LAKE (JOUNTY [NDEPENDENT. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, t9U9 ud(IR>.AYSLAKE DEPARTMENTI IF. J. DRIhCE, Editat Plhone No. Il IOmdeu'a Takora for Job Womk Advemttaing Rates On Application have ah my horne sevemal styl- e of the Baldwin Piano@. 1 Mi@ Lue, Soule vIoîted lier s4ister at Mimé. Roy>' Murrie. of Laltu Villa, crlled invite yon tri cali and sien. Priceeîwjîhin the franch of ail. Waukegan, Wedieiday.1 on fi iendi bore hloiI G RAYSLAKE - - - - - , ILLINO IS Thte u fpp ir tor tliiciiiksgiving ance the poit t ree io t s. wilf isbe heu utii.tireIotIt restauîrant. IB. O. Loitus and htîiiirt Preston wtll - I illiidiry traîioacti-d bii@tocem n 1lerive Thurdaey icri', I t î tu tobuy ilshficagît, ti- for the purpoooii ieautiiyiug the îlîeitfayhomes of Mr. Lulb utin i u,.ýtrt lPcks a Iîil1ilt SatiiriI, (A Antîîîch, waoas ere sommer h,.iue t Uraý -itîki- Mtttitfa. A grantd Tiiaok -git tiîg lthajif bl le TL f~~~LA Il ~J J L-gîttigtritt ted litiesi gîveritby Wîît hiriudit,i irPI .-hteSday Some îîiîngs YouOuUgIIL o now 9alt ieîi.-itili-l ~,vettîug. Nov. 24, at tii,- tttîY eake ipea Im Il e iîr orthlIilig ý, nlwK 1.,tl titit i-- i re rI inu . i.%t fintii iii ittattî tet- Int iC tt, iiiit ii tir m lt h itil il -tl h i it u fit t iit, te itfaîi.îî.siwttîtat . ters loioi-homtra. lTi --7Lt - cutis-r iii itit Iltoki i~ h ie Ltin-i î ant I h it -îttiilitt ti ,xtra, check r liti l'i titi i a i t 111 1il1 n ful nýof an T i" laiýf teit h v e et-.tti iu lue( i gtiitt,i rt it- utii îîîîîîîiiîî t trf ii hoIiilis iiitif tt II ft t ItsItilit ltirgtidiici eih ii îîa t,. l tui-r las I.t 1 - 'l't,îîîîtîî l- ,i li * I tint. o r ut 5 -ýnsa o S tiil i. ut u Ifai iitii tîMit lîr giiig Bt p r , iii itizi h ast. 4 lîTîis i I- Ili l oait - let armoftiflntt pure C li u S ti T l[w r t itiiii nil saxi. ,,Utîtlto lie b. . .-.ui . iiti Iiu TIiutik hgi i ig huito IiEt ittg i-tt. T a ' à,k )tIit l Iais lice1 IrI, n tîd Iine ile h-t Vou ro i, iti tt ____________ 75cperpit, oileAA hiE c Iiloti transat-t-éil iusi ti-e tni Tbufit we iarrn- îtfy the pure întptrtedl Italien Olitve fill Origintal ctiti git, ues.ilty. Fumnilure Store. crsrt $1Io.0 ThatWi te, Pitte and Tar CotîgitSyrup bris nie mal as a etîngli lrge. N iwit forii ttsired itte The furniture ettvk initiire utrang reniet> ltsM, 013 ttt fr. tbt 1i e1îîr,.k~owrted by R. HB;ii.fiii-v as eold tîî u -ii they bave ont enhibitionainhat week toJosepbhit ofts, Chitcago. ThaI oîîr Iet o"colS tablttîcti ll cure vour vId. lir stilita M. Innesia waba bilhi-t-n ii itîeran- L A Franîk transacted Eusinces in tîlo businees the prist igit years is Chitcago, FriSai. Chicaigo coules recomntitiril dtiius as au DRU CE DRI>G CO4'. haet utigyu uiesmr Graslae, has Thmso, R PhI1oirît forget the Tbankgfivitîig bail His inlantion@ arteE 5-ýouiilii liiustnes8 TheSors Rckeflk,CH.A. TWatson, R. Ph. Weý,thueday eieltlng, Notv. 24thî. to Iuniotume and bouse furîtihînge. We Round Lake Th,.