Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jan 1912, p. 5

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A.JANUARY_-5,_1912. ______ George Albrt pope won boin la T J 3 B 3 8 Chffloou Dcosmber 2f, idi. % , t eai i e mofaiforty jeeru and sI0t; de», liid.emsd disose e owemPtlOD àslg IGeorge vwm ason oi Mr. mmd Mm S,. Y I Pop. of Ub.rtylUe. nd movsd bore Te~ ub%àlfn I thIuiepi. fulud Omierviluse Wt& MsS[rm Obklealuthe y-oMr89, dmebies dou. ag mut ei lb ofie nlaarMaiiolEd.*lhTUM"d,l i«o, J8li 9, týl*hie home edmoe ilb ibo.xeepdmoaet Xv g oo bou ~i~nTofsday of .«Ch wsk. Adver- jl in. L fNle IF pinIg a ivo wooke b ltrmnh vlhb e oml «rss. ~bVsubl mke vota eu ianS BttsCriss sid'Deroit, te ai fepsdiangla Colrado. ckwfes« .. hwe __t________________ Mr. Md md ioi t ihsvig gradueted omtbeSkluwsgre lim babob. Wa poe of Moiuds aut ibsir home on Nov edoechool aad the West i sionu igis Hamrry suiibout iover Nv Toare u a ii sre Ie.amo hie home. la Chicego. Aot rt opeaîisaded t Re Bee a nue of afauiily ollour eblldrs Bre.Joh Babou inrotrtioin fboutan tiil the col upletvairlssiead two boys. of wbom .osut kt ýth m*rW .1 il oosE m hn Brteb fomr e ietstai n g Bebdsiyelh d Ates u er vas W illiam ai Chic go, e lait tu iouru eth tu ~e ee ntéi prie Ne daHmrtrIo li. Fidd lh.Abutn UI. hie parents, Aunie, the eldeot daughter, thai 111111Mei the ..Oum lojt. P. a. Dolpb lrom Ivanhoe; W«as a evd lu the haiemeni of the ball as haviag died ln 1896, and Elizabeth la love" opsa lber eles. Lbertyville buoloose vinitor:Fueeday.' eleven o'elocs. the rear 1905. Bort Johnson and "ari Loveland made Mises Gertruide Moivers, accoimpaied George was well and lavorably known 7 a~ fiyiag trip to Springfield luisi Fr;clay. by ber &net, Ilie. Kavanaaih o1 in Llbertyville and leaves a large cîrele lire. 5. Lodge le vleldung iens d a1 Evanon. lof t Thurodai fur AlenuuTst, of friands who unute in etending eiacerss 1 ~ 1relatives la Chcago ibis visai. kIorida. viseraeabi wii pend the sympatliy totîle bereav.d parentsad I oflji"r ut olthe wenter. brother. L I8 WC. B. Smith lit Tuesday fo;~ Texas in, O_________27,the______yof the intevsi of ie land syndicate. Onhe budail)Z .. y. , e ertie a Geovgs f. oaumlanof t he Chicago check lfur01000. iseurauce fur the widow (Cp4 of Thaflks #litRecord Rsrad. vas a Plussaent coiffer ai outkiariy Bumse. Thie wae rftcujved We eush to ezprees our thenkei to our phon Aouphom l -klnd isends and neliiore for floral thlo offiesTiiesday. sagli deys aiter ,the papere relatitiugtu oferluge and kinduces sud nyuipatby MissAdel Nihota leopenlng tite ers seat niand tweuty4fle durlug our sesd beravemefli. ee.kvlt H.Chad ad lmll ofdeys alter bis deaili, wch occurred on M2. AND liii. BAML 1. POPE. wokviéH.Tiren lml f'c. 6. ___ ___ Amotn. Mr. sed Uns. tcaytoa Stapse oi or. mMd mn. A. EL Churchill enter- PresbyteinSerVices 777777Wheton. asâet Nw Tsars vlth Mr. Saied the flulovîrg relatives traite W. inviteé egala hoses peope la eplois mothesr ut this pise. Chicago uNew Tears: Calos Omyord, uîi.riyvills vliar eeot affilîlaed euh - 7Chantes E. Oylord, D. R. 1Letend &D aY of the mcml ehurches te b.esrvices Attoney Arhur Dulkley and famili