Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Dec 1909, p. 9

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",PE C O Cý-N T Y INDEPENDE NT CHRfSTMAB EDITIOI( PAR VO LImE1RTYVILLE, ILL, FRIDAY, DE('EM BER 17, 199. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR UN ADVAN& of preSideýpt 0f !Un 0cetu C ..lder an riae 00 bnuhasts. ai i This dae nat in any 'wuy mean thut a.1Con f4~~ thre road is 'deati" or that Its plana fl'Bpan l14~1ko~psare permtanetitly inirrred. pany The iraI meeting of the Central En. IAiI5.L gineeing. & Construction CompRnY, Plcenn , WMC-4w, cta to UlId W inooking forwa.rd to reorganisation fol- lowing the deatir of 1». A. Truc. thre late president. loibelng heitietuth offies of the comp«ny t 765 monroe ________ treet, Chicago, Ibis aftenioon. The fact la Important because the Central Company holtis tire contract W'Was tePayCen.' wtubulId thre Wankegan. it<o<kford & *ýasy Elgin heand re deat r uefl tt Coéupny in!iowud by thée temporary disarganizu- tion of the C'entrl Canrîny are great Bonds %hch lFue"facorx lntire loal trangpiation 'Agrted to Takc Off, rbil.No Electian Today. irto Th[. afternoonrlm heId the frio C~uArles of Ilae.tIngseeto! ureethergu ut Ia.cof $s O tOO ier s of the eoanyllI ad isewitii ecdi arernoorr ii Frlday or Satur- Sdur aand ai Ihal imie adjourumnent wili mAlbNgItv w mOThi oad Ire taken unili tiheactlial élection of ig o c er r Tire colnpany faces thre urgent ne- a ' lcestylif ltndlng a man itted totak ance to !ÇrOUfcliitireslate President Truc's place n thlbs u, tire tank. Robert D. Wynn a! ýan I.HJefinite Wa.kegan ta tihe acting ireîdent and i . .1Von Panket Io thre ecetary. Necefflry to Road. The conrpany andt he late Irr Truc fflo Wedesdy's all Sun) -t a wlde swath wirtirte affaira of (Yrq Wedeadas Daly Sn.> thre Vaukegan, Rockford & Elgin Trac- bUie tire Waukegan. Rockfornl & "utn (Company whlcb lateafded by Sa ?rctlo Conoanysdeal t4.i. Wynn as general manager. On 7fUionComan's éla wlhýThe Company had taken thre con- îI> giirÇ Warkean ls ual b>' au> tract for building twcive miles of tire pue 4001ared off. 'by rel n'of the road-a contract whlch laeatil holds oklo Président M. A. Truc, e. iru'and for whic JIt wil uctuall bud i'110 Centrai Engineering & Con- sooner or later-and tire laie Presi- bc"id Company', andi one of the dent True lied agrued ta take off ire "igt'>acpal ftanclýaJ backers tirei comupanys bande thre bonds thut thre I5. ia, plana vitir regard ta, road was ta psy the compan>' for build- t An s e fteXI-IBitIOIG of eCuePaoCm panskeIforsrmencpt con be we ai u storema Wo LYNCH BROS, UbotYvllle. It lta therefore possible fer people ~la-es vicinity te buy 0 good Piano wthout makIna a trIp to We wirnt every prospetIve buyer, and every musi- persan fin ibis sec!ion te sec those beosttful In- maets. h 1,s cedàtly word, tvhUe for any one tq e an hour to give them an lnspectioO. About Price Vu an institution with sucb efficient menu- afacU*tles can produce Instrument& et a low- tdonsolier concerps, Buyee -are given due of this condition in the, retail pefles et Cle Plgno Company's pianos ame sotd te see these Instruments, Yeu wil ni Ilbescat remaricable velums They are not but the prices ore as low as colatent $226 teSIitlî »w tcgs u e KqW y *fst ctehavelouée INorth Chicagoj T. G. Traxef lefI today on a business tr througir the nantir. Prayer meeting toniglit ut the home a! C. W. Veeder. Mr$. C. Jensen and daughter, Mur- tira. spent tire day-kiv Ciicaga. Jas. Janricirs condition lasnome- Wliat improved. T. H. Grahami of Cimgo vas a biusiness vitor hure yesterday. ýThe Librar>' elub vii l ot hold ils .revriar meeting titis marth on account *j. île belng so close ta Chriatmas. MNach member la reiiuestet ta sn e lier ciraicu a!of ffers tb 1he sedletary, >irs. C. D. Wacirter. P . B. Kînsie>' of Chicago was a Iness vîsitor brers toda>'; E. B. Phillipa of Highland Park vis Ied hure yesterday. Mr. and Mra. John Stanseck are en, tertaining Chicago fiends. Geo. T. Webster of!