Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Dec 1909, p. 1

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4AKE COUNTY INDE)PENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN. XVLII1. N..I1 TWO PARTS LIBERTYV[LLE, LAKE~ COtJNTY, ILLINOIS, FLIDAY, I)eCbiblt W , Ol- Pages PART ONI[ $1.50O PER YEAR UN ADVANCE. - îs#êLG1N IIOSPITiAL bimJohnsn of Lake For- Ïaad nt Egiun ofthe affece wouud lu the thlgh Prinek, a watctimafl ut Our place wrest of Lake la held au the man guit>- -Bock of the deatir and the ar- eus lies u ntofthe werdest stor- - :if tirai ha* deveioped in auy a lehbow aaalabor-er-at the Ar-- place sud ta clalimed ta hava -insanue about November 14. foilaw laborera came juta the bouse It .1. clairned tht>- aaw sud Franktisaslig lin copa diases at oari rotiner. t ~ a cisirned, and Johnson itn bis ta a fritnl ou saie rnefare bis it5iitt&i canfirin tta l. hat llring of Ï" ebatte Franek dew a revolver 1 U i r-ad at thet tatane mari At tisti Johnsotn bolted, tteein, 05one af tht chaltow Aîiu an~ sd beiug cajttur-ed hy a icuple, hus~ies au the ther iida. Gommittecd au Insane. t e H0wau comtteettdLaelFgin asmi opeabout Nov. 15 anti on the, ntaL t aà diacoves-et that he had r hot lu thet tigh wheri prisoners t-e Lake couniy JlIt rntrea'sed hlm ~ give hlm a bath-su attempt ho reniateti. Ht haitbeeu laitsud hati limpeti fr-arntht ý,,tRrt room wiier-t he was pranouriei ',a Me but il vas thaught that iis --)W -paofaishimania. Vkm~aaok h batatified to dring the 4 0f related but bad nat mentioritt *fMl u iamark. cIobanm as taken ta Jant McÂlia- wr boopltai sud asuer a couple of days vas pronoanei ail rigibt 1 ho tMgptothe aaylum. He vwu taken ci l1 atit was tboaghit that ho wa» Ml riglt &M ireoverlng from tht -»M -p nutIl nova of bis death Came Ciaimed NoS Insane. Ietrif fute! vo Interrleved John- IOthe dry before the vount vas tOVeed asecia that Johnson vas fài», but that be was crszed *' drink and vaulti recover lu a fev However. after beirig taken ta the sIibtai Johnson braise base and ter- grizeti nurses sud patients wlth dhuieks as he ran about the InstIuu Uion bal cthed. He vas a paver- My b uIt in and Iltaaok tv-o ofn- mas ta thr-aw hm and otbcra ta rope W noa that he coutti rot escape. TI a per-o of lucidit>- ha tatedt aM hov-as drunS vhen MRot sud that Franek abt at hlm folloviug an a ce- Mar-k he ruade about a cigarettet Vrabek vas smokitng. WHAT ELGIN ISPATCH SAVS. Elgin. 111.. Dec 4 'bar-tes Johnsont tu3tmtteti as insane froin Wankegan,t died ai the asyluin lasI night at 10 of blondi poisontng alleged ta bave been oaused b>- a hutiet vuont intrIhe dead I maria ligh. Tht star-y toit here vas la the affect that 'in a restaurant bravI tan aukgan Johnsons hati bato abt anti that the wond had beeri dis- taveret suer- he havibeeu commltet asirnisant Tht sherifa sofficers, mhent tise>-brongbt Johnison bea-e. tlId oai the wouritiasudtht hompltal authorities bave been reatlng bîni for blondi pois- Johnson lu salîti ta bavea a alter- n Chicsago sud bis parenta are sud ta ha veli ta do farinera fi Sweden. Developinta af Sondayi-nlatle, death of Charles Johnsoni Fr-lday night1 at 10 s-h Elgin bopital ver-e Use sur- render- af John lFr-nek, songht an tht mur-dec charge ta Sherlif Oriffi a 5- bis avri viiinsuthUe signing ofa en thousasut dolar bond Impaseit by Jus- Lce William P. Weiss b>- J. Ogderi Amour anti Joseph ONeill ai Lake Vorest. Fr-sueS ta nov ai liber-t>- untier tht bond. Tht char-ge 1n Use warrant lesutd aeccetiy ai tht