't AKÉ Co-uNTv INDEPNDENT., W4UKEGAN WEEýKLY.SUN LrIBERTYVLIE, ILL., FRMEAY, JANUARY 26, 1912. POUR PAGECS $ 1.50 PIER YEAR IN ADVAi'IUL * ~LUE CNTY KEN FIOiIT 1IOPELESSLY TOPREVNT RAISE -14*0ounnu farmers ho the nuas- nuit logllature le an effort te put 14e ait aýsot Ivo bendred vlSeo ir 'tbmuis eaveu rse bus lisan uboso !"'>uuIb la kne encertaln vay on now goveranns ubercullu hoties Of or Impetet atuq uestions at catile. afa a eqal geelag l.ldla X41estpy- Aecrdlnsly.ho lmpressed uo" vMls ova hall Wdaaadai', Jan. $41, lie.te, nsed ot endIes oes teb tome tissebuàthts e llevles: egllatue. ulie could le depeuded uP- L Tisa foparm nalterably op.- on go yord feortise farmers' inheresta. gueltate l ilbseulia htinsof Hoeretersed o feutor A. J. OIson" ndtle work lalniteealate sonate. declarlng 3.TIsti ils> avo, a yearicou- I It lad nt been fer Mr. Oison, lb, trc fuir selalg mlii o big deaiema tauoea bill, 640, iglit bave become »«$W, « dm wonelacontracta. s a , suad Ibat Iffi, bi Il wosld prac- 3, "M is * OojJo»Mr Sonte- A. tlcally bah aa nntbai: ThotI every 3. 010e. eofT oodtoCk. shah. souahor eow bretasht Ie llinois would bave *mm ila' ilet t tils'frisndandiiop le ber a healtb certificate, lu tact, M1. lIadstand on messanree vrblcliouli ahnoel bave to be provei. s 5M caaup kinbthe llalere no havîngstoiod lb. tubercullu test. Sous- tasmh fauos enesIrl. ter Oson, hi. aad, fougbi tbe mous- touhefien flt etin. ure ad eventually defouetil , final- filsmouillât vas clld primarily 1>' securing thse pasuage of Bll 55,1 to Oeqe eusdioclo, frin lb. La i h providea for luberculiu test- SsiOMi.boou tise horif.e iselg -but foas' ilereat tilan SBil 540, . of Is~aaicale <auis' o skâ eb u" inhve xf»e u ambaus Imm -M abam mi rgu o tvo h- téio r b«M0 54S5Ud un-ulpnente of i p aDbu, almi 'W. ils I208- «q catia -Iwo thie ate , olsel's l a msg of *etê' 1Mil,. &o.maiseisouble vital 540 veuli j~ ~ Base, Kmasë, Mion, %--ha v gseveed-tbe shispples te Cl- UU Èoob ;juuis euaea.Super- Ocaset<son1k-ro, Calle vblcb bai %@»k Nalp llitdea of Ganses vas mn eatt ee lshifer îuulosîs. qq" td,«W aui John Cadmoro. Formor Mci R.eognlsed. é d M Kappleor <Geas- Lumley Iuistei tisai tbe fariner la mssvenoumiatai audis'scieia, .oWtI eut cf al coealderatlon l lgis- le.aleti by ls satIre sAsoiatîcuslvie arta, that tis e Iglslators look sur. .1vfhs Soeupou tlis e reforo. he Cos, OmUsAet Glims' vasre'elet urgei tii. farmera tîe nate th aouvert 4d i3qIaU4 0< is 1*h* (lunhiasyà' tiirgisatefr,. îhsfotPerprCent @M11110118 'Md- N8i PUIS oa 'W of het .votes and vils a centrol ofthlb elW esM«4tffl. DoiS mon couldirmaltbotheii.land, tiser la uc rea- iSe-." dWoatedractors la tbo son -fer tise farmer ho git qulelly by. mbà-duie SOIIIboith"i deasi nt demaudlng bis s'lgts tle b. Is- bu ot: explakel tiai s ia Do nt est oxtel. te sefttSicae, as « ls>' isld ehet- Lumlay declas'ed Represeetatîve ametUeutm lssaulr. tex». -l oSo- Burtioff backed bill 540 anid cliarao- isaustm gisa>'bo tuvetiale be s terlaedthIe bill a oee vbcb. ould b oeold te lise voel tse imesmakte every ccow uer lu the state yesspk, Mr. Cbiitheatino ecolved lb. glve up i dial and despaîr and umiùlsouu va*o f tb. twonhy di rush the prion or butter and mIlk ho ---e-' peast an tbamena muct prohisbiive rate. He favori vorenosluali n I-tbshe snpoctien etdair'le. thse moal 'f af @a ee oiaei nn-careful sanltary conditions. etc., bul *oiisy -oppos d moal vlgereuaiy lb, tubercu- Umasr@. mil an Paddock have ine test. He deBied snybody o show Voed haoi i.tise Iterests ofthle bli e ietest au apléd amcUàta in darruea ot Lae counly and yl auyting and. troin bis remarkt. bu Oatie 11p do so u.11more oM-rcs