Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jan 1912, p. 12

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s <j t *IW RULE WL DISCUSS QUESTIONS ARIS- PIC ROM RECITATION BV CNA 8 OFCHILDREN. OLAN IS QUITE UNIQUE Ô OENl5RAIy BELIEVEO THAT IMIE PLAN WILI. SE MADE QUIîT£ CENERAL IN SCHOOLS. la imi>' ct>' chools auperlntendcrt bave devlsed plais whereby teachers thse varjoul grade. coul observe ieteachingi of some claie b>' one of téistechero and spend an hounr in *Maumdng the queotlaikovicis crise %tut shban execl" J Etbhiere- :aind. lowever, tut Supetlatendeti iW Ciarida, OR« Willsoiout>' , jý apt>'thi pig tef0tfe oie-ruani ~btl7 chools. WI.tier If lesnuc- siiIor fnt viii depeid entîrel>' DP-j iaadershlp 'Of the. oonfy ru- purlteident and fth.espirit of co-uP- è,aRloî ianittated -b>'the teacicre e~ecan be ne doubtf, ovever, that yplan affordpan onusuali>' goodtoi- iaftuoity for tfita shdi.observation iýîdiocu.on ve ilc vii .04to ac- t!ii'gaiImmediate Improvement Il, *u-.teacie'.ork. The &eiter fol-j Iova: Deir Teacier: la accordane Mltb ai auuounce- 'ingif sent te icsoul officers a few id4pa ago, ve bave arragged'tevnahip tuaibara' aid achool efficerir imeetingi la fie diffoent tovnohips ut the enun- -ti. Tise purpoae o!f tese meetinlbI te ýàI teaciers and scisool officers t4stiser wth e uaprobiemo ena te %is village aid rural ocheola nay' lie dabmuW-aid btter sebool Inter- Ut Coiid Xmers eitie and efficient Sarvfca b. givea timsseaeoois. We Oêïct.tecoUtiisu tic count>' meef- l righf aiong, rtt-Ifleaboped thai fl enestinglill bemore direct In ¶ta Pla la tibis: 'fnv scboni luthe tevnablp be clos* oM tue day mndi- Sted. excahit fie acisool ver. the r* Ulngmmtà la beld, Mdi fuis achool to have Its regular prograna of recîf a- a"~ uatlmm. T"c pufils arethen léceiism and ltu t ternoon la fte JIMlu G.eteacbers' and achool o. -xs uw o Vilageteacher viii be ai au emest ,uquli. mau fe at- T"he keeflg. ar te bebe'd SaliMd ss&iteachar yUl be $ uWc b ubi v*0 enttle abistheugi fl.edy, wMt* . W e4 0 a"&lm our arrage- COOL -RECEPTION, IN '.AN' MER RECEl VER 0.F ZIONý ilears fieportsThat Dr. Dowle Signed Over Estate Thro*agh Trlcker)(an4du èress end Goes to Former Recelver WhereSays he Was IJoable to get information ýuet Deveranx, leader of tue foi-1 iovung -which lias remained truta the lite John Alexander Dovie of1 Zion City. la or ti. opinion tuat Dr.1 DowIe didi nef hnou viat bu vas do- img vison ho signeti over flue entire1 estate fg fhe rociver f0 lie disposed of in order thaf hIe creditors mgt be paid. i tact, fiere are reports. atoat ilu certain portfions of ZMon CltI>' u].