Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Dec 1909, p. 1

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LAKE VOL XVIII. NO. 13 COuNTY INDEENDNT W-AUKEGAN WEKYSUN LIBIERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIIiAY, 1)ECEMBE~R 24, I ) - Pagios $1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANÇIE. SUIT$ ON TRIAL IN ralîîed byilr tusiinesse met. of Ziotq Tie! CIRCUIT COURT f ;rms of irer lease oit the hotel proper- ty.Receîver Thomas hitdgîven fair Jud«*Mflt of the McHenry Cou.rts an waring tu tire twentý' signerm of the dmtà othersili Voliva Case Are Filed note that he would pay tire money in Lake County which Givez the to 'Mrs. Graham uîiejas he was re- Plaintiff a Lein on Volvas Gondasîralîtedl b) a court ordpr. 'hl'rn- and Chatteis. junetion lm a tWniporary one, It im rà >(rtMd. sud a hearing witl be baditt Aler- tie. lonîgeait las on receit t ar terso recurd thre Baie nurâer case went In he ohi Madru wife abanîdon tu tire Jarry t 2;:10 Tirursay p . .inv case the court fined the d.fend- last week folowitig tire assertion bi' ait John Madru $500o pay able in lnI Itates Attorney Dad3 tabat a story set tallînti'or $2.5() per week Inittll tire- up by the defeirs.-lmi '.irtiical. Ati- I..pald> Tire mott.', st,, Il(' torney Beauien made one of tire îaî rtire wtfe Lizzle Maitui hy tire miost eloquent pflean, of hiaegereer. circuit dlent Who lmi tu re'elv-.'It front Inth tirasit of Attorney P. W. %10th- tire htishatd on the ta ,-,tietir of Pacir traili vm. Overseei Wiliîur Glenn Voli îuieitla lIn alvalc' litt at of-t~ , va i het rantsript ofthiie proceed lniga s It anrd jud gin 'n t r',,e lit th. M av terri or tire- ci-i-ir iî ircuItiit VOLIVA MUST sor a.,t ied lier--I tîr a, T, ailigof î,î it.-,atîsrrlit ,A The iîîg iGO TO lAIu ment lu,,itak,itl,,'tiot'a lieu hoit an> I,rltî-rt th i 'lranay owii Cse of Wtt am,,Sveeter agatrst Cty in Lair,- i ,i0,t .it -x-ciior, a mti f WaulteganResuts in Vtctory for su,. ut at, tiii,,,' a Ii hlit111,011911 iy whtch es Ponounced Not thaIttet,- ail i bs a chanîce- tir Ici Guily-Feather trithe Cap of Orvtst en ait , îv' t-I ýt, .a 'the jiidx. ernd B.-ubin-Try'ng to Get Hear- ment. ing of Ogden-Gazette Case. Baic Arguments Long. As thre reslt of a heuring ire- Tire [taleînîrdir ,(a. itttd 1i0t 0 il fore Juuige Frost in the county Use jury Thiilî.duî î1)ti, ecaise or tà building en Chicago Tuesday W 1lI leength of tir' takieit ly tire attorneys bur Glenn Voliva was agaîn plac. for tiieir arguiments Io tie, Jury. ed in charge of Sheriff Wandrack litates Atorney Rai tirJ. DalY nMadie of McHenry county at two that 1 abce closlng argument to thre jury, afternoon and te nome n the whii<- proved io ire a î,owerfui Plea Woodstock lai. Attorney J. Kt. Ior tihe conv'ictiont oftire two Bute 0Ors appeared for Mothersili. 1 bmotbers. wiro are accused of tire Judge Frost entered tire order murder of Nid. NIosl4, as ire as , for tire 810A000 verdict and re- oommoni> cailedi manded Voiva te, ait as a resuit Defense "Mythicai.' of whicir Sieriff Wandrack took Attorney Day chara.ctertzed tire' charge o! fam. p" o f thre defense tirat twOolirher AtresOvsadBabe Ll mens comnitled theire mîrder as aaisertedl wili Jet Voliva serve iis six1 mythical. He charged that thre de- Montls if a writ o! errur ta net ftied fense tried to liane tire murder on or atometing eaise