Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Feb 1912, p. 4

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F4 I1Nbit MTMy~I OFFICIAL PAPR OP LAKECOUNIY. Me Telehome No. 1. Cty Edltor'a Rff tihTelephone No., 14&4t W" at the Postoffe* at LbertYvîlit , I a Second Clans Mail Matter. id Wemty. Advertislag Rates Mad Kuovin on ApplicaUtlt.1 , ý,4UI11cR9pTION PAim i.8150PER veAR sTRfITLY IN ADVANCIÉ: . .SMITII................................ .................. Editof #êMiTM ................................................ manooor XY L.. HUSSARDO........................................ City Editor FRLDAY. FEBRUARY 2), 1912. * WHO0 FOR PRESIDENT? * There ha* been much talk ln Lakte 'ounty asta whether Roose. 0 ~*Vot or Taft la the IogIcil neminée for the Republican part>. next yeur. 0 - White thtex«presis f< Lake County wlll fot make or lsnmalce 0 ,Q tht nomnce, noverthte an expression hore te a guagéO f othier Qom' 0 * atiltiat, homo. Iis pper bis d.cIded t. ature .xpraalons of Votera * tpue~r a posibe loitorder to prnt just haviLae.county peope tlei1à abmoo th$, tmpoetant Mtier. Olur plan la te have votera «Ilh-out the hlank horewith littaehed ana 0 MM Uatet the Editor of tht Independent, It belnig uodrto.dc that ail 0 biais muet be etmd by a voter. vihose name vii b. hddln confi- 0 denste b>.thet It1deptaiednt, the vibole 1d«a bolng fstrly t. e elthse total 0 % vdle sh w. for tht two big mu,-,-àneveft and Taft . Jutste eitpus Iset thet tIprtme w44 ym.M votera te MIlout the 0 *bleu and focward tittm to the Ind4pendutt et once. 0 i baileve tht el,s and moet 10@1Italmen for the Ropub- liotn o aemute %r Prettt ftht ,Uinttd States l- 0 TI4EODORE ROOSEVELT. WILLIAM i.OWAR6 lr,%FT. (Cross out the o»ne y,u db" 1à vor.> lg e ........................ .... O.. The Ti i.poiey m~en have orgaiud to control milk, butter ta isud 10w the farmers ane going them one botter in an.for to cxtri:l these three articles. afl k - loet botii aides orpuze to their'heart's iCOU- Whou IMy getthrough, the consumner stop. up to the '-x ,Pt" tbh g PrioS demaded sud yeflh Idi t4mec saetwtv4our zoom d<i a tl te tise rMdt a"thar la etorsagor e, atlu the pýeutm tfto«gbont tht COUDn- ~two hundred mm wvio have khu working OR the job let for chi- *md otiier points last nîgbt. 'ittendent Teuderson declares f. ecaM a*trika dld not Interfere <bh wonk tee"Y extent. He alo Baya Ottffrtieth ie met "kicked"~ on their -0 Vae uuJuatlfied. decisrlng they "É but $480 for hord and that the »à u s en goSd. <ha MOs thit year la tan aboya the iiei xrevlouSa han asbrougbt ad eg companies teel imucb pleased over 90ëfl art hc] It la stated, bas beau *'#eted at arnalier eost titan usual. su«s for $20,000 Frauda W. MeNamueWb*vi(Mo.Ana. 26, 1911, wm, InJurai whanthe InSS asud collapstd at the automobile rMOta at £Wul, II.,. ilad sit for $30,000dm agea in thm CircIt cout yeotarday atonat tht Chicago Méotor club, awgi Automobile Road Race aaaoclatioui sud P. A. MeHugis, cootractor. Maps of Lake CountY W. bave a limaited etspply of Late county nsmps. ahoiuteiy tise hast mnape (i the connty ever puhlisaed. wblcb vie çuj lleifrnt $1 OUeach A snmai LfaIte calnot? 