Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jan 1912, p. 1

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.NEPNDE WAUKEGAN. WEELY SUN -xx No. 15 PAGEIS LIBERTYVLLE, LAKE COUNTYI ILLINOIS, FRtIDAY, JANUA1RY 5, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1.-50 PER VEAR iN &DVANCE. *AWS ItIS AOSUWI* C. PULTO 4ENESEE ST. B VALU ABLES 'L,ÂVÀLîigftANO GOLD aRE SpURNIED; *1EÉIKG Hl. lyar viaproveil ho be mare à Connaseurr lu some vays, Ï$» lthe Robert C. Fulton munsie m3ortboGenetecstreet Frlday jtbh.attsr eleven-hhirty ~hiamoier an" jevelry ta Ii abo t hisrtr dolars.and vaisabies neur at hanti o over a thouanttidl- ý«tI4«-e lb.rva sof tva *a th ble! selecledthie usont de.uo, Iýleavut cheapýer cnes 7OÏi andtinlutms vag ahowei IfýMOr legs or a connoléselir- ,~Iwmt moi* InltheDoor. pume vasgaineti by saving Ia ln-tie rear door o! thse store. Îes donse -hy means o! a bruce It MWaaTosr glander aa*W.umat- ",l largo noîsti for a ma's la be allppMthirougii sothaltihe ebU e htua-ami-The.neatMOMSi the cvu asdon ueil- Uailremainet ahtie 1jveu-hlrty ocloci. n v&# oommttotitme tItboei. Th. rît ila W WIsbai o the robberr vas >* pe utheti, more liimra- Wis *Mr anti shov case pospote.the "or of the ma lovelrr uc0- abou t bbC tore honie b«»aa o Pull &aIltie Pa- % Ibom ve e cattereti about as I I*a lieu omdovnaraler i. discoaver-i of 0i t lem ver. negoUa&ble.d <Il ,àQrebber vas frigitenetIl b bd lime to comploe or Nfflb*r he madel.D I *ball ienougi icolr, net agI.but ai aRat e, be over. Pte«' U 'arhelgotat voislt havet Oury bsès vorths ovor a tiionganil1 ta op $e s iich bo ransacieti, gs &*1Iàg3lW comoi4O5d o! diamontis id 0oulma Wvàlci vas vos-lb$150.t Ur -5> rNi.lIton hati sécur- D fellaï, o t o fr bis Crllmas ~i5~~ Piayh hati sent bac-U1 roén oqae -vateot a1800.- Evideutli La uhIi« a" opbisMa d thathe M aanimitation, for lie t0 hae paiti n. attention 10 noorby iiowcas e vegolti value t aI OO. Thoue ver. la Iother case a couail- sumlt, of jcelry, eut gluss sltdchina bai iieeu plais $*e lie vatches. Ibis. ver j; s BROKEN LEG tCCIDOENT 700K PLACE AT 'ltE N'OR$£ SHOW LAST FALL, THfE REPORT. SOCIETY W004AN REPORTED TO HAVE ASKRD VOUTH TO RIDE MER IOfSE FOR MER. Doms the breilng o! a leg disable One to the. eîtent of 810,00? . Iwo la a questou tiat May have to he setIet bY a Jury 10 the Lake COUR- ty Couft 50oi wiief of Tred PmU, by hie next friend, Cerge Rome agabui Helen Morte». a promainent wolUy vwomanof Laie, Forestt la Tb@. charges giron inlthecaue ane net Zamaticuetilu the. MI flle, mereiy the tbua *110 aleg tt fense Of tfc.- paut 0on the case belag mnioned. A vel elld report trom Laie -Forest bovever. declares hhat the tuit le aut outgrovth of the annual, 1-aie Foreit hors, show, vhich vas h.ld lant fail. at vblcb Rose lI. nid to bave received his lnjflrY. It la reported that ýMIs8 Moton, who la sald to ha one, of th. mont pro- minent soclety vomen of Lake Forest, owns a horse, vhich became sllghtly un-anageable and vonit not go .hroug bhis paces an deetreti. xi'sMorton la ealego eilhahavere- lu.stedPose to ride the. animal