ti M« < fla3 -» qhor te l:-w M*Wugt 3bthe., mmbe ,tba ,rata wl)lru c" çm b-- 1v .aI'pr ,*2.1W aOC uwïxb =.O mm.b.2 a age ,wtth n.11 ,*ùw * aeewbi , MoW »V *k; irliYth&, .wbo-, *àttao.. mie ... - .i1,4381*s s .- 2M 5 ., £li5re~ 1L~1IAEBULS, Collecter. At'. AOOEMMtNT 1401101 Is~Ae.msn~m.i Warravt N. 0 W- Pit~lls ge*oe la iaereby puy.. *1~a~ueyCcvi0f Lmiio eeeiity * 1151 VE~Né' IUdtlflOIi& kw e r" tpo sa r,. oa IWO I hwêby * tb.; uwe & OMOXW eft ugeo A det 1 tola ~i b q &asv,* e ~q iioabbSoi - 4. dïwe S p 16 0 - am * uWae~ ~ h Wb* umr Id* t __ 1tavIjnaulr tr *m êeu a *mo l 4& Ite, aQet tou..et fugo $4.t ~.or &W-a,- *ur u. seseia" twt i tsy ango Md . aMiff t « sm um wIm rt bm mut w a- T=.iP10tah emlttÈ W" bu él ave la-$ W eeeeita te hhhave ~. rut. ~ a1e privksa, aise dotaL empioylpg Md ra ferËMthlm uthekpeesat rt.e a Teria rate. pu-. "dë tb *60* luilmMe &M.ai d rahlng tiierefte benera* ai d TA" i tuft" Aupt ctheir prose e nur- l jLýegrbo wowm ea Ce te.that pefloflai ci tat Qitb.fr ùae Ketthmtb"tbepro-t Tate vin psy for. as muasured WbV be dadur Wodmeatalaa-a iHIs memMity. The &,ýMliiy of taih% - '.piien y uh, deponient upen iii. PL. . nue t mre ta a e eaitlee uamber. *bVb4 h'»thý rbe'ooimtte. yu futtiier :UOW. u luQ. tbuO5"ýt mebube. ma4 blae Q.egUu Mupuinhigbth Woi 'w betoatel"Qta eat~a * e aisat e j wh.ls 'w«M6»d0. b. o ab. om'ia i huiSsudle b Isia s om le~ alrs~4eOUZW.I.0" xo , p oras Vuatr hu g mé?4esha.vWl, togaila W"iia liect u*eVt ibeit. ,as stretout a b. paihidtbag the. carnig suam tii e versba borna lau .uuI il.dlW&Mh evst tled tbnouuy.. The Owïly rlbli biladranc. te pavib m"0 et I ihs shove mentienoed etruais le the . t,& IM. 1E tir. cg, vbich otaie ps lia ts NU ,har. la wicb Iiin h h tpaueses a- rght 01 W"y. ý Thi eateet Improveinent cader- taken by tihe Pruemet counec» la the foemeaetInet viaftet. vital shen tompleted vi» cnast i tJree arcla* .ed apasu iiviag a leg1eb « 372 fet ai a total wldth-latuuhus vafla af St fout. TIuustrcur ofi ua & puuvanlat charact*r wm ivEbu un ô rummat ta the C"tt, the. etimuted eaut bolus about 1740O., 1 aheridan, rod bd«ego « behou stregtbeuaeibY PlacI -,otrIfflix oa the. hui.rmWftte pagts ta redace latema vynaihue; al1ir ia â iatabve lasa put under tbe uiae trumu te, taom ca» r e! xpâiale a macanirse. tlés.10lmg ut*lai b.on poue '.ta0100 m W frmm tuo DatotibWs liaiday of Deupuabor, A.. 9 spselam fas ant Warrant No. 8 ut -4by the toffovuiué iaprt.veweuc: A couoefl uyoteau of selerom.itthflumh.'s,i inauholvi sud bouge . Olfe.tiof lAdntm lu ibe '111001 o! Lltmrtvullk, Lake Coar, l"Los Couanmmdte,g ret nlàuiiole lu thtý venter la. cf f iel-int ir.-..4', ,.id nman- bl ei f 16 r.t wet'rly aear. str.ittrute icwuttrty lhue produtw.d uartbceg t < a:irai'.tAddi- ilcé teo $utIFalidlrlonm. ccardiog tu. the plt tiseorai nrdod je Booki f' cd Platpae,. 