Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Nov 1909, p. 6

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6 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAT, NOVEMBER 2ý, 1409 nIow fthe Gazette iLost aBkat Br ALLEN L. CHURCHILL [ f asadui mideummie, dey ln the cil, roont. Stanidisis, tise Cty editor, afler vainly sert, ing for assIgumauts ta kieop busy the bai? dozenfidle reportérs. had cut tisa knet by drlvlng tisem uto tise streatht orders to stay out untit oaci lied found a tory. It may ha goessed tisat tise Gaette vuas not a metropolitan nevstpper. But. whilaour litie ity mld Dot 9give hersait irs, sIte boasled 1lredaiIy la- Pers, otofulieste Star aud the Ca ztte uerv- lulmilsied lu lise afterimuon ne itarvairy ielieen tisent wast ual uraily keeu. Tise Star lied beaten us badty ou a local story lise teet, be fore. and ht was common kuon lcdge lu tha office ltaI Standis was burnlng to radean t ms reputatin as the riev- eret neaspaper man ln luwu Tisera semed lttia likeilliood Ilsat lie would deolou a day like Ibis.' A nawcomer on tise staff of tise Ga- nette and a"lteginuer In n]eWSPaîser vort.1 intd tPus far found tise life hlnularly lancing ln tisat axcitement ublcb ls poplariy supposed to beclise ucconapanimaut of lia reportT'rs cn reer. On Ibis perticular dey i1a as vorklng lu tise 'graveyard." This la flot as oninous as l soumds. Tisa "gravayard" lu uewspaper parlance i-t the cabinet whibîcencotaine tise ohît- luarléesot ail parsons visuse decease le ilkelY t10 requira axtended notice. Thosemuaet ofcourse. ha kept op bu iftte, aud i vas addlng ta tisem front valiDas sources snd filing tise complet pi notices uway In the cabinet lit vass àtîresome business, snd i vas giad iben Biliy Monibon. our "star" reporter, came lu tuaI after tise 0"]lei esu. Moulion and i1irere Malmni of ttisainmecoilege. sud ilis fact, vlhsomre other tiblgs tisat ire bad ln common. isad made us as gomml friende ae vas consistent betireen tise "stsx" and tisa "cui." île nodded to me and waiked to tise ctty editor'. dask. Wltis a freedomr vbicb i conlomplated wit sire lhe cbatted witb tbat August personage as if b. vireauan rdluary mortel. Sud- deuly thea talepisone bell rang. 'Anmvwer that. wil yon, Billy?" said litANdMLs Moulton took tisa receiver s»d listened. Then ha lurned to "«Jtbluk you bad botter lake tisis," 'What's the matter? lias anytbtug brellosel"' Moellon. vitieut replying. iaudad «Mi seestrer to hMm as lia cama for- vasE. Je Cty *ors'litened Intautt- IF, -ukinrapiti notes on the pati hy **a i.A fev Sharp questions. snd 1» bug op tise reclver und bastaned ,Anmt n iu tr asked Motlton. *tss. a let If wvscoan pet lit. IWs «M Morgenmea.Ho bas touai ot by! aeciimst tint Thompeonk. tie cash- -st « the FPMthNational bankt, bais tmo .tb PO.OO of thse banka money. *15 polie. uattar bin,,but tisey are &qBplog lqut. If vs eau pet isolt of Me tacts hou,.thse Isat edItion vo wM lscires ILbtietntv Ii mare the h«baMeyer biai the City editorsasy ne McSh t on. tinte betore. A flushi Mbis Impave face aboyai thtis ho wsu nu&uay exclita. Moulton bad oolm4 s bmpdftnio puper uni tout 31411ttag. StaLndlsh looketi aI hlm. «Ton viiido theb hnkoend. Let it isu fer'ail il's voetb." Roglanced aunaithe reom andi groaneti. "Of course Il bad te a p peun vben evarybody la ot." lia sald. 1 I tot bis eyas upon me sud lien t oves' My vork. Mfy heurt vct tbumplng uiidiy I bardaswigis p ereti consultae lion vlth Boni- ton und lookat - up at ila Urne m"e «4"hccsbe io. ,uta ose the latter 11taudisi wvuiketi qulckly over 10 vbera "1'. sorry tise older men ara aD out, à[t. Gordon." ho