WE AVEJ5T ISSU1ED A LITTLE TAINE COrfAiNUN FLOOR PLANS AND, Sz NAMES- NEARLY FOURTEEN H,UNDRElD ITEI-MS WHICI- MAY. BE'PURCIASED "IN Ice JL D. 'PioVE 0F UNTOLD VALUE, TO CHRISTMAS SIIOPPERS. THIS PRETTY E OF WAKEGAN9S, BESI STORE--THEY ARE FRkEE TO OUR PATRONS FOR TH1E l - Nid Gloves asGifts Have a Charm which. has Çilung to them Since the Earliest Days of Chivalry, Tliese glox'es aie <ari ed oniy by tlic hcst stotre lu cadi city. Tiei' qualify requires the mtit<pt r' feet, the îîîîst selec-t skiîîs titatspecial î'cscaî'lî ('an procure, skins withoîît a bdcufish, soft anid titi- exposed to the e1emîent,ý. The dvcî's of 4 ceitil goves are ntasfei's of theit' Craff. Tiiese aie oîîly soute of fthe logical reasotîs for the uîîqtac xcellilvto'<f li" (enfcniet'iC(Itove.s. iiuev ai'c ail priced i accoridiuig'to lcîîgtli ani qtalit.v, iîaiîî loor . .......... ... $1.90 t, $3.503 ftis îîthat il deliglit the lhttle ones. Teddy bears, eh ekens, imihîbtq, Sania Claus, prett 'v fleur de lis and. bow not (dcsigns ,30 bY 40 in<'hes 50c; 36 b' 50 iuches 75c and $1.0-Thir 1 floor. Boxed Waist Lengths Scarfs, Jabots, Haïr Bows; New Designs, ma <lii at tiuinlerwî wll Ilitervsied l nt'h adnages offcî'cd W hich are Exclusively Ours (foi te< ()fl(Pii.-lpvai j <i fti alifts tr<onithe pres- ai.tsSe ent assortinîeits 0f n i r I'st waist Icngthis cf'svrwaslî waisIl- Il IwII k sof*the n; stand d ii thaliave foivid sp iayo hNs ins ndalosikplmedesevalvfo slin. '%ieopprim esfi-aIIo4nn xeditureot gîdts fliat w iii begratix apprei iîîs ntialo sil, jI~îiii'i ss'ial fi' Ii'isnîs sllng. (Iifi, rCj>< I(lefhie, t'iii'<il a id f 11 is, 141il 4(1it1>wards fromi Ail are in nutea ifjsal'iuli IlY ofilxs. P"sare upvat'd imili iiîhwe, elunv and veoibilatîolis of lave a111(1 o'hlrvavaî'iety of atti froua$1 f-Minthor. ]flgii i t l)wai-ds froua ....................... ...... .... ...... ....... Let this-be your Christmas store. We voe lto yoitt With N titis annutneineuif ii atipie faîte tesave xvottii 1 "aiid uî<e'besides., We want evervon* to fî'cl I fat tliis is t udir ('fi stnîas store: thfat thle fa't stor'e us <'apaf le of iîîc't iîîg lte afîot demnîds of a l anîd of gi vuîîg tic hest gi rts. "ficr e ic v vOU thiîîg about tht' Icvcîistore," savs a woliu a. l i41oi rii it soînetling ini theli' aîii'ctisî'iiiets, and'ge ialxvaYs fiuad it icotufes ii> te 'jeafo Oi.' f ciîs'it.,e's. 1,11('stoire hîoflt> lninimaty f)e(ali'seof thet- hntbisands of fi-ietls if lia'. ýand keeps. The wa v to nijaks frîeadis isn't t ioo 4 1 1 .v'îii sûrntetllîiiig thttt t hîf-Y lluidot their gocdîîoté' l'- .-, lii t lîîist tuas di'ays ia'il 15 iweillto î'î'i'îu,îî'e setlîiiigs' aind tî iicîîctd ontheî store thaf yon kiî w 1)i* vexperleaicee î< de'jeiulible. A gi'eut deal cf the (lis us shopping is dol &;jin a rutsh. ifiî'ie isti't thli titnte to tfîink over fli (\ 1îa ke c iiifaiisonls as <alef vas yvoit niglit af oti Uc Ho sftop ut Waukegaîît's lîe tic.