~~ARE LJOUN TY INDPENDENT, _____WAUKEGAN WEEKLYji SUN VOL. X -NO. 2o. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIT)AY, FEBRUARY 16, 1912. POUIR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA}TCE LAS? WEEK CLARKCE MAO MEYER PLACRO UNDER A 08. BOND TO i(SEP THE PRACE. Tile atteaoa la tise Crucit caurt lba iore Police Magimotrate Water Taylor e ing hboi-d thse eueof Mat- làiee ur rof Wadsvorth agaluat M ma Clarke of tieseaine place lu jvbiei tise isianUffeeka to bave Mr.- Carkea placel entier a bond ta keep -*0is pesce, lHe charge@ tbat Carke biMas mae reats te plit is huai es vlsh an axe and tbat ha féara tt h. yuwil put the tisreat into ose- Ctlon af h. la not reatralued. leiat asiday bitai-e Justice Weîch vas heard tise.case of Frank Carke agaat Matt Meyerinluwbihlcarkie akedt iat Moyer ho psced undier a peace bond for an aeged threat to sboot hie huai off, Atter hearlng the evideace. tie court paeed Meyers un- der a bond of $3,000 probaby the lai-g- et inca baud over placed upon any la thése unty. 1%@tva cases are tise outgrovtb of a feI@Wtisat eamted vhen Meyer vas marieandmI bJected to a charivari Party. Clarke.ls sai to have been oue et tise Party. As a rasult of th isemI-up tisaItalloved Meyer shot sud killed William Galagiser. He vas bound over te tise grand lui-f by the justice vbo baud tise case but tise grand jury di mt r#tura a trame bill in tise cas& "',FORIER WAUKEGA14 BOY 13 MARRIED lt-as af Robert A. Campbelîl. torm- ei-iy of tis place, an nov iesing ln Madisa., Win., bave just racaetvanor at bis mia-lage on lob. 7th, to Miss Marrislt Jomepiine Imbof o Madimon. Thse yesag man lu a on of Mri. HaMs D. Camupbell, of Gui-nes, iavlng been gaduated frio the Waukegaa Hit lb"cisolth thse clans of 1901, Ho bas bien ln Madison foi- somo time, and at praosat bhol a responsibla Po- sition la thse emploi at the atate, PastIllaPlace fer cash. A& enousmdi« aident happensi at PurUai, Bug..lataly, vison lthchef et S WU lub cet Into a sheeps car- M M d£110 la curi-ency cluait1 1» tise bar. À talopisone coui te thse UnaiM t rots wdh stise mottesa mai Son »0~vi reveaied thse fact tisat a @W& b.d piasi tisherney taulde the. 4 1 suismit uY4 Tpi1blcan nomiDà ta tise Repssbll<i trlctaSiurlng tl and re-electei,n Se -glvea ta a0 -iaaded 14 tise, tier bineat an be vin gratett the couingama tise Camplimentl mal me ienei-u Api ,1912. IN ADDITION TO HAVING HANO TOAN OFF,. SOTHM SONES UN ARU WERE FRACTURED. loyd, 17 years aId. on of ugene Mietclt viso lîvis mt aorthvast ot Guinebaît bis rlght ai-m toi-n off et the vilal a corn sbredder Tuesday afternoan vhill oparating tise machine ou tise Oavoy-Jlllal i ai-m.nov iun hy Horace Vase. Ho vai brought to the Jane*licAlter hospîtal. Tisa Metealf lsd, vith athors, vas opesating tise cou-n eiredder, vas teai- img thse coi-n Into it visen the acIdent bappeued. HM band lpped Into tise machine and a second liter vas caugbt by tise mecbanlemn. Tbeokmies not ouly toi-o hie band off at theiseitt but broke botis boues ln bis ai-ns. benides laceratlng It tei-- iibly. Dr. Jolley of Nortis Chicago vas summoued and made a record rua lIs hlm automobile to the ecena of tise s.. cîdent. Ha attended ta tise lads In- juries a»d tisen because of thei- serl- Due nature bi-ought hlm ta tise Jane McAlietei- isooPital lu Waukegan. STSRY 0F BURN IN LONDON Maviss Utnie men.y, MaeUv.ad t Ail ln Feed Lest Me Slwsd LMImaIL Wbn Larca Z;e waan mille ta ab~ le vu S la amme pwvotY. As «Maue U Is e i lad4 5ev hm *%1lne ttise eOusbice le Wme.la