LAIE COUNTY IN] DAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909. "j Oh« wbeu eald and ~t U akIig aviait to the table - ber "mMI trents Obe bai l ot been out sery long svben illss mornutr Marory went out Io see lmamd aibe wu$ gone. No one bad MMmi ber since breakfast. Mrgery felt ," bulid uda uter iooklng ail about eaine ri0 lb. sad mcoocilot, tbtt site lad strayed aswiy anti gut ot, for tbe ,W4oIe dock iidli-Ptirar off t0 feed. »Ut the viet i:riug et breakfast 'dme Krim walked in. as usuel.sand L- 1» te bg for food. MJargery huggecl lar' and fed ber, snd selle te as t bouglu abo wjasstarved. WhouSthe abbd finfabeti ber meal sue wut ont agali. and about noa ber Utle miatresm sougt ber agalu. snd biatlls Me wasmmsing. ,Tbb now bearne Itle reguiar thlng ýWtth vIls. Every tuorning elle wü8 mi bond for ber breakfast. and ln sp!tc tof ,watcbingesle would slip away end Mie to thaton o ne could llud lier Zleor Margery wum almoat tiearîlro- tim at tiis tendency to vagratuey lu rso pet, but Hannah oniy smlled and] 1 Wat a bt sud you'Ii stecsomelhtng But, tbougbh annab bil ber s50510- Flosa, the was nelt prepsred for wlut * eely occurred on day. 1 Ater liie srauge conduct bad 1beti ptoing on fo a fer w.eks there caille a Entire Surplus Stock of the Great "Wooltex Factory, Bought by Us at a Tremendous Discount and to' tIeigh .n the Great interest which this Event will Cause We Have Secured the Entire Surplus Stock of.ý, FIVE OTi-ER Great Manufacturers at F'ORTY CENTS on the Dollar. ThiIs le ohanea you halve' beau loolung for. Ad qulok, and seoure a '"Wottex"Avaripent ai laasorejýn tha pribe of aunlu ferler oe Thur$ea.yMWeyl 201 Car Fare Refunded Car Fare ~ .< ~Refunded ayw if- im hiiid nobà mere do ciaz dtint trempa or tievLs %1f100up la the woodehed ebanab)er. mman a.edared flot go wuw e i*foo tu fin 'woodabed teli1- lu sa!ina wblowerabqut if thc 'bouitat~ thtmn hai. bopWdW .op lu tiie top tep ' me qlal Wb" Wledtu ticrou £teç a peoment able bopped, Semeuant erb«he cme. one by X)qW eqmssupi with delst sud "q' t A KI saipet the wboie a~i4 tw.a.lgh~ halock~ twt*»Qin flUcia"mmdtillai Dot « »Ws,.u4ad a otit or ~iwgi~s~up hâdcarried up tbere 'à omc1à ianib siteieda là- or $ïw rk tRte make for b'luoebli, »M of. fbefr white O= Ia*.â'l mneafrly fulo f ftbe ~Mi~mppi~'weoetockingm. all SthmmaSot setooking., ibU 6$> alêl md ber nest sIIlbec, Itsemtlng tam- li ut havetouod the door ajar U n uufiw54 ta> off tic cover. ~mIm Ip e. a e and brmite ~Àoue~e 'gt la èerer and the dame dolmi,49w= wa provid- led- Wtk ailpMaSaIllthe yard. .Elvery ýdàky *e wth ber babies. b« 1210Meser Sartsd ât *'vi*lodthe breafkfat table witb ber . d.beood te gelt ber regular noru- A mautri t wm uatom@e tbem rut trogo a»d pb*k up cruusbe, butasm tW gywwit began lu lu troubiemome 4e bave a jfo f turkeym 5nonuci et home lu flic bouffe. Bo mamma nmade a mew law tuât Krlstln, and ber fanu- '117 muet b. ed al t the door. After tal. ber lites u1k that of the otiter turkeys. on ly ahe knew ber Zama. and would corne wben caiied and »Vr faled to mun Up te Margery Abnever mbe aw ber. diedîunuer tint walked awaY lutYsear auppiled tweive tables wtb1 di... athii year and provided Mer-- geey witt a due lot of pocket Money ter ber peina. Thaniugiviaag Day. New tii. turky roosting iow »J"@ is spilt fuit sr woe. Net"s mat Popuisrty la SotM&Ilis'05 .atdte b. Pimbasthat b.a1ud boën *Is. la is coi-n lad paradis. NEwI by for the wim rbeen a" m d flas md'mst théi. tea; Il" b dieada bt. Kees a i ait.mMuscls nt, 'Biésaiat. fixe;s pruflotia. Gorgiagsonpiumpad fot Uni la tate aI lut ho Il-,. 10sMked &bout hi pumpkln pies. ISafflw" t resa eout oolery. ~jen e .i ean-.ry a"Me. a pst'miy wimp XU aMyU53o-s obeut; ke " t miia nd ut, f ihat P. litiheyl Vie" mh ce bb subilcua vslY. d te ouai ,and e& -=eleiW»be sot or ooid: xw liausohm a aPatten Paa" I »W tif~, UpS<mfulDéo.9 L * i MW m im 1rU. S te f0 ac W$mbt il, mt of lov&d arme- ~iw~beveun &ortz. =t buto t imbins maruaj Chdldren 's hearskini and <loth Poats w or 3.(X), for ..........1.39 Gis Melton and nov- eltv eoats in sù'es up to 14 years, 1 5 worth 4.00, fîîr s8 ('lildî'eni's euîr 1 Y lea'kiii ('tats, in al t'loî's w'orth 24 5.(X), for..24 Ilighi grade silk plush i'uats range in izesiO iqi toi 16 ' eai's, W olti 112.( ", ..39 foi,........39 1,200 Suits (C ieat lot ut hroad- <loth and wurstecls suits, ttuîtil l111to foi .......... 4.95 Bro<aulelotli andiiser ge -.5198 '.