LAKE Cou-NTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL XVIII. NO.,) LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1909- i Pages $1.,50 PER YEAR IN ADVANClik WYNN ROAD iii saidt t If te peuple grant Il thte GElS fRANChIS! urt,'$30.000, iii curry titi city - Alderman Stuatz movedthie passage AIdIrman andi Mayor 'Pas& Bond Eiec tif titis ordinance anti on ai-iont of ion and.Senti Ordinancos Wthout Alderman Martin Il pusseti Comment anti People Are to Vote ELECTION DEC. 15, for *30,000ta Run City Again Dec. Then titi bontdiloi-ion ortiinunc, 15--Vote ot Last Bondi Election Can-a as introtiacet If preuidea for te vasseti Montiay Nigitl. holditng of teiloi-ion Doc. 15 anti ut titis tinote t'pî'oîlî mlii hune a clirîci'10 soie foîr anttiagainsftueli Th iti- ii i3 ittt uil %loiltayi- tigitt $;t ibilsO for tl ii-tanteul parposea tP passet isitîtaltitrtui-ti t'rnu - titi'besI t tiieî,1,,'t ut ut liti-nis uno touiit bt psOrîtedfrutncise tîî' ia;otii-r - foiri tat ti' lcil n aiilcarry. te Waukegan, t(colt & isgin Allrnian fut-fann nioneul fîun t Traction cootauut * tassagu' of titis o diaiiuîîuîî'andti iu Titi-franchise î-rrlî's sth il rlai rurt-i aninotistly siona for ti-eliayi- it llo! $75,000itlin nastilmentas ite rout. Biesitiis clauses hai tronitit' for titi routem MURDIER SUSPECTS whari' o!r1th'îuus'ug o!f Washinttgon T A TO M etr-e.tittafirs, sîrinkitig betai-ciA. tI CH tieti racks, roi îîr p015ttnduiit ri-t. bthe liîuîulitg tf frî'tgiltit iieut, anti Station. Ant for et-.aul i t Att,-t numîttu tint tuttloi* îîî-îaiîîtîîîis andt fi aîuî'l u- thi i il î-ltt ,li ,iiit't 1ii ta tar out'e of tltiaiing liunt tînt-il ilît iit l 'îii an ut- et it.- tutu i i-et - rui ilt it ltut.cît i titi of lt i 'l'. Stuli ait- l' i,tiithiiii'ti biltiitg,Ui, itit)gî THIRTY DAYS TO ACCEPT. 'T-e rmtul iî tt i ut t , e -t il, -,-11 e 1 mtan It'l it -r'ittui. -î,uutl ii i i-ai-i ititi i , ii lii it ,-- îtii lut i tIlt ii matie t-i iii ii $7- ttt( itme, ut't - i fraîtu-i l; l'u' ug i l lit tu-t pli- tatti gi ant aii -' li'fuurî ii'!tirt.v lut s -i lAre. Standl Cui tiw-e,04'iOutcît ntiTIti- tounrullitas itashut a s-Il oe'dinuic-(-, ihe- saut - 'bli lieisîf i tisai faendcliiof!tiIai]twi i iitgi ii munieti if usti' -titi id staundifor 1' wore t III, ofor titat $7.5,000.XXe ii' Hoeve tai taiail nIlitate lositislui agaînst te sale o!ftebondat "In aditiîon mw, su-ri-t-d îoli-î'on Pe-y aldermnan andthSe mayor ty ltl ici- huaI alîteuretiinte nemsapters taI mi- ere 001 wiliag te sand ffor more tait$30,000 ln payni-ntic HOW PAVMENTS GO. t Ai-coiding iili)te ,rtitnance'1tstd tise toi listaiîgart- stîie o! tliti, rifiica tlons unidîobligatiouns oftif,,u'ordiuianc, miici ti.tuttinil tandtîl i iain d i-ugunt as gooti t Titii- uuu t i tou eýt' udt nîtli'sî Finda Suspects in Box Car in Early Hours o! Suntiay Mrnînig anc Telepitone Communication mt Mit- maktre linîcîtes tuat Men Were Tma Zuntia Mrtierers. i Amit h i tt i lttif, i ti 1ii th-i-' utiitul;'tutliait '- Ztia " X; wti -ttît lt tiih ttu ili , i-ut it lit ttiti ' lI utif u. !tit li . - ti-'in uti, i -idl lýit ~ t 'lu ii.. t lut tii-tlui- ti Xii tilt l tp 'îî w ritf X tut - ut t 'r- i tlt i .I t, i 1 - a, a- t]uti- t ii ttt utuu dti-i tut, u t A' .iti, li iit tii 0 Ct iliii i-ts ini it-iltt lt,' itislit i at tiitti ar it -iîltit iiihbro.wa tirand jilwr tit-at