instance af Siahe'u At- t orne>- Dat>- Saturtis> befare Justice Weiss ln cannectian vlUs a telegrain train Elgin bal Johrisoni vas danger-- ocraI>-111iofItht vanitanti bloond pois- ooirig anti falliome after-var-d b>- tht telegrain teliing of bts death, la mor- tier. May Change Charge. White the haIt charge la nov ms-de an su vhile Prariek v-ilhave bis pr-e- Ifoslnar-y hearing befare the Justice an tbe thirtteofh oi Doetinhr-, lit la nom biafhutet UaI the charge rua>-possihi>- bho msgedt o aomething ather- thari 'MoUrdeelathe iraI degret. el that 3ohnson's de- matter olsea toa climnax wili be that ha did riot know DUSI EXPLOSION IN i A,ýPpealwas-G -ici that bis abot had hît the man and that ,FIJ&V fI~T i ii circuit cu the county rnay xcsibly hi 10 blame RIIiLIYU LANI iiiticn for a îîew . with hlitubecause Johnson waaa roved 1 jlil) vs. Fair-horu a cý ta pElgin whlen admjttetýliy ln bad shape An espios ion, thought to have 1denei on the n-icil 1 andl hecause the wound was neyer dis- been cauaed by starch dustin ppcccîeal 1.tht pc-lî covered until by an accident the day heated condition or Ipontaneou rîyed anid aliowc-, I 11 after- Johnson hadt heen committed ta combustion com p etely wrecked bieîg ixed at $3,000 Elgin. the dust bouse, connected with 'rie case of Arihi sheriff Griffiri 100k the mani tu ElI- the dextrine plant, at the Corti llicha( i, Hcsaey. et ai, ' gin i an automobile alter the boa- Products Refining Company's plant cille performance i.c priai had refused Lao are for ini, at 11:20 Thursday mornlng. tîti- mnacler la chancery 1,ý and afler he had lit ls aiieged he- ' mated damage being about $5,O.000 In the case of Dodg,- corne toc, troubleome at the coun ty ___j,,dgenŽnt on the vcrdcr, jail. There was no motion 1,, Jouhnson has weil ta do farmer par- Though a miracle no one mas and an aopeal wasanot :, ents i Sweden and a Bsieer Ini Chi- killed or injured athough severai cpevcted that the Case , - caga. were employed In the building,. lice verdict rendered blicý Franek Makes Admission. Tht dust house is a total wreck, Ing toit $200. Franek aduitted to States Attorney the da mage te the dextrine plant ________ Dady and Sherlff Griffin of Waukegan being conflned chiefly to brokeni tha sbot at Johnsonr a ftiiow , wndows. No one mas injured. 1 LAND DEAL tmpioyt, on thi- înorîîing of No v Il. Franek said tuat Johnrsona enteced tht roonis of th(-eiîctiices'ihîccîe anti be gan husinic hini. Acoiig ta Fra-t eks ter-y. .Johnson thr- a i-hes aI biiîî aicld -ca11d liciabiîsî cnaniai-. wber-îulion Ftanek saidldiecrc-w a gun î-nil ir-Ciiai tht in-ruier-. Thci- amci cay Johnsonimas de- ciar-ed masti Elgin StartsInvestigation. A i-aronrs investlgatlii inmbthe death of C'harles Johnison, aged 38. who dieci fr-an blood pisoning at the Elgitn tate haspitai at nigt &fter a wettîs confiunement t tht ina3tlu lion, bas r--sulted ini the issuing of a warrant for- the ar-eai of Char-les Frraritk of Lake For-tI, o n the chargeoa Iumrtier. aaya tht Elgin News, Couflned to Infirmary. Johnuon died at 10 clack 1a night. Ht vas brought ta Use hoalpi- ta] ere November 23, danger-ansi> 111 fr-onlaod paisaning, sud vas con- flued ta tht infIrmar>- at hat intitu- flan up ta thet ture of i death. tipon the refusai ta igri a death cer-tflcate b>- Dra. Flransk Jenksandtt H. J. Smith, who sttendodth Ue mans during bisais>aI tishe intare asyiur, Superlntendent V. H. Potistata notilleti Coroner MEngetNorton, vho in turr uebtfed Shatea Attorney Rlpir lady. of