-So arly Chinaware and, Rich Cut Glass FINEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WARE. How nîu'i ettt'il is (o fit'eseit sctîhinig tisc'II fî'Cîttis tias tait the iieaningless trilles whia re î' often Sgiven. The' sensible idea cf pr'aitivai )'sutl tuietditschf miore <of late years tliant et' fiefote. C'on- sequtentfy oua' sitowing cf baud paintcd Cinuuaîtd î'ictaeut glass anid othe' w'art's xxil1 aftî'aî't ttiîdi'eds cf sfîop- pers w~hîo kitîw' fî'in expeî'iené'ciî w suit isfactori'i* vi xvc(-ail sove 1t liu' hi'stuîas pttzzes-l( Iîcl tieui w'i'itvariîi- iig gift fiigs that bring iorîe tuait a i cssuîîg pdasin'c tIo)the t'e(ilidtt. Bon Bon &i Olive Dishes Dec.p riceittiugs, forit- erly sold at $1.50; we have onlýy a fiînited îiuinbel'; î'c- dueed w'hilet'hey hast ft) 98c. We aiso have theni with handles af $1.25. Jardeniers and stands, al- ,se umbrelia hoiders, pî'ac- tic-a gifts 85C to $5.3 Suggestive Cut Glass l Items. Èern dishes, niut f(es, tuiblei's, pit<'ieis, xatei' sets, celeri tî'ax's, her' bowis, eandte sticks, v-as- es, coitipoi'ts, suigat' andi cîreain sets, wafc' botties, cruets, punch bcwis, kuife iest.s, sherberts etc., flic prices foi' fie different ar'- f ides l'ange iipw'ards ln price fu'or 98C te $1000. Practical Chinaware. Nîît sets, Japuinesc clips, sattccis ani plates iii sets ani sigl ieec<s', liand paintcd china, lîcattifîti Ix'oi'v ware ini tea pots aind Iiiugs, berrv boxîls,ecieami hoidct's, i)ep)ei' and sait shakers, fanex' cups and saueî's, put up in pirefty holidax' boxes, pî'îccs foi' flic different articles are 15C to $6.043.11 Bread Mixers SiChaling Dîishes «Vo' xai tfo denioiîsfrafc to voit that these iteaituiii.\('i-s have îîassed the' nxuiry stage aînd nowx ocîva lplace ini flec Auit'icait home that thie *f, Itî'îg bi'ead niakiug dcxvii fiuau everi' dav sctince. ('hafing dishcs, nto othei' store in Wauke- gaî lihas siihsasli4)wing. Jasie eDrawn Linen Plqeces BEAUJTIPÙL EXAMPLES MODERLATELY PRICED. This bids fair to la' fli greafest sale of linens at ('listinas time that we hv ed eaesliglnn faster than we eveî' did before, if sccnis as if e ver'yone is go>ing to give sotieotie lincti scaifs, lineu ceuter piepes. linen lunchic.oths or linen napkins. Beautiful l iien napery whielî we slhow xiII iot offiY gladdenti te licittof the recipient but ivili make very.littie iîîroad ou vouir Christmîas funds. We are shiowing a splendid assorf- ment tif Japancs' di'uwt w'oi'k -sqhares and eentcî' pieees it vuiri- oals sîzes, fi-am $1.543 ti 5OC. Battcnbi'g lilien sqIuaresC, uîakt' jnrefty as we'cl as tîsefîti gifts, %vc are show'ing a cciîupreheîîisixe as- sorfuient ut $1.543 ti 59c. I Tuniblet' dtitics cf ex'lett ttiî'oid- er v, lu sizes fi'oni tîM toe ig-lîtecu uncities i)ricctl ave<'cdiug Io size anud quaiitx' $1.543 to 25c. Satin danîask, Lunch Sets w'itft iîapkins to niatch, made of tht' fii- esf Ir'ishî, Aîîstriaîî and Gerturati f mens. rrThest sets are to xyard,; iide fw tw'o and cite haîf long, fuieied aicci ding to -the qtiailityv, $8.543, $7 543aud $5.48. Pretty &ffon Veilst Ail Colors $2.50 $1.75 $1.50 $ Coo 85C Shos ~Slippr Shees & Sippers, Sensible Gifts - (Main Floor) 'lut' Cfhr'stmîas slîpper tree is in a good heaifhy endition, if is a good healfhy plant al tuie year round but just now if is pal'icularly 'se wien if cones te nice wariu felt, 'uiriitcd. uid Tur trimmcd and knit bcd room siippers for any îieinber of flic fanîilv. Waukegan's e.ett Store Ladfies' fur trimined.Julief s, ail cohors ........... $2.003 te $1.25 Ladies' warmi felt lippers at ................ 75e and $1.40 <'îiiî'îsfi sipral simes, grey, pair ......... ....... $1.00 Nloeeassiit 's for women and chlldren, up from ............. . ........ .. $1.543 The Home of Queen Quality Shoes. Fashioui itus smicitoued a geiterous rangoAf styles for etreet wear fils Winter ail of w'lîihali' f eiiig shown lu the famous Quee-n QuaIityýShees in fthcx'aricus leathers, prices froîn $3.00 te $5.00. We Premt ust a Qi Sickled Chafing Dishes Baking Dishes NickËed Trays Fern Dishes American Olut Glass Bowls Chlldren's Cups Sugar & Ore"i Sets Crumb Trays Candie Sticks Syrup Jug & Plate -Chocolate Sets Bread Trays China Dresser Sets Chlldren's Rnives & Parks Tea Cups & Saucera Silver Backed Mirrors China Tea Sets Hair Bruahes Individual Tea Pots Silver'-Button Hooks SaIt & Pepper Shakers Beit Pins Rat Pins Ouf LTinka Scarf Pins *Fane Br6ochçs Neckces Hilr Barrettes New Back Combs Oomb Sets Feather Fans SikGauze Fans Novelty Bead Baga SCigar Cases Toilet Cases f &i Colar Boxes = :aýT1ushSets Bifi Books NMe Leather Hand Baga Extra Large Rand Baga Seal Grain Lesther Bg New Style Hand epg Leather Music bila Leât)ier Muai*. Baga Playngard St Pockt OgarCaseg Post (lard Albums Waate Paper Baskets Novelty Letter Openers Womens' Linn Hdka. Mens'Linen Handkerchiefs Childreu's Linen Hdks. Long B11k Rimonae Short' Sacques 811k Petticoats BeaWulNetWaiats Pretty 84ik Waists Ladies'. Sweater (bats FancyHoUae 'Dresse CUdma ikgora Sets Chlld. Grey Krinwier Sets, Black Near Lynx Sets Ladies' Xink Purs Drop 5ki S& Pillow Mufti' Mens' Fine Negligee Shirts Mens' Flan. NlghttRobes Men' esoer Mulfliler Mens'i Suspenders Mens' Ties Mens' Rose Iy PurcIýsed Holiday Lines A Mens, Kliit1 Wmes' ONat Yos' Flesced reý Foît Ji i Womens' C 0u' Toyl and, and Dolidot - ~~~FOIR TRIE CIDE.(acicî 'hîie eo npleted shîcwiig in fthe iiggest salesroîîîiin LaikeC (ounîtv one <ofl1he - sfovks oif doils anîd tovs in Nortiiern 111. The cîîlv real tov anid doit departe gan is a dccidecl sîîcess, many remarks suceli as t[JVOII 'S ecrtainli' have the 91.Ç fo ' store in thc ditp. "Lt secms as if Sauta Clatns lias lîriglit fils ('itii'cdoi1ajà to 1,*vcî's", ami ottici remarks fronithfle great itiajorit.v f'visjti4rs to t.oy]pnod flic past few da.'s; wvc think, however that the ltfle chai> pVli4 said, "G t'! f Santa Claus headqîîarters,' had flic situiation sized up cxaî'tly' t'glit more <ioli more differcuf kindis of dolîs and toys-than auy otiet' tw() local stores put togel STALIEY UNDEýýWEA9 AND OVEbSEIbRTS FOR MEN. MIbbons are always appreciated The gifts u oîti fends ai) preciate most are gîfts which sceni to gix'e înosf cf your self, you caîî make so many pretty things outfocf ribbons at sucli a sing3l out'- lay. Ribbon tî'immxed nov- elties useful, inexpensive, orijamental gifts, such as toofli brush and hat pin holders, hair r9ceivers made of glass and trimîncd with beaut iftf ribbons, prefty Christmas coloring b y the yard upward8 from 25c. W'c aie offeri1xiný ly attractive biankets full size, white w'ii soiid ecoirEd mauy colorg fin at fie pair #J~ l3eginningat à price ahi fthe- î'iciest, vwaruxé wool Califoiiib te $15.00. ,I ets wcre pure fie season 1 adrance, tfYe - pries are. cmll er than voulà ol Soles >ne1t Sets bombs lver ooms merst' Puif Jars Jewel Boxes Whisk Broom Holders Milîtm.y Bruahes Hdk. &i Glove Boxes Savug Mirrors iBath boom Slippers Shaving Mugi & Brush Knitted Bedroom Slippers Olgar fars Battenburg Doiles Paper Powder Books Battenpurg