-Chicago spent yesturday hure on business. ,It la noticeabie tirai ail of tihe fa&- M~ries are doing mare tibs ypar tl pep* ý yar prevlnal>y at th. lime. il tiboing li.d of.,bot atnW là s ualture cae, e iis Yeur. DESPERATE MAN ESCAPES1I friends, 'Wlth'iIs deatir tiet syndi- catelens isorganizeti becausel v as made up of iris frientis anti anotirer liauker and backers for hlmn muat nov be found, Mr. Truu'a backing to thre road. comprlis n iris ugreement tw take cure of tire bondastiret tire Central compen>' woulti take ln payment for beilding arnountedt th ie cost of tire roand from r hre ta Grayslake or $300.- 000 or over. Thug iris duatir la ruai- 1>' a keen biow to te roati for a time In tiraI the buiding a! the lUnu îli ire delayet i rtil the comlrany la reorgar- fred andti tre ew bar-kers have been maroi rinreti GaIRL'S LONG, TRIP UNDER ICE Cut Out 100 Yards from Where 8h. Pell IntoStreanm. Denver, Colo.. Dec. 15-Delia Krug. eleven years ôid, near>' bat ber lîfe lu rescuing her pet spanlel froni drown- lut. Sire vas swupt under tire tce ou ta mil itciranrd carried 100 yards dovu streuni. Mien who irati sen tire accident final. ly cugirt sigirt o!flier brigirl coior*d dresa tirougli the ice. Ail seized bars and piecueso! Iran pfipe and, breaking tirrougr the tee, lrrorrgbt tire girl ta, tire surface. LSire waa unconsrioua anti vas re- Sviveti wiiir dIlfuty. The dag, stili 1clasped lanlier arma. aeemed littho tbe varse fur I experlence. RUN MAKES EDITOR A THIEF Lawyor Caughl Broaking mIntoStore Sent ta Indiana Prison. 1 Clovertiabe, Ind., Dec. 15. -joint Akers. udîtor of the Cioverdale Graphie, and a lavyer has been sentence te t f romntva 10 ofourteen veara ln prison for burgen>'. For lwo months there had heen btirg- flarica a! grocer>' and dry goutte stores anti meat markets here aud Abers vas rcaugirt breaklng tut a place. iu u pattil speech in court ire de- clarudti iat whisky hidbeeunis ruin. GOVEIIIMENI COItES *TO-AID 0F IUNEI Aslbt Des RM"ms Utvoe Declred NaiIgN Ciricgo. Dec 15 -The Unitedi Stateg gaverument ofliclaîlly took a band la tire conserv-ation o!Illinois' water pow. or ant inltire great lakua ta tlre-gtlf aenva>' project. Acting initer di- rection O! Attorney-Generai Wicker- aat, District Attorney Sima antiSpe- Cial Assistant District Attorney' James IH. Wilkerson fiued lithtie United Status circuit court a bill lu equity aaking tiraItthe Des Plaines river lie declareti a navigable streant; that tire Econoni> tJght anti Paver company beire ier.t te ramas. construction work airendir Pîsce inluthre river ln tire building o! lie dam lu that vaterwaansd 1ha tire aouîpauy bu perpetual>' enjolned frrnm buIlding a dam in tire streami Local autirorities seInt Iis action tirit tire gavenmunt thrug camest, tire ald of tire stateoa!llinois, wvierc . centl>' bonIfRa suit la tire atate courts ta attain the saute en& ADMITS rHE IEFiYOF $6000 Express Company' Employe Disms Drink for Mis Downfail. Rock Islandi, rit.. Dec. i5.