cant>-. Bullet Fouud In Thlgh. At a past. martem examniotian held Ihis mor-ntng b>- Dr. H. J. Smithnder tht direction ai Coroner Norton, a bullet vas fauid Inthiaie tbigh af the tieceaseti. Tht bullet hait cacoseti blaad polsoelig te set lu, vhich r-e- sulteti dir-ectly In dea h. t [lasueti a marrant for thear-r-est of Char-las Fr-aisek ai Lake Foresat thia noari" atated t Sate's Attorney- Dady of Waukegau avec the lonig distance telejîhone Ibis afterroon. Thtevwar- rat charges merder. The ar-r-est bas riat heen rmade as yet, but wîli ha by honighl. Johnson sud Franke mer- e m played as lahorers hy s landscatie ar- tlis wha mas dccarating tht lawcn 0f t ho Armour eslate ut Lake For-est- On Noveuxher l1c Fratike daIms haon-as altacked ib>- Jahîcaon aad lit-ad tu self defense -- Faiied ta Get Saturday. Assistant Chic-t T.,reil atnd ton- -,tablet Ishiore isii-,iud i tîcelFranc-1 Safurdai- aftarnootn nd eîilng andi It ta believed that heoccas acvay lrorn the Armour place aI the tinît ttI s ntiotbelevad UsaI ha know he mas manteit or he moulti have giva i hm- self up thon. Efforts afe nom heing matit ta la- cale Jabriarins par-entsandit other rela- lives in 5v-etis. Tht proceedings ai Elgiri are auapended unlil Saiurday. J. Ogden Armour bas cetaineti Davidi Jackson as the sItarne>- for tht de- fense ai Franek atiti haoylhe as- sisted hi- Chicaga caunsel as veil. Typhoid Fi ver-Fs-li. NlIra. Martn J. Neal af North Chira go) tui aI 2:22 tis rnorning s-IthUei Jane MlcAlister hoslpulal affer tv-os meeks iloes oftlyphbaitifoyer-. 0 The teath Is anc afthfle sadtit oft a r-i-ct dai-s atdith le calse of much grief. Tht aite Mr-s.Neat G ýsurviveti be-c ides ber huabanti hi-ta-a chiltir-en af gir-Ita-o aind a haIt c -arc ait anti ar boy rime uîanihs aid. Tht cumulus wv-h Ii iakea ta Dixon,d Ill., tUe former homue ccý lie lIge Mca. Neal. for- inlermecît t ucr-da>-. 1 TUe latMrs. Ni-at sacs a manc of mani- charmicue iiccucie Ibaf en- titar-etihec to s ac c - -'flnp assYta-1 patislaextcudeti i-ci cstrirk bus-1 banritant i lureit. There vilI be ne c lies t Northi Chics-go, but tUe i-i-c-i m er-e taicen there thia mcrniîu cdc il remairi st Use home unlil ici v amorrow whqn Use>- v-ulUc - ta Dixona. Tise lite Mrs. Nealici " Fane. 1 The reason there mer-e no fatci;- aies mas because there were na eployees in the dusi bouse at the time the iraI explosion ioak place. A watchmnan ai the refin- ery declar-es that there wa'i ser-es of explosions. Tht reporta were deafening and nearby bucld- ings were shaken. wndow giass beîng broken by the îhock. Thcuedxrine plaid h a ic -tory biuiding conslructed of tule and brick. Itl s located near- tht ceter ccl the striesof lbuildinga at tht r-tinery and la near the lotît aI tht aouth ide of the t lîtar-et r-nning eat fr-an tle end oai .alnuni ar-cL et heecathe building. It ta solated fr-arntht ther buldings. lhe dut bouse mhicb ad- Joins tu tht soutishelng thtearly building whlch la close ta IL Tht explosion dit riot do mach injury ta the dextrine plant be-anti tht lam- Ing out aofrieacly aIl of tht windowB. There ar-e abouit seven rnen employed in thia depSrtment. none of wbom ver-t Injured. Thoat tI tht building were: J. Alwood, for-tin. John MIke. Joe Mike. Charles Pete. George Louis. These mmu ver-e explosion.' The dust bouse oninjured ln th e whlch vas coinl pletoly «wreked vas conatructeti ai ite suretuforceti concr-ete sud vas irseti toenlisettht dust vhlch resulte f rom the treRtintofa the corn anti« potato starch. vhlch la osed for tht manufacture of the vartons dextr-ine producta. 