vits, lire.Carre *. Fieh, iiies M&1ry01"ibis Choc. We wvernibaeu tekuov A fronWaukigan. epeut New Tsars vih ach ,Mr, and Mra. fi. Ir. allory andthtbeymare vmmid and vilcous te OAVE JUST RFJCEIM A hie panaIs hers. it udBieiC ead m *n.t. Mugesrie500SaiciGd ~ LUPMVNT F SIC>E EN THE LATST Mr. and Mns. Bavard Masm daHersea uha"pute to the bâd theisftarclmgOrder," a NsewTsar'.sermon- iemily voltsd aiutshehome of Dolbrpr sb" a légalit weke Ioissue: Ur. the amtle¶vle 7:3T.isub tei 'làtuag W ý R 1 WEAR IN DLACIC oad lu Chicgo over Ne. . I. W. eSlmotd reporte sing a flock 01 nrlas of svening esroei on thieevea M O. Jaono ai vemlde, Wams., a about ihirt, robins in the apple tris tu epistles se ltte churches la AImie sond AMI>TANSAT $3»% .$350 AM >$4»00IN formler teldent ofathie dut, wvs.caliiflg hie dour yard Chrmtmas dey. They in chantere 2 andl 3 ai thesbook 01 M M~ON »JD LACE.TIIE AI ANDIE. on old fiaonds boesTuesday. vers e" apples ltai vers-lit ou thi ee au.t cole tecoeo h Mr. and Mlr@. Edward Brixen are the Mesa lau."-ei@catbed %bre for' mornîna service. Parents snd us yoar COME EN AM DSUEFORYOURSELF. IS ihappy parente ot a baby boy bora nosouetime sud theyfiiaallyaroaie and fies cblldren. *sgm se uWd Tuesday. away tocard tbe southwest. Usan Frayer eh«a slon ed ALSOUCARRYNAGeorge Fairbanks fraie C hicago, spent nid reîdenae dClre they cannut eoaj eonag Jn.1().bjciPe<n . sa few days last week witb bis onc-le, nember evin tiearing aofia paralil case. Hoping to have yonr aooperatlon. ~' VER "I-II G OR ENGeorge Swift. E. W. Protor %vas the vitini of a. Tours lantemaster's service William ester FOR M ENka Vived railler oevere accident ou Wednadal A. VAN qDen ME. Nw Yes day aihLabs oncle, W. ilnioralag of thaï week. Whuie vorking No 4Peter, here. Iut heioiie Lumer oanyîîsietor MILE. hurch ServiOOB PHO E o. 4 r ad lire Thiomas Crtetti vsited ho in uo mraucr, goi mizod 10"0 a. ma. lass Meting. Rev. J. B. - ove Ne )'Ur$',ithUr.Coretue io rtu Il nog aieate bndk as 10:30 a. m. Sacremenat of the Lord's LeRo utElgi. t bav th bac 09Supper. LaRu ut lgilas; band severoiy eut ou one ol the hop- 12 mi. Bible Sebool, beglnning the urne poecean l ro ers ewill le laid ni for ,oîne rime. eiudv o? the liiiof Christ. Je B. M O R SE .. ~X.~s~*chî.ago, visîteil over Ne« Y,'a,-'W Ls ih 11ilt rvi yTesa :45 p. i. Epwortl Leagu,. La'.tMonda iinlît o ..aCity.sday 7:80 pS. n.Preacbing, Ber. W. L. fricttiein bis ity opet ~ muruîg followiug the dance ai the W i e ubjeet. -inte.rnatioal Peac." M.and Srs. IR. C. Uîggins towall a misuuderdtanding beiveen monday, 7:30, Teaebem rafiningClffl. Ubiety inos yuauag nih r.nadaMndlva Wedueday. 7:30 Prayer ervice. I.ib rtvi1e, s.- GeorgeiC 1etrw oîîlî Mr.mendandre.young lady ThieSuaiday ochool aI te M. E. chureh and n Cicag. 