Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDÂY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909 ~1 i o o o o o * o o o o NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINES We aok you to buy a New Royal machine because you want the best when you buy. The best materlal and the best mechanical skill combine to make titis ma- chine of few parts so simple that anyone can understand it, and we believe therefore the very best machine for any family. W. E. DAVIS (lroceries and Dry (ioods LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. in everything, but in nothing more so than in MENS8 FURINISHINGS. We stand squarely on QUALITY; and in buying your wants in titis life of us, you get QUALITY and MOIJERATE PRICES combined. Our Furnishings are not, in1 any case, the cheap, unreliable kind, but the real, good, inexpensive kind. OUJR PLATFORM IS QUALITY AND MODERATE PRICES, Quality Counts Assuredly. J. B. MORSE & Co. E3veythng or ienLIBERTYVILLE, ILLý,' Pure HoiÉÎe Rendered Lard and Home Made Sausage Vou know the quallty we handie Borne vandel or vandals, ideniity un- tnown, drave acrosstire new wlts lu tirepartans nîgrt lest weet. Tir.-street commissianer le oui witir a atuffsd club. Hlarry Mlulhoiiand wiro bas boesi mat. Ing bis bonis bers tire paot summer bas been visting tire pasi two weete witb trienda and relatives lu Wonwowac, Wis. Tire gentlemen triende o! tire "Joiiy lMi'ie" willi gve tbern e returu danenn tire Woodmen Hall on Fridey evening ut ibis week, Niiv. 19. Invitatlond were issued Munday. Tire regular Seturday evsning dancing ciaes wailbe heid lu tire Woodmein hall'j next Sturday nigbt. Mise Pearl Waite, o! Chicagi>,wailinstnîit ramH ~toi)9p. rm.; dancing Ibereetter. Leýseour: Ladîse', 25c., gent@', 50c Tire prize winuere at lire Lyric theatre lest Idonday svsnrng wsee Bert Fault- ner, tire iret prize of a china fruit set, and tire second ta Will Rohr, a chine creani pitcher and sugar bowi. Two vaudeville acte were teatures o! tirs shows Tuesday and Wednesay nigirma. Wmtetrr condItion. have been ratirer unastised the peet weet. W. L. Enichînu. of leuview, waa ln tire villa"e on business lasi Saturday. Opiscopa esrvieu willl ha beld ai the missIon nexi Buuday atternoon ai 2.30.1 Miss Mabei Rudolpb @peutsïeveraldaya thiis wVek ai ber home iu Rlvervlew, 111.1 Edward Dreer and Miss Blanche *Triggs @peut Sunday witb frleuds ln Racine. Miss Itena Cros§by, ot Eranston. wes a guesi at the home of Mr. and Mr#. Wal- rond lest Sunday. M". Peter Larson, ot Crystai Lae, le iiting et the home ut Augusi Neloon, north of the village. Mre. J.M. Fuller and deugirtor, Crace, ut Wauconda, vislted ber moirer. Mme. C. M. Fuller, Monday. R F. Roues, ut Rockefeller. reiuruedt from Wisconsin Tueeday wbere be pur- cbased a carload ot cowe. Miss@ Celle and Fia Swenhon), of Chi- cego. were the guesteo! Mr. and Mrs. larrry Putueur let Sunday. Tb@e Women's Ould o! tiSe Epiacopai Mission will bold a bexaar st tire towu hall on Friday efternoou and eveuing, D9ceruber 8rd.t The Libertyville bowling team detet. ed the rayelate teeni lest Thursdey nigbt by 131 pans, the total for tire tirree0 games pleyed. I W. C, Saubora ifti Mondev for Springr-P fied where he wliiattend tljgrand lodge meeting of the 1h O O.F. as e delegete trom the Libertyvilie lodge.d I LOUIS J. YEOMAN T HE PIANO MAN Wll Haiborne, wiro hmbas e empluy. Thre W. C. T. U. wUl ment ab the home id wlhthie lâibertyville Lumber coin- oftie£mill Bush Tuesday, Nov. 211 peny for the put itod yeare ir egned ai 2:80. Subjec, 'i'jen that ame Over. hie poition and will move to tire D. N. came@ with Wlne." Hannon ferni wbere ire wll hoa asistant superinteudent. Eari Loveland ba ait-. C. M. Lowrie, of Highlend Part, was en tire vacancy witir the lunihar coin- e visîtor bers Weduesday. Ho camne lu pany. -tire Interet ci a wel.tnown leturer Mre.M. C Iekermoier o ~ who wilprabably dllvered an addrme r@. d.led Dtber, orne uorti Ciicgo bers under tire auspies of the higi Bunday. Tire tuneral tout place Tues. day. Burll t Ivanuhoa cemeterv. Mr@. Tirs Francîs Greene company iras beea D-cter ai one urie<led t fvaniros and piaying a% ttirtown hall the pet weet wax weil known Wtaiaîy bers. Tire W witir a repertoire of popular pîsys. reaved tamily bave tire yrnpatby or Goodcleeu performances have been given rnany triende. and tire shows weil eiteuded. Tire A number ut Mystie Worters tror tire popular pries ot 10. 