Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Feb 1912, p. 1

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WAUKEGAN WEELY SUN -O. XN6.22. TjæCLVU ?AGEO LIBERTYVTTJMX, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS., RItDAY, FEERUARY 23, 1912. OET IH L0PRYA NAVN 4 ses te nofboig nths il eriisrpalated! out successes s, H l ther making his home there when hie connaitinthefuur. ndrfaiurfes.MwhIec ehad had la ln town. "Thee wll e nthin dong n anee coming tu IAke county, twelve One daughter, Helen Murray Ingalls, the, boring ine hereafte," Wad the years ago. • esrvives, aged seven years.9 sherif today, addin, "It ls a violation W. J. Sith ,eitor of the SULN and Mir. Ingalls spent her girihood in a$rthe law an(a thismutales it final- [NDEPENDENTreered to the re. Dixon and was married to Mr. Ingalls thee wa* bean moe f i."cent good toWie convention ln Chi- On Wauikegan, July 16, 1903. She was thirs st tomen wlMbreceived withcage and urge the neesslity of build- a graduate of St. Mar's hall, Fai- intgiqt by boring fas with much in. Ing substantio "ed throughout Lake but in h uryfiycm teroqt--becauseto the recent boxinig S NTTT DI county au a agedes of making farmin g WHOLE OOMMUNITY SHOCKED to Waukegan ln May, 1899. MtLLBURN FAMILY HAS -tWO PF -dot KETCHIEL IJU.fED IN IN- bouts held hers unmolested by the FARMER' NTUEHLD N better and e«Ml«. Weil Known Young Woman g UOTION BOUT "AT NAVAL authorM« itie. tad been concluded by VARIOUS TOWN$ OREW UN- Attorney Paul MacGuffn spoke 8EY()ND EXPRESSION BY T'han Mrs. Ingalls, there were few NERALS WITHIN TWO WEEKS the fans that the no-dcision boute about the ned& of legislation tending NEWS OF TFHE DEATH b€tter known and more popular youngOFEC OT R STTONLSTSNDY would bie permitted and two outilh USUALLY LARGE CROWDS. towards bettering the condition of the w1omen in the city. Coming froma of meete were heldi. It is said that faurners. James Woodman gave two 1piroinelnt fam:i!y and wedding one of! Meiuls wera planned for the future very interesng and able recitations URAEMlC poISONING CAUSE le ' , w il k" ""°y"°""" b"s'ness UE T P1NTOF DEATR bu.t th. I.cide.t of Sanday. according ECLLN DDESS The progra-- of te'en'"gdevelopmen, Mrs . Ig e a idlhonBYNO AL N to the ahorif, has brpaght a,halt to IEI TA RSE ed a very linteresting address by J. ýand generally popular Bihe was aBO W BDL 1JM ýi suny such plans that might have been WV. Cook on "The Place of the Farmer member of several Young women's eLqOII OLOTON -tmplafl. INSITU'T CLOSO FRIAY ATIn The New National Lf WAS Ç9NE OF WAUKEGAN'S MOST clubs, of evening clubs, etc. Over ai]ll E N DUHE O The statement of the sheriff lis In- The morning program aiso brought PROMINENT YOUN4G o he irdahwl atapl BRAN US B RMOED terestIrg, especially4it face of the cou- GURNEE WITH HALL FILLEC forth two very Interesting talks asWOE cause hers was a disposition which DIE OF PNEUMONIA JUST TO BAVE 1LFE tention of aicilesi the station that TO ITS CAPACITY, well as the address of 0. G. Hawkins WMNwsawy etb hs ihwo AFTER HOLIDAYS. Ketchel'is injuries irere not sustained o' Gurnee. lb soitd In his boing at the station Sunday, The morning addresses were on ali akga-epe eesoce e Mrs. Ingalls was for years One of At heendofa ve-ou# istue bu wremerlyaggavte inures The annual farmers' Institute lieldin dfaltalMr.bitetr of aet. Carrol-yond expression Sat. morning when on ye urng tepast yearhav g1g eou, bout 25 yela tion boxing boutin. the gymnasum, sustained two weeks ago ina aprevioggLkqoutrsecieyatGas&nd h ilar atyowodspread that Mrs. Robert IM. In- tired from a place of prominence in age, While felling tree nhi0a of heNaaWararrganattnateorh out. hake Febl. 13 and 14th, t Rockefeller Illinois gon.» gaffe, one of the city's most promi- musical circles. She was formerly a