-Blamleg drink for tire act. Carl R. Andersou. braire down anti can!essed lualireous- ty jlbue, &fier baving been arreafl for riiling tire sale inthtie local Uniteti States Express compan>' office of $6.000. EXaminatiaa o! the books revealel tirai Andurson lidbeen emirezalii tutia for somat. tme. Sohool tÎo b. Opemud for Admis- sien Ot ReOrifs October F055 HAS POS$TAL BANK BILL tca! Conlresemniiys Me Wîtt Bat- tic for Enàtment * Law Looking ta Establiashment g« Postai Savings Banks-Bhil- Qoos, iMto Senate t Sam TlIne-EttaJ.n Bill in Legis- lature intereste Waiulcgan. (Front Wednem4#ys Delly Suli Washington, D. C., Decr. 14.--A sulir piemenier>' estimrate of $100t.400îfor the purcirasu o! 1,000amstriar]îamis anti equipurent o! tire labseltyreI adRrta butter>' o! ejgirllandin;grrurisu itir corlelc etuirment for thre 1tiriie- lion a! tire apprentîce maemeri ut tire Gireatl laies naval training satlion i t <Chicago, wair aubmlitted la tir-- laurre tana>' by tire nas>' depanlarent.,Titi iiatiari la ta be openeti for tire -rulirîl qion o! recrui(a on Ocioirer 1 iie\t, Washington, D. t'., -Pec. 14-Cot greirumun Posa of Ciico introdîrr-et In tire bouse' toda a postalIar inge bank bill andtfi uroneed tint ire wrruld wuge a trenuans flght for enacîrrrent lcgtslatio on tire subjeeet I.s leu- smon a! cangresa. Tiremuesure, which corresponde ota ttntrelaceti b>'Sen- alan Carter In thereÀatu, incîtuies these lprovisions: Systent ! of ti a b4sianks un- tier tire supervision of a board o! con- siet iig o! tire sucretar>' of tire treaa- an>', tire potlnastor cSwaIu andtihie attorney- genurai. Ever ' poetollce lsnantioç..fioney or- durs sud aIrers desliuW&sdb>'tire postmaster generai unre aStiolsedti t recelvu depasits of $1 <W.t morebut flot more tran $100 a Moatb#ýrMo an>' one depositar. Balance ta tire credit et au>'onee ver- sait shall not bu aliowed intaexceeti 1500.', Intenest at 2 pur cent per annuri sirati bu aald on ail dupeesa Postmasters shall depoilit tire fonda in any stilvegit bantirt a laIe ao Inter- ,est o!flot lesn tiran 2U 1per ent pur annuni. 1 blieve tirat postal savlng ba"i legisiation viii bu enacte t athIis ses- sion andt Iis viii buthie'bih pame," saiti Cangreasman Pous. In tire Illinuois legisiati4re tire Ettel- son bill came up.. Il nie>' affect Wan- kugan. as il runsasanfolowa: Harbors sud subways are tresteti togutiter Inthtie onu puragnajmk uhicir ta ta irecoine, section 97 cd tir. dIte anti villages art granting powers. Ire provision as ilroduce( b>' Senator -Etticuon le as !oiiovs: Edward Ward Maket Getaway !rom Fort for Second *rime. Foir thre second lime ln four months Edwurd Ward, agud 21, a mIember o! campait> A o! tirelhouîltrai crpns at Fort Shridan, matie his icucape !rom tire ranks yesterday. Wurt i rereit laut Auguat, but vas retiin t th ie liost by bis brother. Yestertiy ire secuireti a regrlur utiforni andti thlsri aor untier biu prisoners garb befort Jeuvlng the fort. Wirilp carrylirg brusir vith a dozen airer prlqiuarre near Hilgirvoarihe bralireawavîirrougtr the wooda and dIsappearet inrrrli, di. rectlion oai Llirertyvtlle. LEOPOLO'S VITÀAIiY IS RARE Physiciens Report Thst thre lCng's Condition le Satinfactor>'. Brussein, Duc. 15.-Tire latent bulle- Uin laaued tram King Leapoltis betildo stalltearItirhe manarch's condition le sut isactony.' No otirer officiai infor- mation ig abtatuable. The pirysician. refuse to express an opinion. Tire newspapers tivei il ir enianisir. ment an tire king'@ remarkablc vitility. Onu pro!erses ta have learnudthetrets ,-ven a p.,sslblrty o! tire'aperationlin.