(iilekeS e oeabon a-by ans Upto hIaie store ________________________________________________ Thend rama Cemelery Society aweh oh this i knd abould mit make good anS 1 -----ti etî a oleîtteohthanko to tIrs. add ltoe I busioess of the tua-n. We - - -- - - -- - - -- - -««4wwww,~- 11 ofr ri n ily ifor the use of their tare glad to wa-cre tIr. lîtiree to our diltîitg rouittn d for thein a@sstaeinî- toa-n. MrGodhroyheavee fî tet iiio the _____________________________ j.... ---*~ esr, wayutiîtitng thiir dioie riaîOuthforAntiochwh-eie hi-eIl con a DDt 51* aven aea Y-totlih ett s.M ILLBJR ui cesuaNo,.t ï. ladies' furniîhing store.Pi e regret tu 1am thse o-,phirsiin aho -ys tih.tek. 4mr. Wîn. Cremins returned moto N ti-w o, oNlr an tuesay buinss n s u ho ommds@tt vshhn lb. ot ciMy n -nricto. jmsy IrFOb e -u Yo rk ast a-sec. ivleroSe shebfeo aît vinri etsuedi. uitiCiOS aires l t ailt rs j Sh.otiPledcin g fromtrittetîlhJo. Inîtese a-asin Chiaro lb,. i-t tif AMfar2 Ial r h ptmdcIý ae Mme i. StrIti iectrtedIl"fier îiîî-tiireie k buitng furinre antI hiuce Mngromuioir Concerts. ~~ 1êk ~,it i ttt v-Pi i-e v~ >l u rîti-fiinga fît i iisttire.Maao i uioi I~~. **** 'herecel ted îîîlBtoutfniEttttathlIu5twell, of hCîicago, smotiofii tr.and ~~~~ ~~~andS tI ier th iii s of lo iii i iîîfreml- li rî'i iEue& lrN h c Ied Mme M.-B. Atwelh, oh ths ttt - sacime tif remot and coonisded 1.aevery cty 5111a iendi ie tatirîIls'ihc a i- litr- Jpower gamrintîengin, ofthe t wo managers oftfhe great AnSi- 15 y timia rad S ma-bers s tie)br umuî thir nw cgiterîtti i unday concerto a iîîeh are 110W Inring'hi-af tii iistaIdi li ë ii oai feil iii verSudayafterimonrt the tIi-e iir, u- tI,, îi-h , i t-taii u i.itaI or hd il ittî fnsftIi M rs W a tIWi ti, outf' si tntiiioircî ti- t-e ri Cîtîil mll ulcago auditorium a-iiigît-ce tte toZdli-tiCPLTfîomdav piada.1euiple un Chicago anS the sttrrîunding lis Dr - 8U 5 sisié-li - . M m. l'etem Striog vimitord Item aughter. ThIt o ai Nîtitis a-if gîte oro- i-ountr,.the privilege ofl lîentng lii Ie. Iltel, aor Mi-y NIrs Sumie lBrown, of Attioch, liuî gri-nit utlire ftrrttti h Tad Soteeoh th6 boit talent of the wtîmfd rt srs. n hos,Ikones hopqi"ilikly tc Fai Fitrsin ttdiy îd ln eiig, N)%-2.YmS Refr"leefuiiciitea-ptîpulir prieea. Eeery mutac lover in - a1i-sUi afî l i,ýý-itiEryliidy vouwitur ir ty shoufd tate aulvantage iof this ring tii n aclitaoheafth &ain.lfinit best. I daty in Chiceag. and tmy anS hear sone ofIIiiic fine or' Pnsi.iUeli labo no Sottîl iltit atemr m .i treNormaîiniAdanti.of ftcrgtL.,wn . 'nanS Mirs. WinSprinigem and NIrs. ronterts. Madam Nordîca one tof the, To. n.. titat we tIIs ellefat o rtm 1, i ws n liee e ie om fwrilsgeâ ig hioo II ,-tIf e-l lîty tintih,.lîi, t lcsitervisiteS ber fiaente 5atumriaynd Sun1-i -m îtm.ielri îshm lw>lge~îng i@rs lefled for Lat tet A.ftiet il, tafu1itW ailt, v. day. i El iWagnîer and iamîly Sundriy.January 23rd. Bust write me fint for ano nide. [r anS Mmes Jamiesen efent fast Pied. Tis Illva delâarand dottpoh.tnet. ru-da n nChicago.Iî M mi rimî'eîanSd __________________________________ flA droasils v-lt Dr.1Shoo'. "dvs nedc-otrem. mutiner returned e-ttt thin. >5 lihottu T h n&l ai-srin Little Florenîce htumfeIl brietinn set-- tbu ta'fi. - iu1II'b, i tepîStt eek but rt ireset Io 1m 5 tirai-a 1100writtéing îe hmprovîng. an hnestnd .roslbldo aue ,tnofrce M. ridî Mm. J. M Strring expet toi LU S JEMN e on . van nteles to theittuk. )cave Friday for hPasadena, Caf., toiltend meao hcb book Fou need. the ivinter. books ein. a-f urly open op oea-andI Mm pin) Ids. 10 le a-ho am M». larra Whetoriandn,n.of iVtei- a-cites rau ais tion, flE. came Mosday le) vistt the hutmeý Wy, dvimand ook The Ladies' AiS Society wcre enter- 5Y57517-SJiWitOOtCit.tied lait Tburéday hy Mme. Safford bars a wSor atao frote me afllasar tOp and Misa Footoe t theo parsonage.r eliousalimnt i bave hlped teosmnds ut o fwr a o n thouuds aiy smy e e nion or ealto ekaasSn.