olitlmtitis I...<'- Iîi l ll~ i-s t tht- liiitl iiil [i 8. tra@ grand bei i ii ieiciptioni -\fter iit i, f ile it imîlionl'a t mci Ilf A. ,sK . TARN~S learîng Evr ette, si rode for art 1,iti r I isr .I tfi hi' tI,- a sis .anîd i t as riot su A W along Puget Soundl and as tic imarsî ,- aiîîgagîtht bîtaçh aa OtSeattle, tti- fiit tlîlng otitericti-cIs, caw % r lnag),ttWh acidws 23 amntoSteb utn lookîng out on thi-Sîtund iras 14 t,.- ,~~IIt Ii choutlftie first tbltîg hi- 3Waibnetou Sie vesseis anciiored t in ithiiir. îit a te uiisiu- ii îîla,' hnt aîig art itnrtptîsîng sigli t Alt-r a dsl ighfi iiiiî, 'lho% vlutit i ii,.but îathte~26 r lne Iour tiiî, tic arrîtuil imSeattlte'ni ld o isicin j; atI dfer tir, turDing ,,îr attentionî,,a tire, ,-, th, Il, ts>'ti,, ,tîtU ît a ma, lfe i-st tbing tirai aura, -ii ils, a us'fi,î,i, l, t iTh..îrr-aî'ît ttetiidofl etîîrîî, IDR. [DIV. V. SMITHI i l I1aîiis i 'le- sitt a riti] utatt 1 iii,. gît, I t, ith tii,- ami fotr au iti-e e a P a tc ;:siî teifi- nelac ursiis an,1 ,, tîir l i stu 't Iiho,- timclicr aaýthat e ra Poci theii,.tioat iaautifl tiy aM' aie n, te, r Offei itttc'tic r,îer Liter & Ci niuny's Store fiic , ou tîtattre-imt. lone si,, mu,!I t,, tii i tsj IîtII eie-tt galliseul is tmat or' ,alc k ils,, Ailîr It shoirt ipeIi, lo ic g,, ii i ;lî tf,ii-iai-, l'lit idea orh II-51 AI, ATTENTION gr.ui,' o,,,uîr ismtl il:t Ilc iulal.i 1 , iiiil -ti , sî,, ii al]uîod- b1.a Itý sot ilti411h, ii- of hl, rolll(. , il iis rij-ti)ii lit foi rer Stars a jlit andtiitldings iof whiicînature ~lin-m '"i' l'î ,a,psrt tr ,ittîl andtitolîl iifi, rari I)ISemiSFS 0F .-illutitntoii male ti ii , b auîtîtti. Aiter , itim- i ýii ii,'s, tîtg tIs, i,itould read 'i THE EVE s I-iilm ag fsicla iha tîît a.t ig ilah aI, lii su i i Ipiatias tired i n LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS ot-,' i,:ied tii-la',-,t,îî,m rî -t Ilre 'i , 1- i I.ri' ~îite ofiii I -' iurii fur_________ asltimerp, î'rîssirîgit tuin tIi,' iWtuiriiil -dgi ,s, 4m u ti DR, GOLDING I psiiiî rt.taa-lig tlirIit tm I geî't ,qtit jii liitIlt iltuotliui utl atter DENTIST tiîtîtti-l, itii--,- detsm it iilciigti l,ire , si-c I, iiitciuity rt îîîaîî - HiIî is-~ iîiîti Whoîiîittsiît i 't ii'imer Boums S te>12 esmn-1 te 5 P.m. . arrive(]1-1,îtWeail a îtim i r, -o!fîlaautî tte frsI day J. Eli Tiggs Building in baedwit tretruip anti noufimc ii, trseelt, the uliclu scbooIý A nnutber were with Dm. J. L. Taylor-Phone l19 tsir. taI.iug t. h ,itîtetmît1hecc tler lîretînse of a vs lit: IRe@. Phone lm0 beaiefliceey o 'liaii, ii i, ,,othi-r,, tre,-taken there tecause they Libertyville. Illinole surrifihed tir nitatuam. sorie (if ireur,.