- lrOvlng iis genura irealirh. GOVERNOSIjSKELL IL Physiciens Ar. on Watch et Bedclde of Oklahoama Execulive. Gutirnie, Okia., Dec. 15-Governor Chartes N. Hasireil le sufferIng-4rom au agruvaletiattacir af indigestion. Hl@ conditian general alarm. Physmcians are rumainlng ut bis bli- aitie. New Yorkr Comptrolier Elect 111. Chicago. Dec. 15. Compiroiler Elert W. X. Prendurgat a! New York cil>' becanue 111 sutitenly hure. Prender- gant vas ou his way ta delsver an ad-1 drus. lin Mlwauke UNWRITTEN LAW 13 UPHEULO Girl Admiti She Kiiied Mer Admirer. and li Aoquittcd. Pontiac. Midi. Dec. 15. -Berith Leltsau. virtes&hot sud kictletiSamuel J, Morley., ias buen duciared by a jury la benat guilt> o! mortier. Sire'admitted, slire hau valtud for tire man vItir a pe-' vaiver. Thre girl vas eznpiayeti an a !arm virere Morleyw» as nasger. "I knuv tire>' waaldnot %s>' i W" guilt>'" aira stateti."I Wvas sponsie and i tiôt ~tk vas doing.'tunvritten bav fi"!rf l hon defense. li SWITCHMEN GO TO C Striko Settiqd Se Far as Butte le Con- cerned-Manes Reoipen. Butte, htoat.. Duc. 15.-Tire s'vitcb- man's strilte peactically la at an eud as fair as Butte la concerneti. Tire minus o! thre Amalgamuteti Copper comnie, wbich closeti vien tire sîrlke begaji. resamed operations toda>'. Tis put 3,000 men ta vork. fiviteirren hanve dtecided ta retanutet work. PERJURY SOSPEGTED IN COMNEMUN DIVOR8CE Bar Association Conduies Pro- cedings as Frondî'lent. Utobrellas Walklng Sticks S4ipers Jewelry Garter Sets Neckwear Sets Leather CollaiBugs Leather Handkerchief Cases Leather Tle Cases, Etc Etc For Ladies We have splendid Unes of (iloves Leather tlaà*eirchwc Neckwear Case mufl ers Leathjr Sipr IJmbrellasFetSlps Suit Cases etkpm %ags Bath SlIjiers Sweater Coats Bath Robes HosieryEtc Etc ln faCt anythir tiful Holiay a. mlght vwa nt for. beau- for the entire famliy i-t j-' . - AND WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN countY Surprise la zpigsse h.t <iET 1N4ICINCI ON he Comnpany dites flot eztnmd tid GETT Nfi CINC ON cine and Kenosha along tire UOl In a. trln aasthe county fiIed tisf 1416UT ANI> PO'E ' n-ý-,n>Ingngreror wnyi The power plant bere la weil abie'tq carry ail of bath counties' hsinel and then sorne and litlel belleved tink > North Sheie Company Files Improvements announced petedtY Cross ounty tream f orecastpetpnXtfsionln ult Ui5m gtint Cros Couty trea of lllnecefuaitate the atrlrrglnq of a eet-ý Pole Grants work of feed wlres aver tire eouinty _,and_______ a TO CONNECT WITH ANTIOCH?'TAg'f HOSPICE INVENTORY' Belief is That Company Seelcs'ta n !eer Men on Job of Looklnq Tirrough Feed Line ta Antioch and hà i 150 Roorna. May Put Plant There Just R!centty (Prom Wernesday's Daiiy Sun.) PurcasdOut of Commi ssIon- 'The work of tuking the inventory After AIl of Lake and McMsnry ftrZinttHoewacmend County Butine",9sh ZslCt Htlws omne this ilornlng afnd wil bu ruahed as' - tapliy aR4jpossible. pour Melk were (From W@dneedal's tally Sun.) Pit On the job. it lu rePosted thut Thatthe agnficet Wakeg H. 0. Rickert wlli manage the hospice Thatthe agnficet ,,a,,in for Overseer Voliva. He was gelected plant of the North Shore ElectrieCmn-! pany ta ta su[rplY elecirie liglit and la haves charge of the lnventory tak- pawer to the whole of l.ake caunty 16 irg for Voliva. evidenceti by the lateat movement.Ejft ssaia h netr stka the conrlany ln filiîg grants for pole AustiathIvnoyl ae.