farmn, near Millhurn, a week &go g Chcg unday ý-joe"l Ketohel a maid- I samar sOtuhrte Feb. 15th and Gtirnee Feb. 16th, has nent and well known Young women, member of the Euterpe ladies' quartet Wednesday, met with a narrow encs die*etght pugilstofChicago collpsed ta arntwssonout Mon- proved oeofteootiucetulhddied suddenly at mnidnight at hrSewson1fPo.Luglnsciffromtadeath .when he was struclk tina codt t th tawratw wr n ever held. The attendance was excep)- soloists for years and was conspicuous frha ytetuko h u and la ln la Pario-us 41i ont lu day for the arrest of Walter& inan tionally good, due to the good roads .home on North West street, Uraemic in the doings of the Waukegan Con-oeedb hetuko h station hospitaL. ticipation Of a possible fatal ending ndteporm dred proved un- poisorig being the cause. She wasiservatory of Munic. which heohas juset euceeded ln euattIIIlii WetherotisBondtiornofs the r ssul nKtel's casroedbt a heneenoctonanusully interesting. taken sick at 6 o'clock tast evening, For many years Mrs. Ingallss•ang ln of lfthab tBody r f frmrlated by the stat a - The Instituts at Rockefeller Thurs- and despite the efforts of Dr. Brown1 the Episcopal church choir ln this city The branches of the taliing trse s- ..Ing battle with "Yong"Me onytever, in case Ketchel should die, te a rwoeo h etcod htand Knight and the aid of MiessHell,1andrwas o cilsE To tthe amiyotor aecugti-n0don Appleton, Wis., tly is a l matter likely the warrant wll lbe served by ever attended there and theex Ole t ISPATCH PROM WATERTOWN, N. bead nurse of the hospital, the Young alellcded Tothe levernage asjust eneuht à,.1e thaltBandayt night JameS 0. Field, the state ofofic t Due by the school children Made a decIded: Y., DEOLARE» THAT COURT OF woman contlinued to grow worse, and, As member of the choir, she was so- catching young Armour befot chel would probably die, but changed conflict between the state and the na.. gave reeltations and, as a whole, gave PADDOCK CASE. hrcniinidctdms eiu h church than Mrs. Ingalls' Of a thm rn en ses;Flo his Mlid today. He le sufferIng front val training station offleers as to juris. the delegates one of the Most Internest- resulta, in fact, Little hope was heldimen rushed to the young WMa' enpraeof the brain and Para- diction because It fis said to be a ing side featuresever panned orTtheout that sellecould recover. Relatives eerfu isposItiayon aihnd bwysr obead n o im twsthough80 e lysis of the right aide, believed to have rather uncertainty ln the minds of the institutes ln Lake county. MASTAsALTEW'T- therefore were prepared to expect the t slti n okwti e o-be killed. A morc.toog beenucaused by a badlInjury above the state offDeers as to whether they coid A collection was taken tth e T NSE WNO WNT T£OBATR- n wortwhi c sh o ly fter id erlMrs. I ngalma e nriwr end, n atndhowever sow eda o left aiee.This wound, accordIng to teitln on the federal reservation efen ing to te given the school children TW E E L EOL ngtwt l acigcoeyfriens otepteyasM nD.Jmsnwshridt John Bishop, Ketchel's second, was iln case of such a tragedy. Likely the preparing the best papers, the girls WEN RIAL COMTESTRUP.AA some unexpected rally which might finalsh.ot ugrlry the 'e aest report from,, thens Sustained In a former aight. .' fedesal authorities Woald contend thet on any phase of houeepn;tegvhrsrnthocatffhewk choir, but occasionally helped out with drte nued -n at b'«m . Ketchel's condition was so seros the state has no lurisdiction on Iti boys on any phase of agriculture. Wtron .YFb 5-pca of the poison which had so suiddenly ofBie theI injtho ant is toenlthI, Me.mrig tirat the report reached grounds. There were four prIzes for boys and WaetwNY.Fb.5-Spca permeated hier syBtem. "thttlahogths€e Waukegan that he had died and Along the samneIlineState's