îisted and Novelty sîlits wurit up to Great lot of 500 cQats of almost every imaginable style ...embracing semi 7-8 fitted coats, and the beaütIful new mllitary coats in ail cotars made of high grade ker. seys, broadcloth; hanidsome imported novelty materials and diagonals. No tase Is so extravagant that it cànnot find an j acceptable garmeét here, worth to $25.00 ................ IV ~ :Our Wonderfl Stock of 2,000 Coats Whlle most merchants art cryng for coats of any klnd, wc made this great coup glvlng our patrons the cholce of ail the Mi; newest novelties and heautiful fabrics. This great stock Includes 300 mlliltary coats Loi No. 1 Cd..tains ove- 300 conte midi up n mixture plain dark materiais ail ai-e full 52 inches long and nons ai-e worth less than $8.00, foi- .. .. .. . ... .9 Lot No. 5 We have ieceived a apecial ship- ment ut Wootex Cosa embracing broadclafh, silk finish kerseys and novety materlais andti lned witfi Skinner- atin, regula,' $25 vaiue@ for .........12.75J (ood fui, set large jpillîvw'inuf with Eseait uor tlu'ow, worth 5.00 ... 1.85 Lot No. 2 Containe 218 Cons made up in ail wooi mateiais ncludinq plain biacka. Navy Bilue, Brown and fancy mixtures &Il gai-ment ful length and plain eeated ski-t cf- fects, worth $10.00, 39 for ... . .. ... . 13 9 Lot No. 6 Elegant long back, blue anti gray toits, made of beautiful broad- clthe and siik finish keiseys. Thece cos have the long sweep- ing grace futaines. andi wnrth 30.00, for .... . 5 .W Sable Cîînev' set prettv îîîîîff and ;uoarf worth 29 Lot No. 3 Here we show over 400 Coat.. 50 se lect from in beautîful broadcioth 0r Keraeys. If you need a coat then look at these, neyer such bai-gain offered betore.. ..,.. ...49 Loi No. 7 Ths group embracas snme of the Inos t beautiful garmenta produced by the Wnoltex factory as well as other great factories. We offer an unusual wide range ta choose fi-rn, at thîs piice bi-oadcioths, ker- says and diagonale,' worth up to 35,00, for ................814JO0 set oîf Aunerican wori'l $12, f'or ....... Lot No. 4 Contains8 beautiful mixtures and plai n taloredi broadclotha andi Kîme Cat - Coats with long reveres and lar-ge buttons, Cosa n new buttora effectas-mtyl5oh Cosa with pieats at bottom. teaith 15.00 thle ...................8.75 Lot No. 8 im merse black caa'acule coats. 54 inches long. ha large rolling hawl collai- andi linedti t bottom with guai-antecti satin 145 worth 27.50, for .....' 45 L PLCIAL= 'WOOLTEX' SUITS==SPECIAL You would neyer Imagine Ut possible to get a 'Wooitex' suit at this prIce ... yet by thisgreatdeal we are abe to offer Wooltex Suits of broadcloth, worsteds, serges, a eautiful prune las, ail lned w th Sk nner Satin, and co re In many styles and_ _ _ _ _ colors worth up to 30.00, for ....................... ............ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mfartini 5.50 Beautifiil llaek Aîîstralian Lynx set mworth $15, for .... .987 Ch ildren's h e av y rîbbed fleece lined Stockings w o r t h worth 8 Women's 1' anne!. ette Dressing Sac- ques, worth for. ...24c Boys and girls scbool Ladies' shoes ln patent sho89c wrcrtand $3ci.k8 $150, for ..... 9C wth1,for ...19 Boysa and girls dres asIIdiea'- Julia Marlow shoes. ioany styles, shoes, sold ail overa wortti 12.00 $5.0 . ra9 for ....1. . 19 for ....... . Childi-ens hcavy \\omen's flannel- fleeced 1ined sk irts ette Nightgowns, and pants, n strî pets.& checks 3c 19C Wi>l,..35c spwcial Waists Glngiam, percale and otadý ras, waisls worth up to $1, for ......25c We secured ai lot of waists that neyer before aold for loas thats 2.0, giest lot. ouay Styles, for ........... .....79C Children's K ni t Misses' Sw e at er Sweater Coats, of Coats, in ail wool good quality yarn, pretty colora worth ail colors $ '95C worth s$1.5C for... c Millinery Extra 500 patternl hats, representing the entire Aus'plus stock of the great Herzog factory. Beautiful, satin, Beaver, vcli et and fet hats elegantly timmnred, for .. . ... .. . .. . . SweII Skirt Paiana Ski-ta, wirth $4, fur.i- .. 1.48 Chîiffon Paunama SkI-fi. wortli i.... h,$C2.98 ladjes iiai, I ',lkiit, wOrth .o .........19 8 C hiffon Pat ima aidPrencs vol1 itklrts - tii for .. liandsornegray d oaJy Ski-ta, woi-th$10," t a custorne .1...........4.98 300 Drosses BOUGHT AT LES8 THAN HALF THEIR VALUE. tleautiful all-wooi brqmdloth aud Panama Dresea;,ÏLn new dagaLbert ski-t tifect, ail coi- oria, wol'lh ul) to l $ 1 2 0 , fo r . . . . . .. . .5 . EXTRA! Fine Popilo Dresses, madie lu uewest stylesail colora, wortli $ 1000 4.5 POUR Number- t~ SPECIALS! SPECIALS! SPECIALS! I ------------- ------ -i