tiark ctutt ili l i n ,rcaIn Box Car. l'etii utw i-ni- taul itn ia ibotx cli iii te si.iPaul stal ouiugett utAit tlocit iiie aniiti litîni hi-ni- ttu acre goung anti te.vrepli-i tai tht-i tai-ie waing for a train 1to rlluugtoîu whiicitlis sp th it-lne. ilJ'un fornitibii itien ti-ni- a as it train couuing andti iey reitiiet lit ttiy a outti waitt rurti ailtowTitev i-ifiuiltt o enter tit i-ptlot or getl fin ut cuy ti- uiîg lighitati-rt- tliecoutlé! spot. i titi-it ThIti ntcidenitou titi-e Suin t titi uigit ant inlut ti t -ii'trt-l.v îturs of (t -%fotnda), motinuta The niutrdir tif titi' Zintia girl wtt. r)ei-embel ilit i-vejer hbat Titi'girl waus uXen io a t 2-TTitIrai-l i uth,,iilaiti tnîlto ti'te heu ni sai utî- oi-t' nt îilit'i <Iurneet' tt X'euittgun Zii it-nantr itltei tsi-mugh itue ci' tol iti iadi uIde tif' Amateur Stesîhe Buay. Sitrit tsrî'et. lunîtredts o! amateur sieulta haut'fi 3--Thelia3,niýrttsurelitde $tirit for flve leurstir fi-tint192i4 to 19., h- t uw - -- -- , -- -tehe de $2,000 for tenu i iar, is,tir fni 192ttft t-ttiotthe tmn ttr in tut it i idti i 128: ail $2500 for iment' ears or oif 601.îîîîîîîî'îii li-f .,t front 1939 to1 1058 ns'-îu 5 Tiw roatis lbtnduufoii îîîrfcuni iiloî -tti u-sutf 11ri stuci'ofr îiutla s$2't iitîtfor rive-iît'ars; h výb e ifn u w i'ý 'tj- Alderman i-art tîtovedth ie liassagu- Iii dteîcti et. of te ordinanîce tutti as secontied Sonîtonetuttiîîliîîielte 'tu-f s fýofiet- 1 a by Alderman Ersiiti-. afier waiîcithtiti lai il (,*1col ala i ounîcît passi-u i it uaninousaclnsetit a:u.u i tti biftîlctthîe iti ROAD IS IMPORTANT. o 1 fteI)i w ii 11111 Er ,- Titi'routi ia nigarili-tias Importantîu re- h al s-(a inhd iti Xaukîgan for titi- inî1îîîî anî'u aboccrAiulves huaI beiidettîr'îliohuititrestoriltizti' lui atoucr idl-u1lt- r at' fariner'îtruetiho ti- Lalie'coatii cii-tigoa cruit-ttaiiaisatTiri miter- it beloîugs tuttibuilding op tir teut Ion Carstetti-trhet n il vut TIli hlies,-si-n it ah(, ockor t îîttofter parts of te iti- ilswo'i-rars mli ionni-it siraigiti a-it si. l'uois uia - hd'.Iiia n from Rockforti, altit uost o!Ilîlinoî luth nearcOttoîiiay ofthegitu from Elgin antiiti thtii-nortit ant i,-inecto",r nto Rint-rasof lite <ici-tt nortiwset net-sort tif trolley lunesfu-l-anetbrdesaiuriaut cii-ar to St. Paua t Rocliford or tut tait, of the possibiliti-o! a tyuiiulg' Hi-Boi-y cunîsmittuli te urderers are' caltuuin'ti 0 GOING TO KENNOSHA, TOO. General tManager Wynn clati-t tai James Murphy Deati. tise roue! Is nom seeing a frani-iice Aleanintsotsaiatîo mb enoisa100butif l acepa dtuîs, James îîurpity. 45 i-arc oi local franchise, mill hulîtte Illinois mlitnomn .'aîong titi-nort s siore, j lune i-t. Tise rout'a management iteti aI iss home In Deeoiputh avenue, fianitis admits Iisett pai-t o! an Inter Lake For-st tlontay mhorntng tir. ai-hanboit aout Ch-ugo. urpits, mio conutai-ot a îivei-y stabil, BONDS FIRST THING. a short distance fromt is home,1Shalr Tise ri-athing ht happene t ut lite ivet in Laite Foi-est for more fa stariien' part o! he council meeting tiris yeara He mas strîciten mitis a vas te Introduction of te Peoples s-niioioi uut.wit ui-net.bu bond resolution toi- a $30J,00t0lisaue as passei-t a Frlduy's musa meeting Alderman Hurt movethat tis e iiso- lution bc r-ci-met anti placet on fie andt thlie recommendationa thon-- un iti- utopleti. Titis