__________________________________ advce ". ells = 'aaly C. E. Topic: Nov. 21, "The Besig ohThankfl Heart, Nebul,8:-2 Nro Aflar arda Jameiln, leader. 81.Mi.~ GAGES LAKOEZLAM A fterw aronius Mm. anS Mm. F. M. Hauser a hilma Paf merton attended the hnrai Mm. Junge and daucShtir, Jlico, visit kavoitrah In mcdlmtonroa v oe airenedi. iebbySelof her grandson atSolon Milîa atweek. cd Is Chicago over Sanda'. r SboopBox Ix. Racinew Suaday, Nov. 14. Funemal fromt the .ek ha 1i M" 7-1 houme Moday toi MilEJmsek Cemetery, Mm,. tuer Âmes, oh Antioch, visiteS e- Mmi. George Rcharda9u hanaable te lie IlonDrsrteersa NO. Fr Wuen Friends and neighbemaozxtend symprith- lative@ bores mcetly. out agan alterma long spelb ofoh schisa. onOfileHesrt No. ô orMens les 1tte beeaved auuity. Will Young, oh Guelph, N. D., 18 vimît- Who saIS Round Liake ada no aide- P.. aOn the idffus N.i0n ietau.iog hise grandparents, Mr. anSdlir. Jas. walks? W DWORTH. Taiylor. 1Mrs. Le. Hond. 1.laredinga.hea- Little Mritda Wright ioa rbhe te attend Sriys in Chicago. Oum hoStau aummen ba» corne te, a achiiol rigatn ralter bavlng te tay out Thte dance et Round Lake feint Satur- cloeon a couple ofi a-ets on ri.xonof f îct day a-ai wehl attende sud Sail reporteS IBE E A haippy Thanksgiving tcaui. nes, a fine tume and that the musicwaai fine, R S ELMr. anS Mm.John Sheahavrie rturneS ip@TyoradTrl sdMsr. Dont lorget the dancea ah Round Lake home alter ependiîts a lent wecka awth B9hi anS Honry. oh Wukqgan @etiut Tbriukogiving Eve.. Wedncsday, Nov. 24. their Saughlem in Kansa@. Sundriy ovenog at C. C. Âmes. lTe Chicaigo, Mhilwaue & 8t. Paul R Mmi T. Strang anSdtIra. Wm. FcliSick Mis. Carmichriel fBa rble to ride eut R. are going to put lna cement cuning aub r Ya d l pent a day f ast neetrt Higbwood. aiain. aound their platifortm sud furnisbi semne For Figures ou Mien Mary Elagency haut returned fron t onvo ehipped tinother carload ofh bry aalks ai good ai the boit. BUILDING MATERIAL Chicaguo. mei-tit. RUSSELL Miaurice Lux took a trip to Waukegrin Miss Fftri Churchill, oh Libertyviffe. m My priS a rre rigit anS gnaudes Tuesday, going front there te Elgn waas a vittîr rt John Crukerîs Sundav. E. -owfer a-as entetained ait the gond. Whetbem you bny or Carence Myens, f *Slivire"), bas loflt Mise Pratt mpent Snnday with ber par- .T.he Ladebs Aid wlh giveaircai nul; get my figures. to u aanSgone te Chicaigo. dite ait %Ifaut-onda Nove26Laiees is anS evelag. tome MisesSosie Lni a @pouding thesa-ctk LNGLA anSdituy your Christmas preceets. zPREPARED) WHITEWASH with reatives in Waukogriu. E..........................-R..