for ber. The. horte rearcd uop, 1h la daim-t ed. and loaing ils balance, tell over baokward. lis faillng it le said ho have roued over on th6 young man, break- ut hie lot. Report Baya that the. suit ig 'audt on the.. tacts. nbu&î la represedi by Attorneys ffl~gi ean of Chicago andi At- torey -Claire Rdwarfa o! Wauk.gan- o.,W.: EIOHARDIN DE&D PriMd 01 Obfdrn at Lake Orlo W. Richzaudson, heati of lhe nran O. W, Richardsont & Compay, carpst meruhatâ a lChicago, dropped 1.5474e Nea rtafteraon ln the. bath rom or ebis Skaldeo.,28 lEast 3411 strIe!, frona atrgis o! uppis. is a h felu ef deqist mp.oily fer chiliren. Fryears h. hati follove theii plan o! having a scov attached te haei rear of a large motor-boat and. escli day at 1 o'clock la summer, bis wvilstel vould bilov. That, was the. signal for @JI c#iidren deslrlng ha board th. scow and ha tak. en ha the bathtng beach acrose the laie. Mr. ichardson wouidti ten avaittibeir pleasure snd haire hem bach borne. lit. Richardson followed this prac. tics for years. heure he vas unQue.- tlonably the mont beloved man In the localty. RIl death therefore wlll be hear4 wltb mucli sorrow by Laie Countr people. Mr. Richardson bad mit r.- tlred ta bis apartments from a New Years dinner ta vbich lie badI litled a number af bis friendsanmd vben he lft his guests be apaprenhly vas in the, hast o! heah. He excuseil hlm. seUf hy saylng tbat ho vas tired and woulti taie a nap. Mr. Richardson, >via vas born in Orland,. md., lu 1844, carne to Chicago ai a Young Man and bis entire business lits vas cofied ha the carpet tradte. He establlshed the vholeaale and retail carpet huai 1neaof O. W. Richardson &Ca. lIr 11876. He vas a member of the 1111 >nois Athletic club andl of tb. Baptil club. W: H.eILEOT WELL iÇNOWN CITIZEN PASSES AWAY FOLLOW#NO OPERATJON ON DEC. 11TH. 'WELL HKNUIlUCOUHTY HAD BEEN, DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL IN CHI- CAGO FOR 6 VEARS 1 Dealla finaily conquered lnl the bat- tic vblch Warren H. Wllmot depWati lJn"de States marabal for thie paît severai yeas, bad fought the. end ccxi- Ing Suuday nîglit at 8:20 p. m. lu Nte- Alîter baspital, tram a complication cf troubles. Mr. Wiimots serions sicineas had caused general caner. lu lb. Cityi andi couuty for fev mes ver. better inown than bc..'Hia Ilness dated from severai veeksaao vieslie tiret hegas ta teed rater veui. HI nu- usually troug physique sbowed Imme- dilat, signa of trouble andi physiciens finally recammendeil an operatlon for gail tones. He vas operated oan December Ilih ti.a tue Issptal andi seemIngly veut thrcugihihe operation in fine shape. Hovever. lu aperatlug tie dacara faund ant abaccssud the statement made. by physiciens la liaI bis death wus due ta the effectz of the abscos. ratier than ta the operatian Itzelf. During th fev laya preceding bis iaatb, Mr. Wilimgt passedth iroagb ssv- oral »trioda vhon bus4satb vas10k e .