-U Dr. Dovie va» iriched into slgn- in-g over fthe estate. Beauee former Receive,- flateiy of [2. it IIy vas y.ers',nt wvhen the es-. t-iteUa s %ned 'fIr bY flue former leader and tounier 0f flue cil>'. De- veraux vent to hilmn ifew days figo 0:,lu prêi.ext 1'51* lie vie writing a life of Mr.'Dowle but vif h the reai 1 purplose of gettlng at flue truflu or talait>' o! the atateniente. Ti,. toliovlng conversaioln la ai- trihave fa',.n place. iMr. Devranx-"Mir. HafelY.i wun1 e.I~fx- videnûe thfle îuriffle 01t ,rIll>: flue huto." ,ot Johni Alex:în. deý i'avle aid ,lhviê le a cloud overq a ce a.,n mt for whicb 1 vain tu get cCi110 lin nformai-1. i. t la rej.or!ed tuaf the signature of Dr. Dovie vie obtained b>' tri okery and duresvhlle1 lie vas veak and mllig l ii lait daya. What wouid lie your anîver f0 that 'aetiOn!' Mr. Htely-I cahnot answer fluaf vîthont louklag fo tue data of evl- dence.' Mr. Deverux---Well. YOu vers pro- ment nov f0-, attend tue meeting. ITale yonr lunch and be on flue ground if fie place of meeting af least huitf au hour buor, achool la calied to- gether. Corne vifi fie spirif of vork te gef and give aIl thé meeting et- fera. FARMERS TARE NOTIME W. bavelaataiidal anev Mutl and pregared te do ail lMaide o grlndlag. 1. C. MUROItAIT & BROB. vI-If. sent vien fie signature vas olufoin-1 ed-vbaf vi e fle onveriation r,- garding tue rousse] of! obtaialig ble signaturer" Mr. &Hately-*lCaaut anîver fia. lea. 1 relier tote .reordse." .tir. Deveranx-.ý"Would >ou say fiat fie report lin1net truer" Mr. Hately-"l cannot îeyunoUl 1 roter to tie records." Mfr. Deveraux-"Well, Mr. Hitai>', cainot you say one vay or the otiier au fu vbether or flot Dr. Dovie aIgn- I ed over thue estate vlllngly!' Mr. Hatey-"I' sali fiat i cainot sas> anythiug unfil. 1 lok et thse re- corde.", .Nr. Deveraux ieft t vf a "peace fa, tluee" aa a partlng remru. I lu epeaklng ofthfle natter todayi Mr. Deveraux eald tat litf îeeied1 ver>- trange thît Mr. Haiel>' cauld Dut say aîytingunutillue bldcon-9 eulfed irecords as ho sal itaf ai1y conversaion t bat migif have foitse place aif fle t ime Dr. obvIe eigned over flu escatie vould îot appear on I an>' recorde. Mr. Deveraux bas ont gîven up bope lovever, and aaye he sf111 hopes te Sund out any lnieefacts latise case f lui me>' fot bave coins fa ilght a. yeL H-e sayî tuft theoe factoarae ofthfle greateit importance in vlev of tfletact tht John A. L.ewis, wbo la a coutumier for the estafe. h.b ee given a nov ftrial after iavlag tfalea an appeal fa tue Appointe court. ADJUDICATION. NOTICE.L Publenotice le hcreby givun fiat fthe Subecribur. John R. Fultoi. ad- mîulafrator offluhe estate ut Emîly Heuderson, deoeased. viii attend fthe Connty Court of L.ake Cout>' tya feu m flereot, f0 bu isoiden if thse Court Hanse la aI Couny, on the t Monda of 4prilineit, 1912, viien and where ail persone havlng dlaIms agalnet mid laae ame iotd mai requs.fsite praapnf fie saine te saad court for adjudication. JOTN IL PULTON. Waukegan. Jan. 20, 1912. Ji44817-14 Chic4o 133 NORTE aGENE.sESTREET WA UKEAN, ILLDRI&J Prime Rib Rts 10 and ............ 7c native Pot Reait 8c and ... . .. . ..6 Native Lump Roast .7c Oblefn steak .....lic 'Poetehouue steak 121/C fU dsteak .....lic stea ......lic .. . .. . c UaenCorn Beef..9e YANY MAI ED BId NýVal. 