duos flot irappen two 'legendary" ciaracters. an~d wyl thon t las reported koep hmm Attorney Beaubien for thse defens on Îasot water ail tire time try renewing coed hl% arguament. whicir required 2udgement and taking balid of ProPertY1 zuarly throg hotirs for Prentzticss. hirnay amasa for tire neit fftY years9 et elevencack thia morning. and or so made & stroag pleaL on behaîf toinhiea Voiva us sefving aithtie rate of diensii. $1.60 a day tire costs of whiicitire Assistant Slates Atorney Gene pliainrtffs ;Il is said will meet. Tire Raunyard madae tire optening argumenti Ian terni [nnino wlse affects tire $10.000i fer the state. conmencing at about judgmen.t, 3:16 Wedrsesday p. au. He sirktPTire verdict t,!ftire juîry t.atire for about an hour anid a irai!. Ai- $10000 Saeeter damaege case againat torney Beauien tiren took three iours tire cty of V.aukegati was ln favor ta comp1lete tire argument fr the de o! ihe eitt and wau. tetrdered altier fense. Stt.' s Attorney Dady c,2n- t)lt a feua iiiti.- delîheratiou 'The inenced thie c,lig îpieas, t eleveti jury îs reporte-i to tave voted ten ca'clock ileattîiri,g t, two ottire fInit iballot ln lavoir New aturits lt tie i.trcuiît court: of! il i g tire city tîtt guil t, of caus- Htarold NMc[ride ru. Charles 1). Noritîg tire deuIl, oftthte htoy Tirettext ton et al. 'Trempa-,s on tirecas.' ballot wau,, ,îttiiins Theît,' w aas Aiex F. 'ucKeowiî asv., Wluis Il de!u.îded Ii thet .suit 1,, Attorney s Slo"yot, a distrest;awarranît ft.r ceniOr, l anuîd [eatîbh-ri., iroad a con- s Given Bai. Julgi' Dotlîil19 Nlourtiîlay ,ut. ga, lis ili Ille'ia1,Plcatiittforý hall îuad.- h, Fit lessie' it (kit-a Ogde-î 'ii 11w juige' îîiîit ted lier to hallIbl i ruiiotf $1i0i.000ii iendili thtle heariîtg iflieircavs- l'ie jtdg.' stat- ed tuai le waa in grave doîit s tît wirat le silo, Id .da, but resoil redtheiit doubt iin faer o! tire docior uecuase sire la a womau BHe stated tirat lit' haut studiedth ie otuestiont sprioisî-.ansd earuîeitiy hi..iad irot bhecalite to auc ri-e utal, a tîît'liu'-titt thici i.attn iis owni.mindi Bait to Jolîi. Steve Baicen-ho na,, ouîtd giltie of rnirder lat a'eî'l, vs eriteuceuNit Jut!ge 1onnelly t10 eve-fouriecit yeara at hard lahor ini t- Jolit Petîl tent[ary, one day o! eau-ltyuar tri le -.apent lu aoidary liprîsorutueunt. AI ter pasing snenrce tiie- jiid9P tirrougir an interpreter adîr,.,ed tire convictet! murderer bru part .î fl Ion-s: 'Steve ltaic. tire tacts i otur - case as presented b, ha'l'eaect a'arranteil tire Iuiictlor. of tire extrîru, penalty of 5the taw. iranging, yo,î were represeuteul hy ahle counsel aund tire conduct o! your defense n-au ru- aponsihie for tirelilgis verdict rpt, dered. - Airs Hlm te Sea Pardon. I trust tiras u lic ussecluisioru of your cell yeu aili ry aîîd seek for- glveness rom your Creaor for titis offense o! whihlyaou irai-e bet founîl guilty, a forgircues.s whiiditireIan- cannt give.' Attorniey Alexanuder Beaulieti repre seuted Baid. 'Pie tnfctmient ugaittt Sam Baie n-as nolte proeset! by tire staitedata- torney sud heire fa oa a free man. tSteve Bale 'itîfromlain ln tire custo- t'4y7 o! tire sireuntilltaken te Joiet ýïkegl rs .t e. tract a itl , it',Nt tafit,' lrtioui,,t u t,,- t-ct t,,tîofî,t lu,- trvttcil% ina toi ut- Tie i,'rt]lu'o!tiie-suit was Vifitant 'ae', utIutiàrrator o! rs. it, ' lit tf \\ atîkugatu A io- tilin a ,s utaul. 