-...J loy Alcork bai gone ta FloriSa to A riomber oh Woodmen attenthed thte Jiî Bariin,.sable anS son, of Laite speud the ainter. oysten auppen lait Saturday nigbt Vifr, has iin îhredîng corn iu this tIns Wm. Brookus aud amiiy, of J. . HIE D rp .1. Bartlett @peit Tuesday nin etstb(,birotd. Millwaukete, are visting hem mother, tIrs. _________________________ Watuegrin. Joîhn Cleveland anS fimbuS, M. Iteiter iA. Siver, Misa Nef lic IDoyle is taying witîhitIr, visit4-Sait E. . Orvieis, near Sprtng Mrnie Bros. bave another carloaS ni P. Mfashien. inov,.unte day Iat a-sel. a- F DA CNdIW m. Elmer Iyna and Sauguttir an,. Mn, Mina Gilbtert is havhng ber barn tIre. Melville expects ta more to fi sl, B I5RaTUIYV penuding a fia-seets with het parnts reriaired Kenioabriasouri. G. ,rtii,,isot iiin u. -e.-.1 Arthtur Ata-eli visiteS relatives et i tGi-, M'arsNmr ha@ri,..,,itured fi-e Marble and Granite Monu.meni s Cemietery Work of Ever) Description Correspondence boliciter 126 Genesee St Waukegau w. H. APPLEY Auctioneer FARr1 SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyvilie, 111. PHIONE 14311. w malg aiar . TAYLOR GROVE. Hi-amy Hiitem, il Chicaigo. spent Irit we th hi. fEei-..eJohnEî Cleveand. Miss Ida Lewin entertaineullte Ladies' we ih[iM1-8n Ju .tuS SocietY, i eSeday,,Nov. 17, ii -me MaimîsBriuemi and ichildren were datîer. WAateh for the fair. en cliers at Mn tIàitrbnrlis, M.indây. Thuere wcmc ne service@ helS rt Rosee W ater Cbisi-otre. oh Chicago, SuaSay- traits fat SunSay ou arcount oh briad ort (Giffuird tif b itesd. a-eather. Mite Zeifa Basin vi3iteS rlative@ beue Mr.lieetîon a-be bas been bers souie Sntuodry anS Suridaày. time tu-hf make is home near Waukegan Mr. Pouty a-as out rt bisettrige for the pr-seul. ove, Suda-v. Bec. Ila8chlen waasenterlained Otan fMn. Cbraipeywarisout aitithie auto Sunday rt the W. H. Brea-er houme. fon seserril Says tliî week. tIrsS. A. Sheri iai sdi1 quite sjrk. - Mm. E. Bastings ipent SunSay rt ROSECRANffS J home rtc A number frmm er- a-cre Zon CitY Mrs WillOlier vîteS lu Chicaigo crllFri Fi riy.citerai datas Irirt reeb. Ethel Lewin epent Saturday anud Suin- Mre. Toîm ESwarade h entetaiuhng day in WaEtkegan.ifit ieiidt irîtîtiChiiigi The înanyiy Inîntioh Di-l Faulktner "7liitelîîu'î uc-S.'Sraihu ishere anS tht- extend coingratulritions. famîters are atîXît)umti ushuî their piow- Pains of a-umcîu. hentulpios, or aîîy Blanche Oliee avî-ituîug l in rukegan. pain stoppeS] in 201 munuitîte sure ailh Liuri Strihrin i1wnt Sunday aitb Dr Sbhop'c4 Pink Pain Taihu-te. Ses full Ruthi Hancîn. ormula on 2- Bis S- -dby There waaine rhurrb servie here at ALL DEALER&. Suoday on account eh the bâd weatbem. bis visit Lui Daikota. J C Commis anS wile are rejoicing u'vem tfîe bîîh tuf a Sangbicm hoonSundriy. Borno to Mr anS Mm. B. C. Melville a daugitter thie same day. tieti iltForris, Frank Nea-eil and Aeru Cîmnis a-ire on Chicago faut Tbomsday. Jothn Palienton anS Mrg. lImace Avru a-,.îc tarmued lait Monday in Kenosha. Etri Farr. oh Grayalake,spent Sunulay a-lui Ruîuy 5.-hie. Thé Pociety at Mmi Gmeeley's waa well attendeS last Piednesday. Annuaf Millitumti Mulual Insumance Assessment. Tfuotiîrsîtuunîsof hoeMîliturn Maturil InstîtrasopCe'mpriv hsavehi-vieS un ail] tit wirs ani assesmntforlttfltloh tht-ci Suý,infaiattndfftn ri-cil. (f8 50on en-fi tuo- b-isantii ulirâ ns lered tii îuîv i. iset oi-,tuhfni eto tw,-Ive thîusîund six pnid fîtîîded uS eeu, Ot itil dlit tia-i su.aetv ceci-n cents ($12.672 77.)i îit hiss in ,-i'ummetl up1t tis dote itseemenit tiill fie-du, antS calle5 lin tiîirty Saye allen Novemuesr 4tb. 1909) .1oaN A Tiuer.Sucretarv Millburn, Ill. 7-2 r PA NOS-- A ROYALCOM[R7 8>' CLIFFORD G. SPENCER. [Copyright. 