carried unani- mouet- on titi second o! Alderman Crapo- WHAT BOND ORDINANCE ASKS. Titin teitond ortînance mus ln- pneamnonta. Hoe ma e memier o! Laite Foresît'ounicil No. 1286, Knigitle o! Columobus, anti ceveral oIson socle- lies. Hi- tasurvivet its a mife anti Oive ciiltiren. Tite funi-ral arrange- mentc tavi- not bei-n mati-. Miore titan nine itunti- et h-hers arc 10 te issttet from lte office o!flise Iroducedti Ilialla for sîxis honda or Elgin Commercial riait next moi-k as1 $100 tiacite10 tiar inl-rest aI 4 pi-r one o!fte primary st-ps ln Elgln'a cent anti reteemabte $1.100 a Si-ar. igitî 10 landthlie home office of tise Thise tchIs 10 give th iti-i-ts$6.300 for Myalluî Worliiruî nexl Jane Letters eeci Iligitis $4000 for th it-fre puy are 1e ho sent Io eacit member o! tise roll, $6.200 for tise police puy i-oil, local losige.i-ai-h o!fte Imo iundret $4.500 for cils offileWe salaries andI candidates for membersitip antdoui-h $10,000 for apeciul assessments. Tis lotige o! Myalic Workers n te Unied la al lu May 1 o! noit year, and It States. WAUKEGAN MAYOR penses of the clty ony;'DÉATI CLAIMS FOUJR chies metoiers of the ditiar-tfinn the A M U A KN GRANTS DEMANDS ÔOLVED, That It lathte desire of LAKE COUNTY PEOPLE 'hi, bereav, Zm dshut tîîb CO. INVADES MEXICO titis meeting that the mayor in- At ,c3t) the little boy had beeniCnlson. - a htTi 111ea Five Hundred People Meet in Court struct the chiets of the tire and Leslie Adams Meets Untimeiy Death isstrîg front ttic hous.e atiplay bari-lyCncuin o-cdsThtT.M* House and Asked Mayor Buck to police departiments to rein:tate in Cistern and City Pire Depart- ivienminuteis. wtlte his nmortier vsier Corne Together and Armasse la 11111agr Ileinstate Dischargud Fire and Police- their men tonight a t tht close of ment Mourn-Poliock Kilied In Ac a nelgithor. W'hîitirte nmortiter itigan 1 ng Fifty Million Dollars te Cuoeri men Laid off at Faitare of the, Thirtl titis meeting. cident When Pitched from Buggy ;a s. ar-h foir hîtu 'tomne t(-iîîriin toto on Fight, Probabiy Agalnst De Kap Thousard Bond Issue. Men Re-! Bulkiey Captures House. Near Bean Hill Schooi-Other hi r, tIlu ssat, tti. lie ii'au' t ite Among Otiters, or May Seel te B". tAttorney Bulkiey thin, ttri-îllytoj Deaths of a Day In County. ltit, buit 111 tîtuacheil no signiili! Out Mexicain National Paclslng Ce. placed ai Once. th1ao o ieît iihdcnr i ii ia ui fwac arisen te, exftiain mater'- artdt -ho JMS PLOC t Mlburs, lted Titin titi rit to the (,isterr, Wi ge ror fLk JAME POLOCK-t Mll un, mliýh; iForest, and John W. DeKay, of Waukegan Frtday nigitt good liaditput te views of Att rni i-tIllii., as the resait of a runaway acct i Iti, httllî-î îtteu hnd coi' MexicoJelte fwyass naturedly spankedlits mayor. af- doi-ler and XWhitney ont t 1 ,b iii tit edent. i-t an titî tt-rt' -t jîhnii til i rict ed theattaue an ew usae, ter seeing ihere were no spikes arn-s anti in atr eloilft anlit tin tti LBIEAAM--o fDiver fîttinît tit.i, to titilA iy siclaIl m as, in the llippe, and n hic pomise fforttolt sotie haltitiiilngi btl Ltoit ADateSocornerive so aneio gripgri n an dedpee,#t. n heeipe, ndo hspricie for tii oti btil tltti itiBen Adams of Waukegan rire depart- 1Tlilop tli lmtolt.battis for the supremacy In the to restai-e order assured htm that t îîcesuuary trîîths thati iittlli, ment; drownied in clslern by acciden t. ThoInlt mast'i li'li at il t cliii meat tradte of Mexico. he wouid have ts backing. crcîwd rit citizens andti i ttgltit thiL MRS. SARAHI WAItD.