î righti front iroîrer(y ownf*rs Irougir and ibis lu a îretty bigonndertaklnrg thre towns or Waukegan, Warren, Avon lnt a lhree hunnireti and fifty rooiniibc- and Grant, a signal that at least a lei, Volivawilil take formai posseesaoli. tFet wir willi be strrrng ont Into thie, aeithtwî fu'e tr n colrnty. irouulbly au far au Antli t tI ow rt ihfu' h n where retcoiilly the enllrany bought1 ventory ca lie etompieted within twod ant electrie liglit plant. The aapply daYa. Thre cash settlument will bu Or carrent from Watrkegan la takenmae lh r.Gaunassnasie Le ai mensure of greater economy. made tNiry s.compîeei.a;nma h There nos, remaina but the Grays-'tieloy acmltd laite electrie plant la acquire and tii Il l13 stated l8 a malter of certalnty WîeKhadgdsen.dd wben the Insilcompany wtll suppy Wli hwdae syp.ld every bit or llght and power ln the ut thre .ane NICAllster hospitai Monday county. ut 1 of spinal junînngitis, and thre 't lut alsO gettlng rendY ta supply ail body, was taken tu Highrland, Park of the llght and power ln McHeniry Monday nîglit. Splýendi*ýd Accpt ln addition tg out .,N.gu1ai iUnes of good cohs-Jçsa4furi- nlshlangs,' we .have. a, greet, Unie of very acce'tble "Iftsfpr men !Splendid (ilfts foi Men Bath Robes Hosiem Smoking Jackets Fancy Vests Mufflers Neckwear Gloves Fur (loves Suit Cases Bous Sweaters Sweater Coats Foncy Shirts Silk Suspenders tain anrd operate eubvays, virarves. docks anti levees, andi ln conneclion witlr-aucli viarves, docks or levees, ta acuire, ovit. construct, mnainrain ami aperate ellevutors, vuruirouses, vaunta anti necesear>' or uppropriate tracks anti terminai faclliltest andt I th ie rates anti charges for lire senvk enn- oiertid b>'rumes o! sauch tliles, anti for tris purpose ta acquire b>' pur cirane, copdemnation. construction or otirervisu. viralver propent>', ruai or persanal. nia>' bunecessan>' pr appra- piale, aidta lease tire sautililis ta anr> perron or corporations autira- fred under tire iaws o! thre state of Il- lints te operate tire same for un>' ver- lad net longer titan twentt y >eftnI. upo sacir ternis and condtiîons as tire cl>' council or lte president anti boarti of trusteea shahl deemn for tire best in- tercala a!flire public.' Tire Eltelson bibi vent te tire coni- mittean municipullies. Net ý;i.. Ï4 orCI1 ON mnm. pendoes-i vanter bow youd ke l i f 1oser gaI "ne o ooamrlib andi inaisted upon veating UMien elaîbos. Mr. Spenders-Olà i1iraves't ou>' foer o! yon oser datai Unit. MOWB' elitires are nover ver>' opoisve- Landau Opinion. "And yoa cail younel.lfloot.d. yeur air, I keep tire cammandunetaY» * That muet ire becSusojOU'.t an« mes tiraItira>' beoastrlusameboti> .aI.,"ClvoidLoodor. "Anrd boy dudyou * pornota rnus Chicago, Dec. 15-TiraItirhe divorce ablulueti b>'Willls Conusuinian. cap[- laliat anti brokur. againel Lu M. Counseiman vue secureti b>'fraurdulenl moana andt irougi tire suppresision of material facto a ltlie nding of tire Chi- cago Bar associaton cammIttes vlialrb matie an-investigation aithtie roquent o! Jutige Chtiain. beforu viranthtir case vas huard. A motion ta netldtielie decreo là pentiing. Tire committeIn substance recomi- mentis tiraI conlempt proceedinge ho lnstitutut aud -tiraItire court considet lire 'atter o! seuilng Iudictments on tire charge o! ponjur>'. Couulman aeuredthtie dere. virile hl% vitu vas ln an asylan bteg treateti for Insanit>', anti an lte.aibga- lion liraI sire hati eft hlm vitiraul ceuse. A !ev days btor bire nrieti a second lime In Indiana. lu violation a lire InJunction Praiibitlug remarrisge vithmn tva yesrs. GIRL TO MARRY 490 POUND$ "Grenteet" Mon In th. Woriti Obtalars e License ta Wod." N ElvQod. iu4. Dec. :eCaaoq Morian, vuigaing 490 paunda. iras q tainei a license for iris marriage la toile Bamnnn. Sire velgirsnty-eish 'pounds MQrlan tnaveled vitir a.circncasWo I aumirneo!ysarm anti vasadvortiod. then 'grematerMa"lIn ho '"Fl14. Lis01. lewis 21 sus 1 è

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