18esnetlsîug erery cititen eboulsi have lun the haine and at tise lie e o vittisth, reacb ai ail.lteinesssr, tie .npply s ilînits-i. If ýUsu at one aseaItquicit. The INDEPENDENT ha* more tub serbers and la the beat adverthilng mnedium In Lakte eounly. IANY CA;RPENTER*j wil tcil You that you css't do izood îokwith poor materiai. tf you ontemplate building or dajing nov repa!r workget our Lumber and Buiding Maierial at 9t, invetigat.., and we court inv.mtigation. Ityou- noed Luniber, lathsodrShlngha O fur ludoor or outdoor pur.O potes, bere*s cie place to boy YIIome Lun iero LibetyvmleI1m. UNUSUAL RÇCR LItIOUý NEWPORT ToWitt~ilp. ALTNOUON AOVANC O ii VARS MR. SBluffA READSTHES suN DAILY TO i<qiP POSTS. S:111 they coonw! LaentMantng'Tht SUN bld -of a auother f=11iy «cf dve atenrtIons that his 'uat béean 4lco'rared at it. ertyvlll.. Today It w"vas ared tisal there la titi anothai' temlly of five generationa d la this Instance the. fiv. gtueratlous oXtat la two dlreft Rus. This ia the mont unissual cou- dition that haz yet been dacovered. Tlhe firat five are ase follovis Jinrnliah Sbea, sr., Newport test. afllt. John A. Shea, jr., Newport towin-. shilp, bis son. Anna Shea Young, Newport town. ship. his graud-daughter. Florence Young Lilley. Lakte Bfil,! bis great grauc:.danghtet. 1 ladys Llley, LaIte Bluff, fils great- great grand-daughttr. Tht second five are as follot s Jereaniah Shen, an., Newport tovia. ahi p. Blan Shea Wells, Kenoabha, bis daughter. John P. Wells, Newiport townsship, his granfisot. Olive Wells Webb, Mlburn. hie groat grand daughter. Baby Webb (bort ln Dacembar, 1911,) Mliburu, bis great-grtat grand dauichter. It la thug seiu that tht 6lv. <au- entIons whi lcb exa utwro. dIreet linge arm composed or peoPWIUviuge la Lake cousty. iith onie exception, Mss. Bitta Shea WeUs,' who rsiab>. ln Kenosha. It la probable that thse record estaltblhed by titis faspily w>Ii stand witiout an e<tiil for smre tt to corne. Jeremi ait Shea, sr.. deupita hi.@rd- vauced age reads The. Waukegau SUN daill ln addition te rtadlng at Chicago daliy paper. Ht declares boy- ever. that lie would elt that ha waa not keeping poated on the nos. un- lesa he rand The SUN every day andi siten ft arrivea ln bis bomte ha la the irat one to pick It up and lie la flot satlafled until fie bas rend every item. As a resuit bu la remarkatsle vieil posted on events of tbe county' and tihe country at large. He la ussually active and trans- acealil of bis ovin business wlii out any assistance. He in a property ovin- er ln Washintgton Heights sud makes an annuni vislt te, Chicago to pay bil texe. 1He cornes trots a aturdy stock and fuIly axpacts tb live mauy years. lit fies lved Ln Lakt. couuty the mrater part offhies lue and wuaione of Mle aly sttiers hart. Hia mernory la «xcollant eandfit deletabla brecaîlthtIe avewts that flappénasi manir years ago. Naturally ho la very proud tu len- lise that ha la the oldeat member of hit famlly and tuat h. bande two direct UItes of fivé genenations eacb. Kflk Train Wreoked Ilonday The. mlii train, due at Lhb>ertyvillla et 8 o'clock bound for Uficago on the St. Paul rallroad, vine vrecked Mon. nsornlng Juat nortb of Rondout and It wia miraculous thast nobody wosa kllled ln the accident wich caused great damage to tite train. A defective "frog- caused -the train- to ha derailed and It ran for a thons- and feet mlter leaving the derail. The six milk cars and tvio coacites In aRU let the track. the, englue only renali- ing on the rails. Seven bundred lest cf track and tiei wera torn op as the cars crashed along. Traftlc sas tled up on the entire fine op to 2 oclock Mon. aternoon. Two of tbe cars viere practlcally des- troyed. None of tht cravi or passen- vars were burt sîthughit aw ere bad- ly seis nup. For Sale 1 stanhope, Waod condition, $10. 