36,, sud ruiriepu 1hecel mafullea,: &lonig u a lot lei e..nter lim a! Divi-luo n t, wLab la 116 b-ui veqqiy I"roni tbs weutcqvy ine erilu i orflerh 1.u t. n 1lOin FioUe' "r.ut Addiinu 'z. l Otl'. abiisou 14,atmizsumd rhut-o runiug In, * fflMIhY dirft4oanu to a pnn. on tbe i" .ve fù.. tàPrk Av.. .chieb l 401, 'w-4f -e--w.. ne- - kpw mi't bnp. 't 0 sto> trohu te-eon. wq1am1»tb - tht rUe he eau-l a bou seat ui jutai. the MbT. ay Btl1q -oppsea hnite-W hegb '& thvare f-I at. Ia*udlbsiIv'd= sug onai:do.Sb o t - T4 III. berh'ands sali blu a hoer - 'it nll.' amtedilmy lb. pý gaeretd ouiýei I;1gai dovu, mu-ue eaau iexdor.eh. gr airlu. i feber and wst.iowu h oum ideer foti n her are e Ifott e il e *So .al ,d vLv i.. zutandiMdflirt; .*a thpe uw.ali ur e be allba Icolcea s fi temrst a em.ereu mm* was bigvatoauudal vr e fiommt uhn.i axelbefu be tam we a aiton out mfaustche" for tem gte àbktt -faeit éS nedid a14 tt of. tuwmauea the 1uS tabu h lbb%...... .. iisn ue trs illy for mti«e a...... .. iin;- n aIl ES airt.lbb*utis t * ...... , an li.~ effIOf b hur aesth mesam te lisanswth fty-ma bSbTA pay opltes. ic, fgm te Wivrtei t ti l er ae itter O W4glWOqi.......... maur rtmia l y tr i1riae or.- Wt oa t i ,e , 4n1", eyvr Liti yarDes' flism.......... hert rge upogrOtiodibrtamc@. l b a -eroMW *Upotl byevrt ua.ia Spebrw sce-ttdtothe Ywm lv- ý md.ln o h ladng 1ci es mane ar Am iannceist ut!.,. X vetro. t eprt tte beybo- rBAs M&W 11 t b*Ït eeur, tint ii al: be IV rhndcaeO 1e dat Cityu WsuAeSma bery' lcus avaledlleis mthe Wm1911. ib U m 10heu4 n'., yeai toiaporionof er.e S, l gave* Ma t VOtal 0 «It duae t eW by Soeber vbc suc- hitbr Neta > a li PNrOdtM 0", oresr moud etanu. eptueber,08bo6- h tated in b aneibrat.us luter h b.,fca t «Mor t arua et lb" b»lCLIPymea ~~ t brueanuuaegotaterl.a a Y. WBke'i ctillaivur 1. tomber vwu Allovud'.ta test on laurolea laiOmo~b other lima beo ca. hur6 of nluýth.eeIsi4SlfiO M id" Ofeeuutb. * 4 ]a Moaitsbavn bues m2adéis Wyonapie4Ml as.lo 7Il». $200 ad $819te ti n,g iaet meattaeste by grAi- *rtoea . ai t xroprtleutlyles -Whole Ite * iuiiaand naieancatch ùýt&aedonte is as __ o be enlitw bei pcotsidere- basies 'aOar attoita imaroved bY stt*-o eg: e amthe rarps. This suggesation voua iesemiputtîluegl iaiuivi boeu ucoMsWY- ai lpuaurtc. ferxainimumin iomL the dIuent iufeuat aiSheidan ky May, ifth". sedeairu, road, (larten, strut. Ms4lsofftiet. 0* s the rate e!f100 Pur, Tb»e Yoegî Iiprovejnenii Belvidero stret aaid Sats eu b ave til. mcut titbuir (13Y J. J. iemyor, Camslos ~ougi te b. Iniowed b lav h ala pv, a Wi emîlpus ai thii chuged' Srees p.d ~p ae'~ nd 1r bulIluS retganig va».i on tiie neaisi bir Benoît certi- Dorit gtise veat 111 priar? 