Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1909, p. 8

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LA." OOU2<TY DIDEPENDENT, PRIDAT, DEO2MBICR 17, 19Ô9 rC#ANGE TOr-The !EAR of Recivemsand inqtlia- New Mangemtent Under the it of Gurtay Baid 10 Be lm- U Jamury l--Jerth Shor nilave Railvéay Manage- Itangs-Revtsw ot Bond I-ia- ltsmatn line franchise ferte lVg y5tat' s tour yers te -ras, iW*Ukegan. 1'1s Fax Lake branch ha$ about ý*mI me aide raid la on a per. *8tiujgiitlt*S ar, afxieus for eiJetatmm with the firet when ti*P frttmeexpires. <.iIalnfor thse dismissal efthtie ehrcB iy om il iit tt by ,,the intereets representing >fflo9er of ils $15,000,000 Worth of blicds ad a new managinz'force rp 'ý 1laatiigtg bem viti taie overtce rsda nd operate il about JanuarY 1.«I Ii arrangement la said to have. h.en reactsed by tise bondhoidern at Ireceat meeting and the receivema, *. jing Osbsorne, D. B. liannaan George B, Moorf. made a apeciat trpnp agirthe. une fromu Evanston to MI- i wakes, yeslerday, prior to compiing i ,.& rport visicis la te te presenleil at a ~agoigdmetigcf Use bondhotders 10 ie b"had tu IhCagso soon. TU h icago & Milwaukeloti 1111,00f eanpiy ta a doubte track ckeet anrlway system, runntng froon Ujm tu Mt Silwauakee, wiIb aide ejm» ad piasiig ttrough aIl the tUe.tfIngcille. of thse norfs shore. $lS5OOOfflOBonda Floated. Wham thse rallway company camne1 ntise poeslon of A. C. Ii'rOt, viso la MM 1Preeideat and tise largest stock- WM@r aithoang thse stock nov la àdbg UmucWalmeon tu lse *rtiiesa, & »s ltacorpoaated forr a mlondol-q Imm TIe cap" a iincreaaed at1 tt,1'ý »éîM t"»,but aiong iti thseq .nqO * of stock cuae tise aeting oft tbi lai t"Samau»e« 5 or.00 I ffolabondesven" £outed anud 110,-j *U»ofWkaeamsn bonds. Iie~ bon"a iutmd a ree.dy aile, but "f 31àaWy, 1908, thse rua ait fed tu ijkê goM tbis uterot aon tihe bosded -t4otiu.mud vii forced Imb thse e eeer.Tise lrt recivers le çiated vere: Carter IL Harrison, <bartM (G. Daveeanmud Gordion A. Ram- mel. Later, ater accnstng M. Frost *et trau, Mr. Dawes reulgned and Ue eWM ap4pointed tise pressant recelvers. -li thse meanwile tise bondisolders. le" ver. acattere intuavarionis parts et thse wved. vere unabie te agre on a seUlement. The greator portion et tise $5,00;,000 bonde vers sotd te e*5stmilts of Use Netherlande, white *a Wliconsin'bonds vere sol largeiy tu Canada. Guriey Begins Buying Banda. Abot six jnonths ago W. W. Gur- Se>'of Chicago, representing intereat8 Mhe ldenUity eofviiom btis nover been dialeeed, begal buying the bonds ked i Europe, utilnow il la saiet *shalais scured a majorlty, if nt ap- irolmately ait etftlsem, and the Duct Ilaleesta vis e rfuseil te treat on cer- tanPropositiona bave been eliminated wIOlu tis e msenti Fat an agreementeoibas - 1 Jus h. pu fti - t -" a t," the Baturday night when anotiser soldier PASS[iTGOU' INDIAN waa arreated an itallan nl5mber of thse regimental bjand aithtie fort came te CHU!! r m cLOUD thse police station and asserted tisat thse prisoner was a countrynnan wtere- iead Iindien ta One. who la Lite Neo- fore be said be vas responsitte for tlatsd Treaty by wiich United bim. States Gol Possession of Brick Hi-hu When the the man-Dave Humph- TerrItary-Waukegan Business Men reys-woke up Sunday mornilg, the Recaise Gatiant Day. of Lat Upris- police found that te la Irisbh nstead ings ln whîcit Red Cloud Bore Part. of Itatian. MAY MERGE CHIICAGO & MIL WAUKEE ROAD