Ofet tudied lthe motter very carutully snd tho couhhi ssselatlon and net as di- lborougl4ly. He ald b, vîll taise meloenelat thedistrict. Hever, a ew drupsetofcarbclle c adiîth good mou ave succeedd Iernsand nome cern slalks. vti la>', etc., and tisa>'vii rry onlbthe okandidea itSe a coneollon wviîchis viicause aten lIa vIeS nosaerabaveon-anycov n lise stahe le reat vise Il doré05d. la Injected lotoher oyatotm He1flia yu moatut A t*Sl m n y Lumîa>'., Clsas'mm N@"I l Istrouesi Aller- w ýB. r U LuW5. ef Woeth ie wbe hm Mauldoelfar*Aea'inter-t Um the âuMWy*-tIbai tI'Mau tu #Jin district, :p.- man isua deaatae *bs iO5 i5i*0<.aille boter tisa lle 0' expert- vbom the shath 'esaAlise frmnera' larda; a .Iaw4 imant. delat sud yet esd i~tmd., ful et suggeellouS m.1s4~~ nlitions of thse farine Iecuumitle. ha h uasoÏet ud ii hIera an vise uiserSspe"Ssflot able -ted qutle the "1 te addiUes tise meeting Wed' ,Mr. LesIio main ticugisi tbrougb' lttau Salua'tait a in urge uponi t»e <aMera '"lIe oslt>' t standing fossethea e a1l imo lmc fth lso îss 4 bltts' lae, lettes' saultar>' condil' don,. Itie tr,,tue»Out Iroinpublicet'f 'r Salaisetc, 1*0 slatei pîsinI> tisaI lie Me liv. stock couuaaebas baee $OlIstiste tsrmors lm gand i dont -b limIté,s 40 s»Y <laiDr. Bavy", lae, - - sorw, Wlveas as hqbu fotgiithe *0 *ivctats tUUoslklest- li og f me D Is iuit d*s. o4 île i-I tie adi uni other medicues comn- prise lise tuborralin ubed lnuhe le ia nov used-mad laisled Il as tarcicai. Ho insiseula taiany cov. viien walit- Gie exclled, gels ueetvoss ber lompera. tise doscs and aise conne t sani an>' sort 'of a. tout. Under better ceu- citions, se vould stand lb, tonit. He sya tise tube rculie test la a pîeco <ef atratogy put eves' lie fariera hi tise milk dealers. la tise publice olcla vI eok tloiuep mon lu Joba. lieop-a lWeiei lethse issers ta joIe forces sud, visse ite'onnd a dalry con- pan>' leottlng nme fermer ywbc mai bave offenod'tbsan.in nome vsy and visgse milkSthiy acsorsdinglî, bave ref usai, Cib akSe the mette? up, Invectigate Ih and. if tise fiMres' In - nocenyt. refuse le suppl>' tise diil' vItImilS frein muera cf -hisuor e- fiahlo. Ms'. Luseler InstasthilSatea lu position ta e eMd great conIstera' lI n sd, thal If tise> don't get Il, WI llisais' ove fouit. Beill en Osoi. Preident Buail eW on Seaties bison explaling tisaI visonlSe ai ti maac er te M e t t he0mql tise latter, replidait* le V,aoê not te eau eflt i ItUdMtt-tâ li1. a pmltlcal movo ts i ailu ih l in ei)urga i i a" ishomum q i lo Ur 5.f5 O RALPH CHi4TTENOIEN.' Uipervimor frofliWarrenl tewnahiP, who, oni Wedneuday, was elected di- router by the Lakea County ilk Pro- ducir, as their rapceaatatilv ont the bourd of the Milk Pre<ucoca' a*o- ciation of tounties in northarn Illi- nois. &te but wblch was later defeated ln the bouse a bill whlcb made Il noes-. sary for restauranta and Other plame ualng oleo to have pasted i uromi- nent places or on tbelr billé af fare. lu plain ltter. a statemeint that the restaurant usez clou. lHe planned h bll ta protet the farmer' butter markcet because leo ls competngsug etrongly wtb tbe fariner directif. lie worked bard 4o get It tbrOUgh the, bouse but the orgauiatlon tbere pre- vented hlmi, even rslilng hlm Off the. bouse 00cor' where bu bad gone tromn tihe sonate in au effort te try tu belp it Ibrougs. lHe cerroborated LAqlex'a aiBlafluEt that ho lad worked bard te knock out bill 540 and bai saoaged tidget 55 lbrougb tu blp theasitu.' ihilow materially. Benatgr Oison madeuthe stateulent tbat ho fet I Lke county was enlît- led te semethlug In thie way of recog- nition trom the tate tat therçiore ho had trled te Set the. 