0jh aides ir eumt. Neti4u 0 Cdifea charges tfauue the comiggiaon torn of gnre- T i uuS htvrpaeedago -iodaieted froua te face of m eut- vus adagted la ti ity as uatr- jar tnwaau-umoati may b. stait - viiil u.bte;ni b* doti Of a ubm-ai ug the tenU af thse rret commIt. buin tivthewEtr tbui* 50tih" Ange _im esat oclair». Sue uton. the gruaerprt-o!cnar CionstrctiUonvon vw l bouaau lu lesvojM rprecu li tif-vo<k bu Ceaimsteti of the building eof, higmiculltibeooti Pve LOler niajti,'tle ,wevr. -T-Me tesat lenglh i ai aers ls.gftu"tf C0f 0 oather- ra e 4 e45, ad 13.00 conexettrca.iuelualng lic xorthwemt h, thse ioxul » rate titder i-ster »w novluthoerrocesa of com- Fouey'a l'ley nsy d Ter Qom.peuti os âuopia,-a i fart-blu a:pîction. ta elgisi analane-half '<Sa/!Yro nvnyCs- ugpsracraph. the. lien rafles et-Ia total Colt-t$X11,t ir.ofs.m4cfe. mgr. ofait e14ebt omt14 »v« o, uceei a total o! vhlcb ùmeena"I ti v the coinprtCiotIi au). em%«. tLIa.. ioaau1l.e' t $1,000 Pus- manum, vit - of.athIe presat *onb there vIl» ho iffemadTil oaapatiid. biu*»It iavl M av e me 'Ibavi-4d <tta amogt f«r al l raset mena- done lu h. future, ftlilblua i.aoubse. vho bae si.th-u & oesu h. ugea of 45 ad 64 liai a! the. ors humItand t-bheaI vot lhimO t of 0ilSeutb# Q of eaci: ediip'eivfet! ôclb -4bsipressai membi'm de. Wabbura IpiMlSuya lover 1 ayWileLielsatn omytean.................$17,977.14 ________ presAt rates May cantiacoBluff Street, Clapti ireet. pet ratéestlit Change andl leu RockiAvenu. mi a ie. le .r*lgron te aIl permatie id ** tilat et Wbole Ut. Water iltresi l8ver ys p ete e aniwîe cpbo îua&i itisitiasi, rates vill îuaa-----------------.... drm Ob yma th ,sz . 0.* M'suwei bylie M4odem Bowu it uterr Street 5e*-111. uioo,- lfl t»- 'Wll u mer*taiv. the eor ------------1191 ;ýi~ tIU, -IIlIII stitýtes ls, a mender dore5Sret -addObualÎ W* te Mals-MW vChamg u IQO Sru eo b p o ~ t u t la ime S en u e v e r 6 b- 0f lumaranco ~ ..................~ 5-gué oietQ 0 l5 tu* .............. .......21.02.08R qatiîes2.wgi0 -UN esi i.e Avee gai SutS 13 U&cai- I*s 1iout Ansi over ~qUoW egi~ <~% olet- - .......... a t noff ce~~ l«fl-6dqet ý« o Uiï. taule -leté he 5 ue " g1o oeOeflise e, -tue itu vca g. tieh nI, *0 u taýii*e t Wh, vs ld Seu « Peut Mil 1bu turhalg fSruiiupa -an unaiurterci eft S'ii4a 1lbariy wle, wjIt4!la ai- 1days irgal M«ney Stael' an1w vewa 11et'tsubgligc cl uther. Nzaî- 7B?; uyM t411 dons iaft. g 'Il n wttbite t1h egnngo.cl Date tlue 2et dy- l Dêz-1.b.z, A et 0<the vuy. excelat-bien mli. vitlstandilur iisnaturul feeling. ho"- ofaiti. eeessu.1f 91. îê!&gAI0ECfe'zr it, . lc ltl tite u leer,Ocaber - Ila uon l ad o- tîve few cm5 Vr usTcç - 14.Xi tBEL£,er tilioa. 1mai we e gnta l. ae celua sffielent numiaur of br2vei FatalmAcidenté flot 1111;àî ______________ ike a stelam englue. Then whon l'a heairtu to lrlng ber record op ta. 17'lîve, £a*%Qtbaftzu be4tM Col tu-cagb lelUn' ber bow pnrVt he liOOieiî. These 87 .vouang couplet are desiareeuins irau na .b EARLY, .BAL ON.1w.ui ailoL!be oreItruly to bu commended on bir A claaginctlan fl duet-lifl - . nte bsne ian elq ber d tri li. orte year lust eang. inil M id... Tuai p*saled ththeetruck aboi .c uCerculp N- ovgzlaer thls year n"a a surzriuo ýduring october tieere «loà- £ijtethCuury. ni ouitS*l» ta the toc. that il va4 te ei'erybcdy conceraad.. and by hok lu Wftukugaii thau Jto', AJît- Au fr bcii is 614 The*aferlieu gbîy lanely undl wuuted ai wlfe ta or by orook, mainagedto te mcuru a re- MOnili dtnlug Ile vOkt. IaUpil public vere loti te belne" tiet -tht eWp ame speaad the tnbv Ius al OI- t.eipt for 108 lcenses. Asa araie, ta he, thebghest nuambtor'of oM Atlauttc iud bte,:1 enore-O4 tu a b~al.Isa tornspinstur t the . ynbest, ifiguaresue hlag taon. on' May 118Ile liai Y«Went UiC "Silo matinei ouldn'i gîre c4P ber . 