- w n y. Pýageo. LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDE4NT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1l9ff. ai 'lite eegraP~h anti ralîroad oft1ceil.AUICTION SALE. 2bT>eds, geai? ls nan-. 3salti -lt bbWeVer, detelopa the fact that aet>'--- b fm., 90g" condition, 3 ingle bar-. cf acti hi-re for lre srlc-keîî district vîli self ai putblicfratiotnaonte fra bLhafeaL.1 in'ldistuie, ilog chala.paetl n Iktbsup u mva eîeibqî1atlg eseistgo i esfrdul II<OM fAN? and flot a message itel nt-ut I i- ml k s vathe QtCe. harit m ' 3 t i trttb s>o ela , 1 saty im bayltnlea M Iparetiagetatt tktnbasrî:een pur. owa i e i o. quitofartg a sse«i. 1 neue.t satfyey it s dbe AT't'FD DotisTi ut 10o'clock Tupaday Noveraber 101h 800 buabels alla, 40 acrescorn part oui 9wn. goot ocra, part fadder Ail cut w4hi apers are beltîig watcitet qjî'tp ox 'blinder before front, 6 corda of Wood, 101RIYto ladwhitlpr r ot Wtile. 'Livetock-34 iteati orcaille con- 360 poOkle quantit>' of lire Wood Ia Numbr o Slvia Wters,,~I OlYtOIttii itohte orîîo Waîke a ! Of 19choîce daîr>' colle, des. bWoiita 10 bushela cholce oaany Olilo t Numer f lavIs 0'ner l ga o NI th('hîrago mn nhâve iteen rIiu, 12 vîit calai-s by Iheir aides, polta . ,36 busbels potatnca. Banner. Geai Liet 14#&l buIitîato tiiatt ln flIe underground 4 close apriagers. 3 najikers, titese 10 40>qahels potatoea. emrly Rosa, 1 fbitbut dealh lIsts iliumlafur have 'OOwb hâve ail bei-n tetler] vthin a doaca }Oiitbai'd aquashes. 30 nilk S u a@ u iaï,al o i inr or th m y oy ar , 14 h eati f helfora. ocarl> a i.! caloa , 4 M lk pa lis, 1 m iik tral er, ebaice grade lostein yearlhgg apstt. rsm sw n mnssw ot for luiiscJteý t'lv iltu he mtuttl 1 t Prlng caît. 77trendi uthormea con- robes and? bianketa. 2betlng stovea. NoTcket_____forIllioisiting cf 1I aanard bret roedat.:-lî etiteada. 1 bureau, dintng table No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lo TiktwedfrIlius101vlght 1404). I gon oti vontise, 8S test, chars,. 1antique selinetar>'. 2 (CayrIghit, l@. tir AaerteaîPt-A.. Mine Town and No Mes. INSTRUMENTS BURNED OUT 2 gooM mares Ilittotal lu Zmmermaits 1tupbo&t'dskictchen tables anditi any ct ýattoa i Norman lions,-. 2 lrivlng mare's, 1 îtlt otiter articles toooutreronîs to mcii- H v I'hL îta Hfinnuli Aii. sgsSent cominng Ivo years olti. lon. T e tnt rial.dt3 Fotr otuetirtlog, sages ~~~Trolley Wtre 0,cr Postai Linea Machiner>' I hay loarder. Sandwich.iT1,r... of male-suims $25(aii iitt abg' tttsl'o Causes Trouble. I site deilvery riatt' ltarly lit-w. 11Fre, incli ut NOOn. T he d r10btgoTtt t itlýiîttetî FerstatWokgante Hveothortsei're, I Championu mover, 1 GFD. lVOGEL, Aîtoeer.bouse n'br ( p , ies dtae-aic tît' Per ia akgaic ~"I A trlîiY vît',' tall;g uv-r te 'CbatLlton biitiîer. 