sali. "but It's the ebance jon bave beau valtlng for. i am poing ta @end you bto rs. Tbomp- go.. (et un lntevview of soma sort ,vils er. Use tact Dont lie oltru- aie., but get vbatover tacts are In lier poessinon. Be hack liera ritisin an btin lit e latent. but dont coma unlS gem bave a stx7s' Ton dazed ta do ua'tblig but oiey vitisout question, i t»k sSwmoreper froin the deak, seizad «W batsad rushai for taeelevator 4ev. vblcis Muiton bai atraady a bai M0timne for verry. sud as Il pnvi titis'.as no occasion for IL. W iiMïqrnpeu ithelIgi nsarly tran. tlislmaf. meenaed reiisved to tel -vht »1tl.alie knev about ber bus- baui'm ilsppearauce. It vas not Mgw. but lil vas s story, sud i1lie- Usel bock ta tise oMfce greatly eatad ~ oeMy sccons. l neoto e s qulckly and pluily and see If Mr. Mýl-ni&-îtii yet. We ouglit te bave thse firat of It for thse last edition soo." 1 walked down thse street toward thse bank lu a very contentad trame of mind. Bofore i bad Zene two blocks 1 met Moulton. 1 knev front bis face that bis errand bad not turned out wiii. but before he vonid eay mny- tblug about It ho lamlted on hearlng boy I1hboit ared. lRe congratuiated me beartfly on vhat ho calad my "ton utrike," and titan, l n awer to nty questions. ho muid. "I haven't a Une. 1 couldn't drag an Intelligent word ont of tise 0 oldnUss. They wouldn't admit that Thompon bad gone or tisat any rnoney was mis- lng or that tisera was any trouble or any sort If 1 badl accused tbem of being alive 1 don't baileve they would bave admitted 11" His dingnet went beyond words, and we waiked alung for a moment lu silence. Then, at Mouifon's suggestion. we turnad dowu toward police ieadquarters. "I simple rant go liack witisout somthing," lbe sald. "Standisis la backlng bis reputation on Ibis etory. aud for mea b fail down like Ii"- As ire mounted thse steps of thse gray 014 building i noticed tisaI Sergeant Muiialy iras on duty nt the dask. Ha vas an old friand of Mouton'a. and as he saw us li e bakonad to hlm ex- cllediy wiîti a fat baud. Moulton vent tc0 is dask. and lisey vhlapored 10- getisar. Tise sargeantl ookad ai me and oald sometbing. Mouiton uodded. Mms Thornpsoms setiard rlea eS A tiv more morde,unhoirle buk t tame. He vus franaforuet. Unthuaganabai mnctedsd depremies, flt5Ut illîe<im'mt but s iaw mords lutoxart [Imaits the l Imj.mtc hIe ave Ilme tow bouat," lI u hTav mie jst tound Tbispon, lsud lie Is ln 1e th fe office nov; hies lisera about fen minutes. We bave a clear field. and we csn't fai1. The only puasilbllity la thal nmne otier newapaper mnan may conte lma if lie dosit la yonr business 10 keep bhna out oftliti m ansd 10 keep hlm mo buy finat lme won't bave Urne io mua- pect mml a sup.", "But hou ?' 1 skai. "*By auy possible meuns. y murdor If necessa ry. but keep every neopa. par man out of tisaI roont. Corne on. We'va rio lime 10 spare." W'a lurried Imb Ibe 'vaitlaz roorn. wmi contained desks for reporters, At ouafut lem mat a youtb vilsh b back toirard us. Mouiton giancai Rt bim anmd nodded to, me maanlngly. Tian lie iretltiste door of the chiera office aud kumcked soflly. Il openat aL litile. andml imîre was a wlspered con- sultation %%itis somne ouafigside, il end- ad favornbiy, for Moulton was admit- ted, aud lise door ciosad beblud hlm. 1 vas lefI alune lu face tise situation. I ast down nt a dask. My pose, I de- cîdati. wouid bha acarelesoneas ut de- meanor ittvould tend 10 divert sus- picion. So i serilibiled iy. tbe vhle isummlng a tune hli under my brealh. but loudly enougis for my companloc, lu lieunr. I vas belmeenbhnm sud tise office door, sud lisera