Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Dec 1909, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INEFENIENT, FRmDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1909' *09 I... I NEW ROYAL SEWING MACHINES Wp hak vo teb biiyaNew Royal machine becanum ownt the. bot vhs you bny. The beat u~t~falaadbe ~o4mechanlcal ààù.'of fev partasoô simple tuai anyone eam undo,.taad l, and va beliemve the b.Vary be4 m8chullfor auj famill. ~~&~ yflO7 oods ERL IOTY V 1LLE I LL. in everything, but lu7 . more so tha.n in MIK. I 'I ~~0 o o o o o i NI b: FURNIBHINGS' We stand équirely on QUALITY; and in bnying your w ants in thie lint, of us, you get QUALITY and MODERÂTE PRICES combined. Our Furnishings are not, in any case, the eheap, unreliable kind, but the real, good, inexpenoive klntd. OUR PLATFORM IS QUALITY AND. MODERATE PRICES, Quality Courus swcdly. J. B. MORSE CO. 18verything for Mion - LBRYVLE L .Pure Home Rendered Lard and Home Made Sau sage You know the qualty we handie J. ELI TRIÛGS Grocer if, ~fa~~t pias tiiu ssus*, d aU.lot and ou. of them toppi iotr te rverbridas bs!i to?é ,l car. 1a The Sheidou Ichool expicts su oeccup tboir nsw building ab Lake Ena aa= tb. 'crs of March. Additioi i vce belp *M levéurbudlt It sf af ri. =SheldontaI 1l@ pIM eMt posible vih persans liom l3ragslk.sI Waukega,Libeylindbe .long the WlionWnC yankee alectrlc lie. Au advertisment to thatsect appears elesyere. A mais meetin lte interftet bis district vili be beld tuthe tovhbail on Saturda>' îvenlug, Dec. 4. Qustion af the day viii b. dlii.ied y IL W bis- mort, oaÇimicgo, and atiier "abi pek- ers. Th& bille liaI ha. e n po«ts about towu mieke Ibis quer>': Do pou baby vhy v. have truste? -Do >au kuow vhY vs am edipsig mii ns augmentling the. army and na,>'? Do o uknow vhy lter. lepo'rer$Yt bis da dof Pleuty,md bmeuehar Every lady sauid attend ible eetig. Queseione answerid. Admission, 15 oetQ. P. i o o o o i o o o o o o o o i o o o o o o o I. M l - - I ~BU*êY~ T ~"'~ - ~'~' ~ obi the U" ftmk id lomà hom mmim IFROM bM*sm la to bir, bo M-0 lieda..ienb>' thad boreSca Mda a Uns elbm Ib lThé, 19occms'e Gild a! lb91o liiboan viii itaeb=gea a l hall ou titis pride', Uc.8. e a- of lte churck ae tkiug t WO congregallon nov occupisi.Miay use- fui articis suitabie for Chilalmape sent@ viiib. au sale. A pragrusum i social hop vIii b. given l ints evialg. Invitations vers lued Ibis viii t aa musicle and reading vblci viiib. given st thtehome of J. B. id"C"'ieou Mil- yankee Ave., Wednesday evm6-n, Dec. S. The program as arrarnuiey*l1b. given b>' tbre vol kuoia aflai: isa Edih Graham, sopranaattl»Plymsouh ýchurch lu Chicago; MièssMbulWOUl, reader aid tocher o!dramuale art lu b. Wiscnsin Conservetar>' af MusSe. Mil.. yankee. Rh.e lotescitislanCicago' isud Io s folover o! li@. Adana. liea Elleabetb licCrystie Islte plauli "I put $10 lumy hnkuacout evmymontit. How much do Yauput luyour accounirThisk oytaIaccaunthbspugm sf Yeu. S122.>.03rd year. S377.40 2ad Yeu, $247,80 4th Yeur. S510.80 Proide f-r tisa fturbya a vbtp>'A«>ut i iioct Eank $I10 viliiopma n s.t--SA R0 DIARTUENT. The First Natl h bd ef Liboryvillo Nazi Domr te PàotoicOpm= Saturdai Evemhwg ANNUAL Mr!!TING QI' rARMERS' INSTITUT! Splendid Progrsm lIssued by Instituts This Year Aboulds in Rattling Gaod Topice of Interest ta Every Fermr- Addregses ta b. Handied by Cam- patent Local and State Experts. The annual LaIe County Fo'rmera' Institut@ viliibe ield et Libertyville taun bal, D.