î%antuti 10 îtari a.s lllothers wa e amr- Iusnds ;ohfici-t abottite lealît->. takeisi imure atitce pont o! a whip, DR. E. IFL SMITH, mirerluwi tanks i t.'iî lb- li-at Th,- ertrunce of a chlld in sebool DENTIST. Nurteru BR.R The rsiley s divided un-IIle s îastly dîlterent thanlit, was OVER LAIE COUXTrr NATIONAL RANI. Lu rive, heu, liten amd la'euty acre ras 'sottie- x ars ago, Now when ttc toc aouna--8 to 12 a. mnisd 1 ic, 5 P. M. c-l"s, alset lui tri- edlt i nairity of our girl ir sent 10 scbool the tirsl tsw DAILY. ithetî ii i) earng wiîh thé-i hiiesiicsIo ly ft eaa ie let ngeîn ________ merruilvartctie., aluict net theIiwnt'rs li- dy rtesa re-etl etn lm Isen hundred dollars sud more per acre., acqoaîîîted wlî tce building and thc Psecordiug tir the agi- oh the orchards. aurroiindlugs. Be is bld to go lm the DL. J. L TAYLOR. e Oine orchard oh twelve acres., the ooanec hourd and draw and the lhlug ho OrV-CInOVER J. ELu. TRIO&B BDO. yc Fpecte b pick ire tîtousauti lu ofWi temucri ilcaw'i i ng a loum:-7 te>10 a. nm, 2 to 4 and 6 lin 1appleslivc btndrcd tuf ttc tries willave te Itatlatîa higa8 P. M. age ltsi-n boxers pe-r tri-e. ioseArsci-nde as IL may sein, Ibis Rmidence on Broadway, oppoldte Par-k. 5e Ws visited Mr. Miirduiiks onu-bard if instruciîon la given for amI-nore- Liety'sne, Illinois. 2 foîur a-i-es ilourluondreti andtiorîn tri-us. menti Wbcrhn 1he cblld learna la );Lust 'vocarlbi apiluis netted huiriiree - ___ele__must__doam__onthe_________ ýy tliousath ldillar. Ano)titer ,,relîamîl WIte 1i mtARTdoNrtCo the îl ew,- rîsîid, lite genîlî-riebutela] I,o1t an a..toard, a îuettol s blch bas tecî en lnATRN G DEGKER ÇO eounnî ohone- acre iif lis Bsn Davsisîpîs tîs(, unît lureceul ycans.ATRIYA-A 18 Iti- ctcapsct vaiety ased hiere) u aeInetl matsd, Offie Opp. 181., St. Electnie Statien k- icited tilt one- timunanul six lîunured HwInUti aCraed fles Phone5334 Ses.,Phlonso 306 w dollars Fiur a îerod o! six or elght weelis NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS V. uet- sasanîîîlîr srî liard, flii-getil- the îî,îpsIlilh given "action' words sud el aura. S. W. Hiton i- xîet'ig m'I iid tou ot. ttesdo e iii lire alu, isaaidutiihsihote.onAtîudehic, se leoff v hosndf) ixt)Iuii oxst lis intlsia rocatoîany oh' atout one PU A UFN Y iLliiîss, tteltiî,-s ifor tire t]ifleren t varie- PU A U fl 7e ties. range frou, iiiuîllam andl serent. i tuîtdreu to one hondreti and fltty ATTORNEY AT LAW. 'i- lire i-ruts Vt idollars ansîtlhy rentes uirds iii ottaineti Libertyvi1e, IlIhole Fla-r hixusthe-' areni-t pives.c This val- Ttr' thc reader Iseulaccd tri the ponifas y lesmstî inly uid for lic bisg meuhai'- iiaid- oftheby rg ulad the boles t pic> t tuihair shipilu iIl reri- e a'îrlîl - tc borgr lDuit alsi. hr icreui-large çotaîîeo ,- ut toft'îprhnter are sucb that a keer, de- 'Y auult iasi,, mection that la-ars, peat-hes, siret'olurend la gven. In ibis way 'W. HL STUDER 58 apimuoit and tiruîer iruiti sud vegettuhlis natutre