i Inteudd o ret- main. I tisouglil grimiy la myBoif 1ha1 Il moult be torr bd t la attelacis In- offensive youlh. Tise reflection made me amile. sud tise boy, for ie vais litle more, guI up sud came ovar ta me. "Pardon me! Ara yen a reporter?' Se msked polltaiy. i looked np ut hl=. "Yes. Are yu "Weil, 1'rn lryiug 10 be. but 1'm nol dolug mucisetaIt1." ha answerad, mils a falut smile. "Wbat's tise malter?" i ssked, kaop- iug my eyes on teoffice duor. Ha vas plinly esar 10 talli, aud 1 mas aven more augar 10 have hlm talit. "I suppose nMy experieuca la a corn- mon00onu,"lia began. "I Cerne domu from Vermont a montS âge, vIls tae ides ttiII vas mate for a navapaper mn, sud"- He panrs- -Have o changad your m.iud?" 1 asked. "Nul enttreiy, but 1 don't fini il as easy as 1 ax- poctod. For Ilirea "Are tosm oreporter?" wiaks ail 1 did fil d mas a lot ut advcm ta go bsck la Scarbýoro. I thtnk I moult bave doua iti f il badu't bien for rny motiser. Yon knov vint a teilov's motiser le sud boy mis* banks on hi, la.i ditdl. la"i I fou",i it noeus- ry 10 stifla a feeling ot eyntpstuy for the poor chu p. Re vent on: "Becanse 1 rau tise Scarboro EagIe for s couple of yaars tisa folks np tisere tilk I'm a future Bennett or Dans. Wheu i ;et Ibis place on tise Star they sad as peut Jubilation. i thinlk tise Engle pot ont a specll dI- tien." Ha laugisdan sd glancei at me shmtacediy. "Are't yen petting ou meil?-"'1 asket, trylug tu squeeze ail lhe synt- puthy Out ut My vole. "Nut very Weil. Thora's a big dif- tereuce betwve this clly sud Sbrs bao. 1 ana beglnnlng lu bave@ornta double ase 10my choira uf s profession. But I musI keep on for ambla. 1 think Il vonit kîli ny motiser If I ahould fuli" i tait vary onromfortable and slo galber at odds vils mysoî.f. Of course 1 vas ont responsible for tise succes or taliureof t Iis youlb, but i mas 100 fresis frontlise semae sti'uggie nul lu havea feihmsv feeling for lilm and e kean regret for lise dlscomfiture tisat moult lie delayeti oniy long enongis for bie City edilor 10 find out hem ho bat fufled ln Ibis case. "Wbai are yon lit heatiquarters for?" 1 asket sbruptly, more from a noed ef caylug omtiîng tisan because 1 carat. "Tise clly eatos' seul me te 'cover' the place.,visalaver Ihat may measo. "«Dîd't ise give yen any dafinite in- «tractions?" "Oniy Ibat I sisouint let anythlug gel by me." "And bas anything gone by?" Ha Isogisat. "Hait a dozan men vent by a few minutes ago, but lisey dld't look murs Hâte criminals." "You can't alusys tll hy appoar- suces." i sait Iigitly. It vas danger- Oua greund. sud I manledta 10gel off. He Beemet slruck vilIta emisdom of Miy remarkc. "Do' you tiink i ougist 10 go intotise Office andut dunt?" hoa skat. "Obi, no; lt's probably nothing,." 1 an- sverad. Fortuuuloly ha mes ieoking et taedoor ut tise offie aud 001 ut me. lu My agitation I bat leuneti formard and airnost seidhlm. iniglit bave pared maysel thlie strass ut mImd. In- stand et shewlng asiy disposition te act upon my slupldly mande blul bo meimed rellaved at my assurance anti uppar. ently dlamissed liese ebject frona his To me a tresis sud tormenting aspect et tise affair presontei Ilseif. If I bad boon guoIllees belotaetfisavtng any- tising 10 do tirerlly vitis the boy'sa p- proacing dowaf ail, I vas no no longer. 