1t, lIt- plaîuîloiff-tui a uew tria, Od iivt - t.tu - Pýtllislltug cotuiltrîr eave ha ,,'îîgiteil b a tirura'tire detîiierr -,-and th,, îl iii irier lia-s t,,eîî ,iliîir.uîîu Thtis IWS-vtay.i lîi'c-s,- uit ar ,, t , net t itis terni o! court or eil.,' twill i., diami',setl uîless legul gr.,îtuul are giveit for a continuance Tue rplain- t iff, t ut reportet, i l nrak,- aurcet fot to liai,' thtecave contititdtanid thlt- d efeud aut wn-lu tse eprn tuea t v tfsiu- sit t foOscar «Pl'i3,aala r ,,u Roler, aîîîelîînt. irait heeuiuntutu te thCircruit court atnd a ti att.c r Titi-viiltiof Joirn. .1 Doylu- rIIlle Chicago andMiliwaukiee Riectrtc Roi r,îad ira,, dls.îisseci on tire trial ral lTuieslaya.i,îrrfor filuire 10 proseucte.i tut tir, sunitut! Francis S. Scirafftuer r Evrt ,3iliaru[ tire jury tri-il t, aarit uîsday a. ii. and tir. ci e suluitted t, te court. 'Plie rao if titi Northt Cluicago Lumiter îul t'uîai company rs James NI Bioa-euoapelant. vas trieti and a ver- dict nii tuiNor o! tir,.piaiîîtiff remuier- i-il aqse-,ing the danmages at $91.76. jilýiintn thti, Verdict and l mme- titi.- i-s ctionu aos oruered. FIee fnom Fire, WhIen tire caused by a defectuve flue iroke out Frlday lu tire home o! Charles Huil Ewnlg o! Lake For- est sbortiy after uidulgirt. rtuing tire home, one o! tire Itmates n-mo was Iforceet!to fiee tire liamesn-as MISs ~Ns,,e.0g1vrrliebwomsanlunLT'e SUPERVISORS IN Apllteton aiiyws.y. It 1idahI I . WEIMERS DEAD Where id Cash Go? REGULAR SESSION Tire Lake Bluff orit , ..,alttoi ly Of BRIGhi'S DSEASE HendeeResoluion fr Paymni ofreceives air apîtropriat. ,,t itiIt ontPoîet ayrFrs aeit HendewReoluton or Pyme Oftire .otnty hoard Io ai t inti.îupport Promnence n Ca Fse ofamiege tA $120 ihdraWn and Northr Chicago rmnceiCaeoAlgdA, 8mait Pox Bill cornes up Tomorrow In 1906 tire hourd i-tîî,ie thins snnwrcLk lf rpa Before Board again-Big Barrington autount and a8s Was ilt.- , tiitlit t, nwihLkeBufPoet Plant te Brîng Eiectricity to Farm- tirose days Coint) île ,iltiegaitt WasDIfficitîed indcd ir Woy Caus crs of Western Lake County. the warrant. it iv al. c' il)t.îSupertit c Strîn fDice and Ftltng 0f_ [-rIda, a. or.utitire meetin g . tlte vist or Appleton,. aho ' ts th Int .of dSatn fDvocrn igo stittervis,)rs Sis Attorney Dady ie- lice. Iriiurct'on. I ttl,-îd tirat tire hourd autirorized Min Rigrt irere tirere 1,,, Ill, al, ilth tir retain Attorney Jantes A. arlottr FOI moiti.atitîîî hue t.t, o! Ciicago, former IFit Asiistant fi r theiîît, aves iIji 1- Wel t , :of '11ica ttgîîttal Siates Attoit,'of Ciok countr'titiler Va'iat hecunie or tire ,attt ot r. ,t .I ,-o ltie ttortnev Blee, tiraid film eniorsed lit la îlot koi . ,ît tIii-,aIr-t,, uii:t,,, t tttt inii[ro',ei'iit itig tire Dr . JielnBtickruot waq etîdorsa aîî,l 'a tîtit it, ley Ogtieiîcase. 'Tie lboard authitrrl... iitilt tti,. - iut ed .i te i go airead end 1retain ,Xtor z auer 1 a, ,tttItIltiilt.ttil i,,,dl t-t'ti, îtey Bat rotr for $1ffl)retuin er tee a dithec k for tire 1500 tir-AI, lýt oit 'l'rti,', , lIi. 1,. $(;o, a du, tierouftor tire-stato's attîr ail 'v o tirai ire coîidd i CI- i oipiCt.ww l \'ttt tt- t.î t . i ny mnailing a sttIe'iett tirt tire triat att, gire it tir tireorpi-t , i u, I'l, tAttilo'titio,,ittl li Ask Btankei Franchise. Where dld theireth it came a ; as tire result o! t:a.