-ember 8 and 9 and the rograrn bas been announced by 0. 0. aukins, preoident; L. 8f. Broyer, mecretan-j and Raipli Cittenden, treas- tirer. The prograrn which bas man>' sipecial features le a% follows: Wednesday. 9:1, a. m-Invocation by loy. J. B. maeOuiffn. 10 a m.-Addreve of velcome. B. H. Mlulerý Report of the short term course la agriculture et the tate univereit>' b> the conteet vinner ot lat year-Annâ Sugar. Con test for Original Orations. Subject--Some topie ini homnetuakt- Ing or agriculture, open to ail 4oung people six teen years of age or over. For the het effort the association gives ail expennes for the short term course In agriculture et Urbana iu Februar>' Il ta 12 a m.-Addreee, Principal C, B. Pugb. "The Neeffsit>' of a Fer. manet Agriculture" ' Wednesdsy Aflerricon, 1:30. 1:40 to 2:50-R, C. Obrecht. "The Cot as a By-Product on tbe Ferr." e:50 to 4-W. J Fraser. «How to Beduce the Cost of Milk P;oduction." .Wednesday Evening, 7:30. Muic-Ladiem' quartet. A. N Johnson or aosistant-'Road aud Bridge Contruction.' ilutrated b>' stereoptikon views. Musi- Ladies' quartet Thureday Morning. 9:30. Appointment of commnitteeo. 9:45 tp ll-'. N. Johnson orassiâtant, "Sysitematie Work In Road Improve- men t." il te 12-W. B. Lewin on *'Farm Buildings.' Thursday Afternoon, 1:30. Business meetingý 1.40 to 2:50-S. A. Forbes, "Practi- cal Co-operation betweeu the t'armer PMi Entomob:glst." 2:50 t -Remarks, A. F. Sheidon, J. M. Patterson. Me&]@ vIl be aerved in the boserent of te tavuhall. Jack Trat vas an esrly mornlng viitor several days 1h13 vork. The. Red Cross Chritmns tampe are ta he lound lu a nuber of the local *tore&. lira. là. L Ha&l retrnrned home Tuas. day mter vutinit several date of th. =6 eek vih frimida lu (Chcgo and SHORrV AND PERSONAL North hiego Market lia> next Rat. urde>'. John Welch use a viitof ln Atloch lait veek. Will Docker and Chas. Forbrich epent, 8unda>' tGrase Laue. Commence your Crstrnaos hopi, g early-wbile you bave tbe money. R J. Grove, cd Buffalo,.NN Y., visited bis niece, Misa Or"e Croker, Tuesday.1 Ms. C. B. Boyes spont severai days the Pest week with relatives in Chicao TU@. live stock ex position and the land show bave attracted man>' to Chicago tbis veek. Scott Haven returned lionday frorn Chicawo Heigbte wbere lie hm beenEt worting tbe pont sommer.1 A benefit performance vasq givYen ai thec Lyie Ibeatreaunlfat Sonda>' eveiuge for tbe Cherry mine suflerere. lira. Edwin (Cok. vi bas been viâit. log lu Barrington. the pN4 tWo veets returned ta Libertyvillls Tuenda>'. W. B. LovelI and ianiily, of Racine,1 @pont Thank.glvinlg et the home of hie parents, Mr. and Mie. F. B. Lovel. 3 Alfred (Ileasn and bride. of Rockwell City', Iowa, are vliting thîs week with hie aunal. lre. C. M. Uuler and lamil>'. ire. Jas. H. Swan sud cildren, ofa Antlocb, speut last veek at the borne 0of ber parents, Mr. and Mmr. G. A. Wrigbt Jeanle Fletcher, the Scottisb prima donna, et the tovu hall Ibis Thureda>' sveuing under the auspices of the Citi-. zen'@ baud. Dr. W. J. liacCuaig and famil>', of Chii- cago, @pent Tbankegiving at the home of lire. MacCuaeg' parente, tir. and Irem. O. E. Churchill. The Ladies' &id Society' of the Preeli>-1 