JYUNTV INDEPNNT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 0ký TWELVEÂeU [IBERTYILLE L&LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, 1PRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2,11. ONE TO BIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANOIK. j0TS..PRM QPAILAKE "ZZKA*l At UND«* WAY TO lin ËAI O0F8 KMI ~A TAVON, ANTUOCH TO DE ~ ~UG8PACCfOIONG TO RF, PORT J1JST PUT OUT. beLi.cSunts-boas-d ai cuper- -~Uoaet Ibeir Mss-ch sesetan vîli - - bosed te pais upoa a petitUon viie lies uit been cireutated &&king tisai -a jUs vtowniilp biserSetin tise menir-. Tise propsci nov township camprs«the ie loueaing terrttory - T-be Northsan*-titird of As-an tbav #alU a, Ionetisri oi Antiecis tovn- sipîlansd macli eut section in tise .- township af Grant.ntaklag îvcnty-fls-s setoslu ail. Tise nev lava vitl c. c extnd se folows: Tva miles frocr th, nostic and ai As-nastnd Git tavuchipoand tva nmilesc frn lise aoutis end of AnlUh otwushiîc, tiu.t mnskhcg t four mles vide by tell mailes loncg Tise lav requis-es tisat ln ardar oc a nev lavn ta bu fommedt iatthre feurtisa oftise nterested citize-tu sailUigu thse petition but tIctioiscase lise petIon bas Weu sigueti by lotît- fftis aitise votera living insile tiie affected turrîtors-. At tise pc-sent tinte L.ake Villa tb betveelt Atocis sud Grayolak ad -.- for tisat ressort people living tisere N as-e obigced te vote lu tise Ira toas lIntend ofaibir ovn tava. People liv- log la Un kes VUilaare Jie anas vis bave beeu pomincent In securlng sig- natures taulthe petIlion. AtlornessEdvwasicnd Welcb of WStiIWgsO repreant tiss. visavea c*rcslctd, tise ptitlan- sud are Ieis log ta bas-e tise nov town created. The* explain thaI the change la sini- ar ta thse one n wviic West Deerfielu wos ivsoreed franc Deesfield a ici Des-ase the. creailon aiflice ne'ý iawn viiMean tisaI fat *leu vit hias-e te he eut front sasbs- tovat, t 1tecund tiat tise peopeeUlsing tu At- lIa-h.As-nan sd Grayslake are offec- lmg strenuani oppostian te tise maie tes- snd vli figlt t aIthic ay -Anetiser escan for tise foc-matien ai tise ucw town lUsal e abueoatise aa "m-aI s-roed front Fox Lake cen b. coniutc ta Waukegan s0 tisa tise asse4 tovus vl bas-e bett commnuujaion vîtisWankegan. At tise pissent tinte tisere le no good xad leading ta Fax Lake. Tise vil lage oair l akela t snet Inluded lu tise nev îlots-IcI. WANTM A I UDEl PEACE BONDS FRANK CLARK 0F WADSWORTI PREFERS CHARGES AGAINST MATTHEW MEYERS. MEYERS US THE MAN WHO 1S AC CUSEO 0F HAVINO SU-OT WtL- LUAM GALLAGNER. i Fs-anis U.Clarke ai Wads-vorth as peset befome Justice WeccsTusa aid fifd a comptlat agaînsit attie Mes-e-, of tiesante village, aukine ltaS. ie eplacci untier a boaut(r keci tise puas-e, lits charge ieing tisu Mayrs- Iresteacdt tablov is imaUs out. Tis eusae vilI 1be eard he-e o Febsuar>' 10. Clark relcenîls- purcisaseti a farm0 Mes-rs ami allowed the latter to rer It ai' hlm. A short imie aite-vat-tii caye tist Meys--avisset ta boy batl âd hie fac-m again andt