the mat t a MaMeau ai i" tdao" met esmtise cMor Df ivip9l twssedaus. Harsela tite iracl; 'Ia"d My ap hot."b.mm. l u»s Invese u to Mr - pase.mi" »Wv mmcmlvi vit" e Mpour a00s mw*ch vintbq eunsut Im ciui «tiag te u yeaia n Saus. r e- asIvai"" ta bw t he y ml b. wai Sa sSmurta lametioa, lamIMee bi sr e bumaboulAi rb e 89 ab awhIimg. qogt, vua, hui a pausa et Seat, aluilpece: a quartas cf a pausaioethain4 sixpec; une paus et brv s«Mr, alitpesi; tva poais .1ce mai, dghtpeac; le panadeor etaais, ivaefflS; bavlas lm QtsvpnceQ onta nyselitla a pot cetai% *elutmnie;»ai no. miltinume Sla Mirem bià- Me it"bsecond vobume aiMOI, Vies thm a.spgy et 0"bo b.V" fer dmilm ay. ékhg 5h e &a Meuh Amar mo t sAs " lfe ho amaily uaded, by seufhstiba, ans et b5h boos «i bSougtagfehm 1 à&l auc.ing penige ta Amwtas e keplsglIti- SOUTH AMERICAN BARBARITY Wldew la Refused Mead end Maint of aback otfIlvantan, for- Ilurdoed i uabandi kegan le runuîng for- loner of Evaneton on Colon, lub. 14.-Te isevdav etften- ticket, oral Pedro Montera. murdoeeil lder of tise receat revalutian nluEcuador, bui viitten tise preident af tise South Anericai countlry for tis. bond aid the isart of General Montera, aIl that lah left of hirominm, and. tisei-e- quant bis benuignred by the gov- emsment. Tise biandm beaut a pi-aient are fa Qulta, viser. tbey arae embalmed Sad are kept £5e5lbim of vicIai-y. PUGILISI RUNLIN DEAD Former Mmvywelght Flght.s. Wu Na- tIve 01 Akron, OhloIa Neorko. Tei. 14. - Gon.Ruhbin. once a lesadig bevyveigist ISiter, dfl e t is borne la Brooklyn of alsoplex,. Ho vas bau-ala Akron, O., ami vus about farty Yaoms ad. Ia tise dmisof tise fHostaulav hi toal part tuanmn b14 silao& Tom Sbakiy kapoil Mlmout la a rot'ad ait Caau llgapi. but *1111 tuedtise tablas la tira OU , ddacy foi- tise Re- atiser Soutu. RubiSa fougist laméa. V iation of atate senator JefI-leatvice la (CllfarnIa. ea voti-s of tiis dis- Young Office, Kîle lîslImel.U hem the tIf naminated 'i<aniaà, eb, 14. - Lieutenant Ropi my bet endeavai-, vIl nldi Povers, or the Elgitls cavaiu-y, curi-nglevei-ything de- bas iiîîed hiimeelt. lHe vas ebot v ay af Ieellathon for tislaugi the bnd ville vithie IsrugI. tnd protection,1 i vin Mont, vich w- sprceuiLng tel Lusa ui for yoirsuspport la fer- maneuvesbeganlag Wedmaaî. ispalgu and viii riturn uts haken by Eurthquake. t isy serving yiOU vh Pte ot.P. 4 nesh y. Pilmailes TÙ.y, u e ceck AntheCiy o aBtte for hit a malnte. Althsaugis tise alcis ALBERT J. OLOON vas ft ail rtise clty » saa Do Graduates Go Back? Dy Prafemmr FRED H. RANKIN. Avitâwm Ex- le.oa Depmsimmas Uaaeruty o cà s VREND SONNT EAIKIN. ssltant psofu mi J p@esltsum o f aarlultuaIm teauoo. UUivedt, et Vai-, »Mo, basbosam nas tvtb the. univesit"mS M Be bas vIde afflaintame vttb faim.,,maMfaim .cd1U ln the til& e. ih" agtai the mnnusi soniota cf iii. i FM@a Uve StokrekE.doe m odatio Bai liguai fIS ai dinh,...- cf 01 th mua of oil"@m l..* vofk maid p aflfl m ii. for aarlcuituaA MaO- ONE quetion tn sked the ag- ricuitursu extension depatment la, Do agricultural college grai- utets go bock ta tise taro? lu Ose opinion of many tisey do net. Tise tact le tbat 95 per cent ai the gradu- sedthea tiseiLInOis College ar Agicul- tune are eltiser sctuaally ençagedinla io U» amcm-rsua Aa5 tsri-mng or are employedinh positionus directly connectai vitis tarming Inter-- ruts. It la unfii-te cri-tise graduates for flt returing te thse f rm lmanediateiy atter grad*malu,hIn vlev ott hi fact tisat tise iemmnd for hsachser% of agrl- culture lu