Attor. four fur girls amocunting to $2.50, $2,1tthe SUN.g h e Cibnaourte tehAppe at At 6 o'lock Mrs.ngllsyre aktd as for atimgher esiedtu of Sherig GCreen and State's Attorney ney Dady le More irm than ever i 1.,11I50 and $1.h ihs rbua ntesaehstaoh asntfeigvry el avdathuhhistllna Ded let imedatly or he taionhisdetrmiaton hathe il no al Bos-held that the appointment Of a Don- and after dinner aihe said ahe would cal condition. for the purpose of placing Wditaer's low boxing In this viclinity and he First-Ffoyd Aynsley, "attlea an thle satof Gat with a d ockpan 30 ag *gtta and.erdonfradittle i of r1eOMMdésuniy under arrest. Deputy Coroner Conrad says that the decision he made somne Their Care. Secoond--Fernand Tegt- uo h aiyo ereF dck hl.Se o ohrro neut A rd oav oin e Acn W accompanied them for the purpoeof Lime ago that ne more boxing wlillmeyer, "Strawberry Culture."* ThIir l harl ega. h!re a ns that ainters se touced wsth bed t ito,seuteedahoerpedtovc ernthe.rmo,» éo hod tanoquest. Upon their ar- be allowed here, will be enforced wita Philip Strand, «"Weeds.' Fourth-Tur-,haigbfr e omsinrsra n a honit i fteps w ots w roling hr oeete fue htadddtrmnto.nrlo,"akigMikwgillbe held in Watertown at the earll- extreme pain. Dr. Brown, who lives i BONDS ARE THE SAME uNDER having béee carried away byM$q rialter.hawyt ed an ilfat Girls- est date that cean be arrange& Ali next door, was hastily sumamoned, and WHICH MATT MIEYER WAS Ia within two weeks of sai Ketchel was neFtrst HeanWelri"Hawt Waukegan witnesses will be invited realising that hier condition wags er. PLACED LAST SATURDAY. during the tiret halfof Jannlie. ht as a ha c of rcicvery. hat M NSDRS N Where Girlse Should Learn Domnesicheegan out, Dr. Knight was summoned and, First, the mother, Mr. James*noý Itwsapcla c4cdn ,This dispatch to the SUN today arived quickl as; did also Miss eii. ADMITS THAT HE THREATENED was taken 1ll, and the doctrst=Î4 both the telegraph an&.elephonees R N VRE Si en"e,°" en-Meanie Heeketswo• rom watertown, .Y., shows that thear TO USE AXE ON MEYER tiF start pronounced fit a hopeles at the naval station were out of com- r, owto ake Care of the Sick famou Paddock case is to be retried. HE TRIED TO EJECT HIM. She died after a short litornes., ad M mission all the morning and It was Room." Third--Rachel HecketswelierThere was considerable dispute over gave the youn wman whomthleila1beoare her death, a daughter therefore impossible to get into coma, FRED BONN OF HIGHLAND PARK!The armers' Home of Today.' the afatter of commissioner and it was lant efforts were in vain and the pois Uo hepe f ate Meyers down with the dread dise&&%, itt" muication with officials. There are MAKES SE9NSATIONALCARE Fourth--Mabel Bartholemew, "Fireless nt until the mattef hadl been carried oning seemed to e holdbel of her fasto asot.Fan lreo h but a few days. Baftre the Ç three telephone lUnes running Imote'N!£LFOIVRE. Cokr-to the highest court in New York that ,or and faster untilaillhopre was gone sm could realiselit, two o Btation, and all were out Of commis-AtGreFidy a decision was reached. Previous to the attack at 6 o'clock theiCtrcueTaorroom pubeforerlc loved onseshad been laid te rest sien at the same time. At Gurnee FrIday the attendance re-' The case Is very familar here. It ' aitaeTyowsptudr This jast misfortune, noneaàr t *"Joe" Ketchel's oppenant ln & ASH OSNE O.AR cords of the previous days were brok- concerns George Paddock, an aged re- sainalsbeemealt 1 nrall hbs bonds of $,00for a year to hold the ing a tragedy has placed the sparring exhibition wras "Billy" Wial- YOUNG WOMAN RAT141R THAN en. The big hall was filled with farma-, cluse living tin North Chicago for be vnbte hnteaeaewpae h odwsietclwt under a new pall of gloom and tb« gý ters, well known f4 Waukegan, wnere BE SENT TO