812,500 flsb îbalciseri'but the bou"e repraaentatl- vos déeoaed lt; that be telt flrm lu his ballefthtat Wankegau ie ta gel thse new insane auylium and tbat bo in bening every effort ta bring It borse He told thse farmeru tbey wero on the rigbt track la Organizing and trylng to prolect themaelves for reaults bave sbown lmprovexuant ln the paît few years lu the mllk situa- tion. Hie promlsud ta do ail bu conld to belp their plana alang and, ai the eanciaglon of is remarks, Preidunt BImail pald hlmi a nîce compliment > >y tatlflg: "I know the fameurs have 1a staunch frend ln enator Oison." Tise meeting vas fulof etuuaasm despte lie cold hall ln whci the guesta mat for Ive hours. Bal, tti 'eard mucciiof value, mucb lIn lb. vay cf astoneisng tatcments regard' hit Isside things. pertainngto test- lug of pattlIu, buterlne, etc. Mme. Jehn B. Paineofet Uburhyvîlle lhe great-greah graudanctier, elgl't- Ove yeara aid, and itlhoHein Max. lue Hawklne, alue-OL Ibertyville, atne~ montisa' old,,thie greal-greet grand-' daugiter of a faml e t O9emnr- tIens. larele lnotise Open-Ae.- Lw pa>'ugi o f phidel cOMMr vuel luestual Ikoumi shsbg Im Ïvs te, Ifou a as' sentis. ' -* à a OW la iL-eO eaMIls.A"-t5Bs-.Ua " e ln* bap oum et~5pSO ORGANIZEO MOVE TO RAISE THE' WOODMEM RATES la TOO STRONO TO SE SET A$ID£. ALI WILL ATTEND TOMORROW AT TIbAT TOAK TISE OPPOSIION WELL OROANIZED AND A REAL. MONT FOUOMT. I)esplte lb. opposliionralsud iiy lie deegates of LaSso COunl-y WoOdmoeD soclutlca te the ralalng ot rate., lo- cal delegalea viso attended lhe con- vention ln Chicago yestecay are of lb, opinion lisat hblgz arelilned up lu sucb a way tisat uoblng that liaey may say vli have suy effect upen lie proi.oaed action except thal il prob- ably vîlI bave tiie effect ai cutting dowu the proplsesise. The real opposition la exPected te deelop tomoir»W and as a reault of thîs Il la expectedthbat il yull be de cided te mais. a revision ai rates but flot oeeOf aucis drautic nature ai the oue nov proposee& Attorney C. T. Heydecker vbo la leadlng the op- poiticn ire. Lake ceunty la of the opinion Ibat ultîiate resuits will be tbat lb, prenanst assesemeuls wii be ralsed emevbat andi twelvcases- aumenta vîll be levled evury yuar. This be tisinksa ujl resuit from the dealre o meulers,for a larger re aeve tuai. ,Ali theLakse county dole gales wnl attend tise meeting agait Pige for laoeeaang tic rates ut lite-iuaourance lenlise Modemn Wood- men of Ausera, called Uice largest traterngl social> iu tisa United States vers promptl>' atlack6d aler bing presenlei te thie national Couvenhiln vicis open" InluChiclao yeterday. Tise noteoft ilseul came frl froni delegahtrous Kansas and Missouri, Whso objecfltai th ie accumulation oi a larga reserve £und by ralslug the Speakers agaluat lie repart of tbe s'ovalou commlllee, wvilci truluated lb. plans, said auy revision upvardi votli éave a edency ta drive the ehd meso ul aitic order, as many af tios.could not afford to psy the le- Charles Page of Oberla, Kan., sald a nuber cf aid meun lu bis camp tbld bim, hetore be aarled le Cicage tbat If tIse rates wvere lucreaaed lb.