tus led toaic argument wIth the result tisat tiseac lege t tireat vas madie. It viii be recalledt tN feyet-ltatt, man visa vaschargei viti s sootiti William G(llagiser oi Watsvorti ci Augut 29, 191). The shootlag folIo% loveti a charivari etNMes-exs' vetidin@ Mes-ersiwas trecmisncel huIdto tht grand ijaury bs-tise coroners jury ai, tiis vas dane by Jutimtce Wetcb aite "i hartng tiseos-ience. fThc grand un fsile toa tuc- a Irise bill. onl Um otIng, ase-Weil ualiq is It eltâ*Mt t rt a al- he ng w- ag. le id Ler xy be- log la remembemaucu af aur decr frienti, Lena: Saturtlaylist ascour-d tise deathsof Lena Drus-y, onu oi ties atdest kuova ta the city. Oh, hbordhs-It seems tisat suci a noble, yasiagIlife as bers saoulti tepart 50 enan. Kindt iouglts, chery- vords anti a aille for esuryone *,mu tise noble trait& se aspireti She vas bloveti anti bonorud by aIl trio fkev her at snisoot. play- anti at home, sud sa Ut ls iGacXs vîlI Ibat sbu betakea te hem home abovu from ber -duar relatives mcd rIent,. And imay se sest ln peacu anti neer bu forgatten. "Her vasa ere vascoaipleasant- >nous anti al pathe are peace.-A bîm ta. George Lynch,. nov t-stdng la ('bIcago, but a membes- of the Lit- ertyvîlle camp. diti not falwlaubruv- tians. a-fI-tAte oisaty rampa. bot votet lu fayorot- itce taise. M. c. iotistein ves asked for a statemeut today on lise vork o!flice cocnvention. H0e sali: "Av a delecate anti represctngthtie s-asloue coitps of Latte county. t viti state tisat. I as tise astIs- tilegate from tise Teti t ongruasIocfl Dstrirt vito voteti agalist theba ormtttee'u re- port as It waxe iresuntuti knovUng tise viches of tise difrerent camps ai tise caunts-, anti 1 yandtaotaise Ibis appar- tonty tbai tani tise neigisicrs bisaI assîsteti and loisleti agaust tise coav miteus repart. "PersansUis-, I thait that bac- n- setec. af rateswvasusrce ta conte, ai 389,832 cxx extenso4ns ln this yeac nulrerAdmirai Dewsey, bu proved ocre vork. ilcbonc o! these bas ta be if tire bravest and moat acrurale rien addted aînd roc Cr, se, it 19 seen. it is aitishe gurtrv, esen lavlng calledti tis "some" jOb hi gottisefIlires st-rc-. A l rrsattenctionita blci5sel Il bis ratly. svork. Il- ositioni as rchier guninerst _________ mate b- orgist fim filtthse list of niriefj Objectors File Protests pecly otirers. lioluis vas iumarriedti Otjuccors t.o a siiectal assessment, la the va cî uriter main ID ie vIt, Stricken Wlth Paral f lake of Lake Zurch, tbrougb Attar SIrs Airas Smithboai Highmood, silf- cev A. J. Redaîord c)f (Sirag appear- fered a iarailtir abork sevcrai d.c'< cd Iu County court Mon. marning. Tise gc andc Wednipsay afteruîcoclirer son. objeccors vbo nlide tise rairEM, tise M'il t, of chtviplace, -eietcd im-îd1 Lake Zutrish rreamery and ti cer in. chat she vas faiing rapily. Fier con- tuet-us [n tise village visicis protest dition at 10 orclocs Wcdaccday utgbht. tisat tisey get no benefit iroc tise va- bawvec, vas murs Improveti. Mme.i tes- mraUn eru peented by Attarnes Smith esides