1regurulîag which of the iso jmen abouldil if introduce as nec orchestra nazI C. H_ Smith eatertained Ernedt Moore! aceonutuny the yoiiig lady home re«ultý Baaday. and tiiîee daugbtem rs uRockefeller, ter cd in a lest floti ight between the youag .Sanduy. man meDîioned. It developes ihat oaa The Bevenib iastallament of liberty ville -v vlir J.T. Rbaiteo antrtaiie theuf hea ladan pponumet cii le peeial Asmemnt Warrant No. i fu Mis.J T obrto etrtindth'uttemba u poitmn wt teconnecteil vater sygteranin nov due and ----------Dnau bord ol Exclbîor amp, K. S.A., u on ay and tartail iroin the bal payal on or bpfc;oeb'îruarY 10, î1912, ils Lyue Thetre Weneida evt tigeh ber ceu the other younagman Arum &Ià NAEBLE, Village Culletr S u - nalter iliir ragular mteetinig. stepped up un the othar aide sud .8h *MisesElizabetih Mergeru..r front Zeude, rolnutereil tu accomps.ny ber. W bat EYV£I...5aJ .ia. Wis ,iied esrL deys thistlaterpwt jtold by île yeung lady thai &ho W Sris t ReEIepl pru i, of eaiani ii. or pei o tilevesi rom"nthutiRiseronparts the pisseur.'000,46Y ~ ei~p~tI ~4VSSIV ~it*ll 67 viitR Ur. and élir..J. &.Meredith. Wb hsamue abusive, lit le 011,1u10a, W. ulle f O Drugu to day sChouf clanesset aiber homequiii efltcr anderra chIae sppss op". co Asetet seer ttei enov dýo.mé malte an exaiinatiof riur 'utlaiFiu viig off dnty attar eleven o'clock, bai la paisible on or bel are liebvnary 10, 1912. and we guarno ilo : rie le. iud n iuîu' Asi ubject to u ai uny tinte, remainad ai cnr CeÂnLE ilg olto ..à.~.. ~ 1 PECT CLESAN! ut eaveext~uuuac lr sui;auurdno.the h al ou tiisoccasion outil aboutc I v ~~ ...~~à- EYEGLASS WORK. :f, ai,..uettievwilis.peiud ;bt-rt,tuain3dar aa.n.adtwsmieuayalr A ~l ADUA E ~ f had retiied:to îl roula in the botaI D eS IC ' pTIAN * Mr. tid hlm1r iank mcl ati son, ol the iglut cîarted. lia-was notitiail C . . es ic , PT CC ;c.u, iortiirrly of îbi.u pa, ,aledion Iabout 2:00 ocloek (0 tbe dstunbauce LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS oli lriciiduuîd relatives IunùaJ.' aINew ifait before ha eoaid gai to the sceme tle -*-N-u*4-k*~~ ***t***m*tî+ Xeue iglitero lad 1disuppeared. Bowever, Muis s i Uriswodeiirtai a Party tie village board mnade a coraplaini to of ,-r girl Ir-nde ut ma ý)ur clOck tue iiareluul ou Wednesda.y îuoraing lunu beau ut lIre. J. B. uuIle New and le imuiediately arreetail the Young Teais fernoou. minaand arraigned dthmbetora Jautice EVER TAKE TIME TO THINK? Tire Aiertau stars of Equity ciit Beack wbere ibev wera fineti $5.00 lis oll tber istalatin o 'Afcer onand cueýste finebeing paid. ln île Now. suppoing you were 10 bc disabled îbrough sickneî * hold ther liisiallatiuiie oi ulileere on or ci&t ho would firaieh you with the imoney 10 buy welII)Pedtiy eveîuung. Jan.'IL).Air lmenu miue , ma ber îL erotaplaithea * or accident.and brseL TE ers requeâied tu bc present. iid aca ioar ne~ee u iii. aecemstir of lill for your familysd oref.TE *Young lady iii question and tearneti the CpNTIENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY PaYs inddmflities Chartes 1). Pruet..r la counfiiedtu t bis fa-te in the case as stated abute. It la Ep.debiltv frcm cvery kind of sickness or accident. and home witilîa ocveeattaek ofilinese. Be stated thai île afiair aloi bai a referee técoMt is very uitile. *i. under the Cure o? a physicien. but ibis aseertiou can flot ha veified. BROKEN RING., BROKEN help you protect your income. MisOac rke aure oaa uevér, if the statemeat le irue, tiW TC ES * f rom Lancaster, Wîe., whercebe speni might bo well for tbe Party cbc acietiA CH S u s i eZ Le