2 .. . .8 Raclferdfoi. Racine. Wl. BRANCHES: 1 Chico,i.I. voealtew........ e Veal Liver - ......e Veal Ohops ......1l2e Poark Bon.t......10ec Pork chope ......lic Pork Shoulder... 9c Spare Bibe, short eut. 4c Sait Pork....... lic ppPe' Fut.......14C Leaf Lmard ........10e EMTON. Hind Quarter Lamb.lle For QarerLamb. .7e Lab CIZ ..u . lic sugar 00ed EAu 12%0 But X*e" ud Iord ......... lie mek . ....1ne Pork Isuaig...oc Fraa......unp98 Po *mt ua= .9o BOlO]Ws Umg~ 8 Ilala - maa MW. Wr Fin..Lad MEANO >9CONOMY lm FOOD. Uccimw. vilchI ia novr tic ry tu au thbm roui postage te pouties, bum i -mr*vilant Iteper thé». M. bief'. sftmet pîp« bug coollg. Ra0sta hliehbava à lnack et #IbladUg orribly ln the pan col»e oet -R per ban .lmut the %siq vbIeý týq carne framitue bteUr. aui pustaboi 41tis"r ff01 ondvalu%~ ?hey Wi oi. i.em cookei la vipmr of thel*' Oa cue>-t.bbut pant ôf tUaaf lIMot«'bave ruai nt.ta dry on tie peu btto.and ami! meut aptlWMi. but b. ln large usamer lost t pste. "Tiare vtllbe gIYy$ the bAu. to be are-Iravi fi for kim& la aUgée of 0.1. the réuulte a&e evea be~e. Panu.ôedlng vat.. a *ti a to.rtl4, uetlfaeveu a thid a Mii. 'Veuula&lamo tate bottin. ai aM botteir, for bag coolmg sg 00oc1*4 prêmeot., la tbsm tir es.- .mnimome.. ilci bolllug tW» Dewm.uoesUmanier of a.ueuhapla thta. aUUBOv" enad drive. luite the f004 0510 muet be taioninteuae aea. Hse la a vaY eofualng up c00dX n-t -eat fiatbeatty citidres i reiai. SMd eça themmir esticboue not diâta. eut the met lu allées, îeeir 0tMG 10v aor tonili. aud s broaed » osibIsbutter tisais, aptia. hie tmima * ftvIlMR"ted lur, aMd IL verY UIl ePopper Lai li a vel1. reei 1bu&,aide 17 aide. Gsi place izpop Saiatomate, peeled. boflove. out, duefl. 1804e vith angor, mit aid'peppor, ttec stuffed. 8011.4 tic. la a go&uýsau. * eo la cooked maca- roal cet gq91ettt eut @aai. Dread ermb délbleva are likevime testr.'i. ithesetulng wveliand *IR throuw ~It 'iI tie auippeto aMd trIMMI~e WthG. Méat. Use atier btter, isqu. oç cold bolled pork. oril mfibeid& W urihthe asimilig. BSttor ietveeà thse tomate«the aceepkfgu from their Iildea. Place In ba& soui i14 and cool lna abot aveu *bout tveive Minute.. SuBis P9tfftoee.-Take a large vite ptato. fer «ebperionî W b. ted. Pest *Mm e liiidrap in 0014 vater for live Minutes, thei drain.. aprinkle witt solit and pepper. end pack com- pactly' la a velI.geaaed bag, adding a tabteapooaful of stock or mUX and vatn for each two potafoe. .seal. and cool tveity minutes. 8011.4 po. ftuoe.Mla. be uaed. and tale oaiî hall m lio. febd Apple,-Waoi veli, but do set peel, out out apecba nd brulasa cote.M11thse bottons of tG. coraspaoe vifi a lump of butter. over w"i pile AuM, and ad a bit of cinuamo.. A elove atoklate eaide mai tale Mie pac.orthte cluuamoa. Suai In- ide a vWOU rqsed bga&Md bale duit.te tvuty rMinutea sa a lvlyi bot vua. Serve vlthmaugar and cream or a b" ~sauce. <CopYriit . 