1%c(ormlck bue corpeoudaeswl jld LiesinMie o HveRlaivs ota TieealtimotCal.cot it arve-aler,îew itis year, 1.1. . . . Cs ~MCCORMICK. PropriMltr b'Ieqttnia LTheAr e. os Fr Hateela btie,otlTigattaîdlIu ontn iog îleipI.1. i. Case gang . ~Titen, wlile aie ras uaut ffl t ,î. It Ther AreThuaParBaaeaaa ut Ires sfali 10 have caltaitlitelîîn Plow 12 Incit, 1 Case clltîvalorIFuF0 fDE:TNE namalhlnes asfot'iîi Papara Are Watched with AnXi«ty la lng otît of lhree telegraîtnitiinrtnt ethti. Deer e ctillivaîor, ni-v. i aprhtglootitFL RML ÜRSUNOie mnt.Nagr uafoi il Deubi AbotulMater-Liai of Vic- aln ,'aokegauti, twotIlit Raclute anti on,- cillîvatior, 1 Case corn planter. I ! pusa hittiupac [lite cittira tilislo at tililI No Crue. li' enutitaTht- Watittegan 4witî'ît Deere sord anti stable plow, I Disene 1Loing fliOnof , pInprai theof eesalu91over te suow wîte fluor, sud .,Iuw. 1entigale sentit-c.gr'ass .Thoat însti e îul>'(if extrta ork, fbut boartd vataalsoidaînageil Tlt L-ttîseeder altachmnt, 2 gooti vootinaeks, Naval Tnaining Sciioni, yesterday fo-l] the rowttiitg %%atslrrnus lutî TIi' uit-.ai Itîttîltetf i'ailItandti ti 110k hplace lt-ar mseviestlttghîI 1itrPeesection drag. 2 gtîud ltay front a adrLitir vile ai wîhrluanti land ie ierrîrutleltr'frlt tîtalaîttttirta( I h-tfi" ort let uantid ltut'îs vire i mt o a hiîIit- racks, I n-v vîlîtbox. I mel gratel igo tsiet nistotdru is.ien biten le l lu IIo üt rt irtbe tii Iellt-t thlai taiet asmorne Waiike bore lu relîlare te tis oyt1tCtItci aBatier>'n-.i ink attîneti when a pceuot lran bItitîn i f rnylia ie tt1keî e Kali nër il-rt thfîlîîi ilatives aso par.'l'ho service wittareqstuei hI- morti wagoni4 inch. i mannow lit' wagon.1 sommerthu batteIberlsotie. vîtilItasite lî;jfl tetm it lifiltîiig dl-assit-r. Inufittîr> log. 1 ligi tî tllk buggy, 1 intgie cannage, lodaY. bat apraîtoba taibr nile. wdor aie l far Éasrs, ifad beau upset. - -~--~'-.------------ -- ---- -, - r " .Itetocîitfur outaofthe wtt' ou te top sitelf, bauta ufortunatel>' lite dîsit of Ibeanswans dîrecti> intier Il. tandte brandy bat rirpped tirer them. soat, Ilt 31cm su illrongbly tlitif i uts toI pulLable 10 Use fleut. But te wurs ras yett10crnue. Oit f%2ltd it e beattaruinet]ahi- sicîul ' enipliedtirlient lotto the pallwi vItîritout it tbé kîleben tour 'and,. wasiting ber hea&dsot lu rork ta knead lier big pair of pulty breat daagb. Non-, te tcîten doon.ope iltteo s voodahetan tir11e xasi pali rt lire beasan toit, na. alapose tlu Lestfe V alue G ivinenongb. bat anfortuaaieiy on thiasî1e elai affernuon the oulalde dour ira, is the key to our wonderlui surO"' ed. au Usual - sud ont or them, f as th lead n~ cl thIh ~doarad. praiabl>' reaaerbernîg te cess s the lead ng cl th fi â sod tititign ttstaue onut h lite quieîly ioppet Oot 10 the sitîl an(] iltk house of Lake county ethrt èàenbtplso %o for lite seasou. aur gettlag seeree, tntd --es-a Irait wit soaetiug ln Il. "Ait. tinit ioks good! 1-i lry tl," thautitt thte curions tonte>' (no doubti. Site did try il. sud. aut Wbcbg enusi- .4..