DISTRICT thîe boioGays with ber parents. file lu thaât capucity ta heur la mind tle In faci we fiz saurthias lu cosnfectlon Sch aeo îe& v neeerMANAGERS reports ecury. registered il li ien degrees fat thathe le aira f iebie te arrepi. la cliith hJewsry business, oxcPi brossis eiL fl't-RT 7fILEILL. *e elow zra iherei. coanection wlîh ti it hmigt bac elI to sugaente. W. cannai suarmanOte Luce Building ' '" " * About twenty-ilve participatadin th îe eay tuat his jenat ,aceswany for île d dei, butsa giRt of one af Our supails Clay pigeon olînot at île fair groundis on marshali to wlînees a figbi in order to diamnds voulil be s great b.Ip ta you New Tears day. Among ihuse sbootiug inake annese au long as a cumplalut le inm ccb mn sueqeacry. k le vOr eu île igleet score erare: George flled anti wa miglit alo ostebatu ttil-i Lawrenc'e, JIohn Stafford, Ed McCortilck, vilfagebhuardista6nds ready to file coni- Ou Ne Poc s Frank Johnson. Mr. Fineutter ad Mr. pinlt in eaeb andi ever y case sud ariaits u ewPo Chrîsian.arle ure io folio W. ofai loe auit Mtodne of J.wolry maites lit look Miie nev. Lot us show you what SitofteINTERESI, ON. DEPOdJSITS A. HUS$ to express te yod oui'. appreciatioti ~.' ing the past year a . d we wish idi TnisJan~ ,uI.h BRT VLE, - IL ----- --- - - -- - - -- - - NEW DEPOSITS11 RECEIVEI to corne. j0~Y ILLE WUMBE O 1 au TIore ar 3items n.amoel"s Sh condiio to te .compberd oftheI.u u the dos. of bunneui Dec 5, 1911. to wamt particularly to caà your attmntion. TL. edire. items are so ma*ned sumh* of the re"* hand conservuitive, na"agumIýt dii intution dthe h., wifappelIoaI roquiring the service of a bank. CAPITAL-SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER DEPOSITS OVER TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6459W0.00 -LAKE, CO UNTY WLL ttgLP you- jour lire itoblis. em Wb of *«. e .Wdoslunbled. bvow BiTes peub"i n4 Prim ane 10v Our ob Start the, New Year I By givîng us an order for MEATS . AND GROCEI You know you Sen get Wbsolt.I t bst in that une at Cor1et and Sheets, Sheet"ngad Special 'New Year s'Sl of Household Needs Standard quality 9,4 bleaehed sheetimg, specia for sale at 22 L'2c e yd, Full ixe bed eheets. tarnansd hcma"d 81 x 90 àue excellent quaity cacit 66c, 63 inch bed eheete of fine quality. full bleached. seauâ sheeting eah 60c Full ixe heznstitched sheele at 90c each 4 5 incht PU low cases made af good maslin. ai 17c e"c Full sixe bed spreads et 75e sud 9 5c. these are right s*W and very special t the Primce, India Lineu, ce have a very fine quaity of titis tuel et 10c, the beit velue ever for the inoney. New Flexon, plain and barred on sale titis week. Our new Egyptima Tissuesasd Toile du Nord GW are heme We have the tissuesin plain colors as weil a the flgured stYles 1W. s a n W. W. CARRIIAL & SONS CC TWO STORES ILr FusiLONTIS IsI INrEMET ONJielY123 Wives SometimesObINjeM TSENL I5tRTYU RECIIDALE ITATE M. A! O DeopositorS d.sfrig to T%-> 1 itil OR CAL -ilI b. upplwe te h ~hs I l.o~ TIlE RUAi. ISTATE U~f~ ---Fer 4o~erùua Oenwtelng-e..- Hor qï«% O PHÙt<*~ '41 it#L~jUY TuflR '~' MMM-M lc4w«-W« cri Widows Never uo E E.

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