- r. acb tme he rainé& . nti o Satuaday -igt il vas gtated tisatI f h. eousitipull hrough thie sext 24 icurs safeir. hobail a bg chance for recovery. SBunday mornlng bils failr seemet much encourageti by bils on- itIon »ant l as foit i. vol poi broagh. MWe fata t h. va&s a ha 8 the è nefes o ug lest geOUeoneo =114à l the«0111 hov' fta lag bis rost cge.I ue, )1ME wD ,mo'a haïr ba" tuinetif rom a spriliklOt gay ta snov white. solng ha a degre. viat ho evidetîr vent tbrougb. Mis Lite. Mr. Wflmot vas boni on bis tathes'q faRmI, Oua mile veat o! thse village a! Dees-fielil, on Octohar Cli, 1855, vas marrieti ou Marci it, 1880 ta Mfinnie E. Viulng, o! Icaniakse county. I111, vhodileti ilecember lit. 1888; vas mrarled tae£va V. Keres on Febsur 251h, 1890. Hie leaves survlvng Mss. Eva V. Wilmot, hilsvliov, sud tbree dsughlers sud Ivo sons as follows:, Mii. Edmua Bennett sud Arthur Wli- mot, o! Paauia, Colorado,> Mn. Mande Iuebkea-, vite of Henry Kuebier of Grayalmie, Ill., I, J. Wilmat of Wan- kegan, and Mns. Minute atiouta a! Anarllo. Texas, lso a slep-daugh- ani tour brother., Levi Wlmat, of Blanc, Washington, Lymas H. WIOI a! Eglon, Washington. Rooveli Wilml a! Hotrlsilsa Colorado, sud Porter Wilmot a! Eves-green, Colorado. Mr. Wlmt wvas eicteti lu th. ti- lic seioos o! Lai. ounly, andthle Napervlle college; as a gounD man he taugil sciaol several ler-ms; cugugeti lu farmlug for a fo e mu anti latîr conducteil a rosi estate business bar- Iug an office la Chicago. . He vas a member of thebhurd eta ber of the lmodern Wcoolmen. MlaaanJc and other orders andi ptobably bati as large an aequantançg as anY insu-ln Lake COuntY, sMong 9ail af wllom le will be groatly-mlssd. F'uneral arrangements bave flot becs tully fattleda asyet, but .111 probably be on Thnrsay and -burlal *111 l aie 1ace at L.eerfteld. lKi. LORIXE Ng RlE IN BACIGT Illinois BueMtor 8ald tW Back New Nattonl Magazne Tliat senator William Lorimer la one of the mea via la heavily in- terested lu a nev magazine, "The Searchlight," vhich la t behaprutcd at Graysiae, the. storY Ot vblch as pînnted exclaasIvely in tie SUN a fev tisys sa, la the report that reacb- es hore f rom Graylae. At tii. hlm. the SUN announotil tbat arrange- ments ver. being mae ho lauflcb sud> a magazine lvas not knovu JUst vliat met ver. ta, ha bock of the ven- ture althoughl t vas assertedti tat it was backed by unllmited capital. if the report la trtil tlst Lorimer la beck of the. !oundlng of lt.eamagaine, clor le lent tu the. asiertion Ibat lie las eeklng a poverfal organ ho de- fend lmaelf lnuthee O0esO!flb.hea- pIe lu the Nortiieru part of the state. It la declaa'ed by thoe ho are lu a poition tu know that the purpobe o! the, rnagazlne yl ha ha "mukrai, the. muciraiers." Insteati a! ha-vlug a circulation o! twenty-tive thousand, as vas announ- ced at first. It la aald nov that the unev national magazine vîlI aIrat Off witb a subscription o! tblrty-llve thon- sani, wich la couaidered unusual ha- cause it has not yet maie lie appeer- ance.... The etatemeRt tsa baMSraI AtO? ney Ellis o! tho e fn usout bas giren np a 6L ea tosaasdollar ruer p*metipublIcaltis labouf it by lhe staleazeît of aeiéal - Tic plant itmeiltIlalusali, le' ho he localel lu Mr. BINa' palilu sua- mier reeldence ou