-), vain ths ,, b ,,,'i, , , d gt,. , I ' ai titi t otriltl iin or i otiti.Nîîg 1906 JUdtI'o c t t i' S d C rsm s n Sae lats ti lriîg .','tra"9 o ii ' en-1ad -tt, a iriewold -t tiV - ot ît, t g b' ir uus i, ttti tI i ), . tir' ae,'teo îart~ îf tie tottlt hi - f ir tn e r WOtthirns ir î1u l,,tî toi ot t iti st tIC, iN,, t, t i t.. î'astern NM rHAtpletonntIlafront Ba lti .o ttr tii to O ti oir Y 'ia:gît ie au s tr I i ,îî , t t, .~i ,l, ,, ante ii t r i ti ttîgiii(lati ti tîteý chinerysucid rtuhornhtsirr elr und W.1 r,n but t ro find rountii-Ne îrie,.run siela oetn l'a ^tobigeirAuit, t tir n iirtsopand cvoLet! $500tth ireotrn sl tire wetenm rte on tre col t >! andt- r ag e rTinstrn Wen la ale e i etiru A[t ief rsIrIta nne'l ittnd î,îtt,'o l)t etir client i«hoointinfronslh itn etrogrtheBamr-rce ireîî a maiofthelamed ,o -a-or* urete lrt. Twn o rmsto aitorswereC ut gi ie got doCnti top Iranage le dfo' nedailegdtemp, itigtir set lie tiret iookit fornisoe te ar f us or 30.iucly asirles ould cas urytmmisCre imeru fl-lae aBluff proplet3 - oc Tire guas pter !ate petiug m o!-tire sibdleet! tg ie shOis, equIncurihl y irakery1,ssCanesseld t ile bie caniauitie n te irosof adlaid leTitie t.lire daims irat AI) leed. tirt Weimriradiriredotic ou i t tablehri abot e o tirdil ire ltoi t! rrthat gth aie oe was ir,amtire n dJhsnars pr.To nvstga ire rofquestfor irnb-tec5906 monthe crdaeage mi r an eim eru ataen lu chaliretir hetr frnciseonetir lostadiat rptectt.gtrrwii orsn bttr aer Lith booksor i ar a sorecial Repekl s lts ed gs k [sCarryd. slthed lu but Latte Blffiren ail a dcm coemrtte oftirre wa aponfte addlvrd tir rR euv-cpe h aey onesd li rieadaiigteportoks Marclaimeeting.eWire 90mame arount! aird tAirp lleg ien tWeimersd iris ied ina o ontetbl yavoeo t 1 cto heas s t he197supervs itlt iaet dosthe tjoub.sadtrewf ie T WIesi NoAtth udi Borks- ir tre 906m i wreeh poe ll e trt pmI eing c elt catre, tiig- et risefte Stirdya.10 ire iLa cou. pleo aga epeated atc fwril thtiresn, e ulime ire o eou 590, oferng ir tof aproriaio aniflttntio rstrini.g Ontro areot to for mtiraung o tr Wfr ieu 19078soca a um tndAile-u;î s inel rtggs and ]rseciiesiredo ta l erin tAuadiltoortiretieornriran iprtien wereaOut. $t0issi troub lefrs n irtet ld o ie uIlig o!tre boa.ks. fora eron somteWireattireppe mtrrculat Ap-bileal> tiat heon nd r otir hn lonerpelid ! eas ti h "Sdeutn gitrepatedro t. sofwheialnesin 0e Or. aitir irmnîoan at reMaciofr meeing, t irîoftire Mtreo1907,sonthen tisrinitîtaire, t eiallecevi trat saudcittentpt couny boksfortou yers ac m f dtheoptake tilrenmarere up lt tl, ott tdIle inurt foteshand and i fu'h matcertantlaId r eouin o audit ,of thie lbooks for four arî est Sire did so anrd set machinerv lu hoi, Itack wau,, titstfilcienit ctior tIo get motion h5 airicr, tirrougir tire ire-,Deatir Cames. ture loolis tto ,laî,eor to trace aiifligatlons of te supervisera sud roun- lit tir,- uidst of tire troubiles of tire irreglitiîes tîtat tîtar ,xîst utîl that tY et k tii,' ahote uratter ta vai tefattîtt o011e o! the sonsu was drot ted tl, aiyt C, ie, e 1,s-teplt,-il, i ii-,tt,r ht,, e ,'eniî itncoiered agalîîst Applei' l-,,M'ichligan îoff ilgiriant Paitri Tred To Get i Bd Paid Back Part. TI(Il'. lttx of tîte affuir (allie a lieu 'lt tt i * it la-t mrontet, o t A lit utetii tîa iren faced a ilt iI,' hoM tai, aeî'l, t i . Weiiîîrs, on iis tir. Ni'svîOiI Sattirttaa , i