1 bad hacome a positive agent lu il. .ust hou far tisa athica or nty alty 10 tae Gazette vouit justity me I conit net dalarmîqa, but I fait keeni, tisaI I liat trsusgressed te raies of ordlnary faimenansd vas cousclous of a self contempt tbat maie me Try vretcbed. Wlth nmne pour Idea of equsrtng rny- «eUf1I sarleti lute ie. the yot~h appe sivice nabou nl inu bs ort. imagine III L. vise,mysei1t vas ecareey more expeiencedt linaho. glvlng apient ceunsl! Il vas a gremmome linms for me, ani I cul IlTovry short My feelings ver. flirther acerasi by lie yodhs. ertfeit gratitude. He. ounit Dot axpree ailtishaI ho toit "'I sisail nover torget yonr kîineooo,- he gai&. i leuked i nImn, dravu by s Uile catchInluis voici. Hise yessver. flhled ils bh ars. i mumbiai nmre' thlag lu reply sud turued svsy. Thon 1 made a rasolution. sud autheboMinstn et les consummation tise office dont ePenet. Tise youth Ingtauliy turnod biss bock sud mouglil bis seat:aetlthe deek. BIUy came burriediy ont. "Core neu" ha saiti t m. "I've pot eterytiig.", "Walt s minuta," 1Iasait "Net une tlu ara."1 "Just a second," 1 pieutai. Ha sîop- peti. "Nov, tison, visaIla tir? "Bo0uitOn. ,sou muet tel]thul boy visat 3-mn tttd lu tise office," eaid i. He atarat nI me lu amazemenl. "Are you rrazy ?" hea sea "No, but b ise lpY muât loe bld." Thon. ilisout glvlng iim lima te gay More, i toit hlm tisa boys 61017 as quickly as i couit. I toid hilr, tbu of MY sbare ln Il sud ut my sitame sud self dlugust Mantiton listenad lapa- tilntly. "Il ranI bc dou""liesaid sisortly as I luliset. "But tbnk visaI il vWEI Mean-lo hlm sud lu bis motiser." Moulton lookat ai meanud miled. "Toura a big baby," hoe al. Thonu be tUruedtelutliseyoutb, miss. bock vus mtliitouard ne. "Bey!" ho cahotd."Coma hr! The youtolrse slomly sud lurued. "*Via la 't. Bllyr" bu saiti, romlng foruard. iloultonMade u Inarticailla emnu&, ase tisouglihacmare rboklng; thon by au effort lia puled iiseif togeth*r, "WisY. Willislon," ha sai, -1 didn't knov il vas you!", "1 arn Inclinedte10 halave you" nid WiiiisIon of 1he Star, smfllng. "Tonu cRlled me. dldn't you?" "Oh, il's nolblaag La parlicular! Corne on, Standisit," sald Billy, dragglng me by te art. '«I don'l vaut te keep Yeu, Billy, but If île tisa Tbornpson story thorals roui- ly no hurrY. HardingfttI bora vlsh My copy tan minutes beture yen carne. I vus lesvlug just as yen carne lnansd Ihought il nu legs tissu My duty t0 eu- terlain yoor friend, Mr.-er-SBtantisb, I undarstaut. TisaI iast coiloqsîy of Yeurs JuI about lat the papar off tisa proesud von fer me su extra Iwo veaks' summer vacation." For a moment Monllen'm face rat. densi vieleully. As for me, If a move. ment etfnty ittle luges' cenii bave brouglit dovn the proat aton, building on MY beai I vouli bave moyeu IL. I maie nmenas nnlntele nb.oua&. but Bllly stopped me vils a geetura. "Yuu're ail rigisl, kid," hoie&al. We ai1 bave lu learu, andth ie apocil bit er knoviedge tisaI yen bave gleaei b- day lande lu astabuhoshtie tictni tisat YiIlanhropy andth ie novipapis' bush- me«ss deul mlx. SuLppose ve go ont and pt a cigar villa our bated rival sud v5ltqulsber, Bob WHllltoul Shako banda vls tise s&ai." Wlîieuê<n gave Me a isearty grip. "Ill omnuuP 10 feeling ratelissa *neak."liae stid. "but vo pet paid to "Therc's reatlsj no hy .,.."iter tise innocent as mail as tae gulty. You'ii gel hunk vlt me yul." "If lia does' l'il kilI hlm" Blfy sld dercely, "aeven as 1'm poing te 5111 Mnilay afler l'va bai tint cipar."1 Purilsus Burned Poisoners. A irriter lau tae BotenTraitarripe mye iant lise Puritans in buniug "vilcises" anti polsonars enly tolloed tae mutes ut punsment ton afore- eti thmungiout tise realin, tv a tetinla stances uf vbicb bave just coma 10 notice In London Notas aud Querie..- via, May 22. 1l0.,page 407. sud Oct 6,~ 1206. page 274: "Wernu Burat For Pulsonlng Ho, Hnsband.