vitil, ber son-i-lav. Orvsuanti Belue.Tlisecase vas hi f aiPoilie AtI autis at milis- continued tate v eil, v oad, mcd le 76 sel ofaiage. ôur tlnraaoe vas ton ept a tc, PoE~f and 1 tiilanu fumage o t ercen.L~ would bav beni adequate enougis ta lIR d AU,? v~~~~ut thse Woçdan un a sound baotteUEE M IlUrlIRrI MMI~~~III 11111 u~~~~awe u or yeMt^o corne but, as the major-- wn wI(IrIvmu fl à oiLfi ui, 8I~ tr of thi* oebftepreseut aithtie ad.1 t~UUHI IIIIL EUo I5iL jacrned ê= ogof tse Head Camp laE.LUI . PATENTONUII. C SEAlICl4LUGU4T MAKES iNU1MIAi.55Ih voted Wtedg#h#berevlsian commilt R D IIT E I UIJU SGR NT ATLIN ON DEIC APPEARANCIOS IN GONAYSLAU<E, tes repi ID, Ovesy detail, we -iiTOB1NSALE1NA1 H iTSP<MAEN HME hvepnSW f D l te 1rii- CHOOL ROOMS. WOOAEN OME o I4-tAT CHICAGO MEETING ture solm l<N"t plans ta cicooce LULU JOMANSSEN RETUANS TO AMROSE BODIN, 17 VEARS Ii NATIONAL MAGAZINE WMICI4 US VOTF TO RAISE ABSESS- from and E0f et hlse plans may ho RAVINIA APTER EXAMUNATION SV MEANS 0F 1U1T PUPIL DCES NOT DECLARED LEADER 0F Di BEINO PRINTED DY FORMER cbeaper t~IIIIIi. pisesent rates and $NE FEAREO US OVER. NUEE TO LOSE TiNt 8V RAIS- POILERS 0F HOMES. RAULKOAO OFFICIA&. MENT RATES nome M" fwoe ut irecon hoas-UNO MIS HAND. S.arckllgb s Ugh OfittWUn te be-al A .oig to Information just se- Tham iclese î t he m auuneUsnsI FNA YT. 40 O 07 oda*M « han tahedn HAD BER N Il CHICAGO eeîved îrom Washington. Joseph C. nuiinnED ON NORTH iQ *0 WU5p Elies!magaine 7laSficoo-PCtCiY iis0 ldueinu-Jam fl ~ Antiocis who la the tnveatoe by form Uic Ba mi-ra l onid mdcolta ace ai o oiso l fn ns fseveral devices ai well au belai thse ad fr te So rMr«d mad If ap anc. ECOURGEOTO VERSUDYDY.Official veather prognotlcator and rt. BODIN DE.CLARES ME 1US UNI 9 onacelunthe mll at Gmsyls»e PLAN AOOPTEO MEANS cou-PENT .AGBUTO OVLEDTUDY DV carder of Lake Ctenv , ii qt beaui CENT AND MIS MOTI4ER là iA Tues. The mamiineit la PET îAecU MNGE FG RElARNT.BU AUEDTdKE granted a patent on a visible signal 80 PIRM UN SAME BEUIEP la belng prlnted t rayiske, Mrr. PEECAG IN MNG- TBr M FGURE STANDARD 0F CLASS. device that willU anever a long fit 21u it.hvn converted hie former MENT C'F BIG ORDER need n tise publie chneb. summer home nto, a ps-lut ebop ln- Total Tmxn W 1to e Collected On a' xei e'n ntewTise patent la arranged as a little Thse vandal who han beln ruflS 7- viicis has been lnstalled up ta date for *eYear 1911 apdyelelecIorlat e amdvlta eatce aat i l ol hr efef Ilpessand everytblng neeeessry foar Cbkaga, Jan. 29.-Dele;:atu a t bctR world vass uttcient to convince tuluiwev ar de I ea thatnsatbdt a o.Whu an-t, em n noet-d t le si arede1 b, Timoernew maig ae ont ed ta iecampUof[tecodeln Wssodn tt'e Sonne ntereatlng figures are obtala- Jobactacen i7*year-old daugiter oE ever the pupil wshes ta attract thce '- Hîghland Pas-k police. beh desgnated for poUil pucpaes. Globe tConter elected ta raie thelr cd ram Comit Clerk Hecdee regard- Auguat C. A. tohanssen of Higlhland 1 teation af the teacher to ask about