iii tlirc' t i i ittîtb, te ofltiiata and mutri,, atdtif i i til' t-, ttttil tieN s tlItte J'ore'.was dîtattc;i ( triti lî or 1,1,1 oiti îîatîug admissionIt- itla said, Atpple t' ttt' tit a irut wals atîitouiî,-o- aiî,Jiîîtg thie l)o,,tvfor It longe-r irIoto n iv ,laiîîîîd iiy (otntv l'lerlv letn- ti bu lt,'tt faiiiti e ua d talin t, Mite o!f rie bh t ,connetctions'. cotîlti110t deet att i etut sltervisors t,,hlie a r, ail,-NtAttstoi- ito-litat. airer,' hi' las Ill- matde attîl io se t,,irn ad tIt giti' aîd aci,$2,0 ittcash of tire aultig,'î ili2io,elI i- ntc i iii t ittat cîttdi- t rit) althir it i g itittill i' t t i vlt' otlterated $500 and lit t-, clilred CIol fialt trot Il,-ivilpal; hacir the otrer $2-tut Thtý-t,' s i, ut'.t1i.Iu ]litt tiai lie just as fast lus lie c.îtî t-owevet tyes- proposit tintif a nictilottuget audtîluttrti ay tue inatter a as almosu placet ailI uss a i.' tio f tire meithtere in tire brndsof tirestatua attoruney. vut,-ui gaitîvu lit,-Ittttuitht'. t ii,' As the r iutîrtstands it s prîobable sinffl beaus ilfli 'lt POvi(ý ortire tut- ut nta treasurer n-ilb, t(tilt a suttllcleiutîel in otf theî- a cra lt,,k tut glyet- tht'rîgiru iiti o! result. tiition for tire mtssiug amount, $2. Everythîng Laid Over. and thitt lie in turn will have t,, '-go Noriuth Chicagotu irli p bil .safter' Applelton to get if as It bl ciaitti 1)eig fligt b su)f-ý ioiDeao eutdb lit aund oeuiy tirat Apptletonu I- aure hlaiiii,-, ut,,, t ti'Niarcc irt Il ..tire muant resîtotusi hiefor tire uiss t îg t', au,,thte- otrer e! a franchiti' urîîy allcirtire county clerîs and for tire- tliiîîîs 1.aies ligirt aîîd couniy treaurrer gave tir mm lu coati- CRse,<onitani, ahîchi s heliercîl ,, deilce for lie orpirarucilidren ire a sihaidiaiy o! tire Northr Shore 'Tie story iras ireen montet! atiefo, e Electric coinulana attdl oue lotk us th ie but neaer pullsired. chait, o!fpowver pants and sa steni l'ie 1.aire Cuuntir Board of Siie t,! aire feu-ililes hy airicir te vseravoteul 50 diaidetire circuit coîurt Notith Shore Efuclruc itopes te cet ruera iloto two court relent, on(,-f.,r ligh. ad pwermonoolyin aketire couruly court aird one forth. iîgrtaru 1oae nonool ti itaiî'circutit court. Tire resolutbonru aur anti lcHetiry counities antd fuu îu,,l offered ira Superrviser L. A. Durtotu tht' ctrrenut ait froint Vaitiegaru and wus tssed uiaimouitly. 'Ple Thre SUN iras u-itre ttIoldthr. , tiry -tiperr isursuooîîî la reîquired for tht' rnaiy inisurne o!tire cotîîty cierk and! wiii n-to matt ineslie' lised for tire aupervisorais'ite Wirere is tirsMoney imcv. ,udge Joues n-ilhocgivent t ttsiosures more tirau hittd lit la part o! tire circuit court rinta hIic a reoluionFda h '.1 t it eit, e- ill it,-partitionepd off, givînfil ablt, i~~~~~~~ î'slttt ia t, *iai! Io eaci o! tire courts. tire hourd o! su[pervisera tirreateit te Ifit l rined tocuir tire partit oit irtvolve ex-Suîîervlsor Thromas Apple-u frointhtie East to tire nest wasil and, on o! Iair Foreit it a uensation. to ire the soutti roolu for lh ie ut-t Tire resolution that was lmIro icgs o tire ircuit court. if i s pecte.I tiut theî court roocu ail'lho duted Friday was in efct te10 rumodetel. cali upon State's Attorniey Dadly Sîtîervisor, Conrad made a nu,' uit to begin crimninsu proccedings alileir carried 10 tire effect thtu uîî against Appleton for tire alleged visor Graham, Miller