19»t. by AmrorcaaPros. Aàee. nlation,] MlatroaPorchbc""e r' landiady ni th@ Blue Boar tavero. lu Lslcester, Eng- lad, was slttlng on fhe porch knittlng shen an nid genDtleman rode up. dia. nounted and aslted for entertaliimPnt. [he landlady looked hlm over and, ho.E lievlng film tu bc uf the gentry, tutk îim up to the beRt rooiîtin the bouse. The hedsieaid %ais a pittderous ifour po0t1er wlth bangiîîgs i(J t date a cen. tury later titan the lielsteiid itielf, tbe ither turnîture ciîrri-cpoiilig wlth tbe atler. On the wiilia liuiîg twii badly palnted poîrtritsî. fle one ni the fle% relgnlng îiiittirh, Elizableth, lhteaotier ot K~ling uit itirî 111. At sii[ifiir lth gîte-t t a ti tiled on by Ittîrol lU. the ifa ilatdi "idauîghlter, a co>nely lais ofeill-î. "Cao voit teil tie, ttLi' le Raid, e 'wbeîtce iannelthe beiiiatend lri the room I1itcrutt y Y *'Indeed. sir, 1 cian But lîrit tell me e'bv you ask. -'h originalir beionged t0 sortie great persouîage. huit I know from the carrlng and the remains of gilig." 'lit dhd. sir. It was near the end ni the hast century when one day the servants of King Richard III. came no thîs house preeedlng the king wittL bis running wardrohe and set îrp that >edstead tu the rou f bey chose for bls majestysg bedChamber. The king hmseli arrlved Inter, alept In the beil and the noit day wes killed on Boa0- worth field. No ono ever came tu clebsi tho furnltnre. My great-grandparentso, wiio then kept thla Inn, tnok down the rlcb honigings. Thoy are now sfored in a ehest irn the attit, andt the hed- stead bas rernained in lis place over @Ince." The strauger remained et the Blue9 Boar for some tinte. He wroto much In bis chamber and made excurslnn iinto the îielghborhood, espeeialy tn Bosworthîfield. lie and Dorothy lie- came great fienda, and be told ber that he was wrltlng a hletory. 8h. confided m hlm fthit she bad a lover, the son of a farnier whose farnly would not permttblmn to marry her because she had ne dowry. The guest sympathized wh ber, but could do nothlng to comfort ber. The young lover dld net corne to the inni, nore di the lovera meet clandes- tlnely. But one evenlng wbfle the nid man was slttfng beblnd a clump of tre, studylng 5010e acraPa ni paper, ho heard volcos on there al! Oea? by. A mnan's volce wes saying: ,el have at lest quarreled wlth my father, Dnmotby, about thia Matter. Tbnere la no hope for Us& lu a few deys 1 ahaîl sal fnr the new land of Virginla. hI 1retura from there"- "Don't talk thune Joel. Virginla la ta? awsy and a wtldernems The for- tunes sald tauho tiiere are dream-" "1Then, Domothy, goodby, andl goodby inrever. 