JAIL. ers and farmers from all parts of the whom certain re!atives ln New York man of her acquaintance. thed one uderwhc Myeswa hv the heatfet ympth ofth he bas boxed everal times lately; he county. The regular programi was seek to have a consecrvator appointed. She personally hadl prepared dinner. lcdlatStraya1h)rqeto tire community. was foë three yreff champio)n mIddlo- Charging that through traudl and du- earried out and It proved very Inter-1 This followed l'tdlock('oseat of sign'adwsprl hogeti b Clarke. A large number of Wads. weight of the Asiaic fleet of the Uni- reEs he was oompell€d to marry Carrie e«ting. The ladies of Guirnee served ling over to a rpe in New York., adwsprlytruhe tin hnwrhpol 'oe hi neet ted States navy, w1to te a baker at the Pantly of Glencoo or else go to jail xeln!masa on1n ih-ndauhsprpr hchaonst the attack was felt and she left the the proceedings by attending the trial. BOY ANDÀLS BOUN training-station. Walters took Ketchel Fred Bonn ofi Highland Park Saturday, upheld their previous record for serv- about a quarter o: a million dollars. Ms.It wý ýs ia as ofMeshon th lae rchalsdVRT §ADM and his second to the station about a through his attorney, E. V. Orvis,!ing gcod things toeat.1 The cas-e c:inne un for a hearing la e rs aet was a. Fran'iHay t as oeyers u the latter ato hls .OE RN U week ago to train himu for a fight with fIled a bill itr divorce on the ground: The afternoon prograuin was featar- Waukegan, ar,! after a long hear- e' ensa fenowsjs h es ni h atrpr fti Frdi"Whitney of Chicago in that the alleged fraud vitiates the con- ed by the address of Prof; Garret of;, ng the jury failed to arrive at a ver- as jovial and happy as4 any, of the bruet.esp this flactkethall showne GORDON FRALIEGH ANL LAW Kenosha Faeb. 2L. 'The two men b oxed tract. The bill ts one of the mont sent- Illinois University whlo told about dict. The case was; then taken toguiests and seemedc as well as sle01 he e les thatCak a apearthted RECSHFAAEHLON ney getting the decision. In the hill it is set forth that où ed the farmera to fertilize their land heroforaniegandeoplawrgeftak-ensread tody ta.the wa de,lher Intention of chopping down some BOD OF.50 AC4 it ins aserted et the station that the June 2l, 1911, Bonn entered into, a and keep it up to the standard so that there as witnresses. Ttiere, as at Wau- intimate friends caul hardly coin-(e ene posrkeyrsin thaa dý ATTORNEY FOR FRALIEGM 6 Yt bout Sunday was staged before a few comrnon law marriage with Mlise Pan- It would not have to be built up. He kegan, the jury dir.agreed, and It was prehend the fact wa. trruethat the, latter thereupon informledl THAT CHARGE WAS NOT PaROV enlisted men and a half dozen outsid- tly. A short time later he says that urged the use of phosphorus fur fer-: practically decidedl that a new hearing; Mrs. J. W. Ellis had planned a partybhimi that if hie moved a hand to eject E YTESAE ers. Captain W. F. Fullam, the com- she had him arrested on a serious tilizing and showed the result.s of its would have to be held. for this afternooni in honor of MIrs. In- h fitate would Split his hoad opren mandant, denlidsaftler an Investigation charge. He was haled Into court, he use. A successful farta he said' is o- George Paddock at one time wasg the galle' guest, Mrs. Law, who planned with the axe which hie heldinthis Gordon Frallegh and Lawrence thatt 300 outsiders attended. says, and being unable to pay the fine tained when five conditions prev ail- president of a large bank In New YorklevnfohrhmenTxawihnad, far, the two Waukegan boys b"6ý Collapses ln Chair- usually demanded ln such eases and1 first: the farmner must be a good farm- which failed th;rougý,h alleged misman-, a few days. Young wom'Onen hadl beenl Arad Chandler of Wadsworth, one with havin" broken into