sttîdy In the weather and Cli- 51 Ili ail kîida grima'in abondane. SRh lutin Geronre mithe tie nigibon (fori-matle arc gluen.Tht' cbild Is tld tu tREO ail % air-culent ohf'tîitmun, Laire Crii 11.) trlîg in stones Whou the sutiect or Subdivhdiug, Faaim Work ttc !,ai]te leietne Ii gcîîîg tiirotîgh stones la îtîentloned in the pnimer and snd Drain"g lits 1111-en aime uror, mtm lli ait ai OOig ibc rîhjî-ct o! stonoIs leadÉ3 the i urulard î ast i urtiitg iîlt hesîîug Il * ta -Y IL E I L us sight tot, se,. liie tri-i- ladîon titît the- cbIldritciu tring hnn aa stores tmeyLBETVL.IL large aptoiI'sBttr i-e ,timei-us iltri-i- ulay find. 'This dcrelolitttheir pcrcsp. _____________________ lime bas a litre.( roi) of poinmtoe, Ihelargest tinir. Tht- teachera make crystals tic ci-r ita. This t'lir, witb its lhua rtnutisait, atîgan, aluni, potassiuni chro- A L deso 4rý,i aee yirrigation. lie al 1,1.iit _ itiiiehi i rîîîu'auiî aches, nmatteantd cubler Clrîm m.calsnd this oue G oUVWt hF e i ii,, ilu ta tu-i-vi-uianul liridutiu'v, n nh r tnature aludy la o! great In,- tun,. , not cutailiatmd i ' t [afeuilm ctl-lust triflitiiotitgstîrs as ut gîtesJaygPro il,ý,r, a" ii-sIordttimii' i-tir WitI thon'iîait itîmîtt ie and ci-estes an ln- aig* o k -tii-tas ta-iinw'ia'îîî'-m roîîtary of te tuaýt ti thlltg, mli htu-htoccur ln their 1. af55faaI«ofa -~~~~~~S I8,-lut i u g-itustait ti wifl rît-ria aiv l uu.rîîn auuh asterru iiutslîlite loiaspyss. irchiche« If peuple ml sr-i tt,, ia tOurîîîti m v ori- ile lower grades,' ia Yh.. thjylaff ri tîlt,î Tihi-tl,,iî lîî s,,ati, auu u t'au tir, 'armd through the pe ri. .Scl«iesU ly W,.ui ht a. iit iii ultirget "irri--eguut ,,, oiîi ci'cotiuse toi, that mat 1er, la to, aI 15etý m" -u.fiesat Craks.!aoid b.gmuIEea"adse - atmd Sîiliiitii aiL.'i t m, hu- atnuiht i ig atouttt the puplIthe condition , ikas, il' eb sk.heat an.!cbarcsal. hst i i n t i il .1 Iiit,, lia-iiWiiI- vluitiaoneu irun i ilt I I eDICKINSON'S TRADE-MAEK DRAMD r, tr ut hiI. I,,saî' Lae t'îifrontHi itumlii,' ciadle 1tute gi-arc. Now, isclad. "Sun" Chti, Maitsi lor baby ChWbm, y,.truf ork ak 11, e'C-0aest C5lusk F-4d tsehlcke bthce. tea î,t,,' ,i,-tiitt voumng milan , ndtori-nistanc,,lte seholars ln thesu enu Id, :,?,. -19P ltymaber t ei4 ti t i[, fiîl, i ils '1îttart-îi aile, uril lihe grailia îll bouses. Ttey do not la .itd "Klag Pgea. Fsd ta quabo. a pît tr lfor g id itirihe 'iuitilutatiltcusesactuaIIy tuliltirIemr, btthîey Pt i sae by We e oi- pi iiitt i) l iiisIen b lithe m -i-ML M ER CMPN 0it lit- ui-i-cril anst ttillatlu, one ofii ti,'uta-sthie plana anti the toys ln th O E LUMberty COMPA.N r iu-t wicaelui lcurîlini eai-s. lista îu'uttininig stop complote thonra.r~'vl1.n waî,sAndIl i Lorit]dticif to lîabit ume ,lama var lte mcoli ritthie ii-si Di isutî tii-eWa ilutur tii-(tilIi lîîu iu t iti t i, tMXra Xl unie Jlulmusîîî etnt'r- tîtitl lti,' \lsi ',I)'ity Iiitse M. E. lt 'uesîu'îîi'\* 'iiiuîg Initii,' stsl-s tHenry Sine's Salt Bam i ht i ui, l i md e tair tea i', it I îý , sus\t' tIi ]or zgî' lut [il'II,mltiiikg 1 ii ti~~~ ~ tii2;1li4ie , taîîiattt c tu'u ti it st'to Ni i iISlimtAVE, ZIOS tCITY, IL 'thei kio ii-îîtilt, ilig.