bigis mcbolm and coleges la gret and aunallytemptIng alarias are pail for tbe service. of tudents veed la tise tuadamentalsos Iion- tic t armlng. Tbe demand tor 5Dm- dent@sipeciatiiing i the tachling of agriculture hInbigis ichools greatly ex- eeeded tbi supply lest juai-, aithaugis malirias ranglug trou $1,000 te 11,500 ayear vere offered by many of the larMer igi s chools otIlilinois. Whlie tise taim shousl heanad le tise goal te- PITIFUL CASE 0F DESERTION SIIOWN IN POLICE COURT WIFE WHO RECENTLY CAME FROM EUROPE UNFOLOS PUTFUL TALE. PLEADS WITH N-ER IUSSANO POLICE COMPEL HUBBANO TO PROMISE TO RETURN AND SUPPORT IS WIFE. A Ilttle aver thi-ee montha ago Mrs, Julia Temkawlnz recelvai a letter luE tan avay Eur-opa tellng hanrtiîat bhan susbaud visa vas emplayed in Wau- kegan vas taIse ta ier-that ho vas living vitIs a voman uamed Katie Dousbrokski. FearsfuI and yet houiumt1 tisat the storles wane untrue. the littie vite borrovai sufllcient tunde 10 pur- chasa a steaahlp ticket and leaving ber tisrea chili-en at home, isurri tu Waukegau vIsera sha ond that bei- voret teare bai beau realizai. For thrae mouthaseh@sad ïeaen ber bushani bastavlug mouay and atten- tion upon Mrs, Dorn'rokekl, vho la a vldov, At at se decidai that visa cauld stand It Do longer and ebe ap- plied - 10the police taor assistanca. Dombroavski vas piacei uaden arreat an a cisarge of vite abandoumant and was givan a isaanlng betoi-o Police Magistrata Taylor tis moi-ing, The stoi-y told by bis little vife vas one of tisa most pitîtul avar uufoldoi ta tise police. She told cf baving beau mgrIed ta Temkovlcz for fauteau years and boy she isad alvays lovad hlm, When ho came to Waukegau ta vari-rie aaid se bai no objation because sise tbaugist sha could trust hlm implicit- Iy. She recelved saveral lettea r rm frienda tellîng bor that Soi- huabail vas unfathtul and tisat ise vas living vitis tise idov. but sho Ignorai them. Tisen in one mail sisi recelvei a lot- tor trou ber isuabad viatoli ber cultural clegfe marks, the demand for teschers muet bho astifed tiraet and a certain par cent of the greduates vil! and sbould devota thiai-tin.e t In- struction. A fev figui-es Canrernlng tbe @tu- dents af the Illinois Cllege of Agri- culture cokleefflJanuary, 1011,. vii prove Intereiting bei-m. There are 657 etudents i-egstered, Iucludiug elghty vomen taking thse course lu bou- hold science. live countries ai-e rep- resented ang tis atudenta. wblcb includes ton Cisînoe. two Mealcans sud one cacis ram Paraguay,.Argen. tine Republic sud Egypt. The number of acres represented le 156,J«8, or au average of 6535 acres per- student. About 50 per cent of the studenti lire lu tolvus. 195 comlug from cities of over 5,000 InheMttants. Ali but seven- teen af the 107 cauntien of the tete are iepreseted amoug the student body. Cook couuty, with a represeuta- tion of 87. loada. tolloweti by Cham- palgn. 57; Sangamon. !X); Kane, 19i, aud McLean. 17. A majoiity uftbtose iegisiered trom Cook eounty have their1 homes lu Chicago. The average of @tu- dents la 20.8 yearm. PU.sphorue Mas Permanent Value. Phosphorus lo the one element of fertllity aboya ail others whlch bas e hlgh abaolute and permanent value ta Illiuois tai-mors. Nîtrogen is treeasa gkir. and potassium la abundant lu near- ly ail molle qf the atate. audo*th ultra- gen and potastiu r enslin luthe straw and stalks snd ln the tai-m manure ta a considerable eitent. Phosphoi-ui, an the contrai-y, le premest lu nesrly ail sotie lu limlted atmounte, and it natu- rally la betng iemoved trom the land hY botis grain sud live stock tarming, altbough two or thi-ee limes tster by grain tarming tissu by live stock turi-m lng. The in of the live stock lai-mer la the saule as that ut the grain fai-mer. The only difference la lu degrea.