the rifl The exhibition opened at 4 o'clock, realizing that he would be sent taoer; second-must use good seed; thirdi agement. Paddock fled from the an Invited to thre Elils' homne and all ar- of the mostly highly respected old &et- reidence at Lake Bluff aboutnIb with both fighters apparently In good jail, he says he was prevailed upion --tarmi land must have plenty of mois 1gry creditors and since that time, over rgmnswr aeymra o ir ftecut a lcdo h ek g twihtm condition. Just before the fifth Ket- by friends to enter Into a format mar. ture, a thing which the farmner canItwentyl-five years, has lived the life oflrthee fit rt leh te w a oioc- tand n dthesotified tat lake n had wea oahrou h e ngs by chel coamplainedl he did not feel well- rfage with the young womnan on July helpi control; fifth-plants must have!a recluse at North Chicago, fearing ingyhleodhmtatie would have used the shall Waino Pelterson of th4t l At the end of the round he went Jnto 19, 1911. It le set forth that Miss good food, a thing which the farmner that his life would he ln danger If helig W as Bor in Gneva ake.axei Myha dmean moewr gvnahargin nt the basemlent of the gym to take a Pantly swore on the witneessstand can central In detail. , returned to New York. When his 1Mrs Brnglls w aasknf en eaais Ifm.e ailstadCla oeerke elhs out hisatrnoon. JTh shower báth and rub. down. Watbie that shle had never met Bornnountil Ten elements were named as essen- brother died hie left George a large Lake, Wis., July 6, 1R88. She was the said that hie would use the aie on any. boys were boynd over to the Mareb sitting in a chair just beoare enatering Jùne 21, 1911. ILteisnet forth aise tinl to, good!sol, as follows: carbon, part of his fortune- which George gave iseconld child of Mr. and MIrs. Fredone representing Meyer who steppedt term of the grand jury .in bond* ot the bath he collapsed in a faint- that at the time the Young Woanta hydrogen, oxygen nitrogen, phosphorus to a nephew upon the condition that 3uryadaneeo omrPs-uo h rpry $300 each. Žethelwa reove t th satIon testilled that If he would marry her pottassiuim, sulphur, calcium, mangn- teefe ew. orcie$5amaster Clarence m urray of Waukegan. Severai wcharacter witnesses were Marshall Waino Pterson was pute Dra. Field, Manchester and Cottle. ds him, that i-e gets as muchai of these ele-1 shOuld Ilive. Othrreave did noeot agentat ixon and, followinig the character of Meyer was ouchl that of the case that appeared ln the Sl patched ta Chicago to loeate Ketchlel's T. M. 1,,ne of Glencoe. A short time inake a success at fariing. now seek to rove that George is fe. comer i.alord as atravcelongoanheigatiofnrsed r thaEet a of.tem, eietorey e nOridewho rprentedt relatives and break to them- after the mariage was performed lnWoa' Talk. ble minded. the family m ioved to Wauikegan. their, with one, exceilon, were relatives or. Frallegh, made a motion to have the Chicágo pugiliste assert that Ketchel the court room, Bonn took the voilag Mrs. Mlargaret Bangs gave one of hromie beinig in a flat lin the Murray 'Clarke. The one exception wras a hired (*ase dimsen tho groundi thatet hoq had only one imptortant' battle' woman at hier word, and Ilved'apart the best talks ever heard at a farmers'1 bulding, man ln Clarke's enrployment. Their .hadt not been shown that the boys that with Young Mahloney six weeks froM her, with the resulfs that he was institute. She told ofesntapotst wasthr a few years ago that testimony was discredited because It broke into the door or that they had ag a Aplto, is, n1hih e rarrested by hier on a charge of wife necessiary to good health on farmse, 1Mrs. [ngalls brother, Clarence, diedt of was felt that . their Opinions wverei been there with Intention of robbery.

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