Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jan 1912, p. 12

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A SirgiDubIehr iuttXçt The ClearaiceSide A quick andi deecisive disposai is the purpose of this Clear- anee saile. Not a departmetfitin the store has been overlooked in this vigorous price cutting campaigu, for it's our rigid po'l4' j xîever to carry goods f rom one seaSon to another. tvery atcl and everv yard of. merchandise hai been recklesely slashed in price, in' ordqýr that stocks may be disposed of in thse shortestpos- sible tinie. No heed has been given to original cflt ' or former selling prices, it being a time when heavy, sacrilflcing is a reil' eniergency. I WAUI Ps PA STOREIL Thé VWhite, sale wasn't put into operationý forts ofa mûre week or»~, torwe.wëre pa~~ for it as far back M a stAst4 , &We Mteel markets, of both Europe ï'nd AmýM'ja this é white merchandisiê' buy Lg eare ltad sri ever an ~vantg.tapl'>cw as e PraCtiêaIIy ee-4 'i, cd onuece are n« to quote prices whlch, otherwise >4detp thpe, fritl *ULoudale(c Tbhpe tbi'e branla o!fnanlin are IUNlia 1 evryboumeaife and the o!tler ality la vaS sn- ~se d FulI 6 ineha ewidth. liaci' ougbiy bleached, nùt more thasa 10 yards te a customer, ne phton or mal ardere acceptaI, sale price., yard 7v/sO LONSOALE CA.MBRIC UV3-Â case oet ahot leegtbs, ranglng from 2 to 4 yu~avm fIha qualit> and reguarlf oldt 19e. aeg pricd. yard ......... me4 171/c - 45- tDec pillow tub- lag, fine wltb a soft ifinish. free frona Ires- am hait breach- ed. &a. plendid 22 !aq17+c PILLOW CAS. ING 14/c - 45- Incb plllovw cas- lng, bal! baeach. ed. round tbraad. àoT t finIeS.crdi- narlly Yonu. 4+c.,ya «50 BPR EAOS-Â speetal lot of cro- chet bel .rls>rvin it,11 1m good havy, exellent Patternh, choice...9 F L ANNELETTE PIERCA1.lES 8%0 8W - Heavlly - 32 iîieh Per- foeed flannelet- cale, of good de- tee lui handeomne pendable QualitY. Perisn and fierai Indigo bine vrlth dogns, quaiitiee figuras of white t ha t regulrîr ln a large valety bing l1 e aa.or doegns, 10e H4OPE MUUNé- hort lengths Of Hoûpe inuill, 2 toi 4 yards. blaacbed,' ,%M, 36@ es 61vui mot",lous ai N Where is the lady who doeàn't admire 1fine'unditsnà,isai d whodiésu't detight in b.aving lier" WA1dPObe weil soùppliëd with daipty garments. We expect aiînost eVely'lady i Wa Rgato responùd to this sale, for the-e>s a plapre in viewing sucis a mr, nificent collection as is shown her7e, lren thoîigh yoii do épt H.ioWever, we have madei prices ro iriTftiSbly, tenipting tfhy'ib.fl, find it difficuit to refrain from purchasing., Our -Iow -prices, are taceable to-the fact that ail otîr Illrchases were muade montilia' îi the inost advafitageous btuying conditions. $1.50 Combl2stion Ste Me -A dainty coenbination suit at a pr;ice midéh under regu- la, corset cover and draw- ers, or corset coverg *t combination, îngdë ' ô ï ceptionally fine nainsook, lace and embroidery trin- méd, $1.50 gar-c monts at ...... .... 