-D., 'yill0. Hopklns. Unversity ot liii- nota. that sbe did flot need to write any more as he was going 10 beava Wauke- gan and did nul know where hae vas goiu.g. lu the 8ame mail she received a pisotograpis of lier huaband sud tise widow, taken logether. It was thîs tisat cauaed iser to cone bei-e and lu- vetigata for bei-self. Shoe ald that she found that the tonles tiat isad beau bold hor had Dat beau exaggorated-that conditions vara eveu vorse than shbe had Imag- inai, Ou ber kuez she sald she li- plored ber husband 10 give up tise vidov, aai-luig hlmn that she would fai-giva im everytlîlng if ha vould only (bestow hie love upon ber once m.oi-e. Thie she sald tha hu»band ne- fusai to do and vas lu tisa carpany of tihe vidov the greater part of tise time vheu ha vas flot vorkIng fer tisa lait tbree months. SPhe said that oven hie children did nat bave the, affect -of making hlmi returu tu han. Atter thse avideuca had been pro- ducai, ehowlug that the dlaIms a! tisa vite vore true, Termkowicz vas l)lacad unier bonde of $500 ta ratura ta and lîve, vith bis vite. This ha promisai te, do, Tise littie vite tSi-ev bensaîf into bue ai-ms veaplng flltterly and the kiessabe bestoved on im vas one af the greatest devotlan. Tise two valked out of tbe court room togethe- visile tise vdovwbo bai beau a speot tatan and vitnese depai-taiaMoue. IS RFSTORED TO ALL HIS RIGHTS Swan Svausou of Warrn o ay ap- Dpaared befana Couuty Juige Pareons )audhad a rullug entared nestorlng hM to, al bie rigis as a citizen visicis iha lost visen ho vas committei ta the 1Elgin Insane aeyiur n l 1910. a Swansou becarna tampoi-arlly de- anangai as thea rosuit of an apai-atian suad it vas deemad hat tisat ho ahauli ha sent te tise Insane aeylum for treat- ameut. Hle improvemout thon. vas so Ëvory i-spii and several menthe ago ha v as diecharged as completely cuned. ïHeowavs considerabla praperty near L-Warrn of awviicis ha bst cantrol vison Se voas sent ta tise aslum TELLS 0F TÀKIýNQ FIRST TRIP OVER MARINE RAILROÀD ROv o. SAM SON IN LETTER TO LO- CAL FRIENO TELLS OF MOST INTERESTING TRIP. ATTENDED THE CELEBRATUON as the negro sa dovu bei-e. We madri'lgl a trip thi-augistise nsvy yard aud also the land fortifications, saw thishg I S I U E IELD AT gunsan su wene given au explanation of their action, and incidaulally bitte. GRAYSL AKE WAS ta, pieces by sone mosîlhitoas. lialt of tise Atlantic Sieet vas lu the barbon W L T E D I as was aIso a Cishan gunhoat and a E L T EN D Portuguese man-o-var, but If yo.m could ses the laut two mentioned ar- t icles, you would laught at the diguii- ed names on has to cal tem One well 1directed sheli and Da vy joues would bave sorue more rubbleb lu hie locker. SProm Key West we Intended to go over to Cuba on the cruiser Washing- DESCRIBES THE HISTORY TH-AT der ot the fleet recelved a telegram, HAS BEEN CONNECTED WITH . wlrelsm fromt the nsvy dopartment. TH-E ROADS BUILDING. forblddlng hlm to take the Wainlgton over, and we wera foi-ced ta gîve up the trip. The idea wae that. oviug Attorney C. T. HeYaecarrbas juet tu the piesident'e ultimatum tu Cuba, recelved a ltter trou. Roy Samson delivered shortly befoi-e aur trip, If ofthIis city In which lie telle of bie au American walship esteamed into the