-After two *. St tg Attempta of J. Ogden Arsnour in The mayar kept his word andta tirothir fi-rt witit a dottlt, cri-i-r atti weeks' iliness as resluit of attack of, Mis. Saraht Ward Dead. the way of gettîng contrai of the thei stressful forty-eigitt bouts, vociferous appiause. Hie tits thItiian paralysie. jMc i-Sitait W'rtl of Northt avenue whîch miii go domn toto history wiîo more taon ant tatier, rotigiti R.FNI RHM-nCilied i lit e hispitai ai 5:30ii îînut Fr11 mreat trade of North and Sosath as a mIsta ke on thte part of the tîtatterti to a climax attî(l v' aoTurdy ii Siti-mas it flattt t teri' for Aeîafrsao h ota administration ,wme re over withaut tientent. As before Ili- ntin ohie I tii wi'ilisfoloiotiiîg on a sdroite tfn ieor lan bitresadwtotrge.Jamesi Pollock,. ever 0ti orertnient 1mb . I lIt iclrai îtace Armour ia supreme hîternns ntimîtoutreget, fret the îîtrpose of th- ti batltg ltttri' s iitti Laike 'îîîuîî itvianit wt aratýýs thla ii,-sut afned i whtle 1 ifil i vf mateien tiis country. The irayor sae ggto be gond leiiil'tsiglit of. fl u ' 'rl il' f-t tt igii- nkittttirtri tia tarît ti ii ii tiloit Ilnltbýno ie1 Iti' ercottd place De Kay Is su. and Wi.auketian s gntng te hott I t h te jsu l, , .. id v ail litk - b rdt(i eaii S e ltititiili(r, M s L . tt'hî' sjufýýdIý 1.1 e i iitti I5Ztitlid aitr n t itritti'liliith e a ttrade of Mexico aad Tphîs lane tititas ti whtoigtîitîiontît Ih111,i-lt ki'th to! ig a l '1 ,Eilalc itit' 'iexiran National Paclclag XX titi -iti lit-r titietitiilr9.t lîiîî-î't cîraidîfîîî1î- t a caittal of oser S i briget tgXis tue mett.ngiitimysX lit .-Ihon rtîî iii iln il' t . t' iiyi iii ii1 titi 'itikii iii t tat - - millionîî dolloatar arr Atrneys Butktey, Heydetker Il,,îg îttt i. itî i-ti f 'n ,r titi-t-e . ii Ini it( . ii lt It l iti ii itinttt ttt-.,ttîrd lutine Arît- r , cred- a, d V.ih.iiey. Attorneys W h, t iiitil îirii ia .tti 'îî lX iil iiti ititl îii ii tittt nf-I liiî tthe itlae in o gtn at 1 1 Iiýi asii d h l t ,, n ýà , l .t i ai n utIlttlte X i flii i -i ichu Fi-day nighl they sitated 't-. , 'titiri tiuld i I i i OPiîii ttit-> t iîh- î-I p'i li. tiictt rî tit te igi titey ri-dam fuit possession. Bath Iton] a ti,îý if... ttiMrs. Fannie Gcaham Deati. "filtary nhfoîîoîî tieioaipo- At a îîiglqe step Attarny B J - lI ii iiisat-torinptii-' - 'fiitiKîned)lmofototaiiyt' IntttMexittitoiatitr ti lit Ity deýIoped te qý,abies of KilietilmoattîltawtititS lite foi-nieraniWauIetr1ri-Ja l'y evelpeatht ualiiefof a ut iti iiias white ti- od,, ff-îîî ictiid 1 ta ýPilri.i', itîn Chti-giie triait andtliitgflicgfiniery aamlre. pusse-lai leader ani dassumet te 11;lrl, 10stoti to îtit i i ý11fi, iiI it -ttit i 'iti , a7flii iiiecilti t ii)1 dii-lA trcnacig eto je position thte penple s spokesmar n t hi'bdis si i inemIs foti a -p iltiilihttît iiui i,-ti t t'ar ii- H i, t 'ti-it rti tlii w i- m iii îîîîIght i e,t-- Utia reitiitiit', titi'claihta buelievod te peupint c i. tif 1i ilîrtîtin î o i- - lu t Ii . i ll Io 1 ,;s t r ý II P i t il onit 111titi il iMiititii to ltite taitie At a ti-e -.ntho t metîng I t I ,i l Iti lie $:i0 ,: i t i , ' iiigg4' nd iii iititi gititii tltui it iiArîtoiti s a resiient of