Center Pieces Oovered Mlaks Battenburg Scarfs Collar Button Box Laundry Baga Shaving Sets Shoe Bags Perfume Atomizers Artistic Dresser Ecarfs Soap Boxes Smoker Sets Man.icure ?Pieces Match Scratchera Chiffon Jabots White Tea Aprons Wl~ite Net Jabots Round Tea Ajprons Large line Bows, Fancy Lawn Aprons White Pla4jed Jabots Sewing Aprons Lawui Jabots Fancy Bib Aprons Orepe Scarls Lace Stocks Dotted Swiss Aproxis Ruching in Boxes Sheer Organdy Aprons Frùuge Damuas Towels Silk Aprons HematgDamasik Towela Corne Covers genMtched Buck Towels Phoenix Mufilers Bwnst#thed Tray Cloths Mens' House Slippers Table Napktns Neeffie Books Éesntitched fT-ble Cloths Pocket Knife Sa4tin Damask Table Nap. Nail Clippers Linon Lunch Sets Mamecure "eisors Jip. Linon Drawn Doilies Embroidery Scissors Jap. Linen Center Pieces Dressed DoUs Round Scaloped Doilies Indestructible Dolls Conter Pieces Full Jointed DoUas Dresser Scarfs Billiken Doil Fancy Coat Rangers Do-ls Dressing Sets Faucy Pin Cushions Mechanical Toys Sachet Bags Eleds & Wagons. SÛRk for Christmas' Gifts A GIYT YOU'LL BE REMEMBERED BY. obahl *v nowltei'c in Lake (.'omîit *v xill von fiîîd suli a yast vaicîx': of silks sttitahic foirwit dresses as at oui' silk departîinviît. Wc cati s<ar<'clY tliik <if .111Y iUit t whomn si 1k . awaist rt'a go<i wi 4tl iot fie weicîîtue aîd we <'antitiii fik tf a dcj4art tent fciet lit' portunity o4f inîakiîîg fiie scîce tions is hetter that i fii'. a speeiai valuîe 14to iiaY iivhlasct's wc arc offeriiig f 4atitifillifn tii"lk 18 iliu'fesw'14, à wide range of vcoi'igs, oui- ' îia'pri<'c foi- tlîis pgradv <iof thte iiiiv i{c fafutie is per yard, put ti it (ltivistiias boxes, \vaist or dres-, 'iîgtlis, speeial fe'vîd59C. ,few cf us do nof cujcy Qg or motoring, heather ,and rublier iiîîed robes iample protection tbe weather and are a rt fiat is enjoyed ou cool day., we are show- ,slendid assortinent at $7,50 te $2.543. ,Itatlonary for Christ- Mas. elne correspoudence infthe flnest corres- paper makers in pretty tints in paper. Dreç,s Accesso«ies.for Womnen Eauli yai fiuîds tite gixung of usetttuiiad pi'actii'aigifts mtorei'iiuîfax'ci'anti xxheu beaut' is eoiniiined, perfec- flon li tue i'loie cf gifts is reaehed. Iti our dress ae- cessoî'ies departments arc dozetustuf prctfy, dainfy tiings, evcry wcman loves, yet often feeis shie canuot at- ford hier6elf. ' Gifts cf this. kind arc reeeived with deligi-t,-(Main Floor.) 'ô Co ats, Suits, Petticoats, Waist MOST USEFUL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Silk Petticoats. ýII ail cf tfh'eisas vîiidshîaolinla soiid tcooris aiî f %vo toue effe4 liis'skiî'fs at anix-vcine cf the fcltoxx' ing prices is îuafl i'x'tltamtple t'îtlness, mntx'of theit are made w'itfi a silk dtîist itiffie otiei's have r'tffles miade ofHeit'hit, $8.53 $6.98, $5.98, $4.98 & $3.98. Knitted Scarfs and Shawls. tf <toecsnt niatt'r ift'vii wan ttt'nejtst ttiputton41 xx'h(lt ini anid ouf cf ittoors wlicîiaî'tittd honme oi' îîîetîiîîg mtore elahoî'ate ini silk oî w-ool for ' veuiiîg xcai'; we havi' a niostt'iiî"i'sx- assoî'tniit, allxîx itîeî'ateiv niee4l tîwu4sfî'îîaîî59C. Coats and Suits. Ifl' *voitaie i- iitenifflatiiig a new sui citewex wxitl give.you the advantage -trx i'edutioins in order to make ir Ail of theî seasons nexvest styles ai prlives ri'dhit"'u a