~iauJrIartclevofln elîber fatste or stell, aite ocrer Westndb ckofeer atcl ta g eso t f èstppdtryig t u lnatîlhe atdswl L~t Â~LL~L .nIpquui~ ~ ..&!.5~.. Ianed th ie top onaem. sousted lit bran- bD r i ~ L~IU we:WThe e1fect wag sd . e-lt*'e ~ Aie ~O .1 s riea4 » 4 rouat. it In sup- u~ wjujpSouyo. aissatisîea customer us w>s t b*n attsk.When an tNn§ foes wrogý For* -T hanksgiving week we make$1 a special Overtâamt showlnq at JL%- Our facililties for buylnq aresupérIor.to m ost. store .Ne one can buy good merchandise for less thonwe 'do.- tee~~er coats at V1 are the best that you will firid anywlere at thé pricë. Alil 91les shown, 16 years to the largest men's size, ail styles---the auto close- fitting collar. extra long, the velvet col- lar dress coats, the convertible collar to be worn either way, ail are shown ln a large assortment of patterns. IJNDERWEAR SPECIALS. Steel rlbhed underwear, ail colors at ..... 1.50 Fine rlbbed garments. ail colors ..... S..5C fxtré line 4C , nefit garments a t ........ 1.00 Very héavy Woe16 Oàrments at .......... 2.00 SWEATER COATS. Wthout question we shQw the best Sweater . - Cots made. tu 'e n'Iatket,- W itlol fvorst et --. 30~- 'b W shw. ica at"t ÉhiiWgolors ai..4f2 é Î;6rerjn', naiucolors and stylest at 1.W0 to 2.00 f 77 p~ Boys-7lHercules Si. The kind that weer and please both the boy end his mother......... Ail we isk ls the prlvilege of showlng them to you. Lit's - poacti, At au>' ,gâte, ber legs ne- 'til tto bolti ber Up. end site feil 10 lite grouat ini- - sensaible. 'Hall an bour iater Il ilt atb -i 4weritout for more 1. in-0d 10 replen. -lait'br ire nuti lu.te gtheing &ftka'hss s t ua m- bled aven thte ton- - ey. éti l inlg '~there, A ganoce aitlite -favI lu aetit - 'm ite osoua t- -anti>' burt andt auter at te 1>411l toi thlie a t hameful alory. 'Heresa a due A u~W U, ~ bit copveaki" ex- SAI.MUiiL «TOR. clalmed Rasluiait tunig lteIlump tualte> or. "The Idiotthan gone allil llled hernit cae- lirai>'avit tltose tellig, l'il lie ta kaur aIiu left open that doari Weil, weil, I1irai a turke>' for Ttiamksglv- ltg. and Ibis oueled b>' accIdant, anti le tietlwilll be au goonda tbsgb i'd wruag ler tc. Su, touaierog anod rmblng ta 'ber- self. s fier tiling ber ors ,ab* mtacked Uic tii'>'. tîr. Ibougi the bm asmnae- Ilne nuifcrs.a. ile was alWa>'5moanont- I'ai.,ttnd site iter nu qu dtons vaaid lac isitîtliasil, hon- t ce ta Its end, prorllet i iras fat at vas 'oasted J lua a eur tttliutes site baldtte testbý- ,ers off. except tine 0on tbitnisaad lail. sut site lîite picked'ýtàasyr on a.bjhctcb tooluaI, ahttittliefdoor tu keep outl 111e Cal .vhlia-ate 'Uoiaed soîue otet' tvor'. Aietitiltie tes Ilne'arl-lved the f;-X2 h' ote hintie a nie &vare au at the, tL.t bic ta ira te doir6QMatcen and ]Han', rlli rittaiedIlii. et ditni>'frlgbttaed ont of be- l, . 