1 doulo ieiarneo.,. aîr, 03.00 1 single barnee. uearly new, $500. 1 bure coller, 50c. 1 pony or mule e<llar. 50C. 1 pair $800 seat pads. $1.00. 2 ensslage farta, $1 00. 4 barnsfarks, 50c. 20 lest oai &inch good Oadee bltiug. $2. 1 double brace milt wagon baugue, $1. 1 good grain binder lonigue, $100. A lot of ickeory wagon tugnefi, 60e A lot ai hickory and osk stock for ailes and bostere, et hall pries. 100 galu eschs, 76e ech 100 gssony packa, 2oeaseit. 8-pWo equatoned omIt hedroosu est, good mas w, 815.00. 8-place Oak bdroom mt, plate IOM bassetu, $10 00. 80 gallon potj. $1.25. 1-né4,G.wsyovaroat, $10.QO. '1000 len âtconsmnclal fttJiffté,$5.00, -imtaà ms uv tkeLle Qê4~vf~ U2.elubsmed bit vuS Stý .yu r. e»n leObail£ pow . IA6IIAtt $0i0J4IIIt1wttprleahi» eldet t pa*aWdaeA T p t otes 4ildreu o, 01 ; j< w4SoIIes p, -d0*s di o tanx<~~eivIsg gutsie« 'p r 4U5EIUieI ô0Oý Obt*tb TEz~ aups.Ti" sprmaut wtre: nue -011M. ,tobaa 1 j(4on, Jr.. of Cb cg<~ott uge monsd Mo Mr. mc ire.. 8t4a t r Loce uc ý d..'.13I Cb&h»'4t 09 ea 1Wukegan. Mr. and tht Lai D . I4g t «itÎ. Ale k2 cous and faillIy of TO'Urt lathtaeratii1 LibertyviUe. lMaon LYou. and son, Mat. A. VAN »Rit mUsas. W.runL4g'u. helv dotaiued at boule USUAL PRICES 0F On "ceunt 0f tht iliumasofitheir dangit. -WFkAt OLASMUCATION 01 tht terr$lvlietir. and tMr@. Edw.rd I. Watt i n nayuadupecîenln >'WUTO- J. -T. Ma t00 ijinsr. their ebiîdren belLg - DAYTom ea&Utu i; lea &buttau kept lsw&%v 01, account ofi jîlus, a0460- ts' ots Swtoeb.%bset, LewvisJ. i400 . rn -- ".-- and Lau eA. Lson.. both oi Waukegaa, were detaloed beaue. aflinof . . 1 Tbose wha viere present eawttoeajoy.A;Ii ,"r; _ tbeusseiveg andit ive ta their venerab,,,eO~ ~j * W~her ose a61tchou@ rare ga)od imes vilseaoýiD 86 ltebhewtisl uladdened by ,thie bgiti tbmoie olves Iet and tis.. viho e 1 1 It tas- a 1I-UIy surpris, tise à me lh wdeareas. tmi 1imlae i COn e . .Of De nobn ftbeïr comnig m igisît Lm glv AI..A AIt ejoyýd tt "lebration and ItqNon-ricipauing însuranct--You Gut Wh .4Y hePppt,uthot thougbt that thrir faut___________ bacd beD pared w ibeai, and bolpi A PAN SIPE CNRC that tAe~ would, be many sucb hîp A PAN IIL CNR umatalone Iu thse future. 01 1IA StA arroo % EIIUVTM INtl P-S M AI , t*inrh servios. m0 >s.S.Prsefhing. m:v. W. 1 tWbPPIe. dubWÎ, "The Knlih<tc 6:45 P. M. Upworth Lýeagus. L l'um elow ecuat tPsao.*,s'. BROKEN RING, BROKEP WATCHES, leaat ie fia avm7tlsng ! n -etis wk2s tlsje.*4 huai.aa, ecipebroka aaga.matao. We cam*et 5mmtutgt dotdmt, but a'it ofmet OI ur -Pori dwas motibau% grut help t. y- iu MC& am tugeecy. It le Worth lb tri& Our New Proces. ot cleemaikn âus of Jtwelsy makes il oIs like ntw. Lmt us show you vhai vie eau DO. A. HUSS Jeweler LIBERTYVILL, UILIIt IN 1 CCC ML Y MLK Y5 1 n 1ANU ~ONPartçpating IUt. Insnrance II1uu.sutîi re f..the monoy . thu dmpoUdIcpatlng inanrance auai turniabee as nound Insurance aI a lower net cnet. Both clasem of policles are uecured by the saine measure of legal reeerie *hich'la the policy holders' principal protection. Both grant practicaly theme priv. * ilegs, provide for the saine loan, cash vaiues, paid-upand ext«nded insurance. 