-nt soîu'îty i(i 1a duia, , tsît ug m'nies i tî'c plant secdisIiictue30 iluaA . Imî tm fort,, t viti ricit andli ii tst a iy thi'r i tntis mîmîm îilueîîî'c ttc> hllled t 1...îî1 Il, ft ie tsuii l,,ti i ' heir litm tieir Au it iuitaoa Haime%.,isu'.i-îs 'Wagoins aut5But- utIku ' iL IîcI, I l it dhy ttowi, uî1îrot mI s , Iltî'i,- , s os rail lais ago Isue-f, rSaluit Soha1 C sit,11Timesf luitloiîtirer,.K HB Snyier, iof BriustuIl ltut'it,' 'î sî ýý gitit,, u' itl,' puoîuconnEE I O P BLC SA E W isconsn, s,, tli s nuu-isted api tare. Di te%,o ii t r srn t i-p t, lii- m ait i ter the Canari , iitiî"îtii..î,.' ut tuhgACINEICjFRPBI AE l'îm,îtî. lîîuaîlfot, \nuiîuîîe î'r, fi,. c-, ieu lik,'-,, ru lip, 'liii 1iluir ;(iolar aitl _____________________________ toii\Sîs to,îi l . t', Sailli, andm Poirtlan, lt, - ti, i ii ii îtms su tiît as lIt- tire'. iii, ilu h,, ru e tad a haînily 'con. rt ihuîtitIii i ulurlu and sid ibat the i'diihare iflnluthe ti ftii,' ttu o brtîmuîrs sud taro sistrs. Ili-t, 'lu riiýIN i îs,îîî'to Cal , ' Iîîîooîîtauiîî ut ireuce. o .riI ittir t-uy, miat weate-rn cliii- il', iV il i i ns i t ruction oh' the ' isnd li ii ai a ie l icsabooîIu, tuirts rretiir ouglt iii' ilirii 'iluzttthoy Icarrias gîit iilim ,ig tl,h egga, fr055 eff i- i I' tic au hics aut( intuesiîim-5tut Put ntoir, l Iit i tlit, cii drien o! English anti tii' atomntitutth, motsud HUre cuti) ,Xllit , Initi1tlie 1 ii 'tNi i t'ittltW 11-il - - -; -.. , - - _ - - . w di, $571ý FW'ta' i-tandhmutt.,V Il iî iaiu, f t lut 7,llo, k -.StSmith & Adautm Noirtht add ViaiiIgsinima(Il, . 83 I Satutor, i fcclandl iftoI ,tuXatiliia Iiiii'ilks >x,42, t Il 41tand part [rai-t uitlandtiniiiSecu S i 1ii is t u,t o atid ini Sec.t il , ,,, ii'il a ti $di i ise n C atii hltta2(;. 27 andti:17, tChicago Hiltandirs, ialu.t hlsekeit, lot 1, tblock Ilu.Ni, w di, $4.46X ,- 1k a. , îtl A il d., XXaukî'ga,,î t S;iutfiirh leu , umiaId f t,, il il) N . .... moru' 'U) au -i-s liilots. - ani;. Chi 'ixuî,nOsIing and aile iXta, ,ago lIltt.hIaidîl-, adi $4,,0 Siticitlot 320, block 8, k'g Jlohni,n 'îrutuIig andm tf. t,,SatiuuiiI 'llitilatils w. d.