'ie"s sotnetblug lalte n-oadsbed, aIl litî n aidtiIil rau aften me vitez 1 %vent for sute voat, anti i dare'l' go out there ir it n pILLte!" NItr. iiirt.suppoalag aome.s'nlmal hllt il.letfltlie table andi, armlig Itîtistîf ssii lî tleepoker goliu pssed thîoiéthkt i, lcîea. ttreropentae Silencî.e sut darkiuems ouni v N a-i la it itlmoenti ratie aaudIble rasilli oit lite uvooc pilIe anditati ilis- tIfiat gIuilicO tî f L)tfttllt i up arit e. ,"ilrtiig te lîgitI. Ilaîilî "' al'ti Nir. %Vt'titlo r. andi t :i ti i l au d 'îmtle fruit)tlier I reubi lig Itt[.lue ldthle ta tl te strAtigi objeýtI "Ils a rit îe-Ntit>to. Il lalîl " lic laterrîtped hI nîself aîslite ti r-t nr'i- lu lite lutterhtig. nightleîut'd tblîîg "li-I ii-ire. Il's a pîctet turbe>'! Where un pArtit" "A pîrtet luriti'>' creamnetiHan wus resullya priY l lq$4 flt-oontt. A THANKSGMVNG erbi rnmeut Margery weaed LaUi..« S TORY fi,,' fri oge or the ma wl rr.» BY e iewlgcougbta £:tnd atoffl â FPÀNK H. SWE T lg o bnDrcmset eutwO. cd 11ke a ttew plaid varietve «fille , ill~ niàt 'Suie. andr it ilbe lthe one 1let ilaaalngo. witb aide pceImA L Pickeil îayself rtitset eiilg bas coute to fringed d"rners. lire?'* Tb@ appearnance Of Kriatti italkt* "How dld >ou kiff It?" asked Mr. around Ici bar new uit was rr>' 1u Wlnsi.Ni oy. I10w the boys tIid laugb!: AM "I didu, it' L Ilantail ,Tite lollerlln' even papa bi dta wlpe liray ' ll*la. cra ,er kb ilediseif alla' beanne liItaig leurs. 1 got so;aked o fi, lj raudl. ai and la d Ilth t rems lthe rnest norhifisg ilter Io aloi, ay iwcrk and dresm Ilt beforc- Il site listi iteM; fêl dalntflç .%Iat'ger'l M- cooled" Iroducei ber Io ber oid Mêe atGé 1% -Weil, Ilteuitly was flot dead." rioulîr> yard b>' openifigthe . blita aald Mr. W'laslow. -'But nov l* doter sud lettIng ber wAlb'ao tb*" dressed >ou belter euot O ta beaid.* the lîîrkeys vere lLklg their brseak- "O h, tic. 1L]PU!d 'taqt. crnet iargera'. Uargery tboaugbt the>' wou(d be sied w lil, sloî'd on ta Pee bot: but. A"as.titis diatiogulsiie lte OKeIls,'Lon't s. tratifer t a gy attire vas ibqt tw kii the îpour iiizd. Ttwy allrid And acaîdià A& tthingli1-l1 te ansd t1% nid gutibler ruM# l4dap1 oae.f il ,ae fesîbeérs andilsrsgged hIe wlngs on b hoo ~~I n"goîl huit calle np tu lier, nfl "Bol i li f,'eze aufril>': dalrail taia. *Cabble. gobitte. gcbie!" goilie lahmb ilooKrtellueaeerned ta be diabearteubM (lie blîcîtea Ltet tIs alt aon the. parf st o W *a -No: l'I i fi t ly snd alliaitobIa cerrAsBllomh up, l'Il tike il ab*ined of lier go* dgec. TW*a II tont et titigIlg)t ~faml>' erowtiedaraiaad ber la Pocifil n par. l'seet ber lmperîlupeaee lancomlns aacéà ie,' ic e dilthomtand -acînal>', beginte, pack tt itiagec t'i nal.ber. ]y. li dont Wo Weilwstcblnz tram 1 don' the tnduv, eat4 bartily bélièeIle r care. cii' ald *jyet 'irmi ; but. yla. they,.i#ere ,a ber fa tberlatgh- LilY peckiniigetthfle90r eutenét Ing. "Dlo asCvon finail>' lied iacreamlîîg acloL i î - like andtidrees* il are> levta thedonr. and ~i Up. i vaut ta 1 burried la junt ln tinitel ilcpet:m fat gobitier liaitPVEÂI .XLT lit. WboefilIy lnme cpeuiibit nota ivepondPLEADXD MAROERT. bae ou >'.r, et Rwumtelefs *4Aller-u' lien îuritry for-Tlaitgviîmured otier ber wben @abe bil bëè it Afler sorné troiuble lthe shlîerlng. 