Lakte Forent, thrt-tefiedti tadegererale in'to a bond t the it w outil lia-ii' ti., ti titi li aîiiti, WAIKEGAN iOfrFIC!R w bei e lie owîn a seven million dollar meee tatking bee mith te subject ut if il lyri ititî iiiif ilfu sVN IAI! uniu ti1iiros esic nîs sgit of hie titunderboits of lits- n-maris tare'otf tait ilg SVN I i l-'li it 0 on.lel li taoquence detîvere i wth tite ii-e tor tidwhi-n voterati i, '.i wjo,, îîoiîîtî'lIt' cifitlook litw, ctioniitir 0f lte fainous Sitokle desia- and spataneit of geius mared the' y ha escapd they moSaturday afternoonn near man fou rudtige i-tuttiear for - titenddth aiernaerfofeeverai mitit commron senge andi gnod 'ftlaki-t tfor sirant"tL -in i-i itstlressidencu- but' hei' utI i iithoil thejury in the Cashmore damage nîiesof îcalm 5tet tr jutigment. andi explaintng te pen lî 'îr n isneiwtl -* c - tgîîtugiun otutn th'a alse 'lyrins itan Denl f itR.K lkescouf. adntsre tog pes items savet te day andi tirs,',tat irte mayorandîti tiiiii t i tîelllboik titi'- e teeinfoutr antîl Davis returneti a verdict ot net Armour interest Satin. brougitf order out of chaos. The arîtid advisedly and tidti nuliitidtt ii four thirli Titi-,shocktuof lte îeatîî gaiity afler having been in the New York, Nov. 18.-That J. Ogdsa people sitouid mai-k titis man. itandth ie îîeoiie a lemoite euautl.rtt- ouî frX' jury ro m an hour.Arohueo!hearus ra. ttowrey Bulkley slprOnftvat- 'if te mayor und ciîy cititl ilii !W.Warriîtei atiendri the tictini and of mitich caused mach specula opneltdàscuigaflS citepome af ratry sflotvan ot01knowth iese fact.stiten lites tiiercilater te body w-as reniovedti 1Milii ton andi woiry among friende of gril) on te ieef andi witat Interese. isitetitram te eartit, for' Wauke- tiereiict No city la averse toii v iit ititrn where titi' îniîuet mus itelli aI ail parties. of Northt and South America WUsfl- gan men asuatiy imPassise. lis ilebis wher' te goods an- diýIiit itoon Saturday ,dctt yteanoneetta h citeerethm b itessaeo nsd t rd-Relatedti o "Jackt" Corey. Titi- tiie itousand dollar damage Farmera' Loan and Tirast compeay a - thhuewtar i saeiseagistBt e d H ie adltIWr -ofuiO The ]ate James Pollockt o! Militiirn rase hotitb is maCs-been named as trusatees of a Ie. Chthrrs gi. Btt a igti icagn th poieof ath ahri-a o"ak oy more againsl Dr. R. K. Davis anfd 000 morîgage issued by tise alIle.4t. rigtî n ius-iîrgog itetitic oi wa cu autr-m ta to'Jalu CoyAssistant Chier of Police Thsomas ' tlvee he gootis 1 t tem and cerstand iretuen and ieaving lte cîfy tite cartoonist for the Cincinnati Tyrreil wenîtot lte jury Saitrryieur Intereists on ail ihir propsilblia hema sen. iftot trtetinfo wtlh exîîyTimes-Star aod a toutous artiot. tirs, eno.There were several warm tstii-renaît tiff flue ittaHs liittrng .rH paiti. ony ditigruntied and feather Btertita foi-y Iti lit e city and wii - lpassages ut arma hetween Attorneys ant Iiowa. ici "tia uiltitti -uu tuetifrIeti mayor and city counicii coulId lrocerd 10 filitburu Titere are othet 1.- Orvia anti John D. Pope. hit aNwBodIse i rî".