tise shores of G«S- laie, an lie oppoite @ide o!flthe l16» fram lie business pat o! the clty. Workmen are eugwpet nor la 0Dm. plelely rentciel« Mr. EIs'hbome, iuslit -l ba uepslblàug ,piset. AS ose,"ii. *la demi, o» up.uedat wNi b. doue about lt.braIAi!usa fiweare 10 t, Do aideIssuem a lie oucIrof o!heb.propoelprint. iig plant vili be ha Issue thse nev Magasine. Eren vîi ti.thIo laoiens ptesses Il la sasid lat before lobg Il vUlI b. ueceesary ha instaIl more oma- d'lery. 4 large part o!flii. cosupo- iltion voit vîli b. don, lu Chieffl. lihetype beiug ahppedti 10Omysai. *iior. tie stual ,*ri o!fPrinins1l As Il vîl a hone maazoine la IwE est Ipublicaton lu lthb counlyhpriuling several tlime. lis.numuhar o! copie. of any otiser publication. Itiiemal- dents of Osasiake are of lie opin- tan liaI lie Dcv magazine *y1l brins muri businesa te tlut village. LITIE G IRL IS BURNED ELLEN MIÙRPHY, MIONLANO IPARK TERRIBLY BURNED WMEN BROTHERS LEAVE HER. OLDER BROTHERS LEFT BADE FOR MINUTE TO FIND MER BURNED ON RETURN. Mat more vus neztasiten sprieaofLk- opy rmU itl le -ph fHgln se hanidy, ail s-ady ta bpresrsc aeCuîrta 89 LtteEln Mrhye iilu dues thie belle! tisaI tbe Dynes 8uccoeds 111119 ta 1891; moyedt l Waukegaun lu1398, Pari lies lu Augustana Hospital. Ckli aý amateur. Tbe polIce A Chicago nevapesper says: -Wiî- vas appointoti depnby Unitedl Statea cago, luna. masV critical condition due doit tIbs'Uls.- A-s get litm tllais ass-cigset ascommnerce masshal lu OctOhar 1906. vilci Otio abus-us recelveti Tihuriayatternoon t"fbme cv 0 ew tesl orhe hcga& îvake@IllR on e ell to htiseneO! hl$la ven blies seaumgit lis-e ah a bon. connl orte hiagm Mlwukedeath. lire ln lie Murphy yard- aud S. Pau uni!ndIasi ilI 5005 o- During bis n-rk for tue gavesumeut The mutilerds- nt eull.tva lis-aIl gin lie publication o! a magazine h. vas aise o; thir mot trualeti men ers, Howard anti James, la Ithe yardt h 41M WBWlns Vitory kucivu as "Thie searelîgit,' ah Gsay sud vas assîgueil masy Importantl anti bus-n came oltipapes-s. Tisey- 100kE) ýWeg a! Zials Cty van a Laie, 111. Fias resîgualion lu effective rseponsible missions. lu 190- ho vus leu alosg andl, ailes- lb. fisel vas tart irnea«dar vien the Uni. Jan. i. lHc wil l e sanoceedby 0. assiguedte hahie duty o! accompanylng cil. tieyreturuedti te eboua. t o! W. Dynes.,v w h bu iseen assistant a Rusclin Jev la Europe. via vas de- gel mos-e papes, leaviug thse 11111.toi î Jdg K. M. Lendis iu general solicitor- for thie company.' pas-led for iavlng lllegxlly gaînietiai- alan. seas-th t.ff loras- -tiser Tis ffinec rrobonles thierne- mssion la lbe Unitedi States. LaIes- turucl, lies- trens caughirfse antihb *dtb -he ltiilon ors cent article lu the. SUN regarding thie ho vas ',eut ta Britisis Columbs a t th lime li- e-cama bat! brough ad £if~t-Zon Ciy he-veen nov magazine ta hbe prInlai ah Gsay's ars-est anti bsisg baci laChicago, ah. vas les-aily bus-net *bout lie an ri eq-,ue ineSio! Duivie Laie. Captaiu Keller, vile vas tonuerr gaun uccianti body, lu tact, her dress vai Te, M'M&D I eiilQfiO-aI lost Sher-idan anti lai