20 and 80 cents locl ldgeattnde tis steralueniprevai. Tire old favarite "Hast Lynne" given by tire 1Iveubos odge lest F1rideywlihiretaconrrdyvnug svening. Tirs Ivaniroe hall was packed A Graylete girl was lu Wautegen ro- to full capacrty and tirere were rnany cently and wbile tirere stepped lnto one visitors preseut tram airer county of tire stores tirai are regular advertiiere l~ odges. Tirs progmemn was e good one lu tire INDEPENDENT ta buy a abîrtwaiot. t-and well received by a muai appreciative Sire toid one of tire geulal propriesors audience. wabsie wanted and heaiaeed: "Wbai buet, Miss?" Tirs young lady appeared C. N. Duraud. tire well known attOruey, retirer otartîed and loatîng around ner- baed a rnost uarrow escape from serions voueiy replied.- " Blsssed If I kuaw, air: 1 injury if not instant deetir, in Chicago a didn't irear anytiring." weet ega lest Wednesday Whie cross- ing one-ai tire dowutown aireete during Harry Blain, a barber who had been tirs busy bour ire wa3 @truck by tire pois emplo * ed lu tire Fleoeg barber sirop for ot a Parruaiee bue and tnocksd dow n tire pasi iwo montire. lotitirs village tartunetely tirs vehicle wes ual gaing nuanuounced lest Tuesdey ulght. He very test or ire wauld bave been mun bailddrawu a his more salary tirai was over. Tirs poiesteruck hlm jrr.t below coring to hlm. wax lu dem t t U. L. the beari end lireiras been sufferlng con- Hoas for over $20 for board aud aiea siderabis pain tire pasi week but iras owsd several email aceouute to sus& now about recovered. ceptibie ecqualiences troim whornlire Tueaday nigiri siortly betore nins bad made @mnaili ans, lions but not netorgotten. o'cick tire wffs urecaveredoin tus Rttuen ut îb ironie o! Thro@. Sage on Stewart avenue. Tire ire epparatue was teten ta tire scene but tire blaze irad been extinguieirsd by tire neigirbore and no1 ne,,d was fuund tor tire ire buse. Thei ire etarted tram an overireated ietingj store and tire farnlly iraviug been absent returned horme to Sundlire raom e blazing fumnets Tire roorn being iigirtly cogeud gave tire iarnes nu chance to spread aud ail tire darnage was coutined to tire kitchen. Ed W asiburu is building a uew houn ou McKiley avtnue. Xitle e usai home ot tire bungalow veriety. Lyun Cobyve uew bougesle somnetiring on tire semee style whicl r s eta be very pupuler amnong a number ufthtie uew bouses goingup bers attirepreýsentime. Wort ou tirsboues belng builtfor Fetier Stan- Ion adjoluing St. Joseph'e cirurcb le Pro. gresiug raply. itwiliihaof brIck aud modrn lu ever yrpopect. H, a. Pegiow bas tire coutreet for tirs brick work. 'I put $ianrY bank accountevery month. Hnw rnuch do yuu put lu ynur account?" This le bow tira tarccunn bas grown: Ist year, $122.10 3rd vear, $377,40 2nd year, $247,80 4thyear, $51080 Pruvide for the fuirai by a Saving Account with our Bank. $1.00 wii open an account.-SAVINGS DEPARTMNT. The First National Bank of Libertyville Next Door lu Postoffice Open Salurday Evenlags A I'N L- M*1E N YT1 IN R&Mndconcert at the town hall ibis Thuradsar .venlng. Roy leoman, of Wautegan, was a pLiaiet visior 4lre Tuesdy. Arthur W. Newcomb and Tom Dreler were vistais in Chicago Sunday. Ward Davis, of Bernent, iii., visited relatives boe sTnesday ofthis week. C.