'Wbtr- t Uere are large1 quntihies oftout Usere la alvass danger oi exploston fr-arnsponlaneaus combutioln". saiti snofficiai aI the plant this moraiag. Spoatntaeus combustion is the anly cause mhtch cari heassaigued unfil a tur-ther in- veeligatiari mn Ut madle." Dextririe is used for sizing clath and for tht manufacture of glue andi mucilage Tht company's officiais bavc uaed trer> urecanfian ta mini- mIza the danger tram exiclosions,.oes of the precauttaîts heiag la Isolafe tht plant as rnîch as pcossibule. Automa- tuc spricnklers ëaed itUe buildings t rom being daniageuihy tir-e. Wau kegan fOremen. mica mccc sent clacci te aid in fO-hting ibe lire,. mer-t nol ale ta retîder any .ouiisance as tUe stuall ice whîch star-ted was pul oui hy the sprinkler ai-item andtithe aid oI tht comapuy's ev-cctire depari- ment. A Narthwestoi'i uî iremati on a sccitch etinc- lurc pocied ta have hecui blowa îhr-ough tht mindow cf the enîglue icab hi-the- force oI the expIa- ston, but atrapeti mithout serions In- jury. Ed GartleY. a driver fac the United Plates Express campany had s narrow escape, as he v-as near the souîb mallai the dextrIne plant just at thetlime of tht explosion, bis wagon heing showertd v-lUs falling glass be mas uninjured andti bsbarse mas nat atr-nck. Napoltan Johnson,. a machinal. Skept bis hor-se in a siaa barn lacateti juat south of tht dont bause. Qusutities of brickc anti tilt fell upon Use r-oof af' the stable, crashlng tbr-augb at a poiunt near whêre tht horst v-as tieti. Whtn tht trigbttntd animal waa Itti ouI ai tht stable. Il wagsahaklng Icois fr-ight but hati not beau hurt. Tv-o mna.wha bolti lrîtcai positions bati narrow escapes as they vere In tht detxtrine plant wbtn tht explosion tank place. TUey ver-t oct hurt but mer-e sevarel> ahockeci by tht farce ai tht explosion. Tht explosion v-bicb accur-retiat 11:20 mas with such violence that it ahools aIl tht buildings for blocks arouad. The clacis In thet ture keep- er'e office alapped. The Waukegan tir-t depar-Iment vas calleti but no -aLec v-as thr-own on 'lit building as the autonatia sprilnk- 1er v-ith v-hich tht building la tquip- red hati put thtlir-e ont. icicc i hi il cicwc i ici tue cr10oi,1 4 Pairker. atriai jiiv he AT YIV[ POINITSI Report Is 1ha1Dalsai sL-he that of1 W. P. Martin of Peopie's Gas Lcghti and Coke Company, who Oocgt 701 Acres ln Lake For est to Dîvîde Among People-New Name la iha t uf Chicago Steel Man. \X'iiih John Griffith, i.icii i -c agent in nma> big realty delc. cLand- Ing pot imat like Cannon anid Aldrich. it e bhe-ieved riever-theitsc thal th, secret of bis latest deal hi nos <cutici that If it le ual, speculators o-i its trai"are gettîng bot" ta theli theor- tes. Tht latout and fr-om many staudpoiuiîts te Mont btiievable estimate au t. thé People who are buying toan>- hsndre of acres uf laud ntar thre rive Pointa la that thetland la beuumo purchaitd to make four country estiattsansd tirai white Griffith çmray b. acting jor oee man the hi te.tMwIlIbe divIcded Itb four, parts of 250 acres cacir when &Il la doue. Wbiie tht nain. of a Chsicaga gao magriate isainentlosse4 1 n connectian wltb tht dealieho htu! lmues a de- niai, but attenticu la clMed 10tihe tact thet ouI>-twa farms, lte - Dvytc sud Hamnilton places, have hotu purchaseti anti that tscee fourths a( the rumared 1,000 acre tract r-emaInLý on ho pur- chaaed. Like tht Martin Dhal. lufor.natlotî ta tht SUN ta ta the effoct that tht Five