terian cburch viii reset at the homeofo! Mmre C. C. Bulk.e>', hursda>', Deceruber 9. Tbere wiii be work. F'or 25c a lison, 1 vill glve flrNt ciame piano instruction tu any beginner W ho can corne ta My houms. Write to P. 0. Bol 161. Lihertyvùie. III. P. C. Heury', of North Dakota, @pent Thaukogiving at th omne et bis niece, lira. Spring. This the tiret tirno they bave met lu a ncumber of years. Have yon vleted "Beyle'. uw 5 &Bd1 Ion store lu thi Bulkiy hock yet? Nov r odslu eyer>' eek ofpi]ilinde includ-1 ffcandin aid icys kforlUn cildreu. 1 Chqs. Lytloand lire. V. E. Beanie, of Banilngtoe aU Ilias, A. 0. imîi . of Paladu, wver vstais M te hoe.of tbdrpwu, li. mmdâM. B. H. Lytie The Grayalke Athioe eAsociation bua orpsabod .aindl*> ise banad heaket ha *wM*" hobepassd ta hm hf ou &arom la twhil disboy- Mt. andmir Mai. *otr9. Colbs>, af Chi- caga gmi mad *6ai im orn M lr. Mmd lMa. ga" ,aotauli of viii- Pyratp Waok ___ Lobe 'l5sM TIRI!!WEDDINGS TiHE PASI W!EEK Ail Participatlng Parties Well-Knawn n Lbertyvîlle. Ons Event Takes Place ln L.ake Forest. Cupid Retire* with Honorsa afier Succetsful Cam- psign. Suydam-Tucker Frank A. Suydam, son o!ftir. and tirs. F. I. Suydern aud lise Agneo Tuckor, daughter of lira. W. Tucker, were united lu nerriage et the home of 11ev. P. J. Scauion et len o'ciock in the morning of Tbanksgiviag day. Oui>'tho immediato membere of bath familles being prosut. After the ceremou., a wedding dinner va saerved et the borne o! the hride'@ mother uhicit vas replete wîtb good thingu end onjoyed b>' a mot pleasant part>'. The bouse vas beautifuilly dec. oreted vith Arnerican beaut>' roses and chrysantbemurns. The couple leit tbatevening on a short vsddiug trip but have retnrned and viii make their home vithtbs brides@ mother. Tho>' vers attended doring the cers- mon>'b>' Mimi Alice Suydam and Merlo Young. The bride la e cbarmiug aud popular young lady wbo bas made ber homo hers for nosore ime past. The groom leai iudustnionsanad vel-kuow Youg mai vho la repcted b>' ail aid lae mpioyed vith lthe Sehenel Brothers hardware @tore. The>' have lhe beaty congratu- lations of mai>' Iris-ada. Lusk-Crumb. Gjeorge H. Lusk sud Mies lieyme Crumb, of Walworth, vers quietîr married at the prieb's bouelun Harvard lest Monde>' morning at aine o'clock. The couple lef t immediatel>' for Lihert>'- ville whers the>' @pent the day et the home of the groom'& parente. The>' iett Monda>' evenlng for Aberdeen, Southi Dakota, where they wyul make their home for the present. The bride is a muetPestimable youug lady ami formeri>' vas toucher lu thesechools aI Waivortb. She le kuovu to man>' lu Libertyviie. The groom vas boru and raised iu Libertyville vbere lie basnsu>' Ifriends wbo vieli hirnever>' succeésin the worid. Ble le t the present Urne ai sugineer on oue o! the western divisions o! tbe Chicago, Mlvaukee & St. Paul reiiroad. Welch-Dletharn Mis Christine Diethoruend Mr.dward T. Weich, o! Lakoe Forait, vers united lu marrLage et the Cetholic church lu thselrt>' on Thankogivlng morulug at nine o'ciock. Father Berry officiting. Loy manssvas colerated. The bride la lt.e daughter of Mmr. Zaugi of Grayslake, adeu&d is ier af ira. Ù. A. Titus, of UÀbertyvIfe. Bbc formerly'remided boesbut for lb.