$2400.0fit Schîsarî- s utih, ' 3316 tt . îortt ______________________ hall lot 3" 'c If,*, Xaiilegan ut, il tii-I Sel, aart! uand ýf to .joh, , ucti on Sales V'o'ent lo ts ut 'soi-tththiagi, anc' Iigtod. s di, $17,000. lilrI-t Sware r and tii t F A Auclion Sale 1Bader, lot 3 .and parI lot 2, block I Theu- uter.utgns-d aving dustili-Ili Blddlecoms sut'soi-t h sidc Vaitle (uifîîî arinîig isill sel at public as, tîmmi Eau, ~d ,(ui the pllace known se@te E. LlIavi gan ý w d $4.000atai 3imiles nurth-weet of Libetcnille tJ A Ride te Antotti Srillai-, lot 24 i :1iiiiles nuinthuuf Rocketeller asudt, iiii (If iloi'k10, WýaiikigatHihlands; iaýttoh Hentieîlstform on lMon day s d . $450. Nuivetiibem 1", '01),commencing lit fit A CBroter aîui it- 1 'si-oa m thb,-fulloa'-ing decibed pro tjmI r A . Bothes ad wic t Niclay12 heati cbirie iowa.5 bsàvy sêprnluger Ni-lson, lots 4 aîndi,, Gaîducre ir- andt he balanite nilîkers; bull contiezg sut o!fliart ot block- t, Smith & Ad y'i-s utît. gray hotra,,14 Yrà nId wl t100 anis' atiditjite W 'tatli-gan, a, d , risa lorse, 1) yms olti wt 11W0, ha; mres, 12 yms olti, wt 120:baV marc $3,3îO 10 y r.Adut. St 12200; ;')Sowa witb pigi M T.lllucb andi ste l1-. MtWhl 14 aceka utî' tIi-lly Red boItrÎ- monthE litants, 1t acren in soîtha'enî .,: iait(rdi- h,i, -- ïiniintha clii, frît, o! the soute-artqularten of section w'agon, watgonubo,imestI sprnge, aarros - tire lurîber n'ag,îîî, miîk wagon,.coi-e, -26, It.wiuceldtdowship;tuwî ald. $7,tt0O cprîng tuoth culîcator, 2 6-aovc I L ,to,0u'I ant ifut,'uriAdolph Molinecuîltisatuurs, ni-aily ISW; Molint Anderson,ît. litn3t, andul1ut titci , ~pulrizen, nearît ni-w; Moline sulli 1,1l'Is sjl)iNijoi ofiliilwod; I plow, I1; incuhsualking plow, Builmet- dltd Seudtisor f iiiaod, , 3 Rsection dralz, MeCormicli hors ti , $3[îuurake, ueariy riea , 5IrCormick ouowsî t' 1 I1'scirruIl Iiiiaroid 1lisreittotticutri> nsw, ltcei-iucrmbinder, neaml. lot 4sRaiau Votitr Hilandumt nea', incutator, 2 brootiers, 6 foui l'ark, aiz8aitglrauized tank. lay rack, 2 est farti liritessss, 24 lîmîlI. ans, 30 ton@ iinoth3 G iMuaniterri'aîuand îmft'to Ilai i-s imun tai-n.stacli strsw, '10 acret JeaýsUu. lots1tandîti1,ce 'ut of tai-rt I hier ctrn cutth mlibintier, 18 uu-mc block722,ihgland PaPi-k,, $1. i suaiornrutsilibnd C.B 'Miore ant i sie te R.L. Peck, F rus-luch at îuuun. lot 7, ant inort 14.9t3 acnos ot lot 8, Sut, ROMMtAL, Pctîîî C'hicago Hiîghlandis; . sw , tua.i iti, Airtionser. R F ROune aud wife ho E G. Payue, ____ Souitt'a fueL Of lot 4, Rousc'sa ai Adminstrator's Auciion Sale. Li, u"t Rockce'ller; m. û , $50. Tcinirio'launiitsursi C'harlottecM. iBactord te Boni-iayta i-lhun îiiiainîinitîn aîumî l Calterine HeIlul, six antîlncuti ait acres Nu)-. 20,1, 9fM)f, uuutuîrîeîîng at 10 oclotik iii lot-, 4 anti i se, tiontit6, East Attit 'In thme liroi1artykntuwn asthe Jthr udt it, tu-,hip; , , -i a I. $2,700. lX iiî'îî uumi - -V ', cmles nurthwest of 1 aî' tii Intolit(I., fi ailîl lay, Siton, t FSalI'r atîsi0fut Itto Atîtoru Set oliulda li ai. liii tîmi-itu.,ug aIl rio'CIO lkîua uit' luiot , bll 44, 'Waaahrn Ithe salc i' l la,-tranmhurre t 1mthe PlikNoiti thticaugo;,m d.,$133. urusarr