Pointa deai la Usae the rectrit deal cf W. P. Mar-tin af tht Peaple's Gas. Light sud Cake campauy ai Chicago for aeventy acres In Lake Fo'rerst, v-bha knawn as the Atter- ldge fart-m Ift will divide this amang tbr-ee as- aorIstes and each wilI have a portion and t itla hintti that Mc. Martini ta tht man hock af tht Five Points tital alsa but he dents ItL Mar-k& NorthWard Treund. AUTO TURNFD TURTL.! INJURING THREF- Uniucky Chauffeur mith Whom Wacc- keganites mer-e Injored in McHenry Count>- Has Had Other Accident, sud Was Despondent Until Hel Learusd of Safet>- of His Three Waukean Charges. They Report. %Vile apeeini~ci thc rat- o0f it> eiIht nùlits a-ihoccr, i-ccccoic île road to \Wcaiistcctk. hlm ci . sui aiito noiolel-cricen i I- a licoue- icial. ckccl ded. and tariec iatictht ce- vclt ticct ail ofci i aicc- ccc fct tU cîî wtre seriously itîJiceîl Nta-c Lsrrbe. enuîcii.c d as ilai encir hi,('haric.c Guset. wasa th.eleat iîjîreci eacaic lîcg wllh iaintl bcocccca lahis riclîl armi and sicoitidec. \Xherii bcath iir v.hio actsasa -cI tfor ici- iai- cif tivca cr, tan<bai c a 1 c- -acii iiieif blisiic ing. île tic rec c-c- clfcacîiîcec ihls hcbu-clý c.c l rwiFc-- ,iiiiicire(l . i i ilc-drcc r c i-oi i ifllccul -Icfri ic îccck (i ef c au it, iîii ias cir- - cli of lshic rng lcccp.he fcîud Ihat :,c- i dclmiiCcii acre coiic li iciotici l ii ti-'l tht- car. 13y î- iîig a leader. hbe scîcrceedeci in pîtliîîg Lerdie tronc hcneath the front scat oftIhe car Casey, wha had i ca n tated inti he iîack sent. waa extrlcated wiîh difft- r. ý,ti ,l-ii the a :tDnioA.e as ralacci aufficlentlly, he was remaveti and facînd ta, be unconciaus. liear lrsg that Casey was dead, the chauf- reur- declared he wottid kili himatîf ou' thteaspotas hc is Raid ta bave hsien responsible for the dealb af an- other mn in a aimiliar accident saine limre ago. The naine of tht chaffeur- agent arid the naine ai the car amt not made public. hecause of a desice tu protect the Injured ari frain crit- daan naccount af tht accident, vhichs Io said toi have beau unau-oidahle. James Casey vas ond te bho ever- ely tulur-ed about the ber ne!sd body. Ont aide of kiso face la ati hbadiY avoltu mad one eye la neariy eiaeed. Matsrlght ar-m and body arn badi>- hr-uised A teain vas seCcrdtd bcon- vey thît irxured men Ir-ai the'point 'cetwetn Warr-erito sud trsysiake, -ebere tht accident accurred ho Mc- H< i-y ver-e treated by s surgeon sud their Injuries dresed. LEGAL DIFFICULTIES IN CIRCUIT COURT Tht, grand 'Jury waB Impaneled at 1 ociack MIorday aiternoon A. Conr-ad heiîîg appinied fareman. The circuit court for the tiecember ter-m operied this marning at 10 ciock, Judge Charles H- Danneliy presidlng. Tht nortîing was accupied witb tht call- Pointa ar-e helng pordtrastd for tour 'sîxti- cases being set for fr-li. Aboutj ei, c1, Zcc li ciii i ccc h t 1 ) r lnic~ i '.] i dcc li c Vl aic -:c i i -c i i S ccii citicî iic-i' x lc th n cc-c1wc, 'icwcciii rîcciliic c i lc c il VI ii C cc,) .cictI ccI) -c Xi 1 en1 vc ucciccct uc! c Si re uIlc - c iicccccer o, hbis s, i i Ilc-efe ccs icc ai mm a> c sci)i'e)-c it 1hecir effortsc c it h-alcieicciic or chi- cccclrcnie ce' ri 1 icic' ý t .îa ,rit) wliicli i adi ie- iacie Illee i - i cci c i J ii c- e ro4f. Aitlice (iccic If tcl he reainiicîo<f liei dec-cc o lot 1 ie li0 ' Xiccc- 'Gc(,rge W. Pic-liciicci-a mflion tuai the ('ccrt grant a of ita tcw cays lic IcrîI icrtal c ci-c 1<w ccf 1h ýIcision tîcighl lie soigti <ol a higiher cocîrt, le a-hl; ý1 h aIa v tc 4 iiiccc cigrant- ccl ttfare entering the, order romand- Itîz Volia iîack tic jail. 