1911,bîhis heAoeclat iiterarY Prose) &PAPER BAO COOKED BRIDGE LIJNCHEION. Dy Nichala. Soyer, Chef ef Breeka' Clubi, Londen. lieUsE Clitîs.. muoiA. Asparagus. Oli1,0.. Radiai... cou"r. Pudding a la Mamm ,. M"asiCerne.. crackers. chose& Brled Ch"eose-Slt thechcieksu vthG. mlii.of tie bacl. aprsi 88, a"d put a axee~ tu s«Ch ide W wrat jSI;troe cea. t up a taryIrfish emg. iti a placioetsait, biasipepper teto td auofne et oulwelbutai, a toaupomutul er -eresaterblrem mcor aomething OWÎir, and a teapecfol ef maie »@'- N10z vel!. Wth a iruai fm@Wbe obe«vul the.lmxure. #baoetu a grssaei bag w»t bread emup»anaad ed or rIL. Decars* 49 ti fithe alt do mt tsar tic %Me à8ditup de t Md col thitti- Ie te tui na in a aV«7 h ot MISW.Oas.-P an advaeb tie m oea. mL ma tGemligitli ever vM iti iâsbaittsit duat vwifi sait Mid ie r. -aMd pNt late a bu#terd b#g vitb, * lump .« butter.aUe: watme i aa peonful of lemos Juice W put eor sherry film. ,Boetigit MA ool la a bot oves tvelve te Aspsmgs~-Tt1 A" sacrpe mai bkrom Ielh viaiy e leu. Tic lII buails Ç" put laie a buttermi bag, wu i, fiUe osât a" ieubailSM of*e wataW,ý MMi Md ceel tirltp4ve te foty misalea la a bot oven. PeUl a -qla Myeui*tub hlitm. p 49tet rsed*ube tirouga a ; Vite sieda, -aid te tbim a tombierfal er ih fm' vatur198tm' ai at tie da tI4ca aa eiu vusdrt hm ïilsp"d«eipvs a,èzl "anaoubce g-ufe.mWivl eurmlite a bat-i *teia dis4j i.adi ticba sabts eftve sa@Msu adthe trais, =-et tic iSéMma. Dutthfe viltes ,W G te *M te a ye' rIr frot1, ad oevsa flr t tests, and a pliai mM it Vler vifi a fuir drape si S 31 wtwc oua r $*m olor - - ---. -~~- 'W Determinaed effoe't at'stock redmeinq la respopaiubeto&h*~e iinendous -pice reductions. -We inust .senifiqe profittui order pefti satisfaetory cloaruce. Vide qualty paer ith iyaetWan- a MaS 230 valoueai, 15C Couts Am -SulisMaI~ Ci«ts at $9.75 SIs a This low price einbraees any of You eau well afford to btiy &ii mir regular $15.00, #18.00 aud uow at the Iow puiccU luiee~,A $20.00 coats; ail sttuîning models titis speeilprice AiU' excellently tailored of noveit.v *22.enid $r5.O0umit v nixtuire, ail wool Iv ed; taiuored 6f bitad- broadc'Ioths a ii d y_# ltths, tohç'iuto;, Berg-- caraculs, sale pice.... Cii - e.ýand nvlis I]Cuasa $5.4m 4Jluaï,t$6,U8 jspleudid selectiun of garieînts I oîiîs adMflf suits, Weil jare enîbraced at thîs prive. The m iade of îîuvelty mixtureg and ,4trim ii,, . ci a - . i. n mixttures, black and iblîte kcrseym, <aractîls & plushes, .9 values- as Iligli as $12.00, sale lirie= b lack serges, valueti that foiinwr-: 1 old at $f2.50 anid gain at sale priceof..._ Serge Dresses in Several N*', 1Nodels We've jipt rceeived scierai vei-ir fetive s>tyles iii onn' serge dresses. The workmanship in- dictesniteh arein he naknwbJle the oma- Q.95 s o a v'erv fine qult.Oe style in par- 9,M ticîil.u lias the Iiigh waigt effeet, large*collai' and new set-in sleeî'e, attractively trimmed with plaid silk, low priceid at.................. $5.OSaIrts M $P.98 A elîarnîîng collection of wouneîu ' driess skirts made ini a number of pretty niodels of a splendid eiuality