-Iu lise parlsh rapistar ut Durlaigh, Somemet, ta the foilomlng autry unter 'Marrlapes:', '5 Mur., 1753 John Bradford of West Monkton undi Snsannil Devis ut Huntatile lante parlis utf Chlulon., "A note lunlise marginsys: "'An unfortunste marriage; sho pol- soned i hm sud vas burned for so do- Img et Wolin lie enulng sutorn.'" Iu St. Winmslve's ciurciysrt, Fuet Partiernth. Sentis Divon, le au oit atIe hoadatene Inscrlied. "Bore lotis tise body et Richtard Jarvis of Rick- bau, lu titis parlais, vho diparted tbis liete b.25t day of May, 1782Z spot 'Trasun hpoison mrong be wv Us.q« And lirotight te diath aI là"S Il W". by biscaprentie* girl, On -hom wss sentence. passe& Oh. May aIl peuple warninp lakà. Per 5he,."as bm-net8 t a il" H. Waa a Wise Orb& A cerlalti gentleman la a eoustmy toma owus a row etrleuses, » amii e»lOe utIbemIlveg a Marri*& »son if vie le noted for bis ntisiviy babils Thsis biait ot te suris a piteh tint for sevoral yearg bis tatisec'b" t Ses.- uble lu gel a sinjgle po e flitouet tue te im. As ho did not vans teta 15e burgb measus'e eha tlant vent te bis mon and mid: "Look isere. Tom, Ils& plaIiy Do use -Y trying lu gel aay res u ot et yen for tisat bouse uft mIne. sueI've declded te gire fIl lu 3ou.", "No tear.' luterposet tiese on. '1 sau'î hava Il" 'lVl~ mml îrmî ?"eIlaod tiseàas toulia ilparent. 'Recause tlien," repliadthtie unabasa- ai son,. 'd have lu Poy lise taxes, uni gootinoa knous tisey are heavy onongit la tIs tua-n - Sure Sînkers. '"f heaiSe Etisan Alleu HIlcisck," sait s dipiomat, 'lied a irancat ntce. spoken way vilshlm. once St sate. ception i beard an Inventer descrisiup la lita presence s nov Slnd of vursisp. "'This slp et mine.' tise investIe muid, 'la modeled un tise ducS.' "'Il files@,ais? maIdHitchscock. "'No. nu; of counne it doss.'t fiy,' sa th tIsanventor lmpatieatiy. 'it is-t u aerOPlane. Ir'a a sbip. But Il goes over tis ataer lise a ducS', " 'Suppose au euemy tiresaiat il? Mid Mfr. ltclsoek. " 'Tison Il dives like a dueS,' repliai tae inventer. "'RîglitouI t oraIgtPsaliMr'. Hlciscoak. "'RWgiudoun 10te h ltona.' sali tise Inventor proudiy. " 'Huapis" salit 1Mr. Elltchýock 'Sfions s ooti deai 1k.thoe e bave aireety. doen't Ily'" Lacuet Plagues. lislory mentions mauy pestilences caused b)y tise deasylug bodies of tuati 1ocusîs. On une occasion su mnany le- Clasts perlahod off tise cuast of Africa liant saisnk four or ive fuel bigis énd fitty miles long mus format ou. tise stencisofut tem reniset iniaut for 150 miles, lu anoîber part of Africa early lu tise Christian ara a pingue et le- cuale la muid la bava causa lishe deatb et 800,000 persona, sud lu 591 niuriy Us bla splugue uccrredinluItaly.- New York America. A, AGreat BÏ vercoa..t Purc hase Our Ihanksgiving offering to ail in necd of an overcoat. ' We were fortunate in finding a manufacturer with too many over- coats on hand and in need of money. We gave him THE CASH and now have the coats in our store ready for you to wear on Thanksgiving day. There are over 100 coats in the lot which we bought f rom 33 to 50,/ less than regular price. These are very high class coats, of the new auto collar style,' with large flarinq skirt. They should seil f rom $18.00 to $27.50. We offer them for quick selling and as a Thanksgiving special at $14.75 and $18.75 This is a snap not often offered at this season of the year. There are a great many youngmen's coats in the lot in sizes 32 or 16 yrs. to 36, ail cut full and easy fitting, in the snappy long auto style; just the thing for the young man. .. We want every friend of this store to see and take advantage of this Thanksgiving offering. 1 au,

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