'lwish ta bac e al court o)f cclli jct dclt paic dcii nYoir ffi ;iii.,--ilc)icaaid0 attl loi ici I,1,ci Ask ,immediate Senten5e., $ Stai iu-i c tony lbitcR. lcIVIdIc(It' Mc!l'h1I Coii ciccii> cwhciwiii c rvîi andc 1c-alii c i;ccii Xcicciicc-c l'hillip Wcc Iot)icerscilli tonade a -c on g ileca toc the iii îcc-cicic hJ ic vring tthi- crdîr. andci itlid It ili as -inl al caisfac-i tic. ici biscilic-it io have the (ucnier.- iîcg ol thc oritr cîlajyeci. wheuî Volivah haci driven Attorney Ilotherasil !ramP the tate icf Illinois, according to the evidence auhmtted lnthie case. b AltorneY Joalyn saad. M.'r. Volit-f vaas attorneys sali for the deliy be-Y cusei- i i liaon cnitileri fcrfoIiteirt accorded the saine trealmerit as ariy otbec criminal. The law becomesa 1 nullity. a r-ted, a farce, If you do not t serid hum hack ta liaita once. Bya yoc honrs owri decision Ihe ahouldn he sent hack to jail. The law hasb consigned hlm ta jailiandi he shouid be sent. He haw na more sktandingif lni this court than any other citizen,.l no more than lte humlent citizen 18 af tht state of Milnute. We do Press. inalat, and urge youc honor- Usat be should ho seut hackintaJail. Dos't tiefer aslsngît day. The effect 0f une erteriug the ortier Immediatti> 1 ta repeai atbtts. -The roqutlmatit ta tom Voliva loase la made palpably for dela>-. W. dou't vaut ta ho chiati&ail vec thse sLote tu varions courts. jiiot hecanat il in rot canvenient fur hlm ia comn- mence otrvIng hie sentence Ioda>-- No Reasoor To Mak. Exception. "Tht court found hlm lu Jaîl anti he v-as takeri ont uon an or-dec b>- Ibis court. There tanaoceasan for- dels>- execept thaf tht inuet bar- la Vouiva andi Attorniey lField le his court- Bel. saiti Attorney- Jalyn. At tht conclusionor atUerargumenta b>- coun- sel tht cour-t granleti thetleri tiys The grand jury isad tlghfeen trot bills and returried elghteeri indict- HIOSPITAL PROWECT BROUGIIT TO LIrE rhouglit c-, limai Dîffecence Retwmqi $900M0 01<1Levy and $128,00 flw Levy wcli Enabie County atePsy Debis and Fight Shy of Lotes 4» that Evemtually County Hompitaf Can Easily be Established. Thei- lricîet for a caurity hcîapilts. iî locti îii uel>-put to aieep for ai ic-aà,sî a y car pcîiding thet ime whet l.kc oiîity cau afford tla m a litiing appcropriatian sud wiîen tke ociai eri lannîual tans of $3#Wf sprlîîg ancd tai are' no longer oece.- sary. But the Project is riot dead hy mal- means. fiîa ouiy sleeping. 1.> New tax cat--c ules for the enuntiag of the staIe maie it possible for I.&ke coilaI> toic or-eaae its taxes tru $900 Io s$lJhiiic a ycear accacdiu< to a stacîuîccioa Coiinty Clerk Hem- cice yealt iciy - Mmckes H3&pital Possible. Wilh ami ror Iwoa of this the coux- iy wili Uc aile b îîay off is outatsad- lng iadebtedneas as fac as thoire te a-îy. nt c acaolutelY nwbould, tO be laken ltp. 1sud<theu thesaovi.ig procens cari begitt. It la quihe probable that the couaty, board wlll be able to, lay laide enotMM for a great hospitai tri at leost twl years and tcendirig Ibis happy tîmdO hlere wili pe 'nothing dabng' oSthre cannty haspital. Wben aeen Monday W. 1er of Libertyville declared thât my, ime the canal>- la ready to, u&4 m appropriationi for a county hoepftQ a u-l nsnsed people of affluence bw* e« hlm wiii duplicate the offer. "If Lake vuunty viiinet MW*aid. for the hoepital 1 viii get #&Miê»- meet il' hé snid. *'If the Cafofi" net ame.'" "10M01 i vili alto bho abt tisat anmunt snd no on up to vhere 1 eau u«y aioly tIm 1 au .