50o GCWNS, »C - WOMets gevua made of a gool qu&Mly mmuan. V neakwth fine tuckae yoke. splendid 60e ..39c gaents at ....07 19c CORSET COV<Ra 10-TYou-ve never beau ofead aucb a dalnty cor- set cover for no loy a pr6ce hefore:* made o! good quauaty nalnaoo*k01, bia-i mald vit t to =08 oetdL Insertion m a" e edgi. 8 .. f5 $1,25 PRINCES SLIPSOSc- Dainty garments made f roc aa very fine qm1lity oofna10e8Sk. trimmed with linen lnsetlon and edgiez et necla and bottom, regulai' $1.25 garmants at...........Ya9& 25e DRAWENS lse-Woman's muelin d'avers good quaity mataL finish- ed et bottom wlth a hemstltchad han, regulr'2i ........ ...C getmeahi at ...........J I 'Il ~1 s 35C DM*I » c*-.Made f rouI a fiq!4lty Of can'- brie, some àtly trinuncd with laee, Others with 44 ecm- broidery ruffle, garmetts Vthat regularly sdI ..cý fo 5,sale price... -8O OWNS 69e-DaIIaty gar- mentOfo!fne nalnaook, lila nOcla. V ileei 'ad mlP.o trlmmad, otheratrieusal Wlth dalnty valetaaa". 750 PRTTICOA1 #-oma cm P brie patlcosts. gond quality. flahedl at bottom wltil a 4-inch mbrokecy4 Mrile, cannot ha duplicatal I under 76e, sale pice ........... * 1.25 PETTICOATS 05.-A baud. asomvarwey of styles ar eus~- vlta vida ambroidery dfioumla othars laadsomely fft trinmodna elace . L $L50 PETTICOATS SIJS-Ellzajt styls. cralblIr nuadaor tba very, fint quality of caebri. amena hae wide long embr4dery Étonne«. aàd aI wltb rova of âine tUCIMs ethemi bar, fiotnces cf val lace ................... 0/4 vorth W30 er' ld f oue th"ed lic. " ePrim., ret yr.... it s lot Pt bran 501.Me151r- wv ad pwwses vaas. A0Sà.mW yau Eeautiul ew E<pe and Lýces On Spicla Sal For this sae you will 1hýd tis moit beauùtllul Ruea -fengboaideiries aud laces that -as ever -been dispiay- ed ii WnkZan. pre new mèrehandise f rom do5 Pu low prises W1 GERMM4N TORCHON LACE£ toe lcOesparyaj Wl-ITE LAWNS igc - LINWi 40luces vide, lftne AIRES Egyptisn tlread -aith a fle1 quoftinereertzed taih, la ebachm ordiniDybrin g 25C. canal /saa ie than î yam ...... . 15e -yard F ifO NCN-ay a.."r quaIILy.the patteras à1ea eulrmely ha$ome am ce a ePlanai lacseaffecta du a Oleeag varea t do! de. yard.... LOO C ORSEFT COVEIR' ESROIOERIY EMS*OIOS*IES AT' ý >-May voey ddanty pattelan h i Ss sadceit. mbofrl an exceptionally fine qufflty, low 2 to 16 luceès vrlle, valuas at'20c. yarcd ...... 27c ;ae.ed lo.0t. ......... * TORCHON LACESý- Ekweely ZION LACES-PiI. qualities tu k. deirahie for undervear. tff ,narrovwldths. adIgsie in h- sortiona, 7ce>and Bc value., 12 a"l luaaitlon a a6 yard1it yard boit LIi , boit for......... o for.................... lk * Gess ui TableDma1No 11IAVIE ANO UN- TABLE DAMAII< 'AT TABLE 0AU451CAT .l-z plcesOlt 47o-44 and 48 Iech 79o-4%re Ulula Une», 0-26 plaes of havy union linatable 'shirt Walt mater- damaak, full blaached satin fini8h4 elagant in atriped and wltli a asUn finshnew beiges lafloral, Ded effets. prced ornes le floral and 41ot& and s trtpila, ill fiarabiy o Wear DresedPA ptteflm,59e wda borGer 0 ,10,0 regular, 22c 65can d vaues,. 