tnpl over the Florida keys an the ma- hai-bor with a Tond of senalore and ripe rair.4 sauofe many other representatives on hoard, it would ise ntere-îng :1Wefences? lir. Samson looked upon as probably an atlempt took the Si-st trip over the railroad of the United State to seize Cuba un- afler Ite completion and hie descrlp- der the terme of the ultimatum, and lion ufthtie tipla mont Interesllng. might cause bloodsbed. We ail telt Hie leller t0 %Ir. Heydecker fol- badly about it, sud would have made lowa: the tnrp It there had beau limie. Tt Pcb. 12, 1912. eemd too bald to get wlthin walking Hionorable C. T. lieyderker, distance, as ane man tei-med it, and WýNaukegan, lîliDois. then flot ha able to go. It laenoly. Deai- Mr. Heydecke:-- about a slxýbours trip fnom Key West. 1 vas very g-.ad 10 receive yourilet- Ou oui- vay haek we etopped at l- ter ibis inoring and have taken the ami, a beautiful place, elso Palm opportunlty wbile 1Ilhad Tt tu anewer. Beach, where a neceptlon was given us 1Iinteuded to seud more carde al hy Mre. Flagier, and then vae topped along the route to Key West but we for breakfast at Daytona and badl an lust Jump)ed frorn place ta place and, auto rida up the raciug hasch. and tisere was aiways more to do at eacis Test of ail ve topped at Foi-t Lauder- place than a fellow bail tlme for. dale. vhere Captalu Witt Rami and hie We tarted ou the trip for tise pur- fathen live. and visere 1 also met Clay- pose of attending the celebratiou of'toa Rutte' brother, WITT. The Reeds the completion of Henry Il. PlagIirs v1 ere lu Miami that day and 1 dldnt marine railroad, thse rallroad over thelsee thern, aithougis 1 passed within a keys of Fhorda wbich conncct Keyl1ev teet of their bouse. West, thae outiserumost point of tiselWall, l muet clos, this, un trusting United States, vîtis the malnland or ail le velI with yau sud yuurs, 1 arn Floride. Thse rnad la 130 miles long. Siucerely. aud le bulît aver thse keys and trastledj ROY 0. SAMSON. aci-os. the ses, and lu sorne places the trestles are tvo miles long and ".-i tend over 60 to 75 feet of vater, and i each mila le salid 10 have coat a million WIRE MILL MAN MAS dollars, and oua who bai seen tisa un-I 1R W S A E dertaklug can readily believe thîs etu-2N R O S A E piendons figure. lu 1909, wbile tisey were building tisis Long Key viezluct, Rod Mill Operator Came Close ta as it le ualled, a terrible typlsoou arase Dsi wc nTaWes and knockod it galley-weat, swept 180 «hTieI w ek men out to liea. drowned nome isun- dred ot them, and one man vas evept clear to New Zealand. Wisen plclmed AxeI Lindberg. amployed lu tise roll- up ha vas alrnoet crossing tisa divide, but thay resusciated iim aud iso livod. Prom there ha sent a letter to 14r. FlagIer, telllng hlm outhtis circumetan- ces, and Flagler sent him a cbeck ta pay iis passage borna and ha came back and veut ta vork ou tisa job and llulised vithIs t. and wviibtis eouuds hlgbly Improbable, noverthelese it Io tise trutis. Tise dificultlea lu building tisis roal were Innumerable aud ana af the gi-est- est difficuities vas vheu It came te building tise road hed acroaetise 10v. keys. vhera the greetest belght ot tisa kay vas probably a fev Incises aboya thse ses level. and visan tise vaves r-oseasligistly ailtishe filling vould behavasisaiaway, Fortune fav- orad tham, bovever, fan about haIt tise distance ta Key West ln a sballov part of tisa ocean vas found au im- mieule deposit af cemeut Iika mud cal- lai mari, Thsis mai,.visn exposed to the sun