>' could Preblem oe of Educatlen. "I regard the problein before lhe ceontion largely as ceet educa- lIon.' said!AX R. Tzibot. besid rue- seo ethlie order. "Upon the factaoetf oua' hlstory sud upon the foundatîce ofai aipant lîfe lusuralict experlenco but eue conclusion can b, reacbed De Mbis raIe question. There commetl bo an honest dîffereuce et opinion on a question of matiemnatlca but Ibero May be bouest differencea due te a bock otfliformation." kunong members wia spolie lu ta- vos' of tise lecreasud rates vere Blate Senator C. G. Saunders cf Ceuncîl Bluff, la., and William S. Hedrici of lIdianapolia. bnesuugoutu Denîed Meeting Place. Oppoenta ef the Increases banedi togetses' durlug lhe day and plannoi au orgsuilzed ightb, but tiese ciedule ef a nlght meeting vas hivartci b, vhai some Inaisted vas a coup ce tise part efthtie administration terces behlnd tbe plan. B. L. Halslei et Nebraka and Ed- vard Praeréof Colorado bai sIgnai a call for lie "insurgents" ho galber at 73 Itausiîph sîreot, but vien de legaléas'repcrted tiers uiseî vere de nli admission. The Jaisitor sald be bad been lnstructed Dot te permit thu meeting, but be refui te give tise source of is eiders. Leaders hevever. coisiers'ed and de- cidel upea tacieste ho puraued In ootieg tise propoeed rates. Maniii ecials trou ehfterfraternal aoelableaand soveral Inenrmmncou>0 misiaulo am aeathening i"s onven- tien. The>' are atcing tihe devlo- msais.aU It; lua mured ihMt viataver &«tion l a taisen muaI have a marSsai eet on Bey ratoMl uurancoor- saiaic.igsI hmeSd eguiSu« W»lregu theil.Uitl Sliatesansd en" é re kla tteudwc. The met- - ýbail k itg M Quittbssll. fecla about 1,250,000 Waodmen. Tbey bave now ln force Insurance ta the amQunt of $1,862,600O,000. Tbrough In. ereaked rates itIoa ap,.sed bo add au dddihlonal Income of $22.000.000 anouaîly for lhe benefit of aIder mem- bers by ralslug the chargea on young- er members. lly thi.plau about 975,- 000 membera tram elgiteen ta fltty- two years old Il be asked te, I>at 1 lgber rates for tbe reluef of 275,0f)( edes' members. el Bxteen staies have unacled In'a their Inaurauce lava vbat Is known as tbe Mobile bill, approved iiy state Iesurance'. commIséloners lu coinve- tion ln Mobile, maI.,ln Auguet, 1910. This bill wau deflued as a valuatIon and pubflicly msure for regulation et tratornal beueficlary sociellus. The offset of the Mobile bill on the -Modern Woodmen, begineug Dec. 31, 1914, vilI be to require tbe organîza- tlon ta mais, annual valuatians of le Dinsurance obligations and meaaure >thees obîgatlons wth the lucomu pro- 'vlded undes' the currunt rates. It was Ifshowu by W. B. Hart, mumber af Pthu committe, an ruvîsion, thal the Y preseut rate, coilectleg tve as- asamunts a year from tbeiniembera $536 of the eacb $1,00 lusurauce u- dur tie exlsling system. Te Admire sud Rtmamnher. "I vould then have our ordinar>' ivollins bouses bulîl te ast and built te le levely. as ricis and fl et pleas- anteea as may be ulîblu aidvls- Ont.. . . vîtis sucis dlffereucos AS mIShI suit and expresas sch man's characiar and pas-lis'bI la strY."- Rusisins 8,oven LampaetfArchitecture. AUCTION SALE. 1ovIns te Pour ilealthi, 1 avursut- ed se>'£ams.1-2 mlle e et fGuruee on QiUandavenue and vîlI seilI aIpub- le assetion 'on Tueoday, Jan. 30. 1912, lb. tolovling deacrlbed properly: 1 groy mare, 1400 Iba., 2 bay mares. IL, 000 Ibo; t bay berse,. 1200 lbn; 1 black herse, 1,150 Ibs.; 2 mlci cava; 1 caîf, 2 moutisa', aId; 1 cal.!, 2 veeka nid, 1 -beÔd - sov; 7 pIgs, 2 menlba' aid. 1 Inesier vagon and box. i vIde lire wagon,l aide bar buggy, 1 mover, 1 bay raie, 1 sslky cullîvator, 1 sul- ky pîev; 1 trou bearn plew, 1 bay rack, 1 pair bobs; 1 drag; 1 cern sieller; 1 arludahone; 1 caidren Sel- dle; 2 seta vbîffletrees and neci yok- es;. 