ériat lbres yeers heamade ber homae lu Wau - au. bc as attenDsddurlng Uic eraon> b> ber elter. lis Barhm, Diothoru. lir. Jemas SuMlvan act.d, @à buat mmu. Tb@ hrides va bioif aid hiautIlul dies of wvblt. batis tslimed mdIi mliiiembroider>' badlng. Ths brfie' MM ld va durci la oeuWie trawuhin>' çà-iodeua sale Thi veddIU b hueib*t»m avd lit lb. bo-ea b of toohe plaal f*01 Forait m~'vhlà@ b ouple dipmtd an a soa-- dig*IIIIM#~O 1y~Sii~barneth blenrde at Right Now Io to prepare for bad weather by coming to us for your SJIOES AND RUBBERS Children's, Misses' and Ladies' DuIl Caif 8hoes lor Éard tiervice. Kid and Patent Leather for best. A FULL LINE. COME IN. What time wili the clock stop lnquire of esp t t»I~gts 9" laie 4) PM.1 CAL100ESeý 5AYb 6()o yards of lhe boit fuit colord Cilio-RHanton Braad- ina &ar&e varlel>' et patteras, inlug"mth 2 ta 8 yard.. Thmesgoodà are nov vorth 5% ta o 6eeyar74d vhoMmenu ht Oc5 we gai hold oi thorm blor thbi hg advanei la 00110e gonde and vili ssii Ibeminle the psisai eppIy ll ataiPerYd. j Healy, light Moored Outing Flaune, a fun yard wir, or a foc quate ofa ardwier ha ac i tonper yd .. ........ 1 e leced Waitigwfth boe t mach per yard ...........D loc Browu Skirtlug Flaunel, per yard ..... ................... THEFA1RI' ---- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- The Thing to dO" F. D. sturtevaut, ai1l)elemu, Wl., roturasi home Wednesday mter gead- vgaww ith bis doter -Mrm. C. .$bilai, Dcember 151h for yaur Zumo photonstaIBWeýck', studio Mad 'MW étylet to iajaôm. Dik ici~Oarotuamed i8"u"Y rM NOv yo.r 17 l bs i attemded Oâ bren màbiMadlwaSquae m o «h dh'e.baq.avooaold r gb hut IL Wa tol Na -iaiý i 1-. Ladl, AUd oda>'a lts.ILM.E IIIuicIW1h .. e boue ofIM XMIm C . îFrier, r. ifSlla,.Alliai LouisProUes vldtod lb L:,>Ld U t effN.i. i~ci dm 1.. 4 L ugbtg ia7air7s tre ewh. I afxa lebvlu» l.Winh ce aI lr lste bovllu :lyslitwek vo4lt steuue ad*u» at 162 a mmrd ot rrugiir adamaeffo t lb. WauScnda leam vhicb vwu racct> orgaatized. miss Pearl Welte, o! tILSC&gO, vIR cou- ducî the regular vesil> dancing clasa lu lthe Woodman hall on »usztuIri> ovenlut. Iuatrnctliibe froit Sto 9 P. m. Social dance follovlhg lte lIiou. Thc claýsse« Ihus far have heen ver>' iuccesful and the. etteudaice «ood. a. R. Weaer, of Deerflld réeeal> sold iorty acre@ o! improved lerm laid et a price Ihat averaged about $400per acre. The ground la locatod lu the village of Deerfield aud vonld indicete that ground &long lhe Bt. Paul road ie coualdered ver>' vainable. Au auction sale vii lie held on the ferin Saturde>', Dec. 11. At lest reporte, Fred Parkbnrst vas resliug eesiiy in tbe baspitel et Wauke. gai anunise»sone noreisencom li cation occura viii recover rapidi'. Er a timo lb. rigil i1g sud lovcr portion of!i bihodY vai partial>' paralysed but thisgreîtel>' isppeaed and Batur- day~ ~~L evasheta e.alittle uouri.h- men. e as s'tanding about tuent>'- Byve test fmo the terget at lb. lime b. was @hot sud the builel paaeed througb the ileshy part o! bis ieft arts inta hl@ side sud passed back o! the spine coming out further oter and a little higiier thai et hepo n tered. Ân oxauitilon vahed e>'l.doclors et tiihe ospit. ai but nons, o! tb. internai organe hadl been iuîurod. The bullet vhlch made the vouud vuaeLsd one irom a 88-0 Rem. and pesed entrel>' througb M9 glu 6t r- Î, w .li ILL. 1 WAUA&Â .li LIBeRTYVILLE, Il

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