and Qiienlît. tut hypohectio of$250in onnc uutirorlued to aicri a contracl ,-Ili irypiheatin o $25 ruconet- tire Chicago Telephone conrauua ftî' lion with tire Lake Bluff orpiran' tire Installation o! a private brruturî age, whicirls filued with 135 fatir- telepirone excirauce Ibthre court bouse. eriess and motirlets chirldren. -Tire privale brandir excirange willi le known as No, 5t and -aI h bcutailil Tire board of superviaors did nfot wfflrtn tire nexitlhirty tor stxty days, take auy action on tire resofutton, but Tirere n-ii ire no cosltitirte county tire mater irf recto'rnng tire money ootittcted n-tI tire Installiig of tire [wiu. sa~ab se laion npnain Ia mu- AnD oprator i' thave te ,I>emaitaied y t14e coussty bey- v-lut,, ant il.11old scores,- p tairlt-i 'tit i tt iecontiliationi Tirr't the, l1,0, -, r',- euniteilad a mtlcne to- gi ii ruilt'utortîsls Ltiiehotne fru 'lu ui-tu,,a. ard tri!, atud gros were psre- ra ritg (foi list ritrIandt for tIhe re utona lit i1isli agitinu îot lî'ud tii, ,iîonr andl lite tale îs donte tNuring tue conlilct Webners revuled ut au re-iluler' t take Biff a liiione sun it, lck, asu it;is al athi two sons li a Iliglitand Park resideuce. It is helieved tirat worryrer ulat- rers imandfai and Weimers' alieged ut- teurlutle boui Lake Bluiff property and coil-teciinaurance and tirut later tire Luire Bluiff incldent preyed tîper, iis ninuilandîti nus'ira, e tarted hIs otere ru otlles. VOLIVA OPENS "Z1ON hO1ME" North Shore Electrut Taras on Crrect n Zion Cty and by Att Compietes M .nopoly of Lught and Power on Northr Siore-Prayer Whtstle no Longer 10 Sound tiess Petîtion No- Out Gains Transferrat. il,, \Northî Shtîtu- muiiihZI,.,,, tt i tiI c o, i theElitîua jHif ceîî,are ru,, lotuger tii, proper rîauîee for the' thre lîîîndred anîd flfta rootît building wlulcti John Alexainder Donle constructed. Tire nen- name t ZION HOME" sud tire traveling Pubicltlat n longer wel- cirme wltinÎte docna except under tire followlng restrictions, vutirh are I -'î'.'".î i 1 i. t nd VMY THE CC>ST or NOTICE. LVN St This Honte ta not a Hotel, buot7 s for, i e accommodation o! tire Tweinty-Fîve to Fifty Per Cent MSII members o! thc Christian Caiho- cd to made in Retaii[ng of- #Mu< tc Apostolît Churchirn Zion only; and Poor Consumer Pays PriesM4i or of those, who îy invtation. ac- tire Big Feiiows-.-Government Pull cept hospîîalty îirerein; li eing t Hînted ati n Remarks of 8ecrutir espressty aridersinird tirai any - Wilson. Getcesses to ire sucir, and may iree forthwitir esxpelled wih bag- , NhîIllgtouîî Fi)i C.,e. 18,-Wit gage. upon violation o!, or fait-litai,î lerus reali-ing a prott lre tb conform to, any of tirs >->Il taritnt oiniméat sales In Uif Rotes and Regulattons of said Yorî t- -îîluîtatuoi o! tire enormei Chita orsHo. e, earticularly iii t ,,t lit tii . It uhiand. Ilt Ï t 1,0.e against Profanity, Obscenity st, iitîg fart tiîaî also theýprof l tCurd Pliying, Dancing, andth ie liii, e grades o! ireat-tire meat tbW use o! Drogs, Intoxicants, or To' lie î,ooî tîtati boys ln short-la 11:" hocco in uny fvrm and lire use o! as]Illicir us titi' profit on tire kiukl t Porir. Oystero, or anytiring for hu- 91iltIi,'s thut titi' ell to-do cao affOuý n-n !ovd !ohirdden iry Cod t r to c l 0ini titulits iranda iropelesd eaîen antire seventh' to lire nîne id ai. - ttiiiatd if ireciruld suigg S tract), stses o! ire !ou,teeniit îti-i )foi' the. lteady rise lnia t chi,-,- o! Dei .teronovîy. - t t., li utc.tirütary o! AgrcultUT Lîohts ai Nght.I\\i",'iititt',i îrout tireve facto iu th t . fit t .I tlt i~ î 't 11t, t , 11 , 1rt îî il "tat hli s s t Sel. i., .,î ,,î,, tîîîîî, tii ,'ii tc! NI i t,,gtot, tgala, ir-uri 5 i. i ,î',tt, t ltii,ý t Iti' .