îludIonîmas Itari hi ir hon iclubtheliteleta nfo suuimission it ,, 'lati' s n titis ci-ilanti nany i iSsait Y those mio have heurdthtie The mortgage guarantees a bc"U1*- frrid ci zens 10 te effect t-- thi tInr am;i., t i îîpotectionî aii r -li tr ih-ie itin !ite idnc hat titi-noare wide tîscreja- nia>ç)i -rid concil Hhold -ailaý eari Il, ti flanches tar liteionefsLake, nolelitetho pue-moeueo o!e$60.000.000Of $50,00,0 er c per cet rbi'Y i st utl ontitstitii iai cri' ternt Io onie lii lime. Anylitayoil -cîîuîty iî wiece.Year goît bonds reetentiy authoad ie4b s posibîle ariftti'r bondîi rection foi-i antri coinciltri ii tfit of pettyanîge, For leurs te lareu' Mc Pllock iterit bTito nexl cse, t botaien rt mas a lte Armour directors. The mort~, titi,0 rot 0 iifra) niilinug tolens-utof oetIdttimai- titi- peopîletiance to t1iiititlliant i ias tiateti many exibi- s"it of tte Xet Coatroofing romps. provides thut $30.000,000 shallbeaif fleit' titlune. ltingmhr.n otbywt hmsnr i-,tWilliam Stewart. Suit tg 10 extinguisis the outatandlng stocka Au a fui-titir resuir the rniai tr w a ii tit it ier nis-as gne tr' oai i ioas brotugit for $281.60 for i-oing muter- Thi eohel ildchorsan seatfiTafiersitl alt o bas now, removodt aifitrnisbe iteutte time of lte but-anti bonds o! tise Armour concem ~a"i- iskeuilanti ai otite ttriceetled t0 lrit anti tignîtied mnen of businesa clupptetift-oîn ltecil- huitait o mas ei-gîtai 111îîgof titi-'Western Glucose companys hat $20000000 shall be nsed for bst. Ilto effecItit the iiai-n..t to irtitruiinhI8 anti sioutedti Ouir uptiroval. Attorien flici- iisltifr titini. iliant t 5Robey' Indianta. Stewart le termenta and extensions. - lir an poiceobirsto aitailtheiBulkley rose 10t ti-situation ai just TIti- ati' 'tr. Pollock w-as te fath îî a rreellk nnoth a i contrceryatfrDvlpat iiii ac i oriitocliaie h rgt imkndboaitmt t e o itorh ulon r.Fltut"d sretinte y iv',tone fahe$0,0litehchw)lb lie igtflie ttibrugofnîttrhi-rti 'ireJh FitîtnM FitnE. V. Orvis, Stearns & Field repre O ie$00000 iii tlb toni tiflii- metinglitti- climax. ite ,canier tuf lt e Iioflteti lani ci-lt te West Coast company. availahie for development of tise bog. - iThre uton itdýi- s mai-or air ltfXauîiegan. Ne-w uits i-t : Allait B.Moi-rie cesof aliieti compunies, $l,.000.# s-ttaloc. iemyo tth ..Johnt J.(Doye, 'ireapass on tite Wi eepne orgnrihpoe 'loi- tif titi nieeting titihout ai n L J. YAGER STORE Knem "St lent" Smlit. case. 1 oepne o eea upu tiatte ii-ai-istuei îttieit 0 Cef ii OBB D o ~iTiti larter 10 lte tati- 'Ir.Pollockt Alttu'fMeyer i-c Anna Kitil. uw mente, tise acquisition of additto"a Po'ic iii itii iihi aiidFi ne Xiarchal w -a--tilt ai atRu ttttto tit t X'tte iîi ttpoecy t.Tsermiig$î,f.mti 'Fttrru'ita 1p1urîtilrir meii bacli ai tIi-tii i Sttuî- Saillt -s-ho marrietiRnat 000 la for "future permanent lmprove. itiri Number cf Robberies of Stores Re 'til t it itri. a Ne-s York cocbefy wo maenIte," miticit meauus uny nov planta, Resotution Pleaseti Ait. ported but Ail Tai-n Out Baseles litait mihane tîuaghler Anita nturried Tille Believedt t Lie Betmeen Big Ben etc.. titat maY ber establishet ln the oneofth, iios riiirkbleefeci, xcpt n magnaionYaer toe'itr.Itii ut- tif flagauteaanti wio anti Henry Siiang. future. i lii-iiit-t' îîûit eîîarkbleefecî Exeptin mainaion'-ygerStr ru'cî'îî ii' iouorary Austrian tîtît X itlte dtittof!Jaei-cPollock Il mas receniiy poîntet out that thse if the u- rouiin vas titaf It ploaseti le One Entereti and Rebbet-Thief tif l ( t-t if Vizir. it 'tîilburît thte înaîî'r of mito la on-Armourir mlrecta isad iecoine ailli ve o(,ononatrwa iwin Was Clever and Lett Way Open te