of serge; 'bigh waisted with the side effeet, Rome trinnned with buttons, sale price $U&6 SW.mem"s Wulsts at 49e Maie& ut flgnre netteo and popili la plein IOsimpl fis value. te $1.60 at ........... CbIueas Culs at»298 A iradiciàl elearawe sale in oui' l- dr-euî's4partznent is .now under- way... çare ring W uco au that- bave be6a 0i1gf4.00,86.00,0.4 $6.00 fu »14yemarat the 0* - tan, Samat ubfat uiaiiy saItfe« $400, RAM WIlce .. ..... . Wolnen'sIted Cross, Sho,PtMked >*a ISeveral broken lots of Red Cross shoes have been lowered in pricé Eoia clearance. They are ail stylish up-to-date mnodel8 in patent, viek4d and gun-metal leathers; not ail sizes in each style but in the lot ail sizes; regular $4.00 shoes at, pair .............0a OYL UO~-8uteî Iwlcestyles. ln gui MELNS S Ofl-4trmgduralliequaiNu.ý nielai atcai..B eru , oid firoughouf. made la aa unherof tPracticai atylgeaotu SU.O aid $2.00 values, sies. O al iileatier.nme bave OGaiYsr ui i ta 5%~ at. pair ................... L29 velt aoln. &aba"s. $.0 valus ut8c7 Hoslery andUaâd*rea ch fbdia'ced 9OYS' AND GIftI.S' ba,'y IWOMVKWOUN'ION SUffl- I O*lKRY-Dey'Mad Girls' Oecai abirta. draversanad I leece Niai. Values Y"u unnue iiand ieav7 ribffMec>51 patt35e Va- s' "tYpsy 181.00 for Iga, riiiioi'c e ' ~a............21c sai ae... ........89C 1 Vwa e aio~ar . Two SpecIa& arahslahmstc Sbaker lmlaa -Bleached shaker I haker YlUal-27-inch uinbleàeh- flaiinel, heavy nap, uoft and warma, Ied shaker flannel, hevlyfeeçed on 8,c grade, tomorroW at, 1 both sities, st~rng h a ,t yard............... ï/2e quality'at, yard......J.5 Clearance of Doy'PISlsa vré We have coinbined several limes of boy 's suite and overcoat nioi large assortunent and now offer them at a fIgur much uU4erul.»ý actual value. Included aire coats of cheviots, cassimeres and fancy ixntures, former $350 and $4090 garments, sale price .. .>.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . êHaadouiNewG bgIwsoSpcSI There muet be st leastIffO pieces.ineluded h hssawu oi né* 91 ginghams. The most beautifil selection of paten and eo îlortgata you have ever seen. - eMrWp new merchùdffoseýfrom the bet mii nit country; -patterns that ge exclusive and colorImstt bid delnce to both watër and suni. The values are really èe$aa1 G>ing a t 1240 - Haudeme TImu. âý &Ms Ud Sk Novel ate. cscaidSd onaloaplaidera tMGOtlee-T"ss w e#,Vaie -(arte n =Ps.Coadng, over orne buidred ý0MedbWM &«%% Places te clos n et a ...... fl muei a womaid for dalty valaf .&Pd, ' CHIFONZUIRR-Oe e feas. c»namplaa*ide range eo t tte,4rai FR MeNCIFN UtPrmeti u ýo r th tual a ~ clebe tailPar etYard ........ th.e pattaue etialy, vileti-c col îrimiv- INOHAM A* VS',.-Pat «»W bb "Y-"t25cr sbcia 1 u lAXJl50e ias & it% i1 DoO -o realize that we're offerlng you the best meats Possible at prkces that low thât you get almost double value for every dollar?- That*s What's Doing flre Ieh~IrIm,2 poings fer... .350 Daîry Relis but

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