lie-- ainoet burnet tram lier body. ring. . eï WM lu. recalled - coine a notas-ions criminal by fosglsg Tii, ile Ic tim wus isurrledt th i AOM- 1 auappea # ___ M5n 5O Tilo. - bckcs on lbe Unitedi States gav- Augsnat&haspItal, Chicago, and ti 1 àiyâed the= qtaîusc anidtluOlem eiet, sai ber bus-us are go bal se ikc 0! i* xcelene o bi 1e-IMs. Willat vas a prominest mem. caal5ot recoven. BOWAN LAN 'CLAIM DAY FRDBJIT 11F Efâl p p iDOOKET l18 ONE OF THE LARGEST 1W 1111 WILL BE THE LARGESTr AND MOST UP-TO-DATE PLANT OWNEO BV THE COMPANY. IUCHIIKCONTRAGTED FARMERS NO LONGER NEED'TO' FEAR THAT THEIR MILK WILL BE SENT 9ACK To THEM. The Bowmsn 5111k companys plant, beiug es-oteil anc-hlai!mile sas-lb o! Guru.. depot, ide fair te tenture onO o! the most massive aud substantil con«tructions lu Lake Caunty. A gang of betwcen 40 sud 50 mes bas been &t wvos- n lhe graUnd stuce early lu Sepember, sud at prescultihe main building la encloscil villa vals sud roof romplel-ei, cement fios- laid sud englue b.d ieady for ticengine vhLcb la due 10 arrive vltbin s fc'W days. Gravel for the ontalde vallu anti Iaading piatforma, ban been r.- pelveti, sud the ballers, Iveive .fee lin lengthb with a dIaunetes- of tour toet, are an baud, seady 10 ha set. Aprîl §rat la thie dat. set for lb. Plant to~ be compleled sud ready ta hagin OP- erations. Costlug lu the neigbborbaod o! 846.- 000, sud covering su acre O! grOnni, thie plant ls ta b. eqiîppedti trougi- ont vlhh the mont up-to-date machIn- gry 'tiat ruoaey can pu-cas., luaa plant o! Ibis nature, senltary coutil- lions gý* su Important feature. anti Ibis bas been carofuly provideti tor lu every doez ~.Tke. watr Sm is 1 tobe h.btaiti floan IvO copions a? tgsian vW"Is vhb aroealredy bee ak on ltheusouade. A svlbehI ieding frouatho C. M. st. 1'. rila&d, nti vinauelgil-opW, capactr, la ca-mlhai The. vals o!flthebuIlding me 01 brick i. Masove ion besg sM o lie ailme rbor, e lawàxmel -1 - $jW4». br »M-9 COUNTY COURT. II, Iu 9I l OBJECTORS TO PAVING IN HIGH- LAND PARK SATISFIEO WORK CHIGACGO RECORtO-HERALOD$Mi" WAS ALL RIGI4T. HE WAS FORCEO TO LEAVX Tueaday was claim day lu County- ST. PETERSBURG couirt, snd te usual number of! dalm» were allowed. The abjection was vitbdrawn the b AHR DNE TR l-ighlanid Park Improvement I which FTE EISSOT Juilge Persoa recephly lesaed an or- redi allowing property avisera tai tcar ni)as certipîn portion of a pavenment lu S A> S CHICAGO NewepAisseNý Highland Park Ulpon their assertion RNE U UTTOWK hat it vas not put covn lu accor- dsnce wltb abeclficatlons. An inves- NEWSPAPER SENSATI<., n tîgation an their part revealed the tact chat sncb vas not the éase as tb. pave- ment vas laid lu gond shape. The Tii. follovings stry appear« t £W propcrty awners nov Most replace thse Chicaga Record-ilersid%»,I~s Ie paving lu gond order. but la deniedti u the ,.OMao t The. regular Jspuary lav termljby Judge Cialsic Whitnêy ibW We opens next 'Monday and tbere will beclares that 1h vas wrltcn simpily tIfC an unusually large number a! civil create. a nevapaper sensatIm. - and law cases on lie dock.h. "Fri.d