1 @haill ahwaYs"- The voie" were lost ln the distamc. The neil mornlng whle at breakfast the atranger maid 10 tic landUord: "Mr. Porcheser, theu. la hi tua houa. a property suficiesit for a do"t for your danghter. Il ha£a ecamMY gond fortune 10 discover It &aD& thoulgh lit la flot mine. 1 wlU not ti 1 have your promis. that lit ghaie h uned au 1 direct" Nnw, Uic landiord was a miucrh man, who tinought more Of hia 0wb gains than hie daughters bapplneâ. "Whmta lan My houa. la Mina," bd -When you have dincovered ItL" -Then 1 wiU idlacover It at Onc" That day ho ansacked cvery -OU ln the house andi dng about everY fraiO lai bis yard, but fio Propcrty did 1h6 land except what ha baS alwaYs known to, be hi, nwn. In the evening hi gulked and the next day continueil his seerch. At the noon Mead ha Of- toee the stranger e tI brd ni the treas»- tire Ifi he wouid declama IL But th@ straingor saiiSfihitnoue nf It wa he. and he wnuld have noue of IL. B- ing the discoverer, heaisiaphy chaimed It for one member ni the tamily ln whose possession it happened ta b. At lest thre tlher ylelded and with hi, wite slgned a paper making over &Il the unknnl property to hie daughtm Dorothy. -Now corne t10MrnrOOm." salAthe atranger wben the matter hed heen settled. Wberenpon the tather, mother and daughter accompanied the guest upetaîrs and Inta fila moom. "Take off the heddiag." ho said. polntiilg f0 the old four poster. They dld as he dIrecteS. He thon lilteS a portion of the bottorn. WhIch was double. anA revealed a hoap ni shling gold plecels. His three compaulons itood baoklng et the treasarre ln aslonlshment. At lest Mîsîresa Porcheater takeil hnw he had camne 1n dîscover IL "A few nîghts egae," he aald, "flot being ale 10 Rieep. 1 toiseS about the lied. Atter aile ni my thrasblngis 1 heerd sometlng drop on thbe floor, roll for e short distance and stop wtth a sound for ahilthe -world ilke a coin faiiing on Ilis aide. 1 sot up, wlth Oint and punk lit my cendie. aearched. and there on the tloor nnder the bcd iaund a gotti plece ni ant old collage. Know- lng the hîatory ni the beil, It occurred 10 me fhat Klng Richard bel uscil It to conceai a5arm iecessary far bis par- sonal expenses. In the mornlng 1 me- moved the mattrees and inund the ver saueb HOME LUMBER COMPJ UI.gtyviiia.DL S tatanfI lîlinois, County aofs~ In the Circuit Court af Lake Emil Rudemt va. Frankhlun W. Helen W. Ganse, his w1fe, <l Gonyo and tire Chicago ITil:e Comnpany, truistee. BIB o 7Uqgq Gen. Na. 4270. Public noUice 1%hcs-eby givq« by virtue oi an crder and li tered in tire aa cnlLtlî= a saiS Circuit Court et the Octob* A. D. 1909 thereof, the uà4çtg master ln chance of a!.id A"u on Tueaday, thir art.t December A- D. 1M0, set the M 1 o'cbock la thea aftcraan of uaý et thse out main door of thse; bouse af Lakacounty, lu thse 0 Waukegau, hlntthecounty ot LA* state of Illiois, oei at publiec*1 ta the highest and boit bider fiÉ tira following described band ai estate, hait: The north 200 teet ofnie Unet feet oh that part ni bot 3, situai section 32, townsip 45 natb, la1 Waukegsn, beiisg a sudvison Il renus A. Newcamb of parlsa0e tian 32, township 46, and a1 uae townsship 44, narth, renre 12,.0e tire thîrd principal meridîan,. me to plat ecorde in h Book C of pagea 64 and 55, LaIte CountY Xi erle Office. Also lots 6, 7 AM' block 134 ai sald subdivision 1M nenhus A. Newcomh, ahave dais aIl nf id lApremI ses being mit the caunty ni Lakte and tatq 4 noIe. iciAM L I.. La 74 - Mashela DataI Noveraher 12, A. U 1 If von desire a ael~ 0010 F evy'g Oino tazativeo or and livertrnnhepe tvîi st organs andi thomouffghIew tem, whrch la bat ieap dem to Ibel wcIL Consuit Us, When Buyiîîg Vacuum Cleaners Washing Machines Electric Sewing Ilachine PIotors Meating Appliances, Etc. We are in a pogition to give you the, advice of experte on electrical and mechanical apparattus, and can save y«U rnoney and trouble. North Shore Electric Company 230 N. OENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN, ILL. 