In tise bewlldered persan a1 & froternalUnurace rates approxlmate- lng thcaesain ke (,ounyfrts Park that se prefers-ed schoalisookB some part of bts work or for a.ay otiser branse Bodin, a yontis of cevenite. cshow. Uts purpose clearl la Usta îy 47 per rent. Ts oews460 ta ] b wo1k1la.CTheafo.ureesoshowlie tatge tata commu9ipoile.decîared, la tise solution o .figlt tise republican lnaurgency mave- 3a017.T.eturssowtst ie The girlwbo disappUiared ram hem cation wltis the toacher lie lmnPly bp4tery thâa su tlrred.tte 0.2 v ment. Severai articles are dlseted This substantiel ruvIolon dlrectly et ttal taxes ta be ColIc-ted li Lake ilhome Wednesday afternooci, retccrned taises thse littie wlrc srm. This tire- aboe.fsrn Highland Park to Glefi il algt tise nsurgeata aud ci-, trIisfects 1,270.08S memters of tise er O otny for the e sas-1911 Iare $902.576.- Tbirsday evenlccg after seart-bing in vents tise aecesslty of rs±l hit§ for more tisa a veek, Bodin lirait c especial attention ta LeFollette ar Tt marks, say thse vietetrs, tise bc; 2.,tserlîodnt-a v¼,2 O aint for a job lci Chi-ago. baud ancd thereby taklccg bis mindHlladPrk " Wisconsin, attacklag hlm and is uma- nlng oi a safe era n che instiraicce <c- Ofrilkataheeor tamaitaci tcleety rpaiyvx-.Hghland Pard bv b I tives and saowUxg clearty w;: 'ru r. t'artflescts of fraternel orders. Tîce total assessed tvaine ot proper- be Ostiaa is ev err clsn3naeforttAsn s oelon s ite aciex.sestieeit la d aedgaghiav, e beuIl 0 Ellis tald in tise matter. "Thse adoption of thse Dow rates , iithe courts- le $2,096,636, whlch I'ieHglcdPrkHg cso sdtle amui ralaed she gous ta the desk O o tauemahe.h~be et lt Te maazin ba sixeen agesandthi isutethina ever donc ln theInth igladbak sg aholhatotofpueeic fu h ee tm t ise magazisne issul tetheag blhstory of fraternal lueurance," insid " ne 0ir f te sulavlue. refo muhore. Ttwsheadn aacnapsib.trslgotypitnsad.iuv w c ereml.cua:~w~a l tyetsero-Head ConsuutTclbot. Prnciples cand Tise total of aIl taxes lntnhe city of whitelnta astalle af mental depression clowt the lttie as-m sud answers anil palatial residences ta whkh tsli9W cle agazine, lue. nect legîclatiocl Ebaped aur actions- e %Waukcgan for thse year is I1145 broccght on by ber preîcaratlorcs frqeto ia a esk bers gatnbd entrance wviite i Anothes- iuiercF:lng article Ua thatcoId isave stolPped seort af tht. stei)i , nti tvs1439 î i irsethse mld-Wînter uamnallons. îiiat sire I Ir..Jacmes daime many advantage odr v bet refus ringt tu î--;rani; Wrght, thse Oak st .li bave sctlsled tise state lma.%oer tise pres-lafs year thuis $7 07 .