It wouid net be surprising if Samuel Insuil of Libertyvitie and the ,inteceata he represente were te @tep into the contrai of the Frost eleclric road January 1, or whenever the raid le la be soid. Now the officiai head cf Common- welh Edison and the North $hors Eiectric compiny, the con- troliing spirit of eiectrtc ight and power ln and areund Chicago, and the leader ln a mevement to merge Chicago streel railwaya te which his company supptie@ power te eperats, il would not be deemed surprislig If ho iffected the Chi- eago mergelf and thon gel into the management or ownerahip ot tht Frost aystem. Insull tas front the trst been the guiding spirit ln the plan toemîerge Chicago treet railway iies relire- sented by tise Chicago City RailwaysÇ andt tte Chicago Raihwaya comtpanies i and tte inoît reiatie inancial noîva ia 1 ttc oe ffert that tte nierger plan. l hile for a lime, la waking ui again. With the proposett merger for ted surface inos lo the newer one for te merger o! the elevated linos and the FrosItlino would te a feeder for botbE mierged. systema, It la pointed out. n The mau wbo originated theic oe-F vated morger, Insuit la aseone0 of Use committe arranging for ttc surface merger atse, and ibis tatter proposi-1 tion ta now active again.e Itsuil la now nupping the operal-b lng curront to the Chicago and Milt waukee electric lino, vbtle If Use Ive mergers become effective the Frost ino. coniiectint as Il veuld l vilstUe surface and ele-raled Ues ln Eva.nst-t non, vould te a vanabte transporta- I tion factor tisat vould have te be rock- oued vls and t tise lame lime tisec Noth Shore and Commonwealths Edi-y son campantes vouid broaden Ilseir1 power and HgisI contracta eXteusivety. Wlih Renew Trust, lit la regarded ai certain tisat tise vatln trust visicis contrais 97 per cent of the Chicago Cty railway company's 1118,000,0W0 capital stock vil te re- neved followlng ils expiration on Dec. 31. Thse trusteeeshIp vas formeil byà J. P. Mtorgan and company visen tisat irm organised tise syndicale Ihat pur-t cisasei tise Cty Raltvays stock aI 200î ln Januaey, 1905. The trustees under Use agreement are John J. Mitchell, P. A. Vaentine and Cbauncy Keep. Tise votlng trust le teing helet te- gether to await a possible ctsolida- lion et ailthUe surface street railroada. If vonld te mnch eater for the ihree trustees to sgree upon a deal than It woulil te If the stock wtlch now is bold ln trust vere distrituted btetce individuat owners. The tact Uat the voting trust willt te renewed the telief thal a consolidation of the differenu. nrface linos wiit te possibue aler the affaira of ttc Consolidated Traction company shahl have teen clearcd up. Thce n0w are In procesa o! final arrange- mot Merger Plan Never Abandoned. PETERS SENTENCED 1-0 FtNIIltNTiARY Denied a new trial in Chicago Satur- day lun ttc critninal court, Afred Peters, North avenue saloonkceper, convicted o! thet murdier of Clinton Cuirry of Waukogan and Charles Mor- doff utChicago, was aentencedti ttce penitenliary au. Joliet for an Inudeter- minato petrmmd esnghng froni one tu fourletetn ycars, Saturday by Judgc Tuttill. lie was ctitvicteta o! the crime oh mnaslaughter after a bard fighttIn whicb te tried to show that ho bad shot Curmry and ?mordoff iii self de- feu se. S- - .L - W., .. - - - - - aetractioin ereiOai tie eStory of Crime. been reacbed. a consolidation o! aIl ttc lines wiI te Curry, Mordoff and a third mati tad ais what Use nev management to ageabletet he cty andt the general - -dPtrs aon n er hk ýut lu by tise bondholderS content public. Sncb a consohîmation wîîî e!