Brovn Whitney, 09! Chiesuv There are asua a large nuuahber of i uropean sales azant fer. tbie IkaI cases agalnst alleged bllnd pig keepera Bulimarine Torpedo osI coye,'e lu addition ta, aeverai state cases. The Bridgeport, Conn, bas depart*4 l' cases agaînat thse Zion Cty electian St. Petrsurg, Resala, andi la i% l.g Jutiges hogbt by the. ludependents ua! don, lIaglnd, a a "esuit of' tbb~I ZMon la still an tlb dseeet sud =&Y galion o09 the. Ruselan pwoe > be diapaseti o! ai hiterm.. lof 1832 'by tiieUnited ti Blus110w lu addition ta al lieue cases thereiment. are thre, cases o! alloged Illegal val- Whitney. Who la te Ii.curA WWe4a Loir, braugbt by tbe members cf Vol- lavyer practicing at lt.e RuBSelut lva's foilowlng vblch viilb. beard feare abrogation of hi. trsat7 before Jutige Rockhov. The. exact date resultInlu ejudieS of the R*@WPu u an whlcb Judge Reckbov o! Rock- erument agalsa Amerieu so4il ford viii be ber. la not gel imovu. thal o inviii Saisi duiUOOgtIe! ______________ me oilhtb" for bialUlg 6 * CHUTRTX A T Rnnalaa ubmarlnes. Fox LAI SOHOOL udge chrià wbtase «! , - gan m asmmnigit sali us soâ III, Record raklng Crowd Mtondes An. over th@. e«et of Uttyt osai Ohrsttme.Pieum at Village. 1". flOUhYS t4 hb Us v»-atia&nual prou" Wt*eaby Wxuhe8 la a LPe; us tie popili. 0fthe lez Labo sebsot a0;O.0àisTm 00*S~ t"s seboola u». i esg*~Dez. b"11 andee-.. large tbt sau eux amt01 glet tn ûàe sois hd«bool400..Ail declareti It eue o«<him e#,,e ave «I Amoag th»lies.pssat lue i'~ uneapar dai Mihmeus 19,895 tare. buIIlaufrontuthli em, quarta, suni hy the. rt of Apa-l<thto large isautflM r twaneà ue ' cSpaur en«ste avbo itracto for h01es, lonahal bg N. Gr*tro The Ms g t te. mallu lie Pluntapproximate capomity. a-om vas ligitai ir eieotric lugitse. R-aOR uiS<- t-Viý- Il lauatai 1 hst alter a lime equlp. on. avitc Ols orlag tiose c ox hage., aiWMefut *bd 1,«» 1«& ment for Makilg Coaudensed mliiviii anotiier lhe anion' n iceaIa" Cuot1 b. lastalleti. altisougb lb. present eq- 1e Pi9Pranxiombers w5 thi uwhavorlo rw a lb. ltUiU niPmient Ptovides only for cseam sp. IY llaleffUolnig sud auu.lng santi . "X gae,. <o "W a"S atcion, postenaislug anti boting. enbertsimsaeas bl direchoramoalstlug o!ftiisaddti s%" Ad-<b*r 14ui. Cont suMI producrullnibo Misa Floence O'RorW le, le eadher, aiaq% W*1 viclnitY o! Guru.. assert liatthi, e r bi .sters, Milas Ruli andMr*. j. nliai' 711liaU 031l a t&W cation a! lie plant ln theIn midut viii pin, are ta ha congratulateti on Ibeli w ici< ae iglwlt b. one o! thse bestý booms that tiseti 5Vent succesa. dent TftWi Rusalas u oi, business coniti recelve. Mlii ha beau The stage Managera, HerberI Gali- iaierlSii la le.fveu a ratier uncerbain quanyll u1 . er, Jacob Las-mon, jr.. sud Ira Wte, la mii gottea up tcmr auts0 Counr for rears anti farmers feai, andth ie -receptiau camuthe,. Misipaper effect. lvw« net fo-ý ebd ha pratine machs for tsar thm Florence Lpczak ant i Msa Kathlryne tact.uMy more tblaiwva hp s lie market vauld bhaiome Bvampeti Mahhiesen aisa deserre greal credît lie polibcian abOut <aip andl tiservaulti