- declded ta.gis up ber studiesasrd fer tise devîce. One of thi tatisttIciOnrî NstFU ,Park Dan ieaslo loped wic !drs. Ma-I bale on tise ioblie bilt; but we e 61. Total taxes ln otiser rit es of tise Suid emptoyruent lan(Chicago. case tisume are cuverai students wbo O ra o rdy ma B301lwic-k antd visho lliing vîtisi etermined ta gui the best possible in- Ll el eetdyslknhp Iws aatatteatnino te Bdnwl oarno o ii c ber n Wisconsiln. Etla evldently auronce tisat could lie camputeci." o1at olowulu ofbedreîstdgyiuproke balre bta ranitgipssattentionr its aybfr erePslie *komtepi esnlybrnethjThse ew rates bucome effective for MZ iccty, $62,887.09. Ictya brsadn a ibo.uleetale llm ai eor bler ta next FiCmday. JohnGeneit, chief 0<- <nev tisnparMpebenasy -ecacce1.se1912. Otd mn- iglsand Park,$2.42se was taking ra tost-graduate coursl,. anaver Ifisem aiiceat aube. If ehocha r-jatice I rahprperans an roi wewmsndet herasestatele a ie o aritice Uster pecoalsudreil jbers baveutIl Jaa. 1, 1913, t moike Lake Forest lu Shielrls ,,-l,,,i Severai dava agoase ssld that tscdn io i.takta lier lce asserî bihte basn nom e <liý* quill Unteestîa. hir chire oa esvea aptlaaaj plas.m$12391Would bcu nneressary for lber ta take raises tise SIgnal as-m tise teaciserd, wUlliÈlm t l ncaeo b Tise new plant .where tise magazci Ifl s- tisatdate tlcey bave fnt deceared Bellow sre cboia figure.oa t lty ji,,ber examinatlarca becaccse of ber daily gales about tise roaca aswerlng ec lidciaris Dedrn bua d i brelnt.prA e lutale ponsevidhe irefethe new htlife larangr-liytaxes la Waukegsn, Lae Forest and reports. stucent as rapidiy as possible. ral canfession titat ho ent*4Pespat;:e uonteýbegMe h u eoelf pa ag îbadPr.BCdC 1.U cco.UdrtseImn lna svn oe. ai.vsiae 5If5 s sYstetu is ubeeon lastlled lsPt4ld. Idlng eai'd àcents a month ta es-crs-$1,000 HglndPr.pupl a ieU Sho. U d t i andvpl n lie vina 18 hld Dt, bs bod whn ha nquh h es taoi. weon seeds- ai M laIn ai nt. iect wlîdfl ' vis- en igbtîea >years adinta2 per- i,-'Waukegan. But tissbelle! vas auddenly chai p's up eat is ua-er1. e ufie ta ilFac-koe. U mabe CM r-0 menfe. -Thee vsel aisereceis*edbertrepo th iat ihe le kept front studylag uitil 01le oU s na5t ,o -st har@do.......',..............2.670.32lWeUeday. sisY.ahoina tlbfit Ut h teteacher getc aroand te ancweQ4r er o ru noi u u 9- t m sa- i r y lc e "Acc rd ig ta a epecUsU m essage LUbc-acy ................... 6,2 9.00 as e sm sry ta take exam inatione lu bln Th s ate hi at nio o à _ __thlo e_ _ __r l i t , ra U al y ail lier U cac utc.s a, c tegmo i tieslbestheaiolnn av o uetiet . a S s i, cf is -l m , " fs-an te OUis.Ulieter Chîiga pratlcliybis studios fors mverai minutes came- J IE PJE N the ndpendes Satua-day ths uWue ntoal Ttl .... n .... $ ,6.48aid lacn ilit. aie declded ta at Once timn. fa Dot guits-peois as-e to l ER fl y conventon aifI*odern Woodmen of Cty achantil, Wueg ..... 48.456.11% 1gis-o UP ier tisaugiti aofiecomUng a Wtsaca r esdvca ou emei~rytiaodtât *ebc NEAELY ASPUYXATEI Anirosths sftsiaon .yoted ta Bande ..................... 6.289.00 tutcher satd go ta Clilcago ta seoir ui i ie of Mrc-aae s'eins-m eesonin tt - adapt thse prosd plan ai rsvieing Iploymopl ste g nt sn.oignler psto US 1 ALMOUT OVERCOME DY CAR- the ratas fer rnambesis Total' .............. ... $54,745.85f firsst nswered an 'ad' by aptlylng bisevax-k. knoving tisat thte tees-ber id BON MONOXUDE 0AS WHULE TWhe voses*ssd: Lake Focest, clty tax ....