11.....I..1 Sev York Sm Publsia tuid 14.4eLi aoher-pr noaaugila ue aund vus laNovember, looklng dowu upôu thiaflhary.......... aiciput t au uaéW *z'ue .trouaLir- Si rgaI ente St. ut. i uiatg fravalWtlu of umua nature vllha eF" uaY ............ ...... urpôoï te C;iao.lo ieh ipurported toux ber, but ildildb'i do no goed. coud and isapprovlng oye; and t ei au Mtc................. 'te bave bhouaebWceilzhed b' "iboe Sbei @by after ibat.ad the chIer 'elti asatoulshmunt this vear tbt iLu- APran........ ........... steur l lailon Ileorlt. wiaa ViMp ldOf ceaihe lmore 1 ta uperSUade bar. kegan itlxenilearusi a! Nave0uer't MAY .... ............... reâ.Êgpy4e beuru tron-Ia to lte i" -W u wegai vithin about leula s liunuuaa.lrelenting.........j... pbr»s ëOluue aril 1 v le oth le &-ao Deurr. he openedth te doo« and Deceauber alwya ys have a gond Jlly.................. oo"mSc OU i e l i btaîl 61. o! * goWmcd it u.bu khl excuge fer falîunt beiov theoat-ber Auglt............. la ua acmt oa thelvuza, .Ofa a eif e er aber. She anrasi roaUd, mont-ha n1h tle flmber ofeses turntea OctObla-.............. 4 r04eysartlfts tfvas ad yauonda y ueèibe a chaute inAu ven P)an Cupi. It le Seolimtiat Semotbur .... 0Wi.pupeWur. eue cf the -j 'leSe yr aa.'e,, I. i& jdWWt'ia bride cmu b. fouuui i6 Sres 10 bicin !qveauber. ...... ev litOO aIqfat IfUa'lintendat e It ltyou. 1iw@vas at gla'te twoauchiImportant *ventejMa Christ- Deeffienr. .... tu*àwiW5 useva *ae io ut the tgt l«. cimore to get van teuels xaauni ber vsdding aMIvor5stcanar tolu lie saint menti. But Deqeutben At bw mand ërt e e ,.l»h csitff y "aoup or bauds off met aebu lan nromankabîv vell, tilm Urne, bRliUbM hue, the *m, tiotu. ",bolersi la a different liiind. *vQ>îCQbavlag lose4 up thse ytWnegollat- -TISMA%- e.,, o.epdm* lOsi tiane uDoi trambsq. rê, 'l't a' ta g t of"0<ling .vitta 1114 deals put acrmos, 0< Fn uPaboiy, Ieal. roba"1w *orý4 ber » *- ie anteci. yaubloo o t -a1401 nd. 9 tk aQIIaU* fyeaa, th e pMe li1tkn u vhici ver. > uw ea teber viedit.- Girsot. 1Cams 14 omat % >Othe miB. a 144e t exti uek.' - 00 th-Inos-wethefuiboy that love that blETtIS 114COVNTY. NeU'urpam. t~ fai beiVtsilu ula my lacet DIW . One- tiaM ieitri-tv. birta0vqW OM - D hht' i 110* Yeb f a anslomQs , I"ed ni as -slkl'recordai ld u .101M ant i trtag thse MA"»uô1 aô dob.i tuté, obitq. viIi iho $tàs vîm»aev e a0o45udwtb ,t oi m. ý Pôeç4M q ii,,doV $ & hâctpto t1110. 'CIameibodas le montis. te tiie fle is, -.Pi v ~ iimtarpa s lbriu1. »dt tu oU bw«t Juge. ». *Ur Nns,18. oa**e I - bogaii ioteg bat mer- I. -