sax'ing cf a third ,Apparel for the bal Thiîs is ttîe one stor'e in WatkeganN tit ont l)a)v's w'a'drobe with case. D)resses, ('cats, Slips, Kimonas, Bootees, Mitteuîs, Leggins, Fuirs, Shawls, Diapei's, Boninefs etc. Leather tkoods Always Wa.nted. lIn the ruisli aiid riot of choosing, loî't forget the possihilities of leatiier goods. T her fascination about thien that inake thii lpeeiuliarly alpIr()priate for Christmas presq earess fine feathet' une-onsciousI 'v as thlev' stroke the soft, f cose tresses of a heautiful 'CI play of leatlicî' tiovelties in sîial baud iags or sutit cases, picase the sense and tempt tb Traveling bags aîi( suit case of sohî<l leathet, the kiind Other gooel suit cases from $3.5 litat on(, is glad to) carr frotu $18.030 to $5.003. Seat grain hand bags, splendid vi Lad-les' ilose in Xmas hxe PRACTICAL AND U8!lFUL GIFTS. ( oîîticiene<e is îotthe tetst 4f the ti(' i ti'î)H>1iistt ls thei )11 i ot f fine lîosiery to our st edge titat in selcetiug froîîî thiis stoek thý titiesi fiosier 'v obtajîtable is seeîu'cd give to the smar the assuranve that lier tt<siei'v is tlt)r<)ugly iii kccping w'itfî thc rest of her toilette. Thei broidered andi silk fiose ari o4w o)1 tislIaY ut oui' losierY' co unteu. 85c, 75c aud SOC.- (Main % Walking Skirts, new effects. 'Plie fabt'ies are ser'ges, xx oisteds and fanes tw'ills att of a talit\- .vo w'cuitd net think t<t possess it a tiid tî a liaif îmore't thiut te pr'ives foi' xxhich thieYare i' iig soldlîeu'e. Juust stim-1uioiies lsa a wciani îeeds to W"a' it i a shîrtxvaist undei' a 5t'pîtiate' (coat. Bla<'k, bitte and gocil colttts uîu' repî'escnted, pî'ices arc f'îoîu 12.50 -to 3.95.-(8eoîîd FiiotÀ. Red Cross Christmas Stamps No iiccd of telflig W kegan Ipeopie,%w'haî tfie.v ai'c foi'. Waukcgan pîa'< liteaiî'tv suppo(rt to fIiis xxorttiY clîarity, eaî'li le. Plur MUS A îîîtîff or a sci affair when Jac bite and if fie ru waiiuand lolk eî'ed, if need nu c-ourse there a whiich are beaul te possess buti something less sicwnh spie to(e 3.00-(SK Men's D& Boys' Shoes Men'. and Boy's Shoes-Mlaiîî Fioci) W'here 18 fie rman wxho Nvould not derîive the tiost soiid cctttfot't frcta a pair cf nie waî'tn felt or lieuse slippers. Tuie s uggestioti cf ami' cne of- the foiiowing articles shouid prove highly v a'eptai)ie. If von are iooking foi' soîtiething toflthe pî'acticai sor't'"for hit", soinetlting tiuat wiii pr-ove itsclf cf imiîiediate v'alue, tht' mcii's shoc section xxitl offer uîîtoid op- porutnify. Shees foi' men lna ah cf the latest hasts and leathers, suces that w'car from $2.25 te $3,75. Coînptcte limes cf mcn's higli top tare, lulack and tan boots from $2.45 te $7.00. Bo' s high top lace, tail boots, values tiîat w'eî'e made te seil at double, ishiat boy w'oult net appreciate thein, per' pair $3.00 Beys' and Mens' rubber boots, sizes frcm elidren 's nuniber six te those large enougli fQr tie grown ups, $4.00 te $1.35. Serviceable tow'cls andi dresser' scarfs of the finest silver bicached Gerian satin damaisk uipwards froin 5(k-. One assortmcent that is particularl' y attractive is a' German linen daiiîask towcl, the design of whiclî stanîds ont ike the engrav- ing on silvvr, size is 42x3ý(;, at $1.00. $2.543 to $1.53. ho<4e, finte he 25c. Fin ti ci l lo ie rcd ose at $1.03, -, - - - f 1 1 mmumém r AIr - lý- liq . bo,