'Phone No. 258 o Special Olier to the liog Raisers 0. of Lake and Adjoining Counties Hlla i nt ltîdîîe to th. larmîers ofI ake ant i ai1jîinhgi i l ou es t1hl. idt t,Eif IE R ES ttc rais-, tic a ill fir ifor the neipt :30 diys a leted lot of 'ioung IBourg and'Siw of titis v(îar's Farrow and Pev- ertil very lice tiung Ioars ready for light met t t"e %Ve are gzetttng otut our annu d falI limt of stock for sale and wigh te give te bsolection to the farmî'rs of this ait adjining Countice beore U,. begin totthip ont. O W,. have been itreëding Perkmhiro for o)ver 15 vear. and know wbat * their goîîd qualîties are, and it ia a demonotrated fact that a gaod B IERKSHIRE BOAR ,.rossed on any GiRAD)E 50W wiII IMPROVETH * PlUS FIFTY PER CENT and thev wifli ale the Ratine weight aà tii. common kjnd on ON-TIItRD LESS FEEH). O Boy a good young BERKSHIIRE BOAR and try the experiment witb Oyour spring pige, and il you have Dlot more than one or two sffows to IF r eed , ak u ac lub i th y u nl b o n Teleone n a . 46g « ___________________Libortyville Exchmn.l SSPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER I and CONIYECTIONER To out of Town 0.-ders LibrtyviIe - IIII And Shippfng Trade MOTELS AND RETAILERU SUPPLIED I WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNî,ý Prolessional Cardsj DER. O.P. BUTrERFILD, IrtTERINÂRY SURG*EON. AUTAET TATU VUTWUàuAN LibertyvilUIlhàola. Hlenry Sine's Sale Bami 2714 ELIBIIA AVE., ZION CITY, ILL. Reuidence 2MElaba Ave.. AU KiOII.of EHorts.,Rarne.., Wagon& a&M Bus- glus for Baie or Exeltange At AUilmres AUCTiONEERING FOR PUBLIC SALES A. K. STEARNS LAWYER 213 Waahington Street Waukegan 'Phone 2761 DR. EDW. V. SMITHI General Practice office overiZuce & Connpany's Store SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES 0F THEE YE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MANUFACTURER OF DRL GOLDING DENTIST Houra 8 ho 12 arn.-i ho 5 p.m. J. Eli Trigge Building wlth Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 Roi. Phono 1092 Llbortvville. Illînola DR. E. FL SMITH. DENTIST. OVER LAKL OOtJNTT NÀTIONAL BAN5K.9 ionna-8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m DkILT. LlbertvIlle@. Ilros DR. 1. L TAYLOR. OC iE OVEB J. EUA. TIoei BLDO. qotîa:-7 t~o 10 a. m. 2,lia 4 ad ô oc 8 P. M. 9moadence on Broadway, opposit Park lbcrtyvlflcIlinlois. MARTIN C. DBCKE ATI'ORIiEY-AT-ILAW Office Opp. Istil st. Electrlc Station Office Phone5884 Roi. Phone 3603 NORTH! CHICAGO, ILLINOIS W. H. STUDER SURVEYOR Subdividiniz, Farm Work and Drainage LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. PAUL MAC GUPPI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LIrtyville, Dalnois raownset DR, C. Y. GALLOVAYa oNraciovSS LOvwL'5 fim ve gouis-fron 1 ta 8 and & o 8c p Lilsatyvilk Dnos wPo md i l r ombshs sJ n 0 )f S. if 0 ýil