for- a shart turne, bardons liko cament and the vavos cannat vashIs t away, and after ti iSd the vork progressai vitis greator rspldity. Iu tise stata of Plorida they isave isua- drede of miles of mari road and It maltes tisa Sneet visite roam yau ovor sav. It bas macadam and aspisait and aIl ather combinations and composi- tious beat te deatis, and I am ashamei te say tisat I do not hellave tise entire stata ef Illinois can boast of sucis good roads as ve rode ovai-, The trip vas grand trorn start te finish. Tise trip avor tise keys vas wuuderful sud ou neucr eaw such cal- ors as the sea vauld reilect, ana mo- ment one colon, and one0 moment an- otisar and tisan a dozen bleudlng Into ane. I would look out of tise vlndov af tise train and osea a group ot talI paîr n utisa distance aud, recalllug tise old atonies of piratIcal randorvaus, by a eti-oug stretcis of tise Imagination oue cauid almost es tise long, rakiis bull and tise black flag laziiy fSaatlng over tise paire. Thon again a change ln the ecenery wouli dîsclose tise bull of a large siip piled up au oua af tise kays viseno tho viuds, lu thair funy, bad tassai It. Wo finally gat te Key West and It Io nea place tfi- a visite man. Tise ma- jority ofthtis people are Cubaim, cigar mai-s and they are as comuan tis. Ing miii ufthtie Amertran Steel and WIre company's plant basnisai tvo usrnov escapes firn deatis vithin tisa paat couple ot veeke.sîIc go to show hov perilous is some ot the vire mii vork, daspite aIl tue procautiong that can ha made. A bout tva veekm aga, ho vas caught around tise neck by visat le termed a "coisble'" of bot vIre, visicis lea amot- tiug of tise rapldly-mavlng vire causai usually by oune sllgit Imperfection exlstîug in tise billet. Ha vas severely burned around tise neck and shoulders aud but for the quick actian of a fol- iav vorkman, visa Inetantly cut the vire. vould have had bis head boras- ed trorn hie body. Atter recavering tram tisa affects of tiss accident, Liudbe-gs 1f. vas again placedinlujeopardy, vben anotisari-ad cabble. paslng at lightauing ipeai so clos iis body that hie clothes vero scorcbod. These vigbt, iigis temperature and spoed ofthetisod a as they are puei- log thi-ougis the rolîs. i-endei-s tise vork of isandllng thom exteremely isaz- ardaus, and vheu a roi breaks or bicamen tangied, It ias eyenseliom tisat an operaton bas tirn o t escape be- iug killed or eerlaueiy Injured by the v-lting visite-bot mass, visich, re- sembles mare than aaythiag elme, a isuge hi-y saie. -OCULIST REFUTES CUAIM Says Eyru Pi-ave "Man cf Mystery" sa Nat Geai-g. A. Kimmel. St. Louio. Fois, 14. - Tisa Kimmel claimant'. eyes ai-e fit tise ayez of George A. Kimmel, accai-ilng to tise tetimany givea by Di-, Moyen Wiaei-r in lh. suit fou- Rimmels ISUN insurance Dr. Wiener tesliffed tisat In tise ex- amînatian of the clalmats lsf t oye- balise di! not fiai thes. sar vici vinlsod Isin 1898 hy en operatlon. Ho aIma tmtiiei tisattise clalmantsa eyes. nov ligist bIne In calon, bàai a- vays bee.s af tisat alai-. KImmel'e eyoe. mni taosses isave sald, sera Ieep browa. A second oeuliet aIto conrobonated Dr. Wener'@ teatimony. Bots had ex- amined White in conjonction vitis tva OClas for tise defease MEYER ASSEETS THAT NE U0 LLOYD METCALF, 17 VEAR OLD AFRAID THAT CLARKE WILL LIVING AT OURNEE, MEETS CARRY OUJT THRRAT. . PAINFUL ACCIDENT. 