'I1ho distinction Io one of dividends and non- divideuds, a distinction to be well consldered. Dividends to policies are of course effected by the econoxny of the mnan- agemntîiand rmstneedi. fluctuate in tli' jrnoit ast1.r.ilzê Uîîder a ýNot-t'articipatiug poliey there eau be no iuncertainty. It coustitutes a plain, simple couI tract,- guarantees everythlng, estimates nothing. It furnishes from one-fifth to one-elith more guarantee insurance g .than a Participating policy for the gme yearly premlum. Why thon spoculate lu Improbable futures? Why pay for adividend that cannot be guaranteed and iBdoubtlul, Ga.- aREXTE. F'ebruary AD MISS lO t 1-" etroit, MiIL ou Pay For TELS NOTIIINC wlloeh bas ln the. pat caus.d more dlaeatisfaction than throughail otiier' source con>bln.d. Why Bot @ecure a plain, simple con- tract, which guaragte.. .veryWhlg.' where ther. can b. no mlsndertmnd- Ing, and tbierefore, perfect satisfaction with the pollcy., Prernlum are tbon pald wlth pîsanure, whlch resulte lu the pollcy belîîg carrled to the end and the beneflta for wblch the policy was secured are reallzed. One of the most plain and complete policies on the Nou-Participating plan id iieued by the Michigan Mutual Life Inisiraiîce CJompany of D)etroit, Mich- igan. It dotsà businesa only la the healthy parts of the United States. Is esssets arp- mostly ini Farni Mort- gages and worth at least double the amnount Ioaned, and they have a stabil- ity and Pafety that no fluctuating stocka or bonda can give.. Investigate before making applica- tion for Ille inëurauce. For flattesand Othas Idopp6m Aplyite Yours traly, Âny Other Business Can Botter Âfford to Wait WRiTE TO-DAY P. S. Every dollar by wh"cthe prenifiuon a Partipatmng policy exceeds that on the. Nou.Paricipating poliqy ouglit to b. returned to the' <>11<c, holder with inttfcL These exces payments with inteest sould b.the dividend. Do.. the. dividend history in the paàt show this? THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK AND THEREAFIER .ILL. 4 f. i.. *1% Special Uebruary Sale,-Ladies Undermustins Commencing Thursdag, !ebruarg 1. 19 12, a vergj spécial ofering of new Mùslin Underwear and greatly reduced prices on mangj other, items* Plain muiil corset covers, eaah - - - 12 1-2e Hajidsoma lace and esnbroidery trimmed corset eovere, aaoh - - - 25o ansd Soc Corset covor and Draviera oo'mbitetion - 50oc and 81.00 Corset oover and SItirt combinatioui - - 85c Corset cover and eomnbjnatiouas made of orepe cîoth neyer ueed inoung each - - S .50 Crepe Nlght Gowuas - 1.00 WeH msade Brasaierat each -230 ansd Soc Mualin Nig ht Gowus, hendsime styles special at - . boa, 75c, 51.00 and $1.15 Funileltgtb white Sitt tah - . 95 Full lnith lkirt Embroidéry trimmed at .5soc, 1.00, 51.40 Mussliusa Duoert 2-0e.,, 96e,500 Ladià es lu rDravera, eusbroidMansd lacs <rlmmd st - Soc Princes# Slip------------Sî.OO sud $1.23 Ladses Houae Dresses aach -- - Sl.00 Childrn'a Dresse.@ - - So,75c, $1.00 Children'a Rosupena each..............250 Ladies Fleeoed Undenvear, per garment 2 80 Print Aprons, liglit or dark, eaei - . - 250 Well made Giugham Aprous, ouch os -9e Chlldneu'e Wool Home Soc and3sec vaines reduoed te- 250, Ladies Flaeed Hos., 15e te 36o goode for - 10e, 8e, 250 Box Hosiery, Big Four, four pair for -4"" *Burton six pair for.... ........10 Endurasse six pair fer................18 -Pure Silk Boot Hosa six pmir for - - 5.0 Flanualotte Night Gowns reidote t. - . W.'WU '--a '~ t- .,-.S-o, t ~1 :~~V- ~ a, '~~1 .*M'. ~ s -~ - r.aglmj%à

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