b. lIfosmedt lat tlieefor bieir wvan. vien ho vwu abSu. vus not a sufficient tiemani for th. At tise end o! tho propem usauta *«An olti acqusaltanosUPMOW prodmets. -iaus aearcd uthe srage andti geve hry, mal te the poiibtaiea Of lb. four inudreti cana tially aI preoeuls of cand;, nutsud fruit 10 ion pliai.sellone iieu vYe resty conts-acteti for, tire, buntiset itIItokls-g lpart. Tih. nsidoai'b-en sheffli " Th. pollUaln sepie C&aaase nov haîng uippeil la Chi.- vseuteui Misa Flornce O'Bcyie vîIth 1 sad vas !ouniedMou tact, *0 cage. This la ual saltachory te the 5 a ôVey Ieati embraldereti veleltexactly a uti bul1 vU 4 orotinoors lu nome virs ane tiser am re Ure vil liîr beat viabes for a for Ooutah5lo a 1001 auffl 7oa' welcomng the. opr.ortaity te dispose mers-y Christmas. but vas on tise veg tit. of Il neares- home. The Bav5ian peu- Joueph Oornush Ded __________ Die bave asnured lbem liaItiser, s Strd la.30a b ouuyfr no feur liat Uic milk t tey produce i LS-tuyrlieccura teil ieuati ! FfesMArCm fl se .e.U macx»ipq luhia q iim Jo. Corýfih o! Waukegan. for yeas s ai'a- Fbele, gataner euS liesa, e u p osI tI n a us al lb lead ing citizen sd for yexs a or fi ajust tom pleh eti ui rau b. sunes mperled dale The new plant vîlI emplay about leadn bsseamae at eat. contracte ever nataxlý dhwnt rtre. ieme n I aHigianil Pari man lu a IlS l v ueu t or 1W h -aise w Im e a s ud a H e vins 61 Yea s old an ti ba ilbe csi i g u r i u l lI ais da L a k e C o u t y t t < e u t y f a m f o r th e P a s s l f a n s- i a I ao f lp a in tin g s u d i s c a m il the ente H wa cripie fo ye&raboapitai building ahtoiSt lb nThe. Bovin people have matie li vlirliumatism anti vas taies ho The amaunt o! m-tertM i mdi -assertion that the plaul b.iug builhl onyfsi fe-hacniîo o- uuae o.llet neas Gos-nec ta-Ilb. lie largoift o!rlipdbecoise sucit tisatis tamllY conliln-e.Ouui. h IlR S i theur tes plants. not care for hlm bers.e.Och ItSe 4 .The fear that because thie uew dais-y b evaavt sdciîrs itile paint, 10 g"Dojo sg rompsuy vîlI use 8seinucb miii Ibat 0 Heviaasvesawl kandu Ireait waiauY5I5,3hne.- tbîes-o la a chance Iliat Waukegan may f Xv are wl nw eget fnllP aDS1,I 4VS te lne mach of Its suppiy la decîns-eti - ga).andi150 Pbuid5et « fleur teli uufunei a 1 l sla tatMOTIlER 0F DR. CARTER DIES. usei. i. ll ted n' eh ufuddasI l si ht Word reaches r fts eei 5vle li rt ai eWj . the dais-y compasy la sot securiug ~A gels, re lofste 24, n o! teendMs-s. o )y milktram thie tas-mers nearlies-e, butLsAgls a. nDî 4 Ms. ibe3.o! tnnPenli« l. d.rte rmtsn a- Gss-dom. mtie! etf Dr. J. m. G. Ca>-si.ii oa ~ m a! lhe caunty. tes-, tcmerly o! Ibis ity. Deti v8Uas vaslt q~I a ladu. tae<iaiage, comblued ivth aasoie ________ W m ln o d fbo! paralysie sie sutaîni recentir.>,ý Women are nov enggged la &U but Bra nHlyodcmtrL lavto cf thie 03 galsful accupaiousa f Angeles. Tise decendeut liveil adja-. . o~ l iemn !hi cutr cent ha Dr. Carters home boa. for a 101 toiJ 519<,t many years. vion Itit a 1er *ý Ps'.» -:- ---- --- -- *.1,- 1

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