i -~ *yIL der mofflig. or turetù,it *s-lia, ow IUB a*e thé tda Uld ali~'a àarme bt val1ed, ienuae, drewgitgber »«v doa **'r1 itk»gj# caune tbtvar, toot protesieà Robin iligianU,, ,i'â4 Sauta Ciau" e.es, I* siOq eout eel bad 4bo#tt * md pli~,'laid 4r, jiàuei< ', ;6 and e*» o t. ,e E'; Je in rt e'.rne tre My lboy.~ 'k t4ooea'î look Ilb. t. fther" a Jaçk bJuliy. 1 lo»ob*dm -mm )boan't. eh? Wb4tt'îthe motta wth ICI" i1ini a0uig O h Êinsg Wq lne, but 1mla ~rted4 tre eo afçýýtind t inlo - U~'.Pinnier nevef 'Ibo Qu#t lu ite 411. wIth to wuea*a mn' i à rat ucce*d4 i~dyear, le mon à co#ethaît his grateful wtt. O1ie 4y. ma*dd. . " 7it labeauttift,' rpiied im, PýIî aleu].jarma," &he aaid 4kjit y "The children are noed illibtoilthe childidu viiibe j 1 WbI4t4îi'm glad or that. is àfte i.thboutb, ou are notired. 1i ;yor yesetrday -monM»g goIii 4oWbf on the train timat ehromea l'th l T nffoW, B"la," said jipt* (>rioturns %lthout .tq.nh Wr Cbeerfufly. -'l van *woried nîId tliat Il wouidn't hoChrialtoma touad tbat 1 h fO rottntletheïtbouse. theb, for tboy w;aî I ati; elpedoutbt , th& itkqiagiôhave one." idày. and I vwas buay overy ton. - '11 etraLniol" utteidl Ui. mlai ne."Wt 'o. ptn,' Piqveiy thet pou gpithe coa- "Oh, 1 don' i;ayH e laId mci ahu..i" c le hie teexcitidiy. thýA» about liard tiuM .He ý4lW lbý la a fte Oriatmnau preant for iad, aid faiabimtdO Ilsm*h Iliell Weil enoogbh tntteywm bto Iilfe if là.-' retu*nçG 'D)ý theïr stock lnge betore *be â i'3c -ey Nov ]et ns i ad dilt tht, 'ou knov." kfl*0', anaGfrI8. eryône o~ You ail .1. '-w DEAR CHILDREN; Iam coming to Waukegap' ~ ~ D. cember le, and want to Seo boys and zirls.I Wii-l arrive in Wue.,~4> Northwestex-n at 9,40 A. L .,'f'- I want' ail aof yau oi4ré~ t the depQt to meet me. There will be an auoc»I* to take me to the Globe Dep*t$, " ;t6èe, which will be my headquart.V oi ¶4wii vreek. *ahst all Of You to foilow along with me, and wbg itup té the at9re I wiii inake a speech, and tell you ail about up bli, 'the N4't.b Poie, andia lot of éther interesting things. Don't fail ta hear me, I commence my t aik in front' of'the Globe- gt 10:16 a. m. Af ter the speech we 1i11ail go 'into the, itorql,. and -vstToyland. where I have a host cf toys, garnes. book*..délie, and Qth.er thingà ta show you. Biring yaur Marnas along with you, they'll enjoy thé funse. li aus yaurseif. Glood bye, From Your Dear Oid Priend, SantaI~s w -~ 't. '-i Ot i[ hoti1.4$ imovi do-i t l tair ovu %bd ricI tek". le hW ib@ very 4 qu la i. ge've d do" thé. rod.., u b au4 sSu nothlag. nof - ibPoto1 t1c wiwi ti~ofo! leU. h a. t»'bollaWa-ar ktevP=- 1 ,M crp a! lé âmew that le could maie h 4*il rt-wttb Laqe. ttb* iwe, itheii ode, m t) lb!liolng de>aumLake. ài liwiea#my dd 1 *ià" o ihfl. la mm la iePeileln5v LEloi Ugir. Piiisl=. hit te4 et *4rOM pet hlm haed an th, tram Itggta do after Ai. é@ juit »kl pbougli 0fglu a* b- beJ tbo Ire s4dy -for tî. kJddiI..m a tUimbadpr" "Tblo ut nta th ». r »on debr. M" aM*SIa~tbe th@ lltbt nd*B lki s b lala "By Jo. If le the a4oefth vo eer heribAiêlt hln ýTh.îe9;voe a at vort. andt4 .uu"y tie -0mmotiiltll nme td Ifle burdoneieraha Were éaPed atlie, t Me p hl andora vers lOI bt a lo bat uttor wat~~tr t equaly fr nogation or a ojet wnlu"eegiu J 'e mtling te t ui dlel~'8 py hit. *mIra fbreift ibis tho ,ery tr« e h ?ôII.wohr,d. 1 tail! Net. a~iâ .llcvhrte héfor. OE4*,U li van ibtl vs ttq s1tlgi anty clav w i' ~ I iedeed.j mener. wa'll - , ,,e*.*.4 a b so'flie. aw lentBmiiie ies.e>04etheo Id ,&5gl jerasle ebO fentber ee. leid i .eri. bot the Lard eP i tl trm ?lgt~ ~lttqwq-vit@I nt aile*P tic.te 1t~i AmgadWoef r _4 . 1 î "Bo L ClamIoc2 blina Yanas $2. -exPO&ct laari4i* ber.' go0 lme n *-WolWh«n- t theBft SIcad vi,71 be hmade., X'EW UNITED S TATES E\NIVOY trO Cfl4, ~Iattoa-acOPt tïie ýoat 91,QdIster ta Chiui »C taf w~~ cethe prmdets*e lti ata' Wje fj .1»On Otw9 Qcion pnfrjn.Â,et 1 vtefrt b~e r i , et ho i vaasbonte o! WU1ç~É ligor ~ie~ia~h ar bho »ard tttmoilu- WI!auN'MSW Wlaa m il ie~p0intio t i -1'-. -r r .u' J. rs by i*k' i L -fi~ C"x ýe ;, oee~ tee. .32roshlae*J( mi C 7,,bh 2,lboUâ 1 .00. ,- .1 C. M.t aned WrNbo ff l U t ot . S~i l'î Sâdi W.-a. e . Woali1e m (ioo~ oa .1 so, e 2ndst.e haCHer itmQt 1 -- - 1. - 1 1 W-l