- eîmtemdc hnPters aionan wto aat neu s mty Usosmaie poslitiont 10 asaving in operating oxpenses. tem namten for flt buyhng more a deiedby hos in osiionte akepossible more ttrough routes, drinks. Ho llnaIIy offered to attack w tsaI A. C. Frost viii nover again and ttc city wItl share lu any tenofits hmadtedire i oaclb i Ue rosit. Iin em sesame auttor- lu a financlal vay. Bot thttcCity fthou imetbey ianarerim ! tI vas tearoed lisat dring tbe tatIRailway company and te Chicago !oloned hchsand atterey ca e. 14 year Ue rond sarneit somethlng Ralways company are opeaîng under tre 0tcSlo otvle e * 169,000 over operatlng expenses ordinanices fixing every dtait o! fi- voiver at tem Mordoff staggemed chi la a littic more than one per nanclng and operating. A consolida- to a catch basin In tte nreel and ton Ue outstanding bond issues lion, Uerefore. couîd not void any died. Curry ived for somne lime ai- ý15.000,000. agreements or ater obligations tu tbe terwards but bis Young vite. witb a Gurley In New YorkCity.. ci>.,Iol l argneet that that wicb bate. diet not learu of bis deatb until I. Gurley vas in New Tonk tasî wouid te gained t>. tbe street raiîway forty-eigbt boures atemwards. t butltI vas satie t bis home tisaI compales voulil te aiso the gain of Thought i-e Was In Waukegan. vas ot l Us eas oubusiess on se cty.?Ste thougist te was In Waukegan vis- fl vils tise etectric systent. Bow Tise idea of puting ail ttc surface iigt bis father Frani Curwory, ad r, l la generaily ImuonlunfInan Utues together nover bat heen aban- obishottr sdrterwb sd circles Uat tehba 'corraîleet' ttc doned, sud camme te a hat moly vison o abntnsrt oa bond Issue. ttc Chicago Ralways compan>. and It w5.5 ibown et ttc bearing thal itr. Froat tas been avey ona ec the Chicago Coslidateil Traction whtte Curry treeeto10bt peaceabte and trip and In scbeduledlto e tact company vers unable te gel together. oe keep ttc peace, Peters wan o! a tff1eego next Menday. It ta said Reimmenctalves of te Chicago Rail- rough and brutal charofcesud had, bin home cnmtug Is te te prosent ways conipany andt of ttc Chicago C ity is claimeet. once tefore stot down a a lwy wrke ona cnsoidaionformlu Inti s aloon. visile a edock lu tis tiext meeting o! tise lteresta aîayvmc' na1osliaIn o te pace vas rîdmled wvlth buut fflotIngthe efuet cmpansneyerai monthi.-balt ieantig tse efuet empn>. Tte commitîe lncluded, among wtere be bami fired at tintes vhen te uttolders.ote.HnyA.BarotcChag was angry. Rallways compauy; John J. Mitchell., eesi vncagn > iepoe W&* Irlsh-Net a Dage. representiug ttc trustee o! tise Chi- cutionu eaded by AssItant States At- vtenIbe o- aco ityraila>-and am-tomne>.Crowe vlth bavlng preteudeet .uaday, noer noon. wo h o ag iyriwycompauy, ndSa-to bco mmmcd by the boys be killeet mmanasd conduclor e! an electrie nel InsulI, preident o! he Common- sud wth havlug appeared In rouet a im-tart> cigar store, and weath Edison eompany. Ttc Cilty Ith bandages about bis bead wt ieb car alol at Genesee and Wastn-t- Ralway company la purctasiug ifs i en tomn off shoved hlm b tectun- ttreteta, P!lvoteDais Ryan et Fort eiectrIc power !om the Common- iat qridan bont-deil Use car and, deunk. vealth Edison, aud tbe latter comn-iboT.enwtilmto a aglr bW old et .vomian atdisugedpany le furulshlng coment