$5606995 for a position am nusse girl ai tisevî cm taiî sson sits The bals bfstlcri a mumi i TAKUNC A BATH.Fr jeîgts as....40Illn ak lytx.. .069.47 1borne aofP. C. Vaughan, 357 Eue; conveaen ax brc~sarpentas-. BodinvWa Agaist nersîs ................07 Othes figurec ofi iîterest coverlu ltyexi 'tet ms ad atC n~Ts iet or er. -symml.-t h e 1.0 ue.v Wv OAS US EVEN MORE DEADLY TU4AN Mcastty favoring ncese ... 153 thse county folos. aIng "Bt ises-lrd red a nu"'se cplaced on mailUboxe@ for the c sad WIlm Doclsy of l~ THE ORPINARY GA$ USED Tise finals-otecamn e~t the end ofTotal stace tax...... $ 70532.58 andt deelide ta dysay for tise night at vnec i area nnfgrte-Is-mas-o, mpplsid. , UN MOST HOMES, a veeks debate ai ta tise adsility 1 Total CouflIy tax ...... 104.686.95 litse home af Stella Cons-ad, a fs-end of lîttle at-m lc extended la shows a aig MrIsacso 0- of ~~~raisUng tUicte, oi oome 'OTo ovn txs ......18,827.31.1'mine, living et 2939 NorthIi ezeave- and ndcates that t Usacieered tisat vers s'oati by MasbS - James Ihepburu af ltlghwood, depu- tueludUag Lake rouaty cemburs, bettrg tRcad sud Bridge . '._. 95,625.60 inue. thecarrier cbauUtt stop. Wben IlitnUster- theeent.15,Tibre ai ~ty countY treasumer of Lake couaty. slrossgly oposed ta tise plan as suis- City- snd Village ....221,773.62 Sheîtscsd it Dadas-le Morn.mritlepes 13014igh-ssw Fiat. as faec is ad a close catilta being aiphyxtated mtted byitsuad Officials. Ucas-l . .. ........25,588.961 -l itesgina tise bouse vben 15Mr. James worked an bisnev de. tise avners vers aal, tise by escaîing gaia troaa bot vater ibeat- UdrUcpa dpe ytecn îs niDsrc eol 8,401 dUcdtet-d Uist 1 had test the addrucs. vice fat- along hfieie fore bu brougîtt cookeci 130515 end si>pt la It n et, witie taklag a bath lait Satux-das- ntOnthe lagier rate viii Irevaîl Higis scisoal ........90.086.44 Alter scarcising tise nelgisioc-bood I h ta a statu or perfectione sud nov bbdo st ngist. He nianaged ta tagger ot of and It cmeans an lacruase ta members Below are show n tise rates of taxes Ial.e for a place ut tise borneet rDr. Baye chat bu fuels tisat tise des-jeu rny Ln tise bathroom mat hfare se vas cont- O f£roma t0 ta 100 pet- cent and tise la thse vax-lau. riiccaties on each 'N. W. Hanson, 2117 Norths Kudziu ave- sliautd be Insialud la uvrsY scisool la tise houle nazitdoor tise lUns-e ai pletly avec-cornu bYtise deadîs- Permanence Of 12 aseecssients pet- $100 valuation: nue. Mrs. Hauson secmed Uterested room.iHe eaya tisat ram tis e scour-braise glaa lnthse dies-,,bi sfumes yeas- nead oi 9. 10 or Il asu the case ZIon City, 6.09. mu me, and witi e a aid sce couid agensent that bueisas reelvedti iat hic notising Iu tise bangliof Mi 9 it MIrHepburn wvpk eagaged itokiîg stu norne yeuspast. Waukegan. 6.7.gir. mu umploymunt, lasicîed Iliat t1. UeUeves Ilat mayscisools vîll adopt M. Markvetl tise vendais muit"ft )d bie bath visen bu fuît a ntcmbness The adoption of the plan advanced North Chirsigs. .5.80, luc Waukugan stay tisere ait nlgbt. This1 idd and tis esteai as coon as tbe proposition cabinet sud ploaid football. abW l- tuallng os-et-bs bod. is- -e coufltDot by tise isad afficials la tise mcst Int North Chicago. 