-iîiîttiiy - o,îg h at t c de a rIZt i. NmIatit, -gtt 1,tîit tilf îth , z,' elcti tîî'it o, ilriig rtcas t e n i t t l-d,,iii ti \ i,, ', outlin(,' ,,. tth i ghittrtircue haefrt&$ tîtî,i titi'.i. îî 't-t vîce vtîirtet Tire litriite-ugo tf ,,î,îîetso tirrenti(îîîî ft lrio-. Atit ittglît Write a ibookc ontbt awlien tire chanige took lv ace. us there ratites o!flirenecrease lu tire COU i a.,,, "0 iîterrriitî.ottlu ntire service. ilving," auid tire secretary of agnlor Hat Northr Shore Monopoiy. lle North Sirore Ctomprany now iras a uiooioly o! tire light sud power huit lîtesa ail long tire norti sirore f rom Chicago Io the stut l e. VitnCity wus tire lat town added aud a'as need- tir malte the mor.opoiy o! tire suhuriran towns ,-oîîîlete. Zion t'lty wtll henefit greatly iry thre innovation of ail uigirt service, as it 'w iii afford greater lire aud police pro- tection. It li t tougirt tirat tire nugu- ber of street lîgirtawill bire ncreased, and tire fact that tirePressent cnes wlli ligirtirhe clty ail nigirt inslesd cf tlui 11 or 12 octocir, as iras been tire case, wiil mairetire commission o! crimes less likely to occur. Tire better fire Protection wilire irrougirt about by tire eitsening of tire tire irazard bire ecauis utîder tire od plan grîsats at tire irotel and citizens were compeledt! i use caîlîlles or lanîpa for ligirting after tire eleteti c ilatît was loset! down for tire î,lght, ahouît m nugirl. Prayer Whitle No More. 0mî,' tisuallinage of th ire îîe Plan, a iîcir tîrtheir,,uunds o! tir,. faltirful" oirisiraoas thei' retlits is tire !act titat no moe,'wli tite siren whirstle 'au, i tirei olitr otfItrurer ut 9 o'ciock inii itou itg aîî,i e, cît ng. Recel aer lThomttas w Ill ireitione ltt'd have tire -iru Iirar -r aiIst le mored to tire ire,tittg plttîît o! tire Generai Stores, vo tri eh-rt nirtue ireotîfled wiren tire Ilittie (o stop t ork anti pray iras arrnv lie a ý- hile i,. aise ireeded 1e stiiiftI hi,- lurartus becauîae here la rioi fi n' ti rn, vystetîl ti tire clty. The t easoîi tut tir,-whîstile wili i uo iong- ' lie solittile, froru tire Zion power statilotnlv iectruae tire plant was cioaed dlors i ,ootu r steil ay and wilire ,l'tuuti tlire liig ro fîriirer tise fot t t vinrci' theN ort h Sirore cointia couîruîenc,-d its serrice verterds>. f RANEK GIVEN PRIE- LIMINARY IIEARING Mai, Allegcd 10 Have Sirot Chrles Johnson !com Drink at Armour Estale s Poinicd Oui by Cortner's Jury as Allegeal Culprit and ai Hcarng Monday Francir Appears Before Wciss ta Preliminary. \Vltht l.e'tttoitetýs uaiu-tid >a J. Ogdel rî X rîutoiir ru, pru'sert unr, .1 ,iru Fruiitt'ir ) iuu u-îîlovee of Mr. Armouir onru is estait,' ut Lake Forest, mas itil on' .oilu'for tire deatir of I., i ruititer'. tarya- t FIilrMon. daltitI, rlitlu,' t rieultfor murder, t, ut n-ou w"isot iuy rauiek folbow- ti uia qua iir r-i ontNov. 