ttce cie-1 Î ttis Ai l, it uengois. vateil conda. Iu aur mergor of street' for some tiras, tut vas final> decidemi M4 foen omiaan proteeled and ralireadtlintercala Il la deemed ailvi Saturday. js* t tarm . tise ra~IMW of visib ablte te consider the Commonwealth - î0f jso4dermd IBd$-a compiay ua aprime factor In etsn ay-n avsts eI vi aâd ay 19 btter Mtisg. Tr7oMr vat a. 1W 1 1. tke -turliba cf eectic curreuit. je~1 TEL!EGRAM AWAIED MAN WIIO WAS IKLLED Coal Dock Laborer Run Down by Northweatern Train Near Six Bet- urclay Evening on Way Home to Read Teiegram front Wite Teiiing cf Mer Site Arrivai and Viit with Siter at Joliet. About the time tflat the deset body ot John Koche was teing picked up on the Northwestsrn lacks at Belvi- dere street ln Waukegan, bis wife and tour sraatielîdren arrivee ai Joliet. Ill., fromu Austria and were Sunday sent tet tragic naNas. The eldest child hs a son of elgist. day il la cimd. It la. ad that . crossed ln front of the train deepite thse tact that thse gale. vere down and danger signais dlsplayed. s THESE MAY WED. Orin Frank Hawkins, Newport .. . .21 Etbei Adelaldd' Lewin, same . ...39 Louis Gebman, Miwaukee..... 24 Anna Bendick ................... 21 One litense suppresped. Henry Ridgway, Evanston.......31 Emma Conion................ ý..25 Arthur Haszkar. Chicago ......27 Hannah Sund .................... 30 Tuesday at the court bouse Jack Stratton bomgt ibe old Stanley cot- tage and place at Fox Lake for The deatb of Red Cloud, big chief of the Sioux Indians, tant Wednenday at bis home near the Plne Rtdge In- dian agency'at the age of elgtty-six, recalled forcibly stirring daye to two W~aukeganites wbo are former resi- dents of Nebraska. The two Waukeganites are Charles P~. Ingalis of the ilrm of C. F. Ingalîs and Brother, ploneer jewelers, wbo served as captain of Company G sec- ond Nebraska National Guard, during the Indlan uprtslng lu the Black HuIs, and bis brother Robert M. who was a drummer' boy with the same regi4 ment. Captain ingalta was earty ln tbe diaturbance tranefermed to Colonel Coîhy's staff and saw active service whtte bis brother diet not get onto the field ot action. Death of Red Cloud. Reci Cloudt spent bis declining years ln comparaitive civilization. He bad iwo wives Itot of wbomt are dead and tbcme are a nomober ni chiîdren living ainong tbe Siotux. His aon JIack ed Clottd bas eared for htm in bis dem-lin- imtg 2cars wttilc fornterly Red Cloutd aa a terror ti) tte governmeiit or hate 2 cars hi ltas fîcen a peace maker toi tibas cotmocciletl agtictt untivailittg ditituritanees. He megotiated ttc treaty betwcen bis fritte and the goverromemt for the Blark Hilîs territomy and waa ln com- mandt of tte Indian forces at thc Fort Fetterman massacre. An Awalting Career. In 1865 te became sut chiet of the Brute Sioux ae that bis tribal termitomy extendee f romt the North Platte io the bhg Horn mountains and west to the Black HuIs. In 1866 be deposed bis tead c bief Big Ribs and extendeet his dominion over the Ogaltala Sioux. The building of the Union Pacifie over tbe Bozemnan trai led to tbe first hostlities wben treopa iook possession of tbe trait wbile thse braves were Ln conterence witb tise vhites. He car- ree on tise war tisat followed until 1867 and was finalty cornered andl put on tise Pins IRidge reservatton ln 1869. He vas ctasseal as one et the great- est of thse Indians and one wbo sin- cerely betleved tisat his red brotbeme