4192, la Shielda. 'dinat go ta the Cons-aa'hore ne i- laput nut ta tisen Ing tismaugliiueaus andi calitetg in Imagine tise caueuntil ho tisougt e!fIcortacnt tiing aetdone la WNordcraft Lake Forest, 5,69. n Sàleldgs til te aat morning. __________The people bas-e formulati demai the bot valet-bustes- Ioeated lu thefr iot-Utmuas a rompileechsang azen Lake Fat-est.61,tIn West Deertield Durlcîg the moraîng I vas preptfrmrepicee. Ma- a batisroom. He maaaged ta scravwl dsgIe rusafar. Sas aeFxes 2 c iefed Ing ta go ont tauditwork vbea a M OTIIERSILI estmiseu ad O".vaadImm» avec- ta itisansd tut-a h off but Uie tees- It "y eventually killthtie arder Lake Bluff. 2.etti. frleudfth ie iamlly rallecl ta say chat , , Iousra. Justice PhUlipu ielle uis i deadly estboa manaxide gazivllciswhilUuotiers fuel [t vl cave it. Lbertyvitte 5.07.m e :. a:c seemc vr-eid U Inedt. TweIs-s square miles niiW Sait-ais ady idbuca genesateti filled thc Oue titng la certaIn-k means that Deeirfelt 6.0tabut.e.Sa 1 durided ta go bock VS - LI A patralad by one day adtbruts s ani t a vti it get aus- af thse Id mumbers viii drap Highltanti Park tucdistrint or nti and bore t am." UPolîet ittlc smladT a wt h ra-h 0 jaoutme iein 0ou hotlmetn Un mn syPrkdstitMARCH il US DATE SET FOR RE-________ est dlfficully tisaI Ht-. Hepburn macis- u ubttîeUnfr.mysa-Pkdsrit72 _________ d uth ie door and toit Uto tise acit tisey vîll nus-ct-pay suotherassest- Hghland Park In district 108, andi HEARUNG OF THE FAMOUS romc. He lcaiftise opinion tisat Ii t - t Lake raouts vorked bard Park district, 6S7, Dies at Naval Station ALLÉGED SLANDER suIT. Vant Woud'e Bosort SoU he beeu s 1ev minutes later in de- aginst the praposeti plan. beliuvIag It Hlghwood, 5.99. Josephs Hoinis, aged 62, visa served lectiag tise cause ai tise fume tisatvasncinesecuars. le a Big Tssk. - 1 as chiof aunnrs mate uin AdmIrai Tise ismous cuit for- lauder of At- Vaut Waud's famaus t-esart aIiff liesuai.bave been unante ta moki As tisureare ,000 mumisers of theIn lucannurblon cwiheitending tise DeveYu s attlusip, lise Olympia, attauetPhtlUp MothursilîtagainBt i- Lakeissu been soIl for $25,1011 Ctbs escape. Woodrnu cLakue ountyfitla ceon taxes tIis year, r Usla nturestîng ta the battis- ai Stanita. tiluti aturtday hum Glenn ValUs-a ai Zion City vilU decd bhomg fileifo l ot-rcd bm" Casbo maaxde ai viîl aUIls-tisat this s ousty vas s-tally latex-eut- knov tisaIt te ierks titis year isuec i ugit at tise naval lt-stalag station isos- camne cp for a nev trial luthisrtcuit day. Tics transfer vas madSe byAl Caronmooxdegaz wit amia ud. There at-e aver a millionment- tise tax tables roiiceived by Cnunty pIitNorths Chicago, fram malsriaU l ct at Woodstock on Marcis 1l sud scChampagne aud wvue ta Ciq ln fit uffets tao atdinar s, inl qulte bers la the United