~e a ntm e - aside for' tif.bcillm Who viii malketii tu tise county forth g.<T 'lort ashow the ma « h~hfl I eau set theoeus ho tht hospiWalcm eo Abfai: - Tht hoaplItl prbpeWop' 6 *W dîiges Lu a iaI>bubau, 5fl4 or Usca. meetings and ibauUMue f avor. No place han beau aaa4 Jr a aile sud the omter vol betla tea sonsnittee altisougisthse dctsIWý ai tht cash voulti an a matascof tWo ho conaultet as vouait ho rigbt iM f. IL lesdnitted UsaI Use canal> - ginning thia >ear v-tiimake Onan* ta support Itatif sud Ibis in tise es- csiuraglng thtag about tht count>- 10a- plilai proposition, let tht countY sgav ments. Tht usuat report as maelsd iL ma>- have tht hopial ia tse aa ta tht condition of tht cannty jail dlaim. sommer reidences anti cauntry es- i - -- - --anad teiteuurma of tue prisouers. tales, ant ibhis ta claimedtielabe tht itcut oftir ce aedam ti~ Tht Intictinents matie mer-t NEW LÉGISLATION toast liketi>-fbary yet,Us the n thtai octtonceLJessie B. Ogden, allegad mortier- cuîuo u bt ohbsor eot aejAmoîg tht mosh Importantf cases U ST X R W chsonl ha orhsorceol cle e for thilcfer-ni aI court mer-t John Madre, allas Jaohn Madr-ub, ai-.U S A tainlg a acrthward trendi with Iheir 1<-sie Iluckiti Ogden vs, Gazette legeti abandonnent of vile. ý),urhasesand here a tirtellng as publshin Co.,Levion, rcelTaxeatleBeinp- Txereadng NprwndNo u aeseoous- icirhscsanitUratanefilngaseucisuîigCa-sui for Mander- in Pauilecst.raevngsoeipa- t>-Cloe to Make Adjustment lm, te hic Ihec wilsf0- ntefare thas wlil iimgýare ashati, er-iy.Accord with New Legisiailoar anO g Tht asua aI illiamn.d ie. a ThUecciiiof F W- loodi VsWiI- Edmard Sttb-ht..Allicged hurglary. Resuitlt tiriAx ta Apptied tb Moe (hicgo tee inu, aan nteedIbeitai . SmithU, et ai, a suit for $25,- Herber-t Washbur-Alegeti bora- of tire City Levtea lu Lake Cut Chcg selian ie nee te00for Iiici. - ary. Taken Tire. Far-. du-ai untir quleer- rircomalancta ta- ThsutiiCfAA akr-v- day ad tît u oulti naet esor-pising If Tesi f-eu.A , akrv. John Wcl en-Alleged burglary. - bu ici tht nainattc hUe pr-aperty-orar- City- of Ziotu for $300 for- hark mages Albert Hornlng-Aliegad br-gIs-r-y. bLaktFor-est fritia>- hd tht ccii>- portion <of it Iutierita aI bs purchase Saihcdmettonsdire as er. WlaeE mtalgdWuea hnaflesamoý ai~~~~~ tht da>.ucte ion ueer lahat alceE ils leeiobtalning wauklegand ahe - faie ais-i-m to oftedy egin Murder- Trial. nîoney b>- means ai confidence gaine. got ouItao tht effect taI. due to tii A thir-feen arstri rucof tht Michael Thec Burgess mur-dec rral mas coin- Joseph L. Smith, ailegeti obtslning loîer-prtation of tht' &fate tazatic&. Mtines troperti- locateul au lhe Green-îîmeticul Nondai- ah 3. Burgessataner mane>- b>- meausof conidenct av aut- lrSMnd.haic lia>-~~~~~~~ ildI h lae fLk lf ue of the mur-dec af PrivatRay- Jahn Habein, ailegeti arson, tht cil>- dov- $11000 tu deference to asinsoht.dfor-ca9,0ite0aiM ichaorelburri et Fort Sheridan. Thare or-e Joseph F. Smith, allegeti abîainlug Use afatutor>-$120 r-ate. Mines, teeivd 50 s er oMcare boutî twcuîty-live mitritases antifi lta of mont>- b>- in5of canfidence Hovever butas tUsle ok vasabout Mns eevd$0ashrllwnethaughfttat tht htar-irg af tht casa gaine. La appl>- Use ax he -learetithat lAke for-brdme-riht.r s prpei>- li requîr-e shoot thisv-tek. A Mo- tîtîge Frasti opîinion oui the Cova For-est olerates under- s specis-!char- salti. tietn aas niade ha exciotie thtemîtts cti matisix cuciI>'Iy