îoice Northern Spy appies are selling for $3.75 a barrel at J. ELi Ticioos;'. The new dancing schoui opened na the Woodmen baill met Saturday evening witb a very good attendajec. Chao. Forbrick @pont seserai days ai hie bomeeIn Antioch lest wevk on abhunt- ing expedition. He kiiled severai dncks. Misse DeAdee and flac-iTiffany, of Antioch, attended the'g meeting beid In Libertyvilie lest Saturday alter- noon. A ]&W and ord"r lealgue is a good thing aud lite cbarity itins t boie But that je the lasi place ou eaurth sume people lok for IL The next Woodueu card party wiii be giron in thoir hall on Tuesday evening, Nov. 30. Ail are invited to corne and have a good urne. On accouit of a wreck above Janes- ville Tunday maruiflg, the nine o'ciock train was several boure laie. The noon train was also delayed. Mr@ J. 9. Mulholland and moi), Charies, of Wonwowac, Wl.. are vimitinga t the home of ber son, Raiph Muiholland, pro. prietor of the Libertyville Livery. Threê dancesaet the iown hall next week ail In a row. The tireruen Wednes. day night, the band boys Tbursdey nigbi and the Amici club Friday. Go to une or go to aul. I'yroiite wasbed for your coul cook etove. No clinkere or soot and very littie emoke Bfet noal on the market. For saie by the HOME LiintuCroî l'ANY, Libertyvilie, 111. 5Su Favorable reporte corne from Rose Taylor who leaia the present tirne 1laýated lnOrville,Waeb. Heisempioyed In the open air witb a surveying party and bas irnproved rnucb in heaith and gained tourteen poundd in weight. County Superintendent Simpson, of - j ---nP-attended the teacher's meet- in whîch was held ln, the bigb schooi building lest Saturday atternoon. Tire meeting was largeiy attended. about thlrty ilve teachers bexug present. T wo buggies collided late lest Sunday night south of Lîbettyvilie near the rhompson farm. The uigbt wae dark and botb vebîcles golng in opposite direction@ locted wbeela and splied the occupante from both. The buggies were sent to the @hop for repaire. J. ELI TRIGOS Grocer MA4Y IIOlODWINK!-D BY CII!AP BUJTTER Mnai oHave Bien Operating nt Waukffsn and Along the North Shore Dispose of Large Quantities in Librtyville. Dld you bny anDy oftbat freohr.reamery butter st 26 cents? Stungi Butter la Dot very cbeap ai 18,7 cents. rThat'. a Wat; but Il le inllnltfly better than worted uver antiqueted butter wltb a combiuation of bntterlne-eand ibtats wbat you get. saveral weeks ago a suave soicitor slruck tOwn and began tetiniz ordere for good creamery butter at 26 cent@ per pound. This struct rnany a thritty bousewileeas beingr quite, a bargelu and 8many of tbem ordered. ÇThre next week thehbutter wam deiiveredP by a new man, a stranger. Wise tcustomere sampied thettff betore they paid torit andsornelImmediateir deciared that il; eaa not the reai tbing. This thre coilector wouid flot deny but Ill- mediateiy began tu berate tire tiret man who hadl been around, bluming him for mierepreeenting lu order ta malle a sale. This sanie @tory je eaid to have been toid ta anumberoteustomnere.Borne ut 1tbem bougbt-took a chance ati h any. bow-but Dne are parilcnieriy eiated over their purchases. Anotber butter deai. Ordere wers aiso talien for a hrend ofibu tterine caliled "Moxl..y's." Wireuiiswae delivered ît alea telled toucorne up tu, epecificatlons. t ws oleargaruàe aI1iright, but there wes no stamp on tire wraoper se le requlred by Law, wltb tire Damneot the mater, weight, etc. The solicitore lun botb instance@ were C probably Innocent of wbat tbey were l eelllng but the seconrd man wbo dld thre deiiverlng and coliscting made âil thre neceeeary explanationsand elde.stepped auy disconcerting queetioi e. The creernery butter was suppoeed to corne fronu near Beloit or Janeovilie, where a incky creanery wae turning oui su much butter tbat tirey were tom- peiied to oeil ai a cnt rate lu order to dispxoe if h. Borne of thîs lot wes sent to Chicago were i was anelysed snd tound tu coutain a large per cent of butterine. The groeerv men sernt ta ire iaking thinge very go(od irnnrorediy and when sked aïbout tire matter aiwayK bave a quiet uitieernlis irefore tbey reply. Tire etate pure food inspecter@ bave been noiifled and ih le very probably ihey wiii pounce down on the town any day if auy more of tire stuiff ppeare on thre niark7et tirAile flot up to the require- ments ut the law. Anoiber case of iocking the barn alter tbe borse watt etoien. When you nant butter, why bnyit. M'ben you want oleo. wby huy thai too. But be sure it le caned uinder the requirenenis ut tire pure food iaws. Secretary Wilson on the Chicago The Honorable James Wilson, Socre. t.ary of Agriculture, lu speatlngz ofitheIn.