18 RESULI 0F A FEUDIS ROUGHT TO HOSPITAL HERE~ FALS TO PAVEMENT A1N0 INJURES MEAD Serlous Conequences Funai se Re- suit of Soere PsulLaut Weec. Miss Helen Doyle. a teaciser et tise McAlisteu- ecisol bai the mlsfontame ta full on thse lcy pavement lust sitar laavlng thse sciSol bulling laMiTise day atternoan, nt*klag on tise haeI aI ber head. vlth sucS farce that It la tearel senlons trouble may i-auit Seves-al af tise tescheis, on tise aI- tarnoon ln question, bai etartel ta valk up toma. and la d«eceadlusg& grade la tise sicvwalk, Mfiss Dole slip- pai on tise sactu Ici. AtioNi atunned by tise tali. she thongist notI' lng 01 it, and vhlle sufferlig ftrou severe headache tue taliowtai lai, vas ahi, ta attend ta ber dutiMi.09, Batui-iay, isavever, a beuarsfl « 'M the nase cet hi amidvisile It caIM me ascertalaed as yot, luit isowVoesM>m isor Injuries vere, nu bittleeon c toIt by the pbysala vies baq z EIR SI3EKS TO RAVE CLARK PUT UNDER PEACE BOND. YOUTI'S IBAND 15 TORN Off AT TUE WRIST BY SIIREDDERi. ONE FEATURE 0F FARMERS' UN- STITUTE TODAY, WAS ELE- TION 0F OFFICERS. TWO ADORESSES CIVE* INSTITUTE TO 111E UELD AT ROCK- EFELLER TOMORROW AND GURNEE ON FRIDAY. Grayalake, Ill., Pet). 14 -The secoêd day of the lar-mers'Institute vw« baUd at Graysiake today and a fair atten. dance was prasent. The election of Officers t ook place thie morning and the follawing officers vere elected. Préildent-Albert Jlacks, Millburn., Vice resldent-Ernest Mooie,. Wrew mont. 2Rocrtary-Leglie Donner, Millbumu Treasurar--Chet Ames, t3rayolake. Diractor -David White, Antiocli; Richard Smith, Rockefeller; Ernt Mloore, Fromont. W. R. Hostetter, 1.t. Carroll, IIL, de. livered the principal sddrea at the moi-ing session. Hia subject vas 1A1» falfa' Whlcb proved a very intmret- Ing topic. . 'The Farmers' Opportuaty for Intelloctual Orowth' vas the obi. Ject of Dr. J. W. Cooks addreua, whick was very gond. Oscar WhtmoeOui-nec, treaurer, r-ead the report for the year whteb shows $268.37 lu thse treasury. Thse Insitute vilii hobeld et Rocelw felIer tamorrov and at Onuu a en -M day and lai-le crowda are exffoted. One of thé tiaturfs of Wedaee~ # session of thse ake donnty Prn@Wu Instituts vas the addreau on "Alftelh delivei-ed by W. R. Hostetter of liant Carroll, Ill. The sidreu wv» interi- iug and Instructive te thse fi-anus *hwo are Just nov extremely intweated ln tise new feed. elfalta, tor wb*iQ Sft ha»e been used more or lime i tie iUt- few years It really lu a netliag at. ter ailt te t ai-mers lna gea-l. As a man wbo han devoW d amail erable time ezperimenting vtts alffa Mr-. Hostetter has coasderable et luterest and value teofforsi-aithse vaY of euggesting ta formeruaisov to nov thse feed' eucceesfully. Below are &bou" nome ufthtie thougbts fi-ou bis sadis ln the matter of gi-oving altaita.- It abould ha growa by tarmrs le cause it Inereasea the fertlllty of thse moit because thone are few kIddsoe grain vhlch make more money for tise tai-mer for ait hinds of stock lîke Mdi relîis h suad It le healtistul. But, It sisoud flot be over ted ta stock. It le net te sure a crop as cara or esta but Iosaurerer tisai claVer. To grow It succeassully, salI sboild be rich, gond and plenty or eeed aboutid be used; oil houid ha luaeulated 1a get bost rasulte. Twenty patnais of seeds ta tise acre at &bout twanty- five eemasaPounnd. Illenot vortis vile te Patch up a poor field af alfalta. It la vorth juat twlce for feed as isay. Cut t quilte short. Try and grow It rlgist If Ye grow it at al. A complets program aofthtisour days' Institute appears lu anotiser puft of this Issue. urgAM tar OU@ bubom Victoi- A. RoMI morly of Wauli couinty commIse thie Rspublicaa