Obituary Skettit titîidta 1blear t' partte 0f chamnpîion mîitite National City hbatc and Kubla trtigat-i t iiliii' itiationtr i ii i GlOtun ase f Chse. l tlluuctîw as for yeurs t, grain iucct'r player of L.ake- cîîuîîy 1la ob & CO., andtiiat tise combinaUDIs tîltt-ail nirclîtîtt w'îîî eletators au ugaiti an openî quetifon.of Interesis tatenteti formlng a cbia lsiîî-îtî'îfee'inug lires ailetiltian aliiîit ttniWui-ot Ilcfu- Titi-laie Mr. Pollockt mas iefeafetio alsi ott ieiafrCpr hi' tIL, lu f tiflie ti ng. There mere rumors cf ai toast \ili-iadWdwrh isrliro aisi ot mrc o h ur tut c cîîîîîltu-î it homi'sti-at lanti luifore hvIiil. M. Starkweaîter of Rockford pose' of coniroiiing tise iteat and heas lîtizu tiibati ut-icfyt fficial n tit i six robberies of stores Saturtiay, tlisi iitîa ias sîîrv'yî'î. For 20 si-ors ugo mitn titat emperor o!flte Imports o!fltai country. toor ndr tîioCîtinittniate plaie tai but ait of titem mere baseleus, te tu iîn'tlat uin lckrau icisfatters gainîew-suaLaite counly but iten Thtthlie report la correct la appel., thi, ' % ha%, tri purhas twenty or Yagertitoretil-gilhefantouneauara aotieade hi-aremonestimoi-el.PhoiockvefeMritollock ti-nieifrontetitron futh t a itathaKuKan, Loei & > weilt - ii' tu-tils tast antite resuli robiteti Hom lte reports stai-teti Direte b istuîfî s iMi teift iotein re flic fillecitanmpioîn andt bas bei-utun- Co. have suhscribed $30.000,000of b, * ititer Titi-aidig f ar r yliJtai- st orew asbui- nttr1 titturît It mas allter tiic tfeale alftougit ho liai-il bplay a Armour bond Icsue for tliomeealvea an Ihul hoi-lti)î an extenstve grain prtti-ty even tgamre mitit Tom Tuttors- te National City batik. Tite itizîltît îlabiî o xpreccedti ieit mia about 11:30 Friday nigiti adust iiiness.le mus unîbti in 1865 10 hall, a barber mito use te10luneanti wililte nîuyor came up 1telite mark $1056 lait-n fronti fhe cash dramer tMiss sblMioantv fSo okhr n h a ln iGr hoe ahr ie a ltorougitireti andtihie recuit lte onîy îhîng reported misslng. Mis-a1 aoi.antv !S-t okh-eat it u n1tGi hoe ahr eus taI a tuse. dicagreeuble anti Speclal Officer Ni-taon miile on his' lanti. mio came 1teitis couniy In 1845 cii-eckers.i oti- my faliser. He vas aIva3» miiihi-er ipeopler anti there are fouti tlai nom beileveil ibat a gante bc-i"te 10 me. I tdc't love anyon alais -uen aumetîmos intolerable situation rounds triedthlie door of tise clotiting chiltren, Robi-rt M. Berthau S., wmit Ieen Btg Bon the raieor anti Henry ,a m i-h as hlm." Tises. ardra hà,u'- tiasetitte ti epurîment anti as ho founrd it openu ls tira Jeack Corey, Henry W, anti Sîrang lteébabenir cf Xauteguti molt 7-year.old Katbryn (loot mondas' la 1 The Wondier pRoslutien. ite enlereti anti saw mhere tise door AteBl n16 i oloi abîeîi'wuosl"cînîî ni litaiJatige Kickisam Scsnlan'acourt pac, Tit- wntir rsolfio liaI Ititit' blit she tpaitmOt Sd ieenbis irci ote for Aitraham Lincoln. lte ciamlionsitip fitallut a f)i hiave itcuiiy gave lise childta berfae, ri id racloreti pOati- sot iarmouiy foicet Thte belle! la tisIthse thi-f In1880 ad184 m as mitelo ilbrnwer- itIas ee fr frtii-tei-y F. oûod. formerly of! Lake Toi- oit-Jý as foliows an It macfilnaliy o! for-edthlie rear toor In the sitoe te 1 t b a enBeigb lbli ereti anti patoti mliiiapplause anti partment anti openet tise one lun t, or houge of lte state legislature