1 3-isorse set viffletrees; 1 ael beavy barness; 1 set single bannesa; 1 couler anid 9 cana; 1 10-sillon cisure, 1 2-galion cburn;3 los ebains; about flive loais cornstalks; 1 bedslead; i bed sprlug; 2 maîtresses; 1 organ; 1 extension table; and otier articles tae numerous te mention. Usual terma. L. MUTAW, Prop. HENRY INE. Auctîcueer. a farci fleur Llberhivllle lu île grosi. EAMuIV great graudmother. Mme- Paisse Vas bore l le o u mlas lived ah lertiY- Of 5 (iENERATIONS vill1e foi, forty-sevee years. BIe lue'" FOUN» INCOUNTY~ LAKE COUNTY COMES TO FRONT' WITH' ANOTI-ER UNIJSUALi-Y LARGE FAMILY. hep junior and bau net tise leaait III. ficuity lu gelhlng arcund, dbleg geo tlcaiiy ail of ber avu hous veut, Thc great grandmother. Mru. ls'5 J. Woodin, aise ived ln lbestyvll., Up ta the lime of ber deatb le 1»&4 The grand mother le Mms. W. la ONeill, wbo la a weli kuovu reliosit oi Libertyvilie. kins, bas llved ln LibertyvIlle mani Atter ail it lan ataia,, hat te nti ysar ad la very well knevn thm' familles ari Ove generaîlons after oneeLaut, but by ne meas leut ai. gels startud and from preseut lndi-tie tle rahgat rnaall. catlons It willi net be long beforu Lýae Helen M&xlue Havk.na, agel aibo couuty will be comilng torwaro ansd moes Be 18 100 Youing yet tu r ai- clalmlng the houer ef havlug more Ize vbat au Important part se po living familles ai rive or more genera- ln tbe famllY aifrive, generationa bst. tiens than any other caunty le the la qulte content te, curl up on it» country. bed and plae br bigs 1.liboW Tise latest famlly oairive generat- seouth am dtIen look s lely ai lise Ions ha be dlacoverud rualies St LimeMomsrS ci ber famally. ertyvillu and thse agua range Irans The ttcdl'sfChicago recenti>' made elgbly-flve îeara ou lhe part ltb, consiadrable ado over lbh. tact lIat a great-great graudmother ta dune famll>'0et tva generaLlons bai eux menthe on the part cf tbe great-great fciind ltotre but the malter Ilu boum grandaughter. The anly break le the lng qUeeCeinseon l Watiksga hw iiie generations occurrs ln the second LaRke coutY. viioe aIreair tblqe generation. familles eofrve generationa have beau .Mrm. John B. Paine, viia resîdea ou dlaceves'ed. Q WHO FOR PRESIIDENT? S There ha* been much talk in Lakse Ceunty as te whoh.o>e* (D voit or Taft la the logîcai nemînso for th.efiepubilogin pany * 0 White the expresaions of LaSse County vril lt saSse or unnflse 0 the nomine., neverthaleus an expresolon hr, la a guage of other aulu " munitiea, hence tis papes ha dacidod i. sure .xprselebm 0 veu S. " ai fer as possiblle -cris.' te print jusit how Lakes, Ceufly pEp*g. CD about this Important motter. * our' plsn la te have fvotea «Itl i ht bIsK *mail tee idlr aà the ledaeponident, It bolig undemiesod tha<tl Q blanica muet b. signai by a voter, whoaa nome wil hll b edefiIn a EQ douce by the Istdependont, the whoîe Ide& bolnq.merely te geltihe te~ Qvote aas howfl fer' the twe big men-'fiooaevoit end Taft. (D Jut to $elp us geltihe expreaaion, wo soie voter* te flilmouitSI 7 iD bianke and forward thcm tto te Independont et once. a (1 D00000C pZ)00Q00000 l 0 FOR TIHE REP$JBLiCAN NOMINEL 1betievo the trongeat and meut logiceal man for lt. Nopl- p< * licaeno te nemînate for Prosuidont of the Unted Biaisa la- - Ao * TI-EODORE ROOSAVULT. Q WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT.'5 Q (Crosis ont the, one yau de ual faver.) Qi n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'a lgud------------------------------- . ...- . T MIS. is the store of values I-We buy for cash-Weelll for cash-We can do business on a less profit for these, two reasons--Get the ,habit of-cot>I ing to, this âtore-You will <lAd it pays-Especially does it, pay' just now- while oùr Big CIe. f'* ing Sale is ln full force-We, seUl you a suit or ove rcoat fer S I Iathat is worth mqore Ithan that a'àt.,whole- ~sale prices. Don't take ow,' word-Corne and see for yourIf Fleeced I ined underwear wW lunderwear 7c$~ Yi r 9 o )f LIS ie le le s- le e. e. in et 1- IV 0 de $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAN(M.ý>