pea-itti pag- ter- anti canriraise au>- ait tax aise Tht properhi- as porchaseti hi- rcunutUa cour-I room.iw William V. Kcleyv-ha la tht pr-i de-ianti a,as il hcciacly îhîcisioîî:alobes. As s-rreait theteît iii ho den a Us Aer-ra StetFootilea Oi afOgien Case Again. toiiketi dt) ccii ci deep kroviceîcuige or' $1.65 urider- tUe speclal charter. comntof eCheicao ntiepFunie a -c tt'rat cases taeha resent- 0w tUec iwdmc ccd tîaintionWaukegan feels tht taxation s- on- s belfora hograndjury mas tht Utanvry olhiagin.H t UtreI t sîcsîa ievîreag D l ciiccicc elit!eîîîuîcn er 1ev>- hovaver. XiIh svaloation ane aI th ethymnuesIeec eettireldeceofnLak it tr eciuc-lltckc-nOutieDirlacof $3024,621 anti a rataai $1.20 se oneofth fnes rsienesln ak .esieBucle Ode. heiecnd'BuD.cisc, e>lv riTht625.seconddofth count>- open tht pr-eper-t>. John Gril- atîempt ta locilct Dr-. Qaten la ai- satil timt hec ast lih-r-ati-î front a ~ ras 3255Iattc h Othe, of Lake For-est, negottaletith et f theaeesueafad eh-ui ci-ailtlicnil uhs-ii il at grad$18210 for which she a"ksansd Miay-or asie Ster-n sutFieli repr-stne Oi uoîcteiys mart tea nid tht azee. itre ryaile I oicdi cct and tI 18 h initti .Bock satd tht cil- officIis -1-111 4v. sale. interatadihel erMt te onea, Mcarce ldth Gz ttie. cc 1'ciI cmcetc i -ecnta malte tUe rot arrordingli-. theintes tgofr-c aelsnnesb>- Caoit las learneti b>-certain cauntot>- ta o , iIlm b eai- tDuin 1wliai I- c.eimtîiderd s mlstk.e Mielen ersetd b ok icials -hi-anaotr-uebilUlv-as retur-netii i iccuci ulim e evyy ci natîcetLake Villa Papa & Polle. TUe Mines fs-r-mta lao-b>lUe Ochoher- grand jury, Ibat a acike-il$:,I- uucbt tiuroicbtUe aper-tioq catid about titremles south ai the- secondîct temPt mautti be matie ta, se- Theîciorku af commcunclug thtetilg- 1 Five Points proper-fy, ln tht village u- lre a Inca bill. If mas tbaughî Ibat glig ofitheiu Skokie draincige canal bas of teii ate gesol $142".3 or 0f Lake Bluff.j lais t ban liusi tUe failuretho accore an Iridictmrent h-c tu ula> cd Ueeairsic nfthteuo-ar--IDistrict l6tcf tUe schooîs tn NOrth - maulI serve ta place tht Gazette In s- ciiluit thtetirvdglng ayow. Tht haie, iic-.guc asiieti$9000i for- ttncattoBn' THESE MAY WE , . positti ri mhîcb tpe siandtr suitba., hi-in dcîg for- the 50cr, but 1h bus i bcic uesîtl the $1.50 rate causet a. ,Walter Weilman, NMadisa», Wi., .21 againat ihein moultIlikel> rosait la a net yettirrivet. It ficinov- tbangtir i oiiiai1000O ta $791169. Mtar-y A. Brama, saine------------..u19cîrdict lu Dr. Ogtenas favar-. thaItue actual mark at e-.ccuating thet Folucming la a liaI ar anmeo nt tw Leonarti Bcehaim. Waokegan, ut. Voliva Must go la riait. big citch milbe beguîc I-turc- nprng iiffer-ances ln levîta matit b>-y s ~ Kaîlu Wagner, 34. tii-reassan aftht tecision braîl î pillaliuof aitht nev cata§ Eclwar-d Brohen, (Chicago, 26; Auos -owu hi- Jutige A.H.Pr-nu, lu the lt ta declaret b>- sci -ilucthaFrankli Zou Cii>- auket for $900ffl a w 4 Espelant. 23. circuit court Tutada>- after-noon. W. Ricksa nf Deerfielti laeo'n--sance anti $878703. Erle Franklin Barktr-, Weuerly, Gitan VMialtsta go back ta jiai ar Usat he is hing dont- c ljustice b>- Wiutbcop Harbor, $1IWJ R. I---------------------------.27 tise psy lise ver-dict of $10.000 a;v-ar- eing triedto1 deterui. 19 8asait> North Chicago, $% .1o Sabella ýRautioph------------------ 21 iedtot Attorrie>-P. W. Mothecaili, fbr-ru in the count>- court. Lake Bluff. $454%.hIS~ - 1

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