- ternational Live Stock Exposition, wbich le to ire beld ibis year tram Nov. 27 tu Ne. 10, eald: "The International Live Stock Exposi- tion as au educationi factor ira carved a niche for itseif. "Producere are coufronted wiih the problem of Increased cosi of every coin- modity that ibey une, greatly enbanclng tirsir expenditure. '*Obvloualy ibis necessitaties rlgid se- onamv. and the man who reduces cost of production to a minimum ineures mraximumi profits and bis own ourvival wirere otbere tati. "The International Il teacin lie valu. able lessauoibcountryatan oppor- tuse moment. "Dt ring the period of cbsap food and teed loi extravagance snch education lune oi value-d. irsanse ite benofits were not reallsed at tMi»ln. "Under new condition@, tirs man who producea beef, port and mutton coanot afford ûthe sof Inferior machinery la bis busines. "Economy requires that ha irandle, the very bitit ypeso!tiremn improved breedlng; and ihese lessosn. ire obtai.- ed at tire International Live Stock Ex- position, wbiir leacknowledged tnirean educational Institution of the igieet order in lie lns." See the new hargains ai Beswlck's .5 and 10e store ibis wset. George Luet returned from the west Tueeday for a short vîsît wit i rI parente. blittene, etoctingo, laces, embroideries and handkerciriets ai Beswjct'e 5 and 10e store. Mr. and Mre. L. H. Whitney vlsited relatives@lun?.hcfenry couuty several rlays lasi week. Music, candis, croctery, notions. etc. &il for 5 and 10e ai Beswict'e uew store lu tire kiniley bluck. Mr. and lire. Dittrnar Roseuthal, 706 Mapie avenus. Oat Part, aunonce the engagernent of their daugbter, Emma to Chrarles Austin Saniroru, of Libertyville. H. W. Folieti, who tately vlsited lu Brodhead, Albany and Juda, Wis., bougiri lu Juda. of Les 0. Legier, two u ure bred Holstein beitere of the igbesi, utter strain. Louis Z Protine, macinietintthe Naval Station returned Wednesday trom Moline, Ill., where he bas been the pasi rveek as an erector for tire D. O lier Engineering Co. Reeentiy the Ma le Spring tarin was visited by Mrs. Qasie S. Lucae, ut Brodlied, Win., who foriy-two years ago taugbt tire Bradley echool. The rî,ad ieading to Late Bluff wae called thre Roctlelnd road and the s tation wse ltockiaud. Bier msmory oft he land scresq the river is of only dense woode. Among ber acquainiancso and pupila were the Lancasltere, the Brad ley'% Mrs MlikeRsdrnond, Mre Sarah Dusen berry and Mrs. Hen'on, ot Libertyville, Dan Morrison and C'. A ttridge. t to prepare for bad weather by coming to us for your SIIOES AND RUBBERS "hildren's, Missesl' and Ladies' Duil Ca.lf Shoes lor bard ;rvice. Kid and Patent Leather for best. A FULL LuNE. COME IN. What time wilI the dlock stop Inquirc Qf A MEETING PLACE We have fittod up a comafortable room for our customners' use; a con- venient place where they can meet frienda for buamnesa consultation. We sbaflbe plased to have YOU miake use of it. Cake coutuw Dafoui Dak cai and $UTPiU $75,000.00 Gongham Apon 20 Cents Tbey wouid bave been chea for 25o, "va befor Gugam advanced %c iln thewho=esbemarktt, as k bas lu ith peut week. Good, full sixes, made from strIlp.d and cbecked 0ingbaxn 20c and Indigo Bine Calico. Ouly about 4 dozen of iheni TakeI your pick ai ................................................... ......... j A big lot of sampie Dreesing Bacques, made troim heavy welgbt 88 c Fiannelette............................................................. 0 Ail wooi Eiderdowu Sécqnss, worth $1.00 .................50c Long Kimonao lu beavy Plannelotte ................................. 76c Eiderdowu Bath Robes, wortb $250 ai .............................010 THE F AI1R Libortyville, ni. The Thing to doý Right Now 10 pw#4«0 Everything for rlen

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