I.kîîan as thmeCitas. Nortimeî AdcýiîuE. ' li a muitihuatandti10taitii :1I titica iinilwi-t oh vanhoe sud t:Iîmile-s camit uîf Wituoîda, wbere ile l'ieu lfiDai idaruî lot 11l, block 1, anti îîioituni,' îrpîrîi illI lue olti fBay lot I1;bO hrk 3. Btternhlîuli'a utdiv imiim!,i tr. i tl, ai I1.50o; blackt horse, aloi toeI t it anti lot 1. anti tho t tre uoh]., t t dotublahe work tarnese iotît lart of jli-', tlock 1,iPatmer'. ' i ai-hifes, ure bulahob leigît uttiiîtin t, Grasiak , wti 3$200 14 ng wagoin, Ili-ehti'hthil Hiipsde. addtio teGrasdae; i. l.,$2,00, 14-nrhdt, uiiîg eluadi, long hantileti D)aiietI 'l cCoitiàk o G. FLange, MsIMiel , ei 1o, se 5t wagon epings tre,' acres h, lot 3, Sectioti 16, Lit 3010 ls caputrt. i ctter, 3-incb tira ertvile -, l.,$2,00.wîagton anti doule box, Deering graiu crts ille a d $2.00. inder, siîîgîc iarnues uearîy uew, 3 G. M. Ray atîti a It 1Lltertyvilletouer ga8oeîî tvet,, necl yolis, evencr Lîtoter roitpany, tot 4, anti South one ait,] ihippip.rvem es itsteati anti Springs, foot of lot 3, tlock 4 Ltertyville, w. onair toi-se MuarI.ets ncarly new, tour links losep'î'- atîti clhow, 7 nuIt cane, di , $1,200 6 t -xtiiilntahille, inuIt pail sud E. A. Conîntnga ant iflte 10Peter tippei-, uvumlmhasint, --gai gasooline (cun, Yoi-ayiNic. lot 24, block 3, Waukegant Ianip, 4 kirriten chilrs, Il grain hags. Highands w. ., $00.Wiii ais,, sdi une-al ître8t in thmesh- Iilghlnds, ' ti , ottit. viii Minneuapoulis engini-, 11) Miîîe'utI.Wrenanti hostandti thelt, p-cotîsîuuuîîuuui,('uta'separator,' 32x54 Eý R. Lillarul, s'esttuai-t lot 9, block a'th t l ,di-i-,std stacier, one 39, Highland Park, q . c.$1.00. M,'Curmivk CI rua' aiîrcieir. Biug an atiiiistiaîoi' sale the E. R.Liltard teoIL . AWrenn, 'est terme ;are 'muet part lot 9. btock 39,, Highland Park, Clu s.A.Nutstu Administrator, s. W. ti st. M W'. H. S-c-i ut Au,-tsutucr, 1 A. P. Henry to M. Jennie C. lient->, IRAt SMtHîî, lîrI.. lot 10, tlocki 16, V'asttitrn Park; w'. d. 81.00ý Adjudication Notice. Caroena inds.rom te Ea NI ale ili Nait tîuiuv lr,, thalt te SUt- Cariten tinationi Ed luI luibiî e-, m tuis uIt imi lt lanu t saaueîî Lindsii-om, loi 14, block t, iHightand aI ,lariiiu -t ,c.sed sit ahitten t- Park; w, d. $1 10 it t,, litct uIi,i,,ic iitiuilautessin Fanny lM. Farmer anti tosaautito nesi, isas. -, t,,.-uit 'i 'iatsr,,. j vi L O. 'alttarlgtt lot 6, iilok 1,lot clismu airii-, m tt-I ai,'e lutifed and 4 anti part iots 3 anti 5, tlok 2 2 'dl Il 1Iliti,.ii,î' i -ltteRliad Court lar SlYhlelui Iddl to W aukegan; 5'. d. WiiueLAtIIi F i.1i-duitix sfrad C J. 1ti gi-en anti si1ete 1Mlariet Lsi u lil rs o E. Crons, 40 acres lu S, W. 1/4 Sec.Abakacuit ' '.Tites GuTruntaCo. 15, anti N. 1, ltt20, Sec. le, Eat Alulasimnmcf'ItrutiliTiig W (auIt-gnteedI Autoci Ta , - t 81~ --l ýJ Gi tRNE, Secy.