1>' la ber itrain.,"Dîti Ibe>' pag, d? itake tlurkey n'as ctuugbî and rarrcti The uûugit4 tblngs! Ton hâ o Into lthe o-arîn kL"lclWii. i nus rare- Wlbiet hha a r!oi a go I tuliy wrappe{l la art oid silrt for the with me listtc boss.- nîglit andti ied finlo a basket. So It caine t& ie nt fast. fian4b The astonilsteiMcreature retteiled sand rgrulubied' a lAle; but attrait x d. fouglit agaluat file Indigult>' or veAr- caulda't ta>'micl.for Il Wa, Iï Mrd lag a llanupl atint. but colid coarluerutiawa faiq't ftint the per thluV Skm16 own winter rOUI. bfoTb tààg1111111 fainlly ;rif-W<iinft, lttC'iiEd 'W idr-, gery's fpet. vritOOs nalgtbe i r.* f èyn l rfl . f e boneder Al Il. t lîstIl utiilettitva uley jlioeok lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ù 040 r$Idfer.~~taulgest~ Titougt be ongStttdy tatfol dl' thon t thé è Tbat as agrea dayfor ttrgry, er pt wl u a r vitovas onfiet t lit boue tvtie i0 ae berplac find "atft" fitaitet. tiwn uucatnftlire sbi Tn urr iroug itth ,lon Stlita t bv fol- ero s. oonrddfanbapa uti ah. e a car y thenet Lier ls. bsct lbafbitgbul o may lnsha eeitigtuttifbor t a n ber l % a lait iéO fulicey tati t,îî Buglitttt l<t b altbp>'ast i1- whowouInf tdtothe lserv der whtaleibe uneaftii ae a 4 ret ag n who ongldt, lfo ilfr sn liOuter taea t ~la thngtopns uwytitI, oî ý,e IniThe ol l o eeByle. lesoswee v r te leeti aa l lt e oid taIbîr~ tacItrîtur, leeetî t rbie . 1111 orttbit pet wt rigaidt .efeso sand triton beru11 i e as ca ' si d tàl , Log orrid t 4o iltut be gIrl CoNo toer 1dEtW Labaplir ietif armt Il ftl 11 ae 1 Il spido u on br il t.bee .ba,4bithétw forolieron lîtîastroe-erflbt and' %vatirltîtgo ateloerté em haîll )prert, iteras brlet bd.oelouIva - sî'ît. cttrln er te midtre' hstd bdee sue vas hi'; icw tIn '-sbuer p rer ugt. as s te l.lff lriÀt lalît oitel>' aad unhap beudkriWi mWbatd lie ,,tat' ig f er fornepiynîte I$ t be gacW 8: ll Mat. îte e aIt>' 501 duu be r ramat Lad vnrk tuttitItae-atii î lot gobar andit beiiAle. wi "Lt-I ila . aiup v ngt.BtteW 1it ofw c nt l o u ell. lnde vtnterp aad ti L Lno ard aflr ty itel' beraI ot r.a fet nta uderepldreaa. SLaod K, -,ltî î,,,li tîtat ane n c%.ore lteîîflote arn esie benarfastULand ,tttai 'at and'uîrlani itiflot g cite 111,5 leSS cRtime, drhiea ~Vti lt Ieiiutnunal lip bus>raine lr t reakln ile rma daly, yoe IlîtiegIrl nî Mlle'ewi e nott oal îr oWeilte ritr eas a droeand -r11lmite Il v(s,,,tadeo! îis hIewlattswisortîot toIe tiislîliYit lnt grît blîltie nt t r1udenlfr b elider e nad tilt île iii,; Ii celîtst C -nter, a eaesI KIl luan rlty 1 veI ol it a e lt'l, nL crda ec10 m w 1 m D matmIW See our splendid line of Coats at $15 Boys' Overcoats Bli heaýY 'ditbs, ývery*arm, wlth $ P:rfect Cotae with largse ulster $ o$ c