tSstes. Clark Henderson of Sysamore. a eam- conditions tievetoped vite doing c--nIi al probabtliiy vitI bu board s.B. cCapge y dli infsn la era o rtie hum- yplitian wbicis bas facilitaiedthe vos-k vice lu tise PhIllipnes. He arrIvet Juige Pc-ast. Tise rase la one of tiseaisl m ntgta150Waj lnR igiatiU se axedaU- Conradi Holîstein, visa. vitisGeorge this year go thif 1: vas finisbud tva' hure froua St. laula rucrulting station mast Interestlng anti hardiest îaugbt for tise bauccisold, fUcniaisif v than ocdinar>' gai antI inUsbat-dec- ta Licacis vru telegatés ram 1.aise vecks tarier tian eveuc-befare Tisat Tceaday test for treatment aithtie battles eser vagud la tht, part af thse tveaty iboats. It la under#ctl tac- jaectanhesre vbee eoperalbiave lci entioalW.M.A. con-tise clet-ka base a stu pendons tssk itospital but bis t-rouir alIment va c late. -tieseale vilU ual mean tise mali taTrInsacsbr Or epebv vention, Chiscago, vas the anIs- della'visca they extenu taxes for Lakeisuihthaet It vas ftoisuiad lttie Tt la a case lu vhistriAttorney 1M., ay changes, ot beun îaaxtalls avecconte by thiîsga. gale ln tise tuntis conresloual dis: ounty lu guets wisen t la kuov tisaIt-bhatnce for recavery. Holuisb atibeun tisersitl chargea that Voliva rufecred ne trit ta vote agalut tise prapaseti tiser are 50,291 dcirptions ln the in service 27 yeac-v andc spent mucis ta ilm asi liiat tise plpp ram bis WilW'e Ever Knov cn 001.TUARV. Ilorrase in rate. He voted tisaI va S a boo<ks: 205 different taxes bave ftime in tise Pbilippcines. Tt la credltued jup andt rt-m thisscisarge tise phrase 1 oi Vl olal eiý becaus Lakecount cal nBtru tane-e-ea --e-i-cc.ii --- atttauear o ci at. t th. teuntieuM Mc.cc a on eh uisaemýýo L4 ru isfi M r: c. g-c if, wbenec er thu triâtl l e mntioneti j 5950in In MU-lnt-y cocty. WIli Uý In te fist rialthejuryr su-rie bedectded definiteis- wUethe-y la ireli-sttrai isejuy riuiscd va s-culs- dli as- dli fnet e5lsU' a set-cl' r ai $14,000 for tise plaIntiff.fresZonttcny Ati l Tise case wscappeaieti antia ciew fobmer . ion.attorneyi. teorne- criaI given. At tire second trial tise stanlee theblie in glaltheUomme jurs retîrracî a verdict o! $20,00I1bilt t1il, wa delared exrbiant y e smruch af the factlonal strifie. ct rr o vas deireti exos-Iitat . tieday it may b. wise for the ub' Agatîr a new ctriat vas as,' foritelandmx aatt a nuit agalnst Zi~ anti graret and thiis ime the ury itian of pan!or libel, sienderr, afcuj awarciec the detendant t.o. lonipueimds. Tte atrorcrc's for tise teferclent again a'sked fur accit veut- granted a DUED AI EVESIETT, bruts trial and this tdonsilis ta cO tà:t At Eve-tt, LaIe caaI. tL., an Masrh 1l. Attorneys for tise plainý 26, J1lia CcOnts-, Yonnget i . theiff lu îaking o! tic malter toda> T. B. aMdtiMargaset à-ç0g t deciarudth iat tises- iad van a verdict Jas-ccageti 3 rees diaià" la tbs-ee trials anti asidti tisIthes- tid bhaIt Bsanay ait 91 net thIsit voold bu dîfflcuit far tisernm fsl«itn M ta vin the verdct Agm1n, U tý ~ç;~ 4 jt,»m