bail been veongeil by the vbites. He vas knoovu 1 botb Chartes F. andl Robert M. Ingails tut tO the foron- er more intimately from bis part lu tbe uprlstng of vbich Custer's mas- sacre was the Incident. DR 1. L TAYLO1 OSFICE OtiEl J. ELI. mRiGU GO5itl. sJoDasé:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 10 4 andt 6 tW S P. M. Besidentie ou Broadway, opposite Park. Libertyvile, Illinois. MARTIN C. DECKER ATTOItNE-AT-1,AW Office Opp. l8um' St. Electric Station Office Phono 5334 Oea. Ithouie 8608 NORTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS W. H.STUDER SURVEVOR Subdieiding, Fart Work anmdlDrainage LIBF.ITYVILLiE. tt.L. DR. O F. PUTTFRFFID, VETERINARY SURGEON. ASISTANT STATE VxCTxaltaAEts. Lihetyvllle. Illinois. PAUL MAC GUrffIN AT-TORNEY AT L.AW. Ltbertyvilie, Illinota eaOsg 88 DR. C. R, GALLOWAY, OFFICE OVEa LOvELLa napo a8TOas. isouao--iomu 1 to 3 andt 6 to S p. m. Litertyville. Illinois. A. Y- STEARNS LAWYER 218 Waington Strel Waokega 'Pae2701 PI1A NO Cheap <por) pianos we 1 o not seil, because we will tiot haîîdle therti, but we do sel reliable, mstai i d ard makes mucli cheaper thaii the same grades bave ever hî'en sold in the cotitity. PRICES FROM $200 Old inîsri metîts taken as part psiý îment on Grande, Up- rights anîd îitytir Piatuo8. Write for itif, rination. The R. C. Fulton Music Co. 132 N.Gene'. -S!. Wîukegan, 111. (U tA RSI PHONE- ?b2 .,,d 1148 Henry Si * Sale BIarn 27:E 5 t ;IN Itro mtt uS i-bit ee gien for sait AJJCTIONEERI: C SALEL PSji Witiout Smale No matter bow sensitive your olfactory nerves mmy bc, or under what wôrklng conditions you en- counter the PERFECTION Mi Heater (qulpped wlh Smokeiesa Devicer, you'il neot tietect the ýlt;llltcSt î olor of arnoke. The Perfection Oil Heater neither stokes nor diffuses odor. Tte new Automatic Smokeless Devioe positively prevents botb. Repeated tests duringis ncipcncy and develop-. ment, innumeratihe trials afier il had heem pronounced parfect hy the invetîtor, demonstrated ils utility and sure effectiveneas. The 'wick cannot te turned Up beyond the point of ils grealeit effective- cesi. It locks auînruatically and thus aeccres the grcarcît heat-yiclding laine withoul a sign of smoke or smeil. Rcmoved in an inistant for clüanmtmg. Solid brais font tolds 4 quarts of oiî-sufficient un give out a ghoing heat for 9 hours-solid brass wick cariers-damper op-coiil tti--il utiltmor. Ilcater bcattifuiiy fLilhmd in nickel or Ja1iat in a variety ofs~ e Eaomy Deater E-oywhoca. If Not At YuccasVî ftit f-iDr, Cîccis to the Ncarcît Agcitcy ci mIn STANDARD CIL COMPANY STOV ES Are What Vou. Want Now î We Have the0 :STEWART 7-N-, JEWEL & 0 Base 3urner8, Hot Blua, Oakso, O Steel Ranges, Cast Raniges, Cookà IF IT'S Over 50 to Select From 0FROM Corne i and T,,jk ît Over, jSCIIANCK'S _Çii s Ye K 0. OOD SCIIANC g o BROS. IS VOUR ROOF 0. K? 0 We cari rneet youir reqniretnents nio *nîatter how large or ornali they rnay be. *The Prepared Roofing we seil to 1 * otîr ciitomecrs by the rolll b the best on the market, and coleis complete *witlî nails anid cernent ready te, ]ay, at *the right Jirices. SPowell RoofingCompany Il 7 S. Genesee Si.- XVAUKEGAN TelePluone 377 FRIEDJOCHIEIMToephone No. 46 FRED OCIIIEIMLiberty ville Exchange ISPECIAL ATTENTION BAKIER To and CONFECTIONIER Toui of Town Orders Libertyville - lins IAnd Shipping Trade HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED ______________WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS Morses f~or Sale. mour'itati 'vimstow Sumiti Farni. on(, and tone-taif, mile mortlof 'àiieioila, llittoiR, tas consitBDt' 00 bautd andt f.