anti yeaîs or mreni d mi hi-rt' t'"- i Ialie i-st is abeneeigbya hi-os coîhng eputmen fo a eun o!In 1885 iteltiedto10eleci John A. Logans liarits teé garni'Itifuire Ir t, oitcoi-pus Proceedingg ta reclaim her WHEREAS, Thte votera et the exil in cote ho mas dîscovered i iîe1teUleet tisseuetîîuîl u c-itfosatse grlJonisip o ber arbé- cily et Waukegan, at an eiectîen ut mork. Titi money vas laiton from Funeral Sunday, Novemben 2 1. gtri's motisei-, mio divorceti (bcd ear' heiti on Wednestiay, Novemnbor 17, te casit tiiamer In tise fi-ont of lte The funerai vas iteit ut thte citairhInterai-ban Trainmen anti Officialeisn 15 In these uminer, mua kîlieti in am for theo purposeocf consenting te store. As te tlii ma foîîind In te Sanday Nov. 21, ai 2 p. m. Rev. A. W. Centerence. automobile acculent ni-ar Buffalo, ose a bond Issue te tietray necessary rear Ilif ltougit tht te tilef ho Ifefiort olieateti antiaiso lte Masonie Thegi-ni-rai piesitent of tise Brouis Septemiter i5. running expenses ofthlie city, de- came frigittenoti anti leftItise store be lOi-rdeituti charge anti mareitedti lte i'u ooti of l-eroi-tan Tralomen vîsîted teateti saiti measure; anti, fore commitllng fui-ter depredalions cet'iietery in a btodiy.The poli iteai-esflicti- ueîîîrco! Shitldan losige lat Tities Huntireti Attend Annuel ke- WHEREAS, It s oui- opinion Whiie titi- ramers In tise desitwmore, wer-eMaso[ie: TlionauSti-ngolWadp- liigumiiut 'toney. Tise conference 1 sonîs Big Night. Chrat a numnber of saiti votera mis- "mnuscedti p" noling la report-t as tuorili; Mi- Miller, o! Laite Ville; Chria mut lite officera o!flte local losige il Tiîreeitantiret ailendet puai maac- undorstoodth ie purposeofo sali missIng. Vt nlltu. îAniioriu, James Jamiegon, exitîtiti-tt 0i-isit I0 Important devel ers' nîgiti ut aaonic Temple Monda" bonti issus; titeretere, Titis icetir. Taigers second ri-tJohnto ltnni-antiRit-tard Penteil, ofi iiiilitiiswitin titi-IeIt t'wo veelis ntgitf Pasi masters performell tise BE IT RESOLVED, That i las hiru', te flrai being a flamber o!rsi-arc ittiu An olicer o! Shteritan losige la autisor atîriti lit e ihird degi-eê and faokmi the tiesire et the members of Chuis ugo. when sorte boys entere i bs saore- Sadi Osat of Freman's Bey. il-- for tite- statoment hat notre of tng titis titere vas. a beaquet sr.< meeting to request the mayor ne! -itt a pas k-y anti stole a number i.uslte. titi four year oit son of Mi- lite- trainoten have heen requiredtiCc uy lte ladies of tbe Order of! 4aCqp city ceunicilite Issue a cal toi-i o! stunt us 'tVhiioMr. Yuger la un antti trq.Bon Atams, uf Jackson mîhOver sixteen iheure ali-elise pi-c Star. Titi Lexington quiartet tw another electien as oariy as pos- ahi, tafi-il t tise pi-isent lime If dri-it. Wauitegan, mas tromnetila a ts a aeTCnl.Ti ocniuie h ih a b subie for the purpese et suihor- ankytif te merchundise vus stolen cistern back o! tise Zeme reaitence aier-t as good evîdence ltaItishe roudei-nnio! tise yeurhI loal üumaae izing a benti issue for tetunetto e i,o!flte opinion tisaItthe only Fritay. Titi-futher la a driver for offciais miern Co do tise rigisî lhlng anti guesta contInued toioma &.nn h . ng.. lbg-1 thfi.-h--e,.-- 1-- prn "'rty tuxuith ne $autascash. thte m taegttu ti-e urpa-unent anisbce-t1 oy the t'5fmêf.a a lato bour. 4 1 . $30,000 to defray the running ex-