7 7 r . 22c, a-t,-p&rd......7 --ewrl.79 .. .... se. aid ... -Fleece lined, regidualy .11 - sli for 35esl 9 - M rie gar"et. tary 5àalas1arts andmi r 60 t ir...45e: wom ENS ,pAitTS- Osby sMd -whte vool ntmostîy tW C ç 1L50. at E......... - CI.USTERiPPFO- LONG' SWiTrCHES cob4lalll for Ou*e o!the mout -2 ndas nc 80; ' faIr *e go apracti*d i haW -nooa- syltehes,,MaIe of' Ab eocpieteW ties, couse lea Ol soft, IlongwvY hait 820114t4rhaa aU shfldea and colore~, I lu ahad a" u couha>~d a nyo0orel eecsi orcolora but U"a. Zr.r~,..45 this saine -le 3 of *a.ooé and $3.50 -values 1 in patent, gun-motb1 and viei- kiIleaeswi. ~WOMMUNý' 82455 T * Il.SS-An Accumlation of broken lines,«mbralng aIl IMLeshersa aIl-a vide vet-l- , a ir valu.....1 as liT e re at uei Pt Men 's shoes have been -gathereliinto one assortment and priccd at $2J9. ,Ai le1athers are cm- braced as welfas a wide variety of the newest styles, $#150, $400 and .27 $5.00 valt4eg at4 par ........7 CM L .R E N'a Boy% S81105 W O M E N"aS-smogs - Otan- -In gun-metal, PELT LIN 50. Oand lvici- box cal! and smogs F lor kX, In patent leathers, 0.014d weather. button ad ? lu- Goodyear welt solid throqgia- cher, es 6ae 5 soles, $3.00 and out, plineto.or lilat,$3.50 valuee, In tip,. $1.75 vaq 9&c aizes 2% tu 6%k. a .»29 11, to2, at. a .1 Gr~bter ofMen le th15lt ç&>.'iAIl malacsekton of Our $7.60 aflal 885049Pr StYlem, ptterw sand caler- fieta ea~e Wtb ffl g i 4hl-ljot o01ver- eemeitlhe ollt ai W oat, m'azéeto!ker.eYa, 'Ktin Yla 'lt Ttchvoand mixturesli molai' xéR-,..tal o !i aut am n. %lut ,Çlara*e flDe 1. ........ at >tbba 1ev ande et .U sch arift .. 17 fan- rUwaiy S mmd i.omly velI la 'ne. il Dat- i's Coatsbd~jceiiIa Goa dmd te ,% Iuthl ot. , .mente that formerly sold 48,JrigJi as - ~yaredcedfor a q4doelo e anc. o.............. .. COATS REOIJCED TO S1& *MbreoeU' obats whlcb va bavae old ê&à eahios.j, * lie ih S i e' ai. g » te eYeM'Ws'ervlc lesaa-acaprtc..:.,...-.. ..........~ , G OAFS- NEDUCED TO 157-Hue amre wme*fs bave sol&Il Besaeat front 815.oo t<oq»0 00,ail *711mb modae laa cola wlth quiltedl ifl, ail woolbrodclthsandgray aud brove mi- tuec lernc ri*........... >....... . 9,975 andi tail and Sha Rp Red t 6.8mns on Suts$Q9 lot of women 's -lU th* lot of 0" ts 1misses suits nicelvy ou 'il flnd none but oredof nveltes ighs grade garments, 1black serges, gar- handjmely t a-ord o mýents that soldai sea- son for $1250 and $15, redueed for a69 clearance to.. -0 $30 Coats 15.65 Tka lot embrmaceeoui' hiahet grad overtecat, garanats ltat f«oralr sSId *t 88M.00, 8$U.»# am 't ....00 reIî.. tfo -o i . S2.A....... am oroa~aciotU, U4IIeviots serges and n<welty mixtures, $20, $22.50 and $25 values, clear- ance, priee . $.90 w A m boiàd, Wu> elfort.hîs .... Ie ToILEtA PER - Iia =sS, ~z CUP A1'40SAUê ~'.J Las-Plie wbtta TUIISESS... ~a mi -~o t q ojale, lai se.joîqw .7c U -LI il- 1

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