îmac, aý.a I -Pi, eîmarkel pflici S stock of ail i-asses ttf l sena uitable for the roand Wtdal larmu I woric: eXpem.andmetdraft. oseil nd a srvicemitîs. froîuý 1100 10 )pitiinda. Prie *$80 tb $200 00.-MNo ptlmrq.uti.Umie tii Mîtutain Meadosand oelisahrfle ,ork on tic larmu Ail areiinmeted andt avoid rk of; 4ckneis@ Ail guorantecil on deiivery sasrpeeý Telaphons -lE 441 sSodjý COf . J.5 Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opesitt Si PAUi freigl t Depet Libertyville, Illinois Machine Shop REPAIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A SPECIALTY Engines Ovor1auled. A Full Line of Sunidries. 'lires Re- paired. W ten in Trotuble TE LEPI-ON E Libertyvilte Exchange 661 or 1262 -1 1 . ern Coal & Dock Company docks and Garvey farm at an adminstrators was on his way t0 is boardlng place sale for $3116. The farmn ta ait War- at 109 Belvidere street wben a North- renton and comprises forty-four acre&. western train struck and kiiled hlm ________ instantly. 1ý%n fwmnbýpiiO B Mrs. Korceearrived from Austria ainusopp w n20on hi pains, r e i and New York Saturday evening and Dr Shoopx Pink Pain Tahicta. Secs fuit stopped off at Jolet to see a sister. formula on 25ec box. 84,141 bX A tlegram fromn the wife awatted the ALL ELR husband at the boarding bouse. ALDE ER brotber of the dead man wbo lites PERRY L. PFSRONS. Attsau.y here told tbe tacts, Korcbe was get- Adjudication Notice. ting along in the world and hacd man- pulieNotice is herebY criven thai the MuN- aged f0 5&ve enough t brlng bis tam- anritie ofthOe eltate 111 Horst- ily bere wben untIiely fate overtook of Lae iii,t. e a eri nthetuele(ho îoiitc(ci hlme ti:court iHoise in tNakezait. icit tai Uctnty. on - O tr.t Mii da ic o I,i îbrît it 1910 îî hon Korceewas killeti whein the siX- &i wher.1 e at uicocon h citoe ls âRfletiit tliirte train froiiit1iv s-oulb camle laiitemcitii i oîtft<titu Oî along. [le i adi lo t t V rkiio.Satr FO N AittNit akg m .,1m I,,. Alumittci if Vour Morne Is Wired For ELEC.wTRIC LIGIIT The Whole-Family is flade tiappier Eiectrictty int fia-honieisa wliole famiiy coînfirt. I t prooides ttc inot brilliant and hteut biai light for everybod -and iioit eoiitwiytoi). If provides the powier to operate a SEW.lNG MACHINE tIOTOit, a VACU[UM CLEANEIt. or a WASHING MACHINE. it lbeautstc 1 L<AT- IRON, CU-RLING IlMON, SHAVINO MttO, BABYS BOTTLE. It cmos the food witioit Ition or Ore, witbout iirt and soot. heat i te mont; doing all or alis tof litoe wit thlie Simplie tomn of a 0 Witt-Il WHAT BETTER CHIRISTMAS GIFT eould yon malie thau one of these usefol conveuiencew. North Shore Electric Company Phone No. 2.58 23o N. GENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Preesoal, Corde DR.IEDW. V. SMITHI General Practioe Office over Luce & Comnpany's Store SPECIAL- ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES 0F THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS DR, GOt DINu DENTIST Houes 8 to 12 a.m-1 to 5 p.m. J. li Triggs Bild i g with Dr. J. L. Taylor-PhoneS 11) HR-s. Phone 1092 Libertyville. Illinois DR, E. H. IN FL DENTIST. OVES LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANE. noup,8-1 to 12 a. in. and i1 toS p. m. DAILY. Libertyvihle. Illrotz

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