15. Follasn-ng tht, p roiin laie vhuaring aI Wauke' ciii,. ahidi NMr. Arîrorur attended, Fra- tut-k a.h,, hild prendirue lie outtome o! Jl,itisoiinuries. Mr. Armour sigu -li, theondîifuir $10.000. Johnson vas lut-rci-tutututi tý1.tire Stai e Hospit ai fo,r ilui' itsatte, hy Jude,' D. L. Jones ouf I .,ki' rotvandt dieti at thue lîrsti- tuthon lauýc. 3. At tire inqutest Mondaay Dr. Il. L. Smirthi, ait assistant pirysiclatioft,!lIe lirsip)ital. ,titffed tirat Johîrsotîs deatir auitdtue to tire gurusirot wound and tirat bisl isanity n-as ciieflir due 10 In- fection of tire wound, Franek testified lit iis owrt ieira1 sart assertet! ie sirot Johrnson ln self- deftense, alter Johinson irýd attacked h1m. i *1 su N a w Il w N N h ture. '-and yet not cuver fuily tire-Wd jecr At ail eveta tire probleu OU neot be set ileu off-haut!, tire eau"~ are so0nrany. - As a ruatter o! fac!, lu thse lmni o! hee! aimne a volume mightI be%, ten, sud no doubt If it were tàw bw trust would bir ound! aialking I tire books from cover taove~ retany Wilson points out thatM 0 flftirs of thre expenditurus oetW1 cf medinu Incerne arem vo~k Purcirases of foot!, anýd tirat oee--ý of the. national 1--tany lu msi, In round numeresI~ tire present pincir of incnmseeaW% or foot! stuifs [s feit by 12 0oOf,~ [les. .Ilapresset! by tirese facta tb*i netary of agriculure caueed sau WVM ligation ta bie made and théseme will figure Iargely ln the ue j lion tirat Senator Cnawfetd -*Pl of Southr Dakota iras Inatituted te ai certain wiry thre cost cf living ia.1% creassng hy leasansd bounds.,' Tire agriculture tepartmenl 111,1 tigatkiîn covered tire retail piosi 6 meats aos.! Tire results are « ling. lu New Yonk sud Pir[[adelpbM the tetuilera reitlize a pfofit eft2 5a ccit 0,r tire wlroleitale price. Buîffalo lire profit la 28 per cent am' lu Bostont 36 per cent. Fronm, thie 1% ni,' tire profits range upward lu dsa'nwari from 23 per cent in 04 rinnati to 50 per cent lu Alientovi Pa, Por 'hie l!ly illes ire invesUgaite tirrougiroot tire United! States, tét wiricir reports were neceiret!, say Be retsry Wilson, 'the mean grole 'iwO lu aellig ireef, tirat [s, tire total Xçq coi ciarged tei consumera above, Il wiroiusuie coat trahi hy tiere etalleva, lJ 38 peir rOit. ln ilve cilies thse rat±êa Increase lv 20 per cent or und.-,"s ten tities. 20 ta 30 per cent; ln twIe cilles, 30 10 40 per cent; lun~$ cilles, 401te. 50 par cent, ant! .f cru itiî's ever 50 per cent." Poem Vith Eveny Ad. , itiwîit nci*sslc Lake Foreat, WJW every brick tbron b ile mma c roiling lu money, thre edto o-th local paper, Tire Lake Forete, 'PI tirrowu in a 'poenr" ta you rua 1% ln iis [taper, as witnesa tire foi1ow8* effusion taken frog tire Issue cf Ut urday: You no douhi are 'thinklr.g 0f tire iol[days sa nean, Anrd of tire gifla you wisir la buy For pIjtks tir you sa dear, For Sale: Several iranging lampi complete wiiu sirades. WiI seil ýfil 50 centas ati. Not as much aas tài original titice of tire sirsdes. Inqo> at ibis office. The Otiwenrtsia Club Stables wq tairelire irest rare of tireiron« es yE hrave te0tbrnu ot for tire winterf, k$ W'e cul ry ftrst-clasa silverware. Iltîvu' porting goot!.. cutlerr, tqýr Se airen yeu sirop for bolid"t~ Juîvt sirop wirere ail brlgirt 0 da-at -art!er's. Burgiars entianedth